+++ /dev/null
-// SALOME ContainersManager
-// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
-// File : ContainersManager_i.cxx
-// Author : Jean Rahuel
-// Module : SALOME
-// $Header:
-#include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
-#include "utilities.h"
-#include "ContainersManager_i.hxx"
-using namespace std ;
-Manager_i::Manager_i() {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::Manager_i default constructor" ) ;
-void Manager_i::Init( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb ,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa ,
- SALOME_NamingService * NamingService ,
- int argc ,
- char ** argv ) {
- _Orb = CORBA::ORB::_duplicate( orb ) ;
- _Poa = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate( poa ) ;
- _Id = _Poa->activate_object ( this ) ;
- _NamingService = NamingService ;
- CORBA::Object_var obj = NamingService->Resolve( "/Kernel/ResourcesManager" ) ;
- _ResourcesManager = Resources::Manager::_narrow( obj ) ;
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( _ResourcesManager ) ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::Manager_i unable to locate the ResourcesManager in the NamingService" ) ;
- exit( 1 ) ;
- }
- int i ;
- i = 0 ;
- while ( argv[ i ] ) {
- MESSAGE(" argv" << i << " '" << argv[ i ] << "'" ) ;
- i++ ;
- }
- if ( argc == 3 && strcmp( argv[1] , "-ORBInitRef" ) == NULL &&
- strcmp( argv[2] , "NameService=corbaname::localhost" ) == NULL ) {
- string ORBInitRef = &argv[2][23] ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < strlen( ORBInitRef.c_str() ) ; i++ ) {
- if ( ORBInitRef[i] == ':' ) {
- const char * CPort = ORBInitRef.c_str() ;
- int Port ;
- sscanf( &CPort[i+1] ,"%d", &_NamingServicePort) ;
- ORBInitRef[i] = '\0' ;
- _NamingServiceHostName = ORBInitRef ;
- }
- }
- if ( i == strlen( ORBInitRef.c_str() ) ) {
- _NamingServiceHostName = ORBInitRef ;
- _NamingServicePort = 2809 ;
- }
- if ( strcmp( _NamingServiceHostName.c_str() , "localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- _NamingServiceHostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- _NamingServiceHostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- _NamingServicePort = 2809 ;
- system( "netstat -apn | grep -F -e omniNames > /tmp/NsComputer.log" ) ;
- ifstream netstat( "/tmp/NsComputer.log" ) ;
- string tcp,z,ORBInitRef ;
- netstat >> tcp >> z >> z >> ORBInitRef ;
- system( "rm -f /tmp/NsComputer.log" ) ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < strlen( ORBInitRef.c_str() ) ; i++ ) {
- if ( ORBInitRef[i] == ':' ) {
- const char * CPort = ORBInitRef.c_str() ;
- int Port ;
- sscanf( &CPort[i+1] ,"%d", &_NamingServicePort) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::Manager_i NamingService on " << _NamingServiceHostName.c_str() << " with port "
- << _NamingServicePort ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::Manager_i NamingServiceHostName " << _NamingServiceHostName << " _NamingServicePort "
- << _NamingServicePort ) ;
- pthread_mutex_init( &_MutexManager , NULL ) ;
- _ListOfComputers = new Resources::ListOfComputers() ;
- _ListOfContainers = new Engines::ListOfContainers() ;
- _ListOfComponents = new Engines::ListOfComponents() ;
-void Manager_i::destroy() {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::destroy MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- }
- int i ;
- Containers::MachineParameters * MyParams = Parameters() ;
- MyParams->ContainerType = Engines::UndefinedContainerType ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy components FindComponents :" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfComponents_var aListOfEnginesComponents = FindComponents( *MyParams , "" ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy components FindContainers :" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfContainers_var aListOfEnginesContainers = FindContainers( *MyParams ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy " << aListOfEnginesComponents->length() << " components" ) ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < aListOfEnginesComponents->length() ; i++ ) {
- string interfaceName = aListOfEnginesComponents[ i ]->interfaceName() ;
- try {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy trying to destroy Component " << interfaceName ) ;
- aListOfEnginesComponents[ i ]->destroy() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy Component " << interfaceName << " destroyed" ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy Component " << interfaceName << " failed" ) ;
- }
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy " << aListOfEnginesContainers->length() << " containers" ) ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < aListOfEnginesContainers->length() ; i++ ) {
- string aContainerName ;
- string aComputerName ;
- ostringstream astr ;
- try {
- aContainerName = aListOfEnginesContainers[ i ]->name() ;
- aComputerName = aListOfEnginesContainers[ i ]->machineName() ;
- astr << aListOfEnginesContainers[ i ]->getPID() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy trying to destroy Container " << aContainerName ) ;
- aListOfEnginesContainers[ i ]->destroy() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy Container " << aContainerName << " destroyed" ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy destroy of Container " << aContainerName << " failed" ) ;
- }
- string KillContainer ;
- if ( strcmp( aComputerName.c_str() , GetHostname().c_str() ) ) {
- if ( _ResourcesManager->SshAccess( aComputerName.c_str() ) ) {
- KillContainer = "ssh " ;
- }
- else {
- KillContainer = "rsh " ;
- }
- KillContainer += aComputerName ;
- }
- KillContainer += string( "kill " ) ;
- KillContainer += astr.str() ;
-// KillContainer += " &" ;
- int status = system( KillContainer.c_str() ) ;
- if ( status == 0 ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy kill of Container " << aContainerName << " "
- << KillContainer << " successsed" ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy kill of Container " << aContainerName << " "
- << KillContainer << " failed" ) ;
- }
- }
- _Poa->deactivate_object( *_Id ) ;
- CORBA::release( _Poa ) ;
- delete( _Id ) ;
- this->_remove_ref();
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroy NamingService->Destroy_Name /Kernel/ContainersManager" ) ;
- _NamingService->Destroy_Name( "/Kernel/ContainersManager" ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::destroyed" ) ;
-Manager_i::~Manager_i() {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::~Manager_i" ) ;
-Containers::MachineParameters * Manager_i::Parameters() {
- Containers::MachineParameters_var aMachineParameters = new Containers::MachineParameters() ;
- aMachineParameters->with_xterm = 0 ;
- aMachineParameters->Os = Containers::Linux ;
- aMachineParameters->Memory = 0 ;
- aMachineParameters->CpuClock = 0 ;
- aMachineParameters->NbProc = 1 ;
- aMachineParameters->NbNode = 1 ;
- aMachineParameters->HostName = CORBA::string_dup( "" ) ;
- aMachineParameters->ContainerName = CORBA::string_dup( "" ) ;
- aMachineParameters->ContainerType = Engines::CppContainer ;
- aMachineParameters->NsHostName = CORBA::string_dup( _NamingServiceHostName.c_str() ) ;
- aMachineParameters->NsPort = _NamingServicePort ;
- return aMachineParameters._retn();
-bool Manager_i::ping() {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::ping" ) ;
- return true ;
-//string Manager_i::ContainerName( const char * aComputerContainer ,
-// string * theComputer ,
-// string * theContainer ) {
-// char * ContainerName = new char [ strlen( aComputerContainer ) + 1 ] ;
-// strcpy( ContainerName , aComputerContainer ) ;
-// string theComputerContainer("/Containers/");
-// char * slash = strchr( ContainerName , '/' ) ;
-// if ( !slash ) {
-// *theComputer = GetHostname() ;
-// theComputerContainer += *theComputer ;
-// theComputerContainer += "/" ;
-// *theContainer = ContainerName ;
-// theComputerContainer += *theContainer ;
-// }
-// else {
-// slash[ 0 ] = '\0' ;
-// slash += 1 ;
-// *theContainer = slash ;
-// if ( !strcmp( ContainerName , "localhost" ) ) {
-// *theComputer = GetHostname() ;
-// }
-// else {
-// *theComputer = ContainerName ;
-// }
-// theComputerContainer += *theComputer ;
-// theComputerContainer += "/" ;
-// theComputerContainer += *theContainer ;
-// }
-// if ( strlen( theContainer->c_str() ) == 0 ) {
-// theContainer = new string( "FactoryServer" ) ;
-// }
-// return theComputerContainer ;
-Engines::ListOfContainers * Manager_i::AllContainers() {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::AllContainers" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfContainers_var aListOfContainers ;
- Containers::MachineParameters_var aMachineParameters = Parameters() ;
- aMachineParameters->ContainerType = Engines::UndefinedContainerType ;
- aListOfContainers = FindContainers( aMachineParameters ) ;
- return aListOfContainers._retn() ;
-Engines::Container_ptr Manager_i::FindContainer( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- Engines::Container_var aContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainer " << MyParams.HostName << " " << MyParams.ContainerName ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- aContainer = FindContainerLocked( MyParams ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- return Engines::Container::_duplicate( aContainer ) ;
-Engines::Container_ptr Manager_i::FindContainerLocked( Containers::MachineParameters & MyParams ) {
- Engines::Container_var aContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- try {
- _ListOfContainers = FindContainersLocked( MyParams , false ) ;
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- if ( _ListOfContainers->length() ) {
- _EnginesContainer = _ListOfContainers[ 0 ] ;
- aContainer = _ListOfContainers[ 0 ] ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainerLocked --> " << aContainer->machineName() << " "
- << aContainer->name() ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainerLocked --> Engines::Container::_nil" ) ;
- }
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainerLocked catched" ) ;
- }
- return Engines::Container::_duplicate( aContainer ) ;
-Engines::Container_ptr Manager_i::FindOneContainer( const char * aHostName ,
- const char * aContainerName ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters * MyParams = Parameters() ;
- string theComputer = aHostName ;
- string theContainer = aContainerName ;
-// ContainerName( aContainerName , &theComputer , &theContainer ) ;
- MyParams->HostName = theComputer.c_str() ;
- MyParams->ContainerName = theContainer.c_str() ;
- MyParams->ContainerType = Engines::UndefinedContainerType ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams->HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams->HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOneContainer " << MyParams->HostName << " " << MyParams->ContainerName ) ;
- Engines::Container_ptr aContainer = FindContainer( *MyParams ) ;
- delete MyParams ;
- return aContainer ;
-Engines::ListOfContainers * Manager_i::FindContainers( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindContainersMutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- Engines::ListOfContainers_var aListOfContainers ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- try {
- aListOfContainers = FindContainersLocked( MyParams , false ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainers catched" ) ;
- }
-// aListOfContainers->length( _ListOfContainers->length() ) ;
-// int i ;
-// for ( i = 0 ; i < _ListOfContainers->length() ; i++ ) {
-// aListOfContainers[ i ] = Engines::Container::_duplicate( _ListOfContainers[ i ] ) ;
-// MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainers " << i << ". " << _ListOfContainers[ i ]->name() ) ;
-// }
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- return aListOfContainers._retn() ;
-Engines::ListOfContainers * Manager_i::FindContainersLocked( Containers::MachineParameters & MyParams , bool _StartContainer ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked GetComputers :" ) ;
- _ListOfComputers = _ResourcesManager->GetComputers( MyParams ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << MyParams.HostName << " "
- << MyParams.ContainerName << " " << _ListOfComputers->length()
- << " computers found" ) ;
- _ListOfContainers = new Engines::ListOfContainers() ;
- _ListOfContainers->length( 0 ) ;
- int NumberOfComputers = _ListOfComputers->length() ;
- if ( NumberOfComputers == 0 ) {
- NumberOfComputers = 1 ;
- }
- int i ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < NumberOfComputers ; i++ ) {
- _FullHostName = string( "/Containers/" ) ;
- if ( _ListOfComputers->length() ) {
- _ResourcesComputer = _ListOfComputers[ i ] ;
- _ComputerParameters = _ResourcesComputer->Parameters() ;
- _FullHostName += _ComputerParameters->Alias ;
- }
- else {
- _FullHostName += MyParams.HostName ;
- }
- if ( strlen( MyParams.ContainerName ) ) {
- _FullContainerName = _FullHostName + "/" + string( (char * ) MyParams.ContainerName ) ;
- _ContainerObject = _NamingService->Resolve( _FullContainerName.c_str() ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked NamingService->Resolve( "
- << _FullContainerName << " )" ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ContainerObject ) ) {
- try {
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_narrow( _ContainerObject ) ;
- _EnginesContainer->ping() ;
- }
- catch(...) {
- _ContainerObject = CORBA::Object::_nil() ;
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << _FullContainerName << " NOT responding" ) ;
- }
- }
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ContainerObject ) ) {
- try {
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_narrow( _ContainerObject ) ;
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::UndefinedContainerType ||
- _EnginesContainer->type() == MyParams.ContainerType ) {
- int size = _ListOfContainers->length() ;
- _ListOfContainers->length( size + 1 ) ;
- _ListOfContainers[ size ] = Engines::Container::_duplicate( _EnginesContainer ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() << " " << _EnginesContainer->type() ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->type() << " # "
- << MyParams.ContainerType ) ;
- }
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << _FullContainerName
- << " catched NOT responding " ) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainers " << _FullContainerName << " unknown" ) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( _NamingService->Change_Directory( _FullHostName.c_str() ) ) {
- vector<string> theListOfContainers = _NamingService->list_directory() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << theListOfContainers.size()
- << " containers found." ) ;
- int j ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j < theListOfContainers.size() ; j++ ) {
- _FullContainerName = _FullHostName + "/" + theListOfContainers[ j ] ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << j << " " << _FullContainerName ) ;
- _ContainerObject = _NamingService->Resolve( _FullContainerName.c_str() ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ContainerObject ) ) {
- try {
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_narrow( _ContainerObject ) ;
- _EnginesContainer->ping() ;
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::UndefinedContainerType ||
- _EnginesContainer->type() == MyParams.ContainerType ) {
- int size = _ListOfContainers->length() ;
- _ListOfContainers->length( size + 1 ) ;
- _ListOfContainers[ size ] = Engines::Container::_duplicate( _EnginesContainer );
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->type() ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->type() << " # "
- << MyParams.ContainerType ) ;
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- }
- }
- catch( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << _FullContainerName
- << " catched NOT responding" ) ;
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << _FullContainerName
- << " unknown" ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
-// MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindContainersLocked " << _FullHostName.c_str()
-// << " not found in Naming Service" ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- return _ListOfContainers._retn() ;
-Engines::Container_ptr Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::UndefinedContainerType ) {
- MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::CppContainer ;
- }
- Engines::Container_var aContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer " << MyParams.HostName << " "
- << MyParams.ContainerName
- << " " << MyParams.ContainerType << " " << MyParams.Os << " "
- << MyParams.Memory << " "
- << MyParams.CpuClock << " " << MyParams.NbProc << " "
- << MyParams.NbNode << " "
- << MyParams.NsHostName << " " << MyParams.NsPort ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- try {
- aContainer = FindOrStartContainerLocked( MyParams , "" , true ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE("Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer catch") ;
- }
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer MutexManager pthread_nriContainmutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- return Engines::Container::_duplicate( aContainer ) ;
-Engines::Container_ptr Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked( Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ,
- const char * aComponentName ,
- bool _StartContainer ) {
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- _ListOfComponents = new Engines::ListOfComponents() ;
- _ListOfComponents->length( 0 ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked FindContainersLocked :" ) ;
- _ListOfContainers = FindContainersLocked( myParams , _StartContainer ) ;
- _ComponentName = aComponentName ;
- MESSAGE( "MutexManager FindOrStartContainerLocked "
- << _ListOfContainers->length() << " containers found"
- << " CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) "
- << CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) ) ;
- if ( _ListOfContainers->length() ) {
- _EnginesContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- int i ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < _ListOfContainers->length() && ( ( _StartContainer && CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) ) || !_StartContainer ) ; i++ ) {
- _FullHostName = "/Containers/" ;
- char * aHostName = _ListOfContainers[ i ]->machineName() ;
- _HostName = string( aHostName ) ;
- _FullHostName += _HostName ;
- char * aContainerName = _ListOfContainers[ i ]->name() ;
- aContainerName = strrchr( aContainerName , '/' ) + 1 ;
- _ContainerName = string( aContainerName ) ;
- _FullContainerName = _FullHostName + "/" + _ContainerName ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked Container " << i << " "
- << _FullContainerName
- << " searched Component '" << _ComponentName << "'" ) ;
- if ( strlen( _ComponentName.c_str() ) ) {
- _FullComponentName = _FullContainerName + "/" + _ComponentName ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked Component "
- << _FullComponentName ) ;
- _ComponentObject = _NamingService->Resolve( _FullComponentName.c_str() ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ComponentObject ) ) {
- _EnginesContainer = _ListOfContainers[ i ] ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() << " Component "
- << _ComponentName ) ;
- try {
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_duplicate( Engines::Component::_narrow( _ComponentObject ) ) ;
- _EnginesComponent->ping() ;
- int size = _ListOfComponents->length() ;
- _ListOfComponents->length( size + 1 ) ;
- _ListOfComponents[ size ] = Engines::Component::_duplicate( _EnginesComponent ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << _EnginesComponent->instanceName() << " "
- << _EnginesComponent->interfaceName() ) ;
- }
- catch( ... ) {
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << myParams.HostName << " "
- << myParams.ContainerName << " " << _ComponentName
- << " NOT responding" ) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << myParams.HostName << " "
- << myParams.ContainerName << " " << _ComponentName
- << " NOT found" ) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- _EnginesContainer = _ListOfContainers[ i ] ;
- if ( _NamingService->Change_Directory( _FullContainerName.c_str() ) ) {
- vector<string> theListOfComponents = _NamingService->list_directory() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked " << theListOfComponents.size()
- << " components found." ) ;
- int j ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j < theListOfComponents.size() ; j++ ) {
- _FullComponentName = _FullContainerName + "/" + theListOfComponents[ j ] ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked " << j
- << " Component " << _FullComponentName ) ;
- _ComponentObject = _NamingService->Resolve( _FullComponentName.c_str() ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ComponentObject ) ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() ) ;
- try {
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_duplicate( Engines::Component::_narrow( _ComponentObject ) ) ;
- _EnginesComponent->ping() ;
- int size = _ListOfComponents->length() ;
- _ListOfComponents->length( size + 1 ) ;
- _ListOfComponents[ size ] = Engines::Component::_duplicate( _EnginesComponent ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << _EnginesComponent->instanceName()
- << " " << _EnginesComponent->interfaceName() ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked catched NOT responding" ) ;
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) && strlen( _ComponentName.c_str() ) ) {
- _FullComponentName = _FullContainerName + "/" + _ComponentName ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked Component "
- << _FullComponentName ) ;
- _ComponentObject = _NamingService->Resolve( _FullComponentName.c_str() ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ComponentObject ) ) {
- try {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << _EnginesContainer->machineName() << " "
- << _EnginesContainer->name() << " Component "
- << _FullComponentName ) ;
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_duplicate( Engines::Component::_narrow( _ComponentObject ) ) ;
- _EnginesComponent->ping() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << _EnginesComponent->instanceName() << " "
- << _EnginesComponent->interfaceName() ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> "
- << myParams.HostName << " "
- << myParams.ContainerName << " " << _ComponentName
- << " catched NOT responding" ) ;
- _EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrStartContainerLocked --> " << myParams.HostName
- << " " << myParams.ContainerName << " " << _ComponentName
- << " NOT found" ) ;
- }
- }
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) && _StartContainer ) {
- if ( _ListOfContainers->length() ) {
- _EnginesContainer = _ListOfContainers[ 0 ] ;
- }
- else {
- StartContainer( myParams ) ;
- }
- if ( strlen( _ComponentName.c_str() ) ) {
- _FullComponentName = _FullContainerName + "/" + _ComponentName ;
- }
- }
- MESSAGE( "return from FindOrStartContainerLocked " ) ;
- return Engines::Container::_duplicate( _EnginesContainer ) ;
-Engines::Container_ptr Manager_i::StartContainer( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::StartContainer HostName '" << MyParams.HostName
- << "' ContainerName '" << MyParams.ContainerName << "'" ) ;
- if ( _ListOfContainers->length() ) {
- MyParams.HostName = CORBA::string_dup( _ListOfContainers[ 0 ]->machineName() ) ;
- char * aContainerName = _ListOfContainers[ 0 ]->name() ;
- aContainerName = strrchr( aContainerName , '/' ) + 1 ;
- MyParams.ContainerName = CORBA::string_dup( aContainerName ) ;
- }
- else if ( _ListOfComputers->length() ) {
- Resources::Computer_var aComputer = _ResourcesManager->GetComputer( _ListOfComputers ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aComputer ) ) {
- MyParams.HostName = CORBA::string_dup( aComputer->Alias() ) ;
- }
- if ( strlen( MyParams.ContainerName ) == 0 ) {
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::CppContainer ) {
- MyParams.ContainerName = "FactoryServer" ;
- }
- else {
- MyParams.ContainerName = "FactoryServerPy" ;
- }
- }
- Containers::MachineParameters MyContainerParams = MyParams ;
- MyContainerParams.ContainerName = "" ;
- FindContainerLocked( MyContainerParams ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::StartContainer MyParams " << MyParams.HostName << " "
- << MyParams.ContainerName << " " << MyParams.ContainerType << " "
- << MyParams.Os << " " << MyParams.Memory << " " << MyParams.CpuClock
- << " " << MyParams.NbProc << " " << MyParams.NbNode << " "
- << MyParams.NsHostName << " " << MyParams.NsPort << " "
- << _ListOfContainers->length() << " containers " << _ListOfComputers->length()
- << " computers localhost " << GetHostname().c_str() ) ;
- _ResourcesComputer = _ResourcesManager->SearchComputer( MyParams.HostName ) ;
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) ) {
- Resources::ComputerEnvironment * aComputerEnvironment = NULL ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ResourcesComputer ) ) {
- aComputerEnvironment = _ResourcesComputer->Environment() ;
- }
- string rsh( "" ) ;
- char * HostName = MyParams.HostName ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::StartContainer MyParams '" << MyParams.HostName
- << "' GetHostname '" << GetHostname().c_str() << "'" ) ;
- if ( strcmp( HostName , GetHostname().c_str() ) ) {
- if ( aComputerEnvironment == NULL || _ResourcesManager->SshAccess( HostName ) ) {
- rsh += "ssh " ;
- }
- else {
- rsh += "rsh " ;
- }
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _ResourcesComputer ) ) {
- string aUserName = _ResourcesManager->UserName( HostName ) ;
- if ( aUserName.length() ) {
- rsh += "-l " ;
- rsh += aUserName ;
- rsh += " " ;
- }
- }
- rsh += MyParams.HostName ;
- rsh += " sh -c \"'" ;
- if ( aComputerEnvironment != NULL ) {
- int size = aComputerEnvironment->Module_Root_Dir_Names.length() ;
- int i ;
-// bool GeomModule = false ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
- if ( i > 0 ) {
- rsh += " ; " ;
- }
- rsh += aComputerEnvironment->Module_Root_Dir_Names[ i ] ;
-// if ( strcmp( aComputerEnvironment->Module_Root_Dir_Names[ i ] , "GEOM_ROOT_DIR" ) == 0 ) {
-// GeomModule = true ;
-// }
- rsh += "=" ;
- rsh += aComputerEnvironment->Module_Root_Dir_Values[ i ] ;
- rsh += " ; export " ;
- rsh += aComputerEnvironment->Module_Root_Dir_Names[ i ] ;
- }
- if ( size > 0 ) {
- rsh += " ; " ;
- }
-// rsh += "${PRODUCTS_ROOT_DIR}/env_products.sh ; " ;
- rsh += "${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/env_products.sh ; " ; // Pour l'instant
- rsh += "${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/env_modules.sh ; " ;
-// rsh += "PATH=" ;
-// int j ;
-// string Path = (char * ) aComputerEnvironment->Path ;
-// for ( j = 0 ; j < Path.size() ; j++ ) {
-// if ( Path[ j ] == '$' ) {
-// rsh += "\\" ;
-// }
-// rsh += Path[ j ] ;
-// }
-// rsh += " ; export PATH" ;
-// rsh += " ; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" ;
-// string Ld_Library_Path = (char * ) aComputerEnvironment->Ld_Library_Path ;
-// for ( j = 0 ; j < Ld_Library_Path.size() ; j++ ) {
-// if ( Ld_Library_Path[ j ] == '$' ) {
-// rsh += "\\" ;
-// }
-// rsh += Ld_Library_Path[ j ] ;
-// }
-// rsh += " ; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ;
-// rsh += " ; PYTHONPATH=" ;
-// string PythonPath = (char * ) aComputerEnvironment->PythonPath ;
-// for ( j = 0 ; j < PythonPath.size() ; j++ ) {
-// if ( PythonPath[ j ] == '$' ) {
-// rsh += "\\" ;
-// }
-// rsh += PythonPath[ j ] ;
-// }
-// rsh += " ; export PYTHONPATH" ;
-// rsh += " ; CASROOT=" ;
-// rsh += aComputerEnvironment->CasRoot ;
-// rsh += " ; export CASROOT" ;
-// rsh += " ; CSF_PluginDefaults=" ;
-// rsh += "\\" ;
-// rsh += "${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources" ;
-// rsh += " ; export CSF_PluginDefaults" ;
-// rsh += " ; CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults=" ;
-// rsh += "\\" ;
-// rsh += "${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources" ;
-// rsh += " ; export CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults" ;
-// if ( GeomModule ) {
-// rsh += " ; CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults=" ;
-// rsh += "\\" ;
-// rsh += "${GEOM_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources" ;
-// rsh += " ; export CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults" ;
-// }
-// rsh += " ; " ;
- }
- }
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::CppContainer || MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::UndefinedContainerType ) {
- rsh += "SALOME_Container " ;
- }
- else if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::PythonContainer ) {
- rsh += "SALOME_ContainerPy.py " ;
- }
- rsh += MyParams.ContainerName ;
- rsh += " -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::" ;
- rsh += MyParams.NsHostName ;
- if ( MyParams.NsPort != 0 ) {
- rsh += ":" ;
- ostringstream astr ;
- astr << MyParams.NsPort ;
- rsh += astr.str().c_str() ;
- }
- rsh += " > /tmp/" ;
-//CCRT char * tmpdir = getenv( "TMPDIR" ) ;
-//CCRT rsh += " > " ;
-//CCRT if ( tmpdir ) {
-//CCRT rsh += tmpdir ;
-//CCRT rsh += "/" ;
-//CCRT }
-//CCRT else {
-//CCRT rsh += "/tmp/" ;
-//CCRT }
- rsh += MyParams.ContainerName ;
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::CppContainer || MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::UndefinedContainerType ) {
- rsh += "_Cpp_" ;
- }
- else if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::PythonContainer ) {
- rsh += "_Py_" ;
- }
- rsh += MyParams.HostName ;
- rsh += ".log 2>&1 " ;
- if ( strcmp( HostName , GetHostname().c_str() ) ) {
- rsh += "'\"" ;
- }
- rsh += " &" ;
- cout << endl << endl << "Manager_i::StartContainer " << rsh << endl << endl ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::StartContainer " << rsh ) ;
- int status = system( rsh.c_str() ) ;
- if (status == -1) {
- INFOS("StartContainer rsh/ssh failed (system command status -1)") ;
- }
- else if (status == 217) {
- INFOS("StartContainer rsh/ssh failed (system command status 217)") ;
- }
- else {
- int count = 21 ;
- while ( CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) && count ) {
- sleep( 1 ) ;
- count-- ;
- if ( count != 21 ) {
- MESSAGE( "StartContainer" << count << ". Waiting for "
- << MyParams.ContainerName << " on " << MyParams.HostName ) ;
- }
- FindContainersLocked( MyParams , false ) ;
- }
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesContainer ) ) {
- INFOS("StartContainer rsh/ssh failed " ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::StartContainer -> Container start_impl( " << _EnginesContainer->name() << ") for "
- << MyParams.ContainerName ) ;
- _EnginesContainer = _EnginesContainer->start_impl( MyParams.ContainerName , MyParams.ContainerType ) ;
- }
- return Engines::Container::_duplicate( _EnginesContainer ) ;
-Engines::ListOfComponents * Manager_i::AllComponents() {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::AllComponents" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfComponents_var aListOfComponents ;
- Containers::MachineParameters_var aMachineParameters = Parameters() ;
- aMachineParameters->ContainerType = Engines::UndefinedContainerType ;
- aListOfComponents = FindComponents( aMachineParameters , "" ) ;
- return aListOfComponents._retn() ;
-Engines::Component_ptr Manager_i::FindComponent( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ,
- const char * ComponentName ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- Engines::Component_ptr aComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- try {
- aComponent = FindComponentLocked( myParams , ComponentName , false ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponent catched" ) ;
- }
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- return aComponent ;
-Engines::Component_ptr Manager_i::FindComponentLocked( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ,
- const char * ComponentName ,
- bool _StartContainer ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentLocked HostName " << MyParams.HostName
- << " ContainerName " << MyParams.ContainerName
- << " ComponentName " << ComponentName ) ;
- FindOrStartContainerLocked( (Containers::MachineParameters & ) MyParams , ComponentName , _StartContainer ) ;
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesComponent ) ) {
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentLocked ComponentName " << ComponentName << " NOT found" ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentLocked instanceName " << _EnginesComponent->instanceName()
- << " interfaceName " << _EnginesComponent->interfaceName() ) ;
- }
- return Engines::Component::_duplicate( _EnginesComponent ) ;
-Engines::Component_ptr Manager_i::FindOneComponent( const char * aHostName ,
- const char * aContainerName ,
- const char * ComponentName ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters * MyParams = Parameters() ;
- string theComputer = aHostName ;
- string theContainer = aContainerName ;
-// ContainerName( aContainerName , &theComputer , &theContainer ) ;
- MyParams->HostName = theComputer.c_str() ;
- MyParams->ContainerName = theContainer.c_str() ;
- MyParams->ContainerType = Engines::UndefinedContainerType ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams->HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams->HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOneComponent HostName " << MyParams->HostName
- << " ContainerName " << MyParams->ContainerName
- << " ComponentName " << ComponentName ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOneComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOneComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOneComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- Engines::Component_ptr aComponent = FindComponentLocked( *MyParams , ComponentName , false ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOneComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOneComponent MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- delete MyParams ;
- return aComponent ;
-Engines::ListOfComponents * Manager_i::FindComponents( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ,
- const char * ComponentName ) {
- MESSAGE( "FindComponents HostName " << myParams.HostName << " ContainerName "
- << myParams.ContainerName
- << " ComponentName " << ComponentName ) ;
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "FindComponents HostName " << MyParams.HostName << " ContainerName "
- << MyParams.ContainerName
- << " ComponentName " << ComponentName ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponents MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindComponents MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponents MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfComponents_var aListOfComponents = FindComponentsLocked( MyParams , ComponentName ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindComponents MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponents MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- return aListOfComponents._retn() ;
-Engines::ListOfComponents * Manager_i::FindComponentsLocked( const Containers::MachineParameters & MyParams ,
- const char * ComponentName ) {
- Engines::ListOfComponents_var aListOfComponents = new Engines::ListOfComponents() ;
- try {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponentsLocked FindOrStartContainerLocked :" ) ;
- _EnginesContainer = FindOrStartContainerLocked( (Containers::MachineParameters & ) MyParams , ComponentName , false ) ;
- if ( _ListOfComponents->length() ) {
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentsLocked " << _ListOfComponents->length() << " components" ) ;
- int i ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < _ListOfComponents->length() ; i++ ) {
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentsLocked " << i << " instanceName "
- << _ListOfComponents[ i ]->instanceName()
- << " interfaceName " << _ListOfComponents[ i ]->interfaceName() ) ;
- _ListOfComponents[ i ]->ping() ;
- }
- }
- else if ( !CORBA::is_nil( _EnginesComponent ) ) {
- _ListOfComponents->length( 1 ) ;
- _ListOfComponents[ 0 ] = Engines::Component::_duplicate( _EnginesComponent ) ;
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentsLocked instanceName "
- << _EnginesComponent->instanceName() << " interfaceName "
- << _EnginesComponent->interfaceName() << " "
- << _ListOfComponents->length() << " components" ) ;
- _ListOfComponents[ 0 ]->ping() ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "FindComponentsLocked ComponentName " << ComponentName
- << " NOT found" ) ;
- }
- aListOfComponents = _ListOfComponents ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindComponentsLocked catched" ) ;
- }
- return aListOfComponents._retn() ;
-Engines::Component_ptr Manager_i::FindOrLoad_ComponentPath( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ,
- const char * ComponentName ,
- const char * ImplementationPath ) {
- Engines::Container_var aContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- Engines::Component_var EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- BEGIN_OF("FindOrLoad_Component( const Containers::MachineParameters & MyParams , const char * ComponentName , const char * ImplementationPath 1)");
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrLoad_ComponentPath MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOrLoad_ComponentPath MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrLoad_ComponentPath MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- try {
- EnginesComponent = FindComponentLocked( MyParams , ComponentName , true ) ;
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( EnginesComponent ) ) {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_ComponentPath Component not found " << _ComponentName ) ;
-// aContainer = FindOrStartContainerLocked( (Containers::MachineParameters & ) MyParams , ComponentName ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_ComponentPath Component was found " << _ComponentName ) ;
- }
- aContainer = _EnginesContainer ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_ComponentPath catch") ;
- }
- string aComponentName = _ComponentName ;
- string aFullComponentName = _FullComponentName ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOrLoad_ComponentPath MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrLoad_ComponentPath MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aContainer ) && CORBA::is_nil( EnginesComponent ) ) {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_ComponentPath Component not found ! trying to load "
- << aFullComponentName ) ;
- EnginesComponent = aContainer->load_impl( ComponentName, ImplementationPath ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( EnginesComponent ) ) {
- MESSAGE( "FindOrLoad_ComponentPath Component launched ! "
- << aFullComponentName ) ;
- try {
- EnginesComponent->ping() ;
- }
- catch ( CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ) {
- INFOS("FindOrLoad_ComponentPath Caught CORBA::SystemException CommFailure. Engine "
- << aFullComponentName << "does not respond" ) ;
- EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "FindOrLoad_ComponentPath Component NOT launched ! "
- << aFullComponentName ) ;
- }
- }
- return Engines::Component::_duplicate( EnginesComponent ) ;
-Engines::Component_ptr Manager_i::FindOrLoad_Component( const Containers::MachineParameters & myParams ,
- const char * ComponentName ) {
- Engines::Container_var aContainer = Engines::Container::_nil() ;
- Engines::Component_var EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- Containers::MachineParameters MyParams = (Containers::MachineParameters & ) myParams ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams.HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams.HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- if ( !strcmp( MyParams.ContainerName , "" ) &&
- MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::UndefinedContainerType ) {
- MyParams.ContainerType = Engines::CppContainer ;
- }
- BEGIN_OF("FindOrLoad_Component HostName " << MyParams.HostName << " ContainerName "
- << MyParams.ContainerName << " ContainerType " << MyParams.ContainerType
- << " ComponentName " << ComponentName );
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrLoad_Component MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOrLoad_Component MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrLoad_Component MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- try {
- EnginesComponent = FindComponentLocked( MyParams , ComponentName , true ) ;
- if ( CORBA::is_nil( EnginesComponent ) ) {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_Component Component not found " << _FullComponentName ) ;
-// aContainer = FindOrStartContainerLocked( (Containers::MachineParameters & ) MyParams , ComponentName ) ;
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_Component Component was found " << _FullComponentName ) ;
- }
- aContainer = _EnginesContainer ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_Component catch") ;
- }
- string aComponentName = _ComponentName ;
- string aFullComponentName = _FullComponentName ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::FindOrLoad_Component MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::FindOrLoad_Component MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aContainer ) && CORBA::is_nil( EnginesComponent ) ) {
- string ImplementationPath ;
- if ( MyParams.ContainerType == Engines::PythonContainer ) {
- ImplementationPath += ComponentName ;
- }
- else {
- ImplementationPath += string( "lib" ) ;
- ImplementationPath += ComponentName ;
- ImplementationPath += "Engine.so" ;
- }
- MESSAGE("FindOrLoad_Component Component not found ! trying to load "
- << aFullComponentName << " " << ImplementationPath ) ;
- try {
- EnginesComponent = aContainer->load_impl( ComponentName, ImplementationPath.c_str() ) ;
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil( EnginesComponent ) ) {
- MESSAGE( "FindOrLoad_Component Component launched ! " << _ComponentName
- << " on " << aFullComponentName ) ;
- try {
- EnginesComponent->ping() ;
- }
- catch ( CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ) {
- INFOS("FindOrLoad_Component Caught CORBA::SystemException CommFailure. Engine "
- << aFullComponentName << "does not respond" ) ;
- EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE( "FindOrLoad_Component Component NOT launched ! "
- << aFullComponentName ) ;
- }
- }
- catch (...) {
- EnginesComponent = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
- MESSAGE( "Component NOT launched ! " << aFullComponentName << " load_impl catched" ) ;
- }
- }
- return Engines::Component::_duplicate( EnginesComponent ) ;
-// try {
-// CORBA::Object_var obj = _NS->Resolve(path.c_str());
-// if ( CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) {
-// MESSAGE("Component not found ! trying to load " << path);
-// CORBA::Object_var obj2 = _NS->Resolve("/Kernel/ModulCatalog");
-// SALOME_ModuleCatalog::ModuleCatalog_var Catalog =
-// SALOME_ModuleCatalog::ModuleCatalog::_narrow(obj2);
-// SALOME_ModuleCatalog::Acomponent_ptr compoInfo =
-// Catalog->GetComponent(componentName);
-// if (CORBA::is_nil (compoInfo))
-// {
-// INFOS("Catalog Error : Component not found in the catalog")
-// return Engines::Component::_nil();
-// exit (-1);
-// }
-// string path;
-// try
-// {
-// path = compoInfo->GetPathPrefix( machine ) ;
-// path += "/" ;
-// }
-// catch (SALOME_ModuleCatalog::NotFound&)
-// {
-// MESSAGE("GetPathPrefix(" << machine << ") not found!"
-// << "trying localhost");
-// try {
-// path = compoInfo->GetPathPrefix("localhost") ;
-// path += "/" ;
-// }
-// catch (SALOME_ModuleCatalog::NotFound&) {
-// MESSAGE("GetPathPrefix(localhost) not found!") ;
-// path = "" ;
-// }
-// }
-// SCRUTE(path);
-// string implementation(path);
-// implementation += "lib";
-// implementation += componentName;
-// implementation += "Engine.so";
-// Engines::Component_var compo
-// = cont->load_impl(componentName, implementation.c_str());
-// ASSERT(!CORBA::is_nil(compo));
-// MESSAGE("Component launched !" << path);
-// return compo;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// MESSAGE("Component found !" << path);
-// Engines::Component_var compo = Engines::Component::_narrow(obj);
-// ASSERT(!CORBA::is_nil(compo));
-// try
-// {
-// string instanceName = compo->instanceName();
-// }
-// catch (CORBA::COMM_FAILURE&)
-// {
-// INFOS("Caught CORBA::SystemException CommFailure. Engine "
-// << path << "does not respond" );
-// }
-// return compo;
-// }
-// }
-// catch (ServiceUnreachable&)
-// {
-// INFOS("Caught exception: Naming Service Unreachable");
-// }
-// catch (...)
-// {
-// INFOS("Caught unknown exception.");
-// }
-// return Engines::Component::_nil();
-bool Manager_i::DestroyContainer( const char * aHostName ,
- const char * aContainerName ) {
- Containers::MachineParameters * MyParams = Parameters() ;
- string theComputer = aHostName ;
- string theContainer = aContainerName ;
- MyParams->HostName = theComputer.c_str() ;
- MyParams->ContainerName = theContainer.c_str() ;
- int l = strlen( aContainerName ) ;
- MyParams->ContainerType = Engines::UndefinedContainerType ;
- if ( strcmp( MyParams->HostName ,"localhost" ) == 0 ) {
- MyParams->HostName = GetHostname().c_str() ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer HostName " << MyParams->HostName
- << " ContainerName " << MyParams->ContainerName ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::DestroyContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfComponents_var aListOfComponents = FindComponentsLocked( *MyParams , "" ) ;
- Engines::Container_ptr aContainer = _EnginesContainer ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::DestroyContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- int i ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < aListOfComponents->length() ; i++ ) {
- try {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer trying to destroy component "
- << aListOfComponents[ i ]->interfaceName() ) ;
- aListOfComponents[ i ]->ping() ;
- aListOfComponents[ i ]->destroy() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer component destroyed" ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer destroy component catched" ) ;
- }
- }
- try {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer trying to destroy container " << aContainer->name() ) ;
- aContainer->ping() ;
- aContainer->destroy() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer " << aContainerName << " on " << aHostName
- << " destroyed" ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainer " << aContainerName << " on " << aHostName
- << " catched" ) ;
- }
- delete MyParams ;
- return true ;
-bool Manager_i::DestroyContainers( const Containers::MachineParameters & MyParams ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers HostName " << MyParams.HostName
- << " ContainerName " << MyParams.ContainerName ) ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock :" ) ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_lock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::DestroyContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_lock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_locked" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfComponents_var aListOfComponents = FindComponentsLocked( MyParams , "" ) ;
- Engines::ListOfContainers_var aListOfContainers = _ListOfContainers ;
- if ( pthread_mutex_unlock( &_MutexManager ) ) {
- perror("Manager_i::DestroyContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlock ") ;
- exit( 0 ) ;
- }
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers MutexManager pthread_mutex_unlocked" ) ;
- int i ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < aListOfComponents->length() ; i++ ) {
- try {
- aListOfComponents[ i ]->destroy() ;
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers component destroyed" ) ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers destroy component catched" ) ;
- }
- }
- for ( i = 0 ; i < aListOfContainers->length() ; i++ ) {
- try {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers destroy of " << aListOfContainers[ i ]->name() ) ;
- aListOfContainers[ i ]->destroy() ;
- }
- catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE( "Manager_i::DestroyContainers catched" ) ;
- }
- }
- return true ;
-ostream & operator<< (ostream & f ,const Engines::ContainerType & t ) {
- switch (t) {
- case Engines::UndefinedContainerType :
- f << "UndefinedContainer";
- break;
- case Engines::CppContainer :
- f << "CppContainer";
- break;
- case Engines::PythonContainer :
- f << "PythonContainer";
- break;
- default :
- f << "UnknownContainerType";
- break;
- }
- return f;
+++ /dev/null
-#python bin/killSalome.py
-from ResourcesContainers import *
-# ------------------------FactoryServer--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams = MyContainersMgr.Parameters()
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-FactoryServer = MyContainersMgr.FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container FactoryServer is running on",FactoryServer._get_machineName(),"with name",FactoryServer._get_name(),"and type",FactoryServer.type()
-#python /home/rahuel/SALOME_BR_JR2/KERNEL_install_withoutihm/bin/salome/SALOME_ContainerPy.py FactoryServerPy -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::localhost
-# ------------------------FactoryServerPy--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.PythonContainer
-FactoryServerPy = MyContainersMgr.FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container FactoryServerPy is running on",FactoryServerPy._get_machineName(),"with name",FactoryServerPy._get_name(),"and type",FactoryServerPy.type()
-# ------------------------SuperVisionContainer--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.UndefinedContainerType
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = "SuperVisionContainer"
-SuperVisionContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container SuperVisionContainer is running on",SuperVisionContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",SuperVisionContainer._get_name(),"and type",SuperVisionContainer.type()
-# ------------------------RunningContainers--------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------AllComputers--------------------------------------------------
-AllComputers = MyResourcesMgr.AllComputers()
-print 'AllComputers',len( AllComputers ),'computers found'
-i = 0
-while i < len( AllComputers ) :
- print ''
- ComputerParameters( AllComputers[i].Parameters() )
- ComputerEnvironement( AllComputers[i].Environment() )
- i = i + 1
-i = 0
-while i < len( AllComputers ) :
- print ''
- print AllComputers[i].FullName(),AllComputers[i].Alias(),'IsAlive',AllComputers[i].IsAlive()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------ListOfComputers( Params )---------------------------------------------
-ListOfComputers = MyResourcesMgr.GetComputers( DefaultParams )
-print ''
-print 'ListOfComputers',len( ListOfComputers ),'computers found'
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComputers ) :
- print ''
- ComputerParameters( ListOfComputers[i].Parameters() )
- ComputerEnvironement( ListOfComputers[i].Environment() )
- i = i + 1
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComputers ) :
- print ''
- print ListOfComputers[i].FullName(),ListOfComputers[i].Alias(),'IsAlive',ListOfComputers[i].IsAlive()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------SelectComputer( Params )----------------------------------------------
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SelectComputer( DefaultParams )
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-# ------------------------GetComputer( ListOfComputers )----------------------------------------
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.GetComputer( ListOfComputers )
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-# ------------------------SearchComputer( HostName )--------------------------------------------
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer("is109973")
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer("is109974")
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer("dunex")
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer("bojolex")
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer("xmen.saclay.opencascade.com")
-print aComputer.Parameters().FullName,'IsAlive',aComputer.IsAlive()
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer("unknown")
-if aComputer is None :
- print "unknown is None Ok"
-else :
- print "Error :",aComputer.Parameters().FullName
-# ------------------------GetComputers( Params )--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.Memory = 500
-ListOfComputers = MyResourcesMgr.GetComputers( DefaultParams )
-print ''
-print 'ListOfComputers',len( ListOfComputers ),'computers found'
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComputers ) :
- print ''
- ComputerParameters( ListOfComputers[i].Parameters() )
- ComputerEnvironement( ListOfComputers[i].Environment() )
- i = i + 1
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComputers ) :
- print ''
- print ListOfComputers[i].FullName(),ListOfComputers[i].Alias(),'Memory',ListOfComputers[i].Memory(),'IsAlive',ListOfComputers[i].IsAlive()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------SelectComputer( Params )------------------------------------------------
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SelectComputer( DefaultParams )
-# ------------------------GetComputer( ListOfComputers )------------------------------------------
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.GetComputer( ListOfComputers )
-# ------------------------GetComputers( Params )--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.Memory = 1000
-ListOfComputers = MyResourcesMgr.GetComputers( DefaultParams )
-print ''
-if len( ListOfComputers ) > 0 :
- print "Error",len( ListOfComputers ),"Computers found"
- i = 0
- while i < len( ListOfComputers ) :
- print ''
- ComputerParameters( ListOfComputers[i].Parameters() )
- ComputerEnvironement( ListOfComputers[i].Environment() )
- i = i + 1
-else :
- print 'ListOfComputers',len( ListOfComputers ),'computers found Ok'
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.SelectComputer( DefaultParams )
-if aComputer is None :
- print "aComputer is None Ok"
-else :
- print "Error :",aComputer.Parameters().FullName
-aComputer = MyResourcesMgr.GetComputer( ListOfComputers )
-if aComputer is None :
- print "aComputer is None Ok"
-else :
- print "Error :",aComputer.Parameters().FullName
-from ResourcesContainers import *
-# ------------------------FindOrStartContainer( Params )--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams = MyContainersMgr.Parameters()
-DefaultParams.Memory = 500
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.CppContainer
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-is109974Server = MyContainersMgr.FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-is109974Computer = MyResourcesMgr.SearchComputer( is109974Server._get_machineName() )
-print "ping",is109974Computer.ping()
-print "FullName",is109974Computer.FullName()
-print "Alias",is109974Computer.Alias()
-print "IsAlive",is109974Computer.IsAlive()
-print "SshAccess",is109974Computer.SshAccess()
-print "RshAccess",is109974Computer.RshAccess()
-print "Interactive",is109974Computer.Interactive()
-print "Batch",is109974Computer.Batch()
-print "UserName",is109974Computer.UserName()
-print "Os",is109974Computer.Os()
-print "Memory",is109974Computer.Memory()
-print "Swap",is109974Computer.Swap()
-print "CpuClock",is109974Computer.CpuClock()
-print "NbProc",is109974Computer.NbProc()
-print "NbNode",is109974Computer.NbNode()
-ComputerEnvironement( is109974Computer.Environment() )
-TestComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "SalomeTestComponent" )
-# ------------------------RunningContainers( DefaultParams )--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.UndefinedContainerType
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------RunningContainers--------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------FindOrLoad_Component( Params , "MED" )---------------------------------
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-MED = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "MED" )
-theContainer = MED.GetContainerRef()
-# ------------------------FindOrLoad_Component( Params , "AddComponent" )---------------------------------
-AddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "AddComponent" )
-theContainer = AddComponent.GetContainerRef()
-# ------------------------RunningComponents--------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------FindOrLoad_Component( Params , "AddComponent" )---------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'AddComponentServer'
-AddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "AddComponent" )
-# ------------------------RunningComponents--------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------RunningContainers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.Memory = 0
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-# ------------------------FindContainer--------------------------------------------------
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-# ------------------------FindOneContainer--------------------------------------------------
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOneContainer( 'localhost' , 'FactoryServer' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOneContainer( 'localhost' , 'FactoryServerPy' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOneContainer( 'localhost' , 'SuperVisionContainer' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOneContainer( '' , 'SuperVisionContainer' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOneContainer( '' , 'AddComponentServer' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-# ------------------------C++ Servers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.CppContainer
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------Python Servers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.PythonContainer
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------AddComponentServer--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.UndefinedContainerType
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'AddComponentServer'
-aContainer = MyContainersMgr.FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-# ------------------------FactoryServers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'FactoryServer'
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.UndefinedContainerType
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------AddComponent--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.CppContainer
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'FactoryServer'
-FactoryServerAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "AddComponent" )
-print FactoryServerAddComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),FactoryServerAddComponent._get_instanceName(),FactoryServerAddComponent._get_interfaceName()
-# ------------------------is109973 Containers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.UndefinedContainerType
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-DefaultParams.HostName = 'is109973'
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------is109974 Containers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.HostName = 'is109974'
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------is109974FactoryServerPy--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.Memory = 500
-DefaultParams.HostName = ''
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.PythonContainer
-is109974FactoryServerPy = MyContainersMgr.FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-# ------------------------Python Containers--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.Memory = 0
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.PythonContainer
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-Containers = MyContainersMgr.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( Containers ) :
- print "Container running on",Containers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",Containers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",Containers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-# ------------------------Python FactorialComponent--------------------------------------------------
-DefaultParams.Memory = 500
-aFactorialComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "FactorialComponent" )
-print aFactorialComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aFactorialComponent._get_instanceName(),aFactorialComponent._get_interfaceName()
-# ------------------------RunningComponents--------------------------------------------------
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-AddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindComponent( DefaultParams , 'AddComponent' )
-print AddComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),AddComponent._get_instanceName(),AddComponent._get_interfaceName()
-ListOfAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , 'AddComponent' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfAddComponent ) :
- print ListOfAddComponent[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfAddComponent[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfAddComponent[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-aSameAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "AddComponent" )
-print aSameAddComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSameAddComponent._get_instanceName(),aSameAddComponent._get_interfaceName()
-ListOfAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , 'AddComponent' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfAddComponent ) :
- print ListOfAddComponent[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfAddComponent[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfAddComponent[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-FactoryServerSubComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "SubComponent" )
-ListOfComponents = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , '' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'ServerPy'
-ServerPy = FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-ServerPy = FindOrStartContainer( DefaultParams )
-ServerPy = MyContainersMgr.FindContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container running on",ServerPy._get_machineName(),"with name",ServerPy._get_name(),"and type",ServerPy.type()
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'SuperVisionContainer'
-SuperVisionContainerAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "AddComponent" )
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-ListOfAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , 'AddComponent' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfAddComponent ) :
- print ListOfAddComponent[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfAddComponent[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfAddComponent[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-ListOfComponents = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , '' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-ListOfComponents = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , 'SubComponent' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-aAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( '' , 'FactoryServer' , "AddComponent" )
-print aAddComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aAddComponent._get_instanceName(),aAddComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aSubComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( '' , 'FactoryServer' , "SubComponent" )
-print aSubComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSubComponent._get_instanceName(),aSubComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aSUPERVComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( '' , 'SuperVisionContainer' , "SUPERV" )
-print aSUPERVComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSUPERVComponent._get_instanceName(),aSUPERVComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aAddComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( '' , '' , "AddComponent" )
-print aAddComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aAddComponent._get_instanceName(),aAddComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aSubComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( '' , '' , "SubComponent" )
-print aSubComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSubComponent._get_instanceName(),aSubComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aSubComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( 'is109973' , '' , "SubComponent" )
-print aSubComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSubComponent._get_instanceName(),aSubComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aSubComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( 'localhost' , '' , "SubComponent" )
-print aSubComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSubComponent._get_instanceName(),aSubComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aSUPERVComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOneComponent( '' , '' , "SUPERV" )
-print aSUPERVComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aSUPERVComponent._get_instanceName(),aSUPERVComponent._get_interfaceName()
-ServerPy = MyContainersMgr.FindOneContainer( '' , 'ServerPy' )
-print "Container running on",ServerPy._get_machineName(),"with name",ServerPy._get_name(),"and type",ServerPy.type()
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.PythonContainer
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-TestComponentPy = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "SALOME_TestComponentPy" )
-print TestComponentPy.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),TestComponentPy._get_instanceName(),TestComponentPy._get_interfaceName()
-ListOfComponents = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , '' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.CppContainer
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-TestComponent = MyContainersMgr.FindOrLoad_Component( DefaultParams , "SalomeTestComponent" )
-print TestComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),TestComponent._get_instanceName(),TestComponent._get_interfaceName()
-ListOfComponents = MyContainersMgr.FindComponents( DefaultParams , '' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-from LifeCycleCORBA import *
-orb = CORBA.ORB_init([''], CORBA.ORB_ID)
-lcc = LifeCycleCORBA( orb )
-TestComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( 'FactoryServer' , 'SalomeTestComponent' )
-print TestComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),TestComponent._get_instanceName(),TestComponent._get_interfaceName()
-TestComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( '' , 'SalomeTestComponent' )
-print TestComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),TestComponent._get_instanceName(),TestComponent._get_interfaceName()
-TestComponentPy = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( '' , 'SALOME_TestComponentPy' )
-if TestComponentPy is None :
- print 'SALOME_TestComponentPy not found : Ok'
-else :
- print 'Error',TestComponentPy.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),TestComponentPy._get_instanceName(),TestComponentPy._get_interfaceName(),'was found'
-TestComponentPy = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( 'ServerPy' , 'SALOME_TestComponentPy' )
-print TestComponentPy.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),TestComponentPy._get_instanceName(),TestComponentPy._get_interfaceName()
-lccMulComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( 'SuperVisionContainer' , "MulComponent" )
-print lccMulComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),lccMulComponent._get_instanceName(),lccMulComponent._get_interfaceName()
-lccDivComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( 'DivComponentContainer' , "DivComponent" )
-print lccDivComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),lccDivComponent._get_instanceName(),lccDivComponent._get_interfaceName()
-DefaultParams = lcc.Parameters()
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'SuperVisionContainer'
-lccAddComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( DefaultParams , "AddComponent" )
-print lccAddComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),lccAddComponent._get_instanceName(),lccAddComponent._get_interfaceName()
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = 'SubComponentContainer'
-lccSubComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( DefaultParams , "SubComponent" )
-print lccSubComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),lccSubComponent._get_instanceName(),lccSubComponent._get_interfaceName()
-aContainer = lcc.FindContainer( DefaultParams )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-aContainer = lcc.FindContainer( 'FactoryServer' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-aContainer = lcc.FindContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-print "Container running on",aContainer._get_machineName(),"with name",aContainer._get_name(),"and type",aContainer.type()
-ContainerParameters( DefaultParams )
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-ListOfContainers = lcc.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfContainers ) :
- print "Container running on",ListOfContainers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",ListOfContainers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",ListOfContainers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-ListOfComponents = lcc.FindComponents( DefaultParams , '' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1
-aComponent = lcc.FindComponent( DefaultParams , 'SubComponent' )
-print aComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),aComponent._get_instanceName(),aComponent._get_interfaceName()
-lccMulComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( DefaultParams , "MulComponent" )
-print lccMulComponent.GetContainerRef()._get_name(),lccMulComponent._get_instanceName(),lccMulComponent._get_interfaceName()
-DefaultParams.HostName = 'bojolex'
-lccbojolexMulComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( DefaultParams , "MulComponent" )
-DefaultParams.HostName = 'toto'
-lcctotoMulComponent = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent( DefaultParams , "MulComponent" )
-MyContainersMgr.DestroyContainer( '' , 'FactoryServer' )
-MyContainersMgr.DestroyContainer( '' , 'FactoryServerPy' )
-DefaultParams.HostName = ''
-DefaultParams.ContainerName = ''
-DefaultParams.ContainerType = Engines.UndefinedContainerType
-ListOfContainers = lcc.FindContainers( DefaultParams )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfContainers ) :
- print "Container running on",ListOfContainers[ i ]._get_machineName(),"with name",ListOfContainers[ i ]._get_name(),"and type",ListOfContainers[ i ].type()
- i = i + 1
-ListOfComponents = lcc.FindComponents( DefaultParams , '' )
-i = 0
-while i < len( ListOfComponents ) :
- print ListOfComponents[ i ].GetContainerRef()._get_name(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_instanceName(),ListOfComponents[ i ]._get_interfaceName()
- i = i + 1