#include <Model_Application.h>
#include <Model_PluginManager.h>
#include <Model_Iterator.h>
+#include <Event_Loop.h>
#include <TDataStd_Integer.hxx>
#include <TDataStd_Comment.hxx>
setUniqueName(theFeature, theGroupID);
TDataStd_Comment::Set(anObjLab, theFeature->getKind().c_str());
+ // event: model is updated
+ static Event_ID anEvent = Event_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_MODEL_UPDATED);
+ Event_Message anUpdateMsg(anEvent, this);
+ Event_Loop::loop()->send(anUpdateMsg);
std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> Model_Document::feature(TDF_Label& theLabel)
/// Group of parts
static const std::string PARTS_GROUP = "Parts";
+/// Event ID that model is updated
+static const char* EVENT_MODEL_UPDATED = "ModelUpdated";
/**\class Model_Document
* \ingroup DataModel
* \brief Document for internal data structure of any object storage. Corresponds to the SALOME study.