:width: 229
:height: 116
-Hexaedrons are split in eight. Each of the quadrangular faces is split into 4 quadrangular faces. Edges are created connecting each centre of opposite faces. This generates a new point located at the centre of the hexahedron.
+Hexahedrons are split in eight. Each of the quadrangular faces is split into 4 quadrangular faces. Edges are created connecting each centre of opposite faces. This generates a new point located at the centre of the hexahedron.
.. image:: ../images/dec_hex.png
:align: center
:alt: Découpage standard d'un hexaèdre
:width: 600
-Pentaedrons are split in eight. Each of the quadrangular faces is split into 4 quadrangular faces and the two triangles are split into 4. Edges are created connecting each centre of quadrangular faces. Those 3 edges create 4 triangles at the centre of the pentaedron. Six quandrangular faces are created to complete the construction of the height pentaedrons.
+Pentahedrons are split in eight. Each of the quadrangular faces is split into 4 quadrangular faces and the two triangles are split into 4. Edges are created connecting each centre of quadrangular faces. Those 3 edges create 4 triangles at the centre of the pentahedron. Six quandrangular faces are created to complete the construction of the height pentahedrons.
.. image:: ../images/dec.pent.png
:align: center
| .. image:: ../images/intro_5.png |
| :align: center |
-| :alt: Hexaedron and non conformal adaptation |
+| :alt: Hexahedron and non conformal adaptation |
| .. image:: ../images/intro_6.png |
| :alt: Tetrahedron |
| :align: center |
| .. image:: ../images/intro_7.png |
-| :alt: Hexaedron and conformal adaptation |
+| :alt: Hexahedron and conformal adaptation |
| :align: center |
| .. image:: ../images/intro_8.gif |