createMenu( GEOMOp::OpGetNonBlocks, measurId, -1 );
createMenu( GEOMOp::OpCheckSelfInters, measurId, -1 );
-#ifdef _DEBUG_ // PAL16821
int toolsId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_TOOLS" ), -1, -1, 50 );
+#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG) // PAL16821
createMenu( separator(), toolsId, -1 );
createMenu( GEOMOp::OpCheckGeom, toolsId, -1 );
- int toolsId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_TOOLS" ), -1, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), toolsId, -1 );
createMenu( GEOMOp::OpMaterialsLibrary, toolsId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), toolsId, -1 );
mgr->setRule( action( GEOMOp::OpPointMarker ), QString( "selcount>0 and ( $typeid in {%1} or compoundOfVertices=true ) " ).arg(GEOM::VERTEX).arg(GEOM::COMPOUND), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// material properties
- int MaterId = mgr->insert( action( GEOMOp::OpMaterialProperties ), -1, -1 );
+ mgr->insert( action( GEOMOp::OpMaterialProperties ), -1, -1 );
mgr->setRule( action( GEOMOp::OpMaterialProperties ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible + " and ($component={'GEOM'})", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// texture