YACS graph in each one, you have to start a container, the
traces are redirected in a log file with the same name ...
The file is overwritten on linux whereas on windows it
generates an error since the file is locked ...
On windows, I complete the file with the pid ...
#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
#include <sstream>
+#ifdef WNT
+#include <process.h>
+#define getpid _getpid
#include "PaCOPP.hxx"
logFilename += "/";
- logFilename += _NS->ContainerName(params)+"_"+ resource_selected +"_"+getenv( "USER" )+".log" ;
+ logFilename += _NS->ContainerName(params)+"_"+ resource_selected +"_"+getenv( "USER" ) ;
+#ifdef WNT
+ std::ostringstream tmp;
+ tmp << "_" << getpid();
+ logFilename += tmp.str();
+ logFilename += ".log" ;
command += " > " + logFilename + " 2>&1";
#ifdef WNT
command = "%PYTHONBIN% -c \"import win32pm ; win32pm.spawnpid(r'" + command + "', '')\"";