--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 CEA/DEN
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import shutil
+import re
+import subprocess
+import src
+import prepare
+import src.debug as DBG
+PACKAGE_EXT=".tar.gz" # the extension we use for the packages
+# Define all possible option for patch command : sat patch <options>
+parser = src.options.Options()
+parser.add_option('p', 'products', 'list2', 'products',
+ _('Optional: products from which to get the sources. This option accepts a comma separated list.'))
+def get_binary_from_archive(config, product_name, product_info, install_dir, logger):
+ '''The method get the binary of the product from an archive
+ :param config Config: The global configuration
+ :param product_name : The name of the product
+ :param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
+ the product to be prepared
+ :param install_dir Path: The Path instance corresponding to the
+ directory where to put the sources
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display and logging
+ :return: True if it succeed, else False
+ :rtype: boolean
+ '''
+ # check archive exists
+ # the expected name of the bin archive, as produced by sat package --bin_products
+ archive_name = product_name + '-' + product_info.version + "-" + config.VARS.dist + PACKAGE_EXT
+ # we search this archive in bin directory
+ bin_arch_name = os.path.join("bin",archive_name)
+ # search in the config.PATHS.ARCHIVEPATH
+ arch_path = src.find_file_in_lpath(archive_name, config.PATHS.ARCHIVEPATH, "bin")
+ if not arch_path:
+ # bin archive was not found locally in ARCHIVEPATH
+ # search on ftp site
+ logger.write("\n The bin archive is not found on local file system, we try ftp\n", 3)
+ ret=src.find_file_in_ftppath(bin_arch_name, config.PATHS.ARCHIVEFTP,
+ config.LOCAL.archive_dir, logger)
+ if ret:
+ # archive was found on ftp and stored in ret
+ arch_path = ret
+ else:
+ logger.write('%s ' % src.printcolors.printc(src.OK_STATUS), 3, False)
+ msg = _("Archive not found in ARCHIVEPATH, nor on ARCHIVEFTP: '%s'") % bin_arch_name
+ logger.write(msg, 3)
+ return 1
+ logger.write('arc:%s ... ' %
+ src.printcolors.printcInfo(archive_name),
+ 3,
+ False)
+ logger.flush()
+ # Call the system function that do the extraction in archive mode
+ retcode, NameExtractedDirectory = src.system.archive_extract(arch_path,
+ install_dir.dir(), logger)
+ # Rename the source directory if
+ # it does not match with product_info.source_dir
+ if (NameExtractedDirectory.replace('/', '') !=
+ os.path.basename(product_info.install_dir)):
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(product_info.install_dir),
+ NameExtractedDirectory),
+ product_info.install_dir)
+ return retcode
+def get_product_binaries(config,
+ product_info,
+ is_dev,
+ source_dir,
+ logger,
+ pad,
+ checkout=False):
+ '''Get the product binaries.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration
+ :param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
+ the product to be prepared
+ :param is_dev boolean: True if the product is in development mode
+ :param source_dir Path: The Path instance corresponding to the
+ directory where to put the sources
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display and logging
+ :param pad int: The gap to apply for the terminal display
+ :param checkout boolean: If True, get the source in checkout mode
+ :return: True if it succeed, else False
+ :rtype: boolean
+ '''
+ # Get the application environment
+ logger.write(_("Set the application environment\n"), 5)
+ env_appli = src.environment.SalomeEnviron(config,
+ src.environment.Environ(dict(os.environ)))
+ env_appli.set_application_env(logger)
+ # Call the right function to get sources regarding the product settings
+ if not checkout and is_dev:
+ return get_source_for_dev(config,
+ product_info,
+ source_dir,
+ logger,
+ pad)
+ if product_info.get_source == "git":
+ return get_source_from_git(config, product_info, source_dir, logger, pad,
+ is_dev,env_appli)
+ if product_info.get_source == "archive":
+ return get_source_from_archive(config, product_info, source_dir, logger)
+ if product_info.get_source == "dir":
+ return get_source_from_dir(product_info, source_dir, logger)
+ if product_info.get_source == "cvs":
+ cvs_user = config.USER.cvs_user
+ return get_source_from_cvs(cvs_user,
+ product_info,
+ source_dir,
+ checkout,
+ logger,
+ pad,
+ env_appli)
+ if product_info.get_source == "svn":
+ svn_user = config.USER.svn_user
+ return get_source_from_svn(svn_user, product_info, source_dir,
+ checkout,
+ logger,
+ env_appli)
+ if product_info.get_source == "native":
+ # for native products we check the corresponding system packages are installed
+ logger.write("Native : Checking system packages are installed\n" , 3)
+ check_cmd=src.system.get_pkg_check_cmd(config.VARS.dist_name) # (either rmp or apt)
+ run_pkg,build_pkg=src.product.check_system_dep(config.VARS.dist, check_cmd, product_info)
+ result=True
+ for pkg in run_pkg:
+ logger.write(" - "+pkg + " : " + run_pkg[pkg], 1)
+ if "KO" in run_pkg[pkg]:
+ result=False
+ for pkg in build_pkg:
+ logger.write(" - "+pkg + " : " + build_pkg[pkg], 1)
+ if "KO" in build_pkg[pkg]:
+ result=False
+ if result==False:
+ logger.error("some system dependencies are missing, please install them with "+\
+ check_cmd[0])
+ return result
+ if product_info.get_source == "fixed":
+ # skip
+ logger.write('%s ' % src.printcolors.printc(src.OK_STATUS),
+ 3,
+ False)
+ msg = "FIXED : %s\n" % product_info.install_dir
+ if not os.path.isdir(product_info.install_dir):
+ logger.warning("The fixed path do not exixts!! Please check it : %s\n" % product_info.install_dir)
+ else:
+ logger.write(msg, 3)
+ return True
+ # if the get_source is not in [git, archive, cvs, svn, fixed, native]
+ logger.write(_("Unknown get source method \"%(get)s\" for product %(product)s") % \
+ { 'get': product_info.get_source, 'product': product_info.name }, 3, False)
+ logger.write(" ... ", 3, False)
+ logger.flush()
+ return False
+def get_all_product_binaries(config, products, logger):
+ '''Get all the product sources.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration
+ :param products List: The list of tuples (product name, product informations)
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to be used for the logging
+ :return: the tuple (number of success, dictionary product_name/success_fail)
+ :rtype: (int,dict)
+ '''
+ # Initialize the variables that will count the fails and success
+ results = dict()
+ good_result = 0
+ # Get the maximum name length in order to format the terminal display
+ max_product_name_len = 1
+ if len(products) > 0:
+ max_product_name_len = max(map(lambda l: len(l), products[0])) + 4
+ # The loop on all the products from which to get the binaries
+ for product_name, product_info in products:
+ # display and log
+ logger.write('%s: ' % src.printcolors.printcLabel(product_name), 3)
+ logger.write(' ' * (max_product_name_len - len(product_name)), 3, False)
+ logger.write("\n", 4, False)
+ #
+ do_install_prod=True
+ # check if there is something to do!
+ if src.product.product_is_fixed(product_info):
+ do_install_prod=False
+ msg = _("INFO : Not doing anything because the products %s is fixed\n") % product_name
+ elif src.product.product_is_native(product_info):
+ do_install_prod=False
+ msg = _("INFO : Not doing anything because the products %s is native\n") % product_name
+ elif src.appli_test_property(config,"pip", "yes") and \
+ src.product.product_test_property(product_info,"pip", "yes"):
+ do_install_prod=False
+ msg = _("INFO : Not doing anything because the products %s is managed by pip\n") % product_name
+ else:
+ install_dir=src.Path(product_info.install_dir)
+ if install_dir.exists():
+ do_install_prod=False
+ msg = _("INFO : Not doing anything because the install directory already exists:\n %s\n") % install_dir
+ if not do_install_prod:
+ logger.write('%s ' % src.printcolors.printc(src.OK_STATUS), 3, False)
+ logger.write(msg, 3)
+ good_result = good_result + 1
+ # Do not get the binaries and go to next product
+ continue
+ # we neeed to install binaries for the product
+ retcode = get_binary_from_archive(config, product_name, product_info, install_dir, logger)
+ # Check that the sources are correctly get using the files to be tested
+ # in product information
+ if retcode:
+ pass
+ # CNC TODO check md5sum
+ #check_OK, wrong_path = check_sources(product_info, logger)
+ #if not check_OK:
+ # # Print the missing file path
+ # msg = _("The required file %s does not exists. " % wrong_path)
+ # logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError("\nERROR: ") + msg, 3)
+ # retcode = False
+# does post install substitutions
+#for f in $(grep -RIl -e /volatile/salome/jenkins/workspace/Salome_master_CO7/SALOME-9.7.0-CO7/INSTALL INSTALL); do
+# sed -i "
+# s?/volatile/salome/jenkins/workspace/Salome_master_CO7/SALOME-9.7.0-CO7/INSTALL?$(pwd)/INSTALL?g
+# " $f
+ # show results
+ results[product_name] = retcode
+ if retcode:
+ # The case where it succeed
+ res = src.OK_STATUS
+ good_result = good_result + 1
+ else:
+ # The case where it failed
+ res = src.KO_STATUS
+ # print the result
+ if do_install_prod:
+ logger.write('%s\n' % src.printcolors.printc(res), 3, False)
+ return good_result, results
+def check_sources(product_info, logger):
+ '''Check that the sources are correctly get, using the files to be tested
+ in product information
+ :param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
+ the product to be prepared
+ :return: True if the files exists (or no files to test is provided).
+ :rtype: boolean
+ '''
+ # Get the files to test if there is any
+ if ("present_files" in product_info and
+ "source" in product_info.present_files):
+ l_files_to_be_tested = product_info.present_files.source
+ for file_path in l_files_to_be_tested:
+ # The path to test is the source directory
+ # of the product joined the file path provided
+ path_to_test = os.path.join(product_info.source_dir, file_path)
+ logger.write(_("\nTesting existence of file: \n"), 5)
+ logger.write(path_to_test, 5)
+ if not os.path.exists(path_to_test):
+ return False, path_to_test
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcSuccess(" OK\n"), 5)
+ return True, ""
+def description():
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with --help option.
+ :return: The text to display for the source command description.
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ return _("The source command gets the sources of the application products "
+ "from cvs, git or an archive.\n\nexample:"
+ "\nsat source SALOME-master --products KERNEL,GUI")
+def run(args, runner, logger):
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with install parameter.
+ '''
+ DBG.write("install.run()", args)
+ # Parse the options
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ # check that the command has been called with an application
+ src.check_config_has_application( runner.cfg )
+ # Print some informations
+ logger.write(_('Getting binaries of the application %s\n') %
+ src.printcolors.printcLabel(runner.cfg.VARS.application), 1)
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger, 'workdir',
+ runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, 2)
+ logger.write("\n", 2, False)
+ # Get the list of all application products, and create its dependency graph
+ all_products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.products,
+ runner.cfg)
+ from compile import get_dependencies_graph,depth_search_graph
+ all_products_graph=get_dependencies_graph(all_products_infos)
+ #logger.write("Dependency graph of all application products : %s\n" % all_products_graph, 6)
+ DBG.write("Dependency graph of all application products : ", all_products_graph)
+ products_infos=[]
+ if options.products is None:
+ #implicit selection of all products
+ products_infos = all_products_infos
+ else:
+ # a list of products is specified
+ products_list=options.products
+ # we evaluate the complete list including dependencies (~ to the --with-fathers of sat compile)
+ # Extend the list with all recursive dependencies of the given products
+ visited=[]
+ for p_name in products_list:
+ visited=depth_search_graph(all_products_graph, p_name, visited)
+ products_list = visited
+ logger.write("Product we have to compile (as specified by user) : %s\n" % products_list, 5)
+ # Create a dict of all products to facilitate products_infos sorting
+ all_products_dict={}
+ for (pname,pinfo) in all_products_infos:
+ all_products_dict[pname]=(pname,pinfo)
+ # build products_infos for the products we have to install
+ for product in products_list:
+ products_infos.append(all_products_dict[product])
+ # Call to the function that gets all the sources
+ good_result, results = get_all_product_binaries(runner.cfg,
+ products_infos,
+ logger)
+ # Display the results (how much passed, how much failed, etc...)
+ status = src.OK_STATUS
+ details = []
+ logger.write("\n", 2, False)
+ if good_result == len(products_infos):
+ res_count = "%d / %d" % (good_result, good_result)
+ else:
+ status = src.KO_STATUS
+ res_count = "%d / %d" % (good_result, len(products_infos))
+ for product in results:
+ if results[product] == 0 or results[product] is None:
+ details.append(product)
+ result = len(products_infos) - good_result
+ # write results
+ logger.write(_("Getting binaries of the application:"), 1)
+ logger.write(" " + src.printcolors.printc(status), 1, False)
+ logger.write(" (%s)\n" % res_count, 1, False)
+ if len(details) > 0:
+ logger.write(_("Following binaries haven't been get:\n"), 2)
+ logger.write(" ".join(details), 2)
+ logger.write("\n", 2, False)
+ return result