Launcher::Job::setMachineDefinition(const ParserResourcesType & machine_definition)
+ // Check machine_definition
+ if (machine_definition.UserName == "")
+ {
+ std::string mess = "Machine definition must define a user name !, machine name is: " + machine_definition.HostName;
+ throw LauncherException(mess);
+ }
_machine_definition = machine_definition;
_work_directory += thedate;
params[WORKDIR] = _work_directory;
- params[TMPDIR] = _work_directory;
+ params[TMPDIR] = _work_directory; // To Compatibility -- remove ??? TODO
+ // If result_directory is not defined, we use HOME environnement
+ if (_result_directory == "")
+ _result_directory = getenv("HOME");
// _in_files
for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it = _in_files.begin(); it != _in_files.end(); it++)
std::string file = *it;
- // local file -> If result_directory is not defined, we use HOME environnement
- std::string result_directory = _result_directory;
- if (result_directory == "")
- result_directory = getenv("HOME");
+ // local file
size_t found = file.find_last_of("/");
- std::string local_file = result_directory + "/" + file.substr(found+1);
+ std::string local_file = _result_directory + "/" + file.substr(found+1);
// remote file -> If file is not an absolute path, we apply _work_directory
std::string remote_file;
#include "Launcher_Job_YACSFile.hxx"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
Launcher::Job_YACSFile::Job_YACSFile(const std::string & yacs_file)
_yacs_file = yacs_file;
return _yacs_file;
+Launcher::Job_YACSFile::setMachineDefinition(const ParserResourcesType & machine_definition)
+ // Check machine_definition
+ if (machine_definition.AppliPath == "")
+ {
+ std::string mess = "Machine definition must define an application path !, machine name is: " + machine_definition.HostName;
+ throw LauncherException(mess);
+ }
+ Launcher::Job::setMachineDefinition(machine_definition);
Batch::Parametre params = common_job_params();
- params[EXECUTABLE] = buildSalomeCouplingScript();
+ // Adding New Files for this type of job
+ // Copy YACS File
+ // local file -> If file is not an absolute path, we apply _local_directory
+ // remote file -> get only file name from _in_files
+ std::string local_file;
+ if (_yacs_file.substr(0, 1) == std::string("/"))
+ local_file = _yacs_file;
+ else
+ local_file = _local_directory + "/" + _yacs_file;
+ size_t found = _yacs_file.find_last_of("/");
+ std::string remote_file = _work_directory + "/" + _yacs_file.substr(found+1);
+ params[INFILE] += Batch::Couple(local_file, remote_file);
+ // logs
+ // local file -> If result_directory is not defined, we use HOME environnement
+ std::string log_directory = "logs";
+ std::string log_local_file = _result_directory + "/" + log_directory;
+ std::string log_remote_file = _work_directory + "/" + log_directory;
+ params[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple(log_local_file, log_remote_file);
+ params[EXECUTABLE] = buildSalomeCouplingScript(params);
+ // Add in files -> yacs_file and launch_script
+Launcher::Job_YACSFile::buildSalomeCouplingScript(Batch::Parametre params)
+ // parameters
+ std::string work_directory = params[WORKDIR].str();
+ // File name
+ std::string::size_type p1 = _yacs_file.find_last_of("/");
+ std::string::size_type p2 = _yacs_file.find_last_of(".");
+ std::string yacs_file_name = _yacs_file.substr(p1+1,p2-p1-1);
+ time_t rawtime;
+ time(&rawtime);
+ std::string launch_date = ctime(&rawtime);
+ int i = 0 ;
+ for (;i < launch_date.size(); i++)
+ if (launch_date[i] == '/' or
+ launch_date[i] == '-' or
+ launch_date[i] == ':' or
+ launch_date[i] == ' ')
+ launch_date[i] = '_';
+ launch_date.erase(--launch_date.end()); // Last caracter is a \n
+ std::string launch_date_port_file = launch_date;
+ std::string launch_script = "/tmp/runSalome_" + yacs_file_name + "_" + launch_date + ".sh";
+ std::ofstream launch_script_stream;
+ launch_script_stream.open(launch_script.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
+ // Begin of script
+ launch_script_stream << "#! /bin/sh -f" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << "cd " << work_directory << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << "mkdir logs" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << "export SALOME_TMP_DIR=" << work_directory << "/logs" << std::endl;
+ // -- Generates Catalog Resources
+ // TODO
+ // Launch SALOME with an appli
+ launch_script_stream << _machine_definition.AppliPath << "/runAppli --terminal --ns-port-log=" << launch_date_port_file << " > logs/salome.log 2>&1" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << "current=0\n"
+ << "stop=20\n"
+ << "while ! test -f " << _machine_definition.AppliPath << "/" << launch_date_port_file << "\n"
+ << "do\n"
+ << " sleep 2\n"
+ << " let current=current+1\n"
+ << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
+ << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2\n"
+ << " exit\n"
+ << " fi\n"
+ << "done\n"
+ << "port=`cat " << _machine_definition.AppliPath << "/" << launch_date_port_file << "`\n";
+ launch_script_stream << _machine_definition.AppliPath << "/runSession driver " << yacs_file_name << ".xml > logs/yacs.log 2>&1" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << _machine_definition.AppliPath << "/runSession killSalomeWithPort.py $port" << std::endl;
+ // Return
+ launch_script_stream.flush();
+ launch_script_stream.close();
+ chmod(launch_script.c_str(), 0x1ED);
+ return launch_script;