# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
"Last-Translator: FULLNAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
#: FilterGUI.cxx:271
msgstr "All Files ( * )"
#: FilterGUI.cxx:300
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "FilterGUI::MEN_OPEN"
msgstr "Open a MED file"
+#: FilterGUI.cxx:143
+msgid "FilterGUI::MEN_OPEN"
msgstr "Open a MED file"
#: FilterGUI.cxx:270
msgstr "MED Files ( *.med )"
-#: FilterGUI.cxx:296
-msgstr "Warning"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:123
+msgstr "Filtering parameters"
-#: FilterGUI.cxx:280
-msgstr "Not Implemented for this Object"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:136
+msgstr "Input Mesh : "
-#: FilterGUI.cxx:298
-msgid "FILTER_BUT_OK"
-msgstr "OK"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:141
+msgstr "Input File : "
-#: FilterGUI.cxx:297
-msgstr "Object has no IOR"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:146
+msgstr "Input Field : "
-#: FilterGUI.cxx:297
-msgstr "Please enter the name of the mesh you want to read"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:151
+msgstr "Input Time Step : "
-#: FilterGUI.cxx:297
-msgstr "Please enter the name of the field you want to read"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:159
+msgstr "Select function on field"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:163
+msgstr "Field"
-# Menu items
+#: SelectParams.cxx:168
+msgstr "Gradient"
-msgid "TOP_MESHSEL"
-msgstr "Mesh selection"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:174
+msgstr "Display Histogram"
-msgstr "Filtering"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:181
+msgstr "Type of display"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:185
+msgstr "Linear"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:187
+msgid "FILTER_LOG"
+msgstr "Logarithm"
-msgid "STB_MESHSEL"
-msgstr "Read a mesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:197
+msgstr "Select number of thresholds"
-msgstr "Field selection"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:201
+msgstr "One threshold"
-msgstr "Field selection"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:203
+msgstr "Two thresholds"
-msgstr "Read a field"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:210
+msgstr "Select reference area"
-msgid "TOP_EXPLORE"
-msgstr "Explore Med File"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:214 and 321
+msgstr "Bottom"
-msgid "MEN_EXPLORE"
-msgstr "Explore Med File"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:215 and 322
+msgid "FILTER_UP"
+msgstr "Up"
-msgid "STB_EXPLORE"
-msgstr "Explore Med File"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:330
+msgid "FILTER_INT"
+msgstr "Interior"
-msgstr "Dump Mesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:331
+msgid "FILTER_EXT"
+msgstr "Exterior"
-msgstr "Dump Mesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:223
+msgstr "Threshold values"
-msgstr "dump Mesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:227 and 323
+msgstr "threshold value "
-msgstr "Dump SubMesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:332
+msgstr "1st threshold value"
-msgstr "Dump SubMesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:229
+msgstr "2d threshold value"
-msgstr "dump Mesh"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:239
+msgstr "Output file name"
-msgstr "Popup test"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:244
+msgstr "Browse"
-msgstr "Popup test"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:257
+msgstr "Process"
-msgstr "Popup test"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:266
+msgstr "Histogram"
-msgid "TOP_ERASE"
-msgstr "Erase"
+#: SelectParams.cxx:281 and 534
+msgstr "Reduction rate"
-msgid "MEN_ERASE"
-msgstr "Erase"
+#: SelectField.cxx:67
+msgid "FILTER_FILE"
+msgstr "File : "
-msgid "STB_ERASE"
-msgstr "Erase"
+#: SelectField.cxx:87
+msgid "FILTER_NAME"
+msgstr "Name"
-msgid "TOP_DISPLAY"
-msgstr "Display"
+#: SelectField.cxx:88
+msgid "FILTER_TYPE"
+msgstr "Type"
-msgid "MEN_DISPLAY"
-msgstr "Display"
+#: SelectField.cxx:91
+msgid "FILTER_MESH"
+msgstr "Mesh"
-msgid "STB_DISPLAY"
-msgstr "Display"
+#: SelectField.cxx:99
+msgstr "Field"
+#: SelectField.cxx:108
+msgid "FILTER_SEL_TS"
+msgstr "Select a time step:"
+# Menu items
+msgstr "Filtering"
-msgid "TB_MED"
-msgstr "Med Toolbar"
QGroupBox* _GroupC1 = new QGroupBox( _fr, "GroupC1" );
_lay->addWidget( _GroupC1,0,0 );
- _GroupC1->setTitle( tr( "Filtering parameters" ) );
+ _GroupC1->setTitle( tr( "FILTER_PARAMS" ) );
_GroupC1->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
_GroupC1->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
_GroupC1->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
int row = 0;
- QString qs1("Input File : ");
+ QString qs1(tr("FILTER_INPUT_FILE"));
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( qs1, _GroupC1 ), row, 0 );
- QString qs2("Input Mesh : ");
+ QString qs2(tr("FILTER_INPUT_MESH"));
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( qs2, _GroupC1 ), row, 0 );
- QString qs3("Input Field : ");
+ QString qs3(tr("FILTER_INPUT_FIELD"));
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( qs3, _GroupC1 ), row, 0 );
+ QString qs4(tr("FILTER_INPUT_TS"));
char strTS[128];
- sprintf(strTS,"Input Time Step : %d\0",_inputTS);
- QString qs4(strTS);
+ sprintf(strTS,"%d\0",_inputTS);
+ qs4.append(strTS);
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( qs4, _GroupC1 ), row, 0 );
// 0) field function to calculate histogram (radiogroup)
- _myFunc = new QButtonGroup( "Select function on field", _GroupC1 );
+ _myFunc = new QButtonGroup( tr("FILTER_SELECT_FUNC"), _GroupC1 );
_myFunc->setExclusive( true );
_myFunc->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
- _myFieldB = new QRadioButton( "Field", _myFunc );
+ _myFieldB = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_FIELD"), _myFunc );
QGridLayout* convLay = new QGridLayout( _myFunc->layout() );
convLay->addWidget( _myFieldB, 0, 0 );
- convLay->addWidget( _myCutNeg = new QRadioButton( "Gradient", _myFunc ), 0, 1 );
+ convLay->addWidget( _myCutNeg = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_GRADIENT"), _myFunc ), 0, 1 );
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myFunc, row, 0 );
// 1) display histogram button (pushbutton)
- _myHisto = new QPushButton( "Display Histogram", _GroupC1 );
- _myHisto->setText("Display Histogram");
+ _myHisto = new QPushButton( "", _GroupC1 );
+ _myHisto->setText(tr("FILTER_DISPLAY_HISTO"));
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myHisto, row, 0 );
// 2) scale of histogram (radiogroup)
- _myFScale = new QButtonGroup( "Type of display", _GroupC1 );
+ _myFScale = new QButtonGroup( tr("FILTER_TYPE_DISPLAY"), _GroupC1 );
_myFScale->setExclusive( true );
_myFScale->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
- _myLinear = new QRadioButton( "Linear", _myFScale );
+ _myLinear = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_LINEAR"), _myFScale );
- _myLog = new QRadioButton( "Logarithm", _myFScale );
+ _myLog = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_LOG"), _myFScale );
QGridLayout* scaleLay = new QGridLayout( _myFScale->layout() );
// 3) number of thresholds (radiogroup)
- _myNbThresh = new QButtonGroup( "Select number of thresholds", _GroupC1 );
+ _myNbThresh = new QButtonGroup( tr("FILTER_SEL_THRESH"), _GroupC1 );
_myNbThresh->setExclusive( true );
_myNbThresh->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
QGridLayout* nbtLay = new QGridLayout( _myNbThresh->layout() );
- nbtLay->addWidget( _myOneThresh = new QRadioButton( "One threshold", _myNbThresh ), 0, 0 );
- nbtLay->addWidget( _myTwoThresh = new QRadioButton( "Two thresholds", _myNbThresh ), 0, 1 );
+ nbtLay->addWidget( _myOneThresh = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_ONE_THRESH"), _myNbThresh ), 0, 0 );
+ nbtLay->addWidget( _myTwoThresh = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_TWO_THRESH"), _myNbThresh ), 0, 1 );
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myNbThresh, row, 0 );
// 4) reference area on thresholds (radiogroup)
- _myArea = new QButtonGroup( "Select reference area", _GroupC1 );
+ _myArea = new QButtonGroup( tr("FILTER_REF_AREA"), _GroupC1 );
_myArea->setExclusive( true );
_myArea->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
QGridLayout* areaLay = new QGridLayout( _myArea->layout() );
- areaLay->addWidget( _myInt = new QRadioButton( "Interior", _myArea ), 0, 0 );
- areaLay->addWidget( _myExt = new QRadioButton( "Exterior", _myArea ), 0, 1 );
+ areaLay->addWidget( _myInt = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_BOTTOM"), _myArea ), 0, 0 );
+ areaLay->addWidget( _myExt = new QRadioButton( tr("FILTER_UP"), _myArea ), 0, 1 );
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myArea, row, 0 );
// 5) threshold values (line edit)
- _myVThresh = new QButtonGroup( "Threshold values", _GroupC1 );
+ _myVThresh = new QButtonGroup( tr("FILTER_TRESH_VAL"), _GroupC1 );
_myVThresh->setExclusive( true );
_myVThresh->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
QGridLayout* ftLay = new QGridLayout( _myVThresh->layout() );
- ftLay->addWidget( _myLFT = new QLabel( "threshold value " , _myVThresh ), 0, 0 );
+ ftLay->addWidget( _myLFT = new QLabel( tr("FILTER_VAL_TRESH") , _myVThresh ), 0, 0 );
ftLay->addWidget( _myLEFT = new QLineEdit( "", _myVThresh ), 0, 1 );
- ftLay->addWidget( _myLST = new QLabel( "2d threshold value" , _myVThresh ), 1, 0 );
+ ftLay->addWidget( _myLST = new QLabel( tr("FILTER_VAL_2_TRESH") , _myVThresh ), 1, 0 );
ftLay->addWidget( _myLEST = new QLineEdit( "", _myVThresh ), 1, 1 );
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myVThresh, row, 0 );
// 6) output file name (line edit)
- _myOutFile = new QButtonGroup( "Output file name", _GroupC1 );
+ _myOutFile = new QButtonGroup( tr("FILTER_OUT_FILE"), _GroupC1 );
_myOutFile->setExclusive( true );
_myOutFile->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
- _myOFB = new QPushButton( "Browse", _myOutFile );
- _myOFB->setText("Browse");
+ _myOFB = new QPushButton( "", _myOutFile );
+ _myOFB->setText(tr("FILTER_BROWSE"));
QGridLayout* outLay = new QGridLayout( _myOutFile->layout() );
// 8) process button (pushbutton)
- _myProc = new QPushButton( "Process", _GroupC1 );
- _myProc->setText("Process");
+ _myProc = new QPushButton( "", _GroupC1 );
+ _myProc->setText(tr("FILTER_PROCESS"));
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myProc, row, 0 );
_GroupC2 = new QGroupBox( _fr, "GroupC2" );
_lay->addWidget( _GroupC2,0,1 );
- _GroupC2->setTitle( tr( "Histogram" ) );
+ _GroupC2->setTitle( tr( "FILTER_HISTO" ) );
_GroupC2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
_GroupC2->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
_GroupC2->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
_myGroupLayout2 = new QGridLayout( _GroupC2->layout() );
+ // 9) histogram curve
_myPlot = new QwtPlot(_GroupC2);
_myHistoCurve = _myPlot->insertCurve( QString() );
_myPlot->setCurvePen( _myHistoCurve, QPen( Qt::red, 1 ) );
_myGroupLayout2->addWidget( _myPlot, 0, 0 );
- // 9) reduction rate (label)
- _myGroupLayout2->addWidget( _myLRR = new QLabel( "reduction rate = 0.5", _GroupC2 ), 1, 0 );
+ // 10) reduction rate (label)
+ QString qs5(tr("FILTER_RED_RATE"));
+ qs5.append(" = 0.5");
+ _myLRR = new QLabel( qs5, _GroupC2 );
+ _myGroupLayout2->addWidget( _myLRR, 1, 0 );
connect( _myTwoThresh, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nbThreshSelected()));
connect( _myInt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(areaSelected()));
connect( _myExt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(areaSelected()));
- connect( _myLEFT, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(displayFThresh()));
- connect( _myLEST, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(displaySThresh()));
+ connect( _myLEFT, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(enterFThresh()));
+ connect( _myLEST, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(enterSThresh()));
connect( _myPlot, SIGNAL(plotMouseMoved(const QMouseEvent &)), this, SLOT(moveThresh(const QMouseEvent &)));
connect( _myOFB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getOutFileName()));
connect( _myProc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(process()));
void SelectParams::nbThreshSelected()
if( _myOneThresh->isChecked() ){
- _myInt->setText("bottom");
- _myExt->setText("up");
- _myLFT->setText("threshold value ");
+ _myInt->setText(tr("FILTER_BOTTOM"));
+ _myExt->setText(tr("FILTER_UP"));
+ _myLFT->setText(tr("FILTER_VAL_TRESH"));
- _myInt->setText("interior");
- _myExt->setText("exterior");
- _myLFT->setText("1st threshold value");
+ _myInt->setText(tr("FILTER_INT"));
+ _myExt->setText(tr("FILTER_EXT"));
+ _myLFT->setText(tr("FILTER_VAL_1_TRESH"));
+void SelectParams::enterFThresh()
+ displayFThresh();
+ calcRateRed();
+void SelectParams::enterSThresh()
+ displaySThresh();
+ calcRateRed();
void SelectParams::calcHisto()
char strth[128];
_xmin = -50.0;
_xmax = 50.0;
- _ymax = 100.0;
- _ymin = _ymax;
+ _ymin = 1.0;
+ _ymax = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<_size;i++){
- if( (_y[i] < _ymin) && (_y[i] != 0.0) )
- _ymin = _y[i];
+ if( _y[i] > _ymax )
+ _ymax = _y[i];
_fthresh = (_xmin + _xmax)/2.0;
_sthresh = (_xmin + 3.*_xmax)/4.0;
asel = atot - asel;
rateRed = (double)asel / (double) atot;
- sprintf(strth,"reduction rate = %4.2g",rateRed);
- _myLRR->setText( strth );
+ QString qs(tr("FILTER_RED_RATE"));
+ char str[128];
+ sprintf(str," = %4.2g",rateRed);
+ qs.append(str);
+ _myLRR->setText( qs );