--- /dev/null
+# Test XYZtoUV and UVtoXYZ methods
+import salome
+import GEOM
+from salome.geom import geomBuilder
+geompy = geomBuilder.New()
+import math
+import numpy as np
+toler = 1e-04
+# Create "Horse saddle"
+OX = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0, 'OX')
+OY = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0, 'OY')
+Sphere_1 = geompy.MakeSphereR(100, 'Sphere_1')
+[Edge_1,Edge_2,Edge_3] = geompy.ExtractShapes(Sphere_1, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], True)
+geompy.addToStudyInFather( Sphere_1, Edge_1, 'Edge_1' )
+geompy.addToStudyInFather( Sphere_1, Edge_2, 'Edge_2' )
+geompy.addToStudyInFather( Sphere_1, Edge_3, 'Edge_3' )
+Rotation_1 = geompy.MakeRotation(Edge_3, OX, 90*math.pi/180.0, 'Rotation_1')
+Rotation_2 = geompy.MakeRotation(Rotation_1, OY, 180*math.pi/180.0, 'Rotation_2')
+Translation_1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(Rotation_2, 200, 0, 0, 'Translation_1')
+Translation_2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(Edge_3, 100, 100, 0, 'Translation_2')
+Translation_3 = geompy.MakeTranslation(Translation_2, 0, -200, 0, 'Translation_3')
+Filling_1 = geompy.MakeFilling([Translation_2, Edge_3, Translation_3])
+geompy.addToStudy(Filling_1, 'Filling_1')
+HorseSaddle = geompy.LimitTolerance(Filling_1, toler, 'HorseSaddle')
+# Get 100 equidistant points on the "Horse saddle"
+CompoundOfVertices = geompy.MakeVertexInsideFace(HorseSaddle, 100, "CompoundOfVertices")
+assert(geompy.NumberOfSubShapes(CompoundOfVertices, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"]) == 100)
+# Extract the vertices
+listOfVertices = geompy.ExtractShapes(CompoundOfVertices, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"], True)
+# Get list of coordinates of all 100 vertices
+listOfCoords = []
+for aV in listOfVertices:
+ listOfCoords += geompy.PointCoordinates(aV)
+ pass
+# Test 1: with normalization of parameters
+# Convert XYZ to UV
+listOfParams_norm = geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, listOfCoords, True)
+assert(len(listOfParams_norm) == 200)
+# Convert UV to XYZ
+listOfCoords_new1 = geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listOfParams_norm, True)
+assert(len(listOfCoords_new1) == 300)
+# Compare listOfCoords_new with listOfCoords
+for (c1, c2) in zip(listOfCoords, listOfCoords_new1):
+ assert(abs(c1 - c2) < toler)
+ pass
+# Test 2: without normalization of parameters
+# Convert XYZ to UV
+listOfParams = geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, listOfCoords, False)
+assert(len(listOfParams) == 200)
+# Convert UV to XYZ
+listOfCoords_new2 = geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listOfParams, False)
+assert(len(listOfCoords_new2) == 300)
+# Compare listOfCoords_new with listOfCoords
+for (c1, c2) in zip(listOfCoords, listOfCoords_new2):
+ assert(abs(c1 - c2) < toler)
+ pass
+# Test 3: Check exceptions throwing if point (XYZ or UV) is out of face
+listXYZ_3 = listOfCoords[:3]
+listXYZ_3[2] = listXYZ_3[2] + 1.0 # move along OZ
+ geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, listXYZ_3, True)
+except RuntimeError:
+ print(geompy.MeasuOp.GetErrorCode(), ", it's OK")
+ pass
+except Exception:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected exception raised'
+ assert False, 'XYZtoUV should raise an exception if input point is out of face'
+listUV_2 = [2, 2] # each parameter value should be in [0,1] range (for normalized case)
+ geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listUV_2, True)
+except RuntimeError:
+ print(geompy.MeasuOp.GetErrorCode(), ", it's OK")
+ pass
+except Exception:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected exception raised'
+ assert False, 'UVtoXYZ should raise an exception if input parameters are out of face'
+# parameter U should be in [4.71239, 7.85398] range (on this face, for not normalized case)
+# parameter V should be in [0, 1] range (on this face, for not normalized case)
+listUV_2 = [10, 10]
+ geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listUV_2, True)
+except RuntimeError:
+ print(geompy.MeasuOp.GetErrorCode(), ", it's OK")
+ pass
+except Exception:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected exception raised'
+ assert False, 'UVtoXYZ should raise an exception if input parameters are out of face'
+# Test 4: Check exceptions in case of invalid data type (wrong length of array or type of elements)
+# 1. Length of input array is not divisible by 3 (for XYZtoUV) or by 2 (for UVtoXYZ)
+listXYZ_4 = listOfCoords[:4]
+assert(len(listXYZ_4) == 4)
+ geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, listXYZ_4, True)
+except RuntimeError:
+ print(geompy.MeasuOp.GetErrorCode(), ", it's OK")
+ pass
+except Exception:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected exception raised'
+ assert False, 'XYZtoUV should raise an exception if input list length is not divisible by 3'
+listUV_3 = listOfParams[:3]
+assert(len(listUV_3) == 3)
+ geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listUV_3, True)
+except RuntimeError:
+ print(geompy.MeasuOp.GetErrorCode(), ", it's OK")
+ pass
+except Exception:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected exception raised'
+ assert False, 'UVtoXYZ should raise an exception if input list length is not divisible by 2'
+# 2. Input array contains data of wrong type
+listXYZ_w = ['a', 'b', 'c']
+ geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, listXYZ_w, True)
+except Exception:
+ pass
+ assert False, 'XYZtoUV should raise TypeError if input list contains not numerical data'
+listXYZ_w = [10.0, '10.0', 10.0]
+ geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, listXYZ_w, True)
+except Exception:
+ pass
+ assert False, 'XYZtoUV should raise TypeError if input list contains not numerical data'
+listUV_w = ['a', 'b']
+ geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listUV_w, True)
+except Exception:
+ pass
+ assert False, 'UVtoXYZ should raise TypeError if input list contains not numerical data'
+listUV_w = [10.0, '10.0']
+ geompy.UVtoXYZ(HorseSaddle, listUV_w, True)
+except Exception:
+ pass
+ assert False, 'UVtoXYZ should raise TypeError if input list contains not numerical data'
+# Test 5: a. Translate each of the 100 points by toler*2.0 along the face normal
+# and check that the XYZtoUV method fails by raising an exception.
+# b. Translate each of the 100 points by toler*0.7 along the face normal
+# and check that we obtain a result.
+for ii in range(100):
+ # cc - coordinates of point #ii
+ cc = listOfCoords[ii*3 : ii*3 + 3]
+ pnt = geompy.MakeVertex(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2])
+ normal = geompy.GetNormal(HorseSaddle, pnt)
+ vv = geompy.VectorCoordinates(normal)
+ norm = np.linalg.norm(vv)
+ if norm > toler:
+ vec = vv / norm
+ # a. Move cc by toler*2.0 (XYZtoUV should fail)
+ pp_2tol = [cc[0] + vec[0]*toler*2.0,
+ cc[1] + vec[1]*toler*2.0,
+ cc[2] + vec[2]*toler*2.0]
+ try:
+ geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, pp_2tol)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ except Exception:
+ assert False, 'Unexpected exception raised'
+ else:
+ assert False, 'XYZtoUV should raise an exception if input point is out of face'
+ pass
+ # b. Move cc by toler*0.7 (XYZtoUV should not fail)
+ pp_07tol = [cc[0] + vec[0]*toler*0.7,
+ cc[1] + vec[1]*toler*0.7,
+ cc[2] + vec[2]*toler*0.7]
+ UV_pp = geompy.XYZtoUV(HorseSaddle, pp_07tol, False)
+ # compare with value from listOfParams (computed above)
+ UV_cc = listOfParams[ii*2 : ii*2 + 2]
+ for (c1, c2) in zip(UV_pp, UV_cc):
+ assert(abs(c1 - c2) < toler)
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
check_self_intersections_fast.py # OCC > 6.9.0
+ XYZ_to_UV.py
<li>\subpage tui_fast_intersection_page</li>
<li>\subpage tui_check_conformity_page</li>
<li>\subpage tui_shape_proximity_page</li>
+<li>\subpage tui_xyz_to_uv_page</li>
--- /dev/null
+\page tui_xyz_to_uv_page Get point on face parameters U and V by coordinates or coordinates by parameters
in GEOM_Object thePoint,
in GEOM_Object theDirection);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Convert X,Y,Z points coordinates to UV parameters on the given surface.
+ \param theSurf the given face. It can be also a shell or a compound with one face.
+ \param theXYZlist float list of size 3*N where N is the number of points
+ for which we want their U,V coordinates.
+ If the user enters a list of size not divisible by 3
+ an exception will be thrown.
+ \param theIsNormalized if True, the returned parameters will be in range [0, 1].
+ \return list of float of size 2*N.
+ */
+ ListOfDouble XYZtoUV(in GEOM_Object theSurf,
+ in ListOfDouble theXYZlist,
+ in boolean theIsNormalized);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Convert UV parameters on the given surface to 3D points coordinates.
+ \param theSurf the given face. It can be also a shell or a compound with one face.
+ \param theUVlist float list of size 2*N where N is the number of points
+ for which we want their X,Y,Z coordinates.
+ If the user enters a list of non-even size
+ an exception will be thrown.
+ \param theIsNormalized if True, the input parameters are expected to be in range [0, 1].
+ \return list of float of size 3*N.
+ */
+ ListOfDouble UVtoXYZ(in GEOM_Object theSurf,
+ in ListOfDouble theUVlist,
+ in boolean theIsNormalized);
//! Methods and structure for implement CheckConformity tool
return aCV;
+ * XYZtoUV
+ */
+ //=============================================================================
+Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) GEOMImpl_IMeasureOperations::XYZtoUV
+ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theSurf,
+ const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& theXYZlist,
+ bool isNormalized)
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aRet;
+ // Check list of coordinates
+ int nbC = theXYZlist->Length();
+ int nbP = nbC / 3;
+ if (nbP * 3 != nbC) {
+ SetErrorCode("Coordinates list length is not divisible by 3");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ // Check face
+ if (theSurf.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("The shape is NULL");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = theSurf->GetLastFunction();
+ if (aRefShape.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("The shape is NULL");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape = aRefShape->GetValue();
+ if (aShape.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("The shape is NULL");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ // The shape can be a face, a shell of one face or a compound with one face
+ TopoDS_Face F;
+ if (aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) {
+ F = TopoDS::Face(aShape);
+ }
+ else if (aShape.ShapeType() < TopAbs_FACE) {
+ TopExp_Explorer Exp (aShape, TopAbs_FACE);
+ if (Exp.More()) {
+ F = TopoDS::Face(Exp.Current());
+ Exp.Next();
+ if (Exp.More()) {
+ SetErrorCode("There should be only one face");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (F.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("There are no faces");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ // Face tolerance
+ Standard_Real squareTolerance = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(F);
+ squareTolerance = squareTolerance * squareTolerance;
+ // Compute parameters
+ Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurf = BRep_Tool::Surface(F);
+ aRet = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (0, nbP * 2 - 1);
+ Standard_Real U1,U2, V1,V2;
+ BRepTools::UVBounds(F, U1, U2, V1, V2);
+ Standard_Real dU = U2 - U1;
+ Standard_Real dV = V2 - V1;
+ int iCLower = theXYZlist->Lower();
+ for (int iP = 0; iP < nbP; iP++) {
+ gp_Pnt aP (theXYZlist->Value(iCLower + iP * 3),
+ theXYZlist->Value(iCLower + iP * 3 + 1),
+ theXYZlist->Value(iCLower + iP * 3 + 2));
+ Standard_Real U, V;
+ gp_Pnt aPonF = GEOMUtils::ProjectPointOnFace(aP, F, U, V);
+ if (aP.SquareDistance(aPonF) < squareTolerance) {
+ if (isNormalized) {
+ // Normalize parameters to be in [0, 1]
+ U = (U - U1) / dU;
+ V = (V - V1) / dV;
+ }
+ aRet->SetValue(iP * 2 , U);
+ aRet->SetValue(iP * 2 + 1, V);
+ }
+ else {
+ SetErrorCode("Point too far from face");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ }
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aRet;
+ * UVtoXYZ
+ */
+ //=============================================================================
+Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) GEOMImpl_IMeasureOperations::UVtoXYZ
+ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theSurf,
+ const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& theUVlist,
+ bool isNormalized)
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aRet;
+ // Check list of parameters
+ int nbC = theUVlist->Length();
+ int nbP = nbC / 2;
+ if (nbP * 2 != nbC) {
+ SetErrorCode("Parameters list length is not divisible by 2");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ // Check face
+ if (theSurf.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("The shape is NULL");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = theSurf->GetLastFunction();
+ if (aRefShape.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("The shape is NULL");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape = aRefShape->GetValue();
+ if (aShape.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("The shape is NULL");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ // The shape can be a face, a shell of one face or a compound with one face
+ TopoDS_Face F;
+ if (aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) {
+ F = TopoDS::Face(aShape);
+ }
+ else if (aShape.ShapeType() < TopAbs_FACE) {
+ TopExp_Explorer Exp (aShape, TopAbs_FACE);
+ if (Exp.More()) {
+ F = TopoDS::Face(Exp.Current());
+ Exp.Next();
+ if (Exp.More()) {
+ SetErrorCode("There should be only one face");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (F.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("There are no faces");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ // Face tolerance
+ Standard_Real squareTolerance = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(F);
+ squareTolerance = squareTolerance * squareTolerance;
+ // Compute coordinates
+ Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurf = BRep_Tool::Surface(F);
+ aRet = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (0, nbP * 3 - 1);
+ Standard_Real U1,U2, V1,V2;
+ BRepTools::UVBounds(F, U1, U2, V1, V2);
+ Standard_Real dU = U2 - U1;
+ Standard_Real dV = V2 - V1;
+ Standard_Real tol = 1.e-4;
+ Standard_Real pc = Precision::Confusion();
+ int iCLower = theUVlist->Lower();
+ for (int iP = 0; iP < nbP; iP++) {
+ Standard_Real U = theUVlist->Value(iCLower + iP * 2);
+ Standard_Real V = theUVlist->Value(iCLower + iP * 2 + 1);
+ if (isNormalized) {
+ // Get real parameters from given normalized ones in [0, 1]
+ if (!(-pc < U && U < 1 + pc) || !(-pc < V && V < 1 + pc)) {
+ SetErrorCode("Normalized parameter is out of range [0,1]");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ U = U1 + dU * U;
+ V = V1 + dV * V;
+ }
+ gp_Pnt2d aP2d (U, V);
+ BRepClass_FaceClassifier aClsf (F, aP2d, tol);
+ if (aClsf.State() != TopAbs_IN && aClsf.State() != TopAbs_ON) {
+ SetErrorCode("Given parameters are out of face");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ gp_Pnt surfPnt = aSurf->Value(U, V);
+ aRet->SetValue(iP * 3 , surfPnt.X());
+ aRet->SetValue(iP * 3 + 1, surfPnt.Y());
+ aRet->SetValue(iP * 3 + 2, surfPnt.Z());
+ }
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aRet;
* SelfIntersected2D
Handle(GEOM_Object) thePoint,
Handle(GEOM_Object) theDirection);
+ // Methods to convert X,Y,Z coordinates of point to U,V parameters on surface and back
+ Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) XYZtoUV
+ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theSurf,
+ const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& theXYZlist,
+ bool isNormalized);
+ Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) UVtoXYZ
+ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theSurf,
+ const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& theUVlist,
+ bool isNormalized);
// Methods to compute proximity between two shapes
Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) ShapeProximityCalculator(Handle(GEOM_Object) theShape1,
Handle(GEOM_Object) theShape2);
#include <Standard_Stream.hxx>
+#include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
#include "GEOM_IMeasureOperations_i.hh"
return GetObject(anObject);
+ * XYZtoUV
+ */
+GEOM::ListOfDouble* GEOM_IMeasureOperations_i::XYZtoUV
+ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theSurf,
+ const GEOM::ListOfDouble& theXYZlist,
+ CORBA::Boolean theIsNormalized)
+ GEOM::ListOfDouble_var resUV = new GEOM::ListOfDouble;
+ //Set a not done flag
+ GetOperations()->SetNotDone();
+ //Get the reference shape
+ Handle(::GEOM_Object) aShape = GetObjectImpl(theSurf);
+ if (aShape.IsNull()) return resUV._retn();
+ //Get input XYZ list
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aXYZlist =
+ new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (0, theXYZlist.length() - 1);
+ {
+ size_t nb = theXYZlist.length();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i)
+ aXYZlist->SetValue(i, theXYZlist[i]);
+ }
+ //Call implementation
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aUVlist =
+ GetOperations()->XYZtoUV(aShape, aXYZlist, theIsNormalized);
+ if (GetOperations()->IsDone()) {
+ resUV->length(aUVlist->Length());
+ int i0 = aUVlist->Lower();
+ int nb = aUVlist->Upper();
+ for (int i = i0; i <= nb; ++i)
+ resUV[ i-i0 ] = aUVlist->Value(i);
+ }
+ return resUV._retn();
+ * UVtoXYZ
+ */
+GEOM::ListOfDouble* GEOM_IMeasureOperations_i::UVtoXYZ
+ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theSurf,
+ const GEOM::ListOfDouble& theUVlist,
+ CORBA::Boolean theIsNormalized)
+ GEOM::ListOfDouble_var resXYZ = new GEOM::ListOfDouble;
+ //Set a not done flag
+ GetOperations()->SetNotDone();
+ //Get the reference shape
+ Handle(::GEOM_Object) aShape = GetObjectImpl(theSurf);
+ if (aShape.IsNull()) return resXYZ._retn();
+ //Get input UV list
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aUVlist =
+ new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (0, theUVlist.length() - 1);
+ {
+ size_t nb = theUVlist.length();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i)
+ aUVlist->SetValue(i, theUVlist[i]);
+ }
+ //Call implementation
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aXYZlist =
+ GetOperations()->UVtoXYZ(aShape, aUVlist, theIsNormalized);
+ if (GetOperations()->IsDone()) {
+ resXYZ->length(aXYZlist->Length());
+ int i0 = aXYZlist->Lower();
+ int nb = aXYZlist->Upper();
+ for (int i = i0; i <= nb; ++i)
+ resXYZ[ i-i0 ] = aXYZlist->Value(i);
+ }
+ return resXYZ._retn();
* SelfIntersected2D
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePoint,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theDirection);
+ // Methods to convert X,Y,Z coordinates of point to U,V parameters on surface and back
+ GEOM::ListOfDouble* XYZtoUV(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theSurf,
+ const GEOM::ListOfDouble& theXYZlist,
+ CORBA::Boolean theIsNormalized);
+ GEOM::ListOfDouble* UVtoXYZ(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theSurf,
+ const GEOM::ListOfDouble& theUVlist,
+ CORBA::Boolean theIsNormalized);
// Methods for class CheckConformity
GEOM::GEOM_IMeasureOperations::SequenceOfPairOfShape* SelfIntersected2D(
const GEOM::GEOM_IMeasureOperations::CheckResults& theResuts);
self._autoPublish(aVec, theName, "curvature")
return aVec
+ ## Convert X,Y,Z points coordinates to UV parameters on the given surface.
+ # @param theSurf the given face. It can be also a shell or a compound with one face.
+ # @param theXYZlist float list of size 3*N where N is the number of points
+ # for which we want their U,V coordinates.
+ # If the user enters a list of size not divisible by 3
+ # an exception will be thrown.
+ # @param theIsNormalized if True, the returned parameters will be in range [0, 1].
+ #
+ # @return list of float of size 2*N.
+ #
+ # @ref tui_xyz_to_uv_page "Example"
+ @ManageTransactions("MeasuOp")
+ def XYZtoUV(self, theSurf, theXYZlist, theIsNormalized = True):
+ """
+ Convert X,Y,Z points coordinates to UV parameters on the given surface.
+ Parameters:
+ theSurf the given face. It can be also a shell or a compound with one face.
+ theXYZlist float list of size 3*N where N is the number of points
+ for which we want their U,V coordinates.
+ If the user enters a list of size not divisible by 3
+ an exception will be thrown.
+ theIsNormalized if True, the returned parameters will be in range [0, 1].
+ Returns:
+ list of float of size 2*N.
+ Example of usage:
+ [u1,v1, u2,v2] = geompy.XYZtoUV(Face_1, [0,0,0, 0,10,10])
+ """
+ aUVlist = self.MeasuOp.XYZtoUV(theSurf, theXYZlist, theIsNormalized)
+ RaiseIfFailed("XYZtoUV", self.MeasuOp)
+ return aUVlist
+ ## Convert UV parameters on the given surface to 3D points coordinates.
+ # @param theSurf the given face. It can be also a shell or a compound with one face.
+ # @param theUVlist float list of size 2*N where N is the number of points
+ # for which we want their X,Y,Z coordinates.
+ # If the user enters a list of non-even size
+ # an exception will be thrown.
+ # @param theIsNormalized if True, the input parameters are expected to be in range [0, 1].
+ #
+ # @return list of float of size 3*N.
+ #
+ # @ref tui_xyz_to_uv_page "Example"
+ @ManageTransactions("MeasuOp")
+ def UVtoXYZ(self, theSurf, theUVlist, theIsNormalized = True):
+ """
+ Convert UV parameters on the given surface to 3D points coordinates.
+ Parameters:
+ theSurf the given face. It can be also a shell or a compound with one face.
+ theUVlist float list of size 2*N where N is the number of points
+ for which we want their X,Y,Z coordinates.
+ If the user enters a list of non-even size
+ an exception will be thrown.
+ theIsNormalized if True, the input parameters are expected to be in range [0, 1].
+ Returns:
+ list of float of size 3*N.
+ Example of usage:
+ [x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2] = geompy.UVtoXYZ(Face_1, [0,0, 10,10])
+ """
+ aXYZlist = self.MeasuOp.UVtoXYZ(theSurf, theUVlist, theIsNormalized)
+ RaiseIfFailed("UVtoXYZ", self.MeasuOp)
+ return aXYZlist
## Get min and max tolerances of sub-shapes of theShape
# @param theShape Shape, to get tolerances of.
# @return [FaceMin,FaceMax, EdgeMin,EdgeMax, VertMin,VertMax]\n