#include "GEOMUtils_XmlHandler.hxx"
+#include <Basics_Utils.hxx>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
+#include <algorithm>
#include <unistd.h>
const char* env_var = "GEOM_PluginsList";
const xmlChar* root_tag = (xmlChar*)"geom-plugins";
const xmlChar* plugin_tag = (xmlChar*)"geom-plugin";
const xmlChar* name_tag = (xmlChar*)"name";
std::list<std::string> getPluginXMLFiles()
- std::list<std::string> xmlPaths;
+ std::list<std::string> xmlPaths;
#ifdef WIN32
- std::string sep = "\\";
+#ifdef UNICODE
+ std::wstring sep = L"\\";
+ std::string sep = "\\";
- std::string sep = "/";
+ std::string sep = "/";
- if ( const char* var = getenv( env_var ) )
- {
- std::string plugins = var;
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ std::wstring wenv_var = Kernel_Utils::utf8_decode_s(env_var);
+ if (const wchar_t* var = _wgetenv(wenv_var.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::wstring plugins = var;
+ if (const char* var = getenv(env_var))
+ {
+ std::string plugins = var;
+ std::string::size_type from = 0, pos;
+ while (from < plugins.size())
+ {
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ pos = plugins.find(L':', from);
+ std::wstring plugin;
+ pos = plugins.find(':', from);
+ std::string plugin;
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ plugin = plugins.substr(from, pos - from);
+ else
+ plugin = plugins.substr(from), pos = plugins.size();
+ from = pos + 1;
- std::string::size_type from = 0, pos;
- while ( from < plugins.size() )
- {
- pos = plugins.find( ':', from );
- std::string plugin;
- if ( pos != std::string::npos )
- plugin = plugins.substr( from, pos-from );
- else
- plugin = plugins.substr( from ), pos = plugins.size();
- from = pos + 1;
- if ( plugin.size() == 0 ) continue;
- std::string pluginRoot = toUpper( plugin+"_ROOT_DIR" );
+ if (plugin.size() == 0) continue;
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ std::wstring pluginRoot = plugin + L"_ROOT_DIR";
+ std::transform(pluginRoot.begin(), pluginRoot.end(), pluginRoot.begin(), ::toupper);
+ const wchar_t* rootDirGeom = _wgetenv(L"GEOM_ROOT_DIR");
+ const wchar_t* rootDirPlugin = _wgetenv(pluginRoot.c_str());
+ std::string pluginRoot = toUpper(plugin + "_ROOT_DIR");
- const char* rootDirGeom = getenv( "GEOM_ROOT_DIR" );
- const char* rootDirPlugin = getenv( pluginRoot.c_str() );
+ const char* rootDirGeom = getenv("GEOM_ROOT_DIR");
+ const char* rootDirPlugin = getenv(pluginRoot.c_str());
- bool fileOK = false;
- if ( rootDirGeom ) {
- std::string xmlPath = rootDirGeom;
- if ( xmlPath[ xmlPath.size()-1 ] != sep[0] )
- xmlPath += sep;
- xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep + "geom" + sep + plugin + ".xml";
-#ifdef WIN32
+ bool fileOK = false;
+ if (rootDirGeom) {
-#ifdef UNICODE
- //RNV: this is workaround for providing compilation,
- // path should be processed as unicode string.
- size_t length = strlen(xmlPath.c_str()) + sizeof(char);
- wchar_t* aPath = new wchar_t[length + 1];
- memset(aPath, '\0', length);
- mbstowcs(aPath, xmlPath.c_str(), length);
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ std::wstring xmlPath = rootDirGeom;
+ if (xmlPath[xmlPath.size() - 1] != sep[0])
+ xmlPath += sep;
+ xmlPath += L"share" + sep + L"salome" + sep + L"resources" + sep + L"geom" + sep + plugin + L".xml";
- const char* aPath = xmlPath.c_str();
+ std::string xmlPath = rootDirGeom;
+ if (xmlPath[xmlPath.size() - 1] != sep[0])
+ xmlPath += sep;
+ xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep + "geom" + sep + plugin + ".xml";
- fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(aPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
- delete aPath;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(xmlPath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
+ fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
+ if (fileOK)
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ xmlPaths.push_back(Kernel_Utils::utf8_encode_s(xmlPath));
- fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
+ xmlPaths.push_back(xmlPath);
- if ( fileOK )
- xmlPaths.push_back( xmlPath );
- }
- if ( !fileOK && rootDirPlugin ) {
- std::string xmlPath = rootDirPlugin;
- if ( xmlPath[ xmlPath.size()-1 ] != sep[0] )
- xmlPath += sep;
- xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep + toLower(plugin) + sep + plugin + ".xml";
-#ifdef WIN32
-#ifdef UNICODE
- size_t length = strlen(xmlPath.c_str()) + sizeof(char);
- wchar_t* aPath = new wchar_t[length+1];
- memset(aPath, '\0', length);
- mbstowcs(aPath, xmlPath.c_str(), length);
+ }
+ if (!fileOK && rootDirPlugin) {
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ std::wstring xmlPath = rootDirPlugin;
+ if (xmlPath[xmlPath.size() - 1] != sep[0])
+ xmlPath += sep;
+ std::transform(plugin.begin(), plugin.end(), plugin.begin(), ::tolower);
+ xmlPath += L"share" + sep + L"salome" + sep + L"resources" + sep + plugin + sep + plugin + L".xml";
- const char* aPath = xmlPath.c_str();
+ std::string xmlPath = rootDirPlugin;
+ if (xmlPath[xmlPath.size() - 1] != sep[0])
+ xmlPath += sep;
+ xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep + toLower(plugin) + sep + plugin + ".xml";
- fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(aPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
- delete aPath;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(xmlPath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
+ fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ xmlPaths.push_back(Kernel_Utils::utf8_encode_s(xmlPath));
- fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
+ xmlPaths.push_back(xmlPath);
- if ( fileOK )
- xmlPaths.push_back( xmlPath );
- }
- }
- }
- return xmlPaths;
+ }
+ }
+ return xmlPaths;
+ }
#ifdef MYDEBUG
for ( fit = xmlPaths.begin(); fit != xmlPaths.end(); ++fit )
std::string fileName = *fit;
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile( fileName.c_str(), NULL, options );
if ( doc )
// get root node
xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
// check if it is plugins container node
if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, root_tag) == 0)
} // end iteration through actions container node children
} // end actions container node
} // end iterations through plugin node children
if (data.name != "")
} // end plugin node
} // end iterations through plugins container node children
} // end root node
//xmlCleanupParser();//vsr: xmlCleanupParser should not be called from the application
} // end xml doc