"Last-Translator: FULLNAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
-msgstr "Import from File"
+msgid "BUT_OK"
+msgstr "OK"
-msgstr "Explore MED File"
+msgid "WRN_VISU"
+msgstr "VISU Warning"
-msgstr "Import table from File"
+msgid "INF_DONE"
+msgstr " done"
msgstr "Current Study is locked"
msgstr "Failed to activate MED engine!"
-msgstr "Cannot build presentation"
-msgid "BUT_OK"
-msgstr "OK"
+#: VisuGUI.cxx
-msgid "WRN_VISU"
-msgstr "VISU Warning"
+msgstr "Import from File"
-msgid "INF_DONE"
-msgstr " done"
+msgstr "Explore MED File"
+msgstr "Import table from File"
+msgstr "Cannot build presentation"
msgstr "Error in the file"
-msgid "FLT_ALL_FILES"
+#msgid "FLT_ALL_FILES"
+msgid "VisuGUI::FLT_ALL_FILES"
msgstr "All Files (*.*)"
-msgid "FLT_MED_FILES"
+#msgid "FLT_MED_FILES"
+msgid "VisuGUI::FLT_MED_FILES"
msgstr "MED Files (*.med)"
msgstr "Tables (*.xls *.txt *.tab)"
+#msgid "MEN_SCALAR_MAP"
+msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_SCALAR_MAP"
msgstr "Scalar Map"
msgstr "Deformed Shape"
msgstr "Visualization"
msgstr "Visualization Toolbar"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:795
msgstr "Animation..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:759
msgstr "Cell color"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:727
msgstr "Clear"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:763
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_COLOR"
msgstr "Color..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:663
msgstr "Create Curves"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:675
msgstr "Create Presentations"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:647
msgstr "Create Plot2d View"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:671
msgstr "Create Presentation"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:783
msgstr "Create Table"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:711
msgstr "Properties..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:643
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_CUT_LINES"
msgstr "Cut Lines"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:635
msgstr "Cut Planes"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:651
msgstr "Delete"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:707
msgstr "Delete"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:695
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_DISPLAY"
msgstr "Display"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:703
msgstr "Display Only"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:767
msgstr "Edge Color"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:719
msgstr "Edit..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:779
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_EDIT_PRS"
msgstr "Edit..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:699
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_ERASE"
msgstr "Erase"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:667
msgstr "Export Table"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:805
#msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_FILE"
#msgstr ""
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:743
msgstr "Insideframe"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:631
msgstr "Iso Surfaces"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:775
msgstr "Line Width"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:771
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_OPACITY"
msgstr "Opacity"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:731
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_POINTS"
msgstr "Points"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:926
msgstr "Properties"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:715
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_RENAME"
msgstr "Rename..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:723
msgstr "Rename..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:655
msgstr "Rename..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:905
msgstr "Representation"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:791
msgstr "Selection Info..."
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:659
msgstr "Show Table"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:751
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_SHRINK"
msgstr "Shrink"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:639
msgstr "Stream Lines"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:739
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_SURFACE"
msgstr "Surface"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:747
msgstr "Surfaceframe"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:787
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_SWEEP"
msgstr "Sweep"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:755
msgstr "Unshrink"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:627
msgid "VisuGUI::MEN_VECTORS"
msgstr "Vectors"
-#: VISU_SRC/src/VISUGUI/VisuGUI.cxx:735
msgstr "Wireframe"
+### jfa added
+#: Common
+msgid "BUT_CLOSE"
+msgstr ""
+msgstr ""
+#: VisuGUI.cxx
+msgstr "The object can't be built"
+msgstr "Can't create actor for this presentation"
+msgstr "Delete view parameters"
+msgstr "Restore view parameters"
+msgstr "Save view parameters"
+#: VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::IdCell"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::NbPoints"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Number of Points :"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Point"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Results on Cell"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Results on selected Cell"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Scalar Value"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Scalar result :"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Vector Txt"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Vector result :"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::X"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Y"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CellsResultsDlg::Z"
+msgstr ""
+#: VisuGUI_CursorDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_CursorDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CursorDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CursorDlg::TextLabel1"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CursorDlg::TextLabel2"
+msgstr ""
+#: VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_GENERATE_CURVES"
+msgstr "Generate Curves"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_GENERATE_TABLE"
+msgstr "Generate Data Table"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_LINES_CUT"
+msgstr "Cut planes"
+#?msgstr "Cut lines"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_LINES_PLANE"
+msgstr "Plane of lines"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_NB_PLANS"
+msgstr "Number of planes:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_POS"
+msgstr "Displacement (0...1):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_ROTATION"
+msgstr "Rotations"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_ROT_X"
+msgstr "Rotation around X (Y to Z):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_ROT_Y"
+msgstr "Rotation around Y (Z to X):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_ROT_Z"
+msgstr "Rotation around Z (X to Y):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::LBL_SHOW_PREVIEW"
+msgstr "Show preview"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::TXT_ORIENTATION"
+msgstr "Orientation"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::BUT_CANCEL"
+msgstr "Cancel"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::BASE_PLANE_POS"
+msgstr "Base plane position"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::SET_DEFAULT"
+msgstr "Set default"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::PARALLEL_XOY"
+msgstr "|| X-Y"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::PARALLEL_YOZ"
+msgstr "|| Y-Z"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutLinesDlg::PARALLEL_ZOX"
+msgstr "|| Z-X"
+#: VisuGUI_CutPlanesDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::PARALLEL_XOY"
+msgstr "// X-Y"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::PARALLEL_YOZ"
+msgstr "// Y-Z"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::PARALLEL_ZOX"
+msgstr "// Z-X"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_POS"
+msgstr "Displacement (0...1):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_SHOW_PREVIEW"
+msgstr "Show preview"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_NB_PLANS"
+msgstr "Number of planes:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::TXT_ORIENTATION"
+msgstr "Orientation"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_ROT_X"
+msgstr "Rotation around X (Y to Z):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_ROT_Y"
+msgstr "Rotation around Y (Z to X):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_ROT_Z"
+msgstr "Rotation around Z (X to Y):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::LBL_ROTATION"
+msgstr "Rotations"
+#: VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Deformed Shape"
+msgid "VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg::MAGNITUDE_COLORING"
+msgstr "Magnitude coloring"
+msgid "VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg::SCALE_FACTOR"
+msgstr "Scale Factor:"
+#: VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg::LBL_STUDY"
+msgstr "Study"
+msgid "VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg::LBL_CONTAINER"
+msgstr "Container"
+msgid "VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg::TXT_TABLE"
+msgstr "Table"
+msgid "VisuGUI_EditContainerDlg::TXT_CURVE"
+msgstr "Curve"
+#: VisuGUI_FileDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_FileDlg::FULL_LOAD"
+msgstr "Full loading for current file"
+#: VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg::Visu_ARGUMENTS"
+msgstr "Arguments"
+msgid "VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg::BUT_APPLY"
+msgstr "Apply"
+msgid "VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg::Visu_INIT"
+msgstr "Initialise"
+msgid "VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg::Visu_INIT_MESH"
+msgstr "Initialise mesh"
+msgid "VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg::Visu_NAME"
+msgstr "Name"
+msgid "VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg::Visu_OBJECT_GEOM"
+msgstr "Geometrical object"
+#: VisuGUI_IsoSurfacesDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfacesDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfacesDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfPane::MSG_MINMAX_VALUES"
+msgstr "Min value can not be higher or equal to Max value"
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfPane::MAX_VALUE"
+msgstr "Maximum value:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfPane::MIN_VALUE"
+msgstr "Minimum value:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfPane::NB_SURFACES"
+msgstr "Number of surfaces:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_IsoSurfacesDlg::DEFINE_ISOSURFACES"
+msgstr "Iso Surfaces Definition"
+#: VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Deformed Shape"
+msgid "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg::TXT_MAGNITUDE_COLORING"
+msgstr "Magnitude coloring"
+msgid "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg::LBL_SCALE_FACTOR"
+msgstr "Scale Factor:"
+#: VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::O&K"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::&Apply"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::&Reset"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Scaling"
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::LBL_X"
+msgstr "X :"
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::LBL_Y"
+msgstr "Y :"
+msgid "VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::LBL_Z"
+msgstr "Z :"
+#: VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Results at selected point"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::RESULTS_GRP"
+msgstr "Results at Point"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::IdPoint"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_X"
+msgstr "X:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_Y"
+msgstr "Y:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_Z"
+msgstr "Z:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_SCALAR_RESULT"
+msgstr "Scalar result :"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_SCALAR_VALUE"
+msgstr "Scalar Value"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_VECTOR_RESULT"
+msgstr "Vector result :"
+msgid "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::LBL_VECTOR_TXT"
+msgstr "Vector Txt"
+#: VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg::DLG_PREF_TITLE"
+msgstr "Scalar Bar Preferences"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg::DLG_PROP_TITLE"
+msgstr "Scalar Bar Properties"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::SCALAR_RANGE_GRP"
+msgstr "Scalar range"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LOGARITHMIC_SCALING"
+msgstr "Logarithmic scaling"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::FIELD_RANGE_BTN"
+msgstr "Use field range"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::IMPOSED_RANGE_BTN"
+msgstr "Use imposed range"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_MIN"
+msgstr "Min:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_MAX"
+msgstr "Max:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::COLORS_LABELS_GRP"
+msgstr "Colors and labels"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_NB_COLORS"
+msgstr "Nb. of colors:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_NB_LABELS"
+msgstr "Nb. of labels:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::ORIENTATION_GRP"
+msgstr "Orientation"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::VERTICAL_BTN"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::HORIZONTAL_BTN"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::ORIGIN_GRP"
+msgstr "Origin"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_X"
+msgstr "X:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_Y"
+msgstr "Y:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::DIMENSIONS_GRP"
+msgstr "Dimensions"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_WIDTH"
+msgstr "Width:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::LBL_HEIGHT"
+msgstr "Height:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::SAVE_DEFAULT_CHK"
+msgstr "Save as default values"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::MSG_MINMAX_VALUES"
+msgstr "Min value can not be higher or equal to Max value"
+msgid "VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::WRN_LOGARITHMIC_RANGE"
+msgstr "Logarithmic scaling: use imposed range values > 0"
+msgstr "Logarithmic scaling: field range contains negative values, use imposed range instead"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::TIT_TEXT_PREF"
+msgstr "Text property"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::LBL_TITLE"
+msgstr "Title"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::LBL_BOLD"
+msgstr "Bold"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::LBL_ITALIC"
+msgstr "Italic"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::LBL_SHADOW"
+msgstr "Shadow"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TextPrefDlg::LBL_LABELS"
+msgstr "Labels"
+#: VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Stream lines Preferences"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::SOURCE_GRP"
+msgstr "Source"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::LBL_SOURCE_TYPE"
+msgstr "Source type"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::LBL_USED_POINTS"
+msgstr "Used points (0..1)"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::LBL_STEP_LENGTH"
+msgstr "Step Length"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::LBL_INTEGRATION_STEP"
+msgstr "Integration Step"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::LBL_PROPAGATION_TIME"
+msgstr "Propagation Time"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::LBL_DIRECTION"
+msgstr "Direction"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::MAGNITUDE_COLORING_CHK"
+msgstr "Magnitude coloring"
+msgid "VisuGUI_StreamLinesDlg::USE_COLOR_BTN"
+msgstr "Use Color"
+#: VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Sweeping Preferences"
+msgid "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::LBL_TIME_STEP"
+msgstr "Time step (second):"
+msgid "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::LBL_NB_CYCLES"
+msgstr "Number of cycles:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::LBL_NB_STEPS"
+msgstr "Number of steps:"
+#: VisuGUI_TimeAnimation.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_TimeAnimationDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_TimeAnimationDlg::ERROR"
+msgstr "Error"
+msgid "VisuGUI_TimeAnimationDlg::MSG_NO_ANIMATIONDATA"
+msgstr "There is no data for animation"
+#: VisuGUI_VectorsDlg.cxx
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::&OK"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::&Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::DLG_TITLE"
+msgstr "Vector Field Representation"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::LBL_SCALE_FACTOR"
+msgstr "Scale factor:"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::LBL_LINE_WIDTH"
+msgstr "Line width:"
+msgstr "Magnitude coloring"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::SEL_COLOR_BTN"
+msgstr "Select Color"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::USE_GLYPHS_CHK"
+msgstr "Use glyphs"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::GLYPH_TYPE_GRP"
+msgstr "Glyph type"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::ARROWS_BTN"
+msgstr "Arrows"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::CONES2_BTN"
+msgstr "Cones (2)"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::CONES6_BTN"
+msgstr "Cones (6)"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::GLYPH_POSITION_GRP"
+msgstr "Glyph position"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::TAIL_BTN"
+msgstr "Tail"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::CENTER_BTN"
+msgstr "Center"
+msgid "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::HEAD_BTN"
+msgstr "Head"
SUIT_MessageBox::warn1 (GetDesktop(this),
- tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ tr("BUT_OK"));
SUIT_MessageBox::warn1 (GetDesktop(this),
tr("ERR_CANT_CREATE_ACTOR") + " " + tr(exc.what()),
- tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ tr("BUT_OK"));
SLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
TopGroupBoxLayout->addLayout( SLayout, 2, 0 );
- GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupButtons" );
- GroupButtons->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 281, 48 ) );
- GroupButtons->setTitle( tr( "" ) );
- GroupButtons->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
- GroupButtons->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
- GroupButtons->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
- QGridLayout* GroupButtonsLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupButtons->layout() );
- GroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
- GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
- GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin( 11 );
+ GroupButtons = new QGroupBox (this, "GroupButtons");
+ GroupButtons->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 281, 48));
+ GroupButtons->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
+ GroupButtons->layout()->setSpacing(0);
+ GroupButtons->layout()->setMargin(0);
+ QGridLayout* GroupButtonsLayout = new QGridLayout (GroupButtons->layout());
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing(6);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin(11);
- buttonOk = new QPushButton( tr( "&OK" ), GroupButtons, "buttonOk" );
- buttonOk->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
- buttonOk->setDefault( TRUE );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonOk, 0, 0 );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ), 0, 1 );
- buttonCancel = new QPushButton( tr( "&Cancel" ) , GroupButtons, "buttonCancel" );
- buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonCancel, 0, 2 );
+ buttonOk = new QPushButton (tr("&OK"), GroupButtons, "buttonOk");
+ buttonOk->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+ buttonOk->setDefault(TRUE);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonOk, 0, 0);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem (5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum), 0, 1);
+ buttonCancel = new QPushButton(tr("&Cancel") , GroupButtons, "buttonCancel");
+ buttonCancel->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonCancel, 0, 2);
- TopLayout->addWidget( TopGroupBox, 0, 0 );
- TopLayout->addWidget( GroupButtons, 1, 0 );
+ TopLayout->addWidget(TopGroupBox, 0, 0);
+ TopLayout->addWidget(GroupButtons, 1, 0);
// signals and slots connections
connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
mySelPlane->setInsideSpacing( 5 );
mySelPlane->setInsideMargin( 5 );
- QRadioButton* aBxy = new QRadioButton( tr( "|| X-Y" ), mySelPlane); // 0
- QRadioButton* aByz = new QRadioButton( tr( "|| Y-Z" ), mySelPlane); // 1
- QRadioButton* aBzx = new QRadioButton( tr( "|| Z-X" ), mySelPlane); // 2
+ QRadioButton* aBxy = new QRadioButton( tr( "PARALLEL_XOY" ), mySelPlane); // 0
+ QRadioButton* aByz = new QRadioButton( tr( "PARALLEL_YOZ" ), mySelPlane); // 1
+ QRadioButton* aBzx = new QRadioButton( tr( "PARALLEL_ZOX" ), mySelPlane); // 2
aPlaneLayout->addWidget( mySelPlane );
aPlaneLayout->addWidget( aRotBox );
- QHGroupBox* aBaseBox = new QHGroupBox( tr( "Base plane position" ), aPlanePane );
+ QHGroupBox* aBaseBox = new QHGroupBox (tr("BASE_PLANE_POS"), aPlanePane);
myBasePlanePos = new QLineEdit (aBaseBox);
mydvalidator = new QDoubleValidator(this);
- myCBSetDef = new QCheckBox(tr("Set default"),aBaseBox);
+ myCBSetDef = new QCheckBox (tr("SET_DEFAULT"),aBaseBox);
- aPlaneLayout->addWidget( aBaseBox );
+ aPlaneLayout->addWidget(aBaseBox);
- QHBox* aPosBox = new QHBox(aPlanePane);
+ QHBox* aPosBox = new QHBox (aPlanePane);
- QLabel* aPosLbl = new QLabel( tr( "LBL_POS" ), aPosBox );
- myPosSpn = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0, 1, 0.1, aPosBox );
- myPosSpn->setValue( 0.5 );
- aPlaneLayout->addWidget( aPosBox );
+ QLabel* aPosLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_POS"), aPosBox);
+ myPosSpn = new QtxDblSpinBox (0, 1, 0.1, aPosBox);
+ myPosSpn->setValue(0.5);
+ aPlaneLayout->addWidget(aPosBox);
- myPreviewCheck = new QCheckBox(tr("LBL_SHOW_PREVIEW"), aPlanePane);
+ myPreviewCheck = new QCheckBox (tr("LBL_SHOW_PREVIEW"), aPlanePane);
- aPlaneLayout->addWidget( myPreviewCheck );
+ aPlaneLayout->addWidget(myPreviewCheck);
- myCreateTable = new QCheckBox(tr("LBL_GENERATE_TABLE"), aPlanePane);
+ myCreateTable = new QCheckBox (tr("LBL_GENERATE_TABLE"), aPlanePane);
aPlaneLayout->addWidget( myCreateTable );
mySelPlane2->setInsideSpacing( 5 );
mySelPlane2->setInsideMargin( 5 );
- QRadioButton* aBxy2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "|| X-Y" ), mySelPlane2); // 0
- QRadioButton* aByz2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "|| Y-Z" ), mySelPlane2); // 1
- QRadioButton* aBzx2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "|| Z-X" ), mySelPlane2); // 2
+ QRadioButton* aBxy2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "PARALLEL_XOY" ), mySelPlane2); // 0
+ QRadioButton* aByz2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "PARALLEL_YOZ" ), mySelPlane2); // 1
+ QRadioButton* aBzx2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "PARALLEL_ZOX" ), mySelPlane2); // 2
aLinesLayout->addWidget( mySelPlane2 );
aBtnLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
aBtnLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QPushButton* aOkBtn = new QPushButton(tr( "VISU_BUT_OK" ), aBtnBox);
+ QPushButton* aOkBtn = new QPushButton (tr("BUT_OK"), aBtnBox);
aOkBtn->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
aOkBtn->setDefault( true );
TopLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopLayout->setMargin( 10 );
- QButtonGroup* SelPlane = new QButtonGroup( tr( "Orientation" ), this, "SelPlane" );
- SelPlane->setTitle( tr( "Orientation" ) );
- SelPlane->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
+ QButtonGroup* SelPlane = new QButtonGroup (tr("TXT_ORIENTATION"), this, "SelPlane");
+ //SelPlane->setTitle(tr("TXT_ORIENTATION"));
+ SelPlane->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
SelPlane->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
SelPlane->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
QGridLayout* SelPlaneLayout = new QGridLayout( SelPlane->layout() );
SelPlaneLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
SelPlaneLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- RBxy = new QRadioButton( tr( "// X-Y" ), SelPlane, "RBxy" );
- RByz = new QRadioButton( tr( "// Y-Z" ), SelPlane, "RByz" );
- RBzx = new QRadioButton( tr( "// Z-X" ), SelPlane, "RBzx" );
+ RBxy = new QRadioButton (tr("PARALLEL_XOY"), SelPlane, "RBxy");
+ RByz = new QRadioButton (tr("PARALLEL_YOZ"), SelPlane, "RByz");
+ RBzx = new QRadioButton (tr("PARALLEL_ZOX"), SelPlane, "RBzx");
SelPlaneLayout->addWidget( RBxy, 0, 0 );
SelPlaneLayout->addWidget( RByz, 0, 1 );
SelPlaneLayout->addWidget( RBzx, 0, 2 );
- QLabel* LabelPosi_3 = new QLabel( tr( "Number of planes:" ), this, "LabelPosi_3" );
+ QLabel* LabelPosi_3 = new QLabel (tr("LBL_NB_PLANS"), this, "LabelPosi_3");
nbPlan = new QSpinBox( 1, 100, 1, this, "nbPlan" );
nbPlan->setValue( 1 );
nbPlan->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- myPosTable = new QTable(this, "Positions of planes" );
+ myPosTable = new QTable (this, "Positions of planes");
myPosTable->setMaximumHeight( 227 );
myPosTable->setMinimumWidth( 294 );
th->setLabel( 1, "Set default" );
- QGroupBox* GBrot = new QGroupBox( tr( "Rotations" ), this, "GBrot" );
- GBrot->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
+ QGroupBox* GBrot = new QGroupBox (tr("LBL_ROTATION"), this, "GBrot");
+ GBrot->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
GBrot->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
GBrot->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
QGridLayout* GBrotLayout = new QGridLayout( GBrot->layout() );
GBrotLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
GBrotLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- LabelRot1 = new QLabel( tr( "Rotation around X (Y to Z):" ), GBrot, "LabelRot1" );
+ LabelRot1 = new QLabel (tr("LBL_ROT_X"), GBrot, "LabelRot1");
GBrotLayout->addWidget( LabelRot1, 0, 0 );
Rot1 = new QtxDblSpinBox( -180, 180, 10, GBrot );
connect( Rot1, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double )), this, SLOT( onRotation( double ) ) );
GBrotLayout->addWidget( Rot1, 0, 1 );
- LabelRot2 = new QLabel( tr( "Rotation around Y (Z to X):" ), GBrot, "LabelRot2" );
+ LabelRot2 = new QLabel (tr("LBL_ROT_Y"), GBrot, "LabelRot2");
GBrotLayout->addWidget( LabelRot2, 1, 0 );
Rot2 = new QtxDblSpinBox( -180, 180, 10, GBrot );
void VisuGUI_CutPlanesPane::orientationChanged (int Id)
if (Id == 0) { // RBxy->isChecked()
- LabelRot1->setText( tr( "Rotation around X (Y to Z):" ) );
- LabelRot2->setText( tr( "Rotation around Y (Z to X):" ) );
+ LabelRot1->setText(tr("LBL_ROT_X"));
+ LabelRot2->setText(tr("LBL_ROT_Y"));
} else if (Id == 1) { // RByz->isChecked()
- LabelRot1->setText( tr( "Rotation around Y (Z to X):" ) );
- LabelRot2->setText( tr( "Rotation around Z (X to Y):" ) );
+ LabelRot1->setText(tr("LBL_ROT_Y"));
+ LabelRot2->setText(tr("LBL_ROT_Z"));
} else {
- LabelRot1->setText( tr( "Rotation around Z (X to Y):" ) );
- LabelRot2->setText( tr( "Rotation around X (Y to Z):" ) );
+ LabelRot1->setText(tr("LBL_ROT_Z"));
+ LabelRot2->setText(tr("LBL_ROT_X"));
VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg::VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg(QWidget* parent)
: QDialog( parent, "VisuGUI_DeformedShapeDlg", true, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
- setCaption( tr( "Deformed Shape" ) );
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
QVBoxLayout* TopLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
TopGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QLabel* ScaleLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Scale Factor:" ), TopGroup, "ScaleLabel" );
+ QLabel* ScaleLabel = new QLabel (tr("SCALE_FACTOR"), TopGroup, "ScaleLabel");
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( ScaleLabel, 0, 0 );
ScalFact = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0.0, 1.0E+38, 0.1, TopGroup);
ScalFact->setValue( 0.1 );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( ScalFact, 0, 1 );
- UseMagn = new QCheckBox( tr( "Magnitude coloring" ), TopGroup, "UseMagn" );
- UseMagn->setChecked( true );
- TopGroupLayout->addMultiCellWidget( UseMagn, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
+ UseMagn = new QCheckBox (tr("MAGNITUDE_COLORING"), TopGroup, "UseMagn");
+ UseMagn->setChecked(true);
+ TopGroupLayout->addMultiCellWidget(UseMagn, 1, 1, 0, 1);
//if (!enableUM)
// UseMagn->hide();
- aTabBox->addTab(aBox, "Deformed Shape");
+ aTabBox->addTab(aBox, "DeformedShape");
myScalarPane = new VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane(this, false);
myScalarPane->setMargin( 5 );
- aTabBox->addTab(myScalarPane, "Scalar Bar");
+ aTabBox->addTab(myScalarPane, "ScalarBar");
QGroupBox* GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupButtons" );
aControlLay->addColSpacing(0, 180);
aControlLay->addColSpacing(2, 180);
- QLabel* aSelectLbl = new QLabel (tr("Study"), aControlFrame);
+ QLabel* aSelectLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_STUDY"), aControlFrame);
aControlLay->addWidget(aSelectLbl, 0, 0);
myStudyLst = new QListView (aControlFrame);
- myStudyLst->addColumn(tr("Table"), 80);
- myStudyLst->addColumn(tr("Curve"), 50);
+ myStudyLst->addColumn(tr("TXT_TABLE"), 80);
+ myStudyLst->addColumn(tr("TXT_CURVE"), 50);
myStudyLst->addColumn(tr(""), 0);
connect(myLeftBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onLeftClicked()));
aControlLay->addWidget(myLeftBtn, 3, 1);
- QLabel* aForceLbl = new QLabel(tr("Container"), aControlFrame);
+ QLabel* aForceLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_CONTAINER"), aControlFrame);
aControlLay->addWidget(aForceLbl, 0, 2);
myContainerLst = new QListView(aControlFrame);
- myContainerLst->addColumn(tr("Table"), 80);
- myContainerLst->addColumn(tr("Curve"), 50);
+ myContainerLst->addColumn(tr("TXT_TABLE"), 80);
+ myContainerLst->addColumn(tr("TXT_CURVE"), 50);
myContainerLst->addColumn(tr(""), 0);
connect(myContainerLst, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onRightSelected()));
-VisuGUI_FileDlg::VisuGUI_FileDlg( QWidget* parent,
+VisuGUI_FileDlg::VisuGUI_FileDlg (QWidget* parent,
bool open,
bool showQuickDir,
- bool modal ) :
- SUIT_FileDlg( parent, open, showQuickDir, modal )
+ bool modal) :
+ SUIT_FileDlg(parent, open, showQuickDir, modal)
- myCBuildAll = new QCheckBox( tr("Full loading for current file"), this );
+ myCBuildAll = new QCheckBox (tr("FULL_LOAD"), this);
QLabel* label = new QLabel("", this);
QPushButton* pb = new QPushButton(this);
GroupConstructorsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
GroupConstructorsLayout->setMargin( 11 );
Constructor1 = new QRadioButton( GroupConstructors, "Constructor1" );
- Constructor1->setText( tr( "" ) );
+ //Constructor1->setText( tr( "" ) );
Constructor1->setPixmap( image1 );
Constructor1->setChecked( TRUE );
Constructor1->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, Constructor1->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
VisuGUI_InitMeshDlgLayout->addWidget( GroupConstructors, 0, 0 );
- GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupButtons" );
- GroupButtons->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 281, 48 ) );
- GroupButtons->setTitle( tr( "" ) );
- GroupButtons->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
- GroupButtons->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
- GroupButtons->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
- GroupButtonsLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupButtons->layout() );
- GroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
- GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
- GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- buttonCancel = new QPushButton( GroupButtons, "buttonCancel" );
- buttonCancel->setText( tr( "Visu_BUT_CLOSE" ) );
- buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonCancel, 0, 3 );
- buttonApply = new QPushButton( GroupButtons, "buttonApply" );
- buttonApply->setText( tr( "Visu_BUT_APPLY" ) );
- buttonApply->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonApply, 0, 1 );
- QSpacerItem* spacer_9 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addItem( spacer_9, 0, 2 );
- buttonOk = new QPushButton( GroupButtons, "buttonOk" );
- buttonOk->setText( tr( "Visu_BUT_OK" ) );
- buttonOk->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
- buttonOk->setDefault( TRUE );
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonOk, 0, 0 );
+ GroupButtons = new QGroupBox (this, "GroupButtons");
+ GroupButtons->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 281, 48));
+ GroupButtons->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
+ GroupButtons->layout()->setSpacing(0);
+ GroupButtons->layout()->setMargin(0);
+ GroupButtonsLayout = new QGridLayout (GroupButtons->layout());
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing(6);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin(11);
+ buttonCancel = new QPushButton(GroupButtons, "buttonCancel");
+ buttonCancel->setText(tr("BUT_CLOSE"));
+ buttonCancel->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonCancel, 0, 3);
+ buttonApply = new QPushButton (GroupButtons, "buttonApply");
+ buttonApply->setText(tr("BUT_APPLY"));
+ buttonApply->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonApply, 0, 1);
+ QSpacerItem* spacer_9 = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addItem(spacer_9, 0, 2);
+ buttonOk = new QPushButton(GroupButtons, "buttonOk");
+ buttonOk->setText(tr("BUT_OK"));
+ buttonOk->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+ buttonOk->setDefault(TRUE);
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonOk, 0, 0);
VisuGUI_InitMeshDlgLayout->addWidget( GroupButtons, 2, 0 );
TextLabelC1A1->setFrameShadow( QLabel::Plain );
GroupC1Layout->addWidget( TextLabelC1A1, 0, 0 );
SelectButtonC1A1 = new QPushButton( GroupC1, "SelectButtonC1A1" );
- SelectButtonC1A1->setText( tr( "" ) );
+ //SelectButtonC1A1->setText( tr( "" ) );
SelectButtonC1A1->setPixmap( image0 );
SelectButtonC1A1->setToggleButton( FALSE );
GroupC1Layout->addWidget( SelectButtonC1A1, 0, 1 );
VisuGUI_InitMeshDlgLayout->addWidget( GroupC1, 1, 0 );
- Init(Sel) ;
+ Init(Sel);
// function : ~VisuGUI_InitMeshDlg()
// purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
TopGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QLabel* LabelNbr = new QLabel( tr( "Number of surfaces:" ), TopGroup, "LabelNbr" );
+ QLabel* LabelNbr = new QLabel (tr("NB_SURFACES"), TopGroup, "LabelNbr");
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( LabelNbr, 0, 0 );
NbrIso = new QSpinBox( 1, 100, 1, TopGroup, "NbrIso" );
NbrIso->setValue( 1 );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( NbrIso, 0, 1 );
- QLabel* LabelMin = new QLabel( tr( "Minimum value:" ), TopGroup, "LabelMin" );
- TopGroupLayout->addWidget( LabelMin, 1, 0 );
+ QLabel* LabelMin = new QLabel (tr("MIN_VALUE"), TopGroup, "LabelMin");
+ TopGroupLayout->addWidget(LabelMin, 1, 0);
//MinIso = new QtxDblSpinBox( -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 0.1, TopGroup );
MinIso = new QLineEdit( TopGroup );
MinIso->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(TopGroup) );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( MinIso, 1, 1 );
- QLabel* LabelMax = new QLabel( tr( "Maximum value:" ), TopGroup, "LabelMax" );
+ QLabel* LabelMax = new QLabel (tr("MAX_VALUE"), TopGroup, "LabelMax");
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( LabelMax, 2, 0 );
//MaxIso = new QtxSpinBoxDbl( -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 0.1, TopGroup );
MaxIso = new QLineEdit( TopGroup );
if (MinIso->text().toDouble() >= MaxIso->text().toDouble()) {
- SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,tr("WRN_VISU"),
- tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ tr("BUT_OK"));
return false;
} // else if (/* CBUpdate->isChecked() && CBLog->isChecked() && */
// (MinIso->text().toDouble() <=0 || MaxIso->text().toDouble() <=0) ) {
// SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,
-// tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+// tr("WRN_VISU"),
-// tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+// tr("BUT_OK"));
// return false;
// }
return true;
: QDialog(parent, "VisuGUI_IsoSurfacesDlg", true,
WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
- setCaption( tr( "Iso Surfaces Definition" ) );
+ setCaption(tr("DEFINE_ISOSURFACES"));
setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
QVBoxLayout* TopLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- : QDialog( VisuGUI::application()->desktop(), "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg", true, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
+ : QDialog(VisuGUI::application()->desktop(), "VisuGUI_MagnitudeDlg", true,
+ WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
- setCaption( tr( "Deformed Shape" ) );
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
QVBoxLayout* TopLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
TopLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QLabel* ScaleLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Scale Factor:" ), TopGroup, "ScaleLabel" );
+ QLabel* ScaleLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_SCALE_FACTOR"), TopGroup, "ScaleLabel");
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( ScaleLabel, 0, 0 );
ScalFact = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0, 1.0E+38, 0.1, TopGroup );
ScalFact->setValue( 0.1 );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( ScalFact, 0, 1 );
- UseMagn = new QCheckBox( tr( "Magnitude coloring" ), TopGroup, "UseMagn" );
+ UseMagn = new QCheckBox (tr("TXT_MAGNITUDE_COLORING"), TopGroup, "UseMagn");
UseMagn->setChecked( true );
TopGroupLayout->addMultiCellWidget( UseMagn, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
//if (!enableUM)
// UseMagn->hide();
- aTabBox->addTab(aBox, "Deformed Shape");
+ aTabBox->addTab(aBox, "DeformedShape");
myScalarPane = new VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane(this, false);
myScalarPane->setMargin( 5 );
-VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
- : QDialog( parent, name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
+VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg::VisuGUI_NonIsometricDlg (QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl)
+ : QDialog(parent, name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
+ if (!name)
+ setName("NonIsometricDlg");
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
SUIT_ViewWindow* sf = VisuGUI::application()->activeViewManager()->getActiveView();
VTKViewer_ViewWindow* aViewWnd = dynamic_cast<VTKViewer_ViewWindow*>(sf);
- if ( !name )
- setName( "NonIsometricDlg" );
- setCaption( tr( "Scaling" ) );
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
// Create layout for this dialog
QGridLayout* layoutDlg = new QGridLayout( this );
// "X" scaling
- QLabel* TextLabelX = new QLabel( "X: ", GroupBox, "TextLabelX" );
+ QLabel* TextLabelX = new QLabel (tr("LBL_X"), GroupBox, "TextLabelX");
m_sbXcoeff = new QtxDblSpinBox( -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 0.1, GroupBox );
m_sbXcoeff->setMinimumWidth( 80 );
m_sbXcoeff->setValue( 1.0 );
// "Y" scaling
- QLabel* TextLabelY = new QLabel( "Y", GroupBox, "TextLabelY" );
+ QLabel* TextLabelY = new QLabel (tr("LBL_Y"), GroupBox, "TextLabelY");
m_sbYcoeff = new QtxDblSpinBox( -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 0.1, GroupBox );
m_sbYcoeff->setMinimumWidth( 80 );
m_sbYcoeff->setValue( 1.0 );
// "Z" scaling
- QLabel* TextLabelZ = new QLabel( "Z", GroupBox, "TextLabelZ" );
+ QLabel* TextLabelZ = new QLabel (tr("LBL_Z"), GroupBox, "TextLabelZ");
m_sbZcoeff = new QtxDblSpinBox( -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 0.1, GroupBox );
m_sbZcoeff->setMinimumWidth( 80 );
-VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
- : QDialog( parent, name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
+VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg::VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg (QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl)
+ : QDialog(parent, name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
- if ( !name )
- setName( "VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg" );
- setCaption( tr( "Results at selected point" ) );
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
+ if (!name)
+ setName("VisuGUI_PointsResultsDlg");
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
QGridLayout* TopLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
TopLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- GroupLimit = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupLimit" );
- GroupLimit->setTitle( tr( "Results at Point" ) );
+ GroupLimit = new QGroupBox (this, "GroupLimit");
+ GroupLimit->setTitle(tr("RESULTS_GRP"));
GroupLimit->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
GroupLimit->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
GroupLimit->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
IdLayout->addWidget( IdPoint );
GroupLimitLayout->addMultiCellLayout( IdLayout, 0, 0, 0, 2 );
- CoordPointX = new QLabel( tr( "X:" ), GroupLimit, "CoordPointX" );
+ CoordPointX = new QLabel( tr( "LBL_X" ), GroupLimit, "CoordPointX" );
CoordX = new QLineEdit( GroupLimit );
CoordX->setReadOnly( true );
- CoordPointY = new QLabel( tr( "Y:" ), GroupLimit, "CoordPointY" );
+ CoordPointY = new QLabel( tr( "LBL_Y" ), GroupLimit, "CoordPointY" );
CoordY = new QLineEdit( GroupLimit );
CoordY->setReadOnly( true );
- CoordPointZ = new QLabel( tr( "Z:" ), GroupLimit, "CoordPointZ" );
+ CoordPointZ = new QLabel( tr( "LBL_Z" ), GroupLimit, "CoordPointZ" );
CoordZ = new QLineEdit( GroupLimit );
CoordZ->setReadOnly( true );
GroupLimitLayout->addRowSpacing( 2, 10 );
- Scalar_Results = new QLabel( tr( "Scalar result :" ), GroupLimit, "Scalar_Results" );
+ Scalar_Results = new QLabel (tr("LBL_SCALAR_RESULT"), GroupLimit, "Scalar_Results");
GroupLimitLayout->addWidget( Scalar_Results, 3, 0 );
- ScalValue = new QLabel( tr( "Scalar Value" ), GroupLimit, "ScalValue" );
+ ScalValue = new QLabel (tr("LBL_SCALAR_VALUE"), GroupLimit, "ScalValue");
GroupLimitLayout->addWidget( ScalValue, 3, 1 );
GroupLimitLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ), 3, 2 );
- Vector_Results = new QLabel( tr( "Vector result :" ), GroupLimit, "Vector_Results" );
+ Vector_Results = new QLabel (tr("LBL_VECTOR_RESULT"), GroupLimit, "Vector_Results");
GroupLimitLayout->addWidget( Vector_Results, 4, 0 );
- VectTxt = new QLabel( tr( "Vector Txt" ), GroupLimit, "VectTxt" );
+ VectTxt = new QLabel (tr("LBL_VECTOR_TXT"), GroupLimit, "VectTxt");
GroupLimitLayout->addWidget( VectTxt, 4, 1 );
GroupLimitLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ), 4, 2 );
GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupButtons" );
GroupButtons->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 281, 48 ) );
- GroupButtons->setTitle( tr( "" ) );
+ //GroupButtons->setTitle( tr( "" ) );
GroupButtons->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
GroupButtons->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
GroupButtons->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
-VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane(QWidget * parent, bool SetPref):
+VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane::VisuGUI_ScalarBarPane (QWidget * parent, bool SetPref):
myVerX = 0.01; myVerY = 0.10; myVerW = 0.10; myVerH = 0.80;
// Range ============================================================
- RangeGroup = new QButtonGroup( tr( "Scalar range" ), this, "RangeGroup" );
+ RangeGroup = new QButtonGroup (tr("SCALAR_RANGE_GRP"), this, "RangeGroup");
RangeGroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
RangeGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
RangeGroup->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
myModeCombo->insertItem("Component 2");
myModeCombo->insertItem("Component 3");
- CBLog = new QCheckBox( tr( "Logarithmic scaling" ), RangeGroup );
+ CBLog = new QCheckBox (tr("LOGARITHMIC_SCALING"), RangeGroup);
CBLog->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- RBFrange = new QRadioButton( tr( "Use field range" ), RangeGroup, "RBFrange" );
- RBIrange = new QRadioButton( tr( "Use imposed range" ), RangeGroup, "RBIrange" );
+ RBFrange = new QRadioButton (tr("FIELD_RANGE_BTN"), RangeGroup, "RBFrange");
+ RBIrange = new QRadioButton (tr("IMPOSED_RANGE_BTN"), RangeGroup, "RBIrange");
RBFrange->setChecked( true );
MinEdit = new QLineEdit( RangeGroup, "MinEdit" );
MinEdit->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
MinEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(this) );
MinEdit->setText( "0.0" );
- QLabel* MinLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Min:" ), RangeGroup, "MinLabel" );
+ QLabel* MinLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_MIN"), RangeGroup, "MinLabel");
MaxEdit = new QLineEdit( RangeGroup, "MaxEdit" );
MaxEdit->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
MaxEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(this) );
MaxEdit->setText( "0.0" );
- QLabel* MaxLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Max:" ), RangeGroup, "MaxLabel" );
+ QLabel* MaxLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_MAX"), RangeGroup, "MaxLabel");
RangeGroupLayout->addWidget( myModeLbl, 0, 0 );
//TopLayout->addWidget( RangeGroup );
// Colors and Labels ========================================================
- QGroupBox* ColLabGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "Colors and labels" ), this, "ColLabGroup" );
+ QGroupBox* ColLabGroup = new QGroupBox (tr("COLORS_LABELS_GRP"), this, "ColLabGroup");
ColLabGroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
ColLabGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
ColLabGroup->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
ColLabGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
ColLabGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QLabel* ColorLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Nb. of colors:" ), ColLabGroup, "ColorLabel" );
+ QLabel* ColorLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_NB_COLORS"), ColLabGroup, "ColorLabel");
ColorSpin = new QSpinBox( 2, 256, 1, ColLabGroup );
ColorSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
ColorSpin->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
ColorSpin->setValue( 64 );
- QLabel* LabelLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Nb. of labels:" ), ColLabGroup, "LabelLabel" );
+ QLabel* LabelLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_NB_LABELS"), ColLabGroup, "LabelLabel");
LabelSpin = new QSpinBox( 2, 65, 1, ColLabGroup );
LabelSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
LabelSpin->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
//TopLayout->addWidget( ColLabGroup );
// Orientation ==========================================================
- QButtonGroup* OrientGroup = new QButtonGroup( tr( "Orientation" ), this, "OrientGroup" );
+ QButtonGroup* OrientGroup = new QButtonGroup (tr("ORIENTATION_GRP"), this, "OrientGroup");
OrientGroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
OrientGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
OrientGroup->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
OrientGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
OrientGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- RBvert = new QRadioButton( tr( "Vertical" ), OrientGroup, "RBvert" );
+ RBvert = new QRadioButton (tr("VERTICAL_BTN"), OrientGroup, "RBvert");
RBvert->setChecked( true );
- RBhori = new QRadioButton( tr( "Horizontal" ), OrientGroup, "RBhori" );
+ RBhori = new QRadioButton (tr("HORIZONTAL_BTN"), OrientGroup, "RBhori");
OrientGroupLayout->addWidget( RBvert, 0, 0 );
OrientGroupLayout->addWidget( RBhori, 0, 1 );
// TopLayout->addWidget( OrientGroup );
// Origin ===============================================================
- QGroupBox* OriginGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "Origin" ), this, "OriginGroup" );
+ QGroupBox* OriginGroup = new QGroupBox (tr("ORIGIN_GRP"), this, "OriginGroup");
OriginGroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
OriginGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
OriginGroup->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
OriginGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
OriginGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QLabel* XLabel = new QLabel( tr( "X:" ), OriginGroup, "XLabel" );
+ QLabel* XLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_X"), OriginGroup, "XLabel");
XSpin = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, OriginGroup );
XSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
XSpin->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
XSpin->setValue( 0.01 );
- QLabel* YLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Y:" ), OriginGroup, "YLabel" );
+ QLabel* YLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_Y"), OriginGroup, "YLabel");
YSpin = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, OriginGroup );
YSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
YSpin->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
//TopLayout->addWidget( OriginGroup );
// Dimensions =========================================================
- QGroupBox* DimGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "Dimensions" ), this, "DimGroup" );
+ QGroupBox* DimGroup = new QGroupBox (tr("DIMENSIONS_GRP"), this, "DimGroup");
DimGroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
DimGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
DimGroup->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
DimGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
DimGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- QLabel* WidthLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Width:" ), DimGroup, "WidthLabel" );
+ QLabel* WidthLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_WIDTH"), DimGroup, "WidthLabel");
WidthSpin = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, DimGroup );
WidthSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
WidthSpin->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
WidthSpin->setValue( 0.1 );
- QLabel* HeightLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Height:" ), DimGroup, "HeightLabel" );
+ QLabel* HeightLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_HEIGHT"), DimGroup, "HeightLabel");
HeightSpin = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, DimGroup );
HeightSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
HeightSpin->setMinimumWidth( 70 );
// Save check box ===========================================================
QHBox* aSaveBox = new QHBox(this);
- if ( !SetPref ) {
- CBSave = new QCheckBox( tr( "Save as default values" ), aSaveBox, "CBSave" );
- //TopLayout->addWidget( CBSave );
+ if (!SetPref) {
+ CBSave = new QCheckBox (tr("SAVE_DEFAULT_CHK"), aSaveBox, "CBSave");
+ //TopLayout->addWidget(CBSave);
else {
CBSave = 0;
double maxVal = MaxEdit->text().toDouble();
if ( RBIrange->isChecked() ) {
if (minVal >= maxVal) {
- SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,tr("WRN_VISU"),
- tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ tr("BUT_OK"));
return false;
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,
+ tr("WRN_VISU"),
- tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ tr("BUT_OK"));
return false;
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warn1( this,
+ tr("WRN_VISU"),
- tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ tr("BUT_OK"));
//MinEdit->setText( QString::number( Rmin ) );
-VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg::VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg(QWidget* parent, bool SetPref)
- : QDialog( parent, 0, true, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
+VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg::VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg (QWidget* parent, bool SetPref)
+ : QDialog(parent, 0, true, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
- setName( "VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg" );
- setCaption( SetPref ? tr( "Scalar Bar Preferences" ) : tr( "Scalar Bar Properties" ) );
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
+ setName("VisuGUI_ScalarBarDlg");
+ setCaption(SetPref ? tr("DLG_PREF_TITLE") : tr("DLG_PROP_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
QVBoxLayout* TopLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
myPrs = NULL;
- setCaption("Stream lines Preferences");
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
QVBoxLayout* aBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
aBoxLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopLayout->setMargin( 11 );
// Source box
- QGroupBox* aSourceBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Source"), aTopBox);
+ QGroupBox* aSourceBox = new QGroupBox (tr("SOURCE_GRP"), aTopBox);
aSourceBox->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
QGridLayout* aSrcLayout = new QGridLayout( aSourceBox->layout() );
aSrcLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
// connect(myUseSrcChk, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), mySrcCombo, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
aSrcLayout->addMultiCellWidget(mySrcCombo, 1, 1, 0, 1);
- QLabel* aPercentLbl = new QLabel( tr( "Used points (0..1)" ), aSourceBox);
+ QLabel* aPercentLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_USED_POINTS"), aSourceBox);
aSrcLayout->addWidget(aPercentLbl, 2, 0);
myPntPercent = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0, 1, 0.1, aSourceBox );
TopLayout->addMultiCellWidget(aSourceBox, 0, 0, 0, 1);
- QLabel* aStepLenLbl = new QLabel( tr( "Step Length" ), aTopBox);
+ QLabel* aStepLenLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_STEP_LENGTH"), aTopBox);
TopLayout->addWidget(aStepLenLbl, 1, 0);
myStepLen = new QtxDblSpinBox( DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX, 0.1, aTopBox );
myStepLen->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
TopLayout->addWidget(myStepLen, 1, 1);
connect(myStepLen, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(StepLengthChanged(double)));
- QLabel* aIntegStepLenLbl = new QLabel( tr( "Integration Step" ), aTopBox);
+ QLabel* aIntegStepLenLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_INTEGRATION_STEP"), aTopBox);
TopLayout->addWidget(aIntegStepLenLbl, 2, 0);
myIntegStepLen = new QtxDblSpinBox( DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX, 0.1, aTopBox );
myIntegStepLen->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
TopLayout->addWidget(myIntegStepLen, 2, 1);
connect(myIntegStepLen, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(IntegrationStepChanged(double)));
- QLabel* aPropagationLbl = new QLabel( tr( "Propagation Time" ), aTopBox);
+ QLabel* aPropagationLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_PROPAGATION_TIME"), aTopBox);
TopLayout->addWidget(aPropagationLbl, 3, 0);
myPropTime = new QtxDblSpinBox( DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX, 1, aTopBox );
myPropTime->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
TopLayout->addWidget(myPropTime, 3, 1);
connect(myPropTime, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(PropagationTimeChanged(double)));
- QLabel* aDirLbl = new QLabel( tr( "Direction" ),aTopBox);
+ QLabel* aDirLbl = new QLabel (tr("LBL_DIRECTION"),aTopBox);
TopLayout->addWidget(aDirLbl, 4, 0);
myDirCombo = new QComboBox(aTopBox);
TopLayout->addWidget(myDirCombo, 4, 1);
- myUseScalar = new QCheckBox( tr( "Magnitude coloring" ), aTopBox, "UseMagn" );
+ myUseScalar = new QCheckBox (tr("MAGNITUDE_COLORING_CHK"), aTopBox, "UseMagn");
connect( myUseScalar, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableSetColor() ) );
TopLayout->addWidget(myUseScalar, 5, 0);
- SelColor = new QPushButton( tr( "Use Color" ), aTopBox, "SelColor" );
+ SelColor = new QPushButton (tr("USE_COLOR_BTN"), aTopBox, "SelColor");
connect( SelColor, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( setVColor() ) );
TopLayout->addWidget( SelColor, 5, 1);
//if (!isAccepted)
- // SUIT_MessageBox::warn1(VisuGUI::application()->desktop(), tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+ // SUIT_MessageBox::warn1(VisuGUI::application()->desktop(), tr("WRN_VISU"),
- // tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ // tr("BUT_OK"));
return isAccepted;
VISU_Actor *anActor = pPresent->CreateActor();
- SUIT_MessageBox::warn1 ( VisuGUI::application()->desktop(), tr ("VISU_WARNING"),
- tr ("VISU_BUT_OK") );
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warn1 ( VisuGUI::application()->desktop(), tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+ tr("VISU_BUT_OK") );
} else {
VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg::VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
: QDialog( parent, name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
- if ( !name )
- setName( "VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg" );
- setCaption( tr( "Sweeping Preferences" ) );
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
+ if (!name)
+ setName("VisuGUI_SweepPrefDlg");
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
QVBoxLayout* TopLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
TopLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- TimeLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Time step (second):" ), TopGroup, "TimeLabel" );
+ TimeLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_TIME_STEP"), TopGroup, "TimeLabel");
TimeSpin = new QtxDblSpinBox( 0.1, 1000.0, 0.1, TopGroup );
TimeSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
TimeSpin->setMinimumSize( 70, 0 );
TimeSpin->setValue( 0.2 );
- CyclesLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Number of cycles:" ), TopGroup, "CyclesLabel" );
+ CyclesLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_NB_CYCLES"), TopGroup, "CyclesLabel");
CyclesSpin = new QSpinBox( 1, 100, 1, TopGroup, "CyclesSpin" );
CyclesSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
CyclesSpin->setMinimumSize( 70, 0 );
CyclesSpin->setValue( 1 );
- StepsLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Number of steps:" ), TopGroup, "StepsLabel" );
+ StepsLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_NB_STEPS"), TopGroup, "StepsLabel");
StepsSpin = new QSpinBox( 1, 200, 1, TopGroup, "StepsSpin" );
StepsSpin->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
StepsSpin->setMinimumSize( 70, 0 );
QHBoxLayout* aBtnLayout = new QHBoxLayout(aBtnBox->layout());
- QPushButton* aCloseBtn = new QPushButton(tr("VISU_BUT_OK"), aBtnBox);
+ QPushButton* aCloseBtn = new QPushButton(tr("BUT_OK"), aBtnBox);
connect(aCloseBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));
- tr("OK"));
+ tr("&OK"));
- tr("OK"));
+ tr("&OK"));
return true;
- QObject::tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+ QObject::tr("WRN_VISU"),
- QObject::tr("VISU_BUT_OK") );
+ QObject::tr("BUT_OK") );
return false;
VISU::Result_i* pResult = dynamic_cast<VISU::Result_i*>(VISU::GetServant(anObject).in());
if(pResult == NULL)
- QObject::tr("VISU_WARNING"),
+ QObject::tr("WRN_VISU"),
- QObject::tr("VISU_BUT_OK"));
+ QObject::tr("BUT_OK"));
return pResult;
-VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::VisuGUI_VectorsDlg( QWidget* parent )
- : QDialog( parent, "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg", true, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu )
+VisuGUI_VectorsDlg::VisuGUI_VectorsDlg (QWidget* parent)
+ : QDialog(parent, "VisuGUI_VectorsDlg", true,
+ WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu)
- setCaption( tr( "Vector Field Representation" ) );
- setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
+ setCaption(tr("DLG_TITLE"));
+ setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
QVBoxLayout* TopLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
TopLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TopGroupLayout->setMargin( 11 );
// Scale factor
- ScaleLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Scale factor:" ), TopGroup, "ScaleLabel" );
+ ScaleLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_SCALE_FACTOR"), TopGroup, "ScaleLabel");
ScalFact = new QtxDblSpinBox( 1e-20, 1.0E+38, 0.1, TopGroup );
ScalFact->setPrecision( 5 );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( ScalFact, 0, 1 );
// Line width
- LineWidLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Line width:" ), TopGroup, "LineWidLabel" );
+ LineWidLabel = new QLabel (tr("LBL_LINE_WIDTH"), TopGroup, "LineWidLabel");
LinWid = new QSpinBox( 1, 10, 1, TopGroup, "LinWid" );
LinWid->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( LinWid, 1, 1 );
// Color
- UseMagn = new QCheckBox( tr( "Magnitude coloring" ), TopGroup, "UseMagn" );
- UseMagn->setText( tr( "Magnitude coloring" ) );
- SelColor = new QPushButton( tr( "Select Color" ), TopGroup, "SelColor" );
+ UseMagn = new QCheckBox (tr("MAGNITUDE_COLORING_CHK"), TopGroup, "UseMagn");
+ //UseMagn->setText(tr("MAGNITUDE_COLORING_CHK"));
+ SelColor = new QPushButton (tr("SEL_COLOR_BTN"), TopGroup, "SelColor");
/* ColorLab = new QLabel( TopGroup, "ColorLab" );
ColorLab->setFixedSize( SelColor->sizeHint().height(), SelColor->sizeHint().height() );
TopGroupLayout->addWidget( SelColor, 2, 1 );
// Gliphs
- UseGlyph = new QCheckBox( tr( "Use glyphs" ), TopGroup, "UseGlyph" );
+ UseGlyph = new QCheckBox (tr("USE_GLYPHS_CHK"), TopGroup, "UseGlyph");
- TypeGlyph = new QButtonGroup( tr( "Glyph type" ), TopGroup, "TypeGlyph" );
+ TypeGlyph = new QButtonGroup (tr("GLYPH_TYPE_GRP"), TopGroup, "TypeGlyph");
TypeGlyph->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
TypeGlyph->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
TypeGlyph->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
TypeGlyphLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
TypeGlyphLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- RBArrows = new QRadioButton( tr( "Arrows" ), TypeGlyph, "RBArrows" );
+ RBArrows = new QRadioButton (tr("ARROWS_BTN") , TypeGlyph, "RBArrows");
TypeGlyphLayout->addWidget( RBArrows, 0, 0 );
- RBCones2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "Cones (2)" ), TypeGlyph, "RBCones2" );
+ RBCones2 = new QRadioButton (tr("CONES2_BTN"), TypeGlyph, "RBCones2");
TypeGlyphLayout->addWidget( RBCones2, 1, 0 );
- RBCones6 = new QRadioButton( tr( "Cones (6)" ), TypeGlyph, "RBCones6" );
+ RBCones6 = new QRadioButton (tr("CONES6_BTN"), TypeGlyph, "RBCones6");
TypeGlyphLayout->addWidget( RBCones6, 2, 0 );
- PosGlyph = new QButtonGroup( tr( "Glyph position" ), TopGroup, "PosGlyph" );
+ PosGlyph = new QButtonGroup (tr("GLYPH_POSITION_GRP"), TopGroup, "PosGlyph");
PosGlyph->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
PosGlyph->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
PosGlyph->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
PosGlyphLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
PosGlyphLayout->setMargin( 11 );
- RBTail = new QRadioButton( tr( "Tail" ), PosGlyph, "RBTail" );
+ RBTail = new QRadioButton (tr("TAIL_BTN" ), PosGlyph, "RBTail");
PosGlyphLayout->addWidget( RBTail, 0, 0 );
- RBCent = new QRadioButton( tr( "Center" ), PosGlyph, "RBCent" );
+ RBCent = new QRadioButton (tr("CENTER_BTN"), PosGlyph, "RBCent");
PosGlyphLayout->addWidget( RBCent, 1, 0 );
- RBHead = new QRadioButton( tr( "Head" ), PosGlyph, "RBHead" );
+ RBHead = new QRadioButton (tr("HEAD_BTN" ), PosGlyph, "RBHead");
PosGlyphLayout->addWidget( RBHead, 2, 0 );
TopGroupLayout->addMultiCellWidget( UseGlyph, 3, 3, 0, 2 );