+++ /dev/null
-import SALOMERuntime
-import pickle
-import json
-class myalgosync(SALOMERuntime.OptimizerAlgSync):
- def __init__(self):
- SALOMERuntime.OptimizerAlgSync.__init__(self, None)
- def setPool(self,pool):
- """Must be implemented to set the pool"""
- self.pool=pool
- def getTCForIn(self):
- """return typecode of type expected as Input of the internal node """
- return SALOMERuntime.getSALOMERuntime().getTypeCode("string")
- def getTCForOut(self):
- """return typecode of type expected as Output of the internal node"""
- return SALOMERuntime.getSALOMERuntime().getTypeCode("string")
- def getTCForAlgoInit(self):
- """return typecode of type expected as input for initialize """
- return SALOMERuntime.getSALOMERuntime().getTypeCode("string")
- def getTCForAlgoResult(self):
- """return typecode of type expected as output of the algorithm """
- return SALOMERuntime.getSALOMERuntime().getTypeCode("int")
- def initialize(self,input):
- """Optional method called on initialization.
- The type of "input" is returned by "getTCForAlgoInit"
- """
- with open("idefixconfig.json", "r") as f:
- self.config = json.load(f)
- def start(self):
- """Start to fill the pool with samples to evaluate."""
- self.id=0
- self.datafile=open(datafile, newline='')
- #self.datafile=open(datafile)
- import csv
- self.data = csv.DictReader(self.datafile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
- values=None
- for i in range(0, self.getNbOfBranches()):
- try:
- values = next(self.data)
- self.pool.pushInSample(self.id,
- pickle.dumps(values, protocol=0).decode())
- self.id += 1
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- if values is not None:
- with open(resultfile,"w") as f:
- f.write("id,")
- for v in values.keys():
- f.write(v+",")
- f.write("\n")
- def takeDecision(self):
- """ This method is called each time a sample has been evaluated. It can
- either add new samples to evaluate in the pool, do nothing (wait for
- more samples), or empty the pool to finish the evaluation.
- """
- currentId=self.pool.getCurrentId()
- samplebyte=self.pool.getCurrentInSample().getStringValue().encode()
- sample = pickle.loads(samplebyte)
- resultbyte=self.pool.getCurrentOutSample().getStringValue().encode()
- error,result = pickle.loads(resultbyte)
- with open(resultfile,"a") as f:
- f.write(repr(currentId)+",")
- for v in sample.values():
- f.write(repr(v)+",")
- if error is None:
- try:
- for v in result:
- f.write(repr(v)+",")
- except TypeError:
- # result is not iterable, it is just one number
- f.write(repr(result))
- else:
- error="Error:"+error.split('\n')[0]
- f.write(error)
- f.write("\n")
- try:
- values = next(self.data)
- self.pool.pushInSample(self.id, pickle.dumps(values, protocol=0).decode())
- self.id += 1
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- def finish(self):
- """Optional method called when the algorithm has finished, successfully
- or not, to perform any necessary clean up."""
- try:
- self.datafile.close()
- except:
- pass
- self.pool.destroyAll()
- def getAlgoResult(self):
- """return the result of the algorithm.
- The object returned is of type indicated by getTCForAlgoResult.
- """
- return 0