## Enumeration ShapeType as a dictionary
# @ingroup l1_geompy_auxiliary
-ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8}
+ShapeType = {"AUTO":-1, "COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8}
## Raise an Error, containing the Method_name, if Operation is Failed
## @ingroup l1_geompy_auxiliary
# in order to avoid possible intersection between shapes from
# this compound.
# @param Limit Type of resulting shapes (corresponding to TopAbs_ShapeEnum).
+ # If this parameter is set to -1 ("Auto"), most appropriate shape limit
+ # type will be detected automatically.
# @param KeepNonlimitShapes: if this parameter == 0, then only shapes of
# target type (equal to Limit) are kept in the result,
# else standalone shapes of lower dimension
# @ref tui_partition "Example"
def MakePartition(self, ListShapes, ListTools=[], ListKeepInside=[], ListRemoveInside=[],
- Limit=ShapeType["SHAPE"], RemoveWebs=0, ListMaterials=[],
+ Limit=ShapeType["AUTO"], RemoveWebs=0, ListMaterials=[],
# Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py
+ if Limit == ShapeType["AUTO"]:
+ # automatic detection of the most appropriate shape limit type
+ lim = GEOM.SOLID
+ for s in ListShapes: lim = max( lim, s.GetMinShapeType() )
+ Limit = lim._v
+ pass
anObj = self.BoolOp.MakePartition(ListShapes, ListTools,
ListKeepInside, ListRemoveInside,
Limit, RemoveWebs, ListMaterials,
# @ref swig_todo "Example"
def MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape(self, ListShapes, ListTools=[],
ListKeepInside=[], ListRemoveInside=[],
- Limit=ShapeType["SHAPE"], RemoveWebs=0,
+ Limit=ShapeType["AUTO"], RemoveWebs=0,
ListMaterials=[], KeepNonlimitShapes=0):
+ if Limit == ShapeType["AUTO"]:
+ # automatic detection of the most appropriate shape limit type
+ lim = GEOM.SOLID
+ for s in ListShapes: lim = max( lim, s.GetMinShapeType() )
+ Limit = lim._v
+ pass
anObj = self.BoolOp.MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape(ListShapes, ListTools,
ListKeepInside, ListRemoveInside,
Limit, RemoveWebs, ListMaterials,
# @ref tui_partition "Example 1"
# \n @ref swig_Partition "Example 2"
def Partition(self, ListShapes, ListTools=[], ListKeepInside=[], ListRemoveInside=[],
- Limit=ShapeType["SHAPE"], RemoveWebs=0, ListMaterials=[],
+ Limit=ShapeType["AUTO"], RemoveWebs=0, ListMaterials=[],
# Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py
anObj = self.MakePartition(ListShapes, ListTools,