It fixes the following bug: when Dump Python is called first with checked, and after that - with unchecked "Save GUI State" checkbox -- the Python script is written with errors as IParameters has internal "DympPython" property set ON (left from the first call). Currently, it is possible to set it OFF, and it is done in SalomeApp_Application::OnDumpPython() function.
if ( !aFileName.isEmpty() ) {
QFileInfo aFileInfo(aFileName);
int savePoint;
+ _PTR(AttributeParameter) ap;
+ _PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
+ if(ip->isDumpPython(appStudy->studyDS())) ip->setDumpPython(appStudy->studyDS()); //Unset DumpPython flag.
if ( toSaveGUI ) { //SRN: Store a visual state of the study at the save point for DumpStudy method
- _PTR(AttributeParameter) ap;
- _PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
savePoint = SalomeApp_VisualState( this ).storeState(); //SRN: create a temporary save point