<li>If the <b>Extrude Along Vector</b> radio button is selected</li>
-<li>specify the vector along which the elements will be extruded, or select the face (the normale to the face will define the vector)</li>
+<li>specify the coordinates of the vector along which the elements will be extruded, or select the face (the normal to the face will define the vector)</li>
<li>specify the distance of extrusion along the vector,</li>
<li>specify the number of steps;</li>
-\page group_of_underlying_elements_page "Create Group of Underlying Elements"
+\page group_of_underlying_elements_page Create Group of Underlying Elements
To create groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions, in the \b Mesh menu select <b>Group of underlying entities</b>.<br>
<li>specify the cooordinates of the start \b Point of the vector of revolution;</li>
<li>specify the \b Vector of revolution through the coordinates of its
-end point with respect to the coordinates of the start point;</li>
+end point with respect to the coordinates of the start
+point. Alternatively, it is possible to specify the vector through the
+normal to the selected face.</li>