// Handling data
std::list<std::string> aListOfMedias;
- std::map<std::wstring, std::string> aListOfVolumes;
- std::map<std::string, std::vector <std::array<std::string, 2>>> aCopyData;
// Add feature in the file
std::list<FeaturePtr> aFeatures = document()->allFeatures();
else if (aFeature->getKind() == "Volume")
- std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDimensions;
- aFeatureDimensions = ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot::computeVolume(aFeature);
- std::wstring anObjectName = aFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
+ std::list<std::map<std::string, std::string>> aFeatureDimensionsList;
+ aFeatureDimensionsList = ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot::computeVolume(aFeature);
+ const std::list<ResultPtr> &aResultList = aFeature->results();
+ auto aResIt = aResultList.begin();
- //Filter on already created medias
- std::list<std::string>::iterator anIter = std::find(aListOfMedias.begin(), aListOfMedias.end(), aFeatureDimensions["medium"]);
- if (anIter != aListOfMedias.end())
- anAlgo->buildVolume(anObjectName, aFeatureDimensions, -1);
- else
+ std::list<std::map<std::string, std::string>>::iterator itList = aFeatureDimensionsList.begin();
+ for (; itList != aFeatureDimensionsList.end(); ++itList)
- aListOfMedias.push_back(aFeatureDimensions["medium"]);
- anAlgo->buildVolume(anObjectName, aFeatureDimensions, ++aMediumIndex);
- }
- // Add volume to known ones with no translation
- aListOfVolumes[anObjectName] = "";
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDimensions = *itList;
+ std::wstring anObjectName = (*aResIt)->data()->name();
+ // Filter on already created medias
+ std::list<std::string>::iterator anIter = std::find(aListOfMedias.begin(), aListOfMedias.end(), aFeatureDimensions["medium"]);
+ if (anIter != aListOfMedias.end())
+ anAlgo->buildVolume(anObjectName, aFeatureDimensions, -1);
+ else
+ {
+ aListOfMedias.push_back(aFeatureDimensions["medium"]);
+ anAlgo->buildVolume(anObjectName, aFeatureDimensions, ++aMediumIndex);
+ }
+ aResIt++;
+ }
else if (aFeature->getKind() == "AddNode")
- {
- std::map<std::string, std::wstring> aFeatureDimensions;
- aFeatureDimensions = ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot::computeAddNode(aFeature);
- std::wstring anObjectName = aFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
- //Filter copied volumes
- auto anIter = aListOfVolumes.find(aFeatureDimensions["tool"]);
- if (anIter != aListOfVolumes.end())
- anAlgo->buildAddNode(aFeatureDimensions, anIter->second, aCopyData);
- }
- else if (aFeature->getKind() == "Copy")
- {
- std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::array<std::string, 2>>> aFeatureDimensions;
- aFeatureDimensions = ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot::computeCopy(aFeature);
- aCopyData.insert(aFeatureDimensions.begin(), aFeatureDimensions.end());
- }
- else if (aFeature->getKind() == "Translation")
std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDimensions;
- aFeatureDimensions = ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot::computeTranslation(aFeature);
- if (aFeatureDimensions.size())
- {
- std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it;
- for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = aFeatureDimensions.begin(); it != aFeatureDimensions.end(); it++)
- {
- std::wstring aWStr(it->first.begin(), it->first.end());
- if (aListOfVolumes.find(aWStr) != aListOfVolumes.end())
- aListOfVolumes[aWStr] = it->second;
- else
- {
- for (auto jt = aCopyData.begin(); jt != aCopyData.end(); jt++)
- for (int k = 0; k < jt->second.size(); k++ )
- if (jt->second[k][0] == it->first)
- jt->second[k][1] = it->second;
- }
- }
- } else {std::cout << "Ignoring translation" << std::endl;} //Filter translation not on volume or addNode
+ aFeatureDimensions = ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot::computeAddNode(aFeature);
+ anAlgo->buildAddNode(aFeatureDimensions);
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include <FeaturesPlugin_Copy.h>
-#include <FeaturesPlugin_Translation.h>
#include <PrimitivesPlugin_Box.h>
#include <PrimitivesPlugin_Cylinder.h>
#include <GeomAlgoAPI_PointBuilder.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeInteger.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
#include <string>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
#include "math.h"
namespace ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot
- std::map<std::string, std::string> computeVolume(FeaturePtr theFeature)
+ std::list<std::map<std::string, std::string>> computeVolume(FeaturePtr theFeature)
std::string aMedium;
+ std::list<std::map<std::string, std::string>> aVolList;
//Get attributes
aMedium = (theFeature->data()->string(OperaPlugin_Volume::MEDIUM_ID())->value());
- AttributeSelectionPtr aSel = theFeature->data()->selectionList(OperaPlugin_Volume::OBJECTS_LIST_ID())->value(0);
- //Get feature
- ResultPtr aResult = aSel->context();
- FeaturePtr aSelFeature = aResult->document()->feature(aResult);
- std::string aKind = aSelFeature->getKind();
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aSelList = theFeature->data()->selectionList(OperaPlugin_Volume::OBJECTS_LIST_ID());
+ std::cout << "size = " << aSelList->size() << std::endl;
- //Data out
- std::wstring aWShapeName = aResult ? aResult->data()->name() : aSelFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
- std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDim;
- aFeatureDim["medium"] = aMedium;
+ for (int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aSelList->size(); ++anIndex)
+ {
+ std::cout << "i = " << anIndex << std::endl;
+ // Get feature
+ ResultPtr aResult = aSelList->value(anIndex)->context();
+ FeaturePtr aSelFeature = aResult->document()->feature(aResult);
+ std::string aKind = aSelFeature->getKind();
+ // Data out
+ std::wstring aWShapeName = aResult ? aResult->data()->name() : aSelFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDim;
+ aFeatureDim["medium"] = aMedium;
- std::string aShapeName(aWShapeName.begin(), aWShapeName.end());
- aFeatureDim["shape"] = aShapeName;
+ std::string aShapeName(aWShapeName.begin(), aWShapeName.end());
+ aFeatureDim["shape"] = aShapeName;
- return aFeatureDim;
+ aVolList.push_back(aFeatureDim);
+ }
+ return aVolList;
- std::map<std::string, std::wstring> computeAddNode(FeaturePtr theFeature)
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> computeAddNode(FeaturePtr theFeature)
//Get attributes
std::string aMedium;
// Get attributes
AttributeSelectionPtr aMainSel = theFeature->data()->selection(OperaPlugin_AddNode::MAIN_OBJECT_ID());
AttributeSelectionPtr aToolSel = theFeature->data()->selection(OperaPlugin_AddNode::TOOL_OBJECT_ID());
+ double DX = (theFeature->data()->real(OperaPlugin_AddNode::DX_ID())->value());
+ double DY = (theFeature->data()->real(OperaPlugin_AddNode::DY_ID())->value());
+ double DZ = (theFeature->data()->real(OperaPlugin_AddNode::DZ_ID())->value());
// Get main data
ResultPtr aMainResult = aMainSel->context();
ResultPtr aToolResult = aToolSel->context();
FeaturePtr aToolSelFeature = aToolResult->document()->feature(aToolResult);
std::wstring aWToolName = aToolResult ? aToolResult->data()->name() : aToolSelFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
+ //Convert Wstring to string
+ std::string aMainName(aWMainName.begin(), aWMainName.end());
+ std::string aToolName(aWToolName.begin(), aWToolName.end());
// Data out
- std::map<std::string, std::wstring> aFeatureDim;
- aFeatureDim["main"] = aWMainName;
- aFeatureDim["tool"] = aWToolName;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDim;
+ aFeatureDim["main"] = aMainName;
+ aFeatureDim["tool"] = aToolName;
+ aFeatureDim["dx"] = std::to_string(DX);
+ aFeatureDim["dy"] = std::to_string(DY);
+ aFeatureDim["dz"] = std::to_string(DZ);
return aFeatureDim;
- //===============================================================================================
- std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::array<std ::string, 2>>> computeCopy(FeaturePtr theFeature)
- {
- // Initialisation
- std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::array<std :: string, 2>>> aFeatureDim;
- // Get attributes
- AttributeSelectionListPtr aBaseObjectList = theFeature->data()->selectionList(FeaturesPlugin_Copy::OBJECTS());
- int aNumberOfCopies = theFeature->data()->integer(FeaturesPlugin_Copy::NUMBER())->value();
- for (int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aBaseObjectList->size(); ++anIndex)
- {
- AttributeSelectionPtr aSelection = aBaseObjectList->value(anIndex);
- ResultPtr aMainResult = aSelection->context();
- FeaturePtr aSelectionFeature = aMainResult->document()->feature(aMainResult);
- std::wstring aWSelName = aMainResult ? aMainResult->data()->name() : aSelectionFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
- std::string aSelName(aWSelName.begin(), aWSelName.end());
- std::vector<std::array<std::string, 2>> aNewBaseCopies;
- for (int i = 0; i < aNumberOfCopies; i++)
- {
- std::array <std::string, 2> aNewCopy = {aSelName + "_" + std::to_string(i+1), "0,0,0"}; //TODO : Get "copy result name"
- aNewBaseCopies.push_back(aNewCopy);
- }
- aFeatureDim[aSelName] = aNewBaseCopies;
- }
- return aFeatureDim;
- }
- //===============================================================================================
- std::map<std::string, std::string> computeTranslation(FeaturePtr theFeature)
- {
- AttributeStringPtr aMethodTypeAttr = theFeature->data()->string(FeaturesPlugin_Translation::CREATION_METHOD());
- std::string aMethodType = aMethodTypeAttr->value();
- if (aMethodType == FeaturesPlugin_Translation::CREATION_METHOD_BY_DIMENSIONS())
- {
- double DX, DY, DZ;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDim;
- DX = (theFeature->data()->real(FeaturesPlugin_Translation::DX_ID())->value());
- DY = (theFeature->data()->real(FeaturesPlugin_Translation::DY_ID())->value());
- DZ = (theFeature->data()->real(FeaturesPlugin_Translation::DZ_ID())->value());
- AttributeSelectionListPtr aBaseObjectList = theFeature->data()->selectionList(FeaturesPlugin_Translation::OBJECTS_LIST_ID());
- for (int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aBaseObjectList->size(); ++anIndex)
- {
- //Get new target object name
- AttributeSelectionPtr aSelection = aBaseObjectList->value(anIndex);
- ResultPtr aMainResult = aSelection->context();
- FeaturePtr aSelectionFeature = aMainResult->document()->feature(aMainResult);
- std::wstring aWSelName = aMainResult ? aMainResult->data()->name() : aSelectionFeature->firstResult()->data()->name();
- std::string aSelName(aWSelName.begin(), aWSelName.end());
- //Add it to translated objects
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << DX << "," << DY << "," << DZ;
- std::string aTrStr = ss.str();
- aFeatureDim[aSelName] = aTrStr;
- }
- return aFeatureDim;
- }
- else
- {
- std::map<std::string, std::string> aFeatureDim;
- return aFeatureDim;
- }
- }
} // namespace ExchangePlugin_ExportRoot
/// \param[out] theDimensions dimensions of the box
EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, double> computeBox(FeaturePtr theFeature);
EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, double> computeCylinder(FeaturePtr theFeature);
- EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> computeVolume(FeaturePtr theFeature);
- EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::wstring> computeAddNode(FeaturePtr theFeature);
- EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::array<std ::string, 2>>> computeCopy(FeaturePtr theFeature);
- EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> computeTranslation(FeaturePtr theFeature);
+ EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::list<std::map<std::string, std::string>> computeVolume(FeaturePtr theFeature);
+ EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> computeAddNode(FeaturePtr theFeature);
#include <map>
#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "math.h"
static std::string doubleToString(const double &theValue)
-void GeomAlgoAPI_ROOTExport::buildAddNode(const std::map<std::string, std::wstring> theFeatureDim,
- const std::string theVolumeTranslation,
- const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::array<std::string, 2>>> theCopyData)
+void GeomAlgoAPI_ROOTExport::buildAddNode(const std::map<std::string, std::string> theFeatureDim)
static int theAddNodeIndex = 0;
- std::string aMainName(theFeatureDim["main"].begin(), theFeatureDim["main"].end());
- std::string aToolName(theFeatureDim["tool"].begin(), theFeatureDim["tool"].end());
+ //Create string for translation
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << theFeatureDim["dx"] << "," << theFeatureDim["dy"] << "," << theFeatureDim["dz"];
+ std::string aVolumeTranslation = ss.str();
+ //Write content
myContent << "\t"
<< "//Exporting AddNode " << theAddNodeIndex << std::endl;
- if (theVolumeTranslation.empty())
- {
- myContent << "\t"
- << aMainName << "->AddNode(" << aToolName << ", " << ++theAddNodeIndex << ");"
- << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- myContent << "\t"
- << aMainName << "->AddNode(" << aToolName << ", " << ++theAddNodeIndex << ", "
- << "new TGeoTranslation(" << theVolumeTranslation << "));"
- << std::endl;
- }
- for (auto const &[key, val] : theCopyData){
- if (key == aToolName){
- for (auto& el: val){
- myContent << "\t"
- << aMainName << "->AddNode(" << aToolName << ", " << ++theAddNodeIndex << ", "
- << "new TGeoTranslation(" << el[1] <<"));"
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
+ myContent << "\t"
+ << theFeatureDim["main"] << "->AddNode(" << theFeatureDim["tool"] << ", " << ++theAddNodeIndex << ", "
+ << "new TGeoTranslation(" << aVolumeTranslation << "));"
+ << std::endl;
myContent << std::endl;
const int theMediumIndex);
/// Build AddNode
- GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT void buildAddNode(const std::map<std::string, std::wstring> theFeatureDim,
- const std::string theVolumeTranslation,
- const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::array<std::string, 2>>> theCopyData);
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT void buildAddNode(const std::map<std::string, std::string> theFeatureDim);
/// Build Medium
GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT void addMedium(const std::string theMediumName);
virtual ~OperaAPI_AddNode();
- INTERFACE_2(OperaPlugin_AddNode::ID(),
+ INTERFACE_5(OperaPlugin_AddNode::ID(),
mainObject, OperaPlugin_AddNode::MAIN_OBJECT_ID(),
ModelAPI_AttributeSelection, /** Main Object */,
toolObject, OperaPlugin_AddNode::TOOL_OBJECT_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeSelection, /** Tool Object*/)
+ ModelAPI_AttributeSelection, /** Tool Object*/,
+ dx, OperaPlugin_AddNode::DX_ID(),
+ ModelAPI_AttributeDouble, /** DX Value*/,
+ dy, OperaPlugin_AddNode::DY_ID(),
+ ModelAPI_AttributeDouble, /** DX Value*/,
+ dz, OperaPlugin_AddNode::DZ_ID(),
+ ModelAPI_AttributeDouble, /** DX Value*/)
/// Set main object
#include "OperaPlugin_AddNode.h"
-#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
OperaPlugin_AddNode::OperaPlugin_AddNode() // Nothing to do during instantiation
data()->addAttribute(MAIN_OBJECT_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
data()->addAttribute(TOOL_OBJECT_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(DX_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeDouble::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(DY_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeDouble::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(DZ_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeDouble::typeId());
void OperaPlugin_AddNode::handleNaming(const GeomMakeShapePtr& theBoolAlgo,
const GeomShapePtr theTool,
+std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> OperaPlugin_AddNode::getBoundingBoxCenter(const GeomShapePtr &theShape)
+ // Bounding point min/max coordinates
+ std::string anError;
+ double aXmin, aXmax, aYmin, aYmax, aZmin, aZmax;
+ // Bounding box points
+ if (!GetBoundingBox(theShape, aXmin, aXmax, aYmin, aYmax, aZmin, aZmax, anError))
+ return NULL;
+ //Retrun middle point from bounding box
+ return (GeomAlgoAPI_PointBuilder::vertex((aXmin + aXmax) / 2, (aYmin + aYmax) / 2, (aZmin + aZmax) / 2))->point();
void OperaPlugin_AddNode::performAlgo(const GeomShapePtr& theObject,
GeomShapePtr theTool,
const ListOfShape& theToolsList)
- //Intersecting tool case
- if (theObject->intersect(theTool)){
+ //Get points
+ std::string anError;
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aStartPoint;
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> anEndPoint;
+ //Get bounding box center for translation
+ aStartPoint = getBoundingBoxCenter(theTool);
+ anEndPoint = getBoundingBoxCenter(theObject);
+ if (!aStartPoint || !anEndPoint)
+ return setError("Error in bounding box calculation :" + anError);
+ //If not already in center, move it
+ float conf = 0.000001; // get Precision:Confusion
+ if (aStartPoint->distance(anEndPoint) > conf)
+ {
+ //Perform translation to tool's center of mass
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAlgoAPI_Translation> aTranslationAlgoByPoint;
+ aTranslationAlgoByPoint.reset(new GeomAlgoAPI_Translation(theTool, aStartPoint, anEndPoint));
+ // Check for error
+ if (GeomAlgoAPI_Tools::AlgoError::isAlgorithmFailed(aTranslationAlgoByPoint, getKind(), anError))
+ return setError(anError);
+ theTool = aTranslationAlgoByPoint->shape();
+ }
+ //Perform translation from tool's center of mass
+ double aDX = real(OperaPlugin_AddNode::DX_ID())->value();
+ double aDY = real(OperaPlugin_AddNode::DY_ID())->value();
+ double aDZ = real(OperaPlugin_AddNode::DZ_ID())->value();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAlgoAPI_Translation> aTranslationAlgoByDim;
+ aTranslationAlgoByDim.reset(new GeomAlgoAPI_Translation(theTool, aDX, aDY, aDZ));
+ // Check for error
+ if (GeomAlgoAPI_Tools::AlgoError::isAlgorithmFailed(aTranslationAlgoByDim, getKind(), anError))
+ return setError(anError);
+ theTool = aTranslationAlgoByDim->shape();
+ // Intersecting tool case
+ if (theObject->intersect(theTool))
+ {
std::shared_ptr<GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShape> aCommonAlgo;
aCommonAlgo.reset(new GeomAlgoAPI_Boolean(theObject,
theTool = aCommonAlgo->shape();
- //Perform algorithm
+ //Perform Add Node Algorithm
std::shared_ptr<GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShape> aBoolAlgo;
aBoolAlgo.reset(new GeomAlgoAPI_Boolean(theObject,
//Check for error
- std::string anError;
if (GeomAlgoAPI_Tools::AlgoError::isAlgorithmFailed(aBoolAlgo, getKind(), anError))
return setError(anError);
// Get Case
- if (!aMainObjectShape->isIntersect(aToolShape))
- return setError("Error: All tools must intersect the main object");
if(aMainObjectShape == nullptr )
return setError("Error: cannot perform an AddNode with no main object.");
if(aToolShape == nullptr)
#include "GeomAPI_ShapeIterator.h"
#include <GeomAlgoAPI_Boolean.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_BoundingBox.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_Box.h>
#include <GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_PointBuilder.h>
#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeBuilder.h>
#include "GeomAlgoAPI_Tools.h"
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_Translation.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Data.h>
+ /// Attribute name of dimension in X.
+ inline static const std::string& DX_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_DX_ID("dx");
+ return MY_DX_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of dimension in X.
+ inline static const std::string &DY_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_DY_ID("dy");
+ return MY_DY_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of dimension in X.
+ inline static const std::string &DZ_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_DZ_ID("dz");
+ return MY_DZ_ID;
+ }
/// Perform boolean alogrithm according to AddNode cases
void performAlgo(const GeomShapePtr& theObject,
GeomShapePtr theTool,
const ListOfShape& theToolsList);
/// Creates naming for AddNode results
- void OperaPlugin_AddNode::handleNaming(const GeomMakeShapePtr& theBoolAlgo,
- const GeomShapePtr theTool,
- const ListOfShape& theToolsList);
+ void handleNaming(const GeomMakeShapePtr& theBoolAlgo,
+ const GeomShapePtr theTool,
+ const ListOfShape& theToolsList);
/// Creates a new part document if needed
OPERAPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
+ /// Get bounding box center for tranlation
+ OPERAPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> OperaPlugin_AddNode::getBoundingBoxCenter(const GeomShapePtr &theShape);
/// Request for initialization of data model of the feature: adding all attributes
OPERAPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void initAttributes();
<shape_selector id="main_object"
- label="Main object"
- tooltip="Select a main object"
- shape_types="solids compounds"
- concealment="true">
- <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="solid compound"/>
+ label="Main object"
+ tooltip="Select a main object"
+ shape_types="solids compounds"
+ concealment="true">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="solid compound" />
<shape_selector id="tool_object"
- label="Tool object"
- tooltip="Select a tool object"
- shape_types="solids compounds"
- concealment="true">
- <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="solid compound"/>
+ label="Tool object"
+ tooltip="Select a tool object"
+ shape_types="solids compounds"
+ concealment="false">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="solid compound" />
+ <doublevalue id="dx"
+ label="DX"
+ step="1.0"
+ default="0"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Translation in X">
+ </doublevalue>
+ <doublevalue id="dy"
+ label="DY"
+ step="1.0"
+ default="0"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Translation in Y">
+ </doublevalue>
+ <doublevalue id="dz"
+ label="DZ"
+ step="1.0"
+ default="0"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Translation in Z">
+ </doublevalue>
tooltip="Select solid objects"
- concealment="true">
+ concealment="false">
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="solid"/>