-<container name="A">
-<container name="B">
-<datanode name="datain">
- <parameter name="f1" type="double">
- <value><double>23</double> </value>
- </parameter>
-<service name="node1" >
- <component>caster</component>
- <method>s1</method>
- <load container="A"/>
- <inport name="jdc" type="file"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="int"/>
- <inport name="c" type="string"/>
- <outport name="fort:8" type="file"/>
- <outport name="d" type="double"/>
- <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <instream name="ab" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <instream name="ac" type="CALCIUM_integer"/>
- <instream name="ad" type="CALCIUM_real"/>
- <instream name="ae" type="CALCIUM_string"/>
- <instream name="af" type="CALCIUM_complex"/>
- <instream name="ag" type="CALCIUM_logical"/>
- <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="bb" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<service name="node2" >
- <component>cfort</component>
- <method>s1</method>
- <load container="B"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="int"/>
- <inport name="c" type="string"/>
- <outport name="d" type="double"/>
- <outport name="e" type="int"/>
- <outport name="f" type="string"/>
- <instream name="a" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <instream name="b" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="bb" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="bc" type="CALCIUM_integer"/>
- <outstream name="bd" type="CALCIUM_real"/>
- <outstream name="be" type="CALCIUM_string"/>
- <outstream name="bf" type="CALCIUM_complex"/>
- <outstream name="bg" type="CALCIUM_logical"/>
-<inline name="node98" >
- <script>
- <code>print "dans python node:",p1</code>
- </script>
- <inport name="p1" type="double"/>
-<outnode name="dataout" >
- <parameter name="f1" type="file" ref="monfichier"/>
-<!--datalinks -->
- <fromnode>node1</fromnode><fromport>fort:8</fromport>
- <tonode>dataout</tonode> <toport>f1</toport>
- <fromnode>node1</fromnode><fromport>d</fromport>
- <tonode>node98</tonode> <toport>p1</toport>
- <fromnode>datain</fromnode><fromport>f1</fromport>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>23</double> </value>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><int>23</int> </value>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>c</toport>
- <value><string>hello</string> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><int>23</int> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>c</toport>
- <value><string>hello</string> </value>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>jdc</toport>
- <value><objref>f.comm</objref></value>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>
+<proc name="proc">
+ <property name="DefaultStudyID" value="1"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_complex" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Complex_Port:1.0"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_double" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Double_Port:1.0"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_integer" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Integer_Port:1.0"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_logical" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Logical_Port:1.0"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_real" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Real_Port:1.0"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_string" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_String_Port:1.0"/>
+ <type name="string" kind="string"/>
+ <struct name="Engines/dataref">
+ <member name="ref" type="string"/>
+ </struct>
+ <type name="bool" kind="bool"/>
+ <sequence name="boolvec" content="bool"/>
+ <type name="double" kind="double"/>
+ <sequence name="dblevec" content="double"/>
+ <objref name="file" id="file"/>
+ <type name="int" kind="int"/>
+ <sequence name="intvec" content="int"/>
+ <objref name="pyobj" id="python:obj:1.0"/>
+ <sequence name="stringvec" content="string"/>
+ <container name="A">
+ </container>
+ <container name="B">
+ </container>
+ <container name="DefaultContainer">
+ <property name="container_name" value="FactoryServer"/>
+ <property name="name" value="localhost"/>
+ </container>
+ <datanode name="datain">
+ <parameter name="f1" type="double">
+ <value><double>23</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ </datanode>
+ <service name="node1">
+ <component>caster</component>
+ <load container="A"/>
+ <method>s1</method>
+ <inport name="jdc" type="file"/>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="int"/>
+ <inport name="c" type="string"/>
+ <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <instream name="ab" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <instream name="ac" type="CALCIUM_integer"/>
+ <instream name="ad" type="CALCIUM_real"/>
+ <instream name="ae" type="CALCIUM_string"/>
+ <instream name="af" type="CALCIUM_complex"/>
+ <instream name="ag" type="CALCIUM_logical"/>
+ <outport name="fort:8" type="file"/>
+ <outport name="d" type="double"/>
+ <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outstream name="bb" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ </service>
+ <service name="node2">
+ <component>cfort</component>
+ <load container="B"/>
+ <method>s1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="int"/>
+ <inport name="c" type="string"/>
+ <instream name="a" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <instream name="b" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outport name="d" type="double"/>
+ <outport name="e" type="int"/>
+ <outport name="f" type="string"/>
+ <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outstream name="bb" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outstream name="bc" type="CALCIUM_integer"/>
+ <outstream name="bd" type="CALCIUM_real"/>
+ <outstream name="be" type="CALCIUM_string"/>
+ <outstream name="bf" type="CALCIUM_complex"/>
+ <outstream name="bg" type="CALCIUM_logical"/>
+ </service>
+ <inline name="node98">
+ <script><code><![CDATA[print "dans python node:",p1]]></code></script>
+ <inport name="p1" type="double"/>
+ </inline>
+ <outnode name="dataout">
+ <parameter name="f1" type="file"/>
+ </outnode>
+ <control> <fromnode>datain</fromnode> <tonode>node2</tonode> </control>
+ <control> <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <tonode>node98</tonode> </control>
+ <control> <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <tonode>dataout</tonode> </control>
+ <datalink control="false">
+ <fromnode>datain</fromnode> <fromport>f1</fromport>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
+ </datalink>
+ <datalink control="false">
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>fort:8</fromport>
+ <tonode>dataout</tonode> <toport>f1</toport>
+ </datalink>
+ <datalink control="false">
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>d</fromport>
+ <tonode>node98</tonode> <toport>p1</toport>
+ </datalink>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>ba</fromport>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>bb</fromport>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>ba</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>aa</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>bb</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>ab</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>bc</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>ac</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>bd</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>ad</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>be</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>ae</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>bf</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>af</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>bg</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>ag</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>jdc</toport>
+ <value><objref>f.comm</objref></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>23</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><int>23</int></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>c</toport>
+ <value><string>hello</string></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><int>23</int></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>c</toport>
+ <value><string>hello</string></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <presentation name="datain" x="1.75" y="168.25" width="158" height="63" expanded="1" expx="1.75" expy="168.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="63" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="node1" x="389.75" y="33.25" width="158" height="333" expanded="1" expx="389.75" expy="33.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="333" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="node2" x="195.75" y="46.75" width="158" height="306" expanded="1" expx="195.75" expy="46.75" expWidth="158" expHeight="306" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="node98" x="583.75" y="208.25" width="158" height="63" expanded="1" expx="583.75" expy="208.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="63" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="dataout" x="583.75" y="128.25" width="158" height="63" expanded="1" expx="583.75" expy="128.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="63" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="__ROOT__" x="0" y="0" width="745.75" height="370.25" expanded="1" expx="0" expy="0" expWidth="745.75" expHeight="370.25" shownState="0"/>
-<!-- types -->
-<container name="A">
-<container name="B">
-<service name="node1" >
- <component>compo1</component>
- <method>s1</method>
- <load container="A"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="double"/>
- <outport name="c" type="double"/>
- <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<service name="node2" >
- <component>compo1</component>
- <method>s1</method>
- <load container="B"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="double"/>
- <outport name="c" type="double"/>
- <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<!--datalinks -->
- <fromnode>node1</fromnode><fromport>ba</fromport>
- <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>aa</toport>
- <fromnode>node2</fromnode><fromport>ba</fromport>
- <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>aa</toport>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>23</double> </value>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><double>53</double> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>63</double> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><double>73</double> </value>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>
+<proc name="proc">
+ <property name="DefaultStudyID" value="1"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_double" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Double_Port:1.0"/>
+ <type name="string" kind="string"/>
+ <struct name="Engines/dataref">
+ <member name="ref" type="string"/>
+ </struct>
+ <type name="bool" kind="bool"/>
+ <sequence name="boolvec" content="bool"/>
+ <type name="double" kind="double"/>
+ <sequence name="dblevec" content="double"/>
+ <objref name="file" id="file"/>
+ <type name="int" kind="int"/>
+ <sequence name="intvec" content="int"/>
+ <objref name="pyobj" id="python:obj:1.0"/>
+ <sequence name="stringvec" content="string"/>
+ <container name="A">
+ </container>
+ <container name="B">
+ </container>
+ <container name="DefaultContainer">
+ <property name="container_name" value="FactoryServer"/>
+ <property name="name" value="localhost"/>
+ </container>
+ <service name="node1">
+ <component>compo1</component>
+ <load container="A"/>
+ <method>s1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="double"/>
+ <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outport name="c" type="double"/>
+ <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ </service>
+ <service name="node2">
+ <component>compo1</component>
+ <load container="B"/>
+ <method>s1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="double"/>
+ <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outport name="c" type="double"/>
+ <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ </service>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>ba</fromport>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>aa</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>ba</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>aa</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>23</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><double>53</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>63</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><double>73</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <presentation name="node1" x="1.75" y="33.25" width="158" height="117" expanded="1" expx="1.75" expy="33.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="117" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="node2" x="195.75" y="33.25" width="158" height="117" expanded="1" expx="195.75" expy="33.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="117" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="__ROOT__" x="0" y="0" width="357.75" height="154.25" expanded="1" expx="0" expy="0" expWidth="357.75" expHeight="154.25" shownState="0"/>
-<!-- types -->
-<container name="A">
-<container name="B">
-<service name="node1" >
- <component>fcode1</component>
- <method>serv1</method>
- <load container="A"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="double"/>
- <outport name="c" type="double"/>
- <outstream name="PARAM" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<service name="node2" >
- <component>fcode2</component>
- <method>serv1</method>
- <load container="B"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="double"/>
- <outport name="c" type="double"/>
- <instream name="PARAM" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<!--datalinks -->
- <fromnode>node1</fromnode><fromport>PARAM</fromport>
- <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>PARAM</toport>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>23</double> </value>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><double>53</double> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>63</double> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><double>73</double> </value>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>
+<proc name="proc">
+ <property name="DefaultStudyID" value="1"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_double" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Double_Port:1.0"/>
+ <type name="string" kind="string"/>
+ <struct name="Engines/dataref">
+ <member name="ref" type="string"/>
+ </struct>
+ <type name="bool" kind="bool"/>
+ <sequence name="boolvec" content="bool"/>
+ <type name="double" kind="double"/>
+ <sequence name="dblevec" content="double"/>
+ <objref name="file" id="file"/>
+ <type name="int" kind="int"/>
+ <sequence name="intvec" content="int"/>
+ <objref name="pyobj" id="python:obj:1.0"/>
+ <sequence name="stringvec" content="string"/>
+ <container name="A">
+ </container>
+ <container name="B">
+ </container>
+ <container name="DefaultContainer">
+ <property name="container_name" value="FactoryServer"/>
+ <property name="name" value="localhost"/>
+ </container>
+ <service name="node1">
+ <component>fcode1</component>
+ <load container="A"/>
+ <method>serv1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="double"/>
+ <outport name="c" type="double"/>
+ <outstream name="PARAM" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ </service>
+ <service name="node2">
+ <component>fcode2</component>
+ <load container="B"/>
+ <method>serv1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="double"/>
+ <instream name="PARAM" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outport name="c" type="double"/>
+ </service>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>PARAM</fromport>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>PARAM</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>23</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><double>53</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>63</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><double>73</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <presentation name="node1" x="1.75" y="46.75" width="158" height="90" expanded="1" expx="1.75" expy="46.75" expWidth="158" expHeight="90" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="node2" x="195.75" y="33.25" width="158" height="117" expanded="1" expx="195.75" expy="33.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="117" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="__ROOT__" x="0" y="0" width="357.75" height="154.25" expanded="1" expx="0" expy="0" expWidth="357.75" expHeight="154.25" shownState="0"/>
--- /dev/null
+to run this example, one has first to untar the cpp_component archive, compile it,
+and install it in directory COMPONENTCPP_INSTALL
+ tar xvfz cpp_component.tgz
+ ./build_configure
+ ../COMPONENTCPP_SRC/configure --prefix=...
+ make
+ make install
+Generate the components with :
+ python component.py
+Test them with
+ appli/runAppli -u test_compohxx.py
--- /dev/null
+import os
+from module_generator import Generator,Module,Service
+from module_generator import CPPComponent,PYComponent,HXX2SALOMEComponent
+#import context from ..
+c1=HXX2SALOMEComponent("CALCUL.hxx","libCALCULCXX.so" , cpppath )
+c2=HXX2SALOMEComponent("MEDCALC.hxx","libMEDCALCCXX.so" , cpppath )
+c3=HXX2SALOMEComponent("TESTMED.hxx","libTESTMEDCXX.so" , cpppath )
+c4=HXX2SALOMEComponent("ICOCO.hxx","libICOCOCXX.so" , cpppath )
+c5=HXX2SALOMEComponent("TESTMEM.hxx","libTESTMEMCXX.so" , cpppath )
+ restrict=["KERNEL","GUI","YACS"],
+ altmodules={"GUI":gui_root_dir,
+ "MED":med_root_dir,
+ "YACS":yacs_root_dir,
+ "GEOM":geom_root_dir})
+cppenv=""" export CALCULCPP_ROOT_DIR=%(cpppath)s
+export MEDCALCCPP_ROOT_DIR=%(cpppath)s
+export TESTMEDCPP_ROOT_DIR=%(cpppath)s
+export ICOCOCPP_ROOT_DIR=%(cpppath)s
+export TESTMEMCPP_ROOT_DIR=%(cpppath)s""" % {"cpppath" : cpppath}
--- /dev/null
+# File : CALCUL_test.py
+# Created :
+# Author :
+# Project : SALOME
+# Copyright : CEA 2005
+# Test du composant CALCUL
+import SALOME
+import salome
+print "Test du composant CALCUL généré généré par hxx2salome"
+import hxxcompos
+myCalc = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "CALCUL")
+print "10+15 = ",myCalc.add(10,15)
+print "10x15 = ",myCalc.mul(10,15)
+#print "6! = ",myCalc.fact(6)
+res1,res2 = myCalc.sqr2(12.0)
+print "12*12 = ",res1," ",res2
+i1,i2,i3 = myCalc.return_3_int(j)
+assert (i1 == j+1),'Erreur dans la fonction return_3_int'
+assert (i2 == j+2),'Erreur dans la fonction return_3_int'
+assert (i3 == j+3),'Erreur dans la fonction return_3_int'
+print 'return_3_int : ',j,' ',i1,' ',i2,' ',i3
+print "True && True = ",myCalc.And(True,True)
+print "True && False = ",myCalc.And(True,False)
+print "True || False = ",myCalc.Or(True,False)
+from math import fabs
+assert (fabs(res1-144.0)<1.0e-6 ), 'Erreur dans la fonction myCalc.sqr2 : 12*12 = '+str(res1)
+assert ( myCalc.And(True,True)==True ) , 'Erreur dans la fonction And(True,True)'
+assert ( myCalc.And(True,False)==False ) , 'Erreur dans la fonction And(True,False)'
+assert ( myCalc.Or(True,False)==True ) , 'Erreur dans la fonction Or(True,False)'
+print "Fin test hxx2salome/001/A1"
+myTestMed = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServerTM", "TESTMED")
+myMedCalc = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServerMC", "MEDCALC")
+banner = myTestMed.getBanner()
+print "Banner = ",banner
+assert banner == "Hello" , 'erreur dans la fonction getBanner() : mauvaise valeur'
+print "Creation et tests des supports :"
+print "Support name : ",supportName
+assert supportName == "XsupportX"
+from libMEDClient import FIELDDOUBLEClient
+assert f_loc.getNumberOfValues() == 16 , 'created field has incorrect size'
+from math import fabs
+assert fabs(f_loc.norm2()-6.39444)<1.0e-5 , 'created field has incorrect norm 2'
+assert f_part.getNumberOfValues() == 3, 'created field on partial support has incorrect size'
+assert fabs(f_part.norm2()-1.15470)<1.0e-5 , 'created field on partial support has incorrect norm 2'
+print "Fin test hxx2salome/003/A1"
+banner = myTestMed.getBanner()
+print "Banner = ",banner
+assert banner == "Hello" , 'erreur dans la fonction getBanner() : mauvaise valeur'
+theMesh= myTestMed.getMesh()
+theField = myTestMed.getField()
+(theField1,theField2) = myTestMed.create2DoubleField()
+from math import fabs
+assert fabs(mynorm-3.0)<1.0e-10 , 'created field has incorrect norm 1'
+print "Norm of the Field : " , mynorm
+field1 = myTestMed.getConstFieldDouble( 3.0 , "field1" )
+print "Creation tableau :"
+myTab = myTestMed.createDoubleTab(size)
+myTabInt = myTestMed.createIntVector(size)
+print "Create a matrix"
+print "Fin test hxx2salome/002/A1"
+# test of exception mechanism
+f_cell = myTestMed.getField()
+f_node = myTestMed.getFieldOnNode()
+ f_wrong=myMedCalc.add(f_cell,f_node)
+except SALOME.SALOME_Exception, ex:
+ test_exception=True
+ print "wrong addition was correctly catched"
+ print "Exception is : ",ex
+assert test_exception, 'Error in the exception management : the wrong MED addition was not correctly catched'
+print "Fin test hxx2salome/003/A2"
+myCoco = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServerI", "ICOCO")
+liste_champs = myCoco.getInputFieldsNames()
+print "Nombre de champs = ",nb_champs
+assert nb_champs == 2 , 'erreur dans le nombre de champs, different de 2!'
+print "Champ 1 (SourceField) : ",liste_champs[0]
+print "Champ 2 (TargetField) : ",liste_champs[1]
+assert liste_champs[0] == "SourceField", 'erreur dans le nom du champ 1'
+assert liste_champs[1] == "TargetField", 'erreur dans le nom du champ 2'
+print "Fin test hxx2salome/ICOCO/A1"
+myCoco1 = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServerI1", "ICOCO")
+myCoco2 = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServerI2", "ICOCO")
+#myCoco1.solve() to test with 5.1.5
+print "##################################"
+print "Fin test hxx2salome/ICOCO/A2"
-<!-- types -->
-<container name="A">
-<container name="B">
-<service name="node1" >
- <component>compo2</component>
- <method>s1</method>
- <load container="A"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="double"/>
- <outport name="c" type="double"/>
- <outport name="d" type="double"/>
- <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<service name="node2" >
- <component>compo2</component>
- <method>s1</method>
- <load container="B"/>
- <inport name="a" type="double"/>
- <inport name="b" type="double"/>
- <outport name="c" type="double"/>
- <outport name="d" type="double"/>
- <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
- <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
-<!--datalinks -->
- <fromnode>node1</fromnode><fromport>ba</fromport>
- <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>aa</toport>
- <fromnode>node2</fromnode><fromport>ba</fromport>
- <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>aa</toport>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>23</double> </value>
- <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><double>53</double> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
- <value><double>63</double> </value>
- <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
- <value><double>73</double> </value>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>
+<proc name="proc">
+ <property name="DefaultStudyID" value="1"/>
+ <objref name="CALCIUM_double" id="IDL:Ports/Calcium_Ports/Calcium_Double_Port:1.0"/>
+ <type name="string" kind="string"/>
+ <struct name="Engines/dataref">
+ <member name="ref" type="string"/>
+ </struct>
+ <type name="bool" kind="bool"/>
+ <sequence name="boolvec" content="bool"/>
+ <type name="double" kind="double"/>
+ <sequence name="dblevec" content="double"/>
+ <objref name="file" id="file"/>
+ <type name="int" kind="int"/>
+ <sequence name="intvec" content="int"/>
+ <objref name="pyobj" id="python:obj:1.0"/>
+ <sequence name="stringvec" content="string"/>
+ <container name="A">
+ </container>
+ <container name="B">
+ </container>
+ <container name="DefaultContainer">
+ <property name="container_name" value="FactoryServer"/>
+ <property name="name" value="localhost"/>
+ </container>
+ <service name="node1">
+ <component>compo2</component>
+ <load container="A"/>
+ <method>s1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="double"/>
+ <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outport name="c" type="double"/>
+ <outport name="d" type="double"/>
+ <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ </service>
+ <service name="node2">
+ <component>compo2</component>
+ <load container="B"/>
+ <method>s1</method>
+ <inport name="a" type="double"/>
+ <inport name="b" type="double"/>
+ <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ <outport name="c" type="double"/>
+ <outport name="d" type="double"/>
+ <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
+ </service>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node1</fromnode> <fromport>ba</fromport>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode> <toport>aa</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <stream>
+ <fromnode>node2</fromnode> <fromport>ba</fromport>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode> <toport>aa</toport>
+ </stream>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>23</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node1</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><double>53</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>a</toport>
+ <value><double>63</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter>
+ <tonode>node2</tonode><toport>b</toport>
+ <value><double>73</double></value>
+ </parameter>
+ <presentation name="node1" x="1.75" y="33.25" width="158" height="117" expanded="1" expx="1.75" expy="33.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="117" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="node2" x="195.75" y="33.25" width="158" height="117" expanded="1" expx="195.75" expy="33.25" expWidth="158" expHeight="117" shownState="0"/>
+ <presentation name="__ROOT__" x="0" y="0" width="357.75" height="154.25" expanded="1" expx="0" expy="0" expWidth="357.75" expHeight="154.25" shownState="0"/>
from pacocompo import PACOComponent
from pycompo import PYComponent
from astcompo import ASTERComponent
+from hxxcompo import HXX2SALOMEComponent
#include "DSC_Engines.idl"
#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
#include "SALOME_PACOExtension.idl"
+#include "SALOME_Component.idl"
+#include "SALOME_Comm.idl"
from gener import Component, Invalid
from cpp_tmpl import initService, cxxService, hxxCompo, cxxCompo
from cpp_tmpl import exeCPP, compoEXEMakefile, compoMakefile
+from yacstypes import corba_rtn_type
class CPPComponent(Component):
services = []
for serv in self.services:
- service = " void %s(" % serv.name
+ service = " %s %s(" % (corba_rtn_type(serv.ret,gen.module.name),serv.name)
service = service+gen.makeArgs(serv)+");"
by a 2-tuple (port name, data type name). The list of supported basic data types is: "double", "long", "string",
"dblevec", "stringvec", "intvec", "file" and "pyobj" only for Python services. Depending on the implementation
language, it is also possible to use some types from SALOME modules (see :ref:`yacstypes`).
+ :param ret: gives the type of the return parameter
:param instream: gives the list of input datastream ports.
:param outstream: gives the list of output datastream ports. An input or output datastream port is defined
by a 3-tuple (port name, data type name, mode name). The list of possible data types is: "CALCIUM_double", "CALCIUM_integer",
- def __init__(self, name, inport=None, outport=None, instream=None, outstream=None,
+ def __init__(self, name, inport=None, outport=None, ret="void", instream=None, outstream=None,
parallel_instream=None, parallel_outstream=None, defs="", body="", impl_type="sequential"):
self.name = name
self.inport = inport or []
self.outport = outport or []
+ self.ret = ret
self.instream = instream or []
self.outstream = outstream or []
self.parallel_instream = parallel_instream or []
modules = {}
for compo in module.components:
for serv in compo.services:
- for name, typ in serv.inport + serv.outport:
+ for name, typ in serv.inport + serv.outport + [ ("return",serv.ret) ] :
mod = moduleTypes[typ]
if mod:
params = []
for name, typ in serv.outport:
params.append(cataOutparam.substitute(name=name, type=typ))
+ if serv.ret != "void" :
+ params.append(cataOutparam.substitute(name="return", type=serv.ret))
outparams = "\n".join(params)
streams = []
for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
params.append("out %s %s" % (typ, name))
- service = " void %s(" % serv.name
+ service = " %s %s(" % (idlTypes[serv.ret],serv.name)
service = service+",".join(params)+") raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);"
- inheritedinterface=""
- if compo.inheritedinterface:
- inheritedinterface=compo.inheritedinterface+","
- interfaces.append(interface.substitute(component=compo.name, services="\n".join(services),inheritedinterface=inheritedinterface))
+ from hxxcompo import HXX2SALOMEComponent
+ if isinstance(compo,HXX2SALOMEComponent):
+ from hxx_tmpl import interfaceidlhxx
+ Inherited=""
+ if compo.use_medmem==True:
+ Inherited=", SALOME_MED::MED_Gen_Driver"
+ interfaces.append(interfaceidlhxx.substitute(component=compo.name,inherited=Inherited, services="\n".join(services)))
+ else:
+ inheritedinterface=""
+ if compo.inheritedinterface:
+ inheritedinterface=compo.inheritedinterface+","
+ interfaces.append(interface.substitute(component=compo.name, services="\n".join(services),inheritedinterface=inheritedinterface))
#build idl includes for SALOME modules
--- /dev/null
+# only the first two characters of the map are actually used to find out in/out caracteristic
+cpp2idl_mapping["int"]="in long"
+cpp2idl_mapping["bool"]="in boolean"
+cpp2idl_mapping["double"]="in double"
+cpp2idl_mapping["float"]="in float"
+cpp2idl_mapping["long"]="in long"
+cpp2idl_mapping["short"]="in short"
+cpp2idl_mapping["unsigned"]="in unsigned long"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const char*"]="in string"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const std::string&"]="in string"
+cpp2idl_mapping["int&"]="out long"
+cpp2idl_mapping["bool&"]="out boolean"
+cpp2idl_mapping["double&"]="out double"
+cpp2idl_mapping["float&"]="out float"
+cpp2idl_mapping["long&"]="out long"
+cpp2idl_mapping["short&"]="out short"
+cpp2idl_mapping["unsigned&"]="out unsigned long"
+cpp2idl_mapping["std::string&"]="out string"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="in SALOME_MED::MESH"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="in SALOME_MED::MESH"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&"]="in SALOME_MED::SUPPORT"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT*"]="in SALOME_MED::SUPPORT"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+cpp2idl_mapping["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*&"]="out SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const std::vector<double>&"]="in %(module)s::dblevec"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const std::vector<std::vector<double> >&"]="in SALOME::Matrix"
+cpp2idl_mapping["std::vector<double>*&"]="out %(module)s::dblevec"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+cpp2idl_mapping["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*&"]="out SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const std::vector<int>&"]="in %(module)s::intvec"
+cpp2idl_mapping["std::vector<int>*&"]="out %(module)s::intvec"
+cpp2idl_mapping["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="in SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface"
+# ['stringvec', 'string', 'double', 'long', 'dblevec', 'file', 'intvec', 'dataref', 'GEOM_Object', 'SMESH_Mesh', 'SMESH_Hypothesis', 'SALOME_MED/MED', 'SALOME_MED/MESH', 'SALOME_MED/SUPPORT', 'SALOME_MED/FIELD', 'SALOME_MED/FIELDDOUBLE', 'SALOME_MED/FIELDINT']
+#cpp2yacs_mapping["float"]="in float"
+#cpp2yacs_mapping["short"]="in short"
+#cpp2yacs_mapping["unsigned"]="in unsigned long"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const char*"]="string"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const std::string&"]="string"
+#cpp2yacs_mapping["float&"]="out float"
+#cpp2yacs_mapping["short&"]="out short"
+#cpp2yacs_mapping["unsigned&"]="out unsigned long"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="SALOME_MED/MESH"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="SALOME_MED/MESH"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&"]="SALOME_MED/SUPPORT"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT*"]="SALOME_MED/SUPPORT"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="SALOME_MED/FIELDDOUBLE"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="SALOME_MED/FIELDDOUBLE"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const std::vector<double>&"]="dblevec"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const std::vector<std::vector<double> >&"]="SALOME/Matrix"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="SALOME_MED/FIELDINT"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="SALOME_MED/FIELDINT"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const std::vector<int>&"]="intvec"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["std::vector<std::vector<double> >*"]="SALOME/Matrix"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="SALOME_MED/MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface"
+cpp2yacs_mapping["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble&"]="SALOME_MED/MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface"
+# table for c++ code generation : argument's processing
+cpp_impl_a["int"]="\tint _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["bool"]="\tbool _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["double"]="\tdouble _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["float"]="\tfloat _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["long"]="\tlong _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["short"]="\tshort _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["unsigned"]="\tunsigned _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const char*"]="\tconst char* _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const std::string&"]="\tconst std::string _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["int&"]="\tint _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["bool&"]="\tbool _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["double&"]="\tdouble _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["float&"]="\tfloat _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["long&"]="\tlong _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["short&"]="\tshort _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["unsigned&"]="\tunsigned _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["std::string&"]="\tstd::string _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="\tMEDMEM::MESHClient* _%(arg)s = new MEDMEM::MESHClient(%(arg)s);\n\t _%(arg)s->fillCopy();\n" # MESHClient cannot be created on the stack (private constructor), so we create it on the heap and dereference it later (in treatment 4)
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="\tMEDMEM::MESHClient* _%(arg)s = new MEDMEM::MESHClient(%(arg)s);\n\t _%(arg)s->fillCopy();\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&"]="\tMEDMEM::SUPPORTClient* _%(arg)s = new MEDMEM::SUPPORTClient(%(arg)s);\n" # SUPPORTClient cannot be created on the stack (protected destructor), so we create it on the heap and dereference it later (in treatment 4)
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT*"]="\tMEDMEM::SUPPORTClient* _%(arg)s = new MEDMEM::SUPPORTClient(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*&"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELD<double>* _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="\tstd::auto_ptr<MEDMEM::FIELD<double> > _%(arg)s ( new MEDMEM::FIELDClient<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace>(%(arg)s) );\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELDClient<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace> _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const std::vector<double>&"]="\tlong _%(arg)s_size=%(arg)s.length();\n\tconst double *_%(arg)s_value = &%(arg)s[0];\n"\
+ "\tstd::vector<double> _%(arg)s(_%(arg)s_value,_%(arg)s_value+_%(arg)s_size);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["std::vector<double>*&"]="\tstd::vector<double>* _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const std::vector<std::vector<double> >&"]="\tMatrixClient _%(arg)s_client;\n\tint _%(arg)s_nbRow;\n\tint _%(arg)s_nbCol;\n"\
+ "\tdouble* _%(arg)s_tab = _%(arg)s_client.getValue(%(arg)s,_%(arg)s_nbCol,_%(arg)s_nbRow);\n\tstd::vector<std::vector<double> > _%(arg)s(_%(arg)s_nbRow);\n"\
+ "\tfor (int i=0; i!=_%(arg)s_nbRow; ++i)\n\t{\n\t _%(arg)s[i].resize(_%(arg)s_nbCol);\n"\
+ "\t std::copy(_%(arg)s_tab+_%(arg)s_nbCol*i,_%(arg)s_tab+_%(arg)s_nbCol*(i+1), _%(arg)s[i].begin());\n\t}\n\tdelete [] _%(arg)s_tab;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*&"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELD<int>* _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="\tstd::auto_ptr<MEDMEM::FIELD<int> > _%(arg)s ( new MEDMEM::FIELDClient<int>(%(arg)s) );\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELDClient<int> _%(arg)s(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const std::vector<int>&"]="\tlong _%(arg)s_size=%(arg)s.length();\n"\
+ "\tstd::vector<int> _%(arg)s(_%(arg)s_size);\n"\
+ "\tfor (int i=0; i!=_%(arg)s_size; ++i)\n\t _%(arg)s[i]=%(arg)s[i];"
+cpp_impl_a["std::vector<int>*&"]="\tstd::vector<int>* _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble* _%(arg)s=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleClient::New(%(arg)s);\n"
+cpp_impl_a["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble&"]="\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble* __%(arg)s=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleClient::New(%(arg)s);\n"\
+ "\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble& _%(arg)s=*__%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_a["ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*&"]="\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble* _%(arg)s;\n"
+# table for c++ code generation : returned value processing
+cpp_impl_b["int"]="\tCORBA::Long _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["bool"]="\tCORBA::Boolean _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["double"]="\tCORBA::Double _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["float"]="\tCORBA::Float _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["long"]="\tCORBA::Long _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["short"]="\tCORBA::Short _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["unsigned"]="\tCORBA::ULong _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["const char*"]="\tchar* _rtn_ior = CORBA::string_dup(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["char*"]="\tchar* _rtn_ior(_rtn_cpp);\n"
+cpp_impl_b["std::string"]="""\tchar* _rtn_ior=CORBA::string_dup(_rtn_cpp.c_str());\n
+cpp_impl_b["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="""\tMEDMEM::MESH_i * _rtn_mesh_i = new MEDMEM::MESH_i(const_cast<MEDMEM::MESH*>(&_rtn_cpp));\n
+\tSALOME_MED::MESH_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_mesh_i->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::MESH&"]="\tMEDMEM::MESH_i * _rtn_mesh_i = new MEDMEM::MESH_i(&_rtn_cpp);\n\tSALOME_MED::MESH_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_mesh_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::MESH*"]= "\tMEDMEM::MESH_i * _rtn_mesh_i = new MEDMEM::MESH_i(_rtn_cpp);\n\tSALOME_MED::MESH_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_mesh_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="\tMEDMEM::MESH_i * _rtn_mesh_i = new MEDMEM::MESH_i(const_cast<MEDMEM::MESH*>(_rtn_cpp));\n\tSALOME_MED::MESH_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_mesh_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::SUPPORT*"]="\tMEDMEM::SUPPORT_i * _rtn_support_i = new MEDMEM::SUPPORT_i(_rtn_cpp);\n\tSALOME_MED::SUPPORT_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_support_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="""\tMEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace> * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace>(const_cast<MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*>(_rtn_cpp),false);\n
+\tSALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="""\tMEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace> * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace>(_rtn_cpp,true);\n
+\tSALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="""\tMEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace> * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace>(&_rtn_cpp,false);\n
+\tSALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="""\tMEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace> * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace>(const_cast<MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*>(&_rtn_cpp),false);\n
+\tSALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["std::vector<double>*"]="""\t%(module)s::dblevec * _rtn_ior = new %(module)s::dblevec;\n
+\tint _rtn_cpp_length=(*_rtn_cpp).size();\n
+\tfor (int i=0; i<_rtn_cpp_length; ++i)\n\t (*_rtn_ior)[i] = (*_rtn_cpp)[i];\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["std::vector<std::vector<double> >*"]="""\tint _rtn_cpp_i=(*_rtn_cpp).size();\n\tint _rtn_cpp_j=(*_rtn_cpp)[0].size();\n
+\tdouble* _rtn_tab = new double[_rtn_cpp_i*_rtn_cpp_j];\n
+\tfor (int i=0; i!=_rtn_cpp_i; ++i)\n\t std::copy((*_rtn_cpp)[i].begin(),(*_rtn_cpp)[i].end(),_rtn_tab+i*_rtn_cpp_j);\n
+\tSALOME_Matrix_i* _rtn_matrix_i = new SALOME_Matrix_i(*this,_rtn_tab,_rtn_cpp_i,_rtn_cpp_j,true);\n
+\tSALOME::Matrix_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_matrix_i->_this();\n\tdelete _rtn_cpp;\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELDINT_i * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDINT_i(const_cast<MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*>(_rtn_cpp),false);\n\tSALOME_MED::FIELDINT_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELDINT_i * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDINT_i(_rtn_cpp,true);\n\tSALOME_MED::FIELDINT_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELDINT_i * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDINT_i(&_rtn_cpp,false);\n\tSALOME_MED::FIELDINT_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="\tMEDMEM::FIELDINT_i * _rtn_field_i = new MEDMEM::FIELDINT_i(const_cast<MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*>(&_rtn_cpp),false);\n\tSALOME_MED::FIELDINT_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"
+cpp_impl_b["std::vector<int>*"]="""\t%(module)s::intvec * _rtn_ior = new %(module)s::intvec;
+\tint _rtn_cpp_length=(*_rtn_cpp).size();
+\tfor (int i=0; i<_rtn_cpp_length; ++i)\n\t (*_rtn_ior)[i] = (*_rtn_cpp)[i];\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["std::vector<std::string>"]="""\t%(module)s::stringvec * _rtn_ior = new %(module)s::stringvec;
+\tint _rtn_cpp_length=_rtn_cpp.size();
+\tfor (int i=0; i<_rtn_cpp_length; ++i)
+\t (*_rtn_ior)[i] = _rtn_cpp[i].c_str();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="""\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleServant * _rtn_field_i = new ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleServant(_rtn_cpp);
+\tSALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_field_i->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_b["ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*"]="""\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMeshServant * _rtn_mesh_i = new ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMeshServant(_rtn_cpp);
+\tSALOME_MED::MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface_ptr _rtn_ior = _rtn_mesh_i->_this();\n"""
+# table for c++ code generation : out parameters processing and removeRef for reference counted objects
+cpp_impl_c["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*&"]="""\tMEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace> * %(arg)s_ior = new MEDMEM::FIELDTEMPLATE_I<double,MEDMEM::FullInterlace>(_%(arg)s, true);\n
+\t%(arg)s = %(arg)s_ior->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_c["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*&"]=""" \tMEDMEM::FIELDINT_i * %(arg)s_ior = new MEDMEM::FIELDINT_i(_%(arg)s, true);\n
+\t%(arg)s = %(arg)s_ior->_this();\n"""
+cpp_impl_c["std::vector<double>*&"]="""\t%(arg)s = new %(module)s::dblevec;\n
+\tfor (int i=0; i<(*_%(arg)s).size(); ++i)\n\t (*%(arg)s)[i] = (*_%(arg)s)[i];\n"""
+cpp_impl_c["std::vector<int>*&"]="""\t%(arg)s = new %(module)s::intvec;\n
+\tfor (int i=0; i<(*_%(arg)s).size(); ++i)\n\t (*%(arg)s)[i] = (*_%(arg)s)[i];\n"""
+cpp_impl_c["std::string&"]="\t%(arg)s = CORBA::string_dup(_%(arg)s.c_str());\n"
+cpp_impl_c["int&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["bool&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["double&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["float&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["long&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["short&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["unsigned&"]="\t%(arg)s = _%(arg)s;\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="\t_%(arg)s->removeReference();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="\t_%(arg)s->removeReference();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&"]="\t_%(arg)s->removeReference();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT*"]="\t_%(arg)s->removeReference();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="\t_%(arg)s->decrRef();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="\t_%(arg)s->decrRef();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble&"]="\t__%(arg)s->decrRef();\n"
+cpp_impl_c["ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*&"]="""\tParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleServant * %(arg)s_out=new ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleServant(_%(arg)s);
+\t%(arg)s = %(arg)s_out->_this();\n"""
+# the following awk files (extracted from hxx2saloe) are used to parse hxx file
+# This awk program deletes C like comments '*/ ... /*'
+# --
+# Copyright (C) CEA
+# Author : Nicolas Crouzet (CEA)
+# --
+ if (t = index($0, "/*")) {
+ if (t > 1)
+ tmp = substr($0, 1, t - 1)
+ else
+ tmp = ""
+ u = index(substr($0, t + 2), "*/")
+ while (u == 0) {
+ getline
+ t = -1
+ u = index($0, "*/")
+ }
+ if (u <= length($0) - 2)
+ $0 = tmp substr($0, t + u + 3)
+ else
+ $0 = tmp
+ }
+ print $0
+# This awk program extract public functions of the class definition present in hxx interface
+# --
+# Copyright (C) CEA
+# Author : Nicolas Crouzet (CEA)
+# --
+BEGIN { public=0 }
+# we want to extract each function that is public and that does'nt contain
+# the patterns : public, protected, private, // (comments), { and }
+public == 1 &&
+$1 !~ /public/ &&
+$1 !~ /protected/ &&
+$1 !~ /private/ &&
+$1 !~ /\/\/*/ &&
+$1 !~ /{|}/ {
+ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
+ printf "%s ", $i
+# change line if last field contains ";" -> one function per line in output
+ if ( $NF ~ /;/ )
+ printf "\\n"
+$1 == "class" && $0 !~ /;/ {public=1} # we test matching against /;/ to get rid of forward declaration
+$1 ~ /public/ {public=1}
+$1 ~ /protected/ {public=0}
+$1 ~ /private/ {public=0}
+$1 ~ /}/ {public=0}
+# suppress blanks between type and indirection or reference operators (* and &)
+# --
+# Copyright (C) CEA
+# Author : Nicolas Crouzet (CEA)
+# --
+{ gsub(/[ \\t]+&/,"\\\\& ")
+ gsub(/[ \\t]+\*/,"* ")
+ print $0 }
+# This awk program contains the type mapping tables - and the treatments
+# --
+# Copyright (C) CEA, EDF
+# Author : Nicolas Crouzet (CEA)
+# --
+# for code generation
+# file name generation
+ class_i=class_name"_i"
+# type mapping from c++ component to idl
+ idl_arg_type["int"]="in long"
+ idl_arg_type["bool"]="in boolean"
+ idl_arg_type["double"]="in double"
+ idl_arg_type["float"]="in float"
+ idl_arg_type["long"]="in long"
+ idl_arg_type["short"]="in short"
+# idl_arg_type["unsigned"]="in unsigned long"
+ idl_arg_type["const char*"]="in string"
+ idl_arg_type["const std::string&"]="in string"
+ idl_arg_type["int&"]="out long"
+ idl_arg_type["bool&"]="out boolean"
+ idl_arg_type["double&"]="out double"
+ idl_arg_type["float&"]="out float"
+ idl_arg_type["long&"]="out long"
+ idl_arg_type["short&"]="out short"
+ idl_arg_type["unsigned&"]="out unsigned long"
+ idl_arg_type["std::string&"]="out string"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="in SALOME_MED::MESH"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="in SALOME_MED::MESH"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&"]="in SALOME_MED::SUPPORT"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT*"]="in SALOME_MED::SUPPORT"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_arg_type["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*&"]="out SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_arg_type["const std::vector<double>&"]="in SALOME::vectorOfDouble"
+ idl_arg_type["const std::vector<std::vector<double> >&"]="in SALOME::Matrix"
+ idl_arg_type["std::vector<double>*&"]="out SALOME::vectorOfDouble"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_arg_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="in SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_arg_type["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*&"]="out SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_arg_type["const std::vector<int>&"]="in SALOME::vectorOfLong"
+ idl_arg_type["std::vector<int>*&"]="out SALOME::vectorOfLong"
+ idl_arg_type["const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="in SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface"
+# mapping for returned types
+ idl_rtn_type["void"]="void"
+ idl_rtn_type["int"]="long"
+ idl_rtn_type["bool"]="boolean"
+ idl_rtn_type["double"]="double"
+ idl_rtn_type["float"]="float"
+ idl_rtn_type["long"]="long"
+ idl_rtn_type["short"]="short"
+ idl_rtn_type["unsigned"]="unsigned long"
+ idl_rtn_type["const char*"]="string"
+ idl_rtn_type["char*"]="string"
+ idl_rtn_type["std::string"]="string"
+ idl_rtn_type["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="SALOME_MED::MESH"
+ idl_rtn_type["MEDMEM::MESH&"]="SALOME_MED::MESH"
+ idl_rtn_type["MEDMEM::MESH*"]="SALOME_MED::MESH"
+ idl_rtn_type["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="SALOME_MED::MESH"
+ idl_rtn_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_rtn_type["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_rtn_type["MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_rtn_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<double>&"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDDOUBLE"
+ idl_rtn_type["std::vector<double>*"]="SALOME::vectorOfDouble"
+ idl_rtn_type["std::vector<std::vector<double> >*"]="SALOME::Matrix"
+ idl_rtn_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_rtn_type["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_rtn_type["MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_rtn_type["const MEDMEM::FIELD<int>&"]="SALOME_MED::FIELDINT"
+ idl_rtn_type["std::vector<int>*"]="SALOME::vectorOfLong"
+ idl_rtn_type["std::vector<std::string>"]="StrSeq"
+ idl_rtn_type["ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*"]="SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface"
+ idl_rtn_type["ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble*"]="SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface"
+# record sep is ");\\n" whith blanks all around, and optional "(" at the beginning
+ RS="[(]?[ \\t]*[)][ \\t]*(const)?[ \\t]*[;][ \\t]*[\\n]"
+ FS="[ \\t]*[(,][ \\t]*" # field sep is either "(" or "," surrounded by blanks
+# --------------------- treatment 1 ----------------------------------
+# extract from fields types, function name, and argument's names
+ print "Function : ",$0 >> "parse_result" # print for debug
+ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
+ print "\\t-> ",i," : ",$i >> "parse_result"
+ }
+ ok1=0;ok=1
+ error_message="\\t The non compatible types are : "
+ # check if returned type ($1) is one of the accepted types (idl_rtn_type)
+ for (cpptype in idl_rtn_type) {
+ if ( substr($1,1,length(cpptype)) == cpptype ) {
+ # if compatible, store returned type and function name
+ type[1]=cpptype
+ name[1]=substr($1,length(cpptype)+1)
+ sub("^[ \\t]*","",name[1]) # get rid of leading blanks
+ ok1=1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ok*=ok1
+ if ( ! ok1) {
+ split($1,tab," ")
+ error_message=error_message sprintf("\\n\\t\\t-> %s (return type)",tab[1])
+ }
+ # for each argument ($i), check if it is compatible (belongs to idl_arg_type)
+ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
+ ok2=0
+ split($i,tab,"=") # get rid of default value
+ item=tab[1]
+ sub("/[ \\t]*&[ \\t]*/", "&", item) # supress spaces around * and $
+ sub("/[ \\t]**[ \\t]*/", "*", item)
+ for (cpptype in idl_arg_type) {
+ l = length(cpptype)
+ s0 = substr(item,1,l) # to discriminate between int and int&, ...
+ s1 = " "
+ if (length(item) > l)
+ s1 = substr(item, l+1, 1)
+ if ( (s0 == cpptype) && (s1 == " ") ) {
+ # if compatible, store argument type and name
+ type[i]=cpptype
+ name[i]=substr(item,length(cpptype)+1)
+ sub("^[ \\t]*","",name[i]) # get rid of leading blanks
+ if ( length(name[i]) == 0 ) # automatic name if argument's name wasn't precised
+ name[i]=sprintf("_arg%d",i-1)
+ ok2=1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ok*=ok2 # ok=0 if one of the type is not compatible
+ if ( ! ok2) {
+ error_message=error_message "\\n\\t\\t-> "item
+ }
+ }
+ # print compatibility
+ if ( $0 !~ class_name ) { # constructor are not considered, but we don't print it
+ if ( ok == 0){ # if one of the c++ type is not compatible
+ printf " [KO] : %s",$0
+ }
+ else
+ printf " [OK] : %s",$0
+ if ( $0 !~ /\(/ ) {
+ printf "(" # if there is no argument, parenthesis was suppressed, so we add it for printing
+ }
+ printf ");\\n"
+ if ( ok == 0){ #print the error message
+ printf "%s\\n\\n",error_message
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ok == 0) # pass to the next function if one of the c++ type is not compatible
+ next
+# --------------------- treatment 1 bis ------------------------------
+ printf "Function;%s;%s\\n",type[1],name[1] > "parse_type_result"
+ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
+ printf "%s;%s\\n",type[i],name[i] >> "parse_type_result"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template,set
+// this cxx file was generated by yacsgen
+#include "${component}_i.hxx"
+#include "${component}.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "SenderFactory.hxx"
+#include "MultiCommException.hxx"
+#include "ReceiverFactory.hxx"
+#include "SALOME_Matrix_i.hxx"
+#include "MatrixClient.hxx"
+#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+ * standard constructor
+ */
+${component}_i::${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName) :
+ Engines_Component_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName),${inheritedconstructor}cppCompo_(new ${component})
+ MESSAGE("activate object");
+ _thisObj = this ;
+ _id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
+char* ${component}_i::ComponentDataType()
+ return CORBA::string_dup("${component}");
+Engines::Component_ptr ${component}_i::GetComponentInstance()
+ return ${component}_Gen::_this();
+extern "C"
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory(
+ CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory()");
+ SCRUTE(interfaceName);
+ ${component}_i * my${component}
+ = new ${component}_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName);
+ return my${component}->getId() ;
+ }
+//this file was generated by yacsgen
+#ifndef __${component}_hxx2salome__
+#define __${component}_hxx2salome__
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+#include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(${module})
+#include "SALOME_Component_i.hxx"
+#include "SALOMEMultiComm.hxx"
+#include <memory> // for std::auto_ptr
+class ${component}; // forward declaration
+class ${component}_i: ${inheritedclass}
+ public POA_${module}::${component}_Gen,
+ public Engines_Component_i,
+ public SALOMEMultiComm
+ ${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName);
+ virtual ~${component}_i();
+// (re)defined methods of Driver
+ virtual Engines::Component_ptr GetComponentInstance();
+ char* ComponentDataType();
+ std::auto_ptr<${component}> cppCompo_;
+extern "C"
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory(
+ CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName);
+${ret} ${component}_i::${service}(${parameters}) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ beginService("${component}_i::${service}");
+ BEGIN_OF("${component}_i::${service}");
+ try
+ {
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& ex)
+ {
+ }
+dist_lib${component}Engine_la_SOURCES = \
+ ${component}_i.cxx
+lib${component}Engine_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$$(top_builddir)/idl $$(SALOME_INCLUDES) ${includes}
+lib${component}Engine_la_LIBADD = ${libs} -L$$(top_builddir)/idl -l${module} $${SALOME_LIBS} $$(FLIBS)
+#, SALOME_MED::MED_Gen_Driver, SALOME::MultiCommClass
+ interface ${component}_Gen:Engines::Component,SALOME::MultiCommClass ${inherited}
+ {
+ };
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 CEA DEN
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ Module that generates SALOME c++ Component from a non SALOME c++ component (its header and its shares library)
+import os
+from gener import Component, Invalid
+from hxx_tmpl import cxxService, hxxCompo, cxxCompo, compoMakefile
+from module_generator import Service
+import string
+from tempfile import mkstemp
+from yacstypes import corba_rtn_type,moduleTypes
+class HXX2SALOMEComponent(Component):
+ def __init__(self, hxxfile , cpplib , cpp_path ):
+ # search a file within a directory tree
+ import fnmatch
+ def search_file(pattern, root):
+ matches = []
+ for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root)):
+ for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern):
+ matches.append(os.path.join(path, filename))
+ return matches
+ hxxfileful=search_file(hxxfile,cpp_path)
+ cpplibful=search_file(cpplib,cpp_path)
+ assert len(hxxfileful) > 0 ,'Error in HXX2SALOMEComponent : file ' + hxxfile + ' not found in ' + cpp_path
+ assert len(cpplibful) > 0 ,'Error in HXX2SALOMEComponent : file ' + cpplib + ' not found in ' + cpp_path
+ hxxfile=hxxfileful[0]
+ cpplib=cpplibful[0]
+ # grab name of c++ component
+ from hxx_awk import parse01,parse1,parse2,parse3
+ cmd1="""awk '$1 == "class" && $0 !~ /;/ {print $2}' """ + hxxfile + """|awk -F: '{printf "%s",$1}' """
+ f=os.popen(cmd1)
+ class_name=f.readlines()[0]
+ name=class_name
+ print "classname=",class_name
+ f.close()
+ # create temporary awk files
+ (fd01,p01n)=mkstemp()
+ f01=os.fdopen(fd01,"w")
+ f01.write(parse01)
+ f01.close()
+ (fd1,p1n)=mkstemp()
+ f1=os.fdopen(fd1,"w")
+ f1.write(parse1)
+ f1.close()
+ (fd2,p2n)=mkstemp()
+ f2=os.fdopen(fd2,"w")
+ f2.write(parse2)
+ f2.close()
+ (fd3,p3n)=mkstemp()
+ f3=os.fdopen(fd3,"w")
+ f3.write(parse3)
+ f3.close()
+ # awk parsing of hxx files - result written in file parse_type_result
+ cmd2="cat " + hxxfile + " | awk -f " + p01n + """ | sed 's/virtual //g' | sed 's/MEDMEM_EXPORT//g' | sed 's/throw.*;/;/g' | awk -f """ + p1n + " | awk -f " + p2n + " | awk -v class_name=" + class_name + " -f " + p3n
+ os.system(cmd2)
+ os.remove(p01n)
+ os.remove(p1n)
+ os.remove(p2n)
+ os.remove(p3n)
+ # Retrieve the information which was generated in the file parse_type_result.
+ # The structure of the file is :
+ #
+ # Function return_type function_name
+ # [arg1_type arg1_name]
+ # [arg2_type arg2_name]
+ # ...
+ # The information is stored in a list of dictionnaries (service_definition)
+ from hxx_awk import cpp2idl_mapping
+ list_of_services=[]
+ service_definition={}
+ result_parsing=open("parse_type_result","r")
+ for line in result_parsing.readlines():
+ line=line[0:-1] # get rid of trailing \n
+ words = string.split(line,';')
+ if len(words) >=3 and words[0] == "Function": # detect a new service
+ function_name=words[2]
+ list_of_services.append(function_name)
+ service_definition[function_name]={}
+ service_definition[function_name]["ret"]=words[1] # return type
+ service_definition[function_name]["inports"]=[]
+ service_definition[function_name]["outports"]=[]
+ service_definition[function_name]["ports"]=[]
+ service_definition[function_name]["impl"]=[]
+ if len(words) == 2: # an argument type and argument name of a previous service
+ typename=words[0]
+ argname=words[1]
+ service_definition[list_of_services[-1]]["ports"].append( (argname,typename) ) # store in c++ order the arg names
+ # separate in from out parameters
+ inout=cpp2idl_mapping[typename][0:2]
+ assert inout=="in" or inout=="ou",'Error in table cpp2idl_mapping'
+ if inout == "in":
+ service_definition[list_of_services[-1]]["inports"].append( (argname,typename) )
+ else:
+ service_definition[list_of_services[-1]]["outports"].append( (argname,typename) )
+ # generate implementation of c++ servant
+ from hxx_awk import cpp_impl_a,cpp_impl_b,cpp_impl_c # these tables contain the part of code which depends upon c++ types
+ for serv in list_of_services:
+ if debug:
+ print "service : ",serv
+ print " inports -> ",service_definition[serv]["inports"]
+ print " outports -> ",service_definition[serv]["outports"]
+ print " return -> ",service_definition[serv]["ret"]
+ # Part 1 : Argument pre-processing
+ s_argument_processing="//\tArguments processing\n"
+ for (argname,argtype) in service_definition[serv]["inports"] + service_definition[serv]["outports"]:
+ format=cpp_impl_a[argtype]
+ s_argument_processing += format % {"arg" : argname }
+ if s_argument_processing=="//\tArguments processing\n": # if there was no args
+ s_argument_processing=""
+ # Part 2 : Call to the underlying c++ function
+ s_call_cpp_function="//\tCall cpp component\n\t"
+ rtn_type=service_definition[serv]["ret"]
+ if rtn_type == "void" : # if return type is void, the call syntax is different
+ s_call_cpp_function += "cppCompo_->%s(" % serv
+ else:
+ s_call_cpp_function += "%s _rtn_cpp = cppCompo_->%s(" % (rtn_type ,serv )
+ for (argname,argtype) in service_definition[serv]["ports"]:
+ # special treatment for some arguments
+ post=""
+ pre=""
+ if string.find(cpp_impl_a[argtype],"auto_ptr" ) != -1 :
+ post=".get()" # for auto_ptr argument, retrieve the raw pointer behind
+ if argtype == "const MEDMEM::MESH&" or argtype == "const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&" :
+ pre="*" # we cannot create MESHClient on the stack (private constructor), so we create it on the heap and dereference it
+ post+="," # separator between arguments
+ s_call_cpp_function += " %s_%s%s" % ( pre,argname,post)
+ if s_call_cpp_function[-1]==',':
+ s_call_cpp_function=s_call_cpp_function[0:-1] # get rid of trailing comma
+ s_call_cpp_function=s_call_cpp_function+');\n'
+ # Part 3.a : Out Argument Post-processing
+ s_argument_postprocessing="//\tPost-processing & return\n"
+ for (argname,argtype) in service_definition[serv]["outports"]:
+ format=cpp_impl_c[argtype]
+ s_argument_postprocessing += format % {"arg" : argname, "module" : "%(module)s" } # the treatment of %(module) is postponed in makecxx()
+ # because we don't know here the module name
+ # Part 3.b : In Argument Post-processing
+ for (argname,argtype) in service_definition[serv]["inports"]:
+ if cpp_impl_c.has_key(argtype): # not all in types require a treatment
+ format=cpp_impl_c[argtype]
+ s_argument_postprocessing += format % {"arg" : argname, "module" : "%(module)s" } # id : treatment of %(module) is postponed in makecxx
+ # Part 3.c : return processing
+ s_rtn_processing=cpp_impl_b[rtn_type]
+ s_rtn_processing += "\tendService(\"%(class_name)s_i::%(serv_name)s\");\n\tEND_OF(\"%(class_name)s_i::%(serv_name)s\");\n" % { "serv_name" : serv, "class_name" : class_name }
+ if rtn_type != "void":
+ s_rtn_processing += "\treturn _rtn_ior;"
+ service_definition[serv]["impl"] = s_argument_processing + s_call_cpp_function + s_argument_postprocessing + s_rtn_processing
+ if debug:
+ print "implementation :\n",service_definition[serv]["impl"]
+ #
+ # Create a list of services, and give it to Component constructor
+ services=[]
+ from hxx_awk import cpp2yacs_mapping
+ for serv in list_of_services:
+ # for inports and outports, Service class expects a list of tuples, each tuple containing the name and the yacs type of the port
+ # thus we need to convert c++ types to yacs types (we use for that the cpp2yacs_mapping table
+ inports=[]
+ for i in range( len(service_definition[serv]["inports"]) ):
+ inports.append( [service_definition[serv]["inports"][i][0], cpp2yacs_mapping[service_definition[serv]["inports"][i][1]] ] )
+ outports=[]
+ for i in range( len(service_definition[serv]["outports"]) ):
+ outports.append( [service_definition[serv]["outports"][i][0], cpp2yacs_mapping[service_definition[serv]["outports"][i][1]] ] )
+ Return="void"
+ if service_definition[serv]["ret"] != "void":
+ Return=cpp2yacs_mapping[service_definition[serv]["ret"]]
+ # find out if component uses medmem types and/or medcoupling types
+ self.use_medmem=False
+ self.use_medcoupling=False
+ for (argname,argtype) in inports + outports + [("return",Return)]:
+ if moduleTypes[argtype]=="MED":
+ if argtype.count("Coupling")>0:
+ self.use_medcoupling=True
+ else:
+ self.use_medmem=True
+ break
+ code=service_definition[serv]["impl"]
+ if debug:
+ print "service : ",serv
+ print " inports -> ",service_definition[serv]["inports"]
+ print " converted inports -> ",inports
+ print " outports -> ",service_definition[serv]["outports"]
+ print " converted outports -> ",outports
+ print " Return -> ",service_definition[serv]["ret"]
+ print " converted Return -> ",Return
+ services.append(Service(serv,
+ inport=inports,
+ outport=outports,
+ ret=Return,
+ defs="",
+ body=code,
+ ) )
+ Includes="-I${"+name+"CPP_ROOT_DIR}/include"
+ Libs="-L${"+name+"CPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib -l"+name+"CXX"
+ Compodefs=""
+ Inheritedclass=""
+ self.inheritedconstructor=""
+ if self.use_medmem:
+ Compodefs="""
+#include "FIELDClient.hxx"
+#include "MESHClient.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Support_i.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh_i.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_FieldTemplate_i.hxx"
+#include "Med_Gen_Driver_i.hxx"
+ Inheritedclass="Med_Gen_Driver_i"
+ self.inheritedconstructor="Med_Gen_Driver_i(orb),"
+ if self.use_medcoupling:
+ Compodefs+="""
+#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(MEDCouplingCorbaServant)
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDoubleServant.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMeshServant.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMeshClient.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDoubleClient.hxx"
+ Component.__init__(self, name, services, impl="CPP", libs=Libs,
+ rlibs="", includes=Includes, kind="lib",
+ sources=None,inheritedclass=Inheritedclass,
+ compodefs=Compodefs)
+ def makeCompo(self, gen):
+ """generate files for C++ component
+ return a dict where key is the file name and value is the content of the file
+ """
+ cxxfile = "%s_i.cxx" % self.name
+ hxxfile = "%s_i.hxx" % self.name
+ return {"Makefile.am":gen.makeMakefile(self.getMakefileItems(gen)),
+ cxxfile:self.makecxx(gen),
+ hxxfile:self.makehxx(gen)
+ }
+ def getMakefileItems(self,gen):
+ makefileItems={"header":"""
+include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+ makefileItems["lib_LTLIBRARIES"]=["lib"+self.name+"Engine.la"]
+ makefileItems["salomeinclude_HEADERS"]=["%s_i.hxx" % self.name]
+ makefileItems["body"]=compoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name,
+ libs=self.libs,
+ includes=self.includes)
+ return makefileItems
+ def makehxx(self, gen):
+ """return a string that is the content of .hxx file
+ """
+ services = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ service = " %s %s(" % (corba_rtn_type(serv.ret,gen.module.name),serv.name)
+ service = service+gen.makeArgs(serv)+") throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);"
+ services.append(service)
+ servicesdef = "\n".join(services)
+ inheritedclass=self.inheritedclass
+ if self.inheritedclass:
+ inheritedclass= " public virtual " + self.inheritedclass + ","
+ return hxxCompo.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef=servicesdef, inheritedclass=inheritedclass,
+ compodefs=self.compodefs)
+ def makecxx(self, gen, exe=0):
+ """return a string that is the content of .cxx file
+ """
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ service = cxxService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,ret=corba_rtn_type(serv.ret,gen.module.name),
+ parameters=gen.makeArgs(serv),
+ body=serv.body % {"module":gen.module.name} )
+ services.append(service)
+ return cxxCompo.substitute(component=self.name,
+ inheritedconstructor=self.inheritedconstructor,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs),
+ servicesimpl="\n".join(services))
#include "MED_Gen.idl"
#include "MED.idl"
+#include "MEDCouplingCorbaServant.idl"
#module MED
-MED_INCLUDES= -I$(MED_ROOT_DIR)/include/salome
+MED_INCLUDES= -I${MED2HOME}/include -I${MED_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome -I${HDF5HOME}/include
MED_IDL_LIBS= -L$(MED_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome -lSalomeIDLMED
-MED_LIBS= -L$(MED_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome
+MED_LIBS= -L${MED2HOME}/lib -lmed -L${HDF5HOME}/lib -lhdf5 -L${MED_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome -lSalomeIDLMED -lMEDClientcmodule -lmedcouplingcorba -lmedcouplingclient
corbaTypes = {"double":"CORBA::Double", "long":"CORBA::Long",
"string":"const char*", "dblevec":"const %s::dblevec&",
"stringvec":"const %s::stringvec&", "intvec":"const %s::intvec&",
- "file":None
+ "file":None, "boolean":"CORBA::Boolean", "void":"void"
corbaOutTypes = {"double":"CORBA::Double&", "long":"CORBA::Long&",
"string":"CORBA::String_out", "dblevec":"%s::dblevec_out",
"stringvec":"%s::stringvec_out", "intvec":"%s::intvec_out",
- "file":None
+ "file":None, "boolean":"CORBA::Boolean_out", "void":None
-moduleTypes = {"double":"", "long":"", "string":"", "dblevec":"", "stringvec":"", "intvec":"", "file":"" , "pyobj":"" }
+moduleTypes = {"double":"", "long":"", "string":"", "dblevec":"", "stringvec":"", "intvec":"", "file":"", "pyobj":"", "boolean":"", "void":"" }
+idlTypes = {"double":"double", "long":"long", "string":"string", "dblevec":"dblevec", "stringvec":"stringvec", "intvec":"intvec",
+ "file":"", "boolean":"boolean", "void":"void" }
+corbaRtnTypes = {"double":"CORBA::Double", "long":"CORBA::Long",
+ "string":"char*", "dblevec":"%s::dblevec*",
+ "stringvec":"%s::stringvec*", "intvec":"%s::intvec*",
+ "file":None, "boolean":"CORBA::Boolean", "void":"void"
+ }
-idlTypes = {"double":"double", "long":"long", "string":"string", "dblevec":"dblevec", "stringvec":"stringvec", "intvec":"intvec", "file":"" }
def corba_in_type(typ, module):
if corbaTypes[typ].count("%s")>0:
return corbaOutTypes[typ]
+def corba_rtn_type(typ, module):
+ if corbaRtnTypes[typ].count("%s")>0:
+ return corbaRtnTypes[typ] % module
+ else:
+ return corbaRtnTypes[typ]
ValidTypes = corbaTypes.keys()
PyValidTypes = ValidTypes+["pyobj"]
-def add_type(typename, corbaType, corbaOutType, module, idltype):
+def add_type(typename, corbaType, corbaOutType, module, idltype, corbaRtnType):
""" add a data type YACS from other module than KERNEL to the list of available types
:param typename: YACS data type name
:type module: string
:param idltype: representation for CORBA idl
:type idltype: string
+ :param corbaRtnType: representation for C++ CORBA return parameter
+ :type corbaRtnType: string
corbaTypes[typename] = corbaType
corbaOutTypes[typename] = corbaOutType
+ corbaRtnTypes[typename] = corbaRtnType
moduleTypes[typename] = module
idlTypes[typename] = idltype
ValidParallelStreamTypes = DatastreamParallelTypes.keys()
ValidDependencies = ("I", "T")
-add_type("dataref", "const Engines::dataref&", "Engines::dataref_out", "", "dataref")
-add_type("GEOM_Object", "GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr", "GEOM::GEOM_Object_out", "GEOM", "GEOM::GEOM_Object")
-add_type("SMESH_Mesh", "SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr", "SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_out", "SMESH", "SMESH::SMESH_Mesh")
-add_type("SMESH_Hypothesis", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_out", "SMESH", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis")
+add_type("dataref", "const Engines::dataref&", "Engines::dataref_out", "", "dataref","Engines::dataref*")
+add_type("GEOM_Object", "GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr", "GEOM::GEOM_Object_out", "GEOM", "GEOM::GEOM_Object","GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr")
+add_type("SMESH_Mesh", "SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr", "SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_out", "SMESH", "SMESH::SMESH_Mesh","SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr")
+add_type("SMESH_Hypothesis", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_out", "SMESH", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis", "SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr")
+add_type("SALOME/Matrix", "SALOME::Matrix_ptr", "SALOME::Matrix_out", "", "SALOME::Matrix", "SALOME::Matrix_ptr")
+add_type("SALOME_MED/MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface_ptr", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface_out", "MED", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface_ptr")
+add_type("SALOME_MED/MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface_ptr", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface_out", "MED", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface", "SALOME_MED::MEDCouplingUMeshCorbaInterface_ptr")