#include <GEOMImpl_MeasureDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IMeasure.hxx>
+#include <GEOMAlgo_ShapeInfo.hxx>
+#include <GEOMAlgo_ShapeInfoFiller.hxx>
#include <GEOM_Function.hxx>
#include <GEOM_PythonDump.hxx>
-#include "utilities.h"
+#include <utilities.h>
#include <OpUtil.hxx>
#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
TopoDS_Shape aShape = aRefShape->GetValue();
if (aShape.IsNull()) return aKind;
- TopAbs_ShapeEnum aType = aShape.ShapeType();
+ // Call algorithm
+ GEOMAlgo_ShapeInfoFiller aSF;
+ aSF.SetShape(aShape);
+ aSF.Perform();
+ Standard_Integer iErr = aSF.ErrorStatus();
+ if (iErr) {
+ SetErrorCode("Error in GEOMAlgo_ShapeInfoFiller");
+ return SK_NO_SHAPE;
+ }
+ const GEOMAlgo_ShapeInfo& anInfo = aSF.Info();
+ // Interprete results
+ TopAbs_ShapeEnum aType = anInfo.Type();
switch (aType)
- //??? geompy.kind.compound nb_solids nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
- //??? geompy.kind.compsolid nb_solids nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
- //? "nb_faces" - all faces or only 'standalone' faces?
- case TopAbs_COMPOUND:
- aKind = SK_COMPOUND;
- //
- break;
- case TopAbs_COMPSOLID:
- //
- break;
- case TopAbs_SHELL:
- //geompy.kind.shell geompy.info.closed nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
- //geompy.kind.shell geompy.info.unclosed nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ case TopAbs_COMPOUND:
+ case TopAbs_COMPSOLID:
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.COMPOUND nb_solids nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ // (+) geompy.kind.COMPSOLID nb_solids nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ // ??? "nb_faces" - all faces or only 'standalone' faces?
+ if (aType == TopAbs_COMPOUND)
+ aKind = SK_COMPOUND;
+ else
+ //theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_COMPOUND));
+ //theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_COMPSOLID));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_SOLID));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_FACE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ break;
+ case TopAbs_SHELL:
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.SHELL geompy.info.closed nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ // (+) geompy.kind.SHELL geompy.info.unclosed nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
aKind = SK_SHELL;
- //
- break;
- case TopAbs_WIRE:
- //geompy.kind.wire geompy.info.closed nb_edges nb_vertices
- //geompy.kind.wire geompy.info.unclosed nb_edges nb_vertices
+ theIntegers->Append((int)anInfo.KindOfClosed());
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_FACE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ break;
+ case TopAbs_WIRE:
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.WIRE geompy.info.closed nb_edges nb_vertices
+ // (+) geompy.kind.WIRE geompy.info.unclosed nb_edges nb_vertices
aKind = SK_WIRE;
- //
- break;
- case TopAbs_SOLID:
- //geompy.kind.sphere xc yc zc R
- //geompy.kind.cylinder xb yb zb dx dy dz R H
- //geompy.kind.box xc yc zc dx dy dz
- //geompy.kind.rotated_box xo yo zo zx zy zz xx xy xz dx dy dz
- //geompy.kind.torus xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
- //geompy.kind.cone xb yb zb dx dy dz H R_1 R_2
- //geompy.kind.polyhedron nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
- //geompy.kind.solid nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ theIntegers->Append((int)anInfo.KindOfClosed());
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ break;
+ case TopAbs_SOLID:
+ {
aKind = SK_SOLID;
- //if () {
- // aKind = SK_SPHERE;
- // aKind = SK_CYLINDER;
- // aKind = SK_BOX;
- // aKind = SK_ROTATED_BOX;
- // aKind = SK_TORUS;
- // aKind = SK_CONE;
- // aKind = SK_POLYHEDRON;
- //}
- break;
- case TopAbs_FACE:
- // geompy.kind.sphere2d xc yc zc R
- // + geompy.kind.cylinder2d xb yb zb dx dy dz R H
- // geompy.kind.torus2d xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
- // geompy.kind.cone2d xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
- // geompy.kind.disk xc yc zc dx dy dz R
- // geompy.kind.ellipse2d xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
- // geompy.kind.polygon xo yo zo dx dy dz nb_edges nb_vertices
- // + geompy.kind.planar xo yo zo dx dy dz nb_edges nb_vertices
- // + geompy.kind.face nb_edges nb_vertices _surface_type_id_
- aKind = SK_FACE;
- {
- TopoDS_Face aF = TopoDS::Face(aShape);
- int nbWires = 0, nbEdges = 0, nbVertices = 0;
+ GEOMAlgo_KindOfName aKN = anInfo.KindOfName();
+ switch (aKN)
+ {
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_SPHERE:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.SPHERE xc yc zc R
+ {
+ aKind = SK_SPHERE;
- TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape;
- TopExp_Explorer expw (aF, TopAbs_WIRE);
- for (; expw.More(); expw.Next()) {
- if (mapShape.Add(expw.Current())) {
- //listShape.Append(expw.Current());
- nbWires++;
- }
- }
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
- mapShape.Clear();
- TopExp_Explorer expe (aF, TopAbs_EDGE);
- for (; expe.More(); expe.Next()) {
- if (mapShape.Add(expe.Current())) {
- //listShape.Append(expe.Current());
- nbEdges++;
- }
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
- mapShape.Clear();
- TopExp_Explorer expf (aF, TopAbs_VERTEX);
- for (; expf.More(); expf.Next()) {
- if (mapShape.Add(expf.Current())) {
- //listShape.Append(expf.Current());
- nbVertices++;
- }
+ break;
+ // (+) geompy.kind.CYLINDER xb yb zb dx dy dz R H
+ {
+ aKind = SK_CYLINDER;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height());
- // Geometry
- Handle(Geom_Surface) aGS = BRep_Tool::Surface(aF);
- if (!aGS.IsNull()) {
- BRepAdaptor_Surface aBAS (aF);
- if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane))) {
- // planar
- aKind = SK_PLANAR;
- Handle(Geom_Plane) aGPlane = Handle(Geom_Plane)::DownCast(aGS);
- gp_Pln aPln = aGPlane->Pln();
- gp_Ax3 aPos = aPln.Position();
- gp_Pnt anOri = aPos.Location();
- gp_Dir aDirZ = aPos.Direction();
- //gp_Dir aDirX = aPos.XDirection();
- // xo yo zo
- theDoubles->Append(anOri.X());
- theDoubles->Append(anOri.Y());
- theDoubles->Append(anOri.Z());
- // dx dy dz
- theDoubles->Append(aDirZ.X());
- theDoubles->Append(aDirZ.Y());
- theDoubles->Append(aDirZ.Z());
- // nb_edges nb_vertices (for planar only)
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- //if () {
- // aKind = SK_DISK;
- // aKind = SK_ELLIPSE2D;
- // aKind = SK_POLYGON;
- //}
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_BOX:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.BOX xc yc zc ax ay az
+ {
+ aKind = SK_BOX;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ gp_Dir aX = anAx3.XDirection();
+ // ax ay az
+ if (aD.IsParallel(gp::DZ(), Precision::Angular()) &&
+ aX.IsParallel(gp::DX(), Precision::Angular())) {
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length()); // ax'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width()); // ay'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height()); // az'
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_SphericalSurface))) {
- //if (/*isSphere*/false) {
- if (aBAS.IsUClosed() && aBAS.IsVClosed()) { // does not work
- Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aGSph = Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface)::DownCast(aGS);
- // parameters
- gp_Pnt aLoc = aGSph->Location();
- Standard_Real rr = aGSph->Radius();
- // xc yc zc
- theDoubles->Append(aLoc.X());
- theDoubles->Append(aLoc.Y());
- theDoubles->Append(aLoc.Z());
- // R
- theDoubles->Append(rr);
- aKind = SK_SPHERE2D;
- }
- else {
- // nb_edges nb_vertices (for spherical only)
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_Sphere);
- }
+ else if (aD.IsParallel(gp::DZ(), Precision::Angular()) &&
+ aX.IsParallel(gp::DY(), Precision::Angular())) {
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width()); // ay'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length()); // ax'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height()); // az'
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_CylindricalSurface))) {
- // Pure cylinder or just a piece of cylindric surface
- TopLoc_Location aL;
- Handle(Geom_Surface) aGSLoc = BRep_Tool::Surface(aF, aL);
- //aF.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
- TopExp_Explorer ex (aF, TopAbs_EDGE);
- Standard_Real uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax;
- bool isCylinder = true;
- for (; ex.More(); ex.Next()) {
- // check all edges: pure cylinder has only one seam edge
- // and two edges with const v parameter
- TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge(ex.Current());
- if (BRep_Tool::IsClosed(E, aGSLoc, aL)) {
- // seam edge
- //TopoDS_Edge ERevr = E;
- //ERevr.Reverse();
- //Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcRepl1 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E , aF, f,l);
- //Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcRepl2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(ERevr, aF, f,l);
- }
- else {
- BRepTools::UVBounds(aF, E, uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax);
- if (Abs(vMin - vMax) > Precision::Confusion())
- // neither seam, nor v-constant
- isCylinder = false;
- }
- }
- if (isCylinder) {
- aKind = SK_CYLINDER2D;
- Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface) aGCyl = Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface)::DownCast(aGS);
- // parameters
- gp_Pnt aLoc = aGCyl->Location();
- gp_Ax1 anAx = aGCyl->Axis();
- gp_Dir aDir = anAx.Direction();
- Standard_Real rr = aGCyl->Radius();
- // xb yb zb
- theDoubles->Append(aLoc.X());
- theDoubles->Append(aLoc.Y());
- theDoubles->Append(aLoc.Z());
- // dx dy dz
- theDoubles->Append(aDir.X());
- theDoubles->Append(aDir.Y());
- theDoubles->Append(aDir.Z());
- // R
- theDoubles->Append(rr);
- // H
- Standard_Real hh = Abs(aBAS.FirstVParameter() - aBAS.LastVParameter());
- theDoubles->Append(hh);
- }
- else {
- // nb_edges nb_vertices (for cylinrical only)
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_Cylinder);
- }
+ else if (aD.IsParallel(gp::DX(), Precision::Angular()) &&
+ aX.IsParallel(gp::DZ(), Precision::Angular())) {
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height()); // az'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width()); // ay'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length()); // ax'
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_ToroidalSurface))) {
- // aKind = SK_TORUS2D;
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_Torus);
+ else if (aD.IsParallel(gp::DX(), Precision::Angular()) &&
+ aX.IsParallel(gp::DY(), Precision::Angular())) {
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height()); // az'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length()); // ax'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width()); // ay'
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_ConicalSurface))) {
- // aKind = SK_CONE2D;
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_Cone);
+ else if (aD.IsParallel(gp::DY(), Precision::Angular()) &&
+ aX.IsParallel(gp::DZ(), Precision::Angular())) {
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width()); // ay'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height()); // az'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length()); // ax'
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion))) {
- //
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_SurfaceOfExtrusion);
+ else if (aD.IsParallel(gp::DY(), Precision::Angular()) &&
+ aX.IsParallel(gp::DX(), Precision::Angular())) {
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length()); // ax'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height()); // az'
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width()); // ay'
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution))) {
- //
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_SurfaceOfRevolution);
+ else {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.ROTATED_BOX xo yo zo zx zy zz xx xy xz ax ay az
+ // Direction and XDirection
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(aX.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aX.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aX.Z());
+ // ax ay az
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Length());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Width());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height());
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_BezierSurface))) {
- //
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_TORUS:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.TORUS xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
+ {
+ aKind = SK_TORUS;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ }
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_CONE:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.CONE xb yb zb dx dy dz R_1 R_2 H
+ {
+ aKind = SK_CONE;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height());
+ }
+ break;
+ // (+) geompy.kind.POLYHEDRON nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ {
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_FACE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.SOLID nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices
+ {
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_FACE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_BezierSurface);
- }
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_BSplineSurface))) {
- //
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
+ case TopAbs_FACE:
+ {
+ aKind = SK_FACE;
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_BSplineSurface);
- }
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_OffsetSurface))) {
- //
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
+ GEOMAlgo_KindOfName aKN = anInfo.KindOfName();
+ switch (aKN) {
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_SPHERE:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.SPHERE2D xc yc zc R
+ {
+ aKind = SK_SPHERE2D;
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_OffsetSurface);
- }
- else if (aGS->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface))) {
- //
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_OtherSurface);
- }
- else {
- // ???
- theIntegers->Append(nbEdges);
- theIntegers->Append(nbVertices);
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ }
+ break;
+ // (+) geompy.kind.CYLINDER2D xb yb zb dx dy dz R H
+ {
+ aKind = SK_CYLINDER2D;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height());
+ }
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_TORUS:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.TORUS2D xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
+ {
+ aKind = SK_TORUS2D;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ }
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_CONE:
+ // (+) geompy.kind.CONE2D xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 H
+ {
+ aKind = SK_CONE2D;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Height());
+ }
+ break;
+ // (+) geompy.kind.DISK_CIRCLE xc yc zc dx dy dz R
+ {
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ }
+ break;
+ // (+) geompy.kind.DISK_ELLIPSE xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
+ {
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ }
+ break;
+ // (+) geompy.kind.POLYGON xo yo zo dx dy dz nb_edges nb_vertices
+ {
+ aKind = SK_POLYGON;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_PLANE: // infinite
+ // (+) geompy.kind.PLANE xo yo zo dx dy dz
+ {
+ aKind = SK_PLANE;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (anInfo.KindOfShape() == GEOMAlgo_KS_PLANE) {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.PLANAR xo yo zo dx dy dz nb_edges nb_vertices
+ aKind = SK_PLANAR;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
+ }
+ else {
+ // ??? geompy.kind.FACE nb_edges nb_vertices _surface_type_id_
+ // (+) geompy.kind.FACE nb_edges nb_vertices
- theIntegers->Append((Standard_Integer)GeomAbs_OtherSurface);
- }
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_EDGE));
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
- break;
- case TopAbs_EDGE:
- //geompy.kind.circle xc yc zc dx dy dz R
- //geompy.kind.arc xc yc zc dx dy dz R x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
- //geompy.kind.ellipse xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
- //geompy.kind.arcEllipse xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
- //geompy.kind.line x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
- //geompy.kind.segment x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
- //geompy.kind.edge nb_vertices _curve_type_id_
+ }
+ break;
+ case TopAbs_EDGE:
+ {
aKind = SK_EDGE;
- //if () {
- // aKind = SK_CIRCLE;
- // aKind = SK_ARC;
- // aKind = SK_ELLIPSE;
- // aKind = SK_ARC_ELLIPSE;
- // aKind = SK_LINE;
- // aKind = SK_SEGMENT;
- //}
- break;
- case TopAbs_VERTEX:
- //geompy.kind.VERTEX x y z
- aKind = SK_VERTEX;
- {
- TopoDS_Vertex aV = TopoDS::Vertex(aShape);
- gp_Pnt aP = BRep_Tool::Pnt(aV);
- theDoubles->Append(aP.X());
- theDoubles->Append(aP.Y());
- theDoubles->Append(aP.Z());
+ GEOMAlgo_KindOfName aKN = anInfo.KindOfName();
+ switch (aKN) {
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_CIRCLE:
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.CIRCLE xc yc zc dx dy dz R
+ aKind = SK_CIRCLE;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.ARC_CIRCLE xc yc zc dx dy dz R x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
+ aKind = SK_ARC_CIRCLE;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ gp_Pnt aP1 = anInfo.Pnt1();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.Z());
+ gp_Pnt aP2 = anInfo.Pnt2();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.Z());
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.ELLIPSE xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2
+ aKind = SK_ELLIPSE;
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.ARC_ELLIPSE xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
+ gp_Pnt aC = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aC.Z());
+ gp_Ax3 anAx3 = anInfo.Position();
+ gp_Dir aD = anAx3.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius1());
+ theDoubles->Append(anInfo.Radius2());
+ gp_Pnt aP1 = anInfo.Pnt1();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.Z());
+ gp_Pnt aP2 = anInfo.Pnt2();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.Z());
+ }
+ break;
+ case GEOMAlgo_KN_LINE:
+ {
+ // ??? geompy.kind.LINE x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
+ // (+) geompy.kind.LINE x1 y1 z1 dx dy dz
+ aKind = SK_LINE;
+ gp_Pnt aO = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aO.Z());
+ gp_Dir aD = anInfo.Direction();
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aD.Z());
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.SEGMENT x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
+ aKind = SK_SEGMENT;
+ gp_Pnt aP1 = anInfo.Pnt1();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP1.Z());
+ gp_Pnt aP2 = anInfo.Pnt2();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP2.Z());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // ??? geompy.kind.EDGE nb_vertices _curve_type_id_
+ // (+) geompy.kind.EDGE nb_vertices
+ theIntegers->Append(anInfo.NbSubShapes(TopAbs_VERTEX));
- break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TopAbs_VERTEX:
+ {
+ // (+) geompy.kind.VERTEX x y z
+ aKind = SK_VERTEX;
+ gp_Pnt aP = anInfo.Location();
+ theDoubles->Append(aP.X());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP.Y());
+ theDoubles->Append(aP.Z());
+ }
+ break;