for(int iv=1;iv<=nv;iv++) {
mesh_get_vertex_coordinates(msh, iv, xyz);
mesh_get_vertex_tag(msh, iv, &tag);
+ // Issue 0020656. Use vertex coordinates
+ if ( tag ) {
+ gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex(pmap(tag)));
+ xyz[0] = p.X(); xyz[1] = p.Y(); xyz[2] = p.Z();
+ }
nodes[iv] = meshDS->AddNode(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
// internal point are tagged to zero
double pa = 0.;
if ( proj.NbPoints() > 0 )
+ {
pa = (double)proj.LowerDistanceParameter();
+ // Issue 0020656. Move node if it is too far from edge
+ gp_Pnt curve_pnt = curve->Value( pa );
+ double dist2 = pnt.SquareDistance( curve_pnt );
+ double tol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( edge );
+ if ( 1e-12 < dist2 && dist2 <= 2*tol*tol ) // large enough and within tolerance
+ {
+ curve_pnt.Transform( loc );
+ meshDS->MoveNode( node, curve_pnt.X(), curve_pnt.Y(), curve_pnt.Z() );
+ }
+ }
// GProp_GProps LProps;
// BRepGProp::LinearProperties(ed, LProps);
// double lg = (double)LProps.Mass();