\section MEDCouplingIntro Introduction
-The MEDCoupling module is presented under the form of a library
-libmedcoupling and interfaces. This module MEDCoupling represents the
-DataStructure designed to be exchanged by processors as well in
-parallel case in SPMD paradigm ( \ref paramedmem "ParaMEDMEM" ), as in
-distributed paradigm using CORBA. This DataStructure is \b fully
-deconnected from \ref medmem "MEDMEM". This DataStructure is light in
-order to minimize as much as possible the number of prerequisites needed
-to use it. The idea is that as this DataStructure is intended to be
-linked with all of code candidate for coupling ; the number of
-prerequisites of medcoupling has to be threfore tiny. MEDCoupling has
-been developped to comply with ICOCO API, \ref interpkernel
-"conservative interpolators" and VTK visualization
-DataStructure. The MEDCoupling DataStructures have been
-developped to be compatible with HPC constraints (compact structures,
-limitation of copies and launching of CPU consuming algorithms only when
-absolutely needed ).
-\section MEDCouplingMainBasics Basics
+\ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" is a library (\b libmedcoupling.so or \b medcoupling.dll) fully written in C++ and wrapped to be called in Python too.
-One of the most basic concept mainly used all over MEDCoupling is
-MEDCoupling array. This concept is used all over
-MEDCoupling/ParaMEDMEM/MEDLoader modules so it should be correctly
-handled to play well with \ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "Meshes" and \ref MEDCouplingFieldsP "Fields".
+\ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" C++ library implements a data structure which is the result of the following tradeoff :
+- Compliant with coupling :
+ - Fields definition defined enough to perform well defined interpolation
+ - exchangeable through process as well in parallel case in SPMD paradigm ( \ref paramedmem "ParaMEDMEM" ), as in distributed paradigm using CORBA.
+- minimize as much as possible the number of prerequisites needed to use it ; So \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" only depends from
+\ref interpkernel "INTERP_KERNEL library"
+- light enough to be agile in order to :
+ - maximize the amount of algorithms being applied on it
+ - to ease implementation of clients of \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling".
+- large enough to be used for MED file I/O.
+- compliant with VTK visualization DataStructure
+- integrate HPC constraints (compact structures, limitation of copies and launching of CPU consuming algorithms only when absolutely needed ).
+- compliant with ICOCO API
-There are two types of arrays :
- - double precision float array incarnated by ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble class.
- - integer array incarnated by ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt class.
+The \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" data structure is \b fully \b independant from those implemented in MEDMEM.
-To learn more about arrays \ref MEDCouplingArrayPage "click here for arrays documentation".
+\ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" implements a set of algorithms linked to the data structure.
\section MEDCouplingMainConc Main Concepts
-- \ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "Meshes"
-- \ref MEDCouplingFieldsP "Fields"
+Here are listed basic concepts present into \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling".
-\section MEDCouplingFirstSteps2 Building unstructured mesh from scratch
+For beginners in \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" world, it is advisable to read the following concepts in the same order than the underlying list.
-All of exemples given here make the assumption that the \c ParaMEDMEM
-namespace is visible ( by calling for example \c using \c
-namespace \c ParaMEDMEM; ).
+- \subpage MEDCouplingArrayPage "DataArrays"
+- \subpage MEDCouplingMeshesPage "Meshes"
+- \subpage MEDCouplingFieldsPage "Fields"
+- \subpage MEDCouplingFieldTemplatesPage "Field templates"
-Here we will create a mesh with spacedim==2 and meshdim==2 too with 5
-cells and 9 nodes.
-You can notice that it is possible to mix cell
-types as long as the dimension of cell is exactly equal to
-meshDim to respect \ref MEDCouplingMeshes "this rule".
+ \page MEDCouplingMeshesPage Meshes in MEDCoupling
+\section MEDCouplingMeshes Common concept shared by all type of Meshes in MEDCoupling
-double coords[18]={-0.3,-0.3, 0.2,-0.3, 0.7,-0.3, -0.3,0.2, 0.2,0.2, 0.7,0.2, -0.3,0.7, 0.2,0.7, 0.7,0.7 };
-int conn[18]={0,3,4,1, 1,4,2, 4,5,2, 6,7,4,3, 7,8,5,4};
-MEDCouplingUMesh *mesh=MEDCouplingUMesh::New();
-mesh->allocateCells(5);//You can put more than 5 if you want but not less.
-DataArrayDouble *myCoords=DataArrayDouble::New();
-myCoords->alloc(9,2);//here myCoords are declared to have 2 components, mesh will deduce that spaceDim==2
-//mesh is now usable
-//mesh is no more usefully here : release it
+A mesh has a the following properties :
+- name
+- a dimension (called mesh dimension) and only one (it implies that \b all cells constituting
+mesh have the same dimension)
+- a space dimension (relative to coordinates)
+- a number of nodes
+- a number of cells
+In MEDCoupling library there is no presence of faces nor edges.
+As a mesh has one dimension and only once, that is to say every cells in
+mesh have the same dimension called MeshDimension.
+That is to say the
+MEDMEM vocabulary of faces and edges \b do \b not \b exist \b anymore here in
+For exemple a mesh with a meshDimension equal to 1, have \b cells of type
+NORM_SEG2. An another exemple, a mesh with a meshDimension equal
+to 2, have \b cells of type
+NORM_TRI3 and NORM_POLYGON for example.
+The class that incarnates the concept described above is :
+\ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMesh.
+\section MEDCouplingMeshesAvailInstan Available instaciable mesh types in MEDCoupling
+- \subpage MEDCouplingUMeshPage "Unstructured meshes"
+- \subpage MEDCouplingCMeshPage "Cartesian meshes"
+- \subpage MEDCouplingExtrudedPage "3D Extruded meshes"
+\page MEDCouplingFieldsPage Fields in MEDCoupling
+\section MEDCouplingFields Field concept
+A field in MEDCoupling point of view, is a structure that allows to
+store a discretization of a physical value on a defined discretized spatial and
+possibly temporal support.
+The spatial support is a \ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh".
+A field is lying on an entity that will be specified by the spatial
+discretization of the field. For exemple a field on node will lie on
+all nodes of its mesh.
+A field on cell will lie on all cells of its mesh.
+Fields in MEDCoupling follow the two following rules :
+- A field will lie on \b ALL entities of its spatial support (\ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh").
+- A field has \b only \b one spatial support (\ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh") on its temporal support.
+The main properties of a field are :
+- name
+- spatial support which is a \ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh"
+- a \ref MEDCouplingSpatialDisc "spatial discretization"
+- a description of intrinsic nature of the values of field (see \ref NatureOfField). This is important for conservative interpolation (see \ref TableNatureOfField).
+- a temporal discretization that specifies, if it exists, the time interval on which the field is covering, and how.
+- number of components
+This definition of field in MEDCoupling allows an instance of field to
+know at any point inside its spatial-temporal support the value.
+The class that incarnates the concept described above is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble.
+Some of most important implemented methods are :
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::getNumberOfComponents "getNumberOfComponents"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::getValueOn "getValueOn"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::applyFunc "applyFunc"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::addFields "cross instances operations"
+\section MEDCouplingSpatialDisc Spatial discretization concept
+This is the concept that makes the link, independantly from temporal
+discretization, between the field and its spatial support(\ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh"). This
+concept allows the field to make a check and interpretation of an
+array of values given a spatial support (\ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh").
+The abstract class that incarnates the concept is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization.
+The most important pure virtual methods are :
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization::getNumberOfTuples "getnumberOfTuples"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization::getValueOn "getValueOn"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization::getMeasureField "getMeasureField"
+\section MEDCouplingTemporalDisc Temporal discretization concept
+This information allows, independantly from spatial discretization, to
+associate a time interval, if it exists, on which the field will be
+defined. This concept is able to give the value at any time of
+the definition interval (if any).
+The abstract class \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization
+incarnates this described concept.
+This classes and its subclasses are responsible in storing the arrays
+of the aggregating field.
+The most important methods are :
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::setTime "setTime" and \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getTime "getTime"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getArray "getArray" and \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::setArray "setArray"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getArraysForTime "getArraysForTime"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getValueForTime "getValueForTime"
\section MEDCouplingFirstSteps3 Building a field from scratch
- \page MEDCouplingMeshesP Meshes in MEDCoupling
-\section MEDCouplingMeshes Common concept shared by all type of Meshes
-A mesh has a the following properties :
-- name
-- a dimension (called mesh dimension) and only one (it implies that \b all cells constituting
-mesh have the same dimension)
-- a space dimension (relative to coordinates)
-- a number of nodes
-- a number of cells
-In MEDCoupling library there is no presence of faces nor edges.
-As a mesh has one dimension and only once, that is to say every cells in
-mesh have the same dimension called MeshDimension.
-That is to say the
-MEDMEM vocabulary of faces and edges \b do \b not \b exist \b anymore here in
-For exemple a mesh with a meshDimension equal to 1, have \b cells of type
-NORM_SEG2. An another exemple, a mesh with a meshDimension equal
-to 2, have \b cells of type
-NORM_TRI3 and NORM_POLYGON for example.
-The class that incarnates the concept described above is :
-\ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMesh.
-\section MEDCouplingUMeshes Unstructured meshes
-An unstructured mesh is defined by :
-- a point clouds where the explicit
-coordinates of each point must be specified.
-- nodal connectivity that specifies for each cell, the points in the
-previous point clouds that constitutes the cell.
-As unstructured mesh is dynamically defined enough, this struture is
-used by MEDCoupling to instanciate degenerated meshes as :
-- points cloud only meshes. This type of mesh will have mesh dimension
- == 0
-- abstract meshes containing only one cell that covers a potentially
- infinite space. This abstract mesh is used as support of fields
- containing only one integrated value. This is typically used to
- represent fields used by system code. This type of mesh will have
- mesh dimension equal to -1.
-The norm used for cells connectivity of different types, is the same as specified in MED file except
-that connectivities are in represented in \b C \b format and \b not \b in
-\b FORTRAN \b format !
-The class in charge to dealt with the described concept is \ref
-ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh. This class inherits
-from \ref MEDCouplingPointSets "PointSet" abstract meshes.
-\section MEDCouplingPointSets PointSet
-This is a \b non \b instanciable class that deals with set of points without
-any connectivity aspect.
-The class that incarnates this concept in
-MEDCoupling is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet.
-This class is in charge to perform whole or part of algorithms of
-its subclasses (\ref
-ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh "MEDCouplingUMesh" and \ref
-ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMeshDesc "MEDCouplingUMeshDesc") for
-factorization reasons.
-Some of most important implemented methods are :
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::getSpaceDimension "getSpaceDimension"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::getNumberOfNodes "getNumberOfNodes"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::rotate "rotate"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::translate "translate"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::scale "scale"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::findCommonNodes "findCommonNodes"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::renumberNodes "renumberNodes"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::getBoundingBox "getBoundingBox"
-\section MEDCouplingCMeshs Cartesian Mesh
-A cartesian mesh is a mesh that represents structured mesh whose nodes
-are arranged along axes of trihedron. To instanciate an object of this
-type, only n arrays are needed. In this type of mesh space dimension
-\b and mesh dimension are equals and the value is n. The n arrays will have only one component and the values
-contained in these arrays will be ascendantly sorted.
-The class that incarnates this concept in MEDCoupling is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingCMesh.
-\section MEDCouplingExtrudedMeshes Extruded Mesh
-An extruded mesh is a mesh also called 2.5 D. It a convolution of 2D
-unstructured mesh with 1D unstructured mesh. The problem is that this
-type of mesh is not managed by any file format that's why to build an
-instance of this mesh you need 3D unstructured mesh and a 2D
-unstructured mesh lying on the same coordinates. The advantage of this
-structure is that the interpolation time is optimized.
-The class that incarnates this concept in MEDCoupling is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingExtrudedMesh.
-\page MEDCouplingFieldsP Fields in MEDCoupling
-\section MEDCouplingFields Field concept
-A field in MEDCoupling point of view, is a structure that allows to
-store a discretization of a physical value on a defined discretized spatial and
-possibly temporal support.
-The spatial support is a \ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "mesh".
-A field is lying on an entity that will be specified by the spatial
-discretization of the field. For exemple a field on node will lie on
-all nodes of its mesh.
-A field on cell will lie on all cells of its mesh.
-Fields in MEDCoupling follow the two following rules :
-- A field will lie on \b ALL entities of its spatial support (\ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "mesh").
-- A field has \b only \b one spatial support (\ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "mesh") on its temporal support.
-The main properties of a field are :
-- name
-- spatial support which is a \ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "mesh"
-- a \ref MEDCouplingSpatialDisc "spatial discretization"
-- a description of intrinsic nature of the values of field (see \ref NatureOfField). This is important for conservative interpolation (see \ref TableNatureOfField).
-- a temporal discretization that specifies, if it exists, the time interval on which the field is covering, and how.
-- number of components
-This definition of field in MEDCoupling allows an instance of field to
-know at any point inside its spatial-temporal support the value.
-The class that incarnates the concept described above is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble.
-Some of most important implemented methods are :
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::getNumberOfComponents "getNumberOfComponents"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::getValueOn "getValueOn"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::applyFunc "applyFunc"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::addFields "cross instances operations"
-\section MEDCouplingSpatialDisc Spatial discretization concept
-This is the concept that makes the link, independantly from temporal
-discretization, between the field and its spatial support(\ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "mesh"). This
-concept allows the field to make a check and interpretation of an
-array of values given a spatial support (\ref MEDCouplingMeshesP "mesh").
-The abstract class that incarnates the concept is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization.
-The most important pure virtual methods are :
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization::getNumberOfTuples "getnumberOfTuples"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization::getValueOn "getValueOn"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization::getMeasureField "getMeasureField"
-\section MEDCouplingTemporalDisc Temporal discretization concept
-This information allows, independantly from spatial discretization, to
-associate a time interval, if it exists, on which the field will be
-defined. This concept is able to give the value at any time of
-the definition interval (if any).
-The abstract class \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization
-incarnates this described concept.
-This classes and its subclasses are responsible in storing the arrays
-of the aggregating field.
-The most important methods are :
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::setTime "setTime" and \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getTime "getTime"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getArray "getArray" and \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::setArray "setArray"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getArraysForTime "getArraysForTime"
-- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization::getValueForTime "getValueForTime"
\section MEDCouplingArrayIntro Introduction
-This page will try to describe data arrays in MEDCoupling. Presently,
-in MEDCoupling it exists two types of arrays :
+One of the most basic concept mainly used all over MEDCoupling is
+MEDCoupling array.
+This concept is used all over
+\ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling", \ref paramedmem "ParaMEDMEM", \ref medloader "MEDLoader" modules so it should be correctly
+handled to play well with \ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "Meshes" and \ref MEDCouplingFieldsPage "Fields".
-- double precision array incarnated by ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble class.
-- signed integer (32 bits) array incarnated by ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt class.
+There are for the moment two types of arrays :
+ - double precision float (64 bits) array incarnated by ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble class.
+ - signed integer (32 bits) array incarnated by ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt class.
\section MEDCouplingArrayBasics Basics concepts
+ \page MEDCouplingUMeshPage Unstructured meshes in MEDCoupling
+An unstructured mesh in \ref medcoupling MEDCoupling is defined by :
+ - a point clouds where the explicit coordinates of each point must be specified (inherited from \ref MEDCouplingPointSetPage "MEDCouplingPointSet class").
+ - nodal connectivity that specifies for each cell, the points in the previous point clouds that constitutes the cell.
+As unstructured mesh is dynamically defined enough, this class is also used by MEDCoupling to instanciate degenerated meshes as :
+- points cloud only meshes. This type of mesh will have mesh dimension 0.
+- abstract meshes containing only one cell that covers a potentially
+ infinite space. This abstract mesh is used as support of fields
+ containing only one integrated value. This is typically used to
+ represent fields used by system code. This type of mesh will have
+ mesh dimension equal to -1.
+The norm used for cells connectivity of different types, is the same as specified in MED file except
+that connectivities are in represented in \b C \b format and \b not \b in \b FORTRAN \b format !
+The class that incarnates the described concept is : ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh.
+\n This class inherits from ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet abstract class.
+\n So \ref MEDCouplingUMeshPage "MEDCouplingUMesh" inherits from all \ref MEDCouplingPointSetPage "point set features".
+\section MEDCouplingUMeshStdBuild Standard building of an unstructured mesh from scratch
+The described method here is called standard, because no special knowledge of underneath nodal connectivity is needed here.
+This method of building unstructured mesh is easiest but not the most CPU/memory efficient one.
+All of exemples given here make the assumption that the \c ParaMEDMEM namespace is visible ( by calling for example \c using \c namespace \c ParaMEDMEM; ).
+Here we will create a mesh with spacedim==3 and meshdim==2. \b mesh contains 5 cells (with geometric type INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_TRI3, INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4)
+and 9 nodes.
+You can notice that it is possible to mix cell types as long as the dimension of cell is exactly equal to meshDim to respect \ref MEDCouplingMeshes "this rule".
+\subpage medcouplingcppexamplesUmeshStdBuild1 "Here the C++ implementation."
+\subpage medcouplingpyexamplesUmeshStdBuild1 "Here the Python implementation."
+\section MEDCouplingUMeshAdvBuild Advanced building of an unstructured mesh from scratch
+Here we are going to build the mesh in a more advanced manner. This method expects that the user knows the storage format underlying ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh.
+The same mesh than \ref MEDCouplingUMeshStdBuild "in the standard section above" is going to be implemented using advanced method.
+\subpage medcouplingcppexamplesUmeshAdvBuild1 "Here the C++ implementation."
+\subpage medcouplingpyexamplesUmeshAdvBuild1 "Here the Python implementation."
+ \page MEDCouplingPointSetPage Point set meshes in MEDCoupling
+This is a \b non \b instanciable class that implements many algorithm working only on a set of points without any connectivity aspect.
+The presence of this class is only for factorization reasons.
+The class that incarnates this concept in \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling" is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet.
+Instanciable class ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh inherits from ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet.
+Some of most important implemented methods by \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet "MEDCouplingPointSet" class are :
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::getSpaceDimension "getSpaceDimension"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::getNumberOfNodes "getNumberOfNodes"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::rotate "rotate"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::translate "translate"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::scale "scale"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::findCommonNodes "findCommonNodes"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::renumberNodes "renumberNodes"
+- \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::getBoundingBox "getBoundingBox"
+ \page MEDCouplingCMeshPage Cartesian meshes in MEDCoupling
+A cartesian mesh is a mesh that represents structured mesh whose nodes are arranged along axes of trihedron. To instanciate an object of this
+type, only n arrays are needed. In this type of mesh space dimension \b and mesh dimension are equals and the value is n.
+The n arrays will have only one component and the values contained in these arrays will be ascendantly sorted.
+The class that incarnates the described concept is : ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingCMesh.
+ \page MEDCouplingExtrudedPage 3D Extruded meshes in MEDCoupling
+An extruded mesh is a mesh also called 2.5 D. It a convolution of 2D
+unstructured mesh with 1D unstructured mesh. The problem is that this
+type of mesh is not managed by any file format that's why to build an
+instance of this mesh you need 3D unstructured mesh and a 2D
+unstructured mesh lying on the same coordinates. The advantage of this
+structure is that the interpolation time is optimized.
+The class that incarnates this concept in MEDCoupling is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingExtrudedMesh.
+ \page MEDCouplingFieldTemplatesPage Field templates in MEDCoupling
+This concept appears in ICOCO API.
+field template is the adequate datastructure to perform costly interpolation matrix computation as \ref RemapperClasses "Remapper class" does.
+So, a field template can be seen as field without double values. The double values are only used for light matrix vector multiplication.
+Concretely a field template is a pair containing :
+- a \ref MEDCouplingMeshesPage "mesh"
+- a spatial discretization (on cells, on nodes, on gauss points (including localizations, reference elements), )
\ No newline at end of file
+void CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1()
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_1]
+ double coords[27]={-0.3,-0.3,0., 0.2,-0.3,0., 0.7,-0.3,0., -0.3,0.2,0., 0.2,0.2,0.,
+ 0.7,0.2,0., -0.3,0.7,0., 0.2,0.7,0., 0.7,0.7,0. };
+ int nodalConnPerCell[18]={0,3,4,1, 1,4,2, 4,5,2, 6,7,4,3, 7,8,5,4};
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_1]
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_2]
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *mesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New("My2DMesh",2);
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_2]
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_3]
+ mesh->allocateCells(5);//You can put more than 5 if you want but not less.
+ mesh->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4,4,nodalConnPerCell);
+ mesh->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_TRI3,3,nodalConnPerCell+4);
+ mesh->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_TRI3,3,nodalConnPerCell+7);
+ mesh->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4,4,nodalConnPerCell+10);
+ mesh->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4,4,nodalConnPerCell+14);
+ mesh->finishInsertingCells();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_3]
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_4]
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *myCoords=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ myCoords->alloc(9,3);//here myCoords are declared to have 3 components, mesh will deduce that its spaceDim==3.
+ std::copy(coords,coords+27,myCoords->getPointer());
+ mesh->setCoords(myCoords);//myCorrds contains 9 tuples, that is to say mesh contains 9 nodes.
+ myCoords->decrRef();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_4]
+ mesh->checkCoherency();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_5]
+ mesh->decrRef();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1_5]
+void CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1()
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_1]
+ double coords[27]={-0.3,-0.3,0., 0.2,-0.3,0., 0.7,-0.3,0., -0.3,0.2,0., 0.2,0.2,0.,
+ 0.7,0.2,0., -0.3,0.7,0., 0.2,0.7,0., 0.7,0.7,0. };
+ int nodalConnPerCell[23]={4,0,3,4,1, 3,1,4,2, 3,4,5,2, 4,6,7,4,3, 4,7,8,5,4};
+ int nodalConnPerCellIndex[6]={0,5,9,13,18,23};
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_1]
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_2]
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *mesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New("My2DMesh",2);
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_2]
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_3]
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt *nodalConn=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ nodalConn->alloc(23,1);
+ std::copy(nodalConnPerCell,nodalConnPerCell+23,nodalConn->getPointer());
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt *nodalConnI=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ nodalConnI->alloc(6,1);
+ std::copy(nodalConnPerCellIndex,nodalConnPerCellIndex+6,nodalConnI->getPointer());
+ mesh->setConnectivity(nodalConn,nodalConnI,true);
+ nodalConn->decrRef();// nodalConn DataArrayInt instance is owned by mesh after call to setConnectivity method. No more need here -> decrRef()
+ nodalConnI->decrRef();// nodalConnI DataArrayInt instance is owned by mesh after call to setConnectivity method. No more need here -> decrRef()
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_3]
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_4]
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *myCoords=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ myCoords->alloc(9,3);//here myCoords are declared to have 3 components, mesh will deduce that its spaceDim==3.
+ std::copy(coords,coords+27,myCoords->getPointer());
+ mesh->setCoords(myCoords);//myCorrds contains 9 tuples, that is to say mesh contains 9 nodes.
+ myCoords->decrRef();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_4]
+ mesh->checkCoherency();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_5]
+ mesh->decrRef();
+ //! [CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_5]
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ CppSnippetUMeshStdBuild1();
+ CppSnippetUMeshAdvBuild1();
return 0;
+ def testExampleUMeshStdBuild1(self):
+ coords=[-0.3,-0.3,0., 0.2,-0.3,0., 0.7,-0.3,0., -0.3,0.2,0., 0.2,0.2,0.,
+ 0.7,0.2,0., -0.3,0.7,0., 0.2,0.7,0., 0.7,0.7,0. ]
+ nodalConnPerCell=[0,3,4,1, 1,4,2, 4,5,2, 6,7,4,3, 7,8,5,4]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_1]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_2]
+ mesh=MEDCouplingUMesh.New("My2DMesh",2)
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_2]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_3]
+ mesh.allocateCells(5)#You can put more than 5 if you want but not less.
+ mesh.insertNextCell(NORM_QUAD4,nodalConnPerCell[:4])
+ mesh.insertNextCell(NORM_TRI3,nodalConnPerCell[4:7])
+ mesh.insertNextCell(NORM_TRI3,nodalConnPerCell[7:10])
+ mesh.insertNextCell(NORM_QUAD4,nodalConnPerCell[10:14])
+ mesh.insertNextCell(NORM_QUAD4,nodalConnPerCell[14:])
+ mesh.finishInsertingCells()
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_3]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_4]
+ myCoords=DataArrayDouble.New(coords,9,3)#here myCoords are declared to have 3 components, mesh will deduce that its spaceDim==3.
+ mesh.setCoords(myCoords)#myCorrds contains 9 tuples, that is to say mesh contains 9 nodes.
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_4]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_5]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshStdBuild1_5]
+ mesh.checkCoherency()
+ pass
+ def testExampleUMeshAdvBuild1(self):
+ coords=[-0.3,-0.3,0., 0.2,-0.3,0., 0.7,-0.3,0., -0.3,0.2,0., 0.2,0.2,0.,
+ 0.7,0.2,0., -0.3,0.7,0., 0.2,0.7,0., 0.7,0.7,0. ]
+ nodalConnPerCell=[4,0,3,4,1, 3,1,4,2, 3,4,5,2, 4,6,7,4,3, 4,7,8,5,4]
+ nodalConnPerCellIndex=[0,5,9,13,18,23]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_1]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_2]
+ mesh=MEDCouplingUMesh.New("My2DMesh",2)
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_2]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_3]
+ nodalConn=DataArrayInt.New(nodalConnPerCell,23,1)
+ nodalConnI=DataArrayInt.New(nodalConnPerCellIndex,6,1)
+ mesh.setConnectivity(nodalConn,nodalConnI,True)
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_3]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_4]
+ myCoords=DataArrayDouble.New(coords,9,3)#here myCoords are declared to have 3 components, mesh will deduce that its spaceDim==3.
+ mesh.setCoords(myCoords)#myCorrds contains 9 tuples, that is to say mesh contains 9 nodes.
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_4]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_5]
+# ! [PySnippetUMeshAdvBuild1_5]
+ mesh.checkCoherency()
+ pass