int aGap = 20;
#if OCC_VERSION_LARGE > 0x06080000
+#ifdef OCCT_DEV_COMPAT // VSR: temporarily, to be removed later and replace below implementation
+ Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron gt;
+ // main params
+ gt.SetDrawGrid(Standard_True); // to draw grid
+ gt.SetDrawAxes(Standard_True); // to draw axes
+ gt.SetGridColor(Quantity_NOC_WHITE); // grid color
+ // axes params
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ Graphic3d_AxisAspect& aspect = gt.ChangeAxisAspect(i);
+ aspect.SetName(anAxisData[i].Name.toLatin1().constData());
+ aspect.SetDrawName(anAxisData[i].DrawName);
+ aspect.SetDrawValues(anAxisData[i].DrawValues);
+ aspect.SetDrawTickmarks(anAxisData[i].DrawTickmarks);
+ aspect.SetNameColor(Quantity_Color(anAxisData[i].NameColor.redF(),
+ anAxisData[i].NameColor.greenF(),
+ anAxisData[i].NameColor.blueF(),
+ Quantity_TOC_RGB));
+ aspect.SetColor(Quantity_Color(anAxisData[i].Color.redF(),
+ anAxisData[i].Color.greenF(),
+ anAxisData[i].Color.blueF(),
+ Quantity_TOC_RGB));
+ aspect.SetTickmarksNumber(anAxisData[i].NbValues-1);
+ aspect.SetTickmarksLength(anAxisData[i].TickmarkLength);
+ aspect.SetValuesOffset(anAxisData[i].Offset);
+ aspect.SetNameOffset(anAxisData[i].Offset + aGap); // see above
+ }
+ // draw trihedron
+ theView->GraduatedTrihedronDisplay(gt);
+#else // #ifdef OCCT_DEV_COMPAT / VSR: temporarily, to be removed later and replace below implementation
Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron gt;
// main params
gt.SetToDrawTickmarks(Standard_True); // to draw grid
gt.ChangeZAxisAspect().SetNameOffset(anAxisData[2].Offset + aGap); // see above
// draw trihedron
+#endif // #ifdef OCCT_DEV_COMPAT / VSR: temporarily, to be removed later and replace below implementation