#include <Precision.hxx>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+static long tcount=0;
+static long cumul;
+#define START_TIMING long tt0; timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,0);tt0=tv.tv_usec+tv.tv_sec*1000000;
+ tcount=tcount+1;gettimeofday(&tv,0);cumul=cumul+tv.tv_usec+tv.tv_sec*1000000 -tt0; \
+ if(tcount==NUMBER){ std::cerr << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << " temps CPU(mus): " << cumul << std::endl; tcount=0;cumul=0; }
// in order NOT TO link with SalomeApp, here the code returns SALOMEDS_Study.
// SalomeApp_Study::studyDS() does it as well, but -- here it is retrieved from
// SALOMEDS::StudyManager - no linkage with SalomeApp.
void SOCC_Viewer::Display( const SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
+ //std::cerr << "SOCC_Viewer::Display" << std::endl;
// try do downcast object
const SOCC_Prs* anOCCPrs = dynamic_cast<const SOCC_Prs*>( prs );
if ( !anOCCPrs || anOCCPrs->IsNull() )
// get context
Handle (AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = getAISContext();
+ /*
// get all displayed objects
AIS_ListOfInteractive List;
ic->DisplayedObjects( List );
// get objects in the collector
AIS_ListOfInteractive ListCollector;
ic->ObjectsInCollector( ListCollector );
+ */
// get objects to be displayed
AIS_ListOfInteractive anAISObjects;
// try to find presentation in the viewer
bool bDisplayed = false;
+ /*
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive ite( List );
for ( ; ite.More(); ite.Next() )
// if the object is already displayed - nothing to do more
if ( ite.Value() == anAIS )
+std::cerr << "ais found in displayed objects" << std::endl;
// Deactivate object if necessary
if ( !anOCCPrs->ToActivate() )
ic->Deactivate( anAIS );
+ AIS_DisplayStatus status = ic->DisplayStatus(anAIS);
+ if(status == AIS_DS_Displayed)
+ {
+//std::cerr << "ais found in displayed objects" << std::endl;
+ // Deactivate object if necessary
+ if ( !anOCCPrs->ToActivate() )
+ ic->Deactivate( anAIS );
+ bDisplayed = true;
+ }
if ( bDisplayed )
// then try to find presentation in the collector
bDisplayed = false;
+ if(status == AIS_DS_Erased)
+ {
+//std::cerr << "ais found in collector" << std::endl;
+ ic->DisplayFromCollector( anAIS, false );
+ // Deactivate object if necessary
+ if ( !anOCCPrs->ToActivate() )
+ ic->Deactivate( anAIS );
+ bDisplayed = true;
+ }
+ /*
ite.Initialize( ListCollector );
for ( ; ite.More(); ite.Next() )
// if the object is in collector - display it
if ( ite.Value() == anAIS )
+std::cerr << "ais found in collector" << std::endl;
ic->DisplayFromCollector( anAIS, false );
// Deactivate object if necessary
+ */
if ( bDisplayed )
+ //std::cerr << "ais not found in context. Display it" << std::endl;
// if object is not displayed and not found in the collector - display it
if ( anAIS->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_Trihedron) ) )
aTrh->SetSize( aTrh == getTrihedron() ? aNewSize : 0.5 * aNewSize );
ic->Display( anAIS, false );
+ END_TIMING(100);
// Set visibility flag
// Temporarily commented to avoid awful dependecy on SALOMEDS
void SOCC_Viewer::Erase( const SALOME_OCCPrs* prs, const bool forced )
+ //std::cerr << "SOCC_Viewer::Erase " << forced << std::endl;
// try do downcast object
const SOCC_Prs* anOCCPrs = dynamic_cast<const SOCC_Prs*>( prs );
if ( !anOCCPrs || anOCCPrs->IsNull() )
ic->DisplayedObjects( aList );
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive anIter( aList );
for ( ; anIter.More(); anIter.Next() ) {
- if ( isTrihedronDisplayed && anIter.Value()->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_Trihedron ) ||
- anIter.Value()->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE( OCCViewer_Trihedron ))
+ if ( (isTrihedronDisplayed && anIter.Value()->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_Trihedron ) )||
+ (anIter.Value()->DynamicType() == STANDARD_TYPE( OCCViewer_Trihedron )) )
// erase an object
SALOME_Prs* SOCC_Viewer::CreatePrs( const char* entry )
+ //std::cerr << "SOCC_Viewer::CreatePrs " << entry << std::endl;
SOCC_Prs* prs = new SOCC_Prs();
if ( entry )
// get context
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = getAISContext();
+ if(entry2aisobject.count(entry)>0)
+ {
+ //ais object exists
+ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anAIS = entry2aisobject[entry];
+ AIS_DisplayStatus status = ic->DisplayStatus(anAIS);
+ if((status == AIS_DS_Displayed) || (status == AIS_DS_Erased))
+ {
+ //std::cerr << "ais found in context: add it in prs " << entry << std::endl;
+ prs->AddObject( anAIS );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
// get displayed objects
AIS_ListOfInteractive List;
ic->DisplayedObjects( List );
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)::DownCast( ite.Value()->GetOwner() );
if ( !anObj.IsNull() && anObj->hasEntry() && strcmp( anObj->getEntry(), entry ) == 0 )
- prs->AddObject( ite.Value() );
+ {
+ std::cerr << "ais found in context: add it in prs " << entry << std::endl;
+ prs->AddObject( ite.Value() );
+ }
return prs;
+void SOCC_Viewer::updateViewer(SALOME_Prs* prs)
+ //std::cerr << "SOCC_Viewer::updateViewer" << std::endl;
+ // try do downcast object
+ const SOCC_Prs* anOCCPrs = dynamic_cast<const SOCC_Prs*>( prs );
+ if ( !anOCCPrs || anOCCPrs->IsNull() )
+ return;
+ AIS_ListOfInteractive anAISObjects;
+ anOCCPrs->GetObjects( anAISObjects );
+ AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive aIter( anAISObjects );
+ for ( ; aIter.More(); aIter.Next() )
+ {
+ Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anObj = Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)::DownCast( aIter.Value()->GetOwner() );
+ if ( !anObj.IsNull() && anObj->hasEntry() )
+ {
+ //std::cerr << "add ais in map entry2aisobject" << anObj->getEntry() << std::endl;
+ if(entry2aisobject.count(anObj->getEntry())>0)
+ {
+ if(entry2aisobject[anObj->getEntry()] == aIter.Value())
+ {
+ //std::cerr << "ais already in map entry2aisobject and the same" << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //std::cerr << "ais already in map entry2aisobject but not the same" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ entry2aisobject[anObj->getEntry()] = aIter.Value();
+ }
+ }
create SOCC_ViewWindow