+void F_FUNC(cpllo,CPLLO)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),
+ int *max,int *n, int *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
+ char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+ fprintf(stderr,"CPLLO: %s %f %f\n",cnom,*ti,*tf);
+ *err=cp_llo((void *)*compo,*dep,ti,tf,iter,cnom,*max,n,tab);
+ fprintf(stderr,"End of CPLLO: %s \n",cnom);
+ free_str1(cnom);
void F_FUNC(cpldb,CPLDB)(long *compo,int *dep,double *ti,double *tf,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),
int *max,int *n, double *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
+void F_FUNC(cplcp,CPLCP)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),
+ int *max,int *n, float *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
+ char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+ fprintf(stderr,"CPLCP: %s %f %f \n",cnom, *ti,*tf);
+ *err=cp_lcp((void *)*compo,*dep,ti,tf,iter,cnom,*max,n,tab);
+ fprintf(stderr,"End of CPLCP: %s %f %f \n",cnom,*ti,*tf);
+ free_str1(cnom);
+void F_FUNC(cplch,CPLCH)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),
+ int *max,int *n, char *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom) STR_PLEN(tab) )
+ char **tabChaine=NULL;
+ int index=0;
+ char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+ fprintf(stderr,"CPLCH: %s %f %f \n",cnom, *ti,*tf);
+ tabChaine = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * (*max));
+ for (index = 0; index < *max; index++)
+ tabChaine[index] = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (STR_LEN(tab)+1));
+ *err=cp_lch((void *)*compo,*dep,ti,tf,iter,cnom,*max,n,tabChaine,STR_LEN(tab));
+ for (index = 0; index < *n; index++)
+ strcpy(&tab[index * STR_LEN(tab)], tabChaine[index]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"End of CPLCH: %s %f %f \n",cnom,*ti,*tf);
+ if (tabChaine != (char **) NULL) {
+ for (index = 0; index < *n; index++)
+ free(tabChaine[index]);
+ free(tabChaine);
+ }
+ free_str1(cnom);
+void F_FUNC(cpech,CPECH)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),int *n, char *tab,int *err
+ STR_PLEN(nom) STR_PLEN(tab))
+ char ** tabChaine=NULL;
+ int index=0,index2=0;
+ char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+ fprintf(stderr,"CPECH: %s %f \n",cnom, *ti);
+ tabChaine = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * *n);
+ for (index = 0; index < *n; index++) {
+ tabChaine[index] = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (STR_LEN(tab) + 1));
+ strncpy(tabChaine[index],&tab[STR_LEN(tab) * index],STR_LEN(tab));
+ tabChaine[index][STR_LEN(tab)]='\0';
+ for (index2 = STR_LEN(tab) - 1; index2 >= 0; index2--) {
+ if ( tabChaine[index][index2] == ' ' ||
+ tabChaine[index][index2] == '\0' )
+ tabChaine[index][index2]='\0';
+ }
+ }
+ *err=cp_ech((void *)*compo,*dep,*ti,*iter,cnom,*n,tabChaine,STR_LEN(tab) );
+ fprintf(stderr,"End of CPECH: %s %f \n",cnom, *ti);
+ if (tabChaine != (char **) NULL) {
+ for (index = 0; index < *n; index++)
+ free(tabChaine[index]);
+ free(tabChaine);
+ }
+ free_str1(cnom);
void F_FUNC(cpedb,CPEDB)(long *compo,int *dep,double *ti,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),int *n, double *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+void F_FUNC(cpecp,CPECP)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),int *n, float *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
+ char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+ fprintf(stderr,"CPECP: %s %f \n",cnom, *ti);
+ *err=cp_ecp((void *)*compo,*dep,*ti,*iter,cnom,*n,tab);
+ fprintf(stderr,"End of CPECP: %s %f \n",cnom, *ti);
+ free_str1(cnom);
void F_FUNC(cpeen,CPEEN)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),int *n, int *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+void F_FUNC(cpelo,CPELO)(long *compo,int *dep,float *ti,int *iter,STR_PSTR(nom),int *n, int *tab,int *err STR_PLEN(nom))
+ char* cnom=fstr1(STR_PTR(nom),STR_LEN(nom));
+ fprintf(stderr,"CPELO: %s %f %d\n",cnom, *ti,*iter);
+ *err=cp_elo((void *)*compo,*dep,*ti,*iter,cnom,*n,tab);
+ fprintf(stderr,"End of CPELO: %s %f \n",cnom,*ti);
+ free_str1(cnom);
void F_FUNC(cpfin,CPFIN)(long *compo,int *dep,int *err)
fprintf(stderr,"CPFIN: \n");