* <TR><TD>Option</TD><TD>Description</TD><TD> Admitted values</TD><TD>Default</TD></TR>
- * <TR><TD> MedianPlane </TD><TD>Position of the median plane where both cells will be projected </TD><TD> Triangle, Convex</TD><TD> Triangle </TD></TR>
- * <TR><TD> Precision </TD><TD>Accuracy of the computations is precision times the characteristic size of the meshes </TD><TD> real numbers between 0 and 1 </TD><TD> 0.5 </TD></TR>
- * <TR><TD>DoRotate </TD><TD>Performs a rotation of the coordinate system such that the median plane is the Oxy plane </TD><TD> boolean true or false </TD><TD> true </TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD> MedianPlane </TD><TD>Position of the median plane where both cells will be projected</TD><TD> real numbers between 0 and 1 </TD><TD> 0.5 </TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD> Precision </TD><TD>Accuracy of the computations is
+ * precision times the characteristic size of the meshes </TD><TD>
+ * positive real numbers </TD><TD> 1.E-12 </TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD>DoRotate </TD><TD>Performs a rotation of the coordinate
+ system such that the median plane is the Oxy plane </TD><TD>
+ boolean true or false </TD><TD> true </TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD>BoundingBoxAdjustment</TD><TD>When detecting an intersection between bounding boxes, the bounding are expanded by a factor (1+BoundingBoxAdjustment). It is particularly useful when detecting intersections for 3D surfaces for which the bounding boxes might not actually intersect. </TD><TD> real numbers </TD><TD> 0.1 </TD></TR>
Note that choosing the Triangle Intersection_type necessarily set the DoRotate option to true.