if product_info.get_source == "native":
- # skip
- logger.write('%s ' % src.printcolors.printc(src.OK_STATUS),
- 3,
- False)
- msg = _('INFORMATION : Not doing anything because the product'
- ' is of type "native".\n')
- logger.write(msg, 3)
- return True
+ # for native products we check the corresponding system packages are installed
+ logger.write("Native : Checking system packages are installed\n" , 3)
+ check_cmd=src.system.get_pkg_check_cmd() # (either rmp or apt)
+ run_pkg,build_pkg=src.product.check_system_dep(check_cmd, product_info)
+ result=True
+ for pkg in run_pkg:
+ logger.write(" - "+pkg + " : " + run_pkg[pkg], 1)
+ if "KO" in run_pkg[pkg]:
+ result=False
+ for pkg in build_pkg:
+ logger.write(" - "+pkg + " : " + build_pkg[pkg], 1)
+ if "KO" in build_pkg[pkg]:
+ result=False
+ if result==False:
+ logger.error("some system dependencies are missing, please install them with "+\
+ check_cmd[0])
+ return result
if product_info.get_source == "fixed":
# skip