return myError == EvalExpr_OK && myPostfix.size()==1 && myPostfix.begin()->myType == Param;
+//function : substitute
+//purpose :
+void SALOME_EvalParser::substitute( const SALOME_String& theParamName,
+ SALOME_EvalParser* theNewExpr )
+ Postfix::iterator it = myPostfix.begin(), last = myPostfix.end();
+ for( ; it!=last; it++ )
+ {
+ //printf( "ELEM: %s\n", it->myValue.toString().c_str() );
+ if( it->myType == Param && it->myValue.toString() == theParamName )
+ {
+ Postfix::iterator removed = it; it++;
+ myPostfix.erase( removed );
+ //printf( "REMOVE:\n" );
+ Postfix::iterator nit = theNewExpr->myPostfix.begin(), nlast = theNewExpr->myPostfix.end();
+ for( ; nit!=nlast; nit++ )
+ {
+ myPostfix.insert( it, *nit );
+ //printf( "INSERT: %s\n", nit->myValue.toString().c_str() );
+ }
+ it--;
+ }
+ }
+//class : RebultExprItem
+//purpose : Reconstruction of expression by postfix form
+class RebultExprItem
+ RebultExprItem( const SALOME_EvalParser* theParser, const SALOME_String& theExpr = "" )
+ : myExpr( theExpr ), myParser( theParser )
+ {
+ }
+ int priority() const
+ {
+ return myOp.length() > 0 ? myParser->priority( myOp, myOpBin ) : 100000;
+ }
+ RebultExprItem concat( const SALOME_String& theOp, const RebultExprItem& theItem, bool theIsBin ) const
+ {
+ int pleft = priority(), pright = theItem.priority(),
+ pOp = myParser->priority( theOp, theIsBin );
+ //printf( "concat: '%s' (%i) and '%s' (%i) with op = %s (%i)\n",
+ // myExpr.c_str(), pleft, theItem.myExpr.c_str(), pright,
+ // theOp.c_str(), pOp );
+ SALOME_String aNewExpr = expression( pleft<pOp );
+ aNewExpr += theOp;
+ aNewExpr += theItem.expression( pright<pOp );
+ RebultExprItem aRes( myParser );
+ aRes.myExpr = aNewExpr;
+ aRes.myOp = theOp;
+ aRes.myOpBin = theIsBin;
+ return aRes;
+ }
+ SALOME_String expression( bool theIsAddBrackets ) const
+ {
+ if( theIsAddBrackets )
+ return "(" + myExpr + ")";
+ else
+ return myExpr;
+ }
+ const SALOME_EvalParser* myParser;
+ SALOME_String myExpr, myOp;
+ bool myOpBin;
+//function : rebuildExpression
+//purpose :
+SALOME_String SALOME_EvalParser::rebuildExpression() const
+ std::stack<RebultExprItem> aStack;
+ Postfix::const_iterator it = myPostfix.begin(), last = myPostfix.end();
+ RebultExprItem anItem1( this ), anItem2( this );
+ for( ; it!=last; it++ )
+ {
+ SALOME_String aValue = it->myValue.toString();
+ switch( it->myType )
+ {
+ case Value:
+ case Param:
+ aStack.push( RebultExprItem( this, aValue ) );
+ break;
+ case Pre:
+ anItem1 =; aStack.pop();
+ anItem2 = RebultExprItem( this ).concat( aValue, anItem1, false );
+ aStack.push( anItem2 );
+ break;
+ case Post:
+ anItem1 =; aStack.pop();
+ anItem2 = anItem1.concat( aValue, RebultExprItem( this ), false );
+ aStack.push( anItem2 );
+ break;
+ case Binary:
+ anItem2 =; aStack.pop();
+ anItem1 =; aStack.pop();
+ anItem2 = anItem1.concat( aValue, anItem2, true );
+ aStack.push( anItem2 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return false );
//function : dump
//purpose :