//set sys.path and add a creation of the study.
fp << GetDumpStudyComment().ToCString() << endl << endl;
fp << "import sys" << endl;
- fp << "import " << aBatchModeScript << "\n" << endl;
- fp << "sys.path.insert( 0, \'" << thePath << "\')\n" << endl;
+ fp << "import " << aBatchModeScript << endl << endl;
+ fp << aBatchModeScript << ".salome_init()" << endl << endl;
+ fp << "sys.path.insert( 0, \'" << thePath << "\')" << endl << endl;
//Check if it's necessary to dump visual parameters
if(isDumpVisuals) {
lastSavePoint = SALOMEDSImpl_IParameters::getLastSavePoint(this);
if(lastSavePoint > 0) {
- fp << SALOMEDSImpl_IParameters::getStudyScript(this, lastSavePoint);
- fp << "\n" << endl;
+ fp << SALOMEDSImpl_IParameters::getStudyScript(this, lastSavePoint) << endl << endl;
if (aDriver != NULL) {
Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_StudyBuilder) SB = NewBuilder();
- cout << "Before SB" << endl;
if(!SB->LoadWith(sco, aDriver)) {
_errorCode = SB->GetErrorCode();
return false;
- cout << "After SB" << endl;
else continue;
fp << aScriptName << ".RebuildData(" << aBatchModeScript << ".myStudy)" << endl;
+ fp << endl;
+ fp << "if salome.sg.hasDesktop():" << endl;
+ fp << "\tsalome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1)" << endl;
if(isDumpVisuals) { //Output the call to Session's method restoreVisualState
- fp << "iparameters.getSession().restoreVisualState(1)" << endl;
+ fp << "\tiparameters.getSession().restoreVisualState(1)" << endl;
- fp << "salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1)" << endl;
return isOk;