--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2022 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ ParaViewFilters.xml
+ ParaViewSources.xml
+ )
+FOREACH(f ${dist_salomeres_DATA})
+ENDFOREACH(f ${dist_salomeres_DATA})
--- /dev/null
+ <Category name="Common" menu_label="&Common" preserve_order="1"
+ show_in_toolbar="1">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Calculator" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqCalculator.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Contour" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqIsosurface.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Clip" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqClip.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Cut" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqSlice.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Threshold" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqThreshold.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractGrid" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqExtractGrid.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Glyph" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqGlyph.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="NewGlyph" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqGlyph.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="StreamTracer" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqStreamTracer.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="WarpVector" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqWarp.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GroupDataSets" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqGroup.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHierarchicalLevel" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqGroupExtract.svg"/>
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="CosmoTools" menu_label="&CosmoTools" show_in_toolbar="0">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ANLHaloFinder" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ANLSubhaloFinder" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="LANLHaloFinder" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MinkowskiFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PMergeConnected" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="DataAnalysis" menu_label="&Data Analysis" show_in_toolbar="1" hide_for_tests="1">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Calculator"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqCalculator.svg" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractSelection"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqExtractSelection.svg" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractSelectionOverTime"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqPlotSelectionOverTime.svg" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHistogram"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqHistogram24.png" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="IntegrateAttributes" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractFieldDataOverTime"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqPlotGlobalOverTime.svg" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProbeLine"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqPlotOverLine.svg" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProbePoint"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqProbeLocation.svg" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotAttributes" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotOnSortedLines" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotOnIntersectionCurves" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProgrammableFilter"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqProgrammableFilter24.png" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TransposeTable" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ComputeQuartiles"
+ icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqBoxChart16.png" omit_from_toolbar="1"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractLocation" omit_from_toolbar="1" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotDataOverTime" omit_from_toolbar="1" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Hyper Tree Grid" menu_label="&Hyper Tree Grid">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Clip" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqClip.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Cut" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqSlice.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="HyperTreeGridAxisReflection" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="HyperTreeGridCellCenters" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Contour" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqIsosurface.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="HyperTreeGridDepthLimiter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GroupDataSets" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqGroup.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="HyperTreeGridGhostCellsGenerator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Threshold" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqThreshold.svg"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="HyperTreeGridToDualGrid" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="HyperTreeGridToUnstructuredGrid" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Statistics" menu_label="&Statistics">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ContingencyStatistics"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DescriptiveStatistics"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="KMeans"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MulticorrelativeStatistics"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PCAStatistics"/>
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Temporal" menu_label="&Temporal">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractTimeSteps" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GroupTimeSteps" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ParticlePath" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ParticleTracer" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="StreakLine" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SynchronizeTime" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalCache" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalShiftScale" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalSnapToTimeStep" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalStatistics" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TimeStepProgressFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TimeToTextConvertor" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Material Analysis" menu_label="&Material Analysis">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MaterialInterfaceFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="IntersectFragments" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="CTH" menu_label="&CTH">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CTHFragmentConnect"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CTHFragmentIntersect"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CTHPart" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="NonOverlappingLevelIdScalars" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MaterialInterfaceFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRDualClip" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRDualContour" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRConnectivity" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRFragmentIntegration" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRFragmentsFilter"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHierarchicalLevel" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHierarchicalDataSets" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="AMR" menu_label="&AMR">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRDualMeshExtractor" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRResampleFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRSlice" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRToMultiBlock" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AMRCutPlane" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="OverlappingLevelIdScalars" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHierarchicalLevel" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHierarchicalDataSets" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Quadrature Points" menu_label="&Quadrature Points">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="QuadraturePointInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="QuadraturePointsGenerator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="QuadraturePointStatistics" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="QuadratureSchemeDictionaryGenerator" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Annotation" menu_label="Annotation">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AnnotateGlobalData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AnnotateAttributeData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PythonAnnotation" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TimeToTextConvertor" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TimeStepProgressFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DataSetRegionSurfaceFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="EnvironmentAnnotation" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Point Interpolation" menu_label="Point Interpolation">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PointLineInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PointPlaneInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PointVolumeInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PointDatasetInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SPHLineInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SPHPlaneInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SPHVolumeInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SPHDatasetInterpolator" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="Chemistry" menu_label="Chemistry">
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AppendMolecule"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ComputeMoleculeBonds"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MoleculeToLines"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PointSetToMolecule"/>
+ </Category>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AggregateDataSet" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AppendArcLength" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AddFieldArrays" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ImageDataToAMR" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="UniformGridPartitioner" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Append" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AppendAttributes" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AppendLocationAttributes" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AppendPolyData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AppendReductionFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="AngularPeriodicFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ArbitrarySourceStreamTracer" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="BlockIdScalars" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RandomAttributeGenerator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="BrownianPoints" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Calculator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CellCenters" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CellDataToPointData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CellDerivatives"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CellSize" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CleanPolyData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CleanUnstructuredGrid" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CleanUnstructuredGridCells" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Clip" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ClipClosedSurface" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Contour" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CountCellFaces" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CountCellVertices" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Curvatures" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Cut" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="CutEverything" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="D3" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DataSetSurfaceFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DataSetRegionSurfaceFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DataSetTriangleFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DateToNumeric" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DecimatePro" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DecimatePolyline" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Delaunay2D" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Delaunay3D" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="DistributePoints"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ElevationFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="EvenlySpacedStreamlines2D" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractBlock" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractComponent" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractEdges" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractEnclosedPoints" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractGeometry" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractGrid" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractHistogram" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractSelection" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractSelectionOverTime" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ExtractSubsetWithSeed" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotDataOverTime" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="FeatureEdges" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="FFTSelectionOverTime" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GaussianSplatter"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenerateIdScalars"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenerateGlobalIds"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GhostCellsGenerator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Glyph" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="NewGlyph" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GlyphWithCustomSource" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqGlyph.svg" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Gradient" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GridConnectivity" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GroupDataSets" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ImageDataToAMR" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ImageDataToPointSet" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ImageDataToUniformGrid" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="IntegrateAttributes" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="IntegrateFlowThroughSurface" />
+ <!-- <Proxy group="filters" name="LevelIdScalars" /> -->
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="LinearExtrusionFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="LinearCellExtrusionFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="LoopSubdivisionFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MaskPoints" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Median" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MergeBlocks" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="MeshQuality" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="OTKernelSmoothing" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="OTDensityMap" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="OutlineCornerFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="OutlineFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ParticlePathLines" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ParticleTracer" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PassArrays" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotAttributes" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotOnIntersectionCurves" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PlotOnSortedLines" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PointDataToCellData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PolyDataNormals" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PolyDataTangents" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProbeLine" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProbePoint" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProcessIdScalars" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ProgrammableFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PVConnectivityFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PythonCalculator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="PythonExtractSelection" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="QuadricClustering" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RectilinearGridConnectivity" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RectilinearGridToPointSet" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RedistributeDataSet" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ReflectionFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RemoveGhostInformation" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ResampleToImage" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ResampleWithDataset" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RibbonFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RotationalExtrusionFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ScatterPlot"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ShrinkFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SmoothPolyDataFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="StreamTracer" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Stripper" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="StructuredGridOutlineFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Subdivide" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SurfaceVectors" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalCache" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalInterpolator" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalSnapToTimeStep" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalShiftScale" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TemporalStatistics" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TensorGlyph" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TessellatorFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TextureMapToCylinder" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TextureMapToPlane" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TextureMapToSphere" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="Threshold" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TransformFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TriangleFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TubeFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="UnstructuredGradient" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="ValidateCells" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="WarpScalar" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="WarpVector" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="YoungsMaterialInterface"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="NormalGlyphs" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TableToPolyData" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="TableToStructuredGrid" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="IsoVolume" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenericClip" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenericContour" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenericCut" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenericStreamTracer" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="GenericGeometryFilter" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SliceAlongPolyLine" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="SliceWithPlane" />
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="RulerFilter" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqRuler.png"/>
+ <Proxy group="filters" name="OMETIFFChannelCalculator" />
--- /dev/null
+ <!--
+ NOTE: Readers are tried in reverse order that they are present in this
+ list i.e. if two readers can read the same extension, then the reader
+ apperaring later will be tried first when reading the file.
+ -->
+ <ProxyManager type="reader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="LSDynaReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PVDReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLHierarchicalBoxDataReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLPolyDataReader"/>
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLUnstructuredGridReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLImageDataReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLStructuredGridReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLRectilinearGridReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLPPolyDataReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLPUnstructuredGridReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLPImageDataReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLPStructuredGridReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLPRectilinearGridReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLMultiBlockDataReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XMLUniformGridAMRReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="LegacyVTKFileReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="pvtkfile" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ensight" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ensightMS" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="TecplotReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="netCDFReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="byureader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="objreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ProStarReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="XdmfReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="pdbreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="xyzreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="P3DReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="spcthreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SPCTHRestartReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="spcthhistoryreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="DEMReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="vrmlreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="plyreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="stlreader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="gaussiancubereader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ImageReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="popreader"/>
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="AVSucdSeriesReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="MetaImageReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="NrrdReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="FacetReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PNGSeriesReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="JPEGSeriesReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="TIFFSeriesReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PhastaReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="EnzoReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="FlashReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SESAMEReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="CSVReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="MFIXReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="FLUENTReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="OpenFOAMReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="CosmoReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SiloReader"/>
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ExodusIIReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ExodusRestartReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SLACReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SLACParticleReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ParticleReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="VPICReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="WindBladeReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="NetCDFCAMReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="NetCDFPOPReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="UnstructuredPOPReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PNetCDFPOPReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="MPASReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="EnzoParticlesReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="FlashParticlesReader" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="CMLMoleculeReader"/>
--- /dev/null
+ <Category name="Annotation" menu_label="&Annotation" preserve_order="1"
+ show_in_toolbar="0">
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="VectorText" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="TimeToTextConvertorSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ArrowSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="LogoSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="TextSource" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="DataObjects" menu_label="&Data Objects" preserve_order="1"
+ show_in_toolbar="0">
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="AMRGaussianPulseSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="DataObjectGenerator" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="FastUniformGrid" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="HierarchicalFractal" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="HyperTreeGridSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ImageMandelbrotSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="LiveProgrammableSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="RandomHyperTreeGridSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="RTAnalyticSource" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="GeometricShapes" menu_label="&Geometric Shapes" preserve_order="1"
+ show_in_toolbar="1">
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="CubeSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ConeSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="CylinderSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="DiskSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="EllipseSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="LineSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="OutlineSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PlaneSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PointSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PolyLineSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="PolyPointSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SphereSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SplineSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="SuperquadricSource" />
+ </Category>
+ <Category name="MeasurementTools" menu_label="&Measurement Tools" preserve_order="1"
+ show_in_toolbar="1">
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="Axes" omit_from_toolbar="1" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqAxes.png"/>
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="Ruler" icon=":/pqWidgets/Icons/pqRuler.png"/>
+ </Category>
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="GlyphSource2D" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="ProgrammableSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="TimeSource" />
+ <Proxy group="sources" name="UnstructuredCellTypes" />
--- /dev/null
+ <ProxyManager type="writer" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPVDWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLHyperOctreeWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPolyDataWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLUnstructuredGridWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLStructuredGridWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLRectilinearGridWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLImageDataWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPPolyDataWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPUnstructuredGridWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPStructuredGridWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPRectilinearGridWriter"/>
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLPImageDataWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLMultiBlockDataWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XMLUniformGridAMRWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="DataSetWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="PDataSetWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="PPLYWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="PSTLWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="MetaImageWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="PNGWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="XdmfWriter"/>
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="ExodusIIWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="EnSightWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="CSVWriter" />
+ <Proxy group="writers" name="DataSetCSVWriter" />
--- /dev/null
+The purpose of the XML files in this folder is the following:
+1. ParaViewFilters.xml - this file describes ParaView filters which are available in the SALOME
+2. ParaViewSources.xml - this file describes ParaView sources which are available in the SALOME
+3. ParaViewReaders.xml - deprecated
+4. ParaViewWriters.xml - deprecated
+Initially these files are available in the ParaView sources, they ensure proper loading of the ParaView resources such as icons and names of an actions.
+ParaViewFilters.xml and ParaViewSources.xml should be updated during migration to newer ParaView version.
#include "PVViewer_ViewManager.h"
#include "PVViewer_ViewModel.h"
+#include "PV3DViewer_ViewManager.h"
+#include "PV3DViewer_ViewModel.h"
#include "QtxActionMenuMgr.h"
#include "QtxWorkstack.h"
#include "QtxTreeView.h"
myResult = true;
+ }
+ else if ( type == "ParaView3D") {
+ //MBS:
+ // specific processing for ParaView3D viewer:
+ // hierarchy of ParaView3D viewer is much more complex than for usual view;
+ // we look for sub-widget named "Viewport"
+ QList<QWidget*> lst = wnd->findChildren<QWidget*>( "Viewport" );
+ if ( !lst.isEmpty() ) {
+ lst[0]->resize( myWndWidth, myWndHeight );
+ myResult = true;
+ }
else {
if ( wnd->centralWidget() ) {
--- /dev/null
+option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)
+ cadSources/paraview.plugin
+ cadRepresentations/paraview.plugin
+ PLUGINS_FILE_NAME "salome.xml"
+ PLUGINS ${plugins}
+ TARGET salome_paraview_plugins)
--- /dev/null
+ <ProxyGroup name="representations">
+ <RepresentationProxy class="vtkCADRepresentation"
+ name="CADRepresentation"
+ processes="client|renderserver|dataserver">
+ <Documentation>
+ CAD Representation.
+ </Documentation>
+ <InputProperty command="SetInputConnection"
+ name="Input">
+ <Documentation>
+ Set the input to the representation. Must be a vtkPolyData producer.
+ </Documentation>
+ <DataTypeDomain composite_data_supported="0"
+ name="input_type">
+ <DataType value="vtkImageData" />
+ </DataTypeDomain>
+ </InputProperty>
+ <InputProperty command="SetSelectionConnection"
+ name="Selection">
+ <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
+ <DataType value="vtkSelection" />
+ </DataTypeDomain>
+ <Documentation>Set the selection.</Documentation>
+ </InputProperty>
+ <IntVectorProperty command="SetVisibility"
+ default_values="1"
+ name="Visibility"
+ number_of_elements="1">
+ <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
+ <Documentation>
+ Set the visibility for this representation.
+ </Documentation>
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ <IntVectorProperty command="SetGroupVisibility"
+ default_values="-1 0"
+ name="SetGroupVisibility"
+ number_of_elements="2">
+ <Documentation>
+ Set the group to show in Group Mode.
+ </Documentation>
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ <IntVectorProperty command="SetGroupOpacity"
+ default_values="-1 0"
+ name="SetGroupOpacity"
+ number_of_elements="2">
+ <Documentation>
+ Set the opacity of the given group.
+ </Documentation>
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ <IntVectorProperty command="SetGroupModeEnabled"
+ default_values="0"
+ name="GroupMode"
+ number_of_elements="1">
+ <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
+ <Documentation>
+ Enable or disable the Group Mode.
+ </Documentation>
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ <Property command="Reset" name="Reset"/>
+ <Property command="BeginSelect" name="BeginSelect"/>
+ <Property command="EndSelect" name="EndSelect"/>
+ <Property command="CreateGroup" name="CreateGroup"/>
+ </RepresentationProxy>
+ </ProxyGroup>
--- /dev/null
+ vtkCADMapper
+ vtkCADRepresentation)
+ CLASSES ${classes})
+ XMLS CADRepresentation.xml)
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MBDebug_HeaderFile\r
+#define MBDebug_HeaderFile\r
+// Usage of the logging facilities:\r
+// (1) At the beginning of each class file to be debugged, there\r
+// should be a static string variable defined with the name\r
+// of the class. Then, include the "MBDebug.h" header file.\r
+// //---------------------------------------------------------\r
+// #define USE_DEBUG\r
+// static const char *dbg_class = "ClassName";\r
+// #include "MBDebug.h"\r
+// //---------------------------------------------------------\r
+// (2) At the beginning of each class method, call the DBG_FUN\r
+// macro.\r
+// int ClassName::MyMethod(int x)\r
+// {\r
+// DBG_FUN();\r
+// ...\r
+// }\r
+// NOTE: For static methods, call the DBG_FUNC() macro!!\r
+//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\r
+// This debugging/logging class is a "header-only" solution and\r
+// does NOT require any additional implementation (.cpp) file!\r
+#include <iostream>\r
+#include <string>\r
+#include <locale>\r
+#include <codecvt>\r
+#include <list>\r
+#include <map>\r
+#include <set>\r
+#include <vector>\r
+#ifndef MB_IGNORE_QT\r
+# include <qstring.h>\r
+// Set the debug flags dependent on the preprocessor definitions\r
+#ifdef USE_DEBUG\r
+# define MBS_DEBUG_FLAG MBDebug::DF_DEBUG\r
+# define MBS_DEBUG_FLAG 0\r
+#endif /*DEBUG*/ \r
+// Define the global debug macros\r
+#define DLOG MBDebug::LogPrint()\r
+#define RETURN(var) { RET(var); return (var); }\r
+#ifdef USE_DEBUG\r
+# define DBG_FUN() MBDebug _dbg(dbg_class, __FUNCTION__, MBS_DBG_FLAGS, (void*)this)\r
+# define DBG_FUNC() MBDebug _dbg(dbg_class, __FUNCTION__, MBS_DBG_FLAGS)\r
+# define DBG_FUNB(blk) MBDebug _dbg(dbg_class, blk, MBS_DBG_FLAGS)\r
+# define MSGEL(txt) MBDebug::LogPrint() << txt << std::endl\r
+# define PRINT(txt) MBDebug::LogPrint() << txt\r
+# define SHOW2(var,typ) DumpVar(#var,(typ)(var))\r
+# define SHOW(var) DumpVar(#var,var)\r
+# define ARG(var) do { PRINT("in:"); DumpVar(#var,var); } while (0)\r
+# define ARG2(var,typ) do { PRINT("in:"); DumpVar(#var,(typ)(var)); } while (0)\r
+# define RET(var) do { PRINT("out:"); DumpVar(#var,var); } while (0)\r
+# define MSG(txt) MBDebug::LogPrint() << txt\r
+#else /*!USE_DEBUG*/ \r
+# define DBG_FUN()\r
+# define DBG_FUNC()\r
+# define DBG_FUNB(blk)\r
+# define MSGEL(txt)\r
+# define PRINT(txt)\r
+# define SHOW2(var,typ)\r
+# define SHOW(var)\r
+# define ARG(var)\r
+# define ARG2(var,typ)\r
+# define RET(var)\r
+# define MSG(txt)\r
+#endif /*USE_DEBUG*/ \r
+// Declare the debugging and profiling class\r
+class MBDebug\r
+ enum {\r
+ DF_NONE = 0x00, // no debug\r
+ DF_DEBUG = 0x01 // debug a function\r
+ };\r
+ MBDebug(const char* aClassName, const char* aFuncName, const short aFlag, void* aThis=NULL)\r
+ :mClassName(aClassName),mFuncName(aFuncName),mThis(aThis),mFlags((unsigned char)aFlag)\r
+ {\r
+ if (mFlags & (DF_DEBUG))\r
+ {\r
+ std::cout << "{ENTER: " << mClassName + "::" + mFuncName;\r
+ if (mThis) std::cout << "(this=" << mThis << ")";\r
+ std::cout << std::endl;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ virtual ~MBDebug()\r
+ {\r
+ if (mFlags & (DF_DEBUG))\r
+ std::cout << "}LEAVE: " << mClassName << "::" << mFuncName << std::endl;\r
+ }\r
+ // Log file output management\r
+ static std::ostream& LogPrint() { return std::cout; }\r
+ std::string mClassName; // Name of class to be debugged\r
+ std::string mFuncName; // Name of function to be debugged\r
+ void* mThis; // The "this" pointer to the class being debugged\r
+ unsigned char mFlags; // Debug mode flags\r
+#define YesNo(b) (b ? "Yes" : "No")\r
+inline std::string w2s(std::wstring ws)\r
+ using convert_typeX = std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;\r
+ std::wstring_convert<convert_typeX, wchar_t> converterX;\r
+ return(converterX.to_bytes(ws));\r
+// Primitive types\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, char value)\r
+ DLOG << "[chr]: " << szName << "='" << value << "'" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, bool value)\r
+ DLOG << "[bool]: " << szName << "=" << (value ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, short value)\r
+ DLOG << "[shrt]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, int value)\r
+ DLOG << "[int]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, long value)\r
+ DLOG << "[long]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, double value)\r
+ DLOG << "[dbl]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned char value)\r
+ DLOG << "[byte]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned short value)\r
+ DLOG << "[word]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned int value)\r
+ DLOG << "[uint]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned long value)\r
+ DLOG << "[dword]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const char* value)\r
+ DLOG << "[str]: " << szName << "=\"" << (value ? value : "") << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::string &value)\r
+ DLOG << "[Str]: " << szName << "=\"" << value << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::wstring &value)\r
+ DLOG << "[WStr]: " << szName << "=\"" << w2s(value) << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+#ifndef MB_IGNORE_QT\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const QString &value)\r
+ DLOG << "[QStr]: " << szName << "=\"" << value.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const void* value)\r
+ DLOG << "[ptr]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+// Collection of primitive types\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::set<int> &values)\r
+ DLOG << "[intSet]: " << szName << "={" << values.size() << "}[";\r
+ bool bFirst = true;\r
+ for (auto it=values.cbegin(); it!=values.cend(); ++it)\r
+ DLOG << (bFirst ? "" : ",") << *it;\r
+ DLOG << "]" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::list<bool>& values)\r
+ DLOG << "[boolList]: " << szName << "={" << values.size() << "}[";\r
+ bool bFirst = true;\r
+ for (auto it=values.cbegin(); it!=values.cend(); ++it)\r
+ DLOG << (bFirst ? "" : ",") << (*it ? "Y" : "N");\r
+ DLOG << "]" << std::endl;\r
+#endif // MBDebug_HeaderFile\r
--- /dev/null
+ CADRepresentations
+ ParaView::RemotingViews
+ VTK::RenderingOpenGL2
+ VTK::CommonDataModel
+ VTK::glew
+ VTK::CommonCore
--- /dev/null
+#include "vtkCADMapper.h"
+#include <vtkCellData.h>
+#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
+#include <vtkOpenGLBufferObject.h>
+#include <vtkOpenGLCellToVTKCellMap.h>
+#include <vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <vtkRenderer.h>
+#include <vtkTextureObject.h>
+#include <vtkSelectionNode.h>
+#define USE_DEBUG
+#define MB_IGNORE_QT
+static const char *dbg_class = "vtkCADMapper";
+#include "MBDebug.h"
+void vtkCADMapper::SetOpacity(vtkIdType cellId, unsigned char opacity)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG2(cellId, long);
+ ARG2(opacity, int);
+ if(this->PrimColors.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (vtkIdType primId : this->CellToPrimMap[cellId])
+ {
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 3] = opacity;
+ }
+void vtkCADMapper::ToggleResetColor(vtkIdType cellId)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG2(cellId, long);
+ if(this->PrimColors.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const int opacity = this->GroupModeEnabled ? 0 : 255;
+ // Retrieve "default" colors
+ unsigned char color[4];
+ this->Colors->GetTypedTuple(cellId, color);
+ for (vtkIdType primId : this->CellToPrimMap[cellId])
+ {
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId] = color[0];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 1] = color[1];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 2] = color[2];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 3] = opacity;
+ }
+void vtkCADMapper::ToggleSelectColor(vtkIdType cellId)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG2(cellId, long);
+ if(this->PrimColors.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto* selectionColors =
+ this->GroupModeEnabled ? this->GroupSelectionColor : this->SelectionColor;
+ const int opacity = this->GroupModeEnabled ? this->SavedCellOpacities[cellId] : 255;
+ for (vtkIdType primId : this->CellToPrimMap[cellId])
+ {
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId] = selectionColors[0];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 1] = selectionColors[1];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 2] = selectionColors[2];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 3] = opacity;
+ }
+void vtkCADMapper::TogglePreselectColor(vtkIdType cellId)
+ // DBG_FUN();
+ // ARG2(cellId, long);
+ if(this->PrimColors.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (vtkIdType primId : this->CellToPrimMap[cellId])
+ {
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId] = this->PreselectionColor[0];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 1] = this->PreselectionColor[1];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 2] = this->PreselectionColor[2];
+ this->PrimColors[4 * primId + 3] = 255;
+ }
+void vtkCADMapper::ForceUpdate()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->Modified();
+ this->NeedUpdate = true;
+void vtkCADMapper::BuildCellTextures(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkActor* vtkNotUsed(actor),
+ vtkCellArray* vtkNotUsed(prims)[4], int vtkNotUsed(representation))
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if (!this->NeedUpdate)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the preselection
+ for (vtkIdType idx :
+ this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(0, 0, this->PreselectedCellId)])
+ {
+ this->TogglePreselectColor(idx);
+ }
+ // Fill OpenGL related buffers
+ if (!this->CellScalarTexture)
+ {
+ this->CellScalarTexture = vtkTextureObject::New();
+ this->CellScalarBuffer = vtkOpenGLBufferObject::New();
+ this->CellScalarBuffer->SetType(vtkOpenGLBufferObject::TextureBuffer);
+ }
+ this->CellScalarTexture->SetContext(static_cast<vtkOpenGLRenderWindow*>(ren->GetVTKWindow()));
+ this->CellScalarBuffer->Upload(this->PrimColors, vtkOpenGLBufferObject::TextureBuffer);
+ this->CellScalarTexture->CreateTextureBuffer(
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(this->PrimColors.size() / 4), 4, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
+ this->CellScalarBuffer);
+ // Reset preselection
+ for (vtkIdType idx :
+ this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(0, 0, this->PreselectedCellId)])
+ {
+ this->ToggleResetColor(idx);
+ }
+ this->NeedUpdate = false;
+void vtkCADMapper::BeginSelect()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ MSGEL("...vtkMapper::BeginSelect()");
+ this->Selecting = true;
+void vtkCADMapper::EndSelect()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ MSGEL("...vtkMapper::EndSelect()");
+ this->Selecting = false;
+void vtkCADMapper::CreateGroup()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->SavedGroups.emplace_back(std::make_pair(this->SelectedIds, this->CurrentArrayName));
+ this->SavedGroupVisibilities.emplace_back(false);
+ this->ResetSelection();
+void vtkCADMapper::SetGroupVisibility(int groupIdx, bool visibility)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(groupIdx);
+ ARG(visibility);
+ if(!this->GroupModeEnabled)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Reconstruct the cache if needed (if a different array for selection by value is choosen)
+ this->BuildSelectionCache(this->SavedGroups[groupIdx].second.c_str(), 0, this->CurrentInput);
+ // Save the group visibility
+ this->SavedGroupVisibilities[groupIdx] = visibility;
+ // Show the selected group
+ for (vtkIdType id : this->SavedGroups[groupIdx].first)
+ {
+ for (vtkIdType idx : this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(0, 0, id)])
+ {
+ if (visibility)
+ {
+ this->ToggleSelectColor(idx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->ToggleResetColor(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ this->SelectedIds.emplace(id);
+ }
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+void vtkCADMapper::SetGroupOpacity(int groupIdx, unsigned char opacity)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(groupIdx);
+ ARG2(opacity, int);
+ if(!this->GroupModeEnabled)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Reconstruct the cache if needed (if a different array for selection by value is choosen)
+ this->BuildSelectionCache(this->SavedGroups[groupIdx].second.c_str(), 0, this->CurrentInput);
+ // Save the opacity of the selected group and update it directly if currently visible
+ for (vtkIdType id : this->SavedGroups[groupIdx].first)
+ {
+ for (vtkIdType idx : this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(0, 0, id)])
+ {
+ this->SavedCellOpacities[idx] = opacity;
+ if(this->SavedGroupVisibilities[groupIdx])
+ {
+ this->SetOpacity(idx, opacity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+void vtkCADMapper::SetGroupModeEnabled(bool enabled)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(enabled);
+ this->GroupModeEnabled = enabled;
+ // Set the group mode colors and opacity and clear the selections
+ this->InitializePrimColors();
+ this->SelectedIds.clear();
+ this->PreselectedCellId = -1;
+ // Show all visible groups
+ for (vtkIdType groupId = 0; groupId < this->SavedGroups.size(); groupId++)
+ {
+ if (this->SavedGroupVisibilities[groupId])
+ {
+ this->SetGroupVisibility(groupId, true);
+ }
+ }
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+void vtkCADMapper::ResetSelection()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ for (vtkIdType id : this->SelectedIds)
+ {
+ for (vtkIdType idx : this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(0, 0, id)])
+ {
+ this->ToggleResetColor(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ this->SelectedIds.clear();
+ this->PreselectedCellId = -1;
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+void vtkCADMapper::Initialize()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ vtkPolyData* input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(this->GetInput());
+ if(!input)
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro("Unable to retrieve input polydata.");
+ return;
+ }
+ vtkCellArray* prims[4];
+ prims[0] = input->GetVerts();
+ prims[1] = input->GetLines();
+ prims[2] = input->GetPolys();
+ prims[3] = input->GetStrips();
+ vtkIdType nbVerts = input->GetNumberOfVerts();
+ vtkIdType nbLines = input->GetNumberOfLines();
+ vtkIdType nbPolys = input->GetNumberOfPolys();
+ SHOW2(nbVerts, long);
+ SHOW2(nbLines, long);
+ SHOW2(nbPolys, long);
+ // Store the mapping from OpenGL primitives to VTK cells
+ this->CellCellMap->BuildCellSupportArrays(prims, VTK_SURFACE, input->GetPoints());
+ // Create the mapping from VTK cells to OpenGL primitives (inverse of CellCellMap)
+ this->CellToPrimMap.clear();
+ this->CellToPrimMap.resize(nbVerts + nbLines + nbPolys);
+ for (auto& v : this->CellToPrimMap)
+ {
+ // heuristic : for performances, we assume that we will have at most 10 primitives per cell
+ // it's just a reserve, the algorithm will still works if there is more primitives
+ v.reserve(10);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->CellCellMap->GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ this->CellToPrimMap[this->CellCellMap->GetValue(i)].push_back(i);
+ }
+ // Reset the default colors for all VTK cells
+ if (vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast(input->GetCellData()->GetArray("RGB")))
+ {
+ input->GetCellData()->RemoveArray("RGB");
+ }
+ vtkNew<vtkUnsignedCharArray> colorArray;
+ colorArray->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
+ colorArray->SetNumberOfTuples(nbVerts + nbLines + nbPolys);
+ colorArray->SetName("RGB");
+ input->GetCellData()->SetScalars(colorArray);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbVerts; i++)
+ {
+ colorArray->SetTypedTuple(i, this->VertexColor);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbLines; i++)
+ {
+ colorArray->SetTypedTuple(nbVerts + i, this->EdgeColor);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbPolys; i++)
+ {
+ colorArray->SetTypedTuple(nbVerts + nbLines + i, this->FaceColor);
+ }
+ // Initialize the primitive colors from the created color array
+ this->InitializePrimColors();
+ // Clear saved group visibilities
+ this->SavedGroupVisibilities.clear();
+ // Initialize saved cell opacities
+ this->SavedCellOpacities.clear();
+ this->SavedCellOpacities.resize(nbVerts + nbLines + nbPolys, 255);
+ // Reset texture and selection
+ if (this->CellScalarTexture)
+ {
+ this->CellScalarTexture->Delete();
+ this->CellScalarTexture = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (this->CellScalarBuffer)
+ {
+ this->CellScalarBuffer->Delete();
+ this->CellScalarBuffer = nullptr;
+ }
+ this->SelectedIds.clear();
+ this->PreselectedCellId = -1;
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+void vtkCADMapper::InitializePrimColors()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ vtkPolyData* input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(this->GetInput());
+ if(!input)
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro("Unable to retrieve input polydata.");
+ return;
+ }
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray* colorArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast(input->GetCellData()->GetAbstractArray("RGB"));
+ if(!colorArray)
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro("Unable to retrieve the input color array.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Map the VTK cell color values to the OpenGL primitives color values
+ unsigned char* colorPtr = colorArray->GetPointer(0);
+ const int opacity = this->GroupModeEnabled ? 0 : 255;
+ this->PrimColors.clear();
+ this->PrimColors.reserve(4 * this->CellCellMap->GetSize());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->CellCellMap->GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ this->PrimColors.push_back(colorPtr[this->CellCellMap->GetValue(i) * 3 + j]);
+ }
+ this->PrimColors.push_back(opacity);
+ }
+void vtkCADMapper::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+void vtkCADMapper::AddCellIdsToSelectionPrimitives(vtkPolyData* poly, const char* arrayName,
+ unsigned int processId, unsigned int compositeIndex, vtkIdType selectedId)
+ MSGEL("...vtkCADMapper::AddCellIdsToSelectionPrimitives(array=" << (arrayName ? arrayName : "") << ", procId=" << processId << ", compIdx=" << compositeIndex << ", selId=" << (int)selectedId << ")");
+ // DBG_FUN();
+ // ARG(arrayName);
+ // ARG(processId);
+ // ARG(compositeIndex);
+ // ARG2(selectedId, long);
+ this->BuildSelectionCache(arrayName, false, poly);
+ this->CurrentArrayName = arrayName;
+ // If we are selecting an already selected cell, remove it
+ auto idIterator = this->SelectedIds.find(selectedId);
+ if (idIterator != this->SelectedIds.end())
+ {
+ if (!this->Selecting)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (vtkIdType idx :
+ this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(processId, compositeIndex, selectedId)])
+ {
+ this->ToggleResetColor(idx);
+ }
+ this->SelectedIds.erase(idIterator);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this->Selecting)
+ {
+ if (this->PreselectedCellId == selectedId)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ this->PreselectedCellId = selectedId;
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->PreselectedCellId = -1;
+ for (vtkIdType idx :
+ this->SelectionCache[std::make_tuple(processId, compositeIndex, selectedId)])
+ {
+ this->ToggleSelectColor(idx);
+ }
+ this->SelectedIds.emplace(selectedId);
+ this->ForceUpdate();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef vtkCADMapper_h
+#define vtkCADMapper_h
+#include "CADRepresentationsModule.h" // for export macro
+#include <vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+class CADREPRESENTATIONS_EXPORT vtkCADMapper : public vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper
+ static vtkCADMapper* New();
+ vtkTypeMacro(vtkCADMapper, vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper);
+ void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
+ /**
+ * Set the opacity value for the given VTK cell.
+ */
+ void SetOpacity(vtkIdType id, unsigned char opacity);
+ /**
+ * Set the reset color value for the given VTK cell.
+ */
+ void ToggleResetColor(vtkIdType id);
+ /**
+ * Set the select color value for the given VTK cell.
+ */
+ void ToggleSelectColor(vtkIdType id);
+ /**
+ * Set the preselect color value for the given VTK cell.
+ */
+ void TogglePreselectColor(vtkIdType id);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the map between the VTK cells and OpenGL primitives.
+ * Initialize also the colors of the primitives using this map
+ * and the defined colors (Face/Vertex/Edge colors)
+ */
+ void Initialize();
+ /**
+ * Force BuildCellTextures to execute for the next rendering step.
+ */
+ void ForceUpdate();
+ ///@{
+ /**
+ * Mark the begining and the end of the selection.
+ */
+ void BeginSelect();
+ void EndSelect();
+ ///@}
+ /**
+ * Create a new selection group, and reset the selection.
+ */
+ void CreateGroup();
+ /**
+ * If in group mode, set the visibility of the given selection group.
+ */
+ void SetGroupVisibility(int groupIdx, bool visibility);
+ /**
+ * If in group mode, set the opacity of the given selection group.
+ */
+ void SetGroupOpacity(int groupIdx, unsigned char opacity);
+ /**
+ * Enable/disable the Group Mode. In this mode, you visualize
+ * groups you saved (with the CreateGroup function). Only one
+ * group can be displayed at a time.
+ */
+ void SetGroupModeEnabled(bool enabled);
+ /**
+ * Reset the current selection.
+ */
+ void ResetSelection();
+ vtkCADMapper() = default;
+ ~vtkCADMapper() = default;
+ /**
+ * Called each time a render pass is done. Pushes the primitive colors (PrimColors)
+ * on the OpenGL side.
+ */
+ void BuildCellTextures(
+ vtkRenderer* ren, vtkActor* actor, vtkCellArray* prims[4], int representation) override;
+ vtkCADMapper(const vtkCADMapper&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const vtkCADMapper&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * Called during the render pass if the mapper's selection (vtkSelection) changed.
+ * - Save the preselected id in order to render pre-selection when BuildCellTextures is called
+ * - If a new selected id is furnished, add it to the SelectedId cache and toggle
+ * the selection color for the corresponding vtkCell ids using the SelectionCache map.
+ *
+ * Selected / preselected ids are values of the data array (arrayName), which allow to
+ * map geometry elements to their vtkCell counterparts. This mapping is stored in the
+ * SelectionCache map.
+ */
+ void AddCellIdsToSelectionPrimitives(vtkPolyData* poly, const char* arrayName,
+ unsigned int processId, unsigned int compositeIndex, vtkIdType selectedId) override;
+ /**
+ * Initialise the primitive colors using color array stored in the input polydata.
+ * Also initialize the opacity values (depending on current mode).
+ */
+ void InitializePrimColors();
+ // VTK cells to OpenGL primitives map
+ std::vector<std::vector<vtkIdType>> CellToPrimMap;
+ // Store the currenly selected ids (array values)
+ std::set<vtkIdType> SelectedIds;
+ // Store all the saved selection groups and their respective array name
+ // (type of cell to select)
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::set<vtkIdType>, std::string>> SavedGroups;
+ // OpenGL primitives color, used in the BuildCellTextures method.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> PrimColors;
+ // Store the current preselected id (array value)
+ vtkIdType PreselectedCellId = -1;
+ bool NeedUpdate = false;
+ bool Selecting = false;
+ std::string CurrentArrayName;
+ bool GroupModeEnabled = false;
+ std::vector<bool> SavedGroupVisibilities;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> SavedCellOpacities;
+ const unsigned char FaceColor[3] = { 255, 255, 255 };
+ const unsigned char EdgeColor[3] = { 0, 255, 0 };
+ const unsigned char VertexColor[3] = { 255, 128, 0 };
+ const unsigned char PreselectionColor[3] = { 0, 0, 255 };
+ const unsigned char SelectionColor[3] = { 255, 0, 0 };
+ const unsigned char GroupSelectionColor[3] = { 0, 255, 255 };
--- /dev/null
+#include "vtkCADMapper.h"
+#include "vtkCADRepresentation.h"
+#include <vtkActor.h>
+#include <vtkCellData.h>
+#include <vtkDataObject.h>
+#include <vtkInformation.h>
+#include <vtkInformationVector.h>
+#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkPVRenderView.h>
+#include <vtkPVView.h>
+#include <vtkRenderer.h>
+#include <vtkSelection.h>
+#include <vtkMultiProcessController.h>
+#include <vtkAlgorithmOutput.h>
+#include <vtkSMSession.h>
+#include <vtkProcessModule.h>
+#include <vtkSelectionNode.h>
+#define USE_DEBUG
+#define MB_IGNORE_QT
+static const char *dbg_class = "vtkCADRepresentation";
+#include "MBDebug.h"
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->Actor->SetMapper(this->Mapper);
+ vtkNew<vtkSelection> sel;
+ this->Mapper->SetSelection(sel);
+ this->SetArrayIdNames(nullptr, nullptr);
+int vtkCADRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest(vtkInformationRequestKey* request_type, vtkInformation* inInfo,
+ vtkInformation* outInfo)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if (!this->Superclass::ProcessViewRequest(request_type, inInfo, outInfo))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (request_type == vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE())
+ {
+ MSGEL("....vtkCADRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest(REQUEST_UPDATE)");
+ vtkPVRenderView::SetPiece(inInfo, this, this->PolyData);
+ vtkPVRenderView::SetGeometryBounds(inInfo, this, this->PolyData->GetBounds());
+ }
+ else if (request_type == vtkPVView::REQUEST_RENDER())
+ {
+ MSGEL("....vtkCADRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest(REQUEST_RENDER)");
+ vtkAlgorithmOutput* producerPort = vtkPVRenderView::GetPieceProducer(inInfo, this);
+ this->Mapper->SetInputConnection(producerPort);
+ if(!this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->Initialize();
+ this->IsInitialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+void vtkCADRepresentation::SetVisibility(bool value)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(value);
+ this->Superclass::SetVisibility(value);
+ this->Actor->SetVisibility(value);
+void vtkCADRepresentation::BeginSelect()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->BeginSelect();
+ }
+void vtkCADRepresentation::EndSelect()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->EndSelect();
+ }
+void vtkCADRepresentation::CreateGroup()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->CreateGroup();
+ }
+void vtkCADRepresentation::SetGroupVisibility(int groupIdx, bool visibility)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(groupIdx);
+ ARG(visibility);
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->SetGroupVisibility(groupIdx, visibility);
+ }
+void vtkCADRepresentation::SetGroupOpacity(int groupIdx, unsigned char opacity)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(groupIdx);
+ ARG2(opacity, int);
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->SetGroupOpacity(groupIdx, opacity);
+ }
+void vtkCADRepresentation::SetGroupModeEnabled(bool enabled)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(enabled);
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->SetGroupModeEnabled(enabled);
+ }
+void vtkCADRepresentation::Reset()
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if(this->IsInitialized)
+ {
+ this->Mapper->ResetSelection();
+ }
+int vtkCADRepresentation::FillInputPortInformation(int vtkNotUsed(port), vtkInformation* info)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkPolyData");
+ // Saying INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL() is essential, since representations don't have
+ // any inputs on client-side (in client-server, client-render-server mode) and
+ // render-server-side (in client-render-server mode).
+ info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 1);
+ return 1;
+int vtkCADRepresentation::RequestData(
+ vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ if (inputVector[0]->GetNumberOfInformationObjects() == 1)
+ {
+ MSGEL("....for a SINGLE info object");
+ vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
+ vtkPolyData* polyData = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
+ this->PolyData->ShallowCopy(polyData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->PolyData->Initialize();
+ }
+ return this->Superclass::RequestData(request, inputVector, outputVector);
+bool vtkCADRepresentation::AddToView(vtkView* view)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ vtkPVRenderView* rview = vtkPVRenderView::SafeDownCast(view);
+ if (rview)
+ {
+ MSGEL("....Renderer->AddActor()");
+ rview->GetRenderer()->AddActor(this->Actor);
+ // Indicate that this is prop that we are rendering when hardware selection
+ // is enabled.
+ rview->RegisterPropForHardwareSelection(this, this->Actor);
+ return this->Superclass::AddToView(view);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool vtkCADRepresentation::RemoveFromView(vtkView* view)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ vtkPVRenderView* rview = vtkPVRenderView::SafeDownCast(view);
+ if (rview)
+ {
+ rview->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor(this->Actor);
+ rview->UnRegisterPropForHardwareSelection(this, this->Actor);
+ return this->Superclass::RemoveFromView(view);
+ }
+ return false;
+void vtkCADRepresentation::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+void vtkCADRepresentation::SetSelectionConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput* input)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ // Copied from vtkCompositeRepresentation
+ if (!input)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ vtkMultiProcessController* controller = vtkMultiProcessController::GetGlobalController();
+ int numPiece = controller->GetNumberOfProcesses();
+ int piece = controller->GetLocalProcessId();
+ input->GetProducer()->UpdatePiece(piece, numPiece, 0);
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSelection> sel;
+ int actualNbPieces = numPiece;
+ vtkSMSession* session =
+ vtkSMSession::SafeDownCast(vtkProcessModule::GetProcessModule()->GetSession());
+ if (session)
+ {
+ actualNbPieces = session->GetNumberOfProcesses(vtkPVSession::DATA_SERVER);
+ }
+ // in order to handle the case where we are connected to a parallel server using
+ // local rendering, we have to compare the number of processes here
+ if (numPiece < actualNbPieces && piece == 0)
+ {
+ vtkSelection* localSel =
+ vtkSelection::SafeDownCast(input->GetProducer()->GetOutputDataObject(0));
+ sel = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSelection>::New();
+ sel->ShallowCopy(localSel);
+ for (int i = 1; i < actualNbPieces; i++)
+ {
+ input->GetProducer()->UpdatePiece(i, actualNbPieces, 0);
+ localSel = vtkSelection::SafeDownCast(input->GetProducer()->GetOutputDataObject(0));
+ if (localSel->GetNumberOfNodes() > 1)
+ {
+ vtkWarningMacro("Only the first node of a selection will be considered.");
+ }
+ vtkSelectionNode* node = localSel->GetNode(0);
+ node->GetProperties()->Set(vtkSelectionNode::PROCESS_ID(), i);
+ sel->AddNode(localSel->GetNode(0));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sel = vtkSelection::SafeDownCast(input->GetProducer()->GetOutputDataObject(0));
+ if (sel->GetNumberOfNodes() > 1)
+ {
+ vtkWarningMacro("Only the first node of a selection will be considered.");
+ }
+ sel->GetNode(0)->GetProperties()->Set(vtkSelectionNode::PROCESS_ID(), piece);
+ }
+ this->Mapper->GetSelection()->ShallowCopy(sel);
+void vtkCADRepresentation::SetArrayIdNames(const char* pointArray, const char* cellArray)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(pointArray);
+ ARG(cellArray);
+ vtkCADMapper* mapper = vtkCADMapper::SafeDownCast(this->Mapper);
+ mapper->SetPointIdArrayName(pointArray ? pointArray : "vtkOriginalPointIds");
+ mapper->SetCellIdArrayName(cellArray ? cellArray : "vtkOriginalCellIds");
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef vtkCADRepresentation_h
+#define vtkCADRepresentation_h
+#include "CADRepresentationsModule.h" // for export macro
+#include <vtkPVDataRepresentation.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+class vtkActor;
+class vtkCADMapper;
+enum SelectionType : unsigned char
+ GeometrySolids = 0,
+ GeometryVertices,
+ GeometryEdges,
+ GeometryFaces,
+ SelectionTypeCount
+ : public vtkPVDataRepresentation
+ static vtkCADRepresentation* New();
+ vtkTypeMacro(vtkCADRepresentation, vtkPVDataRepresentation);
+ void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
+ int ProcessViewRequest(vtkInformationRequestKey* request_type, vtkInformation* inInfo,
+ vtkInformation* outInfo) override;
+ /**
+ * Set the pre-configured selection source for making the selection.
+ * The vtkSelection is obtained internally and forwarded to the mapper
+ */
+ void SetSelectionConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput* input);
+ /**
+ * Set the visibility of the rendered actor.
+ */
+ void SetVisibility(bool val) override;
+ void Reset();
+ void BeginSelect();
+ void EndSelect();
+ /**
+ * Create a new selection group, and reset the selection.
+ * Forwarded to the mapper.
+ */
+ void CreateGroup();
+ /**
+ * If in group mode, set the visibility of the given selection group.
+ * Forwarded to the mapper.
+ */
+ void SetGroupVisibility(int groupIdx, bool visibility);
+ /**
+ * If in group mode, set the opacity of the given selection group.
+ * Forwarded to the mapper.
+ */
+ void SetGroupOpacity(int groupIdx, unsigned char opacity);
+ /**
+ * Enable/disable the Group Mode. In this mode, you visualize
+ * groups you saved (with the CreateGroup function). Only one
+ * group can be displayed at a time.
+ * Forwarded to the mapper.
+ */
+ void SetGroupModeEnabled(bool enabled);
+ /**
+ * Add a shape to the list of selected shapes that will
+ * be modified by setOpacity / toggleColor functions
+ * (for debugging purposes).
+ */
+ void AddShape(vtkIdType groupId, vtkIdType cellId);
+ void SetArrayIdNames(const char* pointArray, const char* cellArray) override;
+ vtkCADRepresentation();
+ ~vtkCADRepresentation() = default;
+ int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info) override;
+ int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
+ bool AddToView(vtkView* view) override;
+ bool RemoveFromView(vtkView* view) override;
+ bool IsInitialized = false;
+ vtkNew<vtkActor> Actor;
+ vtkNew<vtkCADMapper> Mapper;
+ vtkNew<vtkPolyData> PolyData;
+ vtkCADRepresentation(const vtkCADRepresentation&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const vtkCADRepresentation&) = delete;
+#endif // vtkCADRepresentation_h
--- /dev/null
+ VERSION "1.0"
+ MODULES CADRepresentations
+ MODULE_FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CADRepresentations/vtk.module"
--- /dev/null
+ CADRepresentation
+ CADViewer plugin providing representations.
+ ParaView::RemotingViews
+ VTK::CommonCore
+ VTK::CommonDataModel
+ VTK::RenderingOpenGL2
--- /dev/null
+ <ProxyGroup name="sources">
+ <SourceProxy name="GeometryGenerator" class="vtkGeometryGenerator">
+ <IntVectorProperty
+ name="EdgeSubdivision"
+ command="SetEdgeSubdivision"
+ number_of_elements="1"
+ default_values="5" >
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ <IntVectorProperty
+ name="NumberOfSolids"
+ command="SetNumberOfSolids"
+ number_of_elements="1"
+ default_values="100" >
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ </SourceProxy>
+ <!--
+ <SourceProxy name="ShapeSource" class="vtkShapeSource">
+ <IntVectorProperty
+ name="NumberOfSolids"
+ command="SetNumberOfSolids"
+ number_of_elements="1"
+ default_values="10" >
+ </IntVectorProperty>
+ </SourceProxy>
+ </ProxyGroup>
+ <ProxyGroup name="filters">
+ <SourceProxy name="MeshGenerator" class="vtkMeshGenerator">
+ <InputProperty
+ name="Input"
+ command="SetInputConnection">
+ <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
+ <DataType value="vtkPolyData"/>
+ </DataTypeDomain>
+ </InputProperty>
+ </SourceProxy>
+ -->
+ </ProxyGroup>
--- /dev/null
+ vtkGeometryGenerator
+ vtkMeshGenerator)
+ CLASSES ${classes})
+ XMLS CADSource.xml)
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MBDebug_HeaderFile\r
+#define MBDebug_HeaderFile\r
+// Usage of the logging facilities:\r
+// (1) At the beginning of each class file to be debugged, there\r
+// should be a static string variable defined with the name\r
+// of the class. Then, include the "MBDebug.h" header file.\r
+// //---------------------------------------------------------\r
+// #define USE_DEBUG\r
+// //#define MB_IGNORE_QT\r
+// #define MB_CLASSNAME "ClassName"\r
+// #include "MBDebug.h"\r
+// //---------------------------------------------------------\r
+// (2) At the beginning of each class method, call the DBG_FUN\r
+// macro.\r
+// int ClassName::MyMethod(int x)\r
+// {\r
+// DBG_FUN();\r
+// ...\r
+// }\r
+// NOTE: For static methods, call the DBG_FUNC() macro!!\r
+//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\r
+// This debugging/logging class is a "header-only" solution and\r
+// does NOT require any additional implementation (.cpp) file!\r
+#include <iostream>\r
+#include <string>\r
+#include <locale>\r
+#include <codecvt>\r
+#include <list>\r
+#include <map>\r
+#include <set>\r
+#include <vector>\r
+#ifndef MB_IGNORE_QT\r
+# include <qstring.h>\r
+// Set the debug flags dependent on the preprocessor definitions\r
+#ifdef USE_DEBUG\r
+# define MBS_DEBUG_FLAG MBDebug::DF_DEBUG\r
+# define MBS_DEBUG_FLAG 0\r
+#endif /*DEBUG*/ \r
+// Define the global debug macros\r
+#define DLOG MBDebug::LogPrint()\r
+#define RETURN(var) { RET(var); return (var); }\r
+#ifdef USE_DEBUG\r
+# define DBG_FUN() MBDebug _dbg(MB_CLASSNAME, __FUNCTION__, MBS_DBG_FLAGS, (void*)this)\r
+# define DBG_FUNB(blk) MBDebug _dbg(MB_CLASSNAME, blk, MBS_DBG_FLAGS)\r
+# define MSGEL(txt) MBDebug::LogPrint() << txt << std::endl\r
+# define PRINT(txt) MBDebug::LogPrint() << txt\r
+# define SHOW2(var,typ) DumpVar(#var,(typ)(var))\r
+# define SHOW(var) DumpVar(#var,var)\r
+# define ARG(var) do { PRINT("in:"); DumpVar(#var,var); } while (0)\r
+# define ARG2(var,typ) do { PRINT("in:"); DumpVar(#var,(typ)(var)); } while (0)\r
+# define RET(var) do { PRINT("out:"); DumpVar(#var,var); } while (0)\r
+# define MSG(txt) MBDebug::LogPrint() << txt\r
+#else /*!USE_DEBUG*/ \r
+# define DBG_FUN()\r
+# define DBG_FUNC()\r
+# define DBG_FUNB(blk)\r
+# define MSGEL(txt)\r
+# define PRINT(txt)\r
+# define SHOW2(var,typ)\r
+# define SHOW(var)\r
+# define ARG(var)\r
+# define ARG2(var,typ)\r
+# define RET(var)\r
+# define MSG(txt)\r
+#endif /*USE_DEBUG*/ \r
+// Declare the debugging and profiling class\r
+class MBDebug\r
+ enum {\r
+ DF_NONE = 0x00, // no debug\r
+ DF_DEBUG = 0x01 // debug a function\r
+ };\r
+ MBDebug(const char* aClassName, const char* aFuncName, const short aFlag, void* aThis=NULL)\r
+ :mClassName(aClassName),mFuncName(aFuncName),mThis(aThis),mFlags((unsigned char)aFlag)\r
+ {\r
+ if (mFlags & (DF_DEBUG))\r
+ {\r
+ std::cout << "{ENTER: " << mClassName + "::" + mFuncName;\r
+ if (mThis) std::cout << "(this=" << mThis << ")";\r
+ std::cout << std::endl;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ virtual ~MBDebug()\r
+ {\r
+ if (mFlags & (DF_DEBUG))\r
+ std::cout << "}LEAVE: " << mClassName << "::" << mFuncName << std::endl;\r
+ }\r
+ // Log file output management\r
+ static std::ostream& LogPrint() { return std::cout; }\r
+ std::string mClassName; // Name of class to be debugged\r
+ std::string mFuncName; // Name of function to be debugged\r
+ void* mThis; // The "this" pointer to the class being debugged\r
+ unsigned char mFlags; // Debug mode flags\r
+#define YesNo(b) (b ? "Yes" : "No")\r
+inline std::string w2s(std::wstring ws)\r
+ using convert_typeX = std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;\r
+ std::wstring_convert<convert_typeX, wchar_t> converterX;\r
+ return(converterX.to_bytes(ws));\r
+// Primitive types\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, char value)\r
+ DLOG << "[chr]: " << szName << "='" << value << "'" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, bool value)\r
+ DLOG << "[bool]: " << szName << "=" << (value ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, short value)\r
+ DLOG << "[shrt]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, int value)\r
+ DLOG << "[int]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, long value)\r
+ DLOG << "[long]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, double value)\r
+ DLOG << "[dbl]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned char value)\r
+ DLOG << "[byte]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned short value)\r
+ DLOG << "[word]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned int value)\r
+ DLOG << "[uint]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, unsigned long value)\r
+ DLOG << "[dword]: " << szName << "=0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const char* value)\r
+ DLOG << "[str]: " << szName << "=\"" << (value ? value : "") << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::string &value)\r
+ DLOG << "[Str]: " << szName << "=\"" << value << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::wstring &value)\r
+ DLOG << "[WStr]: " << szName << "=\"" << w2s(value) << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+#ifndef MB_IGNORE_QT\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const QString &value)\r
+ DLOG << "[QStr]: " << szName << "=\"" << value.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const void* value)\r
+ DLOG << "[ptr]: " << szName << "=" << value << std::endl;\r
+// Collection of primitive types\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::set<int> &values)\r
+ DLOG << "[intSet]: " << szName << "={" << values.size() << "}[";\r
+ bool bFirst = true;\r
+ for (auto it=values.cbegin(); it!=values.cend(); ++it)\r
+ DLOG << (bFirst ? "" : ",") << *it;\r
+ DLOG << "]" << std::endl;\r
+inline void DumpVar(const char *szName, const std::list<bool>& values)\r
+ DLOG << "[boolList]: " << szName << "={" << values.size() << "}[";\r
+ bool bFirst = true;\r
+ for (auto it=values.cbegin(); it!=values.cend(); ++it)\r
+ DLOG << (bFirst ? "" : ",") << (*it ? "Y" : "N");\r
+ DLOG << "]" << std::endl;\r
+#endif // MBDebug_HeaderFile\r
--- /dev/null
+ CADSources
+ VTK::FiltersCore
+ VTK::CommonCore
+ VTK::CommonExecutionModel
--- /dev/null
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkGeometryGenerator.cxx
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+#include "vtkGeometryGenerator.h"
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkCellData.h>
+#include <vtkIdTypeArray.h>
+#include <vtkInformation.h>
+#include <vtkInformationVector.h>
+#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
+#include <vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cfenv>
+#define USE_DEBUG
+#define MB_IGNORE_QT
+#define MB_CLASSNAME "vtkGeometryGenerator"
+#include "MBDebug.h"
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0);
+void vtkGeometryGenerator::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+int vtkGeometryGenerator::RequestData(vtkInformation* vtkNotUsed(request),
+ vtkInformationVector** vtkNotUsed(inputVector), vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ // get the output
+ vtkPolyData* output = vtkPolyData::GetData(outputVector);
+ unsigned int nbPoints = 8 // cube points
+ + 12 * (this->EdgeSubdivision - 1) // additional points on edges
+ + 6 * (this->EdgeSubdivision - 1) * (this->EdgeSubdivision - 1) // additional points on faces
+ ;
+ unsigned int nbLines = 12;
+ unsigned int nbPointsPerLine = this->EdgeSubdivision + 1;
+ unsigned int sizeLines = nbLines * (nbPointsPerLine + 1);
+ unsigned int nbQuads = 6 * this->EdgeSubdivision * this->EdgeSubdivision;
+ unsigned int sizeQuads = nbQuads * 5;
+ SHOW2(nbPoints, int); SHOW2(nbLines, int); SHOW2(nbQuads, int);
+ vtkNew<vtkPoints> points;
+ points->Allocate(this->NumberOfSolids * nbPoints);
+ vtkNew<vtkCellArray> vertices;
+ vertices->Allocate(this->NumberOfSolids * 8 * 2);
+ vtkNew<vtkCellArray> lines;
+ lines->Allocate(this->NumberOfSolids * sizeLines);
+ vtkNew<vtkCellArray> quads;
+ quads->Allocate(this->NumberOfSolids * sizeQuads);
+ unsigned int totalCells = this->NumberOfSolids * (8 + 12 + nbQuads);
+ vtkNew<vtkIdTypeArray> solidIdArray;
+ solidIdArray->SetName("Solid id");
+ solidIdArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ solidIdArray->Allocate(totalCells);
+ vtkNew<vtkIdTypeArray> faceIdArray;
+ faceIdArray->SetName("Face id");
+ faceIdArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ faceIdArray->Allocate(totalCells);
+ vtkNew<vtkIdTypeArray> edgeIdArray;
+ edgeIdArray->SetName("Edge id");
+ edgeIdArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ edgeIdArray->Allocate(totalCells);
+ vtkNew<vtkIdTypeArray> vertexIdArray;
+ vertexIdArray->SetName("Vertex id");
+ vertexIdArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ vertexIdArray->Allocate(totalCells);
+ int sizeRow;
+ int save_round = std::fegetround();
+ std::fesetround(FE_UPWARD);
+ sizeRow = std::lrint(std::cbrt(this->NumberOfSolids) - 1e-10);
+ std::fesetround(save_round);
+ // edge ids
+ std::array<std::vector<vtkIdType>, 12> edgesIds;
+ for (std::vector<vtkIdType>& v : edgesIds)
+ {
+ v.resize(this->EdgeSubdivision + 1);
+ }
+ // quads ids
+ std::array<std::vector<vtkIdType>, 6> quadsIds;
+ for (std::vector<vtkIdType>& v : quadsIds)
+ {
+ v.resize((this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1));
+ }
+ // cube creation
+ const double cubeLen = 0.5;
+ const double cubeSpacing = 1.0;
+ const double edgeLen = cubeLen / static_cast<double>(this->EdgeSubdivision);
+ unsigned int currentIndex = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfSolids; i++)
+ {
+ double x = cubeSpacing * (i % sizeRow);
+ double y = cubeSpacing * ((i / sizeRow) % sizeRow);
+ double z = cubeSpacing * (i / (sizeRow * sizeRow));
+ // create vertices
+ std::array<vtkIdType, 8> verticesIds;
+ auto addPoint = [&](int id, double px, double py, double pz) {
+ verticesIds[id] = points->InsertNextPoint(px, py, pz);
+ vertices->InsertNextCell(1, &verticesIds[id]);
+ };
+ addPoint(0, x, y, z);
+ addPoint(1, x + cubeLen, y, z);
+ addPoint(2, x, y + cubeLen, z);
+ addPoint(3, x + cubeLen, y + cubeLen, z);
+ addPoint(4, x, y, z + cubeLen);
+ addPoint(5, x + cubeLen, y, z + cubeLen);
+ addPoint(6, x, y + cubeLen, z + cubeLen);
+ addPoint(7, x + cubeLen, y + cubeLen, z + cubeLen);
+ // create edges
+ auto addEdge = [&](int id, unsigned int vId1, unsigned int vId2, int comp) {
+ edgesIds[id][0] = verticesIds[vId1];
+ edgesIds[id][this->EdgeSubdivision] = verticesIds[vId2];
+ double p[3]; // position of starting point
+ points->GetPoint(verticesIds[vId1], p);
+ for (unsigned int j = 1; j < this->EdgeSubdivision; j++)
+ {
+ p[comp] += edgeLen;
+ edgesIds[id][j] = points->InsertNextPoint(p);
+ }
+ lines->InsertNextCell(this->EdgeSubdivision + 1, edgesIds[id].data());
+ };
+ addEdge(0, 0, 1, 0);
+ addEdge(1, 1, 3, 1);
+ addEdge(2, 2, 3, 0);
+ addEdge(3, 0, 2, 1);
+ addEdge(4, 4, 5, 0);
+ addEdge(5, 4, 6, 1);
+ addEdge(6, 6, 7, 0);
+ addEdge(7, 5, 7, 1);
+ addEdge(8, 0, 4, 2);
+ addEdge(9, 1, 5, 2);
+ addEdge(10, 3, 7, 2);
+ addEdge(11, 2, 6, 2);
+ // create faces
+ auto addFace = [&](int id, unsigned int eId1, unsigned int eId2, unsigned int eId3,
+ unsigned int eId4, int compU, int compV, bool orientU, bool orientV) {
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < this->EdgeSubdivision + 1; j++)
+ {
+ // vertices will be written two times (for each edges) but it should be the same
+ int uid = orientU ? j : this->EdgeSubdivision - j;
+ int vid = orientV ? j : this->EdgeSubdivision - j;
+ quadsIds[id][j] = edgesIds[eId1][uid];
+ quadsIds[id][j + this->EdgeSubdivision * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1)] = edgesIds[eId2][uid];
+ quadsIds[id][j * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1)] = edgesIds[eId3][vid];
+ quadsIds[id][(j + 1) * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) - 1] = edgesIds[eId4][vid];
+ }
+ // create internal points
+ double p[3]; // position of starting corner
+ points->GetPoint(edgesIds[eId1][orientU ? 0 : this->EdgeSubdivision], p);
+ double v = p[compV];
+ for (unsigned int j = 1; j < this->EdgeSubdivision; j++)
+ {
+ p[compU] += orientV ? edgeLen : -edgeLen;
+ p[compV] = v;
+ for (unsigned int k = 1; k < this->EdgeSubdivision; k++)
+ {
+ p[compV] += orientU ? edgeLen : -edgeLen;
+ quadsIds[id][j * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) + k] = points->InsertNextPoint(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // link internal points
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < this->EdgeSubdivision; j++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < this->EdgeSubdivision; k++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType q[4] = { quadsIds[id][j * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) + k],
+ quadsIds[id][(j + 1) * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) + k],
+ quadsIds[id][(j + 1) * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) + k + 1],
+ quadsIds[id][j * (this->EdgeSubdivision + 1) + k + 1] };
+ quads->InsertNextCell(4, q);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ addFace(0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, true, true);
+ addFace(1, 9, 10, 1, 7, 1, 2, true, true);
+ addFace(2, 4, 6, 7, 5, 1, 0, false, true);
+ addFace(3, 8, 11, 5, 3, 1, 2, false, true);
+ addFace(4, 4, 0, 8, 9, 2, 0, true, false);
+ addFace(5, 2, 6, 11, 10, 2, 0, true, true);
+ }
+ // noId indicates that no specific ID is assigned.
+ // -2 is used to avoid conflict with existing IDs as well as with preselection
+ vtkIdType noId = -2;
+ // add vertex ids
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfSolids; i++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType sId = i + 1;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType id = 8 * i + j + 1;
+ solidIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&sId);
+ faceIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&noId);
+ edgeIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&noId);
+ vertexIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&id);
+ }
+ }
+ // add edges ids
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfSolids; i++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType sId = i + 1;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType id = 12 * i + j + 1;
+ solidIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&sId);
+ faceIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&noId);
+ edgeIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&id);
+ vertexIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&noId);
+ }
+ }
+ // add faces ids
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfSolids; i++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType sId = i + 1;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+ {
+ vtkIdType id = 6 * i + j + 1;
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < this->EdgeSubdivision * this->EdgeSubdivision; k++)
+ {
+ solidIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&sId);
+ faceIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&id);
+ edgeIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&noId);
+ vertexIdArray->InsertNextTypedTuple(&noId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SHOW2(points->GetNumberOfPoints(), long);
+ SHOW2(vertices->GetNumberOfCells(), long);
+ SHOW2(lines->GetNumberOfCells(), long);
+ SHOW2(quads->GetNumberOfCells(), long);
+ output->SetPoints(points);
+ output->SetVerts(vertices);
+ output->SetLines(lines);
+ output->SetPolys(quads);
+ output->GetCellData()->AddArray(solidIdArray);
+ output->GetCellData()->AddArray(faceIdArray);
+ output->GetCellData()->AddArray(edgeIdArray);
+ output->GetCellData()->AddArray(vertexIdArray);
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkGeometryGenerator.h
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+ * @class vtkGeometryGenerator
+ * @brief create a polygonal mesh with BRep mapping
+ */
+#ifndef vtkGeometryGenerator_h
+#define vtkGeometryGenerator_h
+#include "CADSourcesModule.h"
+#include <vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h>
+class CADSOURCES_EXPORT vtkGeometryGenerator : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
+ vtkTypeMacro(vtkGeometryGenerator, vtkPolyDataAlgorithm);
+ void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
+ static vtkGeometryGenerator* New();
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Set/Get the number of subdivision of each edges of one cube.
+ */
+ vtkSetMacro(EdgeSubdivision, unsigned int);
+ vtkGetMacro(EdgeSubdivision, unsigned int);
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Set/Get the number of solids (cubes) generated.
+ */
+ vtkSetMacro(NumberOfSolids, unsigned int);
+ vtkGetMacro(NumberOfSolids, unsigned int);
+ //@}
+ vtkGeometryGenerator();
+ ~vtkGeometryGenerator() override = default;
+ int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
+ unsigned int EdgeSubdivision = 10;
+ unsigned int NumberOfSolids = 5000;
+ vtkGeometryGenerator(const vtkGeometryGenerator&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const vtkGeometryGenerator&) = delete;
--- /dev/null
+#include "vtkMeshGenerator.h"
+#include <vtkInformation.h>
+#include <vtkInformationVector.h>
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkDelaunay3D.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cfenv>
+#define USE_DEBUG
+#define MB_IGNORE_QT
+#define MB_CLASSNAME "vtkMeshGenerator"
+#include "MBDebug.h"
+void vtkMeshGenerator::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+int vtkMeshGenerator::FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ ARG(port);
+ if (port == 0)
+ {
+ info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkPolyData");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int vtkMeshGenerator::RequestData(vtkInformation* request,
+ vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
+ DBG_FUN();
+ vtkPolyData* input = vtkPolyData::GetData(inputVector[0]);
+ vtkUnstructuredGrid* output = vtkUnstructuredGrid::GetData(outputVector);
+ if (!input || !output)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MSGEL("....applying Delaunay3D filter");
+ vtkNew<vtkDelaunay3D> delaunay;
+ delaunay->SetInputData(input);
+ delaunay->Update();
+ output->ShallowCopy(delaunay->GetOutput());
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef vtkMeshGenerator_h
+#define vtkMeshGenerator_h
+#include "CADSourcesModule.h"
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm.h>
+ * @class vtkMeshGenerator
+ * @brief create a mesh using a 3D Delaunay filter on a vtkPolyData
+ */
+class CADSOURCES_EXPORT vtkMeshGenerator : public vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm
+ vtkTypeMacro(vtkMeshGenerator, vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm);
+ void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
+ static vtkMeshGenerator* New();
+ vtkMeshGenerator() = default;
+ ~vtkMeshGenerator() override = default;
+ int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
+ int FillInputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation*) override;
+ vtkMeshGenerator(const vtkMeshGenerator&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const vtkMeshGenerator&) = delete;
--- /dev/null
+ VERSION "1.0"
+ SOURCES ${sources}
--- /dev/null
+ CADSource
+ CADViewer plugin providing sources
+ VTK::CommonCore