- // Copyright (C) 2007-2014 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE\r
- //\r
- // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,\r
- //\r
- // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
- // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\r
- // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\r
- //\r
- // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
- // Lesser General Public License for more details.\r
- //\r
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
- // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\r
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\r
- //\r
- // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com\r
- //\r
- \r
- #include "OCCViewer_ClippingDlg.h"\r
- \r
- #include <QtxDoubleSpinBox.h>\r
- #include <QtxDoubleSpinSlider.h>\r
- #include <QtxIntSpinSlider.h>\r
- #include <QtxAction.h>\r
- \r
- #include "SUIT_Session.h"\r
- #include "SUIT_ViewWindow.h"\r
- #include "SUIT_ViewManager.h"\r
- #include "OCCViewer_ClipPlane.h"\r
- #include "OCCViewer_ViewWindow.h"\r
- #include "OCCViewer_ViewPort3d.h"\r
- #include "OCCViewer_ViewModel.h"\r
- #include "OCCViewer_ViewManager.h"\r
- #include "OCCViewer_ClipPlaneInteractor.h"\r
- \r
- #include <V3d_View.hxx>\r
- #include <Visual3d_View.hxx>\r
- #include <Geom_Plane.hxx>\r
- #include <Prs3d_Presentation.hxx>\r
- #include <AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive.hxx>\r
- #include <AIS_ListOfInteractive.hxx>\r
- #include <AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>\r
- #include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>\r
- #include <IntAna_IntConicQuad.hxx>\r
- #include <gp_Lin.hxx>\r
- #include <gp_Pln.hxx>\r
- #include <math.h>\r
- \r
- // QT Includes\r
- #include <QApplication>\r
- #include <QGroupBox>\r
- #include <QHBoxLayout>\r
- #include <QVBoxLayout>\r
- #include <QGridLayout>\r
- #include <QLabel>\r
- #include <QPushButton>\r
- #include <QComboBox>\r
- #include <QCheckBox>\r
- #include <QStackedLayout>\r
- #include <QSlider>\r
- #include <QMenu>\r
- \r
- /**********************************************************************************\r
- ************************ Internal functions ************************\r
- *********************************************************************************/\r
- \r
- void getMinMaxFromContext( Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic,\r
- double theDefaultSize,\r
- double& theXMin,\r
- double& theYMin,\r
- double& theZMin,\r
- double& theXMax,\r
- double& theYMax,\r
- double& theZMax) {\r
- \r
- double aXMin, aYMin, aZMin, aXMax, aYMax, aZMax;\r
- aXMin = aYMin = aZMin = DBL_MAX;\r
- aXMax = aYMax = aZMax = -DBL_MAX;\r
- \r
- bool isFound = false;\r
- AIS_ListOfInteractive aList;\r
- ic->DisplayedObjects( aList );\r
- for ( AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive it( aList ); it.More(); it.Next() ) {\r
- Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anObj = it.Value();\r
- if ( !anObj.IsNull() && anObj->HasPresentation() &&\r
- !anObj->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_Plane) ) ) {\r
- Handle(Prs3d_Presentation) aPrs = anObj->Presentation();\r
- if ( !aPrs->IsEmpty() && !aPrs->IsInfinite() ) {\r
- isFound = true;\r
- double xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;\r
- aPrs->MinMaxValues( xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax );\r
- aXMin = qMin( aXMin, xmin ); aXMax = qMax( aXMax, xmax );\r
- aYMin = qMin( aYMin, ymin ); aYMax = qMax( aYMax, ymax );\r
- aZMin = qMin( aZMin, zmin ); aZMax = qMax( aZMax, zmax );\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- if(!isFound) {\r
- if(theDefaultSize == 0.0)\r
- theDefaultSize = 100.;\r
- aXMin = aYMin = aZMin = -theDefaultSize;\r
- aXMax = aYMax = aZMax = theDefaultSize;\r
- }\r
- theXMin = aXMin;theYMin = aYMin;theZMin = aZMin;\r
- theXMax = aXMax;theYMax = aYMax;theZMax = aZMax;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Compute the point of bounding box and current clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void ComputeBoundsParam( const double theBounds[6],\r
- const double theDirection[3],\r
- double theMinPnt[3],\r
- double& theMaxBoundPrj,\r
- double& theMinBoundPrj )\r
- {\r
- double aEnlargeBounds[6];\r
- \r
- // Enlarge bounds in order to avoid conflicts of precision\r
- for(int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)\r
- {\r
- static double EPS = 1.0E-3;\r
- double aDelta = (theBounds[i+1] - theBounds[i])*EPS;\r
- aEnlargeBounds[i ] = theBounds[i ] - aDelta;\r
- aEnlargeBounds[i+1] = theBounds[i+1] + aDelta;\r
- }\r
- \r
- double aBoundPoints[8][3] = { { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[4] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[4] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[4] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[4] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[5] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[5] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[5] },\r
- { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[5] } };\r
- \r
- int aMaxId = 0;\r
- theMaxBoundPrj = theDirection[0] * aBoundPoints[aMaxId][0] + theDirection[1] * aBoundPoints[aMaxId][1]\r
- + theDirection[2] * aBoundPoints[aMaxId][2];\r
- theMinBoundPrj = theMaxBoundPrj;\r
- for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {\r
- double aTmp = theDirection[0] * aBoundPoints[i][0] + theDirection[1] * aBoundPoints[i][1]\r
- + theDirection[2] * aBoundPoints[i][2];\r
- if(theMaxBoundPrj < aTmp) {\r
- theMaxBoundPrj = aTmp;\r
- aMaxId = i;\r
- }\r
- if(theMinBoundPrj > aTmp) {\r
- theMinBoundPrj = aTmp;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- double *aMinPnt = aBoundPoints[aMaxId];\r
- theMinPnt[0] = aMinPnt[0];\r
- theMinPnt[1] = aMinPnt[1];\r
- theMinPnt[2] = aMinPnt[2];\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Compute the position of current plane by distance\r
- */\r
- void DistanceToPosition( const double theBounds[6],\r
- const double theDirection[3],\r
- const double theDist,\r
- double thePos[3] )\r
- {\r
- double aMaxBoundPrj, aMinBoundPrj, aMinPnt[3];\r
- ComputeBoundsParam( theBounds, theDirection, aMinPnt, aMaxBoundPrj, aMinBoundPrj );\r
- double aLength = (aMaxBoundPrj - aMinBoundPrj) * theDist;\r
- thePos[0] = aMinPnt[0] - theDirection[0] * aLength;\r
- thePos[1] = aMinPnt[1] - theDirection[1] * aLength;\r
- thePos[2] = aMinPnt[2] - theDirection[2] * aLength;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Compute the parameters of clipping plane\r
- */\r
- bool ComputeClippingPlaneParameters( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,\r
- const double theDefaultSize,\r
- const double theNormal[3],\r
- const double theDist,\r
- double theOrigin[3] )\r
- {\r
- double aBounds[6] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };\r
- \r
- getMinMaxFromContext( theIC, theDefaultSize, aBounds[0], aBounds[2], aBounds[4], aBounds[1], aBounds[3], aBounds[5] );\r
- \r
- DistanceToPosition( aBounds, theNormal, theDist, theOrigin );\r
- return true;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- \brief Converts relative plane parameters to absolute.\r
- \param theIC [in] the interactive context.\r
- \param theDefaultSize [in] the default trihedron size.\r
- \param theDistance [in] the plane distance relative to minimum corner of model boundaries.\r
- \param theDX [in] x component of plane direction.\r
- \param theDY [in] y component of plane direction.\r
- \param theDZ [in] z component of plane direction.\r
- \param theX [out] x coordinate of plane origin.\r
- \param theY [out] y coordinate of plane origin.\r
- \param theZ [out] z coordinate of plane origin.\r
- */\r
- bool DistanceToXYZ ( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,\r
- const double theDefaultSize,\r
- const double theDistance,\r
- const double theDX,\r
- const double theDY,\r
- const double theDZ,\r
- double& theX,\r
- double& theY,\r
- double& theZ )\r
- {\r
- double aNormal[3] = { theDX, theDY, theDZ };\r
- double anOrigin[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };\r
- \r
- bool anIsOk = ComputeClippingPlaneParameters( theIC, theDefaultSize, aNormal, theDistance, anOrigin );\r
- \r
- if( !anIsOk )\r
- {\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- \r
- theX = anOrigin[0];\r
- theY = anOrigin[1];\r
- theZ = anOrigin[2];\r
- \r
- return true;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- \brief Converts absolute position and direction to bounding box distance.\r
- \param theIC [in] the interactive context.\r
- \param theDefaultSize [in] the default trihedron size.\r
- \param theX [in] x coordinate of plane origin.\r
- \param theY [in] y coordinate of plane origin.\r
- \param theZ [in] z coordinate of plane origin.\r
- \param theDX [in] x component of plane direction.\r
- \param theDY [in] y component of plane direction.\r
- \param theDZ [in] z component of plane direction.\r
- \param theDistance [out] the plane distance relative to minimum corner of model boundaries.\r
- */\r
- void XYZToDistance ( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,\r
- const double theDefaultSize,\r
- const double theX,\r
- const double theY,\r
- const double theZ,\r
- const double theDX,\r
- const double theDY,\r
- const double theDZ,\r
- double& theDistance )\r
- {\r
- gp_Pnt aPlaneP( theX, theY, theZ );\r
- gp_Dir aPlaneN( theDX, theDY, theDZ );\r
- \r
- double aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;\r
- \r
- getMinMaxFromContext( theIC, theDefaultSize, aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );\r
- \r
- Bnd_Box aMinMax;\r
- aMinMax.Update( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );\r
- \r
- gp_Trsf aRelativeTransform;\r
- aRelativeTransform.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), gp_Ax3( aPlaneP, aPlaneN ) );\r
- Bnd_Box aRelativeBounds = aMinMax.Transformed( aRelativeTransform );\r
- \r
- aRelativeBounds.Get( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );\r
- \r
- double aLength = aZmax - aZmin;\r
- double aDistance = aZmax;\r
- \r
- double aRelativeDistance = aLength > 0.01 ? aDistance / aLength : 0.0;\r
- aRelativeDistance = qMin( aRelativeDistance, aLength );\r
- aRelativeDistance = qMax( aRelativeDistance, 0.0 );\r
- theDistance = aRelativeDistance;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Compute clipping plane size base point and normal\r
- */\r
- \r
- void clipPlaneParams(OCCViewer_ClipPlane& theClipPlane, Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) theContext,\r
- double& theSize, gp_Pnt& theBasePnt, gp_Dir& theNormal, double defaultSize) {\r
- double aXMin, aYMin, aZMin, aXMax, aYMax, aZMax;\r
- aXMin = aYMin = aZMin = DBL_MAX;\r
- aXMax = aYMax = aZMax = -DBL_MAX;\r
- \r
- getMinMaxFromContext(theContext,defaultSize,aXMin, aYMin, aZMin, aXMax, aYMax, aZMax);\r
- double aSize = 50;\r
- \r
- double aNormalX = 0.0;\r
- double aNormalY = 0.0;\r
- double aNormalZ = 0.0;\r
- theClipPlane.OrientationToXYZ( aNormalX, aNormalY, aNormalZ );\r
- gp_Pnt aBasePnt( theClipPlane.X, theClipPlane.Y, theClipPlane.Z );\r
- gp_Dir aNormal( aNormalX, aNormalY, aNormalZ );\r
- \r
- // compute clipping plane size\r
- gp_Pnt aCenter = gp_Pnt( ( aXMin + aXMax ) / 2, ( aYMin + aYMax ) / 2, ( aZMin + aZMax ) / 2 );\r
- double aDiag = aCenter.Distance( gp_Pnt( aXMax, aYMax, aZMax ) )*2;\r
- aSize = aDiag * 1.1;\r
- \r
- // compute clipping plane center ( redefine the base point )\r
- IntAna_IntConicQuad intersector = IntAna_IntConicQuad();\r
- \r
- intersector.Perform( gp_Lin( aCenter, aNormal), gp_Pln( aBasePnt, aNormal), Precision::Confusion() );\r
- \r
- if ( intersector.IsDone() && intersector.NbPoints() == 1 )\r
- aBasePnt = intersector.Point( 1 );\r
- \r
- theSize = aSize;\r
- theBasePnt = aBasePnt;\r
- theNormal = aNormal;\r
- }\r
- \r
- \r
- /*********************************************************************************\r
- ********************* class OCCViewer_ClippingDlg *********************\r
- *********************************************************************************/\r
- /*!\r
- Constructor\r
- \param view - view window\r
- \param parent - parent widget\r
- */\r
- OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::OCCViewer_ClippingDlg(OCCViewer_ViewWindow* parent , OCCViewer_Viewer* model)\r
- : QDialog( parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint )\r
- {\r
- setObjectName( "OCCViewer_ClippingDlg" );\r
- setModal( false );\r
- \r
- setWindowTitle( tr( "Clipping" ) );\r
- \r
- setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);\r
- \r
- QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );\r
- topLayout->setMargin( 11 ); topLayout->setSpacing( 6 );\r
- \r
- /***************************************************************/\r
- // Controls for selecting, creating, deleting planes\r
- QGroupBox* GroupPlanes = new QGroupBox( tr("CLIPPING_PLANES"), this );\r
- QHBoxLayout* GroupPlanesLayout = new QHBoxLayout( GroupPlanes );\r
- ComboBoxPlanes = new QComboBox( GroupPlanes );\r
- isActivePlane = new QCheckBox( tr("IS_ACTIVE_PLANE"), this );\r
- buttonNew = new QPushButton( tr("BTN_NEW"), GroupPlanes );\r
- buttonDelete = new QPushButton( tr("BTN_DELETE"), GroupPlanes );\r
- buttonDisableAll = new QPushButton( tr("BTN_DISABLE_ALL"), GroupPlanes );\r
- MenuMode = new QMenu( "MenuMode", buttonNew );\r
- MenuMode->addAction( tr( "ABSOLUTE" ), this, SLOT( onModeAbsolute() ) );\r
- MenuMode->addAction( tr( "RELATIVE" ), this, SLOT( onModeRelative() ) );\r
- buttonNew->setMenu( MenuMode );\r
- \r
- GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( ComboBoxPlanes );\r
- GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( isActivePlane );\r
- GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( buttonNew );\r
- GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( buttonDelete );\r
- GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( buttonDisableAll );\r
- \r
- ModeStackedLayout = new QStackedLayout();\r
- \r
- /********************** Mode Absolute **********************/\r
- /* Controls for absolute mode of clipping plane:\r
- X, Y, Z - coordinates of the intersection of cutting plane and the three axes\r
- Dx, Dy, Dz - components of normal to the cutting plane\r
- Orientation - direction of cutting plane\r
- */\r
- const double min = -1e+7;\r
- const double max = 1e+7;\r
- const double step = 5;\r
- const int precision = -7;\r
- \r
- // Croup Point\r
- QGroupBox* GroupAbsolutePoint = new QGroupBox( this );\r
- GroupAbsolutePoint->setObjectName( "GroupPoint" );\r
- GroupAbsolutePoint->setTitle( tr("BASE_POINT") );\r
- QGridLayout* GroupPointLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- GroupPointLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );\r
- GroupPointLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); GroupPointLayout->setMargin( 11 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelX = new QLabel( GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- TextLabelX->setObjectName( "TextLabelX" );\r
- TextLabelX->setText( tr("X:") );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( TextLabelX, 0, 0 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_X = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- SpinBox_X->setObjectName("SpinBox_X" );\r
- SpinBox_X->setPrecision( precision );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_X, 0, 1 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelY = new QLabel( GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- TextLabelY->setObjectName( "TextLabelY" );\r
- TextLabelY->setText( tr("Y:") );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( TextLabelY, 0, 2 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Y = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setObjectName("SpinBox_Y" );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setPrecision( precision );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Y, 0, 3 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelZ = new QLabel( GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- TextLabelZ->setObjectName( "TextLabelZ" );\r
- TextLabelZ->setText( tr("Z:") );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( TextLabelZ, 0, 4 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Z = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setObjectName("SpinBox_Z" );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setPrecision( precision );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Z, 0, 5 );\r
- \r
- resetButton = new QPushButton( GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- resetButton->setObjectName( "resetButton" );\r
- resetButton->setText( tr( "RESET" ) );\r
- GroupPointLayout->addWidget( resetButton, 0, 6 );\r
- \r
- // Group Direction\r
- GroupAbsoluteDirection = new QGroupBox( this );\r
- GroupAbsoluteDirection->setObjectName( "GroupDirection" );\r
- GroupAbsoluteDirection->setTitle( tr("DIRECTION") );\r
- QGridLayout* GroupDirectionLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->setSpacing( 6 );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->setMargin( 11 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelDx = new QLabel( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- TextLabelDx->setObjectName( "TextLabelDx" );\r
- TextLabelDx->setText( tr("Dx:") );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDx, 0, 0 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Dx = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- SpinBox_Dx->setObjectName("SpinBox_Dx" );\r
- SpinBox_Dx->setPrecision( precision );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Dx, 0, 1 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelDy = new QLabel( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- TextLabelDy->setObjectName( "TextLabelDy" );\r
- TextLabelDy->setText( tr("Dy:") );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDy, 0, 2 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Dy = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setObjectName("SpinBox_Dy" );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setPrecision( precision );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Dy, 0, 3 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelDz = new QLabel( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- TextLabelDz->setObjectName( "TextLabelDz" );\r
- TextLabelDz->setText( tr("Dz:") );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDz, 0, 4 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Dz = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setObjectName("SpinBox_Dz" );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setPrecision( precision );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Dz, 0, 5 );\r
- \r
- invertButton = new QPushButton( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- invertButton->setObjectName( "invertButton" );\r
- invertButton->setText( tr( "INVERT" ) );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( invertButton, 0, 6 );\r
- \r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation = new QComboBox( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->setObjectName( "AbsoluteOrientation" );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "CUSTOM" ) );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "||X-Y" ) );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "||Y-Z" ) );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "||Z-X" ) );\r
- GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( CBAbsoluteOrientation, 1, 0, 1, 6 );\r
- \r
- QVBoxLayout* ModeActiveLayout = new QVBoxLayout();\r
- ModeActiveLayout->setMargin( 11 ); ModeActiveLayout->setSpacing( 6 );\r
- ModeActiveLayout->addWidget( GroupAbsolutePoint );\r
- ModeActiveLayout->addWidget( GroupAbsoluteDirection );\r
- \r
- QWidget* ModeActiveWidget = new QWidget( this );\r
- ModeActiveWidget->setLayout( ModeActiveLayout );\r
- \r
- /********************** Mode Relative **********************/\r
- /* Controls for relative mode of clipping plane:\r
- Distance - Value from 0 to 1.\r
- Specifies the distance from the minimum value in a given direction of bounding box to the current position\r
- Rotation1, Rotation2 - turn angles of cutting plane in given directions\r
- Orientation - direction of cutting plane\r
- */\r
- QGroupBox* GroupParameters = new QGroupBox( tr("PARAMETERS"), this );\r
- QGridLayout* GroupParametersLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupParameters );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->setMargin( 11 ); GroupParametersLayout->setSpacing( 6 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelOrientation = new QLabel( tr("ORIENTATION"), GroupParameters);\r
- TextLabelOrientation->setObjectName( "TextLabelOrientation" );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelOrientation, 0, 0 );\r
- \r
- CBRelativeOrientation = new QComboBox(GroupParameters);\r
- CBRelativeOrientation->setObjectName( "RelativeOrientation" );\r
- CBRelativeOrientation->addItem( tr("ALONG_XY") );\r
- CBRelativeOrientation->addItem( tr("ALONG_YZ") );\r
- CBRelativeOrientation->addItem( tr("ALONG_ZX") );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( CBRelativeOrientation, 0, 1 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelDistance = new QLabel( tr("DISTANCE"), GroupParameters );\r
- TextLabelDistance->setObjectName( "TextLabelDistance" );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDistance, 1, 0 );\r
- \r
- SpinSliderDistance = new QtxDoubleSpinSlider( 0., 1., 0.01, GroupParameters );\r
- SpinSliderDistance->setObjectName( "SpinSliderDistance" );\r
- SpinSliderDistance->setPrecision( precision );\r
- QFont fnt = SpinSliderDistance->font(); fnt.setBold( true ); SpinSliderDistance->setFont( fnt );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SpinSliderDistance, 1, 1 );\r
- \r
- QString aUnitRot = "\xB0";\r
- \r
- TextLabelRotation1 = new QLabel( tr("ROTATION_AROUND_X_Y2Z"), GroupParameters );\r
- TextLabelRotation1->setObjectName( "TextLabelRotation1" );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelRotation1, 2, 0 );\r
- \r
- SpinSliderRotation1 = new QtxIntSpinSlider( -180, 180, 1, GroupParameters );\r
- SpinSliderRotation1->setObjectName( "SpinSliderRotation1" );\r
- SpinSliderRotation1->setUnit( aUnitRot );\r
- SpinSliderRotation1->setFont( fnt );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SpinSliderRotation1, 2, 1 );\r
- \r
- TextLabelRotation2 = new QLabel(tr("ROTATION_AROUND_Y_X2Z"), GroupParameters);\r
- TextLabelRotation2->setObjectName( "TextLabelRotation2" );\r
- TextLabelRotation2->setObjectName( "TextLabelRotation2" );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelRotation2, 3, 0 );\r
- \r
- SpinSliderRotation2 = new QtxIntSpinSlider( -180, 180, 1, GroupParameters );\r
- SpinSliderRotation2->setObjectName( "SpinSliderRotation2" );\r
- SpinSliderRotation2->setUnit( aUnitRot );\r
- SpinSliderRotation2->setFont( fnt );\r
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SpinSliderRotation2, 3, 1 );\r
- \r
- /***************************************************************/\r
- QGroupBox* CheckBoxWidget = new QGroupBox( this );\r
- QHBoxLayout* CheckBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( CheckBoxWidget );\r
- \r
- PreviewCheckBox = new QCheckBox( tr("PREVIEW"), CheckBoxWidget );\r
- PreviewCheckBox->setObjectName( "PreviewCheckBox" );\r
- PreviewCheckBox->setChecked( true );\r
- CheckBoxLayout->addWidget( PreviewCheckBox, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );\r
- \r
- AutoApplyCheckBox = new QCheckBox( tr("AUTO_APPLY"), CheckBoxWidget );\r
- AutoApplyCheckBox->setObjectName( "AutoApplyCheckBox" );\r
- CheckBoxLayout->addWidget( AutoApplyCheckBox, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );\r
- \r
- /***************************************************************/\r
- QGroupBox* GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this );\r
- QHBoxLayout* GroupButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout( GroupButtons );\r
- GroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );\r
- GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin( 11 ); GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );\r
- \r
- buttonOk = new QPushButton( GroupButtons );\r
- buttonOk->setObjectName( "buttonOk" );\r
- buttonOk->setText( tr( "BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE" ) );\r
- buttonOk->setAutoDefault( TRUE );\r
- buttonOk->setDefault( TRUE );\r
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonOk );\r
- \r
- buttonApply = new QPushButton( GroupButtons );\r
- buttonApply->setObjectName( "buttonApply" );\r
- buttonApply->setText( tr( "BUT_APPLY" ) );\r
- buttonApply->setAutoDefault( TRUE );\r
- buttonApply->setDefault( TRUE );\r
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonApply );\r
- \r
- GroupButtonsLayout->addStretch();\r
- \r
- buttonClose = new QPushButton( GroupButtons );\r
- buttonClose->setObjectName( "buttonClose" );\r
- buttonClose->setText( tr( "BUT_CLOSE" ) );\r
- buttonClose->setAutoDefault( TRUE );\r
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonClose );\r
- \r
- QPushButton* buttonHelp = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), GroupButtons );\r
- buttonHelp->setAutoDefault( TRUE );\r
- GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonHelp );\r
- \r
- /***************************************************************/\r
- ModeStackedLayout->addWidget( ModeActiveWidget );\r
- ModeStackedLayout->addWidget( GroupParameters );\r
- \r
- topLayout->addWidget( GroupPlanes );\r
- topLayout->addLayout( ModeStackedLayout );\r
- topLayout->addWidget( CheckBoxWidget );\r
- topLayout->addWidget( GroupButtons );\r
- \r
- this->setLayout( topLayout );\r
- \r
- // Initializations\r
- initParam();\r
- \r
- // Signals and slots connections\r
- connect( ComboBoxPlanes, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSelectPlane( int ) ) );\r
- connect( isActivePlane, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( buttonNew, SIGNAL( clicked() ), buttonNew, SLOT( showMenu() ) );\r
- connect( buttonDelete, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnDelete() ) );\r
- connect( buttonDisableAll, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnDisableAll() ) );\r
- \r
- connect( resetButton, SIGNAL (clicked() ), this, SLOT( onReset() ) );\r
- connect( invertButton, SIGNAL (clicked() ), this, SLOT( onInvert() ) ) ;\r
- connect( SpinBox_X, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinBox_Y, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinBox_Z, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinBox_Dx, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinBox_Dy, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinBox_Dz, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( CBAbsoluteOrientation, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT( onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( int ) ) ) ;\r
- \r
- connect( CBRelativeOrientation, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onOrientationRelativeChanged( int ) ) );\r
- connect( SpinSliderDistance, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinSliderRotation1, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- connect( SpinSliderRotation2, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );\r
- \r
- connect( PreviewCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onPreview( bool ) ) ) ;\r
- connect( AutoApplyCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onAutoApply( bool ) ) );\r
- \r
- connect( buttonClose, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnClose() ) ) ;\r
- connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) );\r
- connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );\r
- connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnHelp() ) );\r
- \r
- myBusy = false;\r
- myIsSelectPlane = false;\r
- myIsPlaneCreation = false;\r
- myIsUpdatingControls = false;\r
- myModel = model;\r
- \r
- myModel->getViewer3d()->InitActiveViews();\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ViewManager* aViewMgr = (OCCViewer_ViewManager*) myModel->getViewManager();\r
- myInteractor = new OCCViewer_ClipPlaneInteractor( aViewMgr, this );\r
- connect( myInteractor, SIGNAL( planeClicked( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ), SLOT( onPlaneClicked( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ) );\r
- connect( myInteractor, SIGNAL( planeDragged( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ), SLOT( onPlaneDragged( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ) );\r
- \r
- myLocalPlanes = myModel->getClipPlanes();\r
- synchronize();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Destructor\r
- Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources\r
- */\r
- OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::~OCCViewer_ClippingDlg()\r
- {\r
- myLocalPlanes.clear();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Custom handling of close event: erases preview\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e )\r
- {\r
- erasePreview();\r
- QDialog::closeEvent( e );\r
- OCCViewer_ViewWindow* v = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(parent());\r
- if(v)\r
- v->onClipping(false);\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Custom handling of show event: displays preview\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::showEvent( QShowEvent* e )\r
- {\r
- QDialog::showEvent( e );\r
- onPreview( PreviewCheckBox->isChecked() );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Custom handling of hide event: erases preview\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::hideEvent( QHideEvent* e )\r
- {\r
- erasePreview();\r
- QDialog::hideEvent( e );\r
- OCCViewer_ViewWindow* v = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(parent());\r
- if(v)\r
- v->onClipping(false);\r
- \r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Initialization of initial values of widgets\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::initParam()\r
- {\r
- SpinBox_X->setValue( 0.0 );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setValue( 0.0 );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setValue( 0.0 );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Dx->setValue( 1.0 );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setValue( 1.0 );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setValue( 1.0 );\r
- \r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->setCurrentIndex(0);\r
- \r
- SpinSliderDistance->setValue( 0.5 );\r
- SpinSliderRotation1->setValue( 0 );\r
- SpinSliderRotation2->setValue( 0 );\r
- CBRelativeOrientation->setCurrentIndex( 0 );\r
- \r
- isActivePlane->setChecked( true );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Set plane parameters from widgets.\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::setPlaneParam( OCCViewer_ClipPlane& thePlane )\r
- {\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane::PlaneMode aMode = currentPlaneMode();\r
- \r
- thePlane.Mode = aMode;\r
- \r
- if ( aMode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )\r
- {\r
- if( qFuzzyIsNull( SpinBox_Dx->value() ) && \r
- qFuzzyIsNull( SpinBox_Dy->value() ) && \r
- qFuzzyIsNull( SpinBox_Dz->value() ) ) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- thePlane.OrientationType = (aMode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute)\r
- ? CBAbsoluteOrientation->currentIndex()\r
- : CBRelativeOrientation->currentIndex();\r
- \r
- // Get XYZ, DXYZ\r
- if ( aMode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )\r
- {\r
- if ( thePlane.OrientationType == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::AbsoluteCustom )\r
- {\r
- thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dx = SpinBox_Dx->value();\r
- thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dy = SpinBox_Dy->value();\r
- thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dz = SpinBox_Dz->value();\r
- }\r
- else\r
- {\r
- thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert = SpinBox_Dx->value() < 0.0\r
- || SpinBox_Dy->value() < 0.0\r
- || SpinBox_Dz->value() < 0.0;\r
- }\r
- \r
- thePlane.X = SpinBox_X->value();\r
- thePlane.Y = SpinBox_Y->value();\r
- thePlane.Z = SpinBox_Z->value();\r
- }\r
- else\r
- {\r
- thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1 = SpinSliderRotation1->value();\r
- thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2 = SpinSliderRotation2->value();\r
- \r
- double aPlaneDx = 0.0;\r
- double aPlaneDy = 0.0;\r
- double aPlaneDz = 0.0;\r
- double aX = 0.0;\r
- double aY = 0.0;\r
- double aZ = 0.0;\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane::RelativeToDXYZ( thePlane.OrientationType,\r
- thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1,\r
- thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2,\r
- aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz );\r
- \r
- DistanceToXYZ( myModel->getAISContext(),\r
- myModel->trihedronSize(),\r
- SpinSliderDistance->value(),\r
- aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz,\r
- aX, aY, aZ );\r
- \r
- thePlane.X = aX;\r
- thePlane.Y = aY;\r
- thePlane.Z = aZ;\r
- }\r
- \r
- thePlane.IsOn = isActivePlane->isChecked();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Synchronize dialog's widgets with data\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::synchronize()\r
- {\r
- ComboBoxPlanes->clear();\r
- int aNbPlanesAbsolute = myLocalPlanes.size();\r
- \r
- QString aName;\r
- for(int i = 1; i<=aNbPlanesAbsolute; i++ ) {\r
- aName = QString("Plane %1").arg(i);\r
- ComboBoxPlanes->addItem( aName );\r
- }\r
- \r
- int aPos = ComboBoxPlanes->count() - 1;\r
- ComboBoxPlanes->setCurrentIndex( aPos );\r
- \r
- bool anIsControlsEnable = ( aPos >= 0 );\r
- if ( anIsControlsEnable ) {\r
- onSelectPlane( aPos );\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- ComboBoxPlanes->addItem( tr( "NO_PLANES" ) );\r
- initParam();\r
- }\r
- if ( currentPlaneMode() == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )\r
- {\r
- SpinBox_X->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinBox_Dx->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- invertButton->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- resetButton->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- }\r
- else if ( currentPlaneMode() == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Relative )\r
- {\r
- CBRelativeOrientation->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinSliderDistance->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinSliderRotation1->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- SpinSliderRotation2->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- isActivePlane->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- }\r
- isActivePlane->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Displays preview of clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::displayPreview()\r
- {\r
- if ( myBusy || !isValid() || !myModel)\r
- return;\r
- \r
- Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();\r
- \r
- int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- \r
- for ( int i=0; i < clipPlanesCount(); i++ ) {\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane(i);\r
- if ( aClipPlane.IsOn ) {\r
- Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane;\r
- double aSize;\r
- gp_Pnt aBasePnt;\r
- gp_Dir aNormal;\r
- clipPlaneParams(aClipPlane, ic, aSize, aBasePnt, aNormal, myModel->trihedronSize());\r
- myPreviewPlane = new AIS_Plane( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ), aBasePnt );\r
- myPreviewPlane->SetTypeOfSensitivity( Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR );\r
- myPreviewPlane->SetSize( aSize, aSize );\r
- ic->SetWidth( myPreviewPlane, 10, false );\r
- ic->SetMaterial( myPreviewPlane, Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC, false );\r
- ic->SetTransparency( myPreviewPlane, 0.5, false );\r
- Quantity_Color c = (aCurPlaneIndex == i) ? Quantity_Color( 255. / 255., 70. / 255., 0. / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ) : Quantity_Color( 85 / 255., 85 / 255., 255 / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB );\r
- ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlane, c , false );\r
- ic->Display( myPreviewPlane, 1, 0, false );\r
- myPreviewPlaneVector.push_back( myPreviewPlane );\r
- }\r
- }\r
- myModel->update();\r
- \r
- double aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;\r
- getMinMaxFromContext( ic, myModel->trihedronSize(), aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);\r
- gp_Pnt aRotationCenter( (aXmax + aXmin) * 0.5,\r
- (aYmax + aYmin) * 0.5,\r
- (aZmax + aZmin) * 0.5 );\r
- Bnd_Box aMinMax;\r
- aMinMax.Update( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );\r
- \r
- myInteractor->setPlanes( myPreviewPlaneVector );\r
- myInteractor->setRotationCenter( aRotationCenter );\r
- myInteractor->setMinMax( aMinMax );\r
- myInteractor->setEnabled( true );\r
- }\r
- \r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::updatePreview() {\r
- int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- int count = clipPlanesCount();\r
- if ( myBusy || \r
- !isValid() || \r
- myIsPlaneCreation ||\r
- !myModel || \r
- count == 0 || \r
- (aCurPlaneIndex +1 > count) ||\r
- !PreviewCheckBox->isChecked())\r
- return;\r
- \r
- Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane(aCurPlaneIndex);\r
- Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane;\r
- \r
- if (aClipPlane.IsOn) {\r
- double aSize;\r
- gp_Pnt aBasePnt;\r
- gp_Dir aNormal;\r
- clipPlaneParams(aClipPlane, ic, aSize, aBasePnt, aNormal, myModel->trihedronSize());\r
- if(myPreviewPlaneVector.size() < clipPlanesCount()) {\r
- myPreviewPlaneVector.resize(clipPlanesCount());\r
- }\r
- myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex];\r
- if(myPreviewPlane.IsNull()) {\r
- //Plane was not created\r
- myPreviewPlane = new AIS_Plane( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ), aBasePnt );\r
- myPreviewPlane->SetTypeOfSensitivity( Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR );\r
- myPreviewPlane->SetSize( aSize, aSize );\r
- ic->Display( myPreviewPlane, 1, 0, false );\r
- ic->SetWidth( myPreviewPlane, 10, false );\r
- ic->SetMaterial( myPreviewPlane, Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC, false );\r
- ic->SetTransparency( myPreviewPlane, 0.5, false );\r
- myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex] = myPreviewPlane;\r
- } else { \r
- myPreviewPlane->SetComponent( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ) );\r
- myPreviewPlane->SetCenter( aBasePnt );\r
- myPreviewPlane->SetSize( aSize, aSize ); \r
- }\r
- \r
- ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlane, Quantity_Color( 255. / 255., 70. / 255., 0. / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ), false );\r
- ic->Update( myPreviewPlane, Standard_False );\r
- } else {\r
- if(myPreviewPlaneVector.size() > aCurPlaneIndex ) {\r
- myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex];\r
- if(ic->IsDisplayed(myPreviewPlane)) {\r
- ic->Erase( myPreviewPlane, false );\r
- ic->Remove( myPreviewPlane, false );\r
- }\r
- myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex].Nullify();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- for(int i = 0; i < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); i++) {\r
- if( i == aCurPlaneIndex ) continue;\r
- if(!myPreviewPlaneVector[i].IsNull())\r
- ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlaneVector[i], Quantity_Color( 85 / 255., 85 / 255., 255 / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ), false );\r
- }\r
- myModel->update();\r
- \r
- double aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;\r
- getMinMaxFromContext( ic, myModel->trihedronSize(), aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);\r
- gp_Pnt aRotationCenter( (aXmax + aXmin) * 0.5,\r
- (aYmax + aYmin) * 0.5,\r
- (aZmax + aZmin) * 0.5 );\r
- Bnd_Box aMinMax;\r
- aMinMax.Update( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );\r
- \r
- myInteractor->setPlanes( myPreviewPlaneVector );\r
- myInteractor->setRotationCenter( aRotationCenter );\r
- myInteractor->setMinMax( aMinMax );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Erases preview of clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::erasePreview()\r
- {\r
- if ( !myModel )\r
- return;\r
- \r
- Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();\r
- \r
- for ( int i=0; i < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); i++ ) {\r
- Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[i];\r
- if ( !myPreviewPlane.IsNull() && ic->IsDisplayed( myPreviewPlane ) ) {\r
- ic->Erase( myPreviewPlane, false );\r
- ic->Remove( myPreviewPlane, false );\r
- myPreviewPlane.Nullify();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- myPreviewPlaneVector.clear();\r
- myModel->update();\r
- myInteractor->setEnabled( false );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Return true if plane parameters are valid\r
- */\r
- bool OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::isValid()\r
- {\r
- return ( SpinBox_Dx->value() !=0 || SpinBox_Dy->value() !=0 || SpinBox_Dz->value() !=0 );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Update view after changes\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::updateClipping()\r
- {\r
- if (PreviewCheckBox->isChecked() || AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked())\r
- {\r
- if (AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked()) {\r
- onApply();\r
- }\r
- \r
- if (!PreviewCheckBox->isChecked())\r
- myModel->update();\r
- else \r
- updatePreview();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Updates state of user controls.\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::updateControls()\r
- {\r
- if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 )\r
- {\r
- initParam();\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- \r
- int aPlaneIdx = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aPlaneIdx );\r
- \r
- double aPlaneDx = 0.0;\r
- double aPlaneDy = 0.0;\r
- double aPlaneDz = 0.0;\r
- double aDistance = 0.0;\r
- aPlane.OrientationToXYZ( aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz );\r
- \r
- if ( aPlane.Mode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )\r
- {\r
- ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex( 0 );\r
- \r
- // Set plane parameters in the dialog\r
- SpinBox_X->setValue( aPlane.X );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setValue( aPlane.Y );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setValue( aPlane.Z );\r
- SpinBox_Dx->setValue( aPlaneDx );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setValue( aPlaneDy );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setValue( aPlaneDz );\r
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->setCurrentIndex( aPlane.OrientationType );\r
- onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( aPlane.OrientationType );\r
- }\r
- else if( aPlane.Mode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Relative )\r
- {\r
- ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex( 1 );\r
- \r
- // Set plane parameters in the dialog\r
- SpinSliderRotation1->setValue( int( aPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1 ) );\r
- SpinSliderRotation2->setValue( int( aPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2 ) );\r
- \r
- XYZToDistance( myModel->getAISContext(),\r
- myModel->trihedronSize(),\r
- aPlane.X, aPlane.Y, aPlane.Z,\r
- aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz,\r
- aDistance );\r
- \r
- SpinSliderDistance->setValue( aDistance );\r
- \r
- CBRelativeOrientation->setCurrentIndex( aPlane.OrientationType );\r
- onOrientationRelativeChanged( aPlane.OrientationType );\r
- }\r
- \r
- isActivePlane->setChecked( aPlane.IsOn );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on new button click: create a new clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnNew()\r
- {\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane aClipPlane;\r
- \r
- // init controls state\r
- myIsUpdatingControls = true;\r
- initParam();\r
- myIsUpdatingControls = false;\r
- \r
- // init plane according to the state of controls\r
- setPlaneParam( aClipPlane );\r
- \r
- // add plane\r
- myLocalPlanes.push_back( aClipPlane );\r
- synchronize();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on delete button click: Delete selected clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnDelete()\r
- {\r
- int aPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- if ( (clipPlanesCount() == 0) || (aPlaneIndex+1 > clipPlanesCount()))\r
- return;\r
- \r
- myLocalPlanes.erase(myLocalPlanes.begin() + aPlaneIndex);\r
- \r
- Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();\r
- \r
- if(aPlaneIndex+1 <= myPreviewPlaneVector.size()) {\r
- Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[aPlaneIndex];\r
- if ( !myPreviewPlane.IsNull() && ic->IsDisplayed( myPreviewPlane ) ) {\r
- ic->Erase( myPreviewPlane, false );\r
- ic->Remove( myPreviewPlane, false );\r
- }\r
- myPreviewPlaneVector.erase(myPreviewPlaneVector.begin() + aPlaneIndex);\r
- }\r
- synchronize();\r
- if (AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked()) {\r
- onApply();\r
- }\r
- myModel->update();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on disable all button click: Restore initial state of viewer,\r
- erase all clipping planes\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnDisableAll()\r
- {\r
- AutoApplyCheckBox->setChecked (false);\r
- int aClipPlanesCount = clipPlanesCount();\r
- for ( int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aClipPlanesCount; anIndex++)\r
- {\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane(anIndex);\r
- aPlane.IsOn = false;\r
- }\r
- erasePreview();\r
- isActivePlane->setChecked(false);\r
- myModel->setClipPlanes(myLocalPlanes);\r
- myModel->update();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on ok button click: sets cutting plane and closes dialog\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnOk()\r
- {\r
- onApply();\r
- ClickOnClose();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on Apply button click: sets cutting plane and update viewer\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnApply()\r
- {\r
- onApply();\r
- myModel->update();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on close button click: erases preview and rejects dialog\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnClose()\r
- {\r
- erasePreview();\r
- OCCViewer_ViewWindow* v = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(parent());\r
- if(v)\r
- v->onClipping(false);\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on help button click: opens a help page\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnHelp()\r
- {\r
- SUIT_Application* app = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication();\r
- if ( app )\r
- app->onHelpContextModule( "GUI", "occ_3d_viewer_page.html", "clipping_planes" );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Set absolute mode of clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onModeAbsolute()\r
- {\r
- myIsPlaneCreation = true;\r
- ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(0);\r
- ClickOnNew();\r
- myIsPlaneCreation = false;\r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Set relative mode of clipping plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onModeRelative()\r
- {\r
- myIsPlaneCreation = true;\r
- ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(1);\r
- ClickOnNew();\r
- myIsPlaneCreation = false;\r
- SetCurrentPlaneParam();\r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: called on value of clipping plane changed\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onValueChanged()\r
- {\r
- if ( myIsUpdatingControls )\r
- {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- \r
- SetCurrentPlaneParam();\r
- \r
- if ( myIsSelectPlane )\r
- {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- \r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Set current parameters of selected plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onSelectPlane ( int theIndex )\r
- {\r
- if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 )\r
- {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane( theIndex );\r
- \r
- myIsSelectPlane = true;\r
- updateControls();\r
- ComboBoxPlanes->setCurrentIndex( theIndex );\r
- myIsSelectPlane = false;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- Restore parameters of selected plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::SetCurrentPlaneParam()\r
- {\r
- if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 || myIsSelectPlane || myBusy )\r
- {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- \r
- int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aCurPlaneIndex );\r
- \r
- setPlaneParam( aPlane );\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on reset button click: sets default values\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onReset()\r
- {\r
- myBusy = true;\r
- SpinBox_X->setValue(0);\r
- SpinBox_Y->setValue(0);\r
- SpinBox_Z->setValue(0);\r
- myBusy = false;\r
- \r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on invert button click: inverts normal of cutting plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onInvert()\r
- {\r
- double Dx = SpinBox_Dx->value();\r
- double Dy = SpinBox_Dy->value();\r
- double Dz = SpinBox_Dz->value();\r
- \r
- myBusy = true;\r
- SpinBox_Dx->setValue( -Dx );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setValue( -Dy );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setValue( -Dz );\r
- myBusy = false;\r
- \r
- if ( clipPlanesCount() != 0 )\r
- {\r
- int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aCurPlaneIndex );\r
- aPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert = !aPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert;\r
- }\r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: called on orientation of clipping plane in absolute mode changed\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( int mode )\r
- {\r
- bool isUserMode = (mode==0);\r
- \r
- TextLabelX->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- TextLabelY->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- TextLabelZ->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_X->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- \r
- TextLabelDx->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- TextLabelDy->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- TextLabelDz->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- \r
- SpinBox_Dx->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setEnabled( isUserMode );\r
- \r
- if ( !isUserMode ) {\r
- \r
- double aDx = 0, aDy = 0, aDz = 0;\r
- \r
- if ( mode == 1 )\r
- {\r
- aDz = 1;\r
- TextLabelZ->setEnabled( true );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( true );\r
- SpinBox_Z->setFocus();\r
- }\r
- else if ( mode == 2 )\r
- {\r
- aDx = 1;\r
- TextLabelX->setEnabled( true );\r
- SpinBox_X->setEnabled( true );\r
- SpinBox_X->setFocus();\r
- }\r
- else if ( mode == 3 )\r
- {\r
- aDy = 1;\r
- TextLabelY->setEnabled( true );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( true );\r
- SpinBox_Y->setFocus();\r
- }\r
- \r
- int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aCurPlaneIndex );\r
- if ( aPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert == true )\r
- {\r
- aDx = -aDx;\r
- aDy = -aDy;\r
- aDz = -aDz;\r
- }\r
- \r
- myBusy = true;\r
- SpinBox_Dx->setValue( aDx );\r
- SpinBox_Dy->setValue( aDy );\r
- SpinBox_Dz->setValue( aDz );\r
- myBusy = false;\r
- }\r
- \r
- if ( !myIsUpdatingControls )\r
- {\r
- SetCurrentPlaneParam();\r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: called on orientation of clipping plane in relative mode changed\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onOrientationRelativeChanged (int theItem)\r
- {\r
- if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 )\r
- return;\r
- \r
- if ( theItem == 0 ) {\r
- TextLabelRotation1->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_X_Y2Z" ) );\r
- TextLabelRotation2->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Y_X2Z" ) );\r
- }\r
- else if ( theItem == 1 ) {\r
- TextLabelRotation1->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Y_Z2X" ) );\r
- TextLabelRotation2->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Z_Y2X" ) );\r
- }\r
- else if ( theItem == 2 ) {\r
- TextLabelRotation1->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Z_X2Y" ) );\r
- TextLabelRotation2->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_X_Z2Y" ) );\r
- }\r
- \r
- if ( !myIsUpdatingControls )\r
- {\r
- if( (QComboBox*)sender() == CBRelativeOrientation )\r
- {\r
- SetCurrentPlaneParam();\r
- }\r
- \r
- updateClipping();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: called on preview check box toggled\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onPreview( bool on )\r
- {\r
- erasePreview();\r
- if ( on ) \r
- displayPreview();\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: called on Auto Apply check box toggled\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onAutoApply( bool toggled )\r
- {\r
- if ( toggled ) {\r
- onApply();\r
- myModel->update();\r
- } \r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT on Apply button click: sets cutting plane\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onApply()\r
- {\r
- if ( myBusy )\r
- return;\r
- myIsSelectPlane = true;\r
- \r
- qApp->processEvents();\r
- QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );\r
- qApp->processEvents();\r
- \r
- myModel->setClipPlanes(myLocalPlanes);\r
- \r
- QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();\r
- myIsSelectPlane = false;\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: Called when clip plane is clicked in viewer.\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onPlaneClicked( const Handle(AIS_Plane)& thePlane )\r
- {\r
- for ( int aPlaneIt = 0; aPlaneIt < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); aPlaneIt++ )\r
- {\r
- Handle(AIS_Plane)& aPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector.at( aPlaneIt );\r
- if ( aPlane != thePlane )\r
- {\r
- continue;\r
- }\r
- \r
- ComboBoxPlanes->setCurrentIndex( aPlaneIt );\r
- \r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- /*!\r
- SLOT: Called when clip plane is changed by dragging in viewer.\r
- */\r
- void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onPlaneDragged( const Handle(AIS_Plane)& thePlane )\r
- {\r
- for ( int aPlaneIt = 0; aPlaneIt < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); aPlaneIt++ )\r
- {\r
- Handle(AIS_Plane)& aPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector.at( aPlaneIt );\r
- if ( aPlane != thePlane )\r
- {\r
- continue;\r
- }\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane( aPlaneIt );\r
- \r
- gp_Pln aPln = thePlane->Component()->Pln();\r
- const gp_Pnt& aPlaneP = aPln.Location();\r
- const gp_Dir& aPlaneN = aPln.Axis().Direction();\r
- \r
- aClipPlane.X = aPlaneP.X();\r
- aClipPlane.Y = aPlaneP.Y();\r
- aClipPlane.Z = aPlaneP.Z();\r
- \r
- if ( aClipPlane.Mode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )\r
- {\r
- if ( aClipPlane.OrientationType == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::AbsoluteCustom )\r
- {\r
- aClipPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dx = aPlaneN.X();\r
- aClipPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dy = aPlaneN.Y();\r
- aClipPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dz = aPlaneN.Z();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- else\r
- {\r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane::DXYZToRelative( aPlaneN.X(), aPlaneN.Y(), aPlaneN.Z(),\r
- aClipPlane.OrientationType,\r
- aClipPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1,\r
- aClipPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2 );\r
- }\r
- \r
- myIsUpdatingControls = true;\r
- updateControls();\r
- myIsUpdatingControls = false;\r
- \r
- if ( AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked() )\r
- {\r
- onApply();\r
- }\r
- \r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::getClipPlane( int theIdx )\r
- {\r
- return myLocalPlanes[theIdx];\r
- }\r
- \r
- int OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::clipPlanesCount()\r
- {\r
- return myLocalPlanes.size();\r
- }\r
- \r
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
++// Copyright (C) 2007-2014 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
++// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ //
+ // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ //
+ #include "OCCViewer_ClippingDlg.h"
+ #include <QtxDoubleSpinBox.h>
++#include <QtxDoubleSpinSlider.h>
++#include <QtxIntSpinSlider.h>
+ #include <QtxAction.h>
+ #include "SUIT_Session.h"
+ #include "SUIT_ViewWindow.h"
+ #include "SUIT_ViewManager.h"
+ #include "OCCViewer_ClipPlane.h"
+ #include "OCCViewer_ViewWindow.h"
+ #include "OCCViewer_ViewPort3d.h"
+ #include "OCCViewer_ViewModel.h"
++#include "OCCViewer_ViewManager.h"
++#include "OCCViewer_ClipPlaneInteractor.h"
+ #include <V3d_View.hxx>
+ #include <Visual3d_View.hxx>
+ #include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
+ #include <Prs3d_Presentation.hxx>
+ #include <AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive.hxx>
+ #include <AIS_ListOfInteractive.hxx>
+ #include <AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>
+ #include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
+ #include <IntAna_IntConicQuad.hxx>
+ #include <gp_Lin.hxx>
+ #include <gp_Pln.hxx>
+ #include <math.h>
+ // QT Includes
+ #include <QApplication>
+ #include <QGroupBox>
+ #include <QHBoxLayout>
+ #include <QVBoxLayout>
+ #include <QGridLayout>
+ #include <QLabel>
+ #include <QPushButton>
+ #include <QComboBox>
+ #include <QCheckBox>
+ #include <QStackedLayout>
+ #include <QSlider>
+ #include <QMenu>
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ************************ Internal functions ************************
+ *********************************************************************************/
+ void getMinMaxFromContext( Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic,
+ double theDefaultSize,
+ double& theXMin,
+ double& theYMin,
+ double& theZMin,
+ double& theXMax,
+ double& theYMax,
+ double& theZMax) {
+ double aXMin, aYMin, aZMin, aXMax, aYMax, aZMax;
+ aXMin = aYMin = aZMin = DBL_MAX;
+ aXMax = aYMax = aZMax = -DBL_MAX;
+ bool isFound = false;
+ AIS_ListOfInteractive aList;
+ ic->DisplayedObjects( aList );
+ for ( AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive it( aList ); it.More(); it.Next() ) {
+ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anObj = it.Value();
+ if ( !anObj.IsNull() && anObj->HasPresentation() &&
+ !anObj->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_Plane) ) ) {
+ Handle(Prs3d_Presentation) aPrs = anObj->Presentation();
+ if ( !aPrs->IsEmpty() && !aPrs->IsInfinite() ) {
+ isFound = true;
+ double xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;
+ aPrs->MinMaxValues( xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax );
+ aXMin = qMin( aXMin, xmin ); aXMax = qMax( aXMax, xmax );
+ aYMin = qMin( aYMin, ymin ); aYMax = qMax( aYMax, ymax );
+ aZMin = qMin( aZMin, zmin ); aZMax = qMax( aZMax, zmax );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isFound) {
+ if(theDefaultSize == 0.0)
+ theDefaultSize = 100.;
+ aXMin = aYMin = aZMin = -theDefaultSize;
+ aXMax = aYMax = aZMax = theDefaultSize;
+ }
+ theXMin = aXMin;theYMin = aYMin;theZMin = aZMin;
+ theXMax = aXMax;theYMax = aYMax;theZMax = aZMax;
+ }
+ /*!
+ Compute the point of bounding box and current clipping plane
+ */
-void ComputeBoundsParam( double theBounds[6],
- double theDirection[3],
++void ComputeBoundsParam( const double theBounds[6],
++ const double theDirection[3],
+ double theMinPnt[3],
+ double& theMaxBoundPrj,
+ double& theMinBoundPrj )
+ {
- //Enlarge bounds in order to avoid conflicts of precision
- for(int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2) {
++ double aEnlargeBounds[6];
++ // Enlarge bounds in order to avoid conflicts of precision
++ for(int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)
++ {
+ static double EPS = 1.0E-3;
+ double aDelta = (theBounds[i+1] - theBounds[i])*EPS;
- theBounds[i] -= aDelta;
- theBounds[i+1] += aDelta;
++ aEnlargeBounds[i ] = theBounds[i ] - aDelta;
++ aEnlargeBounds[i+1] = theBounds[i+1] + aDelta;
+ }
- double aBoundPoints[8][3] = { { theBounds[0], theBounds[2], theBounds[4] },
- { theBounds[1], theBounds[2], theBounds[4] },
- { theBounds[0], theBounds[3], theBounds[4] },
- { theBounds[1], theBounds[3], theBounds[4] },
- { theBounds[0], theBounds[2], theBounds[5] },
- { theBounds[1], theBounds[2], theBounds[5] },
- { theBounds[0], theBounds[3], theBounds[5] },
- { theBounds[1], theBounds[3], theBounds[5] } };
++ double aBoundPoints[8][3] = { { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[4] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[4] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[4] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[4] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[5] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[2], aEnlargeBounds[5] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[0], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[5] },
++ { aEnlargeBounds[1], aEnlargeBounds[3], aEnlargeBounds[5] } };
+ int aMaxId = 0;
+ theMaxBoundPrj = theDirection[0] * aBoundPoints[aMaxId][0] + theDirection[1] * aBoundPoints[aMaxId][1]
+ + theDirection[2] * aBoundPoints[aMaxId][2];
+ theMinBoundPrj = theMaxBoundPrj;
+ for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ double aTmp = theDirection[0] * aBoundPoints[i][0] + theDirection[1] * aBoundPoints[i][1]
+ + theDirection[2] * aBoundPoints[i][2];
+ if(theMaxBoundPrj < aTmp) {
+ theMaxBoundPrj = aTmp;
+ aMaxId = i;
+ }
+ if(theMinBoundPrj > aTmp) {
+ theMinBoundPrj = aTmp;
+ }
+ }
+ double *aMinPnt = aBoundPoints[aMaxId];
+ theMinPnt[0] = aMinPnt[0];
+ theMinPnt[1] = aMinPnt[1];
+ theMinPnt[2] = aMinPnt[2];
+ }
+ /*!
+ Compute the position of current plane by distance
+ */
-void DistanceToPosition( double theBounds[6],
- double theDirection[3],
- double theDist,
++void DistanceToPosition( const double theBounds[6],
++ const double theDirection[3],
++ const double theDist,
+ double thePos[3] )
+ {
+ double aMaxBoundPrj, aMinBoundPrj, aMinPnt[3];
- ComputeBoundsParam( theBounds,theDirection,aMinPnt,aMaxBoundPrj,aMinBoundPrj );
- double aLength = (aMaxBoundPrj - aMinBoundPrj)*theDist;
- thePos[0] = aMinPnt[0] - theDirection[0]*aLength;
- thePos[1] = aMinPnt[1] - theDirection[1]*aLength;
- thePos[2] = aMinPnt[2] - theDirection[2]*aLength;
++ ComputeBoundsParam( theBounds, theDirection, aMinPnt, aMaxBoundPrj, aMinBoundPrj );
++ double aLength = (aMaxBoundPrj - aMinBoundPrj) * theDist;
++ thePos[0] = aMinPnt[0] - theDirection[0] * aLength;
++ thePos[1] = aMinPnt[1] - theDirection[1] * aLength;
++ thePos[2] = aMinPnt[2] - theDirection[2] * aLength;
+ }
+ /*!
+ Compute the parameters of clipping plane
+ */
-bool ComputeClippingPlaneParameters( double theNormal[3],
- double theDist,
- double theOrigin[3],
- Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic,
- double theDefaultSize)
++bool ComputeClippingPlaneParameters( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,
++ const double theDefaultSize,
++ const double theNormal[3],
++ const double theDist,
++ double theOrigin[3] )
+ {
+ double aBounds[6] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
- getMinMaxFromContext(ic,theDefaultSize,aBounds[0], aBounds[2], aBounds[4], aBounds[1], aBounds[3], aBounds[5]);
++ getMinMaxFromContext( theIC, theDefaultSize, aBounds[0], aBounds[2], aBounds[4], aBounds[1], aBounds[3], aBounds[5] );
+ DistanceToPosition( aBounds, theNormal, theDist, theOrigin );
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
- Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result vector in result[3].
++ \brief Converts relative plane parameters to absolute.
++ \param theIC [in] the interactive context.
++ \param theDefaultSize [in] the default trihedron size.
++ \param theDistance [in] the plane distance relative to minimum corner of model boundaries.
++ \param theDX [in] x component of plane direction.
++ \param theDY [in] y component of plane direction.
++ \param theDZ [in] z component of plane direction.
++ \param theX [out] x coordinate of plane origin.
++ \param theY [out] y coordinate of plane origin.
++ \param theZ [out] z coordinate of plane origin.
+ */
-void Cross(const double first[3], const double second[3], double result[3])
++bool DistanceToXYZ ( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,
++ const double theDefaultSize,
++ const double theDistance,
++ const double theDX,
++ const double theDY,
++ const double theDZ,
++ double& theX,
++ double& theY,
++ double& theZ )
+ {
- result[0] = first[1]*second[2] - first[2]*second[1];
- result[1] = first[2]*second[0] - first[0]*second[2];
- result[2] = first[0]*second[1] - first[1]*second[0];
++ double aNormal[3] = { theDX, theDY, theDZ };
++ double anOrigin[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
++ bool anIsOk = ComputeClippingPlaneParameters( theIC, theDefaultSize, aNormal, theDistance, anOrigin );
++ if( !anIsOk )
++ {
++ return false;
++ }
++ theX = anOrigin[0];
++ theY = anOrigin[1];
++ theZ = anOrigin[2];
++ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
- Compute relative clipping plane in absolute coordinates
++ \brief Converts absolute position and direction to bounding box distance.
++ \param theIC [in] the interactive context.
++ \param theDefaultSize [in] the default trihedron size.
++ \param theX [in] x coordinate of plane origin.
++ \param theY [in] y coordinate of plane origin.
++ \param theZ [in] z coordinate of plane origin.
++ \param theDX [in] x component of plane direction.
++ \param theDY [in] y component of plane direction.
++ \param theDZ [in] z component of plane direction.
++ \param theDistance [out] the plane distance relative to minimum corner of model boundaries.
+ */
-void RelativePlaneToAbsolute (OCCViewer_ClipPlane& thePlane, Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic, double theDefaultSize )
++void XYZToDistance ( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,
++ const double theDefaultSize,
++ const double theX,
++ const double theY,
++ const double theZ,
++ const double theDX,
++ const double theDY,
++ const double theDZ,
++ double& theDistance )
+ {
- double aNormal[3];
- double aDir[2][3] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
- {
- static double aCoeff = M_PI/180.0;
- double anU[2] = { cos( aCoeff * thePlane.RelativeMode.Rotation1 ), cos( aCoeff * thePlane.RelativeMode.Rotation2 ) };
- double aV[2] = { sqrt( 1.0 - anU[0]*anU[0] ), sqrt( 1.0 - anU[1] * anU[1] ) };
- aV[0] = thePlane.RelativeMode.Rotation1 > 0? aV[0]: -aV[0];
- aV[1] = thePlane.RelativeMode.Rotation2 > 0? aV[1]: -aV[1];
- switch ( thePlane.RelativeMode.Orientation ) {
- case 0:
- aDir[0][1] = anU[0];
- aDir[0][2] = aV[0];
- aDir[1][0] = anU[1];
- aDir[1][2] = aV[1];
- break;
- case 1:
- aDir[0][2] = anU[0];
- aDir[0][0] = aV[0];
- aDir[1][1] = anU[1];
- aDir[1][0] = aV[1];
- break;
- case 2:
- aDir[0][0] = anU[0];
- aDir[0][1] = aV[0];
- aDir[1][2] = anU[1];
- aDir[1][1] = aV[1];
- break;
- }
++ gp_Pnt aPlaneP( theX, theY, theZ );
++ gp_Dir aPlaneN( theDX, theDY, theDZ );
- Cross( aDir[1], aDir[0], aNormal );
- // Normalize
- double den;
- den = sqrt( aNormal[0] * aNormal[0] + aNormal[1] * aNormal[1] + aNormal[2] * aNormal[2] );
- if ( den != 0.0 ) {
- for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
- aNormal[i] /= den;
- }
- }
- Cross( aNormal, aDir[1], aDir[0] );
- }
++ double aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;
- double anOrigin[3];
++ getMinMaxFromContext( theIC, theDefaultSize, aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );
- anOrigin[0] = anOrigin[1] = anOrigin[2] = 0;
- bool anIsOk = true;
++ Bnd_Box aMinMax;
++ aMinMax.Update( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );
- anIsOk = ComputeClippingPlaneParameters( aNormal,
- thePlane.RelativeMode.Distance,
- anOrigin,
- ic,
- theDefaultSize );
- if( !anIsOk )
- return;
- thePlane.X = anOrigin[0];
- thePlane.Y = anOrigin[1];
- thePlane.Z = anOrigin[2];
- thePlane.Dx = aNormal[0];
- thePlane.Dy = aNormal[1];
- thePlane.Dz = aNormal[2];
++ gp_Trsf aRelativeTransform;
++ aRelativeTransform.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), gp_Ax3( aPlaneP, aPlaneN ) );
++ Bnd_Box aRelativeBounds = aMinMax.Transformed( aRelativeTransform );
++ aRelativeBounds.Get( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );
++ double aLength = aZmax - aZmin;
++ double aDistance = aZmax;
++ double aRelativeDistance = aLength > 0.01 ? aDistance / aLength : 0.0;
++ aRelativeDistance = qMin( aRelativeDistance, aLength );
++ aRelativeDistance = qMax( aRelativeDistance, 0.0 );
++ theDistance = aRelativeDistance;
+ }
+ /*!
+ Compute clipping plane size base point and normal
+ */
+ void clipPlaneParams(OCCViewer_ClipPlane& theClipPlane, Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) theContext,
+ double& theSize, gp_Pnt& theBasePnt, gp_Dir& theNormal, double defaultSize) {
+ double aXMin, aYMin, aZMin, aXMax, aYMax, aZMax;
+ aXMin = aYMin = aZMin = DBL_MAX;
+ aXMax = aYMax = aZMax = -DBL_MAX;
+ getMinMaxFromContext(theContext,defaultSize,aXMin, aYMin, aZMin, aXMax, aYMax, aZMax);
+ double aSize = 50;
- gp_Pnt aBasePnt(theClipPlane.X , theClipPlane.Y , theClipPlane.Z);
- gp_Dir aNormal(theClipPlane.Dx, theClipPlane.Dy, theClipPlane.Dz );
++ double aNormalX = 0.0;
++ double aNormalY = 0.0;
++ double aNormalZ = 0.0;
++ theClipPlane.OrientationToXYZ( aNormalX, aNormalY, aNormalZ );
++ gp_Pnt aBasePnt( theClipPlane.X, theClipPlane.Y, theClipPlane.Z );
++ gp_Dir aNormal( aNormalX, aNormalY, aNormalZ );
+ // compute clipping plane size
+ gp_Pnt aCenter = gp_Pnt( ( aXMin + aXMax ) / 2, ( aYMin + aYMax ) / 2, ( aZMin + aZMax ) / 2 );
+ double aDiag = aCenter.Distance( gp_Pnt( aXMax, aYMax, aZMax ) )*2;
+ aSize = aDiag * 1.1;
+ // compute clipping plane center ( redefine the base point )
+ IntAna_IntConicQuad intersector = IntAna_IntConicQuad();
+ intersector.Perform( gp_Lin( aCenter, aNormal), gp_Pln( aBasePnt, aNormal), Precision::Confusion() );
+ if ( intersector.IsDone() && intersector.NbPoints() == 1 )
+ aBasePnt = intersector.Point( 1 );
+ theSize = aSize;
+ theBasePnt = aBasePnt;
+ theNormal = aNormal;
+ }
+ /*********************************************************************************
+ ********************* class OCCViewer_ClippingDlg *********************
+ *********************************************************************************/
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ \param view - view window
+ \param parent - parent widget
+ */
+ OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::OCCViewer_ClippingDlg(OCCViewer_ViewWindow* parent , OCCViewer_Viewer* model)
- : QDialog( parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint ),
- myCurrentClipPlaneMode (Absolute)
++ : QDialog( parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint )
+ {
+ setObjectName( "OCCViewer_ClippingDlg" );
+ setModal( false );
+ setWindowTitle( tr( "Clipping" ) );
+ setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
+ QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
+ topLayout->setMargin( 11 ); topLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
+ /***************************************************************/
+ // Controls for selecting, creating, deleting planes
+ QGroupBox* GroupPlanes = new QGroupBox( tr("CLIPPING_PLANES"), this );
+ QHBoxLayout* GroupPlanesLayout = new QHBoxLayout( GroupPlanes );
+ ComboBoxPlanes = new QComboBox( GroupPlanes );
+ isActivePlane = new QCheckBox( tr("IS_ACTIVE_PLANE"), this );
+ buttonNew = new QPushButton( tr("BTN_NEW"), GroupPlanes );
+ buttonDelete = new QPushButton( tr("BTN_DELETE"), GroupPlanes );
+ buttonDisableAll = new QPushButton( tr("BTN_DISABLE_ALL"), GroupPlanes );
+ MenuMode = new QMenu( "MenuMode", buttonNew );
+ MenuMode->addAction( tr( "ABSOLUTE" ), this, SLOT( onModeAbsolute() ) );
+ MenuMode->addAction( tr( "RELATIVE" ), this, SLOT( onModeRelative() ) );
+ buttonNew->setMenu( MenuMode );
+ GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( ComboBoxPlanes );
+ GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( isActivePlane );
+ GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( buttonNew );
+ GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( buttonDelete );
+ GroupPlanesLayout->addWidget( buttonDisableAll );
+ ModeStackedLayout = new QStackedLayout();
+ /********************** Mode Absolute **********************/
+ /* Controls for absolute mode of clipping plane:
+ X, Y, Z - coordinates of the intersection of cutting plane and the three axes
+ Dx, Dy, Dz - components of normal to the cutting plane
+ Orientation - direction of cutting plane
+ */
+ const double min = -1e+7;
+ const double max = 1e+7;
+ const double step = 5;
+ const int precision = -7;
+ // Croup Point
+ QGroupBox* GroupAbsolutePoint = new QGroupBox( this );
+ GroupAbsolutePoint->setObjectName( "GroupPoint" );
+ GroupAbsolutePoint->setTitle( tr("BASE_POINT") );
+ QGridLayout* GroupPointLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ GroupPointLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
+ GroupPointLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); GroupPointLayout->setMargin( 11 );
+ TextLabelX = new QLabel( GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ TextLabelX->setObjectName( "TextLabelX" );
+ TextLabelX->setText( tr("X:") );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( TextLabelX, 0, 0 );
+ SpinBox_X = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ SpinBox_X->setObjectName("SpinBox_X" );
+ SpinBox_X->setPrecision( precision );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_X, 0, 1 );
+ TextLabelY = new QLabel( GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ TextLabelY->setObjectName( "TextLabelY" );
+ TextLabelY->setText( tr("Y:") );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( TextLabelY, 0, 2 );
+ SpinBox_Y = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ SpinBox_Y->setObjectName("SpinBox_Y" );
+ SpinBox_Y->setPrecision( precision );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Y, 0, 3 );
+ TextLabelZ = new QLabel( GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ TextLabelZ->setObjectName( "TextLabelZ" );
+ TextLabelZ->setText( tr("Z:") );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( TextLabelZ, 0, 4 );
+ SpinBox_Z = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ SpinBox_Z->setObjectName("SpinBox_Z" );
+ SpinBox_Z->setPrecision( precision );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Z, 0, 5 );
+ resetButton = new QPushButton( GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ resetButton->setObjectName( "resetButton" );
+ resetButton->setText( tr( "RESET" ) );
+ GroupPointLayout->addWidget( resetButton, 0, 6 );
+ // Group Direction
+ GroupAbsoluteDirection = new QGroupBox( this );
+ GroupAbsoluteDirection->setObjectName( "GroupDirection" );
+ GroupAbsoluteDirection->setTitle( tr("DIRECTION") );
+ QGridLayout* GroupDirectionLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->setMargin( 11 );
+ TextLabelDx = new QLabel( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ TextLabelDx->setObjectName( "TextLabelDx" );
+ TextLabelDx->setText( tr("Dx:") );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDx, 0, 0 );
+ SpinBox_Dx = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ SpinBox_Dx->setObjectName("SpinBox_Dx" );
+ SpinBox_Dx->setPrecision( precision );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Dx, 0, 1 );
+ TextLabelDy = new QLabel( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ TextLabelDy->setObjectName( "TextLabelDy" );
+ TextLabelDy->setText( tr("Dy:") );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDy, 0, 2 );
+ SpinBox_Dy = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setObjectName("SpinBox_Dy" );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setPrecision( precision );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Dy, 0, 3 );
+ TextLabelDz = new QLabel( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ TextLabelDz->setObjectName( "TextLabelDz" );
+ TextLabelDz->setText( tr("Dz:") );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDz, 0, 4 );
+ SpinBox_Dz = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( min, max, step, GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setObjectName("SpinBox_Dz" );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setPrecision( precision );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( SpinBox_Dz, 0, 5 );
+ invertButton = new QPushButton( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ invertButton->setObjectName( "invertButton" );
+ invertButton->setText( tr( "INVERT" ) );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( invertButton, 0, 6 );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation = new QComboBox( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->setObjectName( "AbsoluteOrientation" );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "CUSTOM" ) );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "||X-Y" ) );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "||Y-Z" ) );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->insertItem( CBAbsoluteOrientation->count(), tr( "||Z-X" ) );
+ GroupDirectionLayout->addWidget( CBAbsoluteOrientation, 1, 0, 1, 6 );
+ QVBoxLayout* ModeActiveLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
+ ModeActiveLayout->setMargin( 11 ); ModeActiveLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
+ ModeActiveLayout->addWidget( GroupAbsolutePoint );
+ ModeActiveLayout->addWidget( GroupAbsoluteDirection );
+ QWidget* ModeActiveWidget = new QWidget( this );
+ ModeActiveWidget->setLayout( ModeActiveLayout );
+ /********************** Mode Relative **********************/
+ /* Controls for relative mode of clipping plane:
+ Distance - Value from 0 to 1.
+ Specifies the distance from the minimum value in a given direction of bounding box to the current position
+ Rotation1, Rotation2 - turn angles of cutting plane in given directions
+ Orientation - direction of cutting plane
+ */
+ QGroupBox* GroupParameters = new QGroupBox( tr("PARAMETERS"), this );
+ QGridLayout* GroupParametersLayout = new QGridLayout( GroupParameters );
+ GroupParametersLayout->setMargin( 11 ); GroupParametersLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
+ TextLabelOrientation = new QLabel( tr("ORIENTATION"), GroupParameters);
+ TextLabelOrientation->setObjectName( "TextLabelOrientation" );
+ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelOrientation, 0, 0 );
+ CBRelativeOrientation = new QComboBox(GroupParameters);
+ CBRelativeOrientation->setObjectName( "RelativeOrientation" );
+ CBRelativeOrientation->addItem( tr("ALONG_XY") );
+ CBRelativeOrientation->addItem( tr("ALONG_YZ") );
+ CBRelativeOrientation->addItem( tr("ALONG_ZX") );
+ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( CBRelativeOrientation, 0, 1 );
- TLValueDistance = new QLabel( GroupParameters );
- TLValueDistance->setObjectName( "TLValueDistance" );
- TLValueDistance->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
- TLValueDistance->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- QFont fnt = TLValueDistance->font(); fnt.setBold( true ); TLValueDistance->setFont( fnt );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TLValueDistance, 1, 1 );
+ TextLabelDistance = new QLabel( tr("DISTANCE"), GroupParameters );
+ TextLabelDistance->setObjectName( "TextLabelDistance" );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDistance, 2, 0 );
- SliderDistance = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, GroupParameters );
- SliderDistance->setObjectName( "SliderDistance" );
- SliderDistance->setMinimumSize( 300, 0 );
- SliderDistance->setMinimum( 0 );
- SliderDistance->setMaximum( 100 );
- SliderDistance->setSingleStep( 1 );
- SliderDistance->setPageStep( 10 );
- SliderDistance->setTracking( false );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SliderDistance, 2, 1 );
- TLValueRotation1 = new QLabel( GroupParameters );
- TLValueRotation1->setObjectName( "TLValueRotation1" );
- TLValueRotation1->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
- TLValueRotation1->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- TLValueRotation1->setFont( fnt );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TLValueRotation1, 3, 1 );
++ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelDistance, 1, 0 );
++ SpinSliderDistance = new QtxDoubleSpinSlider( 0., 1., 0.01, GroupParameters );
++ SpinSliderDistance->setObjectName( "SpinSliderDistance" );
++ SpinSliderDistance->setPrecision( precision );
++ QFont fnt = SpinSliderDistance->font(); fnt.setBold( true ); SpinSliderDistance->setFont( fnt );
++ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SpinSliderDistance, 1, 1 );
++ QString aUnitRot = "\xB0";
+ TextLabelRotation1 = new QLabel( tr("ROTATION_AROUND_X_Y2Z"), GroupParameters );
+ TextLabelRotation1->setObjectName( "TextLabelRotation1" );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelRotation1, 4, 0 );
- SliderRotation1 = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, GroupParameters );
- SliderRotation1->setObjectName( "SliderRotation1" );
- SliderRotation1->setMinimumSize( 300, 0 );
- SliderRotation1->setMinimum( -180 );
- SliderRotation1->setMaximum( 180 );
- SliderRotation1->setSingleStep( 1 );
- SliderRotation1->setPageStep( 10 );
- SliderRotation1->setTracking(false);
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SliderRotation1, 4, 1 );
- TLValueRotation2 = new QLabel( GroupParameters );
- TLValueRotation2->setObjectName( "TLValueRotation2" );
- TLValueRotation2->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
- TLValueRotation2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- TLValueRotation2->setFont( fnt );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TLValueRotation2, 5, 1 );
++ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelRotation1, 2, 0 );
++ SpinSliderRotation1 = new QtxIntSpinSlider( -180, 180, 1, GroupParameters );
++ SpinSliderRotation1->setObjectName( "SpinSliderRotation1" );
++ SpinSliderRotation1->setUnit( aUnitRot );
++ SpinSliderRotation1->setFont( fnt );
++ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SpinSliderRotation1, 2, 1 );
+ TextLabelRotation2 = new QLabel(tr("ROTATION_AROUND_Y_X2Z"), GroupParameters);
+ TextLabelRotation2->setObjectName( "TextLabelRotation2" );
+ TextLabelRotation2->setObjectName( "TextLabelRotation2" );
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelRotation2, 6, 0 );
- SliderRotation2 = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, GroupParameters );
- SliderRotation2->setObjectName( "SliderRotation2" );
- SliderRotation2->setMinimumSize( 300, 0 );
- SliderRotation2->setMinimum( -180 );
- SliderRotation2->setMaximum( 180 );
- SliderRotation2->setSingleStep( 1 );
- SliderRotation2->setPageStep( 10 );
- SliderRotation2->setTracking(false);
- GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SliderRotation2, 6, 1 );
++ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( TextLabelRotation2, 3, 0 );
++ SpinSliderRotation2 = new QtxIntSpinSlider( -180, 180, 1, GroupParameters );
++ SpinSliderRotation2->setObjectName( "SpinSliderRotation2" );
++ SpinSliderRotation2->setUnit( aUnitRot );
++ SpinSliderRotation2->setFont( fnt );
++ GroupParametersLayout->addWidget( SpinSliderRotation2, 3, 1 );
+ /***************************************************************/
+ QGroupBox* CheckBoxWidget = new QGroupBox( this );
+ QHBoxLayout* CheckBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( CheckBoxWidget );
+ PreviewCheckBox = new QCheckBox( tr("PREVIEW"), CheckBoxWidget );
+ PreviewCheckBox->setObjectName( "PreviewCheckBox" );
+ PreviewCheckBox->setChecked( true );
+ CheckBoxLayout->addWidget( PreviewCheckBox, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
+ AutoApplyCheckBox = new QCheckBox( tr("AUTO_APPLY"), CheckBoxWidget );
+ AutoApplyCheckBox->setObjectName( "AutoApplyCheckBox" );
+ CheckBoxLayout->addWidget( AutoApplyCheckBox, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
+ /***************************************************************/
+ QGroupBox* GroupButtons = new QGroupBox( this );
+ QHBoxLayout* GroupButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout( GroupButtons );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->setMargin( 11 ); GroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
+ buttonOk = new QPushButton( GroupButtons );
+ buttonOk->setObjectName( "buttonOk" );
+ buttonOk->setText( tr( "BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE" ) );
+ buttonOk->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
+ buttonOk->setDefault( TRUE );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonOk );
+ buttonApply = new QPushButton( GroupButtons );
+ buttonApply->setObjectName( "buttonApply" );
+ buttonApply->setText( tr( "BUT_APPLY" ) );
+ buttonApply->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
+ buttonApply->setDefault( TRUE );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonApply );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addStretch();
+ buttonClose = new QPushButton( GroupButtons );
+ buttonClose->setObjectName( "buttonClose" );
+ buttonClose->setText( tr( "BUT_CLOSE" ) );
+ buttonClose->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonClose );
+ QPushButton* buttonHelp = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), GroupButtons );
+ buttonHelp->setAutoDefault( TRUE );
+ GroupButtonsLayout->addWidget( buttonHelp );
+ /***************************************************************/
+ ModeStackedLayout->addWidget( ModeActiveWidget );
+ ModeStackedLayout->addWidget( GroupParameters );
+ topLayout->addWidget( GroupPlanes );
+ topLayout->addLayout( ModeStackedLayout );
+ topLayout->addWidget( CheckBoxWidget );
+ topLayout->addWidget( GroupButtons );
+ this->setLayout( topLayout );
+ // Initializations
+ initParam();
+ // Signals and slots connections
+ connect( ComboBoxPlanes, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSelectPlane( int ) ) );
+ connect( isActivePlane, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( buttonNew, SIGNAL( clicked() ), buttonNew, SLOT( showMenu() ) );
+ connect( buttonDelete, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnDelete() ) );
+ connect( buttonDisableAll, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnDisableAll() ) );
+ connect( resetButton, SIGNAL (clicked() ), this, SLOT( onReset() ) );
+ connect( invertButton, SIGNAL (clicked() ), this, SLOT( onInvert() ) ) ;
+ connect( SpinBox_X, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( SpinBox_Y, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( SpinBox_Z, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( SpinBox_Dx, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( SpinBox_Dy, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( SpinBox_Dz, SIGNAL ( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( CBAbsoluteOrientation, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT( onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( int ) ) ) ;
+ connect( CBRelativeOrientation, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onOrientationRelativeChanged( int ) ) );
- connect( SliderDistance, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), this, SLOT( SliderDistanceHasMoved( int ) ) );
- connect( SliderDistance, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( SliderDistanceHasMoved( int ) ) );
- connect( SliderRotation1, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), this, SLOT( SliderRotation1HasMoved( int ) ) );
- connect( SliderRotation1, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( SliderRotation1HasMoved( int ) ) );
- connect( SliderRotation2, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), this, SLOT( SliderRotation2HasMoved( int ) ) );
- connect( SliderRotation2, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( SliderRotation2HasMoved( int ) ) );
++ connect( SpinSliderDistance, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
++ connect( SpinSliderRotation1, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
++ connect( SpinSliderRotation2, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onValueChanged() ) );
+ connect( PreviewCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onPreview( bool ) ) ) ;
+ connect( AutoApplyCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onAutoApply( bool ) ) );
+ connect( buttonClose, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnClose() ) ) ;
+ connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) );
+ connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
+ connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnHelp() ) );
+ myBusy = false;
+ myIsSelectPlane = false;
+ myIsPlaneCreation = false;
++ myIsUpdatingControls = false;
+ myModel = model;
+ myModel->getViewer3d()->InitActiveViews();
++ OCCViewer_ViewManager* aViewMgr = (OCCViewer_ViewManager*) myModel->getViewManager();
++ myInteractor = new OCCViewer_ClipPlaneInteractor( aViewMgr, this );
++ connect( myInteractor, SIGNAL( planeClicked( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ), SLOT( onPlaneClicked( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ) );
++ connect( myInteractor, SIGNAL( planeDragged( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ), SLOT( onPlaneDragged( const Handle_AIS_Plane& ) ) );
+ myLocalPlanes = myModel->getClipPlanes();
+ synchronize();
+ }
+ /*!
+ Destructor
+ Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+ */
+ OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::~OCCViewer_ClippingDlg()
+ {
+ myLocalPlanes.clear();
+ }
+ /*!
+ Custom handling of close event: erases preview
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e )
+ {
+ erasePreview();
+ QDialog::closeEvent( e );
+ OCCViewer_ViewWindow* v = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(parent());
+ if(v)
+ v->onClipping(false);
+ }
+ /*!
+ Custom handling of show event: displays preview
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::showEvent( QShowEvent* e )
+ {
+ QDialog::showEvent( e );
+ onPreview( PreviewCheckBox->isChecked() );
+ }
+ /*!
+ Custom handling of hide event: erases preview
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::hideEvent( QHideEvent* e )
+ {
+ erasePreview();
+ QDialog::hideEvent( e );
+ OCCViewer_ViewWindow* v = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(parent());
+ if(v)
+ v->onClipping(false);
+ }
+ /*!
+ Initialization of initial values of widgets
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::initParam()
+ {
+ SpinBox_X->setValue( 0.0 );
+ SpinBox_Y->setValue( 0.0 );
+ SpinBox_Z->setValue( 0.0 );
+ SpinBox_Dx->setValue( 1.0 );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setValue( 1.0 );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setValue( 1.0 );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->setCurrentIndex(0);
- TLValueDistance->setText( "0.5" );
- TLValueRotation1->setText( "0\xB0" );
- TLValueRotation2->setText( "0\xB0" );
++ SpinSliderDistance->setValue( 0.5 );
++ SpinSliderRotation1->setValue( 0 );
++ SpinSliderRotation2->setValue( 0 );
+ CBRelativeOrientation->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
- SliderDistance->setValue( 50 );
- SliderRotation1->setValue( 0 );
- SliderRotation2->setValue( 0 );
++ isActivePlane->setChecked( true );
++ Set plane parameters from widgets.
++void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::setPlaneParam( OCCViewer_ClipPlane& thePlane )
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane::PlaneMode aMode = currentPlaneMode();
++ thePlane.Mode = aMode;
++ if ( aMode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )
++ {
++ if( qFuzzyIsNull( SpinBox_Dx->value() ) &&
++ qFuzzyIsNull( SpinBox_Dy->value() ) &&
++ qFuzzyIsNull( SpinBox_Dz->value() ) ) {
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ thePlane.OrientationType = (aMode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute)
++ ? CBAbsoluteOrientation->currentIndex()
++ : CBRelativeOrientation->currentIndex();
++ // Get XYZ, DXYZ
++ if ( aMode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )
++ {
++ if ( thePlane.OrientationType == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::AbsoluteCustom )
++ {
++ thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dx = SpinBox_Dx->value();
++ thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dy = SpinBox_Dy->value();
++ thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dz = SpinBox_Dz->value();
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ thePlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert = SpinBox_Dx->value() < 0.0
++ || SpinBox_Dy->value() < 0.0
++ || SpinBox_Dz->value() < 0.0;
++ }
++ thePlane.X = SpinBox_X->value();
++ thePlane.Y = SpinBox_Y->value();
++ thePlane.Z = SpinBox_Z->value();
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1 = SpinSliderRotation1->value();
++ thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2 = SpinSliderRotation2->value();
++ double aPlaneDx = 0.0;
++ double aPlaneDy = 0.0;
++ double aPlaneDz = 0.0;
++ double aX = 0.0;
++ double aY = 0.0;
++ double aZ = 0.0;
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane::RelativeToDXYZ( thePlane.OrientationType,
++ thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1,
++ thePlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2,
++ aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz );
++ DistanceToXYZ( myModel->getAISContext(),
++ myModel->trihedronSize(),
++ SpinSliderDistance->value(),
++ aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz,
++ aX, aY, aZ );
++ thePlane.X = aX;
++ thePlane.Y = aY;
++ thePlane.Z = aZ;
++ }
++ thePlane.IsOn = isActivePlane->isChecked();
+ }
+ /*!
+ Synchronize dialog's widgets with data
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::synchronize()
+ {
+ ComboBoxPlanes->clear();
+ int aNbPlanesAbsolute = myLocalPlanes.size();
+ QString aName;
+ for(int i = 1; i<=aNbPlanesAbsolute; i++ ) {
+ aName = QString("Plane %1").arg(i);
+ ComboBoxPlanes->addItem( aName );
+ }
+ int aPos = ComboBoxPlanes->count() - 1;
+ ComboBoxPlanes->setCurrentIndex( aPos );
+ bool anIsControlsEnable = ( aPos >= 0 );
+ if ( anIsControlsEnable ) {
+ onSelectPlane( aPos );
+ }
+ else {
+ ComboBoxPlanes->addItem( tr( "NO_PLANES" ) );
+ initParam();
+ }
- if ( myCurrentClipPlaneMode == Absolute ) {
++ if ( currentPlaneMode() == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )
++ {
+ SpinBox_X->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ SpinBox_Dx->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ CBAbsoluteOrientation->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ invertButton->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ resetButton->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ }
- else if( myCurrentClipPlaneMode == Relative ) {
++ else if ( currentPlaneMode() == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Relative )
++ {
+ CBRelativeOrientation->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
- SliderDistance->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
- SliderRotation1->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
- SliderRotation2->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
++ SpinSliderDistance->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
++ SpinSliderRotation1->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
++ SpinSliderRotation2->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ isActivePlane->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ }
+ isActivePlane->setEnabled( anIsControlsEnable );
+ }
+ /*!
+ Displays preview of clipping plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::displayPreview()
+ {
+ if ( myBusy || !isValid() || !myModel)
+ return;
+ Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();
+ int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
+ for ( int i=0; i < clipPlanesCount(); i++ ) {
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane(i);
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane(i);
+ if ( aClipPlane.IsOn ) {
+ Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane;
+ double aSize;
+ gp_Pnt aBasePnt;
+ gp_Dir aNormal;
+ clipPlaneParams(aClipPlane, ic, aSize, aBasePnt, aNormal, myModel->trihedronSize());
- myPreviewPlane = new AIS_Plane( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ) );
++ myPreviewPlane = new AIS_Plane( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ), aBasePnt );
++ myPreviewPlane->SetTypeOfSensitivity( Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR );
+ myPreviewPlane->SetSize( aSize, aSize );
- ic->Display( myPreviewPlane, 1, -1, false );
+ ic->SetWidth( myPreviewPlane, 10, false );
+ ic->SetMaterial( myPreviewPlane, Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC, false );
+ ic->SetTransparency( myPreviewPlane, 0.5, false );
+ Quantity_Color c = (aCurPlaneIndex == i) ? Quantity_Color( 255. / 255., 70. / 255., 0. / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ) : Quantity_Color( 85 / 255., 85 / 255., 255 / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB );
+ ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlane, c , false );
++ ic->Display( myPreviewPlane, 1, 0, false );
+ myPreviewPlaneVector.push_back( myPreviewPlane );
+ }
+ }
+ myModel->update();
++ double aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;
++ getMinMaxFromContext( ic, myModel->trihedronSize(), aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);
++ gp_Pnt aRotationCenter( (aXmax + aXmin) * 0.5,
++ (aYmax + aYmin) * 0.5,
++ (aZmax + aZmin) * 0.5 );
++ Bnd_Box aMinMax;
++ aMinMax.Update( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );
++ myInteractor->setPlanes( myPreviewPlaneVector );
++ myInteractor->setRotationCenter( aRotationCenter );
++ myInteractor->setMinMax( aMinMax );
++ myInteractor->setEnabled( true );
+ }
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::updatePreview() {
+ int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
+ int count = clipPlanesCount();
+ if ( myBusy ||
+ !isValid() ||
+ myIsPlaneCreation ||
+ !myModel ||
+ count == 0 ||
+ (aCurPlaneIndex +1 > count) ||
+ !PreviewCheckBox->isChecked())
+ return;
+ Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();
+ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane(aCurPlaneIndex);
+ Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane;
+ if (aClipPlane.IsOn) {
+ double aSize;
+ gp_Pnt aBasePnt;
+ gp_Dir aNormal;
+ clipPlaneParams(aClipPlane, ic, aSize, aBasePnt, aNormal, myModel->trihedronSize());
+ if(myPreviewPlaneVector.size() < clipPlanesCount()) {
+ myPreviewPlaneVector.resize(clipPlanesCount());
+ }
+ myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex];
+ if(myPreviewPlane.IsNull()) {
- //Plane was not created
- myPreviewPlane = new AIS_Plane( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ) );
++ //Plane was not created
++ myPreviewPlane = new AIS_Plane( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ), aBasePnt );
++ myPreviewPlane->SetTypeOfSensitivity( Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR );
+ myPreviewPlane->SetSize( aSize, aSize );
- ic->Display( myPreviewPlane, 1, -1, false );
++ ic->Display( myPreviewPlane, 1, 0, false );
+ ic->SetWidth( myPreviewPlane, 10, false );
+ ic->SetMaterial( myPreviewPlane, Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC, false );
+ ic->SetTransparency( myPreviewPlane, 0.5, false );
+ myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex] = myPreviewPlane;
+ } else {
- myPreviewPlane->SetComponent(new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ));
++ myPreviewPlane->SetComponent( new Geom_Plane( aBasePnt, aNormal ) );
++ myPreviewPlane->SetCenter( aBasePnt );
+ myPreviewPlane->SetSize( aSize, aSize );
+ }
+ ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlane, Quantity_Color( 255. / 255., 70. / 255., 0. / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ), false );
++ ic->Update( myPreviewPlane, Standard_False );
+ } else {
+ if(myPreviewPlaneVector.size() > aCurPlaneIndex ) {
+ myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex];
+ if(ic->IsDisplayed(myPreviewPlane)) {
+ ic->Erase( myPreviewPlane, false );
+ ic->Remove( myPreviewPlane, false );
+ }
+ myPreviewPlaneVector[aCurPlaneIndex].Nullify();
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); i++) {
+ if( i == aCurPlaneIndex ) continue;
+ if(!myPreviewPlaneVector[i].IsNull())
- ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlaneVector[i], Quantity_Color( 85 / 255., 85 / 255., 255 / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ), false );
++ ic->SetColor( myPreviewPlaneVector[i], Quantity_Color( 85 / 255., 85 / 255., 255 / 255., Quantity_TOC_RGB ), false );
+ }
+ myModel->update();
++ double aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;
++ getMinMaxFromContext( ic, myModel->trihedronSize(), aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);
++ gp_Pnt aRotationCenter( (aXmax + aXmin) * 0.5,
++ (aYmax + aYmin) * 0.5,
++ (aZmax + aZmin) * 0.5 );
++ Bnd_Box aMinMax;
++ aMinMax.Update( aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax );
++ myInteractor->setPlanes( myPreviewPlaneVector );
++ myInteractor->setRotationCenter( aRotationCenter );
++ myInteractor->setMinMax( aMinMax );
+ }
+ /*!
+ Erases preview of clipping plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::erasePreview()
+ {
+ if ( !myModel )
+ return;
+ Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();
+ for ( int i=0; i < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); i++ ) {
+ Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[i];
+ if ( !myPreviewPlane.IsNull() && ic->IsDisplayed( myPreviewPlane ) ) {
+ ic->Erase( myPreviewPlane, false );
+ ic->Remove( myPreviewPlane, false );
+ myPreviewPlane.Nullify();
+ }
+ }
+ myPreviewPlaneVector.clear();
+ myModel->update();
++ myInteractor->setEnabled( false );
+ }
+ /*!
+ Return true if plane parameters are valid
+ */
+ bool OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::isValid()
+ {
+ return ( SpinBox_Dx->value() !=0 || SpinBox_Dy->value() !=0 || SpinBox_Dz->value() !=0 );
+ }
+ /*!
+ Update view after changes
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::updateClipping()
+ {
+ if (PreviewCheckBox->isChecked() || AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked())
+ {
+ if (AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked()) {
+ onApply();
+ }
+ if (!PreviewCheckBox->isChecked())
+ myModel->update();
+ else
+ updatePreview();
+ }
+ }
++ Updates state of user controls.
++void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::updateControls()
++ if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 )
++ {
++ initParam();
++ return;
++ }
++ int aPlaneIdx = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aPlaneIdx );
++ double aPlaneDx = 0.0;
++ double aPlaneDy = 0.0;
++ double aPlaneDz = 0.0;
++ double aDistance = 0.0;
++ aPlane.OrientationToXYZ( aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz );
++ if ( aPlane.Mode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )
++ {
++ ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
++ // Set plane parameters in the dialog
++ SpinBox_X->setValue( aPlane.X );
++ SpinBox_Y->setValue( aPlane.Y );
++ SpinBox_Z->setValue( aPlane.Z );
++ SpinBox_Dx->setValue( aPlaneDx );
++ SpinBox_Dy->setValue( aPlaneDy );
++ SpinBox_Dz->setValue( aPlaneDz );
++ CBAbsoluteOrientation->setCurrentIndex( aPlane.OrientationType );
++ onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( aPlane.OrientationType );
++ }
++ else if( aPlane.Mode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Relative )
++ {
++ ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
++ // Set plane parameters in the dialog
++ SpinSliderRotation1->setValue( int( aPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1 ) );
++ SpinSliderRotation2->setValue( int( aPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2 ) );
++ XYZToDistance( myModel->getAISContext(),
++ myModel->trihedronSize(),
++ aPlane.X, aPlane.Y, aPlane.Z,
++ aPlaneDx, aPlaneDy, aPlaneDz,
++ aDistance );
++ SpinSliderDistance->setValue( aDistance );
++ CBRelativeOrientation->setCurrentIndex( aPlane.OrientationType );
++ onOrientationRelativeChanged( aPlane.OrientationType );
++ }
++ isActivePlane->setChecked( aPlane.IsOn );
+ /*!
+ SLOT on new button click: create a new clipping plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnNew()
+ {
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane aClipPlane;
++ // init controls state
++ myIsUpdatingControls = true;
++ initParam();
++ myIsUpdatingControls = false;
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane aPlane;
- aPlane.PlaneMode = (ClipPlaneMode )myCurrentClipPlaneMode;
- myLocalPlanes.push_back(aPlane);
++ // init plane according to the state of controls
++ setPlaneParam( aClipPlane );
++ // add plane
++ myLocalPlanes.push_back( aClipPlane );
+ synchronize();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on delete button click: Delete selected clipping plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnDelete()
+ {
+ int aPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
+ if ( (clipPlanesCount() == 0) || (aPlaneIndex+1 > clipPlanesCount()))
+ return;
+ myLocalPlanes.erase(myLocalPlanes.begin() + aPlaneIndex);
+ Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = myModel->getAISContext();
+ if(aPlaneIndex+1 <= myPreviewPlaneVector.size()) {
+ Handle(AIS_Plane) myPreviewPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector[aPlaneIndex];
+ if ( !myPreviewPlane.IsNull() && ic->IsDisplayed( myPreviewPlane ) ) {
+ ic->Erase( myPreviewPlane, false );
+ ic->Remove( myPreviewPlane, false );
+ }
+ myPreviewPlaneVector.erase(myPreviewPlaneVector.begin() + aPlaneIndex);
+ }
+ synchronize();
+ if (AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked()) {
+ onApply();
+ }
+ myModel->update();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on disable all button click: Restore initial state of viewer,
+ erase all clipping planes
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnDisableAll()
+ {
+ AutoApplyCheckBox->setChecked (false);
+ int aClipPlanesCount = clipPlanesCount();
+ for ( int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aClipPlanesCount; anIndex++)
+ {
+ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane(anIndex);
+ aPlane.IsOn = false;
+ }
+ erasePreview();
+ isActivePlane->setChecked(false);
+ myModel->setClipPlanes(myLocalPlanes);
+ myModel->update();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on ok button click: sets cutting plane and closes dialog
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnOk()
+ {
+ onApply();
+ ClickOnClose();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on Apply button click: sets cutting plane and update viewer
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnApply()
+ {
+ onApply();
+ myModel->update();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on close button click: erases preview and rejects dialog
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnClose()
+ {
+ erasePreview();
+ OCCViewer_ViewWindow* v = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(parent());
+ if(v)
+ v->onClipping(false);
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on help button click: opens a help page
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::ClickOnHelp()
+ {
+ SUIT_Application* app = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication();
+ if ( app )
+ app->onHelpContextModule( "GUI", "occ_3d_viewer_page.html", "clipping_planes" );
+ }
+ /*!
+ Set absolute mode of clipping plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onModeAbsolute()
+ {
+ myIsPlaneCreation = true;
+ ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(0);
- myCurrentClipPlaneMode = Absolute;
+ ClickOnNew();
+ myIsPlaneCreation = false;
+ updateClipping();
+ }
+ /*!
+ Set relative mode of clipping plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onModeRelative()
+ {
+ myIsPlaneCreation = true;
+ ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(1);
- myCurrentClipPlaneMode = Relative;
+ ClickOnNew();
+ myIsPlaneCreation = false;
+ SetCurrentPlaneParam();
+ updateClipping();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT: called on value of clipping plane changed
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onValueChanged()
+ {
++ if ( myIsUpdatingControls )
++ {
++ return;
++ }
+ SetCurrentPlaneParam();
+ if ( myIsSelectPlane )
++ {
+ return;
++ }
+ updateClipping();
+ }
+ /*!
+ Set current parameters of selected plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onSelectPlane ( int theIndex )
+ {
+ if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 )
++ {
+ return;
++ }
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane (theIndex);
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane( theIndex );
+ myIsSelectPlane = true;
- if ( aClipPlane.PlaneMode == Absolute ) {
- ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
- myCurrentClipPlaneMode = Absolute;
- int anOrientation = aClipPlane.Orientation;
- // Set plane parameters in the dialog
- SpinBox_X->setValue( aClipPlane.X );
- SpinBox_Y->setValue( aClipPlane.Y );
- SpinBox_Z->setValue( aClipPlane.Z );
- SpinBox_Dx->setValue( aClipPlane.Dx );
- SpinBox_Dy->setValue( aClipPlane.Dy );
- SpinBox_Dz->setValue( aClipPlane.Dz );
- CBAbsoluteOrientation->setCurrentIndex( anOrientation );
- onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( anOrientation );
- }
- else if( aClipPlane.PlaneMode == Relative ) {
- ModeStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
- myCurrentClipPlaneMode = Relative;
- int anOrientation = aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Orientation;
- // Set plane parameters in the dialog
- SliderDistance->setValue( aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Distance*100 );
- TLValueDistance->setText( QString::number(aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Distance ) );
- SliderRotation1->setValue( aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Rotation1 );
- TLValueRotation1->setText( QString( "%1\xB0" ).arg( aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Rotation1 ) );
- SliderRotation2->setValue( aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Rotation2 );
- TLValueRotation2->setText( QString( "%1\xB0" ).arg( aClipPlane.RelativeMode.Rotation2 ) );
- CBRelativeOrientation->setCurrentIndex( anOrientation );
- onOrientationRelativeChanged( anOrientation );
- }
- isActivePlane->setChecked( aClipPlane.IsOn );
++ updateControls();
+ ComboBoxPlanes->setCurrentIndex( theIndex );
+ myIsSelectPlane = false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ Restore parameters of selected plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::SetCurrentPlaneParam()
+ {
- if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 || myIsSelectPlane )
++ if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 || myIsSelectPlane || myBusy )
++ {
+ return;
++ }
+ int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane (aCurPlaneIndex);
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aCurPlaneIndex );
- if ( aPlane.PlaneMode == Absolute ) {
- aPlane.Orientation = CBAbsoluteOrientation->currentIndex();
- aPlane.X = SpinBox_X->value();
- aPlane.Y = SpinBox_Y->value();
- aPlane.Z = SpinBox_Z->value();
- aPlane.Dx = SpinBox_Dx->value();
- aPlane.Dy = SpinBox_Dy->value();
- aPlane.Dz = SpinBox_Dz->value();
- }
- else if( aPlane.PlaneMode == Relative ) {
- aPlane.RelativeMode.Orientation = CBRelativeOrientation->currentIndex();
- aPlane.RelativeMode.Distance = TLValueDistance->text().toDouble();
- aPlane.RelativeMode.Rotation1 = TLValueRotation1->text().remove("\xB0").toInt();
- aPlane.RelativeMode.Rotation2 = TLValueRotation2->text().remove("\xB0").toInt();
- RelativePlaneToAbsolute (aPlane, myModel->getAISContext(),myModel->trihedronSize() );
- }
- aPlane.IsOn = isActivePlane->isChecked();
++ setPlaneParam( aPlane );
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on reset button click: sets default values
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onReset()
+ {
+ myBusy = true;
+ SpinBox_X->setValue(0);
+ SpinBox_Y->setValue(0);
+ SpinBox_Z->setValue(0);
+ myBusy = false;
+ updateClipping();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on invert button click: inverts normal of cutting plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onInvert()
+ {
+ double Dx = SpinBox_Dx->value();
+ double Dy = SpinBox_Dy->value();
+ double Dz = SpinBox_Dz->value();
+ myBusy = true;
+ SpinBox_Dx->setValue( -Dx );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setValue( -Dy );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setValue( -Dz );
+ myBusy = false;
- if ( clipPlanesCount() != 0 ) {
++ if ( clipPlanesCount() != 0 )
++ {
+ int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane (aCurPlaneIndex);
- aPlane.IsInvert = !aPlane.IsInvert;
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aCurPlaneIndex );
++ aPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert = !aPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert;
+ }
+ updateClipping();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT: called on orientation of clipping plane in absolute mode changed
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onOrientationAbsoluteChanged( int mode )
+ {
+ bool isUserMode = (mode==0);
+ TextLabelX->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ TextLabelY->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ TextLabelZ->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ SpinBox_X->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ TextLabelDx->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ TextLabelDy->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ TextLabelDz->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ SpinBox_Dx->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setEnabled( isUserMode );
+ if ( !isUserMode ) {
+ double aDx = 0, aDy = 0, aDz = 0;
+ if ( mode == 1 )
- {
- aDz = 1;
- TextLabelZ->setEnabled( true );
- SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( true );
- SpinBox_Z->setFocus();
- }
++ {
++ aDz = 1;
++ TextLabelZ->setEnabled( true );
++ SpinBox_Z->setEnabled( true );
++ SpinBox_Z->setFocus();
++ }
+ else if ( mode == 2 )
- {
- aDx = 1;
- TextLabelX->setEnabled( true );
- SpinBox_X->setEnabled( true );
- SpinBox_X->setFocus();
- }
++ {
++ aDx = 1;
++ TextLabelX->setEnabled( true );
++ SpinBox_X->setEnabled( true );
++ SpinBox_X->setFocus();
++ }
+ else if ( mode == 3 )
- {
- aDy = 1;
- TextLabelY->setEnabled( true );
- SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( true );
- SpinBox_Y->setFocus();
- }
++ {
++ aDy = 1;
++ TextLabelY->setEnabled( true );
++ SpinBox_Y->setEnabled( true );
++ SpinBox_Y->setFocus();
++ }
+ int aCurPlaneIndex = ComboBoxPlanes->currentIndex();
- OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane (aCurPlaneIndex);
- if ( aPlane.IsInvert == true ) {
- aDx = -aDx; aDy = -aDy; aDz = -aDz;
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aPlane = getClipPlane( aCurPlaneIndex );
++ if ( aPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.IsInvert == true )
++ {
++ aDx = -aDx;
++ aDy = -aDy;
++ aDz = -aDz;
+ }
+ myBusy = true;
+ SpinBox_Dx->setValue( aDx );
+ SpinBox_Dy->setValue( aDy );
+ SpinBox_Dz->setValue( aDz );
+ myBusy = false;
+ }
- SetCurrentPlaneParam();
- updateClipping();
++ if ( !myIsUpdatingControls )
++ {
++ SetCurrentPlaneParam();
++ updateClipping();
++ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT: called on orientation of clipping plane in relative mode changed
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onOrientationRelativeChanged (int theItem)
+ {
+ if ( clipPlanesCount() == 0 )
+ return;
+ if ( theItem == 0 ) {
+ TextLabelRotation1->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_X_Y2Z" ) );
+ TextLabelRotation2->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Y_X2Z" ) );
+ }
+ else if ( theItem == 1 ) {
+ TextLabelRotation1->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Y_Z2X" ) );
+ TextLabelRotation2->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Z_Y2X" ) );
+ }
+ else if ( theItem == 2 ) {
+ TextLabelRotation1->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_Z_X2Y" ) );
+ TextLabelRotation2->setText( tr( "ROTATION_AROUND_X_Z2Y" ) );
+ }
- if( (QComboBox*)sender() == CBRelativeOrientation )
- SetCurrentPlaneParam();
- updateClipping();
++ if ( !myIsUpdatingControls )
++ {
++ if( (QComboBox*)sender() == CBRelativeOrientation )
++ {
++ SetCurrentPlaneParam();
++ }
++ updateClipping();
++ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT: called on preview check box toggled
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onPreview( bool on )
+ {
+ erasePreview();
+ if ( on )
+ displayPreview();
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT: called on Auto Apply check box toggled
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onAutoApply( bool toggled )
+ {
+ if ( toggled ) {
+ onApply();
+ myModel->update();
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ SLOT on Apply button click: sets cutting plane
+ */
+ void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onApply()
+ {
+ if ( myBusy )
+ return;
+ myIsSelectPlane = true;
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ myModel->setClipPlanes(myLocalPlanes);
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ myIsSelectPlane = false;
+ }
+ /*!
- SLOT: Called when value of slider distance change
++ SLOT: Called when clip plane is clicked in viewer.
+ */
-void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::SliderDistanceHasMoved( int value )
++void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onPlaneClicked( const Handle(AIS_Plane)& thePlane )
+ {
- double new_value = value/100.;
- TLValueDistance->setText( QString("%1").arg( new_value ) );
- onValueChanged();
++ for ( int aPlaneIt = 0; aPlaneIt < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); aPlaneIt++ )
++ {
++ Handle(AIS_Plane)& aPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector.at( aPlaneIt );
++ if ( aPlane != thePlane )
++ {
++ continue;
++ }
++ ComboBoxPlanes->setCurrentIndex( aPlaneIt );
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ /*!
- SLOT: Called when value of slider rotation1 change
++ SLOT: Called when clip plane is changed by dragging in viewer.
+ */
-void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::SliderRotation1HasMoved( int value )
++void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::onPlaneDragged( const Handle(AIS_Plane)& thePlane )
+ {
- TLValueRotation1->setText( QString("%1\xB0").arg( value ) );
- onValueChanged();
++ for ( int aPlaneIt = 0; aPlaneIt < myPreviewPlaneVector.size(); aPlaneIt++ )
++ {
++ Handle(AIS_Plane)& aPlane = myPreviewPlaneVector.at( aPlaneIt );
++ if ( aPlane != thePlane )
++ {
++ continue;
++ }
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane& aClipPlane = getClipPlane( aPlaneIt );
++ gp_Pln aPln = thePlane->Component()->Pln();
++ const gp_Pnt& aPlaneP = aPln.Location();
++ const gp_Dir& aPlaneN = aPln.Axis().Direction();
++ aClipPlane.X = aPlaneP.X();
++ aClipPlane.Y = aPlaneP.Y();
++ aClipPlane.Z = aPlaneP.Z();
++ if ( aClipPlane.Mode == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute )
++ {
++ if ( aClipPlane.OrientationType == OCCViewer_ClipPlane::AbsoluteCustom )
++ {
++ aClipPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dx = aPlaneN.X();
++ aClipPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dy = aPlaneN.Y();
++ aClipPlane.AbsoluteOrientation.Dz = aPlaneN.Z();
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ OCCViewer_ClipPlane::DXYZToRelative( aPlaneN.X(), aPlaneN.Y(), aPlaneN.Z(),
++ aClipPlane.OrientationType,
++ aClipPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation1,
++ aClipPlane.RelativeOrientation.Rotation2 );
++ }
++ myIsUpdatingControls = true;
++ updateControls();
++ myIsUpdatingControls = false;
++ if ( AutoApplyCheckBox->isChecked() )
++ {
++ onApply();
++ }
++ break;
++ }
+ }
- SLOT: Called when value of slider rotation2 change
-void OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::SliderRotation2HasMoved( int value )
++OCCViewer_ClipPlane& OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::getClipPlane( int theIdx )
+ {
- TLValueRotation2->setText( QString("%1\xB0").arg( value ) );
- onValueChanged();
++ return myLocalPlanes[theIdx];
+ }
-OCCViewer_ClipPlane& OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::getClipPlane (int theIndex) {
- return myLocalPlanes[theIndex];
++int OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::clipPlanesCount()
++ return myLocalPlanes.size();
+ }
-int OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::clipPlanesCount() {
- return myLocalPlanes.size();
+OCCViewer_ClipPlane::PlaneMode OCCViewer_ClippingDlg::currentPlaneMode() const
+ return ModeStackedLayout->currentIndex() == 0
+ ? OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Absolute
+ : OCCViewer_ClipPlane::Relative;