--- /dev/null
+.. |common.icon| image:: images/bool_common.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |cut.icon| image:: images/bool_cut.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |fuse.icon| image:: images/bool_fuse.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |smash.icon| image:: images/bool_smash.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |split.icon| image:: images/bool_split.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |partition.icon| image:: images/partition_btn.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |inter.icon| image:: images/intersection_btn.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. |union.icon| image:: images/union_btn.png
+ :height: 16px
+.. _bopArguments:
+Arguments of Boolean Operations
+This section describes the shapes applicable as arguments of Boolean Operations.
+First of all, the result of Boolean Operations depends on the dimension of arguments. The following table shows the dimension and corresponding types of shapes.
+| Dimension | Shape types |
+*Note*: COMPOUND may consist of any shape combinations, therefore, it is present is each row.
+The next table aligns an operation and the dimensions of its arguments.
+Construction planes (mentioned PLANE) can be used in several operations, but not included in the table above due to their infinite nature.
+| Operation | Dimension of objects (DO) | Dimension of tools (DT) |
+| |common.icon| | Any | Any (+ PLANE) |
+| :ref:`featureCommon` | | |
+| |cut.icon| | Any | Not less than **DO** |
+| :ref:`featureCut` | | |
+| |fuse.icon| | Any | Any |
+| :ref:`featureFuse` | | |
+| |inter.icon| | 1 or 2 | --- |
+| :ref:`featureIntersect` | | |
+| |partition.icon| | Any (+ PLANE) | --- |
+| :ref:`featurePartition` | | |
+| |smash.icon| | 2 (planar FACE only) or 3 | Equal to **DO** |
+| :ref:`featureSmash` | | |
+| |split.icon| | Any | Any (+ PLANE) |
+| :ref:`featureSplit` | | |
+| |union.icon| | 3 (SOLIDs from COMPSOLID) | --- |
+| :ref:`featureUnion` | | |
- **Objects** contains a list of objects selected in the Object Browser or in the Viewer.
If a subshape that belongs to a compsolid/compound was selected, other shapes of this compsolid/compound will be cut from
other objects (to avoid self-intersection) and added to the result.
-- **Tools** contains a list of objects selected in the Object Browser or in the Viewer, which will be fused with tool objects.
- If a subshape that belongs to a compsolid/compound was selected, other shapes of this compsolid/compound will be ignored.
+- **Tools** contains a list of objects selected in the Object Browser or in the Viewer, which will be intersected with tool objects.
+ If a subshape that belongs to a compsolid/compound was selected, other shapes of this compsolid/compound will be ignored.
- **See preview** button shows a result of the operation.
+Any kind of shape is supported as an object or a tool of Common. Moreover, constructions planes can be selected as tools.
**TUI Command**:
.. py:function:: model.addCommon(Part_doc, objects, tools)