import codecs
import string
+import launcher
import src
from application import get_SALOME_modules
IGNORED_DIRS = [".git", ".svn"]
+sep = os.path.sep
+if src.architecture.is_windows():
+ sep += os.path.sep
PROJECT_TEMPLATE = """#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# The path to the archive root directory
-root_path : $PWD + "/../"
+root_path : $PWD + \"""" + sep + """..""" + sep + """\"
# path to the PROJECT
-project_path : $PWD + "/"
+project_path : $PWD + \"""" + sep + """\"
# Where to search the archives of the products
# Where to search the pyconf of the applications
-APPLICATIONPATH : $project_path + "applications/"
+APPLICATIONPATH : $project_path + "applications""" + sep + """\"
# Where to search the pyconf of the products
-PRODUCTPATH : $project_path + "products/"
+PRODUCTPATH : $project_path + "products""" + sep + """\"
# Where to search the pyconf of the jobs of the project
-JOBPATH : $project_path + "jobs/"
+JOBPATH : $project_path + "jobs""" + sep + """\"
# Where to search the pyconf of the machines of the project
-MACHINEPATH : $project_path + "machines/"
+MACHINEPATH : $project_path + "machines""" + sep + """\"
SITE_TEMPLATE = ("""#!/usr/bin/env python
log :
- log_dir : $USER.workdir + "/LOGS"
+ log_dir : $USER.workdir + $VARS.sep + "LOGS"
test :{
tmp_dir_with_application : '/tmp' + $VARS.sep + $VARS.user + """
return tmp_file_path
+def generate_launch_link(config,
+ logger,
+ launcherPath,
+ pathlauncher=None,
+ display=True,
+ packageLauncher=False):
+ '''Generates the launcher link that sources Python
+ and call the actual launcher.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display
+ and logging
+ :param launcherPath str: The path to the launcher to call
+ :param pathlauncher str: The path to the launcher (link) to generate
+ :param display boolean: If False, do not print anything in the terminal
+ :param packageLauncher boolean: if True, use a relative path (for package)
+ :return: The launcher link file path.
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ if pathlauncher is None:
+ # Make an executable file that sources python, then launch the launcher
+ # produced by generate_launch_file method
+ sourceLauncher = os.path.join(config.APPLICATION.workdir,
+ config.APPLICATION.profile.launcher_name)
+ else:
+ sourceLauncher = os.path.join(pathlauncher,
+ config.APPLICATION.profile.launcher_name)
+ # Change the extension for the windows case
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ sourceLauncher += '.bat'
+ # display some information
+ if display:
+ logger.write(_("\nGenerating the executable that sources"
+ " python and runs the launcher :\n"), 1)
+ logger.write(" %s\n" % src.printcolors.printcLabel(sourceLauncher), 1)
+ # open the file to write
+ f = open(sourceLauncher, "w")
+ # Write the set up of the environment
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ shell = 'bat'
+ else:
+ shell = 'bash'
+ # Write the Python environment files
+ env = src.environment.SalomeEnviron(config,
+ src.fileEnviron.get_file_environ(f, shell, config))
+ env.set_a_product("Python", logger)
+ # Write the call to the original launcher
+ f.write("\n\n")
+ if packageLauncher:
+ cmd = os.path.join('${out_dir_Path}', launcherPath)
+ else:
+ cmd = launcherPath
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ cmd = 'python ' + cmd + ' %*'
+ else:
+ cmd = cmd + ' $*'
+ f.write(cmd)
+ f.write("\n\n")
+ # Write the cleaning of the environment
+ env.finish(True)
+ # Close new launcher
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(sourceLauncher,
+ stat.S_IRUSR |
+ stat.S_IRGRP |
+ stat.S_IROTH |
+ stat.S_IWUSR |
+ stat.S_IWGRP |
+ stat.S_IWOTH |
+ stat.S_IXUSR |
+ stat.S_IXGRP |
+ stat.S_IXOTH)
+ return sourceLauncher
def binary_package(config, logger, options, tmp_working_dir):
'''Prepare a dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
add in a binary package.
d_products["launcher"] = (launcher_package, launcher_name)
+ if src.architecture.is_windows():
+ # Add a .bat file that sources python
+ # and then executes the launcher
+ link_path = launcher.generate_launch_link(config,
+ logger,
+ "salome",
+ pathlauncher = tmp_working_dir,
+ display = False,
+ packageLauncher = binaries_dir_name)
+ # Little hack to put out_dir_Path on windows syntax
+ src.replace_in_file(link_path, 'out_dir_Path\\', '%out_dir_Path%\\')
+ src.replace_in_file(link_path, '${out_dir_Path}', '%out_dir_Path%')
+ d_products["Windows launcher"] = (link_path, launcher_name + ".bat")
if options.sources:
# if we mix binaries and sources, we add a copy of the launcher,
# prefixed with "bin",in order to avoid clashes
d_products["launcher (copy)"] = (launcher_package, "bin"+launcher_name)
# Provide a script for the creation of an application EDF style
appli_script = product_appli_creation_script(config,
logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 1)
logger.write("\n", 1)
return 1
- path_targz = os.path.join(dir_name, archive_name + ".tgz")
+ extension = ".tgz"
+ if src.architecture.is_windows():
+ extension = ".tar.gz"
+ path_targz = os.path.join(dir_name, archive_name + extension)
src.printcolors.print_value(logger, "Package path", path_targz, 2)
logger.write(_("OK"), 1)
logger.write(_("\n"), 1)
return 1
- # remove the working directory
- shutil.rmtree(tmp_working_dir)
+ # remove the working directory
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp_working_dir)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg1 = _("WARNING: An error occured while removing the working "
+ "directory")
+ msg2 = str(e)
+ msg3 = _("Remove manually the repository %s" % src.printcolors.printcInfo(
+ tmp_working_dir))
+ logger.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg1),
+ src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg2),
+ msg3))
# Print again the path of the package
logger.write("\n", 2)
src.printcolors.print_value(logger, "Package path", path_targz, 2)