- Add the ability to set the transformation with source vertices and target vertices
- void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object faces1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object faces2, in string f_transf) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object edges1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object edges2, in string f_transf) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddFacePeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object face1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object face2) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddEdgePeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object face1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object edge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object face2, in GEOM::GEOM_Object edge2, in long edge_orientation) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(in GEOM::GEOM_Object edge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object edge2, in long edge_orientation) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddVertexPeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object edge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object Vertex1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object edge2, in GEOM::GEOM_Object vertex2) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace2) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityWithVertices(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace2, in GEOM::ListOfGO theSourceVertices, in GEOM::ListOfGO theTargetVertices) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge2) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityWithVertices(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge2, in GEOM::ListOfGO theSourceVertices, in GEOM::ListOfGO theTargetVertices) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddFacePeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace2) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddEdgePeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace2, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge2, in long edge_orientation) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge2, in long edge_orientation) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddVertexPeriodicity(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theVertex1, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theEdge2, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theVertex2) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
return self.params
- # Periodicity (BLSURF)
+ # Periodicity (BLSURF with PreCAD)
- ## Defines periodicity between two groups of faces
- # @param faces1: group of faces to associate with faces2
- # @param faces2: group of faces associated with faces1
- # @param f_transf (optionnal): the transformation function from faces1 to faces2.
- # If None, PreCAD tries to find a simple translation
- def AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(self, faces1, faces2, f_transf= ""):
- """calls preCad function:
- status_t cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(cad t *cad,
- integer *fid1, integer size1, integer *fid2, integer size2,
- periodicity_transformation_t transf, void *user data);
- """
- self.Parameters().AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(faces1, faces2, f_transf)
- pass
+ ## Defines periodicity between two groups of faces, using PreCAD
+ # @param theFace1: GEOM face (or group, compound) to associate with theFace2
+ # @param theFace2: GEOM face (or group, compound) associated with theFace1
+ # @param theSourceVertices (optionnal): list of GEOM vertices on theFace1 defining the transformation from theFace1 to theFace2.
+ # If None, PreCAD tries to find a simple translation
+ # @param theTargetVertices (optionnal): list of GEOM vertices on theFace2 defining the transformation from theFace1 to theFace2.
+ # If None, PreCAD tries to find a simple translation
+ def AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(self, theFace1, theFace2, theSourceVertices=[], theTargetVertices=[]):
+ """calls preCad function:
+ status_t cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(cad t *cad,
+ integer *fid1, integer size1, integer *fid2, integer size2,
+ periodicity_transformation_t transf, void *user data);
+ """
+ if theSourceVertices and theTargetVertices:
+ self.Parameters().AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityWithVertices(theFace1, theFace2, theSourceVertices, theTargetVertices)
+ else:
+ self.Parameters().AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(theFace1, theFace2)
+ pass
+ ## Defines periodicity between two groups of edges, using PreCAD
+ # @param theEdge1: GEOM edge (or group, compound) to associate with theEdge2
+ # @param theEdge2: GEOM edge (or group, compound) associated with theEdge1
+ # @param theSourceVertices (optionnal): list of GEOM vertices on theEdge1 defining the transformation from theEdge1 to theEdge2.
+ # If None, PreCAD tries to find a simple translation
+ # @param theTargetVertices (optionnal): list of GEOM vertices on theEdge2 defining the transformation from theEdge1 to theEdge2.
+ # If None, PreCAD tries to find a simple translation
+ def AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(self, theEdge1, theEdge2, theSourceVertices=[], theTargetVertices=[]):
+ """calls preCad function:
+ status_t cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(cad t *cad,
+ integer *eid1, integer size1, integer *eid2, integer size2,
+ periodicity_transformation_t transf, void *user data);
+ """
+ if theSourceVertices and theTargetVertices:
+ self.Parameters().AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityWithVertices(theEdge1, theEdge2, theSourceVertices, theTargetVertices)
+ else:
+ self.Parameters().AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(theEdge1, theEdge2)
+ pass
- ## Defines periodicity between two groups of edges
- # @param edges1: group of edges to associate with edges2
- # @param edges2: group of edges associated with edges1
- # @param f_transf (optionnal): the transformation function from edges1 to edges2.
- # If None, PreCAD tries to find a simple translation
- def AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(self, edges1, edges2, f_transf= ""):
- """calls preCad function:
- status_t cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(cad t *cad,
- integer *eid1, integer size1, integer *eid2, integer size2,
- periodicity_transformation_t transf, void *user data);
- """
- self.Parameters().AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(edges1, edges2, f_transf)
- pass
- ## Defines periodicity between two groups of faces.
- # This macro defines periodicity with the CADSurf API on each sub face, sub edge and sub vertex.
- # PreCAD is not needed.
- # @param faces1: group of faces to associate with faces2
- # @param faces2: group of faces associated with faces1
- # @param f_transf: the transformation function from faces1 to faces2.
- def AddAdvancedFacesPeriodicity(faces1, faces2, f_transf):
- self.Parameters().AddAdvancedFacesPeriodicity(faces1, faces2, f_transf)
- pass
+ #-----------------------------------------
+ # Periodicity (BLSURF without PreCAD)
+ #-----------------------------------------
- ## Defines periodicity between two faces
- # User has to call AddEdgePeriodicity with the edges of the face
- # and AddVertexPeriodicity with the vertices of each edge
- def AddFacePeriodicity(self, face1, face2):
- self.Parameters().AddFacePeriodicity(face1, face2)
- pass
- ## Defines periodicity between two edges belonging to two periodic faces
- # @param edge_orientation: -1 (reversed), 0 (unknown) or 1 (forward)
- # User has to call AddVertexPeriodicity with the vertices of each edge
- def AddEdgePeriodicity(self, face1, edge1, face2, edge2, edge_orientation=0):
- self.Parameters().AddEdgePeriodicity(face1, edge1, face2, edge2, edge_orientation)
- pass
- ## Defines periodicity between two edges without face periodicity
- # @param edge_orientation: -1 (reversed), 0 (unknown) or 1 (forward)
- # User has to call AddVertexPeriodicity with the vertices of each edge
- def AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(self, edge1, edge2, edge_orientation=0):
- self.Parameters().AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(edge1, edge2, edge_orientation)
- pass
+ ## Defines periodicity between two faces, without using PreCAD.
+ # User has to call AddEdgePeriodicity with the edges of the face,
+ # and AddVertexPeriodicity with the vertices of each edge.
+ # @param theFace1: GEOM face to associate with theFace2
+ # @param theFace2: GEOM face associated with theFace1
+ def AddFacePeriodicity(self, theFace1, theFace2):
+ self.Parameters().AddFacePeriodicity(theFace1, theFace2)
+ pass
- ## Defines periodicity between two vertices
- def AddVertexPeriodicity(self, edge1, vertex1, edge2, vertex2):
- self.Parameters().AddVertexPeriodicity(edge1, vertex1, edge2, vertex2)
- pass
+ ## Defines periodicity between two edges belonging to two periodic faces, without using PreCAD.
+ # To be used with AddFacePeriodicity.
+ # User has to call AddVertexPeriodicity with the vertices of each edge
+ # @param theFace1: GEOM face to associate with theFace2
+ # @param theEdge1: GEOM edge to associate with theEdge2
+ # @param theFace2: GEOM face associated with theFace1
+ # @param theEdge2: GEOM edge associated with theEdge1
+ # @param theEdgeOrientation: -1 (reversed), 0 (unknown) or 1 (forward)
+ def AddEdgePeriodicity(self, theFace1, theEdge1, theFace2, theEdge2, theEdgeOrientation=0):
+ self.Parameters().AddEdgePeriodicity(theFace1, theEdge1, theFace2, theEdge2, theEdgeOrientation)
+ pass
+ ## Defines periodicity between two edges without face periodicity, without using PreCAD.
+ # User has to call AddVertexPeriodicity with the vertices of each edge.
+ # @param theEdge1: GEOM edge to associate with theEdge2
+ # @param theEdge2: GEOM edge associated with theEdge1
+ # @param theEdgeOrientation: -1 (reversed), 0 (unknown) or 1 (forward)
+ def AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(self, theEdge1, theEdge2, theEdgeOrientation=0):
+ self.Parameters().AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(theEdge1, theEdge2, theEdgeOrientation)
+ pass
+ ## Defines periodicity between two vertices.
+ # To be used with AddFacePeriodicity and AddEdgePeriodicity.
+ # @param theEdge1: GEOM edge to associate with theEdge2
+ # @param theVertex1: GEOM face to associate with theVertex2
+ # @param theEdge2: GEOM edge associated with theEdge1
+ # @param theVertex2: GEOM face associated with theVertex1
+ def AddVertexPeriodicity(self, theEdge1, theVertex1, theEdge2, theVertex2):
+ self.Parameters().AddVertexPeriodicity(theEdge1, theVertex1, theEdge2, theVertex2)
+ pass
return face_ids;
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::addCoordsFromVertex(BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theVertexEntry, std::vector<double> &theVerticesCoords)
+ if (theVertexEntry!="")
+ {
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape = entryToShape(theVertexEntry);
+ gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( aShape ) );
+ double theX, theY, theZ;
+ theX = aPnt.X();
+ theY = aPnt.Y();
+ theZ = aPnt.Z();
+ theVerticesCoords.push_back(theX);
+ theVerticesCoords.push_back(theY);
+ theVerticesCoords.push_back(theZ);
+ }
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry faces1,
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry faces2, const char* f_funct)
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TPreCadPeriodicity &preCadPeriodicity)
- TopoDS_Shape geomShape1 = entryToShape(faces1);
- TopoDS_Shape geomShape2 = entryToShape(faces2);
+ TopoDS_Shape geomShape1 = entryToShape(preCadPeriodicity.shape1Entry);
+ TopoDS_Shape geomShape2 = entryToShape(preCadPeriodicity.shape2Entry);
+ TListOfIDs theFace1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape1, TopAbs_FACE);
+ TListOfIDs theFace2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape2, TopAbs_FACE);
- TListOfIDs faces1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape1, TopAbs_FACE);
- TListOfIDs faces2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape2, TopAbs_FACE);
+ TPreCadPeriodicityIDs preCadFacesPeriodicityIDs;
+ preCadFacesPeriodicityIDs.shape1IDs = theFace1_ids;
+ preCadFacesPeriodicityIDs.shape2IDs = theFace2_ids;
- TPreCadPeriodicityIDs preCaDFacesPeriodicityIDs;
- preCaDFacesPeriodicityIDs.shape1IDs = faces1_ids;
- preCaDFacesPeriodicityIDs.shape2IDs = faces2_ids;
- preCaDFacesPeriodicityIDs.f_funct = f_funct;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<preCadPeriodicity.theSourceVerticesEntries.size(); i++)
+ addCoordsFromVertex(preCadPeriodicity.theSourceVerticesEntries[i], preCadFacesPeriodicityIDs.theSourceVerticesCoords);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<preCadPeriodicity.theTargetVerticesEntries.size(); i++)
+ addCoordsFromVertex(preCadPeriodicity.theTargetVerticesEntries[i], preCadFacesPeriodicityIDs.theTargetVerticesCoords);
- _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.push_back(preCaDFacesPeriodicityIDs);
+ _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.push_back(preCadFacesPeriodicityIDs);
MESSAGE("_preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createFacesPeriodicity END");
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edges1,
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edges2, const char* f_funct)
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TPreCadPeriodicity &preCadPeriodicity)
- TopoDS_Shape geomShape1 = entryToShape(edges1);
- TopoDS_Shape geomShape2 = entryToShape(edges2);
+ TopoDS_Shape geomShape1 = entryToShape(preCadPeriodicity.shape1Entry);
+ TopoDS_Shape geomShape2 = entryToShape(preCadPeriodicity.shape2Entry);
+ TListOfIDs theEdge1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape1, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TListOfIDs theEdge2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape2, TopAbs_EDGE);
- TListOfIDs edges1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape1, TopAbs_EDGE);
- TListOfIDs edges2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, geomShape2, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TPreCadPeriodicityIDs preCadEdgesPeriodicityIDs;
+ preCadEdgesPeriodicityIDs.shape1IDs = theEdge1_ids;
+ preCadEdgesPeriodicityIDs.shape2IDs = theEdge2_ids;
- TPreCadPeriodicityIDs preCaDEdgesPeriodicityIDs;
- preCaDEdgesPeriodicityIDs.shape1IDs = edges1_ids;
- preCaDEdgesPeriodicityIDs.shape2IDs = edges2_ids;
- preCaDEdgesPeriodicityIDs.f_funct = f_funct;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<preCadPeriodicity.theSourceVerticesEntries.size(); i++)
+ addCoordsFromVertex(preCadPeriodicity.theSourceVerticesEntries[i], preCadEdgesPeriodicityIDs.theSourceVerticesCoords);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<preCadPeriodicity.theTargetVerticesEntries.size(); i++)
+ addCoordsFromVertex(preCadPeriodicity.theTargetVerticesEntries[i], preCadEdgesPeriodicityIDs.theTargetVerticesCoords);
- _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.push_back(preCaDEdgesPeriodicityIDs);
+ _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.push_back(preCadEdgesPeriodicityIDs);
MESSAGE("_preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createEdgesPeriodicity END");
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face2)
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace2)
- TopoDS_Shape GeomShape1 = entryToShape(face1);
- TopoDS_Shape GeomShape2 = entryToShape(face2);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomShape1 = entryToShape(theFace1);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomShape2 = entryToShape(theFace2);
- TListOfIDs faces1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomShape1, TopAbs_FACE);
- TListOfIDs faces2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomShape2, TopAbs_FACE);
+ TListOfIDs theFace1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomShape1, TopAbs_FACE);
+ TListOfIDs theFace2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomShape2, TopAbs_FACE);
// Only one face id, since only a face can be selected
- int face1_id = faces1_ids[0];
- int face2_id = faces2_ids[0];
+ int theFace1_id = theFace1_ids[0];
+ int theFace2_id = theFace2_ids[0];
- std::pair<int, int> pairOfFacesID = std::make_pair(face1_id, face2_id);
+ std::pair<int, int> pairOfFacesID = std::make_pair(theFace1_id, theFace2_id);
MESSAGE("_facesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _facesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge1,
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge2, int edge_orientation)
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge1,
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge2, int edge_orientation)
TEdgePeriodicityIDs edgePeriodicityIDs;
- if (face1 != "")
+ if (theFace1 != "")
- TopoDS_Shape GeomFace1 = entryToShape(face1);
- TListOfIDs faces1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomFace1, TopAbs_FACE);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomFace1 = entryToShape(theFace1);
+ TListOfIDs theFace1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomFace1, TopAbs_FACE);
// Only one face id, since only a face can be selected
- edgePeriodicityIDs.face1ID = faces1_ids[0];
+ edgePeriodicityIDs.theFace1ID = theFace1_ids[0];
- edgePeriodicityIDs.face1ID = 0;
- if (face2 != "")
+ edgePeriodicityIDs.theFace1ID = 0;
+ if (theFace2 != "")
- TopoDS_Shape GeomFace2 = entryToShape(face2);
- TListOfIDs faces2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomFace2, TopAbs_FACE);
- edgePeriodicityIDs.face2ID = faces2_ids[0];
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomFace2 = entryToShape(theFace2);
+ TListOfIDs theFace2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomFace2, TopAbs_FACE);
+ edgePeriodicityIDs.theFace2ID = theFace2_ids[0];
- edgePeriodicityIDs.face2ID = 0;
+ edgePeriodicityIDs.theFace2ID = 0;
- TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge1 = entryToShape(edge1);
- TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge2 = entryToShape(edge2);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge1 = entryToShape(theEdge1);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge2 = entryToShape(theEdge2);
- TListOfIDs edges1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge1, TopAbs_EDGE);
- TListOfIDs edges2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge2, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TListOfIDs theEdge1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge1, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TListOfIDs theEdge2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge2, TopAbs_EDGE);
if (edge_orientation == 0 and GeomEdge1.Closed())
// Only one edge id, since only a edge can be selected
- edgePeriodicityIDs.edge1ID = edges1_ids[0];
- edgePeriodicityIDs.edge2ID = edges2_ids[0];
+ edgePeriodicityIDs.theEdge1ID = theEdge1_ids[0];
+ edgePeriodicityIDs.theEdge2ID = theEdge2_ids[0];
edgePeriodicityIDs.edge_orientation = edge_orientation;
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createVerticesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry vertex1,
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry vertex2)
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createVerticesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theVertex1,
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theVertex2)
- TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge1 = entryToShape(edge1);
- TopoDS_Shape GeomVertex1 = entryToShape(vertex1);
- TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge2 = entryToShape(edge2);
- TopoDS_Shape GeomVertex2 = entryToShape(vertex2);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge1 = entryToShape(theEdge1);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomVertex1 = entryToShape(theVertex1);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomEdge2 = entryToShape(theEdge2);
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomVertex2 = entryToShape(theVertex2);
- TListOfIDs edges1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge1, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TListOfIDs theEdge1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge1, TopAbs_EDGE);
TListOfIDs vertices1_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomVertex1, TopAbs_VERTEX);
- TListOfIDs edges2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge2, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TListOfIDs theEdge2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomEdge2, TopAbs_EDGE);
TListOfIDs vertices2_ids = _getSubShapeIDsInMainShape(theGeomShape, GeomVertex2, TopAbs_VERTEX);
// Only one vertex id, since only a vertex can be selected
TVertexPeriodicityIDs vertexPeriodicityIDs;
- vertexPeriodicityIDs.edge1ID = edges1_ids[0];
- vertexPeriodicityIDs.vertex1ID = vertices1_ids[0];
- vertexPeriodicityIDs.edge2ID = edges2_ids[0];
- vertexPeriodicityIDs.vertex2ID = vertices2_ids[0];
+ vertexPeriodicityIDs.theEdge1ID = theEdge1_ids[0];
+ vertexPeriodicityIDs.theVertex1ID = vertices1_ids[0];
+ vertexPeriodicityIDs.theEdge2ID = theEdge2_ids[0];
+ vertexPeriodicityIDs.theVertex2ID = vertices2_ids[0];
MESSAGE("_verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
+ // reset vectors
+ _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.clear();
+ _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.clear();
+ _facesIDsPeriodicityVector.clear();
+ _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector.clear();
+ _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.clear();
MESSAGE("SetParameters preCadFacesPeriodicityVector");
const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TPreCadPeriodicityVector preCadFacesPeriodicityVector = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetPreCadFacesPeriodicityVector(hyp);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i<preCadFacesPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
MESSAGE("SetParameters preCadFacesPeriodicityVector[" << i << "]");
- createPreCadFacesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, preCadFacesPeriodicityVector[i].shape1Entry, preCadFacesPeriodicityVector[i].shape2Entry, preCadFacesPeriodicityVector[i].f_funct);
+ createPreCadFacesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, preCadFacesPeriodicityVector[i]);
MESSAGE("_preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i<preCadEdgesPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
MESSAGE("SetParameters preCadEdgesPeriodicityVector[" << i << "]");
- createPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, preCadEdgesPeriodicityVector[i].shape1Entry, preCadEdgesPeriodicityVector[i].shape2Entry, preCadEdgesPeriodicityVector[i].f_funct);
+ createPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, preCadEdgesPeriodicityVector[i]);
MESSAGE("_preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i<edgesPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
MESSAGE("SetParameters edgesPeriodicityVector[" << i << "]");
// TODO: passer directement en paramètre edgesPeriodicityVector[i] plutôt que tous ces attributs
- createEdgesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].face1Entry, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].edge1Entry,
- edgesPeriodicityVector[i].face2Entry, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].edge2Entry, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].edge_orientation);
+ createEdgesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].theFace1Entry, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge1Entry,
+ edgesPeriodicityVector[i].theFace2Entry, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge2Entry, edgesPeriodicityVector[i].edge_orientation);
MESSAGE("_edgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i<verticesPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
MESSAGE("SetParameters verticesPeriodicityVector[" << i << "]");
// TODO: passer directement en paramètre verticesPeriodicityVector[i] plutôt que tous ces attributs
- createVerticesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, verticesPeriodicityVector[i].edge1Entry, verticesPeriodicityVector[i].vertex1Entry,
- verticesPeriodicityVector[i].edge2Entry, verticesPeriodicityVector[i].vertex2Entry);
+ createVerticesPeriodicity(theGeomShape, verticesPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge1Entry, verticesPeriodicityVector[i].theVertex1Entry,
+ verticesPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge2Entry, verticesPeriodicityVector[i].theVertex2Entry);
MESSAGE("_verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.size() = " << _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.size());
if (fmap.FindIndex(f) > 0)
iface = fmap.Add(f);
- std::string aFileName = "fmap_face_";
- aFileName.append(to_string(iface));
- aFileName.append(".brep");
- BRepTools::Write(f,aFileName.c_str());
+// std::string aFileName = "fmap_face_";
+// aFileName.append(to_string(iface));
+// aFileName.append(".brep");
+// BRepTools::Write(f,aFileName.c_str());
if (ic <= 0)
ic = emap.Add(e);
- std::string aFileName = "fmap_edge_";
- aFileName.append(to_string(ic));
- aFileName.append(".brep");
- BRepTools::Write(e,aFileName.c_str());
+// std::string aFileName = "fmap_edge_";
+// aFileName.append(to_string(ic));
+// aFileName.append(".brep");
+// BRepTools::Write(e,aFileName.c_str());
double tmin,tmax;
curves.push_back(BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(e, f, tmin, tmax));
edgeSubmeshes.insert( sm->GetSubMeshDS() );
- std::string aFileName = "fmap_vertex_";
- aFileName.append(to_string(*ip));
- aFileName.append(".brep");
- BRepTools::Write(v,aFileName.c_str());
+// std::string aFileName = "fmap_vertex_";
+// aFileName.append(to_string(*ip));
+// aFileName.append(".brep");
+// BRepTools::Write(v,aFileName.c_str());
if (HasSizeMapOnVertex){
vertexKey = VerticesWithSizeMap.FindIndex(v);
if (! _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.empty()){
for (std::size_t i=0; i < _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
- std::vector<int> faces1_ids = _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape1IDs;
- std::vector<int> faces2_ids = _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape2IDs;
- // TODO: récupérer _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].f_funct
- meshgems_cad_periodicity_transformation_t periodicity_transformation = NULL;
- int* faces1_ids_c = &faces1_ids[0];
- int* faces2_ids_c = &faces2_ids[0];
+ std::vector<int> theFace1_ids = _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape1IDs;
+ std::vector<int> theFace2_ids = _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape2IDs;
+ int* theFace1_ids_c = &theFace1_ids[0];
+ int* theFace2_ids_c = &theFace2_ids[0];
std::ostringstream o;
o << "_preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = [";
- for (std::size_t j=0; j < faces1_ids.size(); j++)
- o << faces1_ids[j] << ", ";
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < theFace1_ids.size(); j++)
+ o << theFace1_ids[j] << ", ";
o << "], [";
- for (std::size_t j=0; j < faces2_ids.size(); j++)
- o << faces2_ids[j] << ", ";
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < theFace2_ids.size(); j++)
+ o << theFace2_ids[j] << ", ";
o << "]";
- MESSAGE("faces1_ids.size(): " << faces1_ids.size());
- MESSAGE("faces2_ids.size(): " << faces2_ids.size());
- status = cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(c, faces1_ids_c, faces1_ids.size(),
- faces2_ids_c, faces2_ids.size(), periodicity_transformation, NULL);
-// double p1[] = {0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100};
-// double p2[] = {0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100};
-// double (*ptr1)[9];
-// double (*ptr2)[9];
-// ptr1 = &p1;
-// ptr2 = &p2;
-// status = cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points(c, faces1_ids_c, faces1_ids.size(),
-// faces2_ids_c, faces2_ids.size(), &p1[0], 3, &p2[0], 3);
- if(status != STATUS_OK){
- cout << "cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function failed with error code " << status << "\n";
- }
+ MESSAGE("theFace1_ids.size(): " << theFace1_ids.size());
+ MESSAGE("theFace2_ids.size(): " << theFace2_ids.size());
+ if (_preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theSourceVerticesCoords.empty())
+ {
+ // If no source points, call peridoicity without transformation function
+ MESSAGE("periodicity without transformation function");
+ meshgems_cad_periodicity_transformation_t periodicity_transformation = NULL;
+ status = cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(c, theFace1_ids_c, theFace1_ids.size(),
+ theFace2_ids_c, theFace2_ids.size(), periodicity_transformation, NULL);
+ if(status != STATUS_OK)
+ cout << "cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function failed with error code " << status << "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get the transformation vertices
+ MESSAGE("periodicity with transformation vertices");
+ double* theSourceVerticesCoords_c = &_preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theSourceVerticesCoords[0];
+ double* theTargetVerticesCoords_c = &_preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theTargetVerticesCoords[0];
+ int nbSourceVertices = _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theSourceVerticesCoords.size()/3;
+ int nbTargetVertices = _preCadFacesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theTargetVerticesCoords.size()/3;
+ MESSAGE("nbSourceVertices: " << nbSourceVertices << ", nbTargetVertices: " << nbTargetVertices);
+ status = cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points(c, theFace1_ids_c, theFace1_ids.size(),
+ theFace2_ids_c, theFace2_ids.size(), theSourceVerticesCoords_c, nbSourceVertices, theTargetVerticesCoords_c, nbTargetVertices);
+ if(status != STATUS_OK)
+ cout << "cad_add_face_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points failed with error code " << status << "\n";
+ }
if (! _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.empty()){
for (std::size_t i=0; i < _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
- // TODO: plutôt que d'utiliser une paire edge1, edge2, utiliser un struct avec edge1, edge2 et f_transf
- std::vector<int> edges1_ids = _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape1IDs;
- std::vector<int> edges2_ids = _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape2IDs;
- // TODO: récupérer _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].f_funct
- meshgems_cad_periodicity_transformation_t periodicity_transformation = NULL;
+ std::vector<int> theEdge1_ids = _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape1IDs;
+ std::vector<int> theEdge2_ids = _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].shape2IDs;
// Use the address of the first element of the vector to initialise the array
-// int* edges1_ids_c = &edges1_ids[0];
-// int* edges2_ids_c = &edges2_ids[0];
- // Copy the vector into an array
- int edges1_ids_c[edges1_ids.size()];
- std::copy(edges1_ids.begin(), edges1_ids.end(), edges1_ids_c);
- int edges2_ids_c[edges2_ids.size()];
- std::copy(edges2_ids.begin(), edges2_ids.end(), edges2_ids_c);
+ int* theEdge1_ids_c = &theEdge1_ids[0];
+ int* theEdge2_ids_c = &theEdge2_ids[0];
std::ostringstream o;
o << "_preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = [";
- for (std::size_t j=0; j < edges1_ids.size(); j++)
- o << edges1_ids[j] << ", ";
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < theEdge1_ids.size(); j++)
+ o << theEdge1_ids[j] << ", ";
o << "], [";
- for (std::size_t j=0; j < edges2_ids.size(); j++)
- o << edges2_ids[j] << ", ";
+ for (std::size_t j=0; j < theEdge2_ids.size(); j++)
+ o << theEdge2_ids[j] << ", ";
o << "]";
- MESSAGE("edges1_ids.size(): " << edges1_ids.size());
- MESSAGE("edges2_ids.size(): " << edges2_ids.size());
- status = cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(c, edges1_ids_c, edges1_ids.size(),
- edges2_ids_c, edges2_ids.size(), periodicity_transformation, NULL);
-// double p1[] = {0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100};
-// double p2[] = {0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100};
-// double (*ptr1)[9];
-// double (*ptr2)[9];
-// ptr1 = &p1;
-// ptr2 = &p2;
-// status = cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points(c, edges1_ids_c, edges1_ids.size(),
-// edges2_ids_c, edges2_ids.size(), &p1[0], 3, &p2[0], 3);
- if(status != STATUS_OK){
- cout << "cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function failed with error code " << status << "\n";
- }
+ MESSAGE("theEdge1_ids.size(): " << theEdge1_ids.size());
+ MESSAGE("theEdge2_ids.size(): " << theEdge2_ids.size());
+ if (_preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theSourceVerticesCoords.empty())
+ {
+ // If no source points, call peridoicity without transformation function
+ MESSAGE("periodicity without transformation function");
+ meshgems_cad_periodicity_transformation_t periodicity_transformation = NULL;
+ status = cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function(c, theEdge1_ids_c, theEdge1_ids.size(),
+ theEdge2_ids_c, theEdge2_ids.size(), periodicity_transformation, NULL);
+ if(status != STATUS_OK)
+ cout << "cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function failed with error code " << status << "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get the transformation vertices
+ MESSAGE("periodicity with transformation vertices");
+ double* theSourceVerticesCoords_c = &_preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theSourceVerticesCoords[0];
+ double* theTargetVerticesCoords_c = &_preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theTargetVerticesCoords[0];
+ int nbSourceVertices = _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theSourceVerticesCoords.size()/3;
+ int nbTargetVertices = _preCadEdgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theTargetVerticesCoords.size()/3;
+ MESSAGE("nbSourceVertices: " << nbSourceVertices << ", nbTargetVertices: " << nbTargetVertices);
+ status = cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points(c, theEdge1_ids_c, theEdge1_ids.size(),
+ theEdge2_ids_c, theEdge2_ids.size(), theSourceVerticesCoords_c, nbSourceVertices, theTargetVerticesCoords_c, nbTargetVertices);
+ if(status != STATUS_OK)
+ cout << "cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points failed with error code " << status << "\n";
+ else
+ MESSAGE("cad_add_edge_multiple_periodicity_with_transformation_function_by_points succeeded.\n");
+ }
if (! _facesIDsPeriodicityVector.empty()){
for (std::size_t i=0; i < _facesIDsPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
- int face1 = _facesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].first;
- int face2 = _facesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].second;
- MESSAGE("_facesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = (" << face1 << ", " << face2 << ")");
- status = cad_add_face_periodicity(c, face1, face2);
+ int theFace1 = _facesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].first;
+ int theFace2 = _facesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].second;
+ MESSAGE("_facesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = (" << theFace1 << ", " << theFace2 << ")");
+ status = cad_add_face_periodicity(c, theFace1, theFace2);
if(status != STATUS_OK){
cout << "cad_add_face_periodicity failed with error code " << status << "\n";
if (! _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector.empty()){
for (std::size_t i=0; i < _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
- int face1 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].face1ID;
- int edge1 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].edge1ID;
- int face2 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].face2ID;
- int edge2 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].edge2ID;
+ int theFace1 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theFace1ID;
+ int theEdge1 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge1ID;
+ int theFace2 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theFace2ID;
+ int theEdge2 = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge2ID;
int edge_orientation = _edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].edge_orientation;
- MESSAGE("_edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = (" << face1 << ", " << edge1 << ", " << face2 << ", " << edge2 << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
- status = cad_add_edge_periodicity(c, face1, edge1, face2, edge2, edge_orientation);
+ MESSAGE("_edgesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = (" << theFace1 << ", " << theEdge1 << ", " << theFace2 << ", " << theEdge2 << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
+ status = cad_add_edge_periodicity(c, theFace1, theEdge1, theFace2, theEdge2, edge_orientation);
if(status != STATUS_OK){
cout << "cad_add_edge_periodicity failed with error code " << status << "\n";
if (! _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.empty()){
for (std::size_t i=0; i < _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector.size(); i++){
- int edge1 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].edge1ID;
- int vertex1 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].vertex1ID;
- int edge2 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].edge2ID;
- int vertex2 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].vertex2ID;
- MESSAGE("_verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = (" << edge1 << ", " << vertex1 << ", " << edge2 << ", " << vertex2 << ")");
- status = cad_add_point_periodicity(c, edge1, vertex1, edge2, vertex2);
+ int theEdge1 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge1ID;
+ int theVertex1 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theVertex1ID;
+ int theEdge2 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theEdge2ID;
+ int theVertex2 = _verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[i].theVertex2ID;
+ MESSAGE("_verticesIDsPeriodicityVector[" << i << "] = (" << theEdge1 << ", " << theVertex1 << ", " << theEdge2 << ", " << theVertex2 << ")");
+ status = cad_add_point_periodicity(c, theEdge1, theVertex1, theEdge2, theVertex2);
if(status != STATUS_OK){
cout << "cad_add_vertex_periodicity failed with error code " << status << "\n";
/* Now launch the PreCAD process */
status = precad_process(pcs);
if(status != STATUS_OK){
+ // TODO: raise an error if status < 0.
+ cout << "================ WARNING =================== \n";
cout << "PreCAD processing failed with error code " << status << "\n";
+ cout << "============================================ \n";
else {
// retrieve the pre-processed CAD object
struct TPreCadPeriodicityIDs {
TListOfIDs shape1IDs;
TListOfIDs shape2IDs;
- const char* f_funct;
+ std::vector<double> theSourceVerticesCoords;
+ std::vector<double> theTargetVerticesCoords;
// Edge periodicity
struct TEdgePeriodicityIDs {
- int face1ID;
- int edge1ID;
- int face2ID;
- int edge2ID;
+ int theFace1ID;
+ int theEdge1ID;
+ int theFace2ID;
+ int theEdge2ID;
int edge_orientation;
// Vertex periodicity
struct TVertexPeriodicityIDs {
- int edge1ID;
- int vertex1ID;
- int edge2ID;
- int vertex2ID;
+ int theEdge1ID;
+ int theVertex1ID;
+ int theEdge2ID;
+ int theVertex2ID;
- // pair of shapes
- typedef std::pair<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Shape> TPairOfShapes;
- typedef std::pair<TListOfIDs, TListOfIDs> TPairOfListOfIDs;
// Vector of pairs of ids
typedef std::vector< TPreCadPeriodicityIDs > TPreCadIDsPeriodicityVector;
typedef std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > TShapesIDsPeriodicityVector;
const char * option_value);
TopoDS_Shape entryToShape(std::string entry);
+ void addCoordsFromVertex(BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theVertexEntry, std::vector<double> &theVerticesCoords);
void createEnforcedVertexOnFace(TopoDS_Shape FaceShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList enfVertexList);
- void createPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry faces1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry faces2, const char* f_funct = "");
- void createPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edges1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edges2, const char* f_funct = "");
- void createFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face2);
- void createEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge1,
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry face2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge2, int edge_orientation = 0);
- void createVerticesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry vertex1,
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry edge2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry vertex2);
+ void createPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TPreCadPeriodicity &preCadPeriodicity);
+ void createPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TPreCadPeriodicity &preCadPeriodicity);
+ void createFacesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace2);
+ void createEdgesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge1,
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theFace2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge2, int edge_orientation = 0);
+ void createVerticesPeriodicity(TopoDS_Shape theGeomShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge1, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theVertex1,
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theEdge2, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntry theVertex2);
void Set_NodeOnEdge(SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS, SMDS_MeshNode* node, const TopoDS_Shape& ed);
void BRepClass_FaceClassifierPerform(BRepClass_FaceClassifier* fc, const TopoDS_Face& face, const gp_Pnt& P, const Standard_Real Tol);
//function : AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TEntry faces1Entry, TEntry faces2Entry, const char* f_funct) {
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity("<< faces1Entry << ", "
- << faces2Entry << ", " << f_funct << ")");
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TEntry theFace1Entry, TEntry theFace2Entry,
+ vector<TEntry> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<TEntry> &theTargetVerticesEntries) {
TPreCadPeriodicity preCadFacesPeriodicity;
- preCadFacesPeriodicity.shape1Entry = faces1Entry;
- preCadFacesPeriodicity.shape2Entry = faces2Entry;
- preCadFacesPeriodicity.f_funct = f_funct;
+ preCadFacesPeriodicity.shape1Entry = theFace1Entry;
+ preCadFacesPeriodicity.shape2Entry = theFace2Entry;
+ preCadFacesPeriodicity.theSourceVerticesEntries = theSourceVerticesEntries;
+ preCadFacesPeriodicity.theTargetVerticesEntries = theTargetVerticesEntries;
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity END");
//function : AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TEntry edges1Entry, TEntry edges2Entry, const char* f_funct) {
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity("<< edges1Entry << ", "
- << edges2Entry << ", " << f_funct << ")");
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TEntry theEdge1Entry, TEntry theEdge2Entry,
+ vector<TEntry> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<TEntry> &theTargetVerticesEntries) {
TPreCadPeriodicity preCadEdgesPeriodicity;
- preCadEdgesPeriodicity.shape1Entry = edges1Entry;
- preCadEdgesPeriodicity.shape2Entry = edges2Entry;
- preCadEdgesPeriodicity.f_funct = f_funct;
+ preCadEdgesPeriodicity.shape1Entry = theEdge1Entry;
+ preCadEdgesPeriodicity.shape2Entry = theEdge2Entry;
+ preCadEdgesPeriodicity.theSourceVerticesEntries = theSourceVerticesEntries;
+ preCadEdgesPeriodicity.theTargetVerticesEntries = theTargetVerticesEntries;
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity END");
//function : AddFacePeriodicity
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddFacePeriodicity(TEntry face1Entry, TEntry face2Entry) {
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddFacePeriodicity("<< face1Entry << ", "
- << face2Entry << ")");
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddFacePeriodicity(TEntry theFace1Entry, TEntry theFace2Entry) {
- std::pair< TEntry, TEntry > pairOfFacesEntries = std::make_pair(face1Entry, face2Entry);
+ std::pair< TEntry, TEntry > pairOfFacesEntries = std::make_pair(theFace1Entry, theFace2Entry);
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddFacePeriodicity END");
//function : AddEdgePeriodicity
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddEdgePeriodicity(TEntry face1Entry, TEntry edge1Entry, TEntry face2Entry, TEntry edge2Entry, int edge_orientation) {
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddEdgePeriodicity("<< edge1Entry << ", "
- << edge2Entry << ")");
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddEdgePeriodicity(TEntry theFace1Entry, TEntry theEdge1Entry, TEntry theFace2Entry, TEntry theEdge2Entry, int edge_orientation) {
TEdgePeriodicity edgePeriodicity;
- edgePeriodicity.face1Entry = face1Entry;
- edgePeriodicity.edge1Entry = edge1Entry;
- edgePeriodicity.face2Entry = face2Entry;
- edgePeriodicity.edge2Entry = edge2Entry;
+ edgePeriodicity.theFace1Entry = theFace1Entry;
+ edgePeriodicity.theEdge1Entry = theEdge1Entry;
+ edgePeriodicity.theFace2Entry = theFace2Entry;
+ edgePeriodicity.theEdge2Entry = theEdge2Entry;
edgePeriodicity.edge_orientation = edge_orientation;
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddEdgePeriodicity END");
//function : AddVertexPeriodicity
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddVertexPeriodicity(TEntry edge1Entry, TEntry vertex1Entry, TEntry edge2Entry, TEntry vertex2Entry) {
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddVertexPeriodicity("<< vertex1Entry << ", "
- << vertex2Entry << ")");
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddVertexPeriodicity(TEntry theEdge1Entry, TEntry theVertex1Entry, TEntry theEdge2Entry, TEntry theVertex2Entry) {
TVertexPeriodicity vertexPeriodicity;
- vertexPeriodicity.edge1Entry = edge1Entry;
- vertexPeriodicity.vertex1Entry = vertex1Entry;
- vertexPeriodicity.edge2Entry = edge2Entry;
- vertexPeriodicity.vertex2Entry = vertex2Entry;
+ vertexPeriodicity.theEdge1Entry = theEdge1Entry;
+ vertexPeriodicity.theVertex1Entry = theVertex1Entry;
+ vertexPeriodicity.theEdge2Entry = theEdge2Entry;
+ vertexPeriodicity.theVertex2Entry = theVertex2Entry;
- MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::AddVertexPeriodicity END");
struct TPreCadPeriodicity {
TEntry shape1Entry;
TEntry shape2Entry;
- const char* f_funct;
+ std::vector<TEntry> theSourceVerticesEntries;
+ std::vector<TEntry> theTargetVerticesEntries;
// Edge periodicity
struct TEdgePeriodicity {
- TEntry face1Entry;
- TEntry edge1Entry;
- TEntry face2Entry;
- TEntry edge2Entry;
+ TEntry theFace1Entry;
+ TEntry theEdge1Entry;
+ TEntry theFace2Entry;
+ TEntry theEdge2Entry;
int edge_orientation;
// Vertex periodicity
struct TVertexPeriodicity {
- TEntry edge1Entry;
- TEntry vertex1Entry;
- TEntry edge2Entry;
- TEntry vertex2Entry;
+ TEntry theEdge1Entry;
+ TEntry theVertex1Entry;
+ TEntry theEdge2Entry;
+ TEntry theVertex2Entry;
typedef std::pair< TEntry, TEntry > TFacesPeriodicity;
const TVerticesPeriodicityVector _GetVerticesPeriodicityVector() const { return _verticesPeriodicityVector; }
static TVerticesPeriodicityVector GetVerticesPeriodicityVector(const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp);
- void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TEntry faces1Entry, TEntry faces2Entry, const char* f_funct);
- void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TEntry edges1Entry, TEntry edges2Entry, const char* f_funct);
+ void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(TEntry theFace1Entry, TEntry theFace2Entry,
+ std::vector<std::string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, std::vector<std::string> &theTargetVerticesEntries);
+ void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(TEntry theEdge1Entry, TEntry theEdge2Entry,
+ std::vector<std::string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, std::vector<std::string> &theTargetVerticesEntries);
- void AddFacePeriodicity(TEntry face1Entry, TEntry face2Entry);
- void AddEdgePeriodicity(TEntry face1Entry, TEntry edge1Entry, TEntry face2Entry, TEntry edge2Entry, int edge_orientation = 0);
- void AddVertexPeriodicity(TEntry edge1Entry, TEntry vertex1Entry, TEntry edge2Entry, TEntry vertex2Entry);
+ void AddFacePeriodicity(TEntry theFace1Entry, TEntry theFace2Entry);
+ void AddEdgePeriodicity(TEntry theFace1Entry, TEntry theEdge1Entry, TEntry theFace2Entry, TEntry theEdge2Entry, int edge_orientation = 0);
+ void AddVertexPeriodicity(TEntry theEdge1Entry, TEntry theVertex1Entry, TEntry theEdge2Entry, TEntry theVertex2Entry);
static double undefinedDouble() { return -1.0; }
return shapeEntry;
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr faces1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr faces2, const char* f_transf)
+// Format the output of two vectors to use it in MESSAGE and PythonDump
+std::string BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::FormatVerticesEntries(vector<string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<string> &theTargetVerticesEntries)
+ std::stringstream listEntriesTxt;
+ if (!theSourceVerticesEntries.empty())
+ {
+ listEntriesTxt << ", [" ;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<theSourceVerticesEntries.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i>0)
+ listEntriesTxt << ", ";
+ listEntriesTxt << theSourceVerticesEntries[i];
+ }
+ listEntriesTxt << "], [" ;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<theTargetVerticesEntries.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i>0)
+ listEntriesTxt << ", ";
+ listEntriesTxt << theTargetVerticesEntries[i];
+ }
+ listEntriesTxt << "]" ;
+ }
+ return listEntriesTxt.str();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO theSourceVertices;
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO theTargetVertices;
+ AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityWithVertices(theFace1, theFace2, theSourceVertices, theTargetVertices);
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityWithVertices(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2,
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO& theSourceVertices, const GEOM::ListOfGO& theTargetVertices)
+throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ size_t theLength = theSourceVertices.length();
+ if (theLength != theTargetVertices.length())
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "The sizes of theSourceVertices and theTargetVertices must be the same" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
std::vector<GEOM::shape_type> allowedShapeTypes;
string prefix1 = "Source_face_";
- CheckShapeTypes(faces1, allowedShapeTypes);
- string faces1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(faces1, GEOM::FACE, prefix1);
- string prefix2 = "Target_face_";
- CheckShapeTypes(faces2, allowedShapeTypes);
- string faces2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(faces2, GEOM::FACE, prefix2);
+ CheckShapeTypes(theFace1, allowedShapeTypes);
+ string theFace1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theFace1, GEOM::FACE, prefix1);
- string faces2Name = faces2->GetName();
- MESSAGE("IDL : faces1->GetName : " << faces1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : faces2->GetName : " << faces2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity( "<< faces1Entry << ", " << faces2Entry << ", " << f_transf << ")");
+ string prefix2 = "Target_face_";
+ CheckShapeTypes(theFace2, allowedShapeTypes);
+ string theFace2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theFace2, GEOM::FACE, prefix2);
+ string prefix3 = "Source_vertex_";
+ vector<string> theSourceVerticesEntries (theLength) ;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVtx_i;
+ string theEntry_i;
+ for (size_t ind = 0; ind < theLength; ind++) {
+ theVtx_i = theSourceVertices[ind];
+ theEntry_i = PublishIfNeeded(theVtx_i, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix3);
+ theSourceVerticesEntries[ind] = theEntry_i;
+ }
+ string prefix4 = "Target_vertex_";
+ vector<string> theTargetVerticesEntries (theLength) ;
+ for (size_t ind = 0; ind < theLength; ind++) {
+ theVtx_i = theTargetVertices[ind];
+ theEntry_i = PublishIfNeeded(theVtx_i, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix4);
+ theTargetVerticesEntries[ind] = theEntry_i;
+ }
+ string theFace2Name = theFace2->GetName();
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace1->GetName : " << theFace1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace2->GetName : " << theFace2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity( "<< theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ")");
try {
- AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(faces1Entry.c_str(), faces2Entry.c_str(), f_transf);
+ AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(theFace1Entry.c_str(), theFace2Entry.c_str(),
+ theSourceVerticesEntries, theTargetVerticesEntries);
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(const char* faces1Entry, const char* faces2Entry, const char* f_transf)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(const char* theFace1Entry, const char* theFace2Entry,
+ vector<string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<string> &theTargetVerticesEntries)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(" << faces1Entry << ", " << faces2Entry << ", \"" << f_transf << "\")");
- this->GetImpl()->AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(faces1Entry, faces2Entry, f_transf);
+ string listEntriesTxt = FormatVerticesEntries(theSourceVerticesEntries, theTargetVerticesEntries);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << listEntriesTxt.c_str() << ")");
+ this->GetImpl()->AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(theFace1Entry, theFace2Entry,
+ theSourceVerticesEntries, theTargetVerticesEntries);
SMESH::TPythonDump pd;
- pd << _this() << ".AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(" << faces1Entry << ", " << faces2Entry;
- if (f_transf != "")
- pd << ", \"" << f_transf << "\"";
- pd << ")";
+ if (!theSourceVerticesEntries.empty())
+ {
+ pd << _this() << ".AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityWithVertices(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry;
+ pd << listEntriesTxt.c_str();
+ pd << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ pd << _this() << ".AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ")";
MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry END");
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edges1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edges2, const char* f_transf)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO theSourceVertices;
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO theTargetVertices;
+ AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityWithVertices(theEdge1, theEdge2, theSourceVertices, theTargetVertices);
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityWithVertices(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2,
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO& theSourceVertices, const GEOM::ListOfGO& theTargetVertices)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ size_t theLength = theSourceVertices.length();
+ if (theLength != theTargetVertices.length())
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "The sizes of theSourceVertices and theTargetVertices must be the same" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
std::vector<GEOM::shape_type> allowedShapeTypes;
string prefix1 = "Source_edge_";
- CheckShapeTypes(edges1, allowedShapeTypes);
- string edges1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edges1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix1);
- string prefix2 = "Target_edge_";
- CheckShapeTypes(edges2, allowedShapeTypes);
- string edges2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edges2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix2);
+ CheckShapeTypes(theEdge1, allowedShapeTypes);
+ string theEdge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix1);
- string edges2Name = edges2->GetName();
- MESSAGE("IDL : edges1->GetName : " << edges1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : edges2->GetName : " << edges2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity( "<< edges1Entry << ", " << edges2Entry << ", " << f_transf << ")");
+ string prefix2 = "Target_edge_";
+ CheckShapeTypes(theEdge2, allowedShapeTypes);
+ string theEdge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix2);
+ string prefix3 = "Source_vertex_";
+ vector<string> theSourceVerticesEntries (theLength) ;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVtx_i;
+ string theEntry_i;
+ for (size_t ind = 0; ind < theLength; ind++) {
+ theVtx_i = theSourceVertices[ind];
+ theEntry_i = PublishIfNeeded(theVtx_i, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix3);
+ theSourceVerticesEntries[ind] = theEntry_i;
+ }
+ string prefix4 = "Target_vertex_";
+ vector<string> theTargetVerticesEntries (theLength) ;
+ for (size_t ind = 0; ind < theLength; ind++) {
+ theVtx_i = theTargetVertices[ind];
+ theEntry_i = PublishIfNeeded(theVtx_i, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix4);
+ theTargetVerticesEntries[ind] = theEntry_i;
+ }
+ string theEdge2Name = theEdge2->GetName();
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge1->GetName : " << theEdge1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge2->GetName : " << theEdge2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity( "<< theEdge1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ")");
try {
- AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(edges1Entry.c_str(), edges2Entry.c_str(), f_transf);
+ AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(theEdge1Entry.c_str(), theEdge2Entry.c_str(),
+ theSourceVerticesEntries, theTargetVerticesEntries);
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(const char* edges1Entry, const char* edges2Entry, const char* f_transf)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(const char* theEdge1Entry, const char* theEdge2Entry,
+ vector<string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<string> &theTargetVerticesEntries)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(" << edges1Entry << ", " << edges2Entry << ", \"" << f_transf << "\")");
- this->GetImpl()->AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(edges1Entry, edges2Entry, f_transf);
+ string listEntriesTxt = FormatVerticesEntries(theSourceVerticesEntries, theTargetVerticesEntries);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(" << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << listEntriesTxt.c_str() << ")");
+ this->GetImpl()->AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(theEdge1Entry, theEdge2Entry,
+ theSourceVerticesEntries, theTargetVerticesEntries);
SMESH::TPythonDump pd;
- pd << _this() << ".AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(" << edges1Entry << ", " << edges2Entry;
- if (f_transf != "")
- pd << ", \"" << f_transf << "\"";
- pd << ")";
+ if (!theSourceVerticesEntries.empty())
+ {
+ pd << _this() << ".AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityWithVertices(" << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry;
+ pd << listEntriesTxt.c_str();
+ pd << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ pd << _this() << ".AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(" << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ")";
MESSAGE("IDL : AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry END");
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddFacePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face2)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddFacePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
string prefix1 = "Source_face_";
- CheckShapeType(face1, GEOM::FACE);
- string face1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(face1, GEOM::FACE, prefix1);
+ CheckShapeType(theFace1, GEOM::FACE);
+ string theFace1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theFace1, GEOM::FACE, prefix1);
string prefix2 = "Target_face_";
- CheckShapeType(face2, GEOM::FACE);
- string face2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(face2, GEOM::FACE, prefix2);
+ CheckShapeType(theFace2, GEOM::FACE);
+ string theFace2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theFace2, GEOM::FACE, prefix2);
- MESSAGE("IDL : face1->GetName : " << face1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : face2->GetName : " << face2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddFacePeriodicity( "<< face1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ")");
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace1->GetName : " << theFace1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace2->GetName : " << theFace2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddFacePeriodicity( "<< theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ")");
try {
- AddFacePeriodicityEntry(face1Entry.c_str(), face2Entry.c_str());
+ AddFacePeriodicityEntry(theFace1Entry.c_str(), theFace2Entry.c_str());
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddFacePeriodicityEntry(const char* face1Entry, const char* face2Entry)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddFacePeriodicityEntry(const char* theFace1Entry, const char* theFace2Entry)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception){
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddFacePeriodicityEntry(" << face1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ")");
- this->GetImpl()->AddFacePeriodicity(face1Entry, face2Entry);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddFacePeriodicityEntry(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ")");
+ this->GetImpl()->AddFacePeriodicity(theFace1Entry, theFace2Entry);
SMESH::TPythonDump pd;
- pd << _this() << ".AddFacePeriodicity(" << face1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ")";
+ pd << _this() << ".AddFacePeriodicity(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ")";
MESSAGE("IDL : AddFacePeriodicityEntry END");
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddEdgePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge1,
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge2, int edge_orientation)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddEdgePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1,
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2, int edge_orientation)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception){
- string prefix_face1 = "Source_face_";
- CheckShapeType(face1, GEOM::FACE);
- string face1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(face1, GEOM::FACE, prefix_face1);
- string prefix_face2 = "Target_face_";
- CheckShapeType(face2, GEOM::FACE);
- string face2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(face2, GEOM::FACE, prefix_face2);
- string prefix_edge1 = "Source_edge_";
- CheckShapeType(edge1, GEOM::EDGE);
- string edge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_edge1);
- string prefix_edge2 = "Target_edge_";
- CheckShapeType(edge2, GEOM::EDGE);
- string edge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_edge2);
- MESSAGE("IDL : face1->GetName : " << face1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : edge1->GetName : " << edge1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : face2->GetName : " << face2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : edge2->GetName : " << edge2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicity( "<< face1Entry << ", " << edge1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
+ string prefix_theFace1 = "Source_face_";
+ CheckShapeType(theFace1, GEOM::FACE);
+ string theFace1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theFace1, GEOM::FACE, prefix_theFace1);
+ string prefix_theFace2 = "Target_face_";
+ CheckShapeType(theFace2, GEOM::FACE);
+ string theFace2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theFace2, GEOM::FACE, prefix_theFace2);
+ string prefix_theEdge1 = "Source_edge_";
+ CheckShapeType(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE);
+ string theEdge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_theEdge1);
+ string prefix_theEdge2 = "Target_edge_";
+ CheckShapeType(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE);
+ string theEdge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_theEdge2);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace1->GetName : " << theFace1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge1->GetName : " << theEdge1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace2->GetName : " << theFace2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge2->GetName : " << theEdge2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicity( "<< theFace1Entry << ", " << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
try {
- AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(face1Entry.c_str(), edge1Entry.c_str(), face2Entry.c_str(), edge2Entry.c_str(), edge_orientation);
+ AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(theFace1Entry.c_str(), theEdge1Entry.c_str(), theFace2Entry.c_str(), theEdge2Entry.c_str(), edge_orientation);
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge1,
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge2, int edge_orientation)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1,
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2, int edge_orientation)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception){
- string face1Entry = "";
- string face2Entry = "";
+ string theFace1Entry = "";
+ string theFace2Entry = "";
- string prefix_edge1 = "Source_edge_";
- CheckShapeType(edge1, GEOM::EDGE);
- string edge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_edge1);
- string prefix_edge2 = "Target_edge_";
- CheckShapeType(edge2, GEOM::EDGE);
- string edge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_edge2);
+ string prefix_theEdge1 = "Source_edge_";
+ CheckShapeType(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE);
+ string theEdge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_theEdge1);
+ string prefix_theEdge2 = "Target_edge_";
+ CheckShapeType(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE);
+ string theEdge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_theEdge2);
- MESSAGE("IDL : edge1->GetName : " << edge1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : edge2->GetName : " << edge2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicity( "<< face1Entry << ", " << edge1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge1->GetName : " << theEdge1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge2->GetName : " << theEdge2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicity( "<< theFace1Entry << ", " << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
try {
- AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(face1Entry.c_str(), edge1Entry.c_str(), face2Entry.c_str(), edge2Entry.c_str(), edge_orientation);
+ AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(theFace1Entry.c_str(), theEdge1Entry.c_str(), theFace2Entry.c_str(), theEdge2Entry.c_str(), edge_orientation);
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(const char* face1Entry, const char* edge1Entry, const char* face2Entry, const char* edge2Entry, const int edge_orientation)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(const char* theFace1Entry, const char* theEdge1Entry, const char* theFace2Entry, const char* theEdge2Entry, const int edge_orientation)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception){
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(" << face1Entry << ", " << edge1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
- this->GetImpl()->AddEdgePeriodicity(face1Entry, edge1Entry, face2Entry, edge2Entry, edge_orientation);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation << ")");
+ this->GetImpl()->AddEdgePeriodicity(theFace1Entry, theEdge1Entry, theFace2Entry, theEdge2Entry, edge_orientation);
SMESH::TPythonDump pd;
- if (face1Entry)
- pd << _this() << ".AddEdgePeriodicity(" << face1Entry << ", " << edge1Entry << ", " << face2Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation <<")";
+ if (theFace1Entry)
+ pd << _this() << ".AddEdgePeriodicity(" << theFace1Entry << ", " << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theFace2Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation <<")";
- pd << _this() << ".AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(" << edge1Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation <<")";
+ pd << _this() << ".AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(" << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << edge_orientation <<")";
MESSAGE("IDL : AddEdgePeriodicityEntry END");
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddVertexPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr vertex1,
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr vertex2)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddVertexPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex1,
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex2)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception){
- string prefix_edge1 = "Source_edge_";
- CheckShapeType(edge1, GEOM::EDGE);
- string edge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_edge1);
- string prefix_edge2 = "Target_edge_";
- CheckShapeType(edge2, GEOM::EDGE);
- string edge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(edge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_edge2);
- string prefix_vertex1 = "Source_vertex_";
- CheckShapeType(vertex1, GEOM::VERTEX);
- string vertex1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(vertex1, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix_vertex1);
- string prefix_vertex2 = "Target_vertex_";
- CheckShapeType(vertex2, GEOM::VERTEX);
- string vertex2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(vertex2, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix_vertex2);
- MESSAGE("IDL : edge1->GetName : " << edge1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : vertex1->GetName : " << vertex1->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : edge2->GetName : " << edge2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : vertex2->GetName : " << vertex2->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddVertexPeriodicity( "<< edge1Entry << ", " << vertex1Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << vertex2Entry << ")");
+ string prefix_theEdge1 = "Source_edge_";
+ CheckShapeType(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE);
+ string theEdge1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge1, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_theEdge1);
+ string prefix_theEdge2 = "Target_edge_";
+ CheckShapeType(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE);
+ string theEdge2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theEdge2, GEOM::EDGE, prefix_theEdge2);
+ string prefix_theVertex1 = "Source_vertex_";
+ CheckShapeType(theVertex1, GEOM::VERTEX);
+ string theVertex1Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theVertex1, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix_theVertex1);
+ string prefix_theVertex2 = "Target_vertex_";
+ CheckShapeType(theVertex2, GEOM::VERTEX);
+ string theVertex2Entry = PublishIfNeeded(theVertex2, GEOM::VERTEX, prefix_theVertex2);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge1->GetName : " << theEdge1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theVertex1->GetName : " << theVertex1->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theEdge2->GetName : " << theEdge2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theVertex2->GetName : " << theVertex2->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddVertexPeriodicity( "<< theEdge1Entry << ", " << theVertex1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << theVertex2Entry << ")");
try {
- AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(edge1Entry.c_str(), vertex1Entry.c_str(), edge2Entry.c_str(), vertex2Entry.c_str());
+ AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(theEdge1Entry.c_str(), theVertex1Entry.c_str(), theEdge2Entry.c_str(), theVertex2Entry.c_str());
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(const char* edge1Entry, const char* vertex1Entry, const char* edge2Entry, const char* vertex2Entry)
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(const char* theEdge1Entry, const char* theVertex1Entry, const char* theEdge2Entry, const char* theVertex2Entry)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception){
- MESSAGE("IDL : AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(" << edge1Entry << ", " << vertex1Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << vertex2Entry << ")");
- this->GetImpl()->AddVertexPeriodicity(edge1Entry, vertex1Entry, edge2Entry, vertex2Entry);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(" << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theVertex1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << theVertex2Entry << ")");
+ this->GetImpl()->AddVertexPeriodicity(theEdge1Entry, theVertex1Entry, theEdge2Entry, theVertex2Entry);
SMESH::TPythonDump pd;
- pd << _this() << ".AddVertexPeriodicity(" << edge1Entry << ", " << vertex1Entry << ", " << edge2Entry << ", " << vertex2Entry << ")";
+ pd << _this() << ".AddVertexPeriodicity(" << theEdge1Entry << ", " << theVertex1Entry << ", " << theEdge2Entry << ", " << theVertex2Entry << ")";
MESSAGE("IDL : AddVertexPeriodicityEntry END");
- std::string ShapeTypeToString(GEOM::shape_type theShapeType);
- void CheckShapeType(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape, GEOM::shape_type theShapeType);
- void CheckShapeTypes(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape, std::vector<GEOM::shape_type> theShapeTypes);
- std::string PublishIfNeeded(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape, GEOM::shape_type theShapeType, std::string prefix);
+ void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityWithVertices(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2,
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO& theSourceVertices, const GEOM::ListOfGO& theTargetVertices)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr faces1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr faces2, const char* f_transf = "")
+ void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(const char* theFace1Entry, const char* theFace2Entry,
+ vector<string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<string> &theTargetVerticesEntries)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddPreCadFacesPeriodicityEntry(const char* faces1Entry, const char* faces2Entry, const char* f_transf = "")
+ void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edges1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edges2, const char* f_transf = "")
+ void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityWithVertices(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2,
+ const GEOM::ListOfGO& theSourceVertices, const GEOM::ListOfGO& theTargetVertices)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(const char* edges1Entry, const char* edges2Entry, const char* f_transf = "")
+ void AddPreCadEdgesPeriodicityEntry(const char* theEdge1Entry, const char* theEdge2Entry,
+ vector<string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<string> &theTargetVerticesEntries)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddFacePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face2)
+ void AddFacePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddFacePeriodicityEntry(const char* face1Entry, const char* face2Entry)
+ void AddFacePeriodicityEntry(const char* theFace1Entry, const char* theFace2Entry)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddEdgePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge1,
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr face2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge2, int edge_orientation = 0)
+ void AddEdgePeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1,
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2, int edge_orientation = 0)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge2, int edge_orientation = 0)
+ void AddEdgePeriodicityWithoutFaces(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2, int edge_orientation = 0)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(const char* face1Entry, const char* edge1Entry, const char* face2Entry, const char* edge2Entry, int edge_orientation = 0)
+ void AddEdgePeriodicityEntry(const char* theFace1Entry, const char* theEdge1Entry, const char* theFace2Entry, const char* theEdge2Entry, int edge_orientation = 0)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddVertexPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr vertex1,
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr edge2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr vertex2)
+ void AddVertexPeriodicity(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge1, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex1,
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theEdge2, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex2)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(const char* edge1Entry, const char* vertex1Entry, const char* edge2Entry, const char* vertex2Entry)
+ void AddVertexPeriodicityEntry(const char* theEdge1Entry, const char* theVertex1Entry, const char* theEdge2Entry, const char* theVertex2Entry)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
CORBA::Boolean GetPreCADRemoveNanoEdges();
void SetPreCADEpsNano(CORBA::Double epsNano);
CORBA::Double GetPreCADEpsNano();
+ ///////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////
+ std::string ShapeTypeToString(GEOM::shape_type theShapeType);
+ void CheckShapeType(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape, GEOM::shape_type theShapeType);
+ void CheckShapeTypes(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape, std::vector<GEOM::shape_type> theShapeTypes);
+ std::string PublishIfNeeded(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape, GEOM::shape_type theShapeType, std::string prefix);
+ std::string FormatVerticesEntries(vector<string> &theSourceVerticesEntries, vector<string> &theTargetVerticesEntries);