UF_OCC_Init = 0x00000100, //!< initial update (used with UF_OCCViewer)
UF_OCC_Forced = 0x00000200, //!< to force recomputing all presentations (used with UF_OCCViewer)
- UF_VTKViewer = 0x00000800, //!< OCC viewer
- UF_VTK_Init = 0x00001000, //!< initial update (used with UF_OCCViewer)
- UF_VTK_Forced = 0x00002000, //!< to force recomputing all presentations (used with UF_OCCViewer)
+ UF_VTKViewer = 0x00000800, //!< VTK viewer
+ UF_VTK_Init = 0x00001000, //!< initial update (used with UF_VTKViewer)
+ UF_VTK_Forced = 0x00002000, //!< to force recomputing all presentations (used with UF_VTKViewer)
UF_FitAll = 0x00000400, //!< to do fit all (used with UF_Viewer or UF_OCCViewer)
- UF_All = UF_Base | UF_GV_Init | UF_GV_Forced | UF_OCCViewer | UF_OCC_Init | UF_OCC_Forced//!< all update flags
+ UF_All = UF_Base | UF_GV_Init | UF_GV_Forced | UF_OCCViewer | UF_OCC_Init | UF_OCC_Forced |
+ UF_VTKViewer | UF_VTK_Init | UF_VTK_Forced//!< all update flags
} HYDRO_UpdateFlags;