Extrusion_1 = model.addExtrusion(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("FACE", "Sketch_1/Face-SketchLine_1r-SketchArc_1_2f-SketchLine_2f-SketchLine_3f-SketchLine_4f-SketchCircle_1_2r")], model.selection(), 10, 0)
-# create a drawer feature of the extrusion and upper face
-Drawer = Part_1_doc.addFeature("SketchDrawer")
-Drawer.selection("base_shape").setValue(Extrusion_1.feature(), None)
+# create a drawer feature of the extrusion and upper face, without dimensions
+Drawer1 = Part_1_doc.addFeature("SketchDrawer")
+Drawer1.selection("base_shape").setValue(Extrusion_1.feature(), None)
PlaneSelection = model.selection("FACE", "Extrusion_1_1/To_Face")
+# create a drawer feature of the extrusion and upper face, with dimensions
+Drawer2 = Part_1_doc.addFeature("SketchDrawer")
+Drawer2.selection("base_shape").setValue(Extrusion_1.feature(), None)
+PlaneSelection = model.selection("FACE", "Extrusion_1_1/To_Face")
# check that a sketch is created with valid elements
-assert(Part_1_doc.size("Construction") == 2) # two sketches: base of extrusion and this new one
+assert(Part_1_doc.size("Construction") == 3) # three sketches: base of extrusion and drawer's two
from ModelAPI import *
aFactory = ModelAPI_Session.get().validators()
-Sketch = objectToFeature(Part_1_doc.object("Features", 2)) # created sketch feature
-assert(len(Sketch.results()) == 1)
+Sketch1 = objectToFeature(Part_1_doc.object("Features", 2)) # the first created sketch feature
+assert(len(Sketch1.results()) == 1)
+Sketch2 = objectToFeature(Part_1_doc.object("Features", 3)) # the second created sketch feature
+assert(len(Sketch2.results()) == 1)
Click in the view once to set the whole original model, then click a second time to set the
plane or planar face - a base of sketch. This can be plane on the original model.
+Flag "Create dimensions" allows to disable creation of dimensional constraints in the resulting sketch.
+So, if it is disabled, then lengths and radiuses will be omitted. It allows to avoid overconstraint
+situation and simplify work of the sketch solver.
On Apply button press the new sketch will be created in the Object Browser tree.