#include <fstream>
+// =========== Implementation of storage of dumped data ===========
+class ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorageBuffer : public ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage
+ static const int THE_DUMP_PRECISION = 16;
+ void addStorage(const ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage& theStorage)
+ { myStorageArray.push_back(theStorage); }
+ void clear() { myStorageArray.clear(); }
+ bool isBufferEmpty()
+ {
+ return myStorageArray.empty() || myStorageArray.front().buffer().str().empty();
+ }
+ void mergeBuffer()
+ {
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage>::iterator anIt = myStorageArray.begin();
+ for (; anIt != myStorageArray.end(); ++anIt) {
+ // avoid multiple empty lines
+ std::string aBuf = anIt->buffer().str();
+ size_t anInd = std::string::npos;
+ while ((anInd = aBuf.find("\n\n\n")) != std::string::npos)
+ aBuf.erase(anInd, 1);
+ anIt->fullDump() << aBuf;
+ anIt->buffer().str("");
+ }
+ }
+ void write(const std::string& theValue)
+ {
+ if (myStorageArray.empty())
+ addStorage(DumpStorage());
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage>::iterator anIt = myStorageArray.begin();
+ for (; anIt != myStorageArray.end(); ++anIt)
+ anIt->buffer() << theValue;
+ }
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(const char theChar)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << theChar;
+ write(out.str());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(const char* theString)
+ {
+ write(theString);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(const std::string& theString)
+ {
+ write(theString);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(const bool theValue)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << theValue;
+ write(out.str());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(const int theValue)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << theValue;
+ write(out.str());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(const double theValue)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << std::setprecision(THE_DUMP_PRECISION) << theValue;
+ write(out.str());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Dump std::endl
+ friend
+ DumpStorageBuffer& operator<<(DumpStorageBuffer& theBuffer,
+ std::basic_ostream<char>& (*theEndl)(std::basic_ostream<char>&))
+ {
+ theBuffer.write("\n");
+ return theBuffer;
+ }
+ void dumpArray(int theSize, double* theValues, std::string* theTexts)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream anOutput;
+ anOutput << std::setprecision(THE_DUMP_PRECISION);
+ for (int i = 0; i < theSize; ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ anOutput << ", ";
+ if (theTexts[i].empty())
+ anOutput << theValues[i];
+ else
+ anOutput << "\"" << theTexts[i] << "\"";
+ }
+ write(anOutput.str());
+ }
+ virtual void write(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeSelection>& theAttrSelect)
+ {
+ if (myStorageArray.empty())
+ addStorage(DumpStorage());
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage>::iterator anIt = myStorageArray.begin();
+ for (; anIt != myStorageArray.end(); ++anIt)
+ anIt->write(theAttrSelect);
+ }
+ virtual void reserveBuffer()
+ {
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage>::iterator anIt = myStorageArray.begin();
+ for (; anIt != myStorageArray.end(); ++anIt)
+ anIt->reserveBuffer();
+ }
+ virtual void restoreReservedBuffer()
+ {
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage>::iterator anIt = myStorageArray.begin();
+ for (; anIt != myStorageArray.end(); ++anIt)
+ anIt->restoreReservedBuffer();
+ }
+ virtual bool exportTo(const std::string& theFilename, const ModulesSet& theUsedModules)
+ {
+ static const std::string THE_EXT = ".py";
+ std::string aFilenameBase = theFilename;
+ if (aFilenameBase.rfind(THE_EXT) == aFilenameBase.size() - THE_EXT.size())
+ aFilenameBase = aFilenameBase.substr(0, aFilenameBase.size() - THE_EXT.size());
+ bool isOk = true;
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage>::iterator anIt = myStorageArray.begin();
+ for (; anIt != myStorageArray.end(); ++anIt) {
+ std::string aFilename = aFilenameBase + anIt->myFilenameSuffix + THE_EXT;
+ isOk = anIt->exportTo(aFilename, theUsedModules) && isOk;
+ }
+ clear();
+ return isOk;
+ }
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage> myStorageArray;
+ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage::DumpStorage(const DumpStorage& theOther)
+ : myFilenameSuffix(theOther.myFilenameSuffix),
+ myDumpBufferHideout(theOther.myDumpBufferHideout)
+ myFullDump.str(theOther.myFullDump.str());
+ myDumpBuffer.str(theOther.myDumpBuffer.str());
+const ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage&
+ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage::operator=(const ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage& theOther)
+ myFilenameSuffix = theOther.myFilenameSuffix;
+ myFullDump.str(theOther.myFullDump.str());
+ myDumpBuffer.str(theOther.myDumpBuffer.str());
+ myDumpBufferHideout = theOther.myDumpBufferHideout;
+ return *this;
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage::reserveBuffer()
+ myDumpBufferHideout.push(myDumpBuffer.str());
+ myDumpBuffer.str("");
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage::restoreReservedBuffer()
+ myDumpBuffer << myDumpBufferHideout.top();
+ myDumpBufferHideout.pop();
+bool ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage::exportTo(const std::string& theFilename,
+ const ModulesSet& theUsedModules)
+ std::ofstream aFile;
+ OSD_OpenStream(aFile, theFilename.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
+ if (!aFile.is_open())
+ return false;
+ // standard header (encoding + imported modules)
+ aFile << "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ for (ModulesSet::const_iterator aModIt = theUsedModules.begin();
+ aModIt != theUsedModules.end(); ++aModIt) {
+ aFile << "from " << *aModIt << " import *" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (!theUsedModules.empty())
+ aFile << std::endl;
+ aFile << "from salome.shaper import model" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ aFile << "model.begin()" << std::endl;
+ // dump collected data
+ aFile << myFullDump.str();
+ aFile << myDumpBuffer.str();
+ // standard footer
+ aFile << "model.end()" << std::endl;
+ aFile.close();
+ return true;
+static void getShapeAndContext(const AttributeSelectionPtr& theAttrSelect,
+ GeomShapePtr& theShape, ResultPtr& theContext)
+ if (theAttrSelect->isInitialized()) {
+ theShape = theAttrSelect->value();
+ theContext = theAttrSelect->context();
+ if (!theShape.get())
+ theShape = theContext->shape();
+ if (theAttrSelect->isGeometricalSelection() &&
+ theShape.get() && theShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::COMPOUND &&
+ theContext.get() && !theShape->isEqual(theContext->shape()) &&
+ theContext->groupName() != ModelAPI_ResultPart::group()) {
+ GeomAPI_ShapeIterator anIt(theShape);
+ theShape = anIt.current();
+ }
+ }
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage::write(const AttributeSelectionPtr& theAttrSelect)
+ myDumpBuffer << "model.selection(";
+ GeomShapePtr aShape;
+ ResultPtr aContext;
+ getShapeAndContext(theAttrSelect, aShape, aContext);
+ if (aShape.get()) {
+ myDumpBuffer << "\"" << aShape->shapeTypeStr() << "\", \""
+ << theAttrSelect->namingName() << "\"";
+ }
+ myDumpBuffer << ")";
+static int possibleSelectionsByPoint(const GeomPointPtr& thePoint,
+ const ResultPtr& theResult,
+ const GeomShapePtr& theShape,
+ const FeaturePtr& theStartFeature,
+ const FeaturePtr& theEndFeature)
+ DocumentPtr aDoc1 = theStartFeature->document();
+ DocumentPtr aDoc2 = theEndFeature->document();
+ std::list<FeaturePtr> aFeatures = aDoc1->allFeatures();
+ if (aDoc1 != aDoc2) {
+ std::list<FeaturePtr> anAdditionalFeatures = aDoc2->allFeatures();
+ aFeatures.insert(aFeatures.end(), anAdditionalFeatures.begin(), anAdditionalFeatures.end());
+ }
+ CompositeFeaturePtr aLastCompositeFeature;
+ std::list<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator aFIt = aFeatures.begin();
+ while (aFIt != aFeatures.end() && *aFIt != theStartFeature) {
+ CompositeFeaturePtr aCompFeat = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(*aFIt);
+ if (aCompFeat)
+ aLastCompositeFeature = aCompFeat;
+ ++aFIt;
+ }
+ // collect the list of composite features, containing the last feature;
+ // these features should be excluded from searching,
+ // because the feature cannot select sub-shapes from its parent
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> aEndFeatureParents = ModelAPI_Tools::getParents(theEndFeature);
+ int aNbPossibleSelections = 0;
+ for (; aFIt != aFeatures.end() && *aFIt != theEndFeature; ++aFIt) {
+ bool isSkipFeature = false;
+ if (aLastCompositeFeature && aLastCompositeFeature->isSub(*aFIt))
+ isSkipFeature = true;
+ CompositeFeaturePtr aCompFeat = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(*aFIt);
+ if (aCompFeat) {
+ ResultPartPtr aPartRes =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultPart>(aCompFeat->firstResult());
+ if (!aPartRes)
+ aLastCompositeFeature = aCompFeat;
+ if (aEndFeatureParents.find(aCompFeat) != aEndFeatureParents.end()) {
+ // do not process the parent for the last feature,
+ // because it cannot select objects from its parent
+ isSkipFeature = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSkipFeature)
+ continue;
+ std::list<ModelGeomAlgo_Shape::SubshapeOfResult> anApproproate;
+ if (ModelGeomAlgo_Shape::findSubshapeByPoint(*aFIt, thePoint, theShape->shapeType(),
+ anApproproate)) {
+ std::list<ModelGeomAlgo_Shape::SubshapeOfResult>::iterator anApIt = anApproproate.begin();
+ for (; anApIt != anApproproate.end(); ++anApIt) {
+ ++aNbPossibleSelections;
+ // stop if the target shape and result are found
+ GeomShapePtr aCurShape = anApIt->mySubshape;
+ if (!aCurShape)
+ aCurShape = anApIt->myResult->shape();
+ if (anApIt->myResult->isSame(theResult) && aCurShape->isSame(theShape))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aNbPossibleSelections;
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorageGeom::write(const AttributeSelectionPtr& theAttrSelect)
+ GeomShapePtr aShape;
+ ResultPtr aContext;
+ getShapeAndContext(theAttrSelect, aShape, aContext);
+ // how to dump selection: construction features are dumped by name always
+ FeaturePtr aSelectedFeature;
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = theAttrSelect->contextFeature();
+ if (aShape && aContext && !aFeature)
+ aSelectedFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aContext->data()->owner());
+ bool isDumpByGeom = aSelectedFeature && aSelectedFeature->isInHistory();
+ if (isDumpByGeom) {
+ myDumpBuffer << "model.selection(\"" << aShape->shapeTypeStr();
+ // check the selected item is a ResultPart;
+ // in this case it is necessary to get shape with full transformation
+ // for correct calculation of the middle point
+ ResultPartPtr aResPart =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultPart>(theAttrSelect->context());
+ if (aResPart && aShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::COMPOUND)
+ aShape = aResPart->shape();
+ GeomPointPtr aMiddlePoint = aShape->middlePoint();
+ // calculate number of features, which could be selected by the same point
+ FeaturePtr anOwner = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theAttrSelect->owner());
+ int aNbPossibleSelections = possibleSelectionsByPoint(aMiddlePoint,
+ theAttrSelect->context(), aShape, aSelectedFeature, anOwner);
+ // produce the index if the number of applicable features is greater than 1
+ std::string anIndex;
+ if (aNbPossibleSelections > 1) {
+ std::ostringstream anOutput;
+ anOutput << "_" << aNbPossibleSelections;
+ anIndex = anOutput.str();
+ }
+ myDumpBuffer << anIndex << "\", ("
+ << aMiddlePoint->x() << ", "
+ << aMiddlePoint->y() << ", "
+ << aMiddlePoint->z() << ")";
+ myDumpBuffer << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ DumpStorage::write(theAttrSelect);
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorageWeak::write(const AttributeSelectionPtr& theAttrSelect)
+ GeomShapePtr aShape;
+ ResultPtr aContext;
+ getShapeAndContext(theAttrSelect, aShape, aContext);
+ bool aStandardDump = true;
+ if (aShape.get() && aContext.get() &&
+ aShape != aContext->shape()) { // weak naming for local selection only
+ GeomAlgoAPI_NExplode aNExplode(aContext->shape(), aShape->shapeType());
+ int anIndex = aNExplode.index(aShape);
+ if (anIndex != 0) { // found a week-naming index, so, export it
+ myDumpBuffer << "model.selection(\"" << aShape->shapeTypeStr() << "\", \""
+ << theAttrSelect->contextName(aContext) << "\", " << anIndex;
+ aStandardDump = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aStandardDump)
+ DumpStorage::write(theAttrSelect);
+// ======================================================================
static int gCompositeStackDepth = 0;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper* ModelHighAPI_Dumper::mySelf = 0;
- : myGeometricalSelection(false)
+ : myDumpStorage(new DumpStorageBuffer),
+ myDumpPostponedInProgress(false)
- clear();
+ delete myDumpStorage;
void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::setInstance(ModelHighAPI_Dumper* theDumper)
return mySelf;
-void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::clear(bool bufferOnly)
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::addCustomStorage(const ModelHighAPI_Dumper::DumpStorage& theStorage)
- myDumpBuffer.str("");
- myDumpBuffer << std::setprecision(16);
+ myDumpStorage->addStorage(theStorage);
+void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::clearCustomStorage()
+ myDumpStorage->clear();
- if (!bufferOnly) {
- myFullDump.str("");
- myFullDump << std::setprecision(16);
- myNames.clear();
- myModules.clear();
- myFeatureCount.clear();
- while (!myEntitiesStack.empty())
- myEntitiesStack.pop();
- myPostponed.clear();
- myDumpPostponedInProgress = false;
- }
void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::clearNotDumped()
*this << aDocName << " = model.moduleDocument()" << std::endl;
// dump subfeatures and store result to file
- return process(theDoc) && exportTo(theFileName);
+ return process(theDoc) && myDumpStorage->exportTo(theFileName, myModules);
bool ModelHighAPI_Dumper::process(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document>& theDoc)
-bool ModelHighAPI_Dumper::exportTo(const std::string& theFileName)
- std::ofstream aFile;
- OSD_OpenStream(aFile, theFileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
- if (!aFile.is_open())
- return false;
- // standard header (encoding + imported modules)
- aFile << "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" << std::endl << std::endl;
- for (ModulesSet::const_iterator aModIt = myModules.begin();
- aModIt != myModules.end(); ++aModIt) {
- aFile << "from " << *aModIt << " import *" << std::endl;
- }
- if (!myModules.empty())
- aFile << std::endl;
- aFile << "from salome.shaper import model" << std::endl << std::endl;
- aFile << "model.begin()" << std::endl;
- // dump collected data
- aFile << myFullDump.str();
- aFile << myDumpBuffer.str();
- // standard footer
- aFile << "model.end()" << std::endl;
- aFile.close();
- clear();
- return true;
void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::importModule(const std::string& theModuleName)
void ModelHighAPI_Dumper::dumpEntitySetName()
const LastDumpedEntity& aLastDumped = myEntitiesStack.top();
- bool isBufferEmpty = myDumpBuffer.str().empty();
+ bool isBufferEmpty = myDumpStorage->isBufferEmpty();
// dump "setName" for the entity
if (aLastDumped.myUserName) {
EntityName& anEntityNames = myNames[aLastDumped.myEntity];
if (!anEntityNames.myIsDefault)
- myDumpBuffer << anEntityNames.myCurrentName << ".setName(\""
- << anEntityNames.myUserName << "\")" << std::endl;
+ *myDumpStorage << anEntityNames.myCurrentName << ".setName(\""
+ << anEntityNames.myUserName << "\")\n";
// don't dump "setName" for the entity twice
anEntityNames.myIsDefault = true;
EntityName& anEntityNames = myNames[*aResIt];
if (!anEntityNames.myIsDefault) {
*this << *aResIt;
- myDumpBuffer << ".setName(\"" << anEntityNames.myUserName << "\")" << std::endl;
+ *myDumpStorage << ".setName(\"" << anEntityNames.myUserName << "\")\n";
// don't dump "setName" for the entity twice
anEntityNames.myIsDefault = true;
AttributeIntArrayPtr aColor = (*aResIt)->data()->intArray(ModelAPI_Result::COLOR_ID());
if (aColor && aColor->isInitialized()) {
*this << *aResIt;
- myDumpBuffer << ".setColor(" << aColor->value(0) << ", " << aColor->value(1)
- << ", " << aColor->value(2) << ")" << std::endl;
+ *myDumpStorage << ".setColor(" << aColor->value(0) << ", " << aColor->value(1)
+ << ", " << aColor->value(2) << ")\n";
// set result deflection
if(aDeflectionAttr.get() && aDeflectionAttr->isInitialized()) {
*this << *aResIt;
- myDumpBuffer << ".setDeflection(" << aDeflectionAttr->value() << ")" << std::endl;
+ *myDumpStorage << ".setDeflection(" << aDeflectionAttr->value() << ")\n";
// set result transparency
if(aTransparencyAttr.get() && aTransparencyAttr->isInitialized()) {
*this << *aResIt;
- myDumpBuffer << ".setTransparency(" << aTransparencyAttr->value() << ")" << std::endl;
+ *myDumpStorage << ".setTransparency(" << aTransparencyAttr->value() << ")\n";
// clean buffer if it was clear before
- if (isBufferEmpty) {
- myFullDump << myDumpBuffer.str();
- myDumpBuffer.str("");
- }
+ if (isBufferEmpty)
+ myDumpStorage->mergeBuffer();
bool ModelHighAPI_Dumper::isDumped(const EntityPtr& theEntity) const
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const char theChar)
- myDumpBuffer << theChar;
+ *myDumpStorage << theChar;
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const char* theString)
- myDumpBuffer << theString;
+ *myDumpStorage << theString;
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const std::string& theString)
- myDumpBuffer << theString;
+ *myDumpStorage << theString;
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const bool theValue)
- myDumpBuffer << (theValue ? "True" : "False");
+ *myDumpStorage << (theValue ? "True" : "False");
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const int theValue)
- myDumpBuffer << theValue;
+ *myDumpStorage << theValue;
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const double theValue)
- myDumpBuffer << theValue;
+ *myDumpStorage << theValue;
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt>& thePoint)
- myDumpBuffer << "GeomAPI_Pnt(" << thePoint->x() << ", "
- << thePoint->y() << ", " << thePoint->z() << ")";
+ *myDumpStorage << "GeomAPI_Pnt(" << thePoint->x() << ", "
+ << thePoint->y() << ", " << thePoint->z() << ")";
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Dir>& theDir)
- myDumpBuffer << "GeomAPI_Dir(" << theDir->x() << ", "
- << theDir->y() << ", " << theDir->z() << ")";
+ *myDumpStorage << "GeomAPI_Dir(" << theDir->x() << ", "
+ << theDir->y() << ", " << theDir->z() << ")";
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Dir>& theDir)
- myDumpBuffer << theDir->x() << ", " << theDir->y() << ", " << theDir->z();
+ *myDumpStorage << theDir->x() << ", " << theDir->y() << ", " << theDir->z();
return *this;
-static void dumpArray(std::ostringstream& theOutput, int theSize,
- double* theValues, std::string* theTexts)
- for (int i = 0; i < theSize; ++i) {
- if (i > 0)
- theOutput << ", ";
- if (theTexts[i].empty())
- theOutput << theValues[i];
- else
- theOutput << "\"" << theTexts[i] << "\"";
- }
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point>& thePoint)
static const int aSize = 3;
double aValues[aSize] = {thePoint->x(), thePoint->y(), thePoint->z()};
std::string aTexts[aSize] = {thePoint->textX(), thePoint->textY(), thePoint->textZ()};
- dumpArray(myDumpBuffer, aSize, aValues, aTexts);
+ myDumpStorage->dumpArray(aSize, aValues, aTexts);
return *this;
static const int aSize = 2;
double aValues[aSize] = {thePoint->x(), thePoint->y()};
std::string aTexts[aSize] = {thePoint->textX(), thePoint->textY()};
- dumpArray(myDumpBuffer, aSize, aValues, aTexts);
+ myDumpStorage->dumpArray(aSize, aValues, aTexts);
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean>& theAttrBool)
- myDumpBuffer << (theAttrBool->value() ? "True" : "False");
+ *myDumpStorage << (theAttrBool->value() ? "True" : "False");
return *this;
std::string aText = theAttrInt->text();
if (aText.empty())
- myDumpBuffer << theAttrInt->value();
+ *myDumpStorage << theAttrInt->value();
- myDumpBuffer << "\"" << aText << "\"";
+ *myDumpStorage << "\"" << aText << "\"";
return *this;
std::string aText = theAttrReal->text();
if (aText.empty())
- myDumpBuffer << theAttrReal->value();
+ *myDumpStorage << theAttrReal->value();
- myDumpBuffer << "\"" << aText << "\"";
+ *myDumpStorage << "\"" << aText << "\"";
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeString>& theAttrStr)
- myDumpBuffer << "\"" << theAttrStr->value() << "\"";
+ *myDumpStorage << "\"" << theAttrStr->value() << "\"";
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const FolderPtr& theFolder)
- myDumpBuffer << name(theFolder);
+ *myDumpStorage << name(theFolder);
// add dumped folder to a stack
if (!myNames[theFolder].myIsDumped &&
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(const FeaturePtr& theEntity)
- myDumpBuffer << name(theEntity);
+ *myDumpStorage << name(theEntity);
if (!myNames[theEntity].myIsDumped) {
bool isUserDefinedName = !myNames[theEntity].myIsDefault;
aCurRes = aParent;
- myDumpBuffer << name(aFeature);
+ *myDumpStorage << name(aFeature);
for (std::list<int>::iterator anI = anIndices.begin(); anI != anIndices.end(); anI++) {
if (anI == anIndices.begin()) {
if(*anI == 0) {
- myDumpBuffer << ".result()";
+ *myDumpStorage << ".result()";
else {
- myDumpBuffer << ".results()[" << *anI << "]";
+ *myDumpStorage << ".results()[" << *anI << "]";
} else {
- myDumpBuffer << ".subResult(" << *anI << ")";
+ *myDumpStorage << ".subResult(" << *anI << ")";
FeaturePtr aFeature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(theObject);
if(aFeature.get()) {
- myDumpBuffer << name(aFeature);
+ *myDumpStorage << name(aFeature);
return *this;
- myDumpBuffer << aWrapperPrefix << name(anOwner) << aWrapperSuffix
- << "." << attributeGetter(anOwner, theAttr->id()) << "()";
+ *myDumpStorage << aWrapperPrefix << name(anOwner) << aWrapperSuffix
+ << "." << attributeGetter(anOwner, theAttr->id()) << "()";
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttrList>& theRefAttrList)
- myDumpBuffer << "[";
+ *myDumpStorage << "[";
std::list<std::pair<ObjectPtr, AttributePtr> > aList = theRefAttrList->list();
bool isAdded = false;
std::list<std::pair<ObjectPtr, AttributePtr> >::const_iterator anIt = aList.begin();
for (; anIt != aList.end(); ++anIt) {
if (isAdded)
- myDumpBuffer << ", ";
+ *myDumpStorage << ", ";
isAdded = true;
if (anIt->first)
else if (anIt->second)
* this << anIt->second;
- myDumpBuffer << "]";
+ *myDumpStorage << "]";
return *this;
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefList>& theRefList)
static const int aThreshold = 2;
+ static bool aDumpAsIs = false;
// if number of elements in the list if greater than a threshold,
// dump it in a separate line with specific name
- std::string aDumped = myDumpBuffer.str();
- if (aDumped.empty() || theRefList->size() <= aThreshold) {
- myDumpBuffer << "[";
+ if (aDumpAsIs || theRefList->size() <= aThreshold) {
+ *myDumpStorage << "[";
std::list<ObjectPtr> aList = theRefList->list();
bool isAdded = false;
std::list<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator anIt = aList.begin();
for (; anIt != aList.end(); ++anIt) {
if (isAdded)
- myDumpBuffer << ", ";
+ *myDumpStorage << ", ";
isAdded = true;
*this << *anIt;
- myDumpBuffer << "]";
+ *myDumpStorage << "]";
} else {
- // clear buffer and store list "as is"
- myDumpBuffer.str("");
- *this << theRefList;
- // save buffer and clear it again
- std::string aDumpedList = myDumpBuffer.str();
- myDumpBuffer.str("");
- // obtain name of list
+ // name of list
FeaturePtr anOwner = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theRefList->owner());
std::string aListName = name(anOwner) + "_objects";
- // store all previous data
- myDumpBuffer << aListName << " = " << aDumpedList << std::endl
- << aDumped << aListName;
+ // reserve dumped buffer and store list "as is"
+ myDumpStorage->reserveBuffer();
+ aDumpAsIs = true;
+ *this << aListName << " = " << theRefList << "\n";
+ aDumpAsIs = false;
+ // append reserved data to the end of the current buffer
+ myDumpStorage->restoreReservedBuffer();
+ *myDumpStorage << aListName;
return *this;
-static int possibleSelectionsByPoint(const GeomPointPtr& thePoint,
- const ResultPtr& theResult,
- const GeomShapePtr& theShape,
- const FeaturePtr& theStartFeature,
- const FeaturePtr& theEndFeature)
- DocumentPtr aDoc1 = theStartFeature->document();
- DocumentPtr aDoc2 = theEndFeature->document();
- std::list<FeaturePtr> aFeatures = aDoc1->allFeatures();
- if (aDoc1 != aDoc2) {
- std::list<FeaturePtr> anAdditionalFeatures = aDoc2->allFeatures();
- aFeatures.insert(aFeatures.end(), anAdditionalFeatures.begin(), anAdditionalFeatures.end());
- }
- CompositeFeaturePtr aLastCompositeFeature;
- std::list<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator aFIt = aFeatures.begin();
- while (aFIt != aFeatures.end() && *aFIt != theStartFeature) {
- CompositeFeaturePtr aCompFeat = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(*aFIt);
- if (aCompFeat)
- aLastCompositeFeature = aCompFeat;
- ++aFIt;
- }
- // collect the list of composite features, containing the last feature;
- // these features should be excluded from searching,
- // because the feature cannot select sub-shapes from its parent
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aEndFeatureParents = ModelAPI_Tools::getParents(theEndFeature);
- int aNbPossibleSelections = 0;
- for (; aFIt != aFeatures.end() && *aFIt != theEndFeature; ++aFIt) {
- bool isSkipFeature = false;
- if (aLastCompositeFeature && aLastCompositeFeature->isSub(*aFIt))
- isSkipFeature = true;
- CompositeFeaturePtr aCompFeat = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(*aFIt);
- if (aCompFeat) {
- ResultPartPtr aPartRes =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultPart>(aCompFeat->firstResult());
- if (!aPartRes)
- aLastCompositeFeature = aCompFeat;
- if (aEndFeatureParents.find(aCompFeat) != aEndFeatureParents.end()) {
- // do not process the parent for the last feature,
- // because it cannot select objects from its parent
- isSkipFeature = true;
- }
- }
- if (isSkipFeature)
- continue;
- std::list<ModelGeomAlgo_Shape::SubshapeOfResult> anApproproate;
- if (ModelGeomAlgo_Shape::findSubshapeByPoint(*aFIt, thePoint, theShape->shapeType(),
- anApproproate)) {
- std::list<ModelGeomAlgo_Shape::SubshapeOfResult>::iterator anApIt = anApproproate.begin();
- for (; anApIt != anApproproate.end(); ++anApIt) {
- ++aNbPossibleSelections;
- // stop if the target shape and result are found
- GeomShapePtr aCurShape = anApIt->mySubshape;
- if (!aCurShape)
- aCurShape = anApIt->myResult->shape();
- if (anApIt->myResult->isSame(theResult) && aCurShape->isSame(theShape))
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return aNbPossibleSelections;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeSelection>& theAttrSelect)
- myDumpBuffer << "model.selection(";
- if(!theAttrSelect->isInitialized()) {
- myDumpBuffer << ")";
- return *this;
- }
- GeomShapePtr aShape = theAttrSelect->value();
- if(!aShape.get()) {
- aShape = theAttrSelect->context()->shape();
- }
- if(!aShape.get()) {
- myDumpBuffer << ")";
- return *this;
- }
- // how to dump selection: construction features are dumped by name always
- bool isDumpByGeom = myGeometricalSelection;
- FeaturePtr aSelectedFeature;
- if (isDumpByGeom) {
- ResultPtr aRes = theAttrSelect->context();
- FeaturePtr aFeature = theAttrSelect->contextFeature();
- if (aRes && !aFeature)
- aSelectedFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRes->data()->owner());
- isDumpByGeom = aSelectedFeature && aSelectedFeature->isInHistory();
- }
- if (theAttrSelect->isGeometricalSelection() && aShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::COMPOUND
- && theAttrSelect->context().get() && !aShape->isEqual(theAttrSelect->context()->shape())
- && theAttrSelect->context()->groupName() != ModelAPI_ResultPart::group()) {
- GeomAPI_ShapeIterator anIt(aShape);
- aShape = anIt.current();
- }
- myDumpBuffer << "\"" << aShape->shapeTypeStr();
- bool aStandardDump = true;
- if (isDumpByGeom) {
- // check the selected item is a ResultPart;
- // in this case it is necessary to get shape with full transformation
- // for correct calculation of the middle point
- ResultPartPtr aResPart =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultPart>(theAttrSelect->context());
- if (aResPart && aShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::COMPOUND)
- aShape = aResPart->shape();
- GeomPointPtr aMiddlePoint = aShape->middlePoint();
- // calculate number of features, which could be selected by the same point
- FeaturePtr anOwner = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theAttrSelect->owner());
- int aNbPossibleSelections = possibleSelectionsByPoint(aMiddlePoint,
- theAttrSelect->context(), aShape, aSelectedFeature, anOwner);
- // produce the index if the number of applicable features is greater than 1
- std::string anIndex;
- if (aNbPossibleSelections > 1) {
- std::ostringstream anOutput;
- anOutput << "_" << aNbPossibleSelections;
- anIndex = anOutput.str();
- }
- myDumpBuffer << anIndex << "\", ("
- << aMiddlePoint->x() << ", "
- << aMiddlePoint->y() << ", "
- << aMiddlePoint->z() << ")";
- aStandardDump = false;
- } else if (myWeakNamingSelection && aShape.get() && theAttrSelect->context().get() &&
- aShape != theAttrSelect->context()->shape()) { // weak naming for local selection only
- GeomAlgoAPI_NExplode aNExplode(theAttrSelect->context()->shape(), aShape->shapeType());
- int anIndex = aNExplode.index(aShape);
- if (anIndex != 0) { // found a week-naming index, so, export it
- myDumpBuffer<<"\", \""<<
- theAttrSelect->contextName(theAttrSelect->context())<<"\", "<<anIndex;
- aStandardDump = false;
- }
- }
- if (aStandardDump)
- myDumpBuffer << "\", \"" << theAttrSelect->namingName() << "\"";
- myDumpBuffer << ")";
+ myDumpStorage->write(theAttrSelect);
return *this;
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList>& theAttrSelList)
static const int aThreshold = 2;
+ static bool aDumpAsIs = false;
// if number of elements in the list if greater than a threshold,
// dump it in a separate line with specific name
- std::string aDumped = myDumpBuffer.str();
- if (aDumped.empty() || theAttrSelList->size() <= aThreshold) {
- myDumpBuffer << "[";
+ if (aDumpAsIs || theAttrSelList->size() <= aThreshold) {
+ *myDumpStorage << "[";
GeomShapePtr aShape;
std::string aShapeTypeStr;
if(isAdded) {
- myDumpBuffer << ", ";
+ *myDumpStorage << ", ";
} else {
isAdded = true;
*this << anAttribute;
- myDumpBuffer << "]";
+ *myDumpStorage << "]";
} else {
- // clear buffer and store list "as is"
- myDumpBuffer.str("");
- *this << theAttrSelList;
- // save buffer and clear it again
- std::string aDumpedList = myDumpBuffer.str();
- myDumpBuffer.str("");
// obtain name of list (the feature may contain several selection lists)
FeaturePtr anOwner = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theAttrSelList->owner());
std::string aListName = name(anOwner) + "_objects";
aSStream << aListName << "_" << anIndex;
aListName = aSStream.str();
- // store all previous data
- myDumpBuffer << aListName << " = " << aDumpedList << std::endl
- << aDumped << aListName;
+ // reserve dumped buffer and store list "as is"
+ myDumpStorage->reserveBuffer();
+ aDumpAsIs = true;
+ *this << aListName << " = " << theAttrSelList << "\n";
+ aDumpAsIs = false;
+ // append reserved data to the end of the current buffer
+ myDumpStorage->restoreReservedBuffer();
+ *myDumpStorage << aListName;
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& ModelHighAPI_Dumper::operator<<(
const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeStringArray>& theArray)
- myDumpBuffer<<"[";
+ std::ostringstream aBuffer;
+ aBuffer << "[";
for(int anIndex = 0; anIndex < theArray->size(); ++anIndex) {
if (anIndex != 0)
- myDumpBuffer<<", ";
+ aBuffer << ", ";
- myDumpBuffer<<"\""<<theArray->value(anIndex)<<"\"";
+ aBuffer << "\"" << theArray->value(anIndex) << "\"";
+ aBuffer << "]";
- myDumpBuffer<<"]";
+ myDumpStorage->write(aBuffer.str());
return *this;
ModelHighAPI_Dumper& operator<<(ModelHighAPI_Dumper& theDumper,
std::basic_ostream<char>& (*theEndl)(std::basic_ostream<char>&))
- theDumper.myDumpBuffer << theEndl;
+ *theDumper.myDumpStorage << theEndl;
if (!theDumper.myEntitiesStack.empty()) {
bool isCopy;
// store all not-dumped entities first
std::set<EntityPtr> aNotDumped = theDumper.myNotDumpedEntities;
- std::string aBufCopy = theDumper.myDumpBuffer.str();
- theDumper.clear(true);
+ theDumper.myDumpStorage->reserveBuffer();
std::set<EntityPtr>::const_iterator anIt = aNotDumped.begin();
for (; anIt != aNotDumped.end(); ++anIt) {
// if the feature is composite, dump it with all subs
- // avoid multiple empty lines
- size_t anInd = std::string::npos;
- while ((anInd = aBufCopy.find("\n\n\n")) != std::string::npos)
- aBufCopy.erase(anInd, 1);
- // then store currently dumped string
- theDumper.myFullDump << aBufCopy;
+ // then store the reserved data
+ theDumper.myDumpStorage->restoreReservedBuffer();
+ theDumper.myDumpStorage->mergeBuffer();
// now, store all postponed features