return obj
-class FileDeleter:
+class FileHolder:
def __init__(self, fileName):
self._filename = fileName
def filename(self):
return self._filename
+class FileDeleter(FileHolder):
+ def __init__(self, fileName):
+ super().__init__( fileName )
def __del__(self):
import os
if os.path.exists( self._filename ):
def outFileName(self):
return self._out_file_name
-def FileSystemMonitoring(intervalInMs, dirNameToInspect):
+def FileSystemMonitoring(intervalInMs, dirNameToInspect, outFileName = None):
This method loops indefinitely every intervalInMs milliseconds to scan
number of inodes and size of content recursively included into the in input directory.
+ Args:
+ ----
+ outFileName (str) : name of file inside the results will be written. If None a new file is generated
See also CPUMemoryMonitoring
global orb
outFileNameSave = f.name
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="fs_monitor_",suffix=".py") as f:
tempPyFile = f.name
- tempOutFile = "{}.txt".format( os.path.splitext( tempPyFile )[0] )
+ tempOutFile = outFileName
+ if tempOutFile is None:
+ tempOutFile = "{}.txt".format( os.path.splitext( tempPyFile )[0] )
with open(tempPyFile,"w") as f:
import subprocess as sp
""".format( **locals()))
logging.debug( "File for FS monitoring dump file : {}".format(tempPyFile) )
pyFileName = FileDeleter( tempPyFile )
- outFileName = FileDeleter( tempOutFile )
+ if outFileName is None:
+ outFileName = FileDeleter( tempOutFile )
+ else:
+ outFileName = FileHolder(outFileName)
pid = KernelBasis.LaunchMonitoring( tempPyFile )
return MonitoringInfo(pyFileName,outFileName,pid)
-def CPUMemoryMonitoring( intervalInMs ):
+def CPUMemoryMonitoring( intervalInMs, outFileName = None ):
Launch a subprocess monitoring self process.
This monitoring subprocess is a python process lauching every intervalInMs ms evaluation of
CPU usage and RSS memory of the calling process.
Communication between subprocess and self is done by file.
+ Args:
+ ----
+ outFileName (str) : name of file inside the results will be written. If None a new file is generated
See also FileSystemMonitoring
import KernelBasis
- def BuildPythonFileForCPUPercent( intervalInMs ):
+ def BuildPythonFileForCPUPercent( intervalInMs, outFileName):
import os
import tempfile
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="cpu_mem_monitor_",suffix=".py") as f:
tempPyFile = f.name
- tempOutFile = "{}.txt".format( os.path.splitext( tempPyFile )[0] )
+ tempOutFile = outFileName
+ if tempOutFile is None:
+ tempOutFile = "{}.txt".format( os.path.splitext( tempPyFile )[0] )
pid = os.getpid()
with open(tempPyFile,"w") as f:
f.write("""import psutil
time.sleep( {} / 1000.0 )
""".format(pid, tempOutFile, intervalInMs))
- return FileDeleter(tempPyFile), FileDeleter(tempOutFile)
- pyFileName, outFileName = BuildPythonFileForCPUPercent( intervalInMs )
+ if outFileName is None:
+ autoOutFile = FileDeleter(tempOutFile)
+ else:
+ autoOutFile = FileHolder(tempOutFile)
+ return FileDeleter(tempPyFile),autoOutFile
+ pyFileName, outFileName = BuildPythonFileForCPUPercent( intervalInMs, outFileName )
return MonitoringInfo(pyFileName, outFileName, None)
class GenericPythonMonitoringLauncherCtxMgr:
import gc ; gc.collect()
self.assertFalse( os.path.exists(pyFileContainingCodeOfMonitoring) )
+ fnToTest0 = monitoringParamsMaster.outFileName.filename
cpumeminfo = SALOME_PyNode.ReadCPUMemInfo( monitoringParamsMaster )
+ self.assertTrue( isinstance(monitoringParamsMaster.outFileName,SALOME_PyNode.FileDeleter) )
+ del monitoringParamsMaster
+ import gc
+ gc.collect()
+ self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( fnToTest0 ) )
dirInfo = SALOME_PyNode.ReadInodeSizeInfo( monitoringParamsForFileMaster )
+ self.assertTrue( isinstance(monitoringParamsForFileMaster.outFileName,SALOME_PyNode.FileDeleter) )
+ self.assertFalse( os.path.exists( fnToTest0 ) )
logging.debug( cpumeminfo )
logging.debug( dirInfo )
+ def testPerfLogManager1(self):
+ """
+ [EDF29150] : Similar than testPerfLogManager1 but with out fileName precised for CPU/Mem monitoring and FS monitoring
+ """
+ hostname = "localhost"
+ cp = pylauncher.GetRequestForGiveContainer(hostname,"container_test_three")
+ salome.logm.clear()
+ #PROXY_THRES = "-1"
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirnameMonitoring:
+ fsMonitoringFile = os.path.join( str( tmpdirnameMonitoring ), "zeFS.txt" )
+ cpuMemMonitoringFile = os.path.join( str( tmpdirnameMonitoring ), "zeCPUMem.txt" )
+ with SALOME_PyNode.GenericPythonMonitoringLauncherCtxMgr( SALOME_PyNode.FileSystemMonitoring(1000,salome.__file__,fsMonitoringFile) ) as monitoringParamsForFileMaster:
+ with SALOME_PyNode.GenericPythonMonitoringLauncherCtxMgr( SALOME_PyNode.CPUMemoryMonitoring(1000,cpuMemMonitoringFile) ) as monitoringParamsMaster:
+ monitoringFile = os.path.join( str( tmpdirnameMonitoring ), "zeHtop.pckl" )
+ monitoringFileTwo = os.path.join( str( tmpdirnameMonitoring ), "zeHtopTwo.pckl" )
+ iorLogm = os.path.join( str( tmpdirnameMonitoring ), "logm.ior" )
+ with open(iorLogm,"w") as f:
+ f.write( salome.orb.object_to_string(salome.logm) )
+ logging.debug("Monitoring file : {}".format(monitoringFile))
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
+ with salome.LogManagerLaunchMonitoringFileCtxMgr(250,monitoringFile) as monitoringParams:
+ pyFileContainingCodeOfMonitoring = monitoringParams.pyFileName.filename
+ logging.debug("Python file containing code of monitoring : {}".format(pyFileContainingCodeOfMonitoring))
+ val_for_big_obj = str( tmpdirname )
+ os.environ["SALOME_FILE_BIG_OBJ_DIR"] = val_for_big_obj
+ # Override environement for all containers launched
+ salome.cm.SetOverrideEnvForContainersSimple(env = [("SALOME_FILE_BIG_OBJ_DIR",val_for_big_obj),("SALOME_BIG_OBJ_ON_DISK_THRES",PROXY_THRES)])
+ salome.cm.SetDeltaTimeBetweenCPUMemMeasureInMilliSecond( 250 )
+ cont = salome.cm.GiveContainer(cp)
+ logging.debug("{} {}".format(40*"*",cont.getPID()))
+ script_st = """
+import logging
+import sys
+import KernelBasis
+from datetime import datetime
+cst = KernelBasis.GetTimeAdjustmentCst()
+logging.debug("constant = {}".format(cst))
+nbcore = 3
+my_log_4_this_session.addFreestyleAndFlush( ("a",datetime.now()) ) # exemple of custom tracking
+print("coucou {} {}".format(len(zeinput0),len(zeinput1)))
+logging.debug("debug or not debug")
+ob = [ [ bytes(3000000) ] ]
+pihm, ts = KernelBasis.HeatMarcel(1 * nbcore * cst,nbcore)
+print("Time ellapse spent : {} s".format(ts))
+ob2 = [ [ bytes(100000) ] ]
+pihm, ts = KernelBasis.HeatMarcel(1 * nbcore * cst,nbcore)
+print("Time ellapse spent : {} s".format(ts))
+sys.stderr.write("fake error message\\n")
+ poa = salome.orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+ zeinput0 = [ bytes(100000000) ]
+ if SALOME_PyNode.GetBigObjectOnDiskThreshold() != -1:
+ zeinput0 = SALOME_PyNode.ProxyfyPickeled( zeinput0 )
+ zeinput0.unlinkOnDestructor()
+ obj = SALOME_PyNode.SenderByte_i(poa,pickle.dumps( (["zeinput0"],{"zeinput0": [zeinput0], "zeinput1": [ [zeinput0], [zeinput0] ] }) ))
+ id_o = poa.activate_object(obj)
+ refPtr = poa.id_to_reference(id_o)
+ pyscript2 = cont.createPyScriptNode("testScript2",script_st)
+ pyscript2.executeFirst(refPtr)
+ ret2 = pyscript2.executeSecond(["ob","ob2"])# generate a DeprecationWarning: PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN will be required for '#' formats on debian11 ?
+ ret3, fileNamesProxyOut = unProxyfy( ret2 )
+ logging.getLogger().debug("test logging 1")
+ logging.debug("test logging 2")
+ logging.debug( salome.orb.object_to_string( salome.logm ) )
+ a = salome.logm.NaiveFetch()
+ logging.debug(a)
+ cont.Shutdown()
+ cpumeminfo = SALOME_PyNode.ReadCPUMemInfo( monitoringParamsMaster )
+ self.assertTrue( isinstance(monitoringParamsMaster.outFileName,SALOME_PyNode.FileHolder) )
+ dirInfo = SALOME_PyNode.ReadInodeSizeInfo( monitoringParamsForFileMaster )
+ self.assertTrue( isinstance(monitoringParamsForFileMaster.outFileName,SALOME_PyNode.FileHolder) )
+ self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( fsMonitoringFile ) )
+ self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( cpuMemMonitoringFile ) )
+ logging.debug( cpumeminfo )
+ logging.debug( dirInfo )
+ self.assertFalse( os.path.exists( fsMonitoringFile ) )
+ self.assertFalse( os.path.exists( cpuMemMonitoringFile ) )
def testEasyNamingService(self):