src/Makefile \
src/HexoticPlugin/Makefile \
src/GUI/Makefile \
+ src/GUI/resources/Makefile \
HexoticPLUGIN_version.h \
doc/Makefile \
doc/salome/Makefile \
guidocdir = $(docdir)/gui/HexoticPLUGIN
guidoc_DATA = images/head.png
-usr_docs: doxyfile
- echo "===========================================" ; \
- echo "Generating Python interface documentation"; \
- echo "===========================================" ; \
- $(DOXYGEN) doxyfile_py \
- echo "===========================================" ; \
- echo "Generating GUI documentation" ; \
- echo "===========================================" ; \
- $(DOXYGEN) doxyfile ; $(top_srcdir)/src/HexoticPlugin/
+ @PYTHONPATH=$(DOC_PYTHONPATH):${PYTHONPATH} SMESH_MeshersList=$(DOC_SMESH_MeshersList) $(PYTHON) $(SMESH_ROOT_DIR)/bin/salome/ -d -o $@ HexoticPLUGIN
+usr_docs: doxyfile_py doxyfile
+ @$(DOXYGEN) doxyfile_py ; \
+ $(DOXYGEN) doxyfile
docs: usr_docs
#Input related options
-INPUT = @top_srcdir@/src/HexoticPlugin/
+INPUT = @top_srcdir@/src/HexoticPlugin/ \
+ \
+ @SMESH_ROOT_DIR@/bin/salome/
IMAGE_PATH = @srcdir@/images
#External reference options
GENERATE_TAGFILE = hexoticpluginpy_doc.tag
\ No newline at end of file
\n Hexotic Parameters hypothesis works only with <b>Hexotic</b>
algorithm. This algorithm is a commercial software.
-\n To get a licence, visit
+\n To get a licence, visit
\image html hexotic_parameters.png
<li><b>Name</b> - allows to define the name of the hypothesis (Hexotic
Parameters by default).</li>
+<li><b>Min size</b> - allows defining the minimal size of the elements (overrides "Nb. Hexes Max Level" value).</li>
+<li><b>Max size</b> - allows defining the maximal size of the elements (overrides "Nb. Hexes Min Level" value).</li>
<li><b>Nb. Hexes Min Level</b> - allows defining the minimal level of recursive partitioning on the initial octree cube.</li>
<li><b>Nb. Hexes Max Level</b> - allows defining the maximal level of recursive partitioning on the initial octree cube.</li>
-<li><b>Salome Quadrangles</b> - not documented.</li>
<li><b>Generate smooth meshes no ridges</b> - specifies that the mesher can ignore ridges. A ridge is a geometrical entity (a sharp edge). The resulting meshes will have better quality elements, at the price of "smoothing" out the geometry.
<li><b>Working directory</b> - specifies the directory where the input/output files will be created.
+<li><b>Verbosity</b> - specifies the verbose level to print information on meshing steps.
+<li><b>Sub-domains mesh mode</b> - This option allows the user to mesh or not mesh internal subdomains (such as holes), or to mesh non-manifold domains.
+<li>sd 1 : meshes in inside/out mode: the internal cavities are ignored, the whole domain is meshed into a single domain;</li>
+<li>sd 2 : meshes only the internal main component. Internal holes (cavities) will not be meshed;</li>
+<li>sd 3 : meshes all cavities and generates subdomains accordingly;</li>
+<li>sd 4 : meshes non-manifold geometries as such and generates subdomains accordingly.</li>
\note If BLSURF is used as 2D algo, and if a GMF file is defined as output file (using SetGMFFile(my2Dmesh.mesh)), then Hexotic will use this file as input.
This allows to avoid the reconstruction of the GMF file from the SMESH structure and can improve the global computation time.
+<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of the \ref tui_hexotic "creation of an Hexotic mesh"
+++ /dev/null
-\page hexoticplugin_python_intarface_page Python Interface
-Python package \ref HexoticPLUGINDC "HexoticPLUGIN" defines several classes, destined for creation of the 3D meshes.
-Documentation for HexoticPLUGIN package is available in linear form grouped by classes, declared in the file.
--- /dev/null
+\page hexoticplugin_python_interface_page Python Interface
+Python package HexoticPLUGINDC defines several classes, destined for creation of the 3D meshes.
+Hexotic meshing plugin dynamically adds several methods to the smesh.Mesh class to create meshing algorithms.
+Below you can see an example of usage of the HexoticPlugin Python API for mesh generation:
+\anchor tui_hexotic
+-# \ref tui_hexotic_basic
+-# \ref tui_hexotic_sd_mode
+ -# \ref tui_hexotic_sd_mode1
+ -# \ref tui_hexotic_sd_mode2
+ -# \ref tui_hexotic_sd_mode3
+ -# \ref tui_hexotic_sd_mode4
+\section tui_hexotic_basic Construction of Mesh using Hexotic algorithm
+import geompy
+import smesh
+# create a sphere
+sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(100.)
+geompy.addToStudy(sphere, "sphere")
+# create a mesh on the sphere
+hexoticMesh = smesh.Mesh(sphere,"sphere: BLSurf and Hexotic mesh")
+# create a BLSurf algorithm for faces
+BLSURF = hexoticMesh.Triangle(algo=smesh.BLSURF)
+BLSURF.SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
+# create a Hexotic algorithm for volumes
+HEXOTIC = hexoticMesh.Hexahedron(algo=smesh.Hexotic)
+# compute the mesh
+# Change the level of subdivision
+HEXOTIC.SetMinMaxHexes(4, 8)
+# End of script
+\image html hexotic_basic_subdivisions_4_8.png Left: Hexotic mesh without hypothesis, right: Hexotic mesh with an hypothesis defined by minl=4 and maxl=8
+\ref tui_hexotic "Back to top"
+\section tui_hexotic_sd_mode Effect of the sub-domain mode
+This example illustrates the sub-domain mode of Hexotic.
+\subsection tui_hexotic_sd_mode1 Sub-domain mode = 1
+import SALOMEDS
+import geompy
+import smesh
+# Create geometry: a box cut by a holed sphere
+Box_1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200)
+Sphere_1 = geompy.MakeSphereR(75)
+Sphere_2 = geompy.MakeSphereR(25)
+geompy.TranslateDXDYDZ(Box_1, -100, -100, -100)
+Cut_1 = geompy.MakeCut(Sphere_1, Sphere_2)
+Cut_2 = geompy.MakeCut(Box_1, Cut_1)
+geompy.addToStudy( Box_1, 'Box_1' )
+geompy.addToStudy( Sphere_1, 'Sphere_1' )
+geompy.addToStudy( Sphere_2, 'Sphere_2' )
+geompy.addToStudy( Cut_1, 'Cut_1' )
+geompy.addToStudy( Cut_2, 'Cut_2' )
+# Create filters
+# aFilter1: elements inside small sphere
+aFilter1 = smesh.GetFilterFromCriteria([smesh.GetCriterion(smesh.VOLUME,smesh.FT_BelongToGeom,smesh.FT_Undefined,Sphere_2)])
+# aFilter2: elements inside big sphere and not inside small sphere
+aFilter2 = smesh.GetFilterFromCriteria([smesh.GetCriterion(smesh.VOLUME,smesh.FT_BelongToGeom,smesh.FT_Undefined,Sphere_1, smesh.FT_LogicalAND),
+ smesh.GetCriterion(smesh.VOLUME,smesh.FT_BelongToGeom,smesh.FT_Undefined,Sphere_2, smesh.FT_LogicalNOT)])
+# aFilter3: elements not inside big sphere
+aFilter3 = smesh.GetFilterFromCriteria([smesh.GetCriterion(smesh.VOLUME,smesh.FT_BelongToGeom,smesh.FT_Undefined,Sphere_1, smesh.FT_LogicalNOT)])
+# Create mesh of Cut_2 with sd mode 1
+print "Create mesh of Cut_2 with sd mode 1"
+Mesh_hexotic_sd1 = smesh.Mesh(Cut_2, "Mesh_hexotic_sd1")
+# Create the 2D algo: BlSurf with geometrical mesh
+Mesh_hexotic_sd1.Triangle(algo=smesh.BLSURF).Parameters().SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
+# Create the 3D algo: Hexotic with:
+# - minl = 4
+# - maxl = 8
+# - sd = 1
+Mesh_hexotic_sd1.Hexahedron(algo=smesh.Hexotic).SetMinMaxHexes(4, 8).SetHexoticSdMode( 1 )
+# Create the groups on filters
+g1 = Mesh_hexotic_sd1.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'small sphere', aFilter1 )
+g1.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 1, 0, 0 ))
+g2 = Mesh_hexotic_sd1.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'big sphere - small sphere', aFilter2 )
+g2.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 0, 1, 0 ))
+g3 = Mesh_hexotic_sd1.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'box - big sphere', aFilter3 )
+g3.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 0, 0, 1 ))
+# Compute
+# End of script
+\image html hexotic_sd_mode_1.png Hexotic mesh of a box cut by a holed sphere ( sd = 1 )
+\ref tui_hexotic "Back to top"
+\subsection tui_hexotic_sd_mode2 Sub-domain mode = 2
+# Create mesh of Cut_2 with sd mode 2
+print "Create mesh of Cut_2 with sd mode 2"
+Mesh_hexotic_sd2 = smesh.Mesh(Cut_2, "Mesh_hexotic_sd2")
+# Create the 2D algo: BlSurf with geometrical mesh
+Mesh_hexotic_sd2.Triangle(algo=smesh.BLSURF).Parameters().SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
+# Create the 3D algo: Hexotic with:
+# - minl = 4
+# - maxl = 8
+# - sd = 2
+Mesh_hexotic_sd2.Hexahedron(algo=smesh.Hexotic).SetMinMaxHexes(4, 8).SetHexoticSdMode( 2 )
+# Create the groups on filters
+g1 = Mesh_hexotic_sd2.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'small sphere', aFilter1 )
+g1.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 1, 0, 0 ))
+g2 = Mesh_hexotic_sd2.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'big sphere - small sphere', aFilter2 )
+g2.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 0, 1, 0 ))
+g3 = Mesh_hexotic_sd2.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'box - big sphere', aFilter3 )
+g3.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 0, 0, 1 ))
+# Compute
+# End of script
+\image html hexotic_sd_mode_2.png Hexotic mesh of a box cut by a holed sphere ( sd = 2 )
+\ref tui_hexotic "Back to top"
+\subsection tui_hexotic_sd_mode3 Sub-domain mode = 3
+# Create mesh of Cut_2 with sd mode 3
+print "Create mesh of Cut_2 with sd mode 3"
+Mesh_hexotic_sd3 = smesh.Mesh(Cut_2, "Mesh_hexotic_sd3")
+# Create the 2D algo: BlSurf with geometrical mesh
+Mesh_hexotic_sd3.Triangle(algo=smesh.BLSURF).Parameters().SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
+# Create the 3D algo: Hexotic with:
+# - minl = 4
+# - maxl = 8
+# - sd = 3
+Mesh_hexotic_sd3.Hexahedron(algo=smesh.Hexotic).SetMinMaxHexes(4, 8).SetHexoticSdMode( 3 )
+# Create the groups on filters
+g1 = Mesh_hexotic_sd3.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'small sphere', aFilter1 )
+g1.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 1, 0, 0 ))
+g2 = Mesh_hexotic_sd3.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'big sphere - small sphere', aFilter2 )
+g2.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 0, 1, 0 ))
+g3 = Mesh_hexotic_sd3.GroupOnFilter(smesh.VOLUME, 'box - big sphere', aFilter3 )
+g3.SetColor( SALOMEDS.Color( 0, 0, 1 ))
+# Compute
+# End of script
+\image html hexotic_sd_mode_3.png Hexotic mesh of a box cut by a holed sphere ( sd = 3 )
+\ref tui_hexotic "Back to top"
+\subsection tui_hexotic_sd_mode4 Sub-domain mode = 4
+# Create geometry: a box cut by a plane
+Box_1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200)
+Translation_1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(Box_1, 0, 200, 0)
+Partition_1 = geompy.MakePartition([Box_1, Translation_1], [], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0)
+geompy.addToStudy( Box_1, 'Box_1' )
+geompy.addToStudy( Translation_1, 'Translation_1' )
+geompy.addToStudy( Partition_1, 'Partition_1' )
+# Create mesh of Partition_1 with sd mode 4 (default sd mode in SALOME)
+Mesh_hexotic_sd4 = smesh.Mesh(Partition_1, "Mesh_hexotic_sd4")
+Mesh_hexotic_sd4.Hexahedron(algo=smesh.Hexotic).SetMinMaxHexes(4, 8).SetHexoticSdMode( 4 )
+# Compute
+# End of script
+\image html hexotic_sd_mode_4.png Hexotic mesh of a box cut by a plane ( On the left, sd = 3: the internal surface is ignored ; on the right sd = 4: all sub-domains are meshed )
+\ref tui_hexotic "Back to top"
\mainpage Introduction to HexoticPLUGIN
-\n \b HexoticPLUGIN plugin is destined for:
+\b HexoticPLUGIN plugin is destined for:
+- Meshing 3D geometric entities.
+- Generating 3D meshes from 2D meshes, working without geometrical objects.
-<li>Meshing 3D geometric entities.</li>
-<li>Generating 3D meshes from 2D meshes, working without geometrical objects.</li>
+\note HexoticPLUGIN plugin uses DISTENE Hexotic commercial meshing
+software and requires a license at the run time (to work within the
+Mesh module).
To manage parameters of the HexoticPLUGIN use \subpage hexotic_hypo_page.
Also all HexoticPLUGIN functionalities are accessible via
-\subpage hexoticplugin_python_intarface_page "HexoticPLUGIN Python interface".
+\subpage hexoticplugin_python_interface_page "HexoticPLUGIN Python interface".
* HexoticPlugin: interfaces to Hexotic related hypotheses and algorithms
module HexoticPlugin
* HexoticPlugin_Hexotic: interface of Hexotic algorithm
void SetHexesMaxLevel(in long value);
long GetHexesMaxLevel();
+ void SetMinSize(in double value);
+ double GetMinSize();
- void SetHexoticQuadrangles(in boolean value);
- boolean GetHexoticQuadrangles();
+ void SetMaxSize(in double value);
+ double GetMaxSize();
void SetHexoticIgnoreRidges(in boolean value);
boolean GetHexoticIgnoreRidges();
void SetHexoticInvalidElements(in boolean value);
boolean GetHexoticInvalidElements();
- void SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(in long value);
- long GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
+ void SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(in double value);
+ double GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
void SetHexoticNbProc(in long value);
long GetHexoticNbProc();
void SetHexoticWorkingDirectory(in string path) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string GetHexoticWorkingDirectory();
+ void SetHexoticSdMode(in long value);
+ long GetHexoticSdMode();
+ void SetHexoticVerbosity(in long value);
+ long GetHexoticVerbosity();
- <hypo>Hexotic_Parameters=MinMaxQuad(SetHexesMinLevel(),SetHexesMaxLevel(),SetHexoticQuadrangles())</hypo>
+ <hypo>Hexotic_Parameters=Parameters()</hypo>
<TS version="2.0" language="en_US">
- <name>@default</name>
- <message>
- <source>ICON_DLG_Hexotic_PARAMETERS</source>
- <translation>mesh_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
- </message>
- <message>
- <source>ICON_DLG_Hexotic_PARAMETERS_3D</source>
- <translation>mesh_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
- </message>
- <message>
- <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_ALGO_Hexotic_2D3D</source>
- <translation>mesh_tree_algo_Hexotic.png</translation>
- </message>
- <message>
- <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_ALGO_Hexotic_3D</source>
- <translation>mesh_tree_algo_Hexotic.png</translation>
- </message>
- <message>
- <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO_Hexotic_Parameters</source>
- <translation>mesh_tree_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
- </message>
- <message>
- <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO_Hexotic_Parameters_3D</source>
- <translation>mesh_tree_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
- </message>
+ <name>@default</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_DLG_Hexotic_PARAMETERS</source>
+ <translation>mesh_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_DLG_Hexotic_PARAMETERS_3D</source>
+ <translation>mesh_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_ALGO_Hexotic_2D3D</source>
+ <translation>mesh_tree_algo_Hexotic.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_ALGO_Hexotic_3D</source>
+ <translation>mesh_tree_algo_Hexotic.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO_Hexotic_Parameters</source>
+ <translation>mesh_tree_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO_Hexotic_Parameters_3D</source>
+ <translation>mesh_tree_hypo_Hexotic.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_GEOM</source>
+ <translation>sd_mode_geom.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_1_PIXMAP</source>
+ <translation>sd_mode_1.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_2_PIXMAP</source>
+ <translation>sd_mode_2.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_3_PIXMAP</source>
+ <translation>sd_mode_3.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_4_PIXMAP</source>
+ <translation>sd_mode_4.png</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Hypothesis Construction</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_INPUT_SIZE</source>
+ <translation>Sizes</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_INPUT_LEVEL</source>
+ <translation>Subdivision levels</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_MAX_SIZE</source>
+ <translation>Max size</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_MIN_SIZE</source>
+ <translation>Min size</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Nb. Hexes Max Level</translation>
<translation>Authorize invalid elements</translation>
- <message>
- <source>Hexotic_QUADRANGLES</source>
- <translation>Salome Quadrangles</translation>
- </message>
<translation>Sharp angle threshold in degrees</translation>
- <translation>...</translation>
+ <translation>Select ...</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_VERBOSITY</source>
+ <translation>Verbosity</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SUBDOMAIN_MESH_MODE</source>
+ <translation>Sub-domains mesh mode</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_1</source>
+ <translation>Single domain</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_2</source>
+ <translation>Cavities ignored</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_3</source>
+ <translation>Cavities meshed</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_4</source>
+ <translation>Non-manifold geometries</translation>
<translation>Construction de l'hypothèse</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_INPUT_SIZE</source>
+ <translation>Tailles</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_INPUT_LEVEL</source>
+ <translation>Niveaux de subdivision</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_MAX_SIZE</source>
+ <translation>Taille max</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_MIN_SIZE</source>
+ <translation>Taille min</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Nb. des hexagones: niveau max</translation>
- <translation>...</translation>
+ <translation>Choisir ...</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_VERBOSITY</source>
+ <translation>Verbosité</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SUBDOMAIN_MESH_MODE</source>
+ <translation>Mode de maillage des sous-domaines</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_1</source>
+ <translation>Domaine unique</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_2</source>
+ <translation>Cavités ignorées</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_3</source>
+ <translation>Cavités maillées</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Hexotic_SD_MODE_4</source>
+ <translation>Géométries "non-manifold"</translation>
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See or email :
+// File : DlgRef.h
+// Author : Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S. (
+class QPixmap;
+enum {
+ SD_MODE_1,
+ SD_MODE_2,
+ SD_MODE_3,
+// HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget
+#include "ui_HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD.h"
+#include "HexoticPluginGUI.h"
+class HEXOTICPLUGIN_GUI_EXPORT HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget : public QWidget,
+ public Ui::HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD
+ HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget( QWidget* = 0, Qt::WindowFlags = 0 );
+ ~HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget();
+public slots:
+ void onDirBtnClicked();
+ void onSdModeSelected(int sdMode);
+ QPixmap imageSdMode;
// ---
#include "HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator.h"
+#include "HexoticPluginGUI_Dlg.h"
#include <SMESHGUI_Utils.h>
#include <SMESHGUI_HypothesesUtils.h>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QPushButton>
-enum Fineness {
- VeryCoarse,
- Coarse,
- Moderate,
- Fine,
- VeryFine,
- UserDefined
HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator( const QString& theHypType )
: SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator( theHypType ),
-bool HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::checkParams() const
+bool HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::checkParams(QString& msg) const
+ msg.clear();
HexoticHypothesisData data_old, data_new;
readParamsFromHypo( data_old );
readParamsFromWidgets( data_new );
bool res = storeParamsToHypo( data_new );
- return res;
+ if ( !res ) {
+ storeParamsToHypo( data_old );
+ return res;
+ }
+ res = data_new.myMinSize <= data_new.myMaxSize;
+ if ( !res ) {
+ msg = tr(QString("Min size (%1) is higher than max size (%2)").arg(data_new.myMinSize).arg(data_new.myMaxSize).toStdString().c_str());
+ return res;
+ }
+ res = data_new.myHexesMinLevel == 0 || \
+ ( data_new.myHexesMinLevel != 0 && (data_new.myHexesMinLevel < data_new.myHexesMaxLevel) );
+ if ( !res ) {
+ msg = tr(QString("Min hexes level (%1) is higher than max hexes level (%2)").arg(data_new.myHexesMinLevel).arg(data_new.myHexesMaxLevel).toStdString().c_str());
+ return res;
+ }
+ return true;
QFrame* HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::buildFrame()
int row = 0;
myName = 0;
if( isCreation() ) {
- l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_NAME" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 2 );
+ l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_NAME" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 1 );
myName = new QLineEdit( GroupC1 );
- l->addWidget( myName, row++, 2, 1, 1 );
+ l->addWidget( myName, row++, 1, 1, 2 );
myName->setMinimumWidth( 150 );
HexoticPlugin::HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_var h =
HexoticPlugin::HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::_narrow( initParamsHypothesis() );
- l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Hexotic_HEXES_MIN_LEVEL" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 2 );
- myHexesMinLevel = new QtxIntSpinBox( GroupC1 );
- myHexesMinLevel->setMinimum( 3 );
- //myHexesMinLevel->setMinimum( h->GetHexesMinLevel() );
- myHexesMinLevel->setMaximum( 10 );
- myHexesMinLevel->setSingleStep( 1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexesMinLevel, row++, 2, 1, 1 );
- l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Hexotic_HEXES_MAX_LEVEL" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 2 );
- myHexesMaxLevel = new QtxIntSpinBox( GroupC1 );
- myHexesMaxLevel->setMinimum( 3 );
- myHexesMaxLevel->setMaximum( 10 );
- myHexesMaxLevel->setSingleStep( 1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexesMaxLevel, row++, 2, 1, 1 );
- myHexoticQuadrangles = new QCheckBox( tr( "Hexotic_QUADRANGLES" ), GroupC1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexoticQuadrangles, row++, 0, 1, 3 );
- myIs3D = true;
+ myStdWidget = new HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget(GroupC1);
+ l->addWidget( myStdWidget, row++, 0, 1, 3 );
+ myStdWidget->onSdModeSelected(SD_MODE_4);
- myHexoticIgnoreRidges = new QCheckBox( tr( "Hexotic_IGNORE_RIDGES" ), GroupC1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexoticIgnoreRidges, row++, 0, 1, 3 );
- myHexoticInvalidElements = new QCheckBox( tr( "Hexotic_INVALID_ELEMENTS" ), GroupC1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexoticInvalidElements, row++, 0, 1, 3 );
- l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Hexotic_SHARP_ANGLE_THRESHOLD" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 2 );
- myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold = new QtxIntSpinBox( GroupC1 );
- myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setMinimum( 0 );
- myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setMaximum( 90 );
- myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setSingleStep( 1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold, row++, 2, 1, 1 );
- l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Hexotic_NB_PROC" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 2 );
- myHexoticNbProc = new QtxIntSpinBox( GroupC1 );
- myHexoticNbProc->setMinimum( 1 );
- myHexoticNbProc->setMaximum( 256 );
- myHexoticNbProc->setSingleStep( 1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexoticNbProc, row++, 2, 1, 1 );
- l->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Hexotic_WORKING_DIR" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0, 1, 1 );
- QPushButton* dirBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "Hexotic_SELECT_DIR" ), GroupC1 );
- dirBtn->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
- l->addWidget( dirBtn, row, 1, 1, 1 );
- myHexoticWorkingDir = new QLineEdit( GroupC1 );
- l->addWidget( myHexoticWorkingDir, row++, 2, 1, 1 );
- connect( dirBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( onDirBtnClicked() ) );
+ myIs3D = true;
+// resizeEvent();
return fr;
+// function : resizeEvent [REDEFINED]
+// purpose :
+void HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent */*event*/) {
+ QSize scaledSize = myStdWidget->imageSdMode.size();
+ scaledSize.scale(myStdWidget->sdModeLabel->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
+ if (!myStdWidget->sdModeLabel->pixmap() || scaledSize != myStdWidget->sdModeLabel->pixmap()->size())
+ myStdWidget->sdModeLabel->setPixmap(myStdWidget->imageSdMode.scaled(myStdWidget->sdModeLabel->size(),
+ Qt::KeepAspectRatio,
+ Qt::SmoothTransformation));
void HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::retrieveParams() const
HexoticHypothesisData data;
readParamsFromHypo( data );
+ printData(data);
if( myName )
myName->setText( data.myName );
- myHexesMinLevel->setValue( data.myHexesMinLevel );
- myHexesMaxLevel->setValue( data.myHexesMaxLevel );
- myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setValue( data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold );
- myHexoticQuadrangles->setChecked( data.myHexoticQuadrangles );
- myHexoticIgnoreRidges->setChecked( data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges );
- myHexoticInvalidElements->setChecked( data.myHexoticInvalidElements );
- myHexesMinLevel->setEnabled(true);
- myHexesMaxLevel->setEnabled(true);
- myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setEnabled(true);
+ myStdWidget->myMinSize->setCleared(data.myMinSize == 0);
+ if (data.myMinSize == 0)
+ myStdWidget->myMinSize->setText("");
+ else
+ myStdWidget->myMinSize->setValue( data.myMinSize );
+ myStdWidget->myMaxSize->setCleared(data.myMaxSize == 0);
+ if (data.myMaxSize == 0)
+ myStdWidget->myMaxSize->setText("");
+ else
+ myStdWidget->myMaxSize->setValue( data.myMaxSize );
+ myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->setCleared(data.myHexesMinLevel == 0);
+ if (data.myHexesMinLevel == 0)
+ myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->setText("");
+ else
+ myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->setValue( data.myHexesMinLevel );
+ myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->setCleared(data.myHexesMaxLevel == 0);
+ if (data.myHexesMaxLevel == 0)
+ myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->setText("");
+ else
+ myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->setValue( data.myHexesMaxLevel );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticIgnoreRidges->setChecked( data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticInvalidElements->setChecked( data.myHexoticInvalidElements );
- myHexoticNbProc->setValue( data.myHexoticNbProc );
- myHexoticWorkingDir->setText( data.myHexoticWorkingDir );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setCleared(data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold == 0);
+ if (data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold == 0)
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setText("");
+ else
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setValue( data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticNbProc->setValue( data.myHexoticNbProc );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticWorkingDir->setText( data.myHexoticWorkingDir );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticVerbosity->setValue( data.myHexoticVerbosity );
+ myStdWidget->myHexoticSdMode->setCurrentIndex(data.myHexoticSdMode);
+ std::cout << "myStdWidget->myMinSize->value(): " << myStdWidget->myMinSize->value() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "myStdWidget->myMaxSize->value(): " << myStdWidget->myMaxSize->value() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->value(): " << myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->value() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->value(): " << myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->value() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->value(): " << myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->value() << std::endl;
+void HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::printData( HexoticHypothesisData& data) const
+ QString valStr;
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_MIN_SIZE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myMinSize ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_MAX_SIZE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myMaxSize ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_HEXES_MIN_LEVEL") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexesMinLevel ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_HEXES_MAX_LEVEL") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexesMaxLevel ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_IGNORE_RIDGES") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_INVALID_ELEMENTS") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticInvalidElements ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_SHARP_ANGLE_THRESHOLD") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_NB_PROC") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticNbProc ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_WORKING_DIR") + " = " + data.myHexoticWorkingDir + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_VERBOSITY") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticVerbosity ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_SD_MODE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticSdMode ) + "; ";
+ std::cout << "Data: " << valStr.toStdString() << std::endl;
QString HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::storeParams() const
storeParamsToHypo( data );
QString valStr;
- valStr += tr("Hexotic_SEG_MIN_SIZE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexesMinLevel ) + "; ";
- valStr += tr("Hexotic_SEG_MAX_SIZE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexesMaxLevel ) + "; ";
- valStr += tr("Hexotic_QUADRANGLES") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticQuadrangles ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_MIN_SIZE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myMinSize ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_MAX_SIZE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myMaxSize ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_HEXES_MIN_LEVEL") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexesMinLevel ) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_HEXES_MAX_LEVEL") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexesMaxLevel ) + "; ";
valStr += tr("Hexotic_IGNORE_RIDGES") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges ) + "; ";
valStr += tr("Hexotic_INVALID_ELEMENTS") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticInvalidElements ) + "; ";
valStr += tr("Hexotic_SHARP_ANGLE_THRESHOLD") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold ) + "; ";
valStr += tr("Hexotic_NB_PROC") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticNbProc ) + "; ";
valStr += tr("Hexotic_WORKING_DIR") + " = " + data.myHexoticWorkingDir + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_VERBOSITY") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticVerbosity) + "; ";
+ valStr += tr("Hexotic_SD_MODE") + " = " + QString::number( data.myHexoticSdMode) + "; ";
+// std::cout << "Data: " << valStr.toStdString() << std::endl;
return valStr;
HypothesisData* data = SMESH::GetHypothesisData( hypType() );
h_data.myName = isCreation() && data ? data->Label : "";
+ h_data.myMinSize = h->GetMinSize();
+ h_data.myMaxSize = h->GetMaxSize();
h_data.myHexesMinLevel = h->GetHexesMinLevel();
h_data.myHexesMaxLevel = h->GetHexesMaxLevel();
- h_data.myHexoticQuadrangles = h->GetHexoticQuadrangles();
h_data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges = h->GetHexoticIgnoreRidges();
h_data.myHexoticInvalidElements = h->GetHexoticInvalidElements();
h_data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold = h->GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
h_data.myHexoticNbProc = h->GetHexoticNbProc();
h_data.myHexoticWorkingDir = h->GetHexoticWorkingDirectory();
+ h_data.myHexoticVerbosity = h->GetHexoticVerbosity();
+ h_data.myHexoticSdMode = h->GetHexoticSdMode()-1;
return true;
HexoticPlugin::HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::_narrow( hypothesis() );
bool ok = true;
if( isCreation() )
SMESH::SetName( SMESH::FindSObject( h ), h_data.myName.toLatin1().constData() );
+ h->SetMinSize( h_data.myMinSize );
+ h->SetMaxSize( h_data.myMaxSize );
h->SetHexesMinLevel( h_data.myHexesMinLevel );
h->SetHexesMaxLevel( h_data.myHexesMaxLevel );
- h->SetHexoticQuadrangles( h_data.myHexoticQuadrangles );
h->SetHexoticIgnoreRidges( h_data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges );
h->SetHexoticInvalidElements( h_data.myHexoticInvalidElements );
h->SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold( h_data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold );
h->SetHexoticNbProc( h_data.myHexoticNbProc );
h->SetHexoticWorkingDirectory( h_data.myHexoticWorkingDir.toLatin1().constData() );
+ h->SetHexoticVerbosity( h_data.myHexoticVerbosity );
+ h->SetHexoticSdMode( h_data.myHexoticSdMode+1 );
catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex)
bool HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::readParamsFromWidgets( HexoticHypothesisData& h_data ) const
- h_data.myName = myName ? myName->text() : "";
- h_data.myHexesMinLevel = myHexesMinLevel->value();
- h_data.myHexesMaxLevel = myHexesMaxLevel->value();
- h_data.myHexoticQuadrangles = myHexoticQuadrangles->isChecked();
- h_data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges = myHexoticIgnoreRidges->isChecked();
- h_data.myHexoticInvalidElements = myHexoticInvalidElements->isChecked();
- h_data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold = myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->value();
- h_data.myHexoticNbProc = myHexoticNbProc->value();
- h_data.myHexoticWorkingDir = myHexoticWorkingDir->text();
+ h_data.myName = myName ? myName->text() : "";
+ h_data.myHexoticIgnoreRidges = myStdWidget->myHexoticIgnoreRidges->isChecked();
+ h_data.myHexoticInvalidElements = myStdWidget->myHexoticInvalidElements->isChecked();
+ h_data.myHexoticNbProc = myStdWidget->myHexoticNbProc->value();
+ h_data.myHexoticWorkingDir = myStdWidget->myHexoticWorkingDir->text();
+ h_data.myHexoticVerbosity = myStdWidget->myHexoticVerbosity->value();
+ h_data.myHexoticSdMode = myStdWidget->myHexoticSdMode->currentIndex();
+ h_data.myMinSize = myStdWidget->myMinSize->text().isEmpty() ? 0.0 : myStdWidget->myMinSize->value();
+ h_data.myMaxSize = myStdWidget->myMaxSize->text().isEmpty() ? 0.0 : myStdWidget->myMaxSize->value();
+ h_data.myHexesMinLevel = myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->text().isEmpty() ? 0 : myStdWidget->myHexesMinLevel->value();
+ h_data.myHexesMaxLevel = myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->text().isEmpty() ? 0 : myStdWidget->myHexesMaxLevel->value();
+ h_data.myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold = myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->text().isEmpty() ? 0 : myStdWidget->myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->value();
+ printData(h_data);
return true;
return "hexotic_hypo_page.html";
-void HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onDirBtnClicked()
- QString dir = SUIT_FileDlg::getExistingDirectory( dlg(), myHexoticWorkingDir->text(), QString() );
- if ( !dir.isEmpty() )
- myHexoticWorkingDir->setText( dir );
class QCheckBox;
class QLineEdit;
+class HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget;
typedef struct
QString myName;
int myHexesMinLevel, myHexesMaxLevel;
- bool myHexoticQuadrangles;
+ double myMinSize, myMaxSize;
bool myHexoticInvalidElements;
bool myHexoticIgnoreRidges;
- int myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
+ double myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
int myHexoticNbProc;
QString myHexoticWorkingDir;
+ int myHexoticVerbosity;
+ int myHexoticSdMode;
} HexoticHypothesisData;
HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator( const QString& );
virtual ~HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator();
- virtual bool checkParams() const;
+ virtual bool checkParams(QString&) const;
virtual QString helpPage() const;
virtual QPixmap icon() const;
virtual QString type() const;
-protected slots:
- void onDirBtnClicked();
bool readParamsFromHypo( HexoticHypothesisData& ) const;
bool readParamsFromWidgets( HexoticHypothesisData& ) const;
bool storeParamsToHypo( const HexoticHypothesisData& ) const;
+ void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
+ void printData(HexoticHypothesisData&) const;
- QLineEdit* myName;
- QtxIntSpinBox* myHexesMinLevel;
- QtxIntSpinBox* myHexesMaxLevel;
- QCheckBox* myHexoticQuadrangles;
- QCheckBox* myHexoticIgnoreRidges;
- QCheckBox* myHexoticInvalidElements;
- QtxIntSpinBox* myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
- QtxIntSpinBox* myHexoticNbProc;
- QLineEdit* myHexoticWorkingDir;
+// QWidget* myStdGroup;
+ QLineEdit* myName;
+ HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget* myStdWidget;
bool myIs3D;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See or email :
+// ---
+// File : BLSURFPluginGUI_StdWidget.cxx
+// Authors : Gilles DAVID (OCC)
+// ---
+#include "HexoticPluginGUI_Dlg.h"
+#include <SUIT_Session.h>
+#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
+#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
+#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
+//using namespace std;
+// HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget
+HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget::HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
+: QWidget( parent, f )
+ setupUi( this );
+ // Obtain precision from preferences
+ int precision = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "length_precision", -3 );
+ myMinSize->setMinimum(0);
+ myMinSize->setMaximum(1e15);
+ myMinSize->setPrecision(precision);
+// myMinSize->setSpecialValueText(" ");
+ myMaxSize->setMinimum(0);
+ myMaxSize->setMaximum(1e15);
+ myMaxSize->setPrecision(precision);
+// myMaxSize->setSpecialValueText(" ");
+ myHexesMinLevel->setMinimum(0);
+ myHexesMinLevel->setMaximum(10);
+// myHexesMinLevel->setSpecialValueText(" ");
+ myHexesMaxLevel->setMinimum(0);
+ myHexesMaxLevel->setMaximum(10);
+// myHexesMaxLevel->setSpecialValueText(" ");
+ myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setMinimum(0);
+ myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setMaximum(90);
+ myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setPrecision(precision);
+// myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold->setSpecialValueText(" ");
+ myHexoticNbProc->setMinimum( 1 );
+ myHexoticNbProc->setMaximum( 256 );
+// myHexoticNbProc->setSingleStep( 1 );
+ myHexoticSdMode->setCurrentIndex(SD_MODE_4);
+ imageSdMode = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap("HexoticPLUGIN", tr("Hexotic_SD_MODE_4_PIXMAP"));
+void HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget::onDirBtnClicked()
+ QString dir = SUIT_FileDlg::getExistingDirectory( this, myHexoticWorkingDir->text(), QString() );
+ if ( !dir.isEmpty() )
+ myHexoticWorkingDir->setText( dir );
+void HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget::onSdModeSelected(int sdMode) {
+ imageSdMode = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap("HexoticPLUGIN", tr(QString("Hexotic_SD_MODE_%1_PIXMAP").arg(sdMode+1).toStdString().c_str()));
+ sdModeLabel->setPixmap(imageSdMode.scaled(sdModeLabel->size(),
+ Qt::KeepAspectRatio,
+ Qt::SmoothTransformation));
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD</class>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD">
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="hexoticInputSize">
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Hexotic_INPUT_SIZE</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_4">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_MIN_SIZE</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox" name="myMinSize"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_MAX_SIZE</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox" name="myMaxSize"/>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="2" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="hexoticInputLevel">
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Hexotic_INPUT_LEVEL</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_HEXES_MIN_LEVEL</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="SalomeApp_IntSpinBox" name="myHexesMinLevel"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_HEXES_MAX_LEVEL</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="SalomeApp_IntSpinBox" name="myHexesMaxLevel"/>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="myHexoticIgnoreRidges">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_IGNORE_RIDGES</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_SHARP_ANGLE_THRESHOLD</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="3">
+ <widget class="SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox" name="myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_NB_PROC</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="3">
+ <widget class="SalomeApp_IntSpinBox" name="myHexoticNbProc"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="5" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_7">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_WORKING_DIR</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="5" column="1" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="dirBtn">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_SELECT_DIR</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="5" column="3">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="myHexoticWorkingDir"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="6" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_8">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_VERBOSITY</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="6" column="3">
+ <widget class="QSpinBox" name="myHexoticVerbosity">
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>2</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="value">
+ <number>1</number>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="7" column="0" colspan="4">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Hexotic_SUBDOMAIN_MESH_MODE</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QComboBox" name="myHexoticSdMode">
+ <property name="currentIndex">
+ <number>3</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maxVisibleItems">
+ <number>4</number>
+ </property>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_SD_MODE_1</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_SD_MODE_2</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_SD_MODE_3</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_SD_MODE_4</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="sdModeLabel">
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>500</width>
+ <height>250</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>500</width>
+ <height>250</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="scaledContents">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="2" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="myHexoticInvalidElements">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexotic_INVALID_ELEMENTS</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <customwidgets>
+ <customwidget>
+ <class>SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox</class>
+ <extends>QLineEdit</extends>
+ <header location="global">SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox.h</header>
+ </customwidget>
+ <customwidget>
+ <class>SalomeApp_IntSpinBox</class>
+ <extends>QLineEdit</extends>
+ <header location="global">SalomeApp_IntSpinBox.h</header>
+ </customwidget>
+ </customwidgets>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>myHexoticIgnoreRidges</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>myHexoticSharpAngleThreshold</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>myHexoticNbProc</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>dirBtn</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>myHexoticWorkingDir</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>myHexoticVerbosity</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>myHexoticSdMode</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>dirBtn</sender>
+ <signal>clicked()</signal>
+ <receiver>HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD</receiver>
+ <slot>onDirBtnClicked()</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>261</x>
+ <y>220</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>390</x>
+ <y>143</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>myHexoticSdMode</sender>
+ <signal>currentIndexChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD</receiver>
+ <slot>onSdModeSelected(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>147</x>
+ <y>310</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>170</x>
+ <y>258</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ </connections>
+ <slots>
+ <slot>onDirBtnClicked()</slot>
+ <slot>onSdModeSelected(int)</slot>
+ </slots>
include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/
# header files
-salomeinclude_HEADERS =
+salomeinclude_HEADERS = \
+ HexoticPluginGUI.h \
+ HexoticPluginGUI_Dlg.h \
+ HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator.h
# Libraries targets
dist_libHexoticPluginGUI_la_SOURCES = \
HexoticPluginGUI.cxx \
- HexoticPluginGUI.h \
- HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator.h \
- HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator.cxx
+ HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget.cxx \
+ HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator.cxx
- HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator_moc.cxx
+ HexoticPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator_moc.cxx \
+ HexoticPluginGUI_Dlg_moc.cxx
+ ui_HexoticPluginGUI_StdWidget_QTD.h
nodist_libHexoticPluginGUI_la_SOURCES = \
HexoticPLUGIN_images.qm \
HexoticPLUGIN_msg_en.qm \
+SUBDIRS = resources
+DIST_SUBDIRS = resources
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See or email :
+# ---
+# File :
+# Author : Gilles DAVID, EDF (
+# ---
+include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/
+ dist_salomeres_DATA = \
+ sd_mode_geom.png \
+ sd_mode_1.png \
+ sd_mode_2.png \
+ sd_mode_3.png \
+ sd_mode_4.png
# See or email :
-from smesh import Mesh_Algorithm, AssureGeomPublished
+# @package HexoticPLUGINDC
+# Python API for the Hexotic meshing plug-in module.
+from smesh_algorithm import Mesh_Algorithm
+from smesh import AssureGeomPublished
# import HexoticPlugin module if possible
noHexoticPlugin = 0
noHexoticPlugin = 1
+# Mesh algo type identifiers
+## Algorithm type: Hexotic hexahedron 3D algorithm, see Hexotic_Algorithm
Hexotic = "Hexotic_3D"
+# Algorithms
## Defines a hexahedron 3D algorithm
+# It is created by calling smesh.Mesh.Hexahedron( smesh.Hexotic, geom=0 )
class Hexotic_Algorithm(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ ## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
meshMethod = "Hexahedron"
+ ## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
algoType = Hexotic
+ ## doc string of the method in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
+ docHelper = "Creates hexahedron 3D algorithm for volumes"
## Private constructor.
+ # @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
+ # @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
+ # if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
if noHexoticPlugin: print "Warning: HexoticPlugin module unavailable"
self.Create(mesh, geom, Hexotic, "")
+ self.params = None
- ## Defines "MinMaxQuad" hypothesis to give three hexotic parameters
+ ## Defines "SetMinMaxHexes" hypothesis to give two hexotic parameters
+ # @param min minimal level of recursive partitioning on the initial octree cube
+ # @param max maximal level of recursive partitioning on the initial octree cube
+ # @return hypothesis object
+ def SetMinMaxHexes(self, min=3, max=8):
+ self.Parameters().SetHexesMinLevel(min)
+ self.Parameters().SetHexesMaxLevel(max)
+ return self.Parameters()
+ ## Defines "SetMinMaxSize" hypothesis to give two hexotic parameters
+ # @param min minimal element's size
+ # @param max maximal element's size
+ # @return hypothesis object
+ def SetMinMaxSize(self, min, max):
+ self.Parameters().SetMinSize(min)
+ self.Parameters().SetMaxSize(max)
+ return self.Parameters()
+ ## (OBSOLETE) Defines "MinMaxQuad" hypothesis to give three hexotic parameters
+ # @param min minimal level of recursive partitioning on the initial octree cube
+ # @param max maximal level of recursive partitioning on the initial octree cube
+ # @param quad not documented
+ # @return hypothesis object
def MinMaxQuad(self, min=3, max=8, quad=True):
- self.params = self.Hypothesis("Hexotic_Parameters", [], "",
- UseExisting=0)
- self.params.SetHexesMinLevel(min)
- self.params.SetHexesMaxLevel(max)
- self.params.SetHexoticQuadrangles(quad)
+ print "WARNING: Function MinMaxQuad is deprecated, use SetMinMaxHexes instead"
+ return self.SetMinMaxHexes(min, max)
+ ## Defines hypothesis having several parameters
+ # @return hypothesis object
+ def Parameters(self):
+ if not self.params:
+ self.params = self.Hypothesis("Hexotic_Parameters", [],
+ "", UseExisting=0)
+ pass
return self.params
+ pass # end of Hexotic_Algorithm class
#define DUMP(txt)
-#include <SMESH_Gen.hxx>
-#include <SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx>
#include <SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx>
+#include <SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx>
#include <SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx>
-#include <SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx>
-#include "SMESH_HypoFilter.hxx"
#include <SMESH_File.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_Gen.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_HypoFilter.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_subMesh.hxx>
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>
SMESHDS_Mesh* theMesh,
const int nbShape,
const TopoDS_Shape* tabShape,
- double** tabBox)
+ double** tabBox,
+ const int sdMode)
// ---------------------------------
// Optimisation of the plugin ...
TopoDS_Shape *tabCorner, *tabEdge;
const int nbDomains = countShape( theMesh, TopAbs_SHELL );
+ MESSAGE("Nb domains in the meshed shape: " << nbDomains );
const int holeID = -1;
// tabID = new int[nbShape];
else {
shapeID = tabID[0];
- if ( shapeID != holeID )
+ if ( (sdMode == 4 && shapeID != holeID) || sdMode != 2 )
aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddVolume( node[0], node[3], node[2], node[1], node[4], node[7], node[6], node[5] );
//purpose :
-static bool readResult(std::string theFile,
+static bool readResult(std::string theFile,
- HexoticPlugin_Hexotic* theAlgo,
+ HexoticPlugin_Hexotic* theAlgo,
- SMESH_MesherHelper* theHelper)
+ SMESH_MesherHelper* theHelper,
+ const int sdMode)
SMESHDS_Mesh* theMesh = theHelper->GetMeshDS();
if (hyp) {
_hexesMinLevel = hyp->GetHexesMinLevel();
_hexesMaxLevel = hyp->GetHexesMaxLevel();
- _hexoticQuadrangles = hyp->GetHexoticQuadrangles();
+ _hexesMinSize = hyp->GetMinSize();
+ _hexesMaxSize = hyp->GetMaxSize();
_hexoticIgnoreRidges = hyp->GetHexoticIgnoreRidges();
_hexoticInvalidElements = hyp->GetHexoticInvalidElements();
_hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = hyp->GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
_hexoticNbProc = hyp->GetHexoticNbProc();
_hexoticWorkingDirectory = hyp->GetHexoticWorkingDirectory();
+ _hexoticVerbosity = hyp->GetHexoticVerbosity();
+ _hexoticSdMode = hyp->GetHexoticSdMode();
else {
cout << std::endl;
cout << "=======" << std::endl;
_hexesMinLevel = hyp->GetDefaultHexesMinLevel();
_hexesMaxLevel = hyp->GetDefaultHexesMaxLevel();
- _hexoticQuadrangles = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticQuadrangles();
+ _hexesMinSize = hyp->GetDefaultMinSize();
+ _hexesMaxSize = hyp->GetDefaultMaxSize();
_hexoticIgnoreRidges = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticIgnoreRidges();
_hexoticInvalidElements = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticInvalidElements();
_hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
_hexoticNbProc = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticNbProc();
_hexoticWorkingDirectory = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticWorkingDirectory();
+ _hexoticVerbosity = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticVerbosity();
+ _hexoticSdMode = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticSdMode();
cout << std::endl;
cout << "Hexotic execution..." << std::endl;
cout << _name << " parameters :" << std::endl;
+ cout << " " << _name << " Verbosity = " << _hexoticVerbosity << std::endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Segments Min Level = " << _hexesMinLevel << std::endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Segments Max Level = " << _hexesMaxLevel << std::endl;
- cout << " " << "Salome Quadrangles : " << (_hexoticQuadrangles ? "yes":"no") << std::endl;
+ cout << " " << _name << " Segments Min Size = " << _hexesMinSize << std::endl;
+ cout << " " << _name << " Segments Max Size = " << _hexesMaxSize << std::endl;
cout << " " << "Hexotic can ignore ridges : " << (_hexoticIgnoreRidges ? "yes":"no") << std::endl;
cout << " " << "Hexotic authorize invalide elements : " << ( _hexoticInvalidElements ? "yes":"no") << std::endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Sharp angle threshold = " << _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold << " degrees" << std::endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Number of threads = " << _hexoticNbProc << std::endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Working directory = \"" << _hexoticWorkingDirectory << "\"" << std::endl;
+ cout << " " << _name << " Sub. Dom mode = " << _hexoticSdMode << std::endl;
TCollection_AsciiString run_Hexotic( "hexotic" );
TCollection_AsciiString minl = " -minl ", maxl = " -maxl ", angle = " -ra ";
+ TCollection_AsciiString mins = " -mins ", maxs = " -maxs ";
TCollection_AsciiString in = " -in ", out = " -out ";
TCollection_AsciiString ignoreRidges = " -nr ", invalideElements = " -inv ";
TCollection_AsciiString subdom = " -sd ", sharp = " -sharp ";
TCollection_AsciiString proc = " -nproc ";
+ TCollection_AsciiString verb = " -v ";
- TCollection_AsciiString minLevel, maxLevel, sharpAngle, mode, subdivision, nbproc;
+ TCollection_AsciiString minLevel, maxLevel, minSize, maxSize, sharpAngle, mode, nbproc, verbosity;
minLevel = _hexesMinLevel;
maxLevel = _hexesMaxLevel;
+ minSize = _hexesMinSize;
+ maxSize = _hexesMaxSize;
sharpAngle = _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
- mode = 4;
- subdivision = 3;
+ mode = _hexoticSdMode;
nbproc = _hexoticNbProc;
+ verbosity = _hexoticVerbosity;
if (_hexoticIgnoreRidges)
run_Hexotic += ignoreRidges;
if (_hexoticInvalidElements)
run_Hexotic += invalideElements;
- run_Hexotic += angle + sharpAngle + minl + minLevel + maxl + maxLevel + in + Hexotic_In + out + Hexotic_Out;
+ if (_hexesMinSize > 0)
+ run_Hexotic += mins + minSize;
+ if (_hexesMaxSize > 0)
+ run_Hexotic += maxs + maxSize;
+ if (_hexesMinLevel > 0)
+ run_Hexotic += minl + minLevel;
+ if (_hexesMaxLevel > 0)
+ run_Hexotic += maxl + maxLevel;
+ if (_hexoticSharpAngleThreshold > 0)
+ run_Hexotic += angle + sharpAngle;
+ run_Hexotic += in + Hexotic_In + out + Hexotic_Out;
run_Hexotic += subdom + mode;
run_Hexotic += proc + nbproc;
- // run_Hexotic += subdom + mode + invalideElements;
- // run_Hexotic += subdom + mode + ignoreRidges;
- // run_Hexotic += subdom + mode + sharp + subdivision;
+ run_Hexotic += verb + verbosity;
return run_Hexotic.ToCString();
std::string run_Hexotic = getHexoticCommand(Hexotic_In, Hexotic_Out);
- run_Hexotic += std::string(" 1>") + aLogFileName.ToCString(); // dump into file
+ run_Hexotic += std::string(" 1 > ") + aLogFileName.ToCString(); // dump into file
cout << std::endl;
cout << "Hexotic command : " << run_Hexotic << std::endl;
- meshDS, _nbShape, tabShape, tabBox );
+ meshDS, _nbShape, tabShape, tabBox, _hexoticSdMode );
hexahedraMessage = "success";
Hexotic_Out = aTmpDir + "Hexotic_Out.mesh";
std::string run_Hexotic = getHexoticCommand(Hexotic_In, Hexotic_Out);
- run_Hexotic += std::string(" 1>") + aLogFileName.ToCString(); // dump into file
+ run_Hexotic += std::string(" 1 > ") + aLogFileName.ToCString(); // dump into file
cout << std::endl;
cout << "Hexotic command : " << run_Hexotic << std::endl;
- aHelper );
+ aHelper, _hexoticSdMode );
hexahedraMessage = "success";
#include "HexoticPlugin_Defs.hxx"
-#include "SMESH_3D_Algo.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_Algo.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx"
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
int _nbShape;
int _hexesMinLevel;
int _hexesMaxLevel;
- bool _hexoticQuadrangles;
+ double _hexesMinSize;
+ double _hexesMaxSize;
bool _hexoticIgnoreRidges;
bool _hexoticInvalidElements;
bool _hexoticFilesKept;
int _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
int _hexoticNbProc;
std::string _hexoticWorkingDirectory;
+ int _hexoticVerbosity;
+ int _hexoticSdMode;
SMDS_MeshNode** _tabNode;
: SMESH_Hypothesis(hypId, studyId, gen),
_hexesMinLevel( GetDefaultHexesMinLevel() ),
_hexesMaxLevel( GetDefaultHexesMaxLevel() ),
- _hexoticQuadrangles( GetDefaultHexoticQuadrangles() ),
+ _minSize( GetDefaultMinSize() ),
+ _maxSize( GetDefaultMaxSize() ),
_hexoticIgnoreRidges( GetDefaultHexoticIgnoreRidges() ),
_hexoticInvalidElements( GetDefaultHexoticInvalidElements() ),
_hexoticSharpAngleThreshold( GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold() ),
_hexoticNbProc( GetDefaultHexoticNbProc() ),
- _hexoticWorkingDirectory( GetDefaultHexoticWorkingDirectory() )
+ _hexoticWorkingDirectory( GetDefaultHexoticWorkingDirectory() ),
+ _hexoticSdMode(GetDefaultHexoticSdMode()),
+ _hexoticVerbosity(GetDefaultHexoticVerbosity())
_name = "Hexotic_Parameters";
-void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetHexoticQuadrangles(bool theVal) {
- if (theVal != _hexoticQuadrangles) {
- _hexoticQuadrangles = theVal;
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetMinSize(double theVal) {
+ if (theVal != _minSize) {
+ _minSize = theVal;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetMaxSize(double theVal) {
+ if (theVal != _maxSize) {
+ _maxSize = theVal;
-void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(int theVal) {
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(double theVal) {
if (theVal != _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold) {
_hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = theVal;
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetHexoticSdMode(int theVal) {
+ if (theVal != _hexoticSdMode) {
+ _hexoticSdMode = theVal;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SetHexoticVerbosity(int theVal) {
+ if (theVal != _hexoticVerbosity) {
+ _hexoticVerbosity = theVal;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
std::ostream& HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::SaveTo(std::ostream& save)
- /*save << _hexesMinLevel << " " << _hexesMaxLevel;
- save << " " << (int)_hexoticQuadrangles;
- save << " " << (int)_hexoticIgnoreRidges;
- save << " " << (int)_hexoticInvalidElements;
- save << " " << _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- std::cout << "save : " << save << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;*/
//explicit outputs for future code compatibility of saved .hdf
//save without any whitespaces!
+ int dummy = -1;
- save<<"hexoticQuadrangles="<<(int)_hexoticQuadrangles<<";";
+ save<<"minSize="<<_minSize<<";";
+ save<<"maxSize="<<_maxSize<<";";
+ save<<"hexoticSdMode="<<_hexoticSdMode<<";";
+ save<<"hexoticVerbosity="<<_hexoticVerbosity<<";";
return save;
if (str3=="hexesMinLevel") _hexesMinLevel = atoi(str4.c_str());
if (str3=="hexesMaxLevel") _hexesMaxLevel = atoi(str4.c_str());
- if (str3=="hexoticQuadrangles") _hexoticQuadrangles = (bool) atoi(str4.c_str());
+ if (str3=="hexoticQuadrangles") {}
if (str3=="hexoticIgnoreRidges") _hexoticIgnoreRidges = (bool) atoi(str4.c_str());
if (str3=="hexoticInvalidElements") _hexoticInvalidElements = (bool) atoi(str4.c_str());
- if (str3=="hexoticSharpAngleThreshold") _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = atoi(str4.c_str());
+ if (str3=="hexoticSharpAngleThreshold") _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = atof(str4.c_str());
if (str3=="hexoticNbProc") _hexoticNbProc = atoi(str4.c_str());
if (str3=="hexoticWorkingDirectory") _hexoticWorkingDirectory = str4;
+ if (str3=="minSize") _minSize = atof(str4.c_str());
+ if (str3=="maxSize") _maxSize = atof(str4.c_str());
+ if (str3=="hexoticSdMode") _hexoticSdMode = atoi(str4.c_str());
+ if (str3=="hexoticVerbosity") _hexoticVerbosity = atoi(str4.c_str());
return load;
return 10;
-bool HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticQuadrangles()
+double HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMinSize()
- return true;
+ return 0.0;
+double HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMaxSize()
+ return 0.0;
bool HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticIgnoreRidges()
return false;
-int HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold()
+double HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold()
- return 60;
+ return 60.0;
int HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticNbProc()
- return 1;
+ return 4;
std::string HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticWorkingDirectory()
return aTmpDir.ToCString();
+int HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticSdMode()
+ return 4;
+int HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultHexoticVerbosity()
+ return 1;
void SetHexesMaxLevel(int theVal);
int GetHexesMaxLevel() const { return _hexesMaxLevel; }
- void SetHexoticQuadrangles(bool theVal);
- bool GetHexoticQuadrangles() const { return _hexoticQuadrangles; }
+ void SetMinSize(double theVal);
+ double GetMinSize() const { return _minSize; }
+ void SetMaxSize(double theVal);
+ double GetMaxSize() const { return _maxSize; }
void SetHexoticIgnoreRidges(bool theVal);
bool GetHexoticIgnoreRidges() const { return _hexoticIgnoreRidges; }
void SetHexoticInvalidElements(bool theVal);
bool GetHexoticInvalidElements() const { return _hexoticInvalidElements; }
- void SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(int theVal);
- int GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold() const { return _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold; }
+ void SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(double theVal);
+ double GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold() const { return _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold; }
void SetHexoticNbProc(int theVal);
int GetHexoticNbProc() const { return _hexoticNbProc; }
void SetHexoticWorkingDirectory(const std::string& path);
std::string GetHexoticWorkingDirectory() const { return _hexoticWorkingDirectory; }
+ void SetHexoticSdMode(int theVal);
+ int GetHexoticSdMode() const { return _hexoticSdMode; }
+ void SetHexoticVerbosity(int theVal);
+ int GetHexoticVerbosity() const { return _hexoticVerbosity; }
// the parameters default values
static int GetDefaultHexesMinLevel();
static int GetDefaultHexesMaxLevel();
- static bool GetDefaultHexoticQuadrangles();
+ static double GetDefaultMinSize();
+ static double GetDefaultMaxSize();
static bool GetDefaultHexoticIgnoreRidges();
static bool GetDefaultHexoticInvalidElements();
- static int GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
+ static double GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
static int GetDefaultHexoticNbProc();
static std::string GetDefaultHexoticWorkingDirectory();
+ static int GetDefaultHexoticSdMode();
+ static int GetDefaultHexoticVerbosity();
// Persistence
virtual std::ostream& SaveTo(std::ostream& save);
virtual bool SetParametersByDefaults(const TDefaults& dflts, const SMESH_Mesh* theMesh=0);
- int _hexesMinLevel;
- int _hexesMaxLevel;
- bool _hexoticQuadrangles;
- bool _hexoticIgnoreRidges;
- bool _hexoticInvalidElements;
- int _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
- int _hexoticNbProc;
+ int _hexesMinLevel;
+ int _hexesMaxLevel;
+ double _minSize;
+ double _maxSize;
+ bool _hexoticIgnoreRidges;
+ bool _hexoticInvalidElements;
+ double _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
+ int _hexoticNbProc;
+ int _hexoticSdMode;
+ int _hexoticVerbosity;
std::string _hexoticWorkingDirectory ;
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMinLevel
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMaxLevel
- * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticQuadrangles
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMinSize
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMaxSize
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticIgnoreRidges
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticInvalidElements
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticNbProc
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticWorkingDirectory
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSdMode
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetVerbosity
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMinLevel");
+ CORBA::Long oldValue = GetHexesMinLevel();
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexesMinLevel( " << theValue << " )";
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexesMinLevel( " << theValue << " )";
void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMaxLevel (CORBA::Long theValue)
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMaxLevel");
+ CORBA::Long oldValue = GetHexesMaxLevel();
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexesMaxLevel( " << theValue << " )";
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexesMaxLevel( " << theValue << " )";
-void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticQuadrangles (CORBA::Boolean theValue)
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMinSize (CORBA::Double theValue)
- // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticQuadrangles");
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMaxLevel");
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ CORBA::Double oldValue = GetMinSize();
+ this->GetImpl()->SetMinSize(theValue);
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetMinSize( " << theValue << " )";
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMaxSize (CORBA::Double theValue)
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexesMaxLevel");
- this->GetImpl()->SetHexoticQuadrangles(theValue);
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticQuadrangles( " << theValue << " )";
+ CORBA::Double oldValue = GetMaxSize();
+ this->GetImpl()->SetMaxSize(theValue);
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetMaxSize( " << theValue << " )";
void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticIgnoreRidges (CORBA::Boolean theValue)
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticIgnoreRidges");
+ CORBA::Boolean oldValue = GetHexoticIgnoreRidges();
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticIgnoreRidges( " << theValue << " )";
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticIgnoreRidges( " << theValue << " )";
void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticInvalidElements (CORBA::Boolean theValue)
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticInvalidElements");
+ CORBA::Boolean oldValue = GetHexoticInvalidElements();
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticInvalidElements( " << theValue << " )";
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticInvalidElements( " << theValue << " )";
-void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold (CORBA::Long theValue)
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold (CORBA::Double theValue)
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold");
+ CORBA::Double oldValue = GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold( " << theValue << " )";
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold( " << theValue << " )";
void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticNbProc (CORBA::Long theValue)
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticNbProc");
+ CORBA::Long oldValue = GetHexoticNbProc();
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticNbProc( " << theValue << " )";
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticNbProc( " << theValue << " )";
void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticWorkingDirectory(const char* path) throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception )
if (!path )
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
string file(path);
+ string oldValue(GetHexoticWorkingDirectory());
+ bool doDump = false;
+ if (oldValue != file)
+ doDump = true;
const char lastChar = *file.rbegin();
#ifdef WIN32
if ( lastChar != '\\' ) file += '\\';
file += "Hexotic_In.mesh";
SMESH_Mesh_i::PrepareForWriting (file.c_str());
- ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticWorkingDirectory( '" << path << "' )";
+ if (doDump)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticWorkingDirectory( '" << path << "' )";
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSdMode (CORBA::Long theValue)
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticSdMode");
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ CORBA::Long oldValue = GetHexoticSdMode();
+ this->GetImpl()->SetHexoticSdMode(theValue);
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticSdMode( " << theValue << " )";
+void HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetHexoticVerbosity (CORBA::Long theValue)
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetVerbosity");
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ CORBA::Long oldValue = GetHexoticVerbosity();
+ this->GetImpl()->SetHexoticVerbosity(theValue);
+ if (theValue != oldValue)
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetHexoticVerbosity( " << theValue << " )";
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexesMinLevel
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexesMaxLevel
- * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticQuadrangles
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetMinSize
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetMaxSize
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticIgnoreRidges
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticInvalidElements
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticNbProc
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticWorkingDirectory
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSdMode
+ * HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetVerbosity
return this->GetImpl()->GetHexesMaxLevel();
-CORBA::Boolean HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticQuadrangles()
+CORBA::Double HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetMinSize()
- // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticQuadrangles");
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetMinSize");
- return this->GetImpl()->GetHexoticQuadrangles();
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetMinSize();
+CORBA::Double HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetMaxSize()
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetMaxSize");
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetMaxSize();
CORBA::Boolean HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticIgnoreRidges()
return this->GetImpl()->GetHexoticInvalidElements();
-CORBA::Long HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold()
+CORBA::Double HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold()
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold");
return CORBA::string_dup( this->GetImpl()->GetHexoticWorkingDirectory().c_str() );
+CORBA::Long HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSdMode ()
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticSdMode");
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetHexoticSdMode();
+CORBA::Long HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetHexoticVerbosity()
+ // MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetVerbosity");
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetHexoticVerbosity();
* HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetImpl
void SetHexesMaxLevel(CORBA::Long theVal);
CORBA::Long GetHexesMaxLevel();
- void SetHexoticQuadrangles(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
- CORBA::Boolean GetHexoticQuadrangles();
+ void SetMinSize(CORBA::Double theVal);
+ CORBA::Double GetMinSize();
+ void SetMaxSize(CORBA::Double theVal);
+ CORBA::Double GetMaxSize();
void SetHexoticIgnoreRidges(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
CORBA::Boolean GetHexoticIgnoreRidges();
void SetHexoticInvalidElements(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
CORBA::Boolean GetHexoticInvalidElements();
- void SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(CORBA::Long theVal);
- CORBA::Long GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
+ void SetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold(CORBA::Double theVal);
+ CORBA::Double GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
void SetHexoticNbProc(CORBA::Long theVal);
CORBA::Long GetHexoticNbProc();
void SetHexoticWorkingDirectory(const char* path) throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
char* GetHexoticWorkingDirectory();
+ void SetHexoticSdMode(CORBA::Long value);
+ CORBA::Long GetHexoticSdMode();
+ void SetHexoticVerbosity(CORBA::Long theVal);
+ CORBA::Long GetHexoticVerbosity();
// Get implementation
::HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis* GetImpl();