--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+import logging
+from daCore import BasicObjects, PlatformInfo
+m = PlatformInfo.SystemUsage()
+import numpy
+import scipy.optimize
+if logging.getLogger().level < 30:
+ iprint = 1
+ message = scipy.optimize.tnc.MSG_ALL
+ disp = 1
+ iprint = -1
+ message = scipy.optimize.tnc.MSG_NONE
+ disp = 0
+# ==============================================================================
+class ElementaryAlgorithm(BasicObjects.Algorithm):
+ def __init__(self):
+ BasicObjects.Algorithm.__init__(self)
+ logging.debug("%s Initialisation"%self._name)
+ def run(self, Xb=None, Y=None, H=None, M=None, R=None, B=None, Q=None, Parameters=None):
+ """
+ Calcul de l'estimateur moindres carrés pondérés non linéaires
+ (assimilation variationnelle sans ébauche)
+ """
+ logging.debug("%s Lancement"%self._name)
+ logging.debug("%s Taille mémoire utilisée de %.1f Mo"%(self._name, m.getUsedMemory("Mo")))
+ #
+ # Opérateur d'observation
+ # -----------------------
+ Hm = H["Direct"].appliedTo
+ Ht = H["Adjoint"].appliedInXTo
+ #
+ # Utilisation éventuelle d'un vecteur H(Xb) précalculé
+ # ----------------------------------------------------
+ if H["AppliedToX"] is not None and H["AppliedToX"].has_key("HXb"):
+ logging.debug("%s Utilisation de HXb"%self._name)
+ HXb = H["AppliedToX"]["HXb"]
+ else:
+ logging.debug("%s Calcul de Hm(Xb)"%self._name)
+ HXb = Hm( Xb )
+ HXb = numpy.asmatrix(HXb).flatten().T
+ #
+ # Calcul de l'innovation
+ # ----------------------
+ if Y.size != HXb.size:
+ raise ValueError("The size %i of observations Y and %i of observed calculation H(X) are different, they have to be identical."%(Y.size,HXb.size))
+ if max(Y.shape) != max(HXb.shape):
+ raise ValueError("The shapes %s of observations Y and %s of observed calculation H(X) are different, they have to be identical."%(Y.shape,HXb.shape))
+ d = Y - HXb
+ logging.debug("%s Innovation d = %s"%(self._name, d))
+ #
+ # Précalcul des inversion appellée dans les fonction-coût et gradient
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # if B is not None:
+ # BI = B.I
+ # elif Parameters["B_scalar"] is not None:
+ # BI = 1.0 / Parameters["B_scalar"]
+ #
+ if R is not None:
+ RI = R.I
+ elif Parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
+ RI = 1.0 / Parameters["R_scalar"]
+ #
+ # Définition de la fonction-coût
+ # ------------------------------
+ def CostFunction(x):
+ _X = numpy.asmatrix(x).flatten().T
+ logging.info("%s CostFunction X = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( _X ).flatten()))
+ _HX = Hm( _X )
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(_HX).flatten().T
+ Jb = 0.
+ Jo = 0.5 * (Y - _HX).T * RI * (Y - _HX)
+ J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ logging.info("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
+ logging.info("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
+ logging.info("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
+ self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( _X.A1 )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
+ return float( J )
+ #
+ def GradientOfCostFunction(x):
+ _X = numpy.asmatrix(x).flatten().T
+ logging.info("%s GradientOfCostFunction X = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( _X ).flatten()))
+ _HX = Hm( _X )
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(_HX).flatten().T
+ GradJb = 0.
+ GradJo = - Ht( (_X, RI * (Y - _HX)) )
+ GradJ = numpy.asmatrix( GradJb ).flatten().T + numpy.asmatrix( GradJo ).flatten().T
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJb = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJb ).flatten()))
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJo = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJo ).flatten()))
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJ = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJ ).flatten()))
+ return GradJ.A1
+ #
+ # Point de démarrage de l'optimisation : Xini = Xb
+ # ------------------------------------
+ if type(Xb) is type(numpy.matrix([])):
+ Xini = Xb.A1.tolist()
+ else:
+ Xini = list(Xb)
+ logging.debug("%s Point de démarrage Xini = %s"%(self._name, Xini))
+ #
+ # Paramètres de pilotage
+ # ----------------------
+ # Potentiels : "Bounds", "Minimizer", "MaximumNumberOfSteps", "ProjectedGradientTolerance", "GradientNormTolerance", "InnerMinimizer"
+ if Parameters.has_key("Bounds") and (type(Parameters["Bounds"]) is type([]) or type(Parameters["Bounds"]) is type(())) and (len(Parameters["Bounds"]) > 0):
+ Bounds = Parameters["Bounds"]
+ else:
+ Bounds = None
+ MinimizerList = ["LBFGSB","TNC", "CG", "NCG", "BFGS"]
+ if Parameters.has_key("Minimizer") and (Parameters["Minimizer"] in MinimizerList):
+ Minimizer = str( Parameters["Minimizer"] )
+ else:
+ Minimizer = "LBFGSB"
+ logging.warning("%s Unknown or undefined minimizer, replaced by the default one \"%s\""%(self._name,Minimizer))
+ logging.debug("%s Minimiseur utilisé = %s"%(self._name, Minimizer))
+ if Parameters.has_key("MaximumNumberOfSteps") and (Parameters["MaximumNumberOfSteps"] > -1):
+ maxiter = int( Parameters["MaximumNumberOfSteps"] )
+ else:
+ maxiter = 15000
+ logging.debug("%s Nombre maximal de pas d'optimisation = %s"%(self._name, str(maxiter)))
+ if Parameters.has_key("CostDecrementTolerance") and (Parameters["CostDecrementTolerance"] > 0):
+ ftol = float(Parameters["CostDecrementTolerance"])
+ factr = ftol * 1.e14
+ else:
+ ftol = 1.e-7
+ factr = ftol * 1.e14
+ logging.debug("%s Diminution relative minimale du cout lors de l'arret = %s"%(self._name, str(1./factr)))
+ if Parameters.has_key("ProjectedGradientTolerance") and (Parameters["ProjectedGradientTolerance"] > -1):
+ pgtol = float(Parameters["ProjectedGradientTolerance"])
+ else:
+ pgtol = -1
+ logging.debug("%s Maximum des composantes du gradient projete lors de l'arret = %s"%(self._name, str(pgtol)))
+ if Parameters.has_key("GradientNormTolerance") and (Parameters["GradientNormTolerance"] > -1):
+ gtol = float(Parameters["GradientNormTolerance"])
+ else:
+ gtol = 1.e-05
+ logging.debug("%s Maximum des composantes du gradient lors de l'arret = %s"%(self._name, str(gtol)))
+ InnerMinimizerList = ["CG", "NCG", "BFGS"]
+ if Parameters.has_key("InnerMinimizer") and (Parameters["InnerMinimizer"] in InnerMinimizerList):
+ InnerMinimizer = str( Parameters["InnerMinimizer"] )
+ else:
+ InnerMinimizer = "BFGS"
+ logging.debug("%s Minimiseur interne utilisé = %s"%(self._name, InnerMinimizer))
+ #
+ # Minimisation de la fonctionnelle
+ # --------------------------------
+ if Minimizer == "LBFGSB":
+ Minimum, J_optimal, Informations = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(
+ func = CostFunction,
+ x0 = Xini,
+ fprime = GradientOfCostFunction,
+ args = (),
+ bounds = Bounds,
+ maxfun = maxiter-1,
+ factr = factr,
+ pgtol = pgtol,
+ iprint = iprint,
+ )
+ nfeval = Informations['funcalls']
+ rc = Informations['warnflag']
+ elif Minimizer == "TNC":
+ Minimum, nfeval, rc = scipy.optimize.fmin_tnc(
+ func = CostFunction,
+ x0 = Xini,
+ fprime = GradientOfCostFunction,
+ args = (),
+ bounds = Bounds,
+ maxfun = maxiter,
+ pgtol = pgtol,
+ ftol = ftol,
+ messages = message,
+ )
+ elif Minimizer == "CG":
+ Minimum, fopt, nfeval, grad_calls, rc = scipy.optimize.fmin_cg(
+ f = CostFunction,
+ x0 = Xini,
+ fprime = GradientOfCostFunction,
+ args = (),
+ maxiter = maxiter,
+ gtol = gtol,
+ disp = disp,
+ full_output = True,
+ )
+ elif Minimizer == "NCG":
+ Minimum, fopt, nfeval, grad_calls, hcalls, rc = scipy.optimize.fmin_ncg(
+ f = CostFunction,
+ x0 = Xini,
+ fprime = GradientOfCostFunction,
+ args = (),
+ maxiter = maxiter,
+ avextol = ftol,
+ disp = disp,
+ full_output = True,
+ )
+ elif Minimizer == "BFGS":
+ Minimum, fopt, gopt, Hopt, nfeval, grad_calls, rc = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(
+ f = CostFunction,
+ x0 = Xini,
+ fprime = GradientOfCostFunction,
+ args = (),
+ maxiter = maxiter,
+ gtol = gtol,
+ disp = disp,
+ full_output = True,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Error in Minimizer name: %s"%Minimizer)
+ #
+ # Correction pour pallier a un bug de TNC sur le retour du Minimum
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ StepMin = numpy.argmin( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ"].valueserie() )
+ MinJ = self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ"].valueserie(step = StepMin)
+ Minimum = self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].valueserie(step = StepMin)
+ #
+ logging.debug("%s %s Step of min cost = %s"%(self._name, Minimizer, StepMin))
+ logging.debug("%s %s Minimum cost = %s"%(self._name, Minimizer, MinJ))
+ logging.debug("%s %s Minimum state = %s"%(self._name, Minimizer, Minimum))
+ logging.debug("%s %s Nb of F = %s"%(self._name, Minimizer, nfeval))
+ logging.debug("%s %s RetCode = %s"%(self._name, Minimizer, rc))
+ #
+ # Calcul de l'analyse
+ # --------------------
+ Xa = numpy.asmatrix(Minimum).T
+ logging.debug("%s Analyse Xa = %s"%(self._name, Xa))
+ #
+ self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
+ self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( d.A1 )
+ #
+ logging.debug("%s Taille mémoire utilisée de %.1f Mo"%(self._name, m.getUsedMemory("MB")))
+ logging.debug("%s Terminé"%self._name)
+ #
+ return 0
+# ==============================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print '\n AUTODIAGNOSTIC \n'