Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeParameter) SALOMEDSImpl_Study::GetCommonParameters(const char* theID, int theSavePoint)
- if(theSavePoint < 0) return NULL;
- Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_StudyBuilder) builder = NewBuilder();
- Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_SObject) so = FindComponent((char*)theID);
- if(so.IsNull()) so = builder->NewComponent((char*)theID);
- Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeParameter) attParam;
- if(theSavePoint == 0) //Get an attribute that is placed on the component itself.
- builder->FindAttribute(so, attParam, "AttributeParameter");
- else { // Try to find SObject that contains attribute parameter ...
- TDF_Label savePointLabel = so->GetLabel().FindChild( theSavePoint, /*create=*/0 );
- if ( !savePointLabel.IsNull() ) {
- so = GetSObject( savePointLabel );
- builder->FindAttribute(so, attParam, "AttributeParameter");
- } // ... if it does not exist - create a new one
- else {
- so = builder->NewObjectToTag( so, theSavePoint );
- Handle(TDF_Attribute) att = builder->FindOrCreateAttribute(so, "AttributeParameter");
- attParam = Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeParameter)::DownCast( att );
- }
- }
- return attParam;
+if(theSavePoint < 0) return NULL;\r
+ Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_StudyBuilder) builder = NewBuilder();\r
+ Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_SObject) so = FindComponent((char*)theID);\r
+ if(so.IsNull()) so = builder->NewComponent((char*)theID); \r
+ Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeParameter) attParam;\r
+ if(theSavePoint == 0) { //Get an attribute that is placed on the component itself.\r
+ builder->FindAttribute(so, attParam, "AttributeParameter");\r
+ if ( attParam.IsNull() ) { // first call of GetCommonParameters on "Interface Applicative" component\r
+ Handle(TDF_Attribute) att = builder->FindOrCreateAttribute(so, "AttributeParameter");\r
+ attParam = Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeParameter)::DownCast( att );\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else { // Try to find SObject that contains attribute parameter ...\r
+ TDF_Label savePointLabel = so->GetLabel().FindChild( theSavePoint, /*create=*/0 );\r
+ if ( !savePointLabel.IsNull() ) {\r
+ so = GetSObject( savePointLabel );\r
+ builder->FindAttribute(so, attParam, "AttributeParameter");\r
+ } // ... if it does not exist - create a new one\r
+ else {\r
+ so = builder->NewObjectToTag( so, theSavePoint );\r
+ Handle(TDF_Attribute) att = builder->FindOrCreateAttribute(so, "AttributeParameter");\r
+ attParam = Handle(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeParameter)::DownCast( att );\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return attParam;\r