* For the other two halfstrips (above the xy and yz edges), other double products are used, which
* are stored in the table DP_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION. This allows us to treat
* all the edges equally, avoiding switch() - statements. It is the careful choice of order of the enumeration types that makes this
- * possible. Notably, there is a correspondance between the TetraEdge type and the DoubleProduct type (see Grandy, tatble III) that
+ * possible. Notably, there is a correspondance between the TetraEdge type and the DoubleProduct type (see Grandy, table III) that
* is used throughout the code, permitting statements such as DoubleProduct(some_edge) to work.
* When an intersection point has been detected it is calculated with a corresponding calc* - method in the cases where it
* is not known directly. It is then added to the polygon A and/or B as necessary.