XGUI_DataTree::XGUI_DataTree(QWidget* theParent)
: QTreeView(theParent)
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
myStyle = new XGUI_TreeViewStyle();
+ setStyle(new QWindowsStyle());
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
void XGUI_DataTree::drawRow(QPainter* thePainter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem& theOptions,
const QModelIndex& theIndex) const
QWindowsVistaStyle::drawPrimitive(theElement, theOption, thePainter, theWidget);
myTreeView = theView;
QPalette aPalet = myTreeView->palette();
QColor aHighlight = aPalet.highlight().color();
+ QColor aHighlightText = aPalet.highlightedText().color();
myPreSelectionStyle = "QLineEdit {background-color: ";
myPreSelectionStyle += "qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 white, stop:1 " + aHighlight.lighter(170).name() + ");";
QString aName = aPalet.color(QPalette::Base).name();
myNeutralStyle = "QLineEdit { border: 1px solid " + aName + " }";
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
mySelectionStyle = "QLineEdit {background-color: ";
- mySelectionStyle += "qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 " + aHighlight.lighter(170).name();
- mySelectionStyle += ", stop:1 " + aHighlight.lighter().name() + ");";
- mySelectionStyle += "border: 1px solid lightblue; border-radius: 2px }";
+ mySelectionStyle += "qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgb(236, 245, 255)";
+ mySelectionStyle += ", stop:1 rgb(208, 229, 255));";
+ mySelectionStyle += "border: 1px solid rgb(132, 172, 221); border-radius: 2px }";
+ mySelectionStyle = "QLineEdit {background-color: " + aHighlight.name();
+ mySelectionStyle += "; color : " + aHighlightText.name() + "}";
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
bool XGUI_ActiveDocLbl::event(QEvent* theEvent)
switch (theEvent->type()) {
return QLineEdit::event(theEvent);
bool XGUI_ActiveDocLbl::eventFilter(QObject* theObj, QEvent* theEvent)
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QLineEdit>
-#include <QWindowsVistaStyle>
class ModuleBase_IDocumentDataModel;
class XGUI_DataModel;
QTreeView* treePalette() const { return myTreeView;}
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
virtual bool event(QEvent* theEvent);
public slots:
void unselect();
bool myIsSelected;
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
+#include <QWindowsVistaStyle>
* \ingroup GUI
* Implementation of XGUI_DataTree custom style
QModelIndex myIndex;
* \ingroup GUI
/// Redefinition of virtual method
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* theEvent);
+#if (!defined HAVE_SALOME) && (defined WIN32)
virtual void drawRow(QPainter* thePainter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem& theOptions,
const QModelIndex& theIndex) const;
XGUI_TreeViewStyle* myStyle;
/**\class XGUI_ObjectsBrowser