# Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControl
from SuperV import *
-# Graph creation
-GraphSyrControl = Graph( 'GraphSyrControl' )
-GraphSyrControl.SetName( 'GraphSyrControl' )
-GraphSyrControl.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
-GraphSyrControl.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
-GraphSyrControl.Coords( 0 , 0 )
-# Creation of Factory Nodes
-test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISEVEN.Coords( 190 , 338 )
-test_ISONE = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISONE.Coords( 196 , 131 )
-m3p1 = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
-m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
-m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
-m3p1.Coords( 788 , 22 )
-div2 = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
-div2.SetName( 'div2' )
-div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
-div2.Coords( 794 , 427 )
-incr = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
-incr.SetName( 'incr' )
-incr.SetAuthor( '' )
-incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
-incr.Coords( 790 , 158 )
-# Creation of InLine Nodes
-Pylabel_begin = []
-Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ):' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' print "label_begin",NB,KB' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
-label_begin = GraphSyrControl.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
-label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
-label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_begin.Coords( 7 , 216 )
-Pylabel_test = []
-Pylabel_test.append( 'def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
-label_test = GraphSyrControl.INode( 'label_test' , Pylabel_test )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
-label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_test.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_test.Coords( 385 , 159 )
-# Creation of Switch Nodes
-Pytest = []
-Pytest.append( 'def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
-Pytest.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Incr = 1' )
-Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pytest.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Odd = 1' )
-Pytest.append( ' else :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' else :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Incr = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' Even = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pytest.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
-test,EndSwitch_OneEven = GraphSyrControl.SNode( 'Switch_OneEven' , Pytest )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetName( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetComment( '' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.Coords( 1065 , 321 )
-PyEndSwitch_OneEven = []
-PyEndSwitch_OneEven.append( 'def EndSwitch_OneEven( Finished , K ):' )
-PyEndSwitch_OneEven.append( ' print "label_begin",Finished,K' )
-PyEndSwitch_OneEven.append( ' return Finished,K' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetPyFunction( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' , PyEndSwitch_OneEven )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
-test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
-test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
-test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
-test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-test.SetName( 'test' )
-test.SetAuthor( '' )
-test.SetComment( '' )
-test.Coords( 592 , 205 )
-# Creation of GOTO Nodes
-Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def control_m3p1( N , K ):' )
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
-control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControl.GNode( 'control_m3p1' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
-control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_m3p1.SetComment( '' )
-control_m3p1.Coords( 1012 , 68 )
-Pycontrol_div2 = []
-Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , NB ) :' )
-Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,NB' )
-control_div2 = GraphSyrControl.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
-control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_div2.SetComment( '' )
-control_div2.Coords( 1010 , 473 )
-# Creation of Links
-test_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.Port( 'BoolEven' )
-label_testValEven = GraphSyrControl.Link( test_ISEVENBoolEven , label_test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 380 , 236 )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 379 , 419 )
-test_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.Port( 'BoolOne' )
-label_testValOne = GraphSyrControl.Link( test_ISONEBoolOne , label_test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-label_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 367 , 269 )
-label_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 367 , 213 )
-m3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.Port( 'anEvenInteger' )
-control_m3p1N = GraphSyrControl.Link( m3p1anEvenInteger , control_m3p1.Port( 'N' ) )
-div2anInteger = div2.Port( 'anInteger' )
-control_div2N = GraphSyrControl.Link( div2anInteger , control_div2.Port( 'N' ) )
-incraNewCount = incr.Port( 'aNewCount' )
-control_m3p1K = GraphSyrControl.Link( incraNewCount , control_m3p1.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 978 , 132 )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 978 , 239 )
-control_div2K = GraphSyrControl.Link( incraNewCount , control_div2.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 979 , 536 )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 978 , 240 )
-label_beginNT = label_begin.Port( 'NT' )
-label_testNT = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_beginNT , label_test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISEVEN.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 184 , 416 )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 185 , 298 )
-test_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISONE.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 186 , 211 )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 185 , 297 )
-label_beginKT = label_begin.Port( 'KT' )
-label_testKT = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_beginKT , label_test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-label_testValEven = label_test.Port( 'ValEven' )
-testValEven = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_testValEven , test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValOne = label_test.Port( 'ValOne' )
-testValOne = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_testValOne , test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-label_testNT = label_test.Port( 'NT' )
-testNT = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_testNT , test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-label_testKT = label_test.Port( 'KT' )
-testKT = GraphSyrControl.Link( label_testKT , test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-testFinished = test.Port( 'Finished' )
-EndSwitch_OneEvenFinished = GraphSyrControl.Link( testFinished , EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'Finished' ) )
-testIncr = test.Port( 'Incr' )
-incrInGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( testIncr , incr.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-testEven = test.Port( 'Even' )
-div2InGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( testEven , div2.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 764 , 536 )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 763 , 297 )
-testOdd = test.Port( 'Odd' )
-m3p1InGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( testOdd , m3p1.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 773 , 133 )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 773 , 326 )
-testN = test.Port( 'N' )
-m3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( testN , m3p1.Port( 'anOddInteger' ) )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 753 , 102 )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 752 , 355 )
-div2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( testN , div2.Port( 'anEvenInteger' ) )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 753 , 508 )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 752 , 356 )
-testK = test.Port( 'K' )
-EndSwitch_OneEvenK = GraphSyrControl.Link( testK , EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'K' ) )
-incraCount = GraphSyrControl.Link( testK , incr.Port( 'aCount' ) )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 779 , 239 )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 780 , 385 )
-testDefault = test.Port( 'Default' )
-EndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControl.Link( testDefault , EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'Default' ) )
-control_m3p1OutGate = control_m3p1.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_testInGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( control_m3p1OutGate , label_test.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 373 , 354 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 372 , 10 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1180 , 9 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1181 , 217 )
-control_div2OutGate = control_div2.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_beginInGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( control_div2OutGate , label_begin.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 5 , 355 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 4 , 608 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1177 , 608 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1177 , 563 )
-# Creation of Input datas
-label_beginNB = label_begin.Input( 'NB' , 7)
-label_beginKB = label_begin.Input( 'KB' , 0)
-# Creation of Output variables
-EndSwitch_OneEvenFinished = EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'Finished' )
-EndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'K' )
-GraphSyrControl.Run( 7 )
-print GraphSyrControl.State()
+# Graph creation of GraphSyrControl
+def DefGraphSyrControl() :
+ GraphSyrControl = Graph( 'GraphSyrControl' )
+ GraphSyrControl.SetName( 'GraphSyrControl' )
+ GraphSyrControl.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
+ GraphSyrControl.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
+ GraphSyrControl.Coords( 0 , 0 )
+ # Creation of Factory Nodes
+ test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISEVEN.Coords( 190 , 338 )
+ Itest_ISEVENanInteger = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'BoolEven' )
+ Otest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test_ISONE = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISONE.Coords( 196 , 131 )
+ Itest_ISONEanInteger = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'BoolOne' )
+ Otest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ m3p1 = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
+ m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
+ m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
+ m3p1.Coords( 788 , 22 )
+ Im3p1anOddInteger = m3p1.GetInPort( 'anOddInteger' )
+ Im3p1Gate = m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Om3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Om3p1Gate = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ div2 = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
+ div2.SetName( 'div2' )
+ div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
+ div2.Coords( 794 , 427 )
+ Idiv2anEvenInteger = div2.GetInPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Idiv2Gate = div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Odiv2anInteger = div2.GetOutPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Odiv2Gate = div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ incr = GraphSyrControl.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
+ incr.SetName( 'incr' )
+ incr.SetAuthor( '' )
+ incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
+ incr.Coords( 790 , 158 )
+ IincraCount = incr.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
+ IincrGate = incr.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OincraNewCount = incr.GetOutPort( 'aNewCount' )
+ OincrGate = incr.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of InLine Nodes
+ Pylabel_begin = []
+ Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ):' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' print "label_begin",NB,KB' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
+ label_begin = GraphSyrControl.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
+ label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
+ label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_begin.Coords( 7 , 216 )
+ Ilabel_beginNB = label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginKB = label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_beginNT = label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginKT = label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pylabel_test = []
+ Pylabel_test.append( 'def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
+ label_test = GraphSyrControl.INode( 'label_test' , Pylabel_test )
+ label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
+ label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_test.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_test.Coords( 385 , 159 )
+ Ilabel_testValEven = label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testValOne = label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testNT = label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testKT = label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testGate = label_test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_testValEven = label_test.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testValOne = label_test.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testNT = label_test.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testKT = label_test.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testGate = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Switch Nodes
+ Pytest = []
+ Pytest.append( 'def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
+ Pytest.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Incr = 1' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pytest.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Odd = 1' )
+ Pytest.append( ' else :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' else :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Incr = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Even = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pytest.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
+ test,EndSwitch_OneEven = GraphSyrControl.SNode( 'Switch_OneEven' , Pytest )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetName( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.Coords( 1065 , 321 )
+ PyEndSwitch_OneEven = []
+ PyEndSwitch_OneEven.append( 'def EndSwitch_OneEven( Finished , K ):' )
+ PyEndSwitch_OneEven.append( ' print "label_begin",Finished,K' )
+ PyEndSwitch_OneEven.append( ' return Finished,K' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetPyFunction( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' , PyEndSwitch_OneEven )
+ IEndSwitch_OneEvenFinished = EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
+ IEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ IEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetInPort( 'Default' )
+ OEndSwitch_OneEvenFinished = EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
+ OEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ OEndSwitch_OneEvenGate = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test.SetName( 'test' )
+ test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ test.Coords( 592 , 205 )
+ ItestValOne = test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ ItestValEven = test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ ItestNT = test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ ItestKT = test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ ItestGate = test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OtestFinished = test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
+ OtestIncr = test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
+ OtestEven = test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
+ OtestOdd = test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
+ OtestN = test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ OtestK = test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ OtestDefault = test.GetOutPort( 'Default' )
+ # Creation of GOTO Nodes
+ Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def control_m3p1( N , K ):' )
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
+ control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControl.GNode( 'control_m3p1' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
+ control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
+ control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_m3p1.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_m3p1.Coords( 1012 , 68 )
+ Icontrol_m3p1N = control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1K = control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValOne = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValEven = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1NT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1KT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pycontrol_div2 = []
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , NB ) :' )
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,NB' )
+ control_div2 = GraphSyrControl.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
+ control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
+ control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_div2.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_div2.Coords( 1010 , 473 )
+ Icontrol_div2N = control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2K = control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_div2NB = control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2KB = control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Links
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven = GraphSyrControl.Link( Otest_ISEVENBoolEven , Ilabel_testValEven )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 380 , 236 )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 379 , 419 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne = GraphSyrControl.Link( Otest_ISONEBoolOne , Ilabel_testValOne )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 367 , 269 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 367 , 213 )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N = GraphSyrControl.Link( Om3p1anEvenInteger , Icontrol_m3p1N )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N = GraphSyrControl.Link( Odiv2anInteger , Icontrol_div2N )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K = GraphSyrControl.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_m3p1K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 978 , 132 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 978 , 239 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K = GraphSyrControl.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_div2K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 979 , 536 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 978 , 240 )
+ Llabel_beginNTlabel_testNT = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Ilabel_testNT )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISEVENanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 184 , 416 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 185 , 298 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISONEanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 186 , 211 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 185 , 297 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_beginKT , Ilabel_testKT )
+ Llabel_testValEventestValEven = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_testValEven , ItestValEven )
+ Llabel_testValOnetestValOne = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_testValOne , ItestValOne )
+ Llabel_testNTtestNT = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_testNT , ItestNT )
+ Llabel_testKTtestKT = GraphSyrControl.Link( Olabel_testKT , ItestKT )
+ LtestFinishedEndSwitch_OneEvenFinished = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestFinished , IEndSwitch_OneEvenFinished )
+ LtestEvendiv2Gate = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestEven , Idiv2Gate )
+ LtestEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 764 , 536 )
+ LtestEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 763 , 297 )
+ LtestOddm3p1Gate = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestOdd , Im3p1Gate )
+ LtestOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 773 , 133 )
+ LtestOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 773 , 326 )
+ LtestNm3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestN , Im3p1anOddInteger )
+ LtestNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 753 , 102 )
+ LtestNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 752 , 355 )
+ LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestN , Idiv2anEvenInteger )
+ LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 753 , 508 )
+ LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 752 , 356 )
+ LtestKEndSwitch_OneEvenK = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestK , IEndSwitch_OneEvenK )
+ LtestKincraCount = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestK , IincraCount )
+ LtestKincraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 779 , 239 )
+ LtestKincraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 780 , 385 )
+ LtestDefaultEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControl.Link( OtestDefault , IEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( Ocontrol_m3p1Gate , Ilabel_testGate )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 1 , 373 , 354 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 2 , 372 , 10 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1180 , 9 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1181 , 217 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate = GraphSyrControl.Link( Ocontrol_div2Gate , Ilabel_beginGate )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 1 , 5 , 355 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 2 , 4 , 608 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1177 , 608 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1177 , 563 )
+ # Input datas
+ Ilabel_beginNB.Input( 7 )
+ Ilabel_beginKB.Input( 0 )
+ # Output Ports of the graph
+ #OtestIncr = test.GetOutPort( 'Incr' )
+ #OEndSwitch_OneEvenFinished = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Finished' )
+ #OEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'K' )
+ return GraphSyrControl
+GraphSyrControl = DefGraphSyrControl()
-<!DOCTYPE Dataflow>
+<!DOCTYPE SuperGraph>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>GraphSyrControl</node-name>
- <kind>1</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>GraphSyrControl</node-name>
+ <kind>1</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>EndSwitch_OneEven\Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>test__Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>EndSwitch_OneEven\K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>11/3/2003 - 18:34:21</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>JR</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
- <x-position>0</x-position>
- <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
- <node-list>
+ <outParameter-name>EndSwitch_OneEven__Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>EndSwitch_OneEven__K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>11/3/2003 - 18:34:21</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:41</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>JR</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
+ <x-position>0</x-position>
+ <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
+ <node-list>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>190</x-position>
- <y-position>338</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>190</x-position>
+ <y-position>338</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>196</x-position>
- <y-position>131</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>196</x-position>
+ <y-position>131</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>788</x-position>
- <y-position>22</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>788</x-position>
+ <y-position>22</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>div2</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>div2</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>794</x-position>
- <y-position>427</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>794</x-position>
+ <y-position>427</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>incr</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
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+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>incr</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>790</x-position>
- <y-position>158</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>790</x-position>
+ <y-position>158</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>7</x-position>
- <y-position>216</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>7</x-position>
+ <y-position>216</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_test</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_test</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>385</x-position>
- <y-position>159</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>385</x-position>
+ <y-position>159</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>test</node-name>
- <kind>6</kind>
- <coupled-node>EndSwitch_OneEven</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test</node-name>
+ <kind>6</kind>
+ <coupled-node>EndSwitch_OneEven</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>592</x-position>
- <y-position>205</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>592</x-position>
+ <y-position>205</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</node-name>
- <kind>7</kind>
- <coupled-node>test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</node-name>
+ <kind>7</kind>
+ <coupled-node>test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>Finished</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>Finished</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def EndSwitch_OneEven( Finished , K ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",Finished,K]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1065</x-position>
- <y-position>321</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def EndSwitch_OneEven( Finished , K ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",Finished,K]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1065</x-position>
+ <y-position>321</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_m3p1( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1012</x-position>
- <y-position>68</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_m3p1( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1012</x-position>
+ <y-position>68</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , NB ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,NB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:2:2</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1010</x-position>
- <y-position>473</y-position> </node> </node-list>
- <link-list>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , NB ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,NB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:5:14</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1010</x-position>
+ <y-position>473</y-position> </node> </node-list>
+ <link-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
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- <y>236</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>236</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>419</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>419</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>269</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>269</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>213</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>213</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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- <link>
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+ <link>
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- <link>
+ <y>239</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
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- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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- <y>416</y> </coord>
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- <link>
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- <link>
+ <y>297</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
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- <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
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+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>ValEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
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+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
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+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
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- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Finished</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>Finished</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Incr</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Finished</fromserviceparameter-name>
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+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
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+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <coord>
+ <y>536</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>297</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>297</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>133</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>133</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>326</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>326</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
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- <y>102</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>102</y> </coord>
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- <y>355</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>355</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
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- <y>508</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>508</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>356</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>356</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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+ <link>
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- <y>239</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>239</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>385</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>385</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Default</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
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+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>354</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>354</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>10</y> </coord>
- <coord>
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- <y>9</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>9</y> </coord>
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- <y>217</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>217</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <y>355</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>355</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>608</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>608</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>608</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>608</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>563</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
- <data-list>
+ <y>563</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
+ <data-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>7</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>7</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data> </data-list></dataflow>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data> </data-list> </dataflow></supergraph>
# Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControlGUI
from SuperV import *
-# Graph creation
-GraphSyrControl1 = Graph( 'GraphSyrControl1' )
-GraphSyrControl1.SetName( 'GraphSyrControl1' )
-GraphSyrControl1.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
-GraphSyrControl1.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
-GraphSyrControl1.Coords( 0 , 0 )
-# Creation of Factory Nodes
-test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControl1.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISEVEN.Coords( 190 , 338 )
-test_ISONE = GraphSyrControl1.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISONE.Coords( 196 , 131 )
-m3p1 = GraphSyrControl1.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
-m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
-m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
-m3p1.Coords( 615 , 30 )
-div2 = GraphSyrControl1.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
-div2.SetName( 'div2' )
-div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
-div2.Coords( 624 , 391 )
-incr = GraphSyrControl1.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
-incr.SetName( 'incr' )
-incr.SetAuthor( '' )
-incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
-incr.Coords( 623 , 206 )
-# Creation of InLine Nodes
-Pylabel_begin = []
-Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ) :' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
-label_begin = GraphSyrControl1.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
-label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
-label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_begin.Coords( 5 , 190 )
-# Creation of Switch Nodes
-Pylabel_test = []
-Pylabel_test.append( 'def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 1' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 1' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
-label_test,EndL_OneEven = GraphSyrControl1.SNode( 'L_OneEven' , Pylabel_test )
-EndL_OneEven.SetName( 'EndL_OneEven' )
-EndL_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
-EndL_OneEven.SetComment( '' )
-EndL_OneEven.Coords( 1017 , 247 )
-PyEndL_OneEven = []
-EndL_OneEven.SetPyFunction( 'EndL_OneEven' , PyEndL_OneEven )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
-label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_test.SetComment( '' )
-label_test.Coords( 399 , 177 )
-# Creation of GOTO Nodes
-Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):' )
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
-control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControl1.GNode( 'C_NotOneIsEven' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
-control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_m3p1.SetComment( '' )
-control_m3p1.Coords( 821 , 28 )
-Pycontrol_div2 = []
-Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , K ) :' )
-Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,K' )
-control_div2 = GraphSyrControl1.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
-control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_div2.SetComment( '' )
-control_div2.Coords( 818 , 358 )
-# Creation of Links
-test_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.Port( 'BoolEven' )
-label_testValEven = GraphSyrControl1.Link( test_ISEVENBoolEven , label_test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 383 , 239 )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 382 , 417 )
-test_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.Port( 'BoolOne' )
-label_testValOne = GraphSyrControl1.Link( test_ISONEBoolOne , label_test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-m3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.Port( 'anEvenInteger' )
-control_m3p1N = GraphSyrControl1.Link( m3p1anEvenInteger , control_m3p1.Port( 'N' ) )
-control_m3p1N.AddCoord( 1 , 793 , 62 )
-control_m3p1N.AddCoord( 2 , 792 , 111 )
-div2anInteger = div2.Port( 'anInteger' )
-control_div2N = GraphSyrControl1.Link( div2anInteger , control_div2.Port( 'N' ) )
-control_div2N.AddCoord( 1 , 797 , 392 )
-control_div2N.AddCoord( 2 , 798 , 471 )
-incraNewCount = incr.Port( 'aNewCount' )
-control_div2K = GraphSyrControl1.Link( incraNewCount , control_div2.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 809 , 420 )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 808 , 288 )
-control_m3p1K = GraphSyrControl1.Link( incraNewCount , control_m3p1.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 807 , 91 )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 808 , 286 )
-label_beginNT = label_begin.Port( 'NT' )
-test_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISONE.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 180 , 211 )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 179 , 269 )
-label_testNT = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_beginNT , label_test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISEVEN.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 179 , 417 )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 179 , 271 )
-label_beginKT = label_begin.Port( 'KT' )
-label_testKT = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_beginKT , label_test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-label_testIncr = label_test.Port( 'Incr' )
-incrInGate = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testIncr , incr.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-incrInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 565 , 315 )
-incrInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 564 , 240 )
-label_testEven = label_test.Port( 'Even' )
-div2InGate = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testEven , div2.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 583 , 500 )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 582 , 269 )
-label_testOdd = label_test.Port( 'Odd' )
-m3p1InGate = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testOdd , m3p1.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 571 , 138 )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 573 , 298 )
-label_testN = label_test.Port( 'N' )
-m3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testN , m3p1.Port( 'anOddInteger' ) )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 604 , 110 )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 605 , 328 )
-div2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testN , div2.Port( 'anEvenInteger' ) )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 606 , 471 )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 605 , 328 )
-label_testK = label_test.Port( 'K' )
-incraCount = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testK , incr.Port( 'aCount' ) )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 594 , 287 )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 595 , 356 )
-label_testDefault = label_test.Port( 'Default' )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControl1.Link( label_testDefault , EndL_OneEven.Port( 'Default' ) )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 1 , 1008 , 281 )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 2 , 1008 , 560 )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 3 , 565 , 559 )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 4 , 564 , 385 )
-control_m3p1OutGate = control_m3p1.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_testInGate = GraphSyrControl1.Link( control_m3p1OutGate , label_test.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 368 , 327 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 369 , 7 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1009 , 8 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1009 , 179 )
-control_div2OutGate = control_div2.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_beginInGate = GraphSyrControl1.Link( control_div2OutGate , label_begin.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 3 , 327 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 2 , 582 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 991 , 583 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 991 , 451 )
-# Creation of Input datas
-label_beginNB = label_begin.Input( 'NB' , 7)
-label_beginKB = label_begin.Input( 'KB' , 0)
-# Creation of Output variables
-label_testFinished = label_test.Port( 'Finished' )
-GraphSyrControl1.Run( 7 )
-print GraphSyrControl1.State()
+# Graph creation of GraphSyrControlGUI
+def DefGraphSyrControlGUI() :
+ GraphSyrControlGUI = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlGUI' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlGUI' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI.Coords( 0 , 0 )
+ # Creation of Factory Nodes
+ test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISEVEN.Coords( 190 , 338 )
+ Itest_ISEVENanInteger = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'BoolEven' )
+ Otest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISONE.Coords( 196 , 131 )
+ Itest_ISONEanInteger = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'BoolOne' )
+ Otest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ m3p1 = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
+ m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
+ m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
+ m3p1.Coords( 615 , 30 )
+ Im3p1anOddInteger = m3p1.GetInPort( 'anOddInteger' )
+ Im3p1Gate = m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Om3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Om3p1Gate = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ div2 = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
+ div2.SetName( 'div2' )
+ div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
+ div2.Coords( 624 , 391 )
+ Idiv2anEvenInteger = div2.GetInPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Idiv2Gate = div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Odiv2anInteger = div2.GetOutPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Odiv2Gate = div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ incr = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
+ incr.SetName( 'incr' )
+ incr.SetAuthor( '' )
+ incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
+ incr.Coords( 623 , 206 )
+ IincraCount = incr.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
+ IincrGate = incr.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OincraNewCount = incr.GetOutPort( 'aNewCount' )
+ OincrGate = incr.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of InLine Nodes
+ Pylabel_begin = []
+ Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ) :' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
+ label_begin = GraphSyrControlGUI.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
+ label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
+ label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_begin.Coords( 5 , 190 )
+ Ilabel_beginNB = label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginKB = label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_beginNT = label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginKT = label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Switch Nodes
+ Pylabel_test = []
+ Pylabel_test.append( 'def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 1' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 1' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
+ label_test,EndL_OneEven = GraphSyrControlGUI.SNode( 'L_OneEven' , Pylabel_test )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetName( 'EndL_OneEven' )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ EndL_OneEven.Coords( 1017 , 247 )
+ PyEndL_OneEven = []
+ EndL_OneEven.SetPyFunction( '' , PyEndL_OneEven )
+ IEndL_OneEvenDefault = EndL_OneEven.GetInPort( 'Default' )
+ OEndL_OneEvenGate = EndL_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
+ label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_test.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ label_test.Coords( 399 , 177 )
+ Ilabel_testValOne = label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testValEven = label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testNT = label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testKT = label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testGate = label_test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_testFinished = label_test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testIncr = label_test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testEven = label_test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testOdd = label_test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testN = label_test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testK = label_test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testDefault = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Default' )
+ # Creation of GOTO Nodes
+ Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):' )
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
+ control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlGUI.GNode( 'C_NotOneIsEven' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
+ control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
+ control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_m3p1.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_m3p1.Coords( 821 , 28 )
+ Icontrol_m3p1N = control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1K = control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValOne = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValEven = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1NT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1KT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pycontrol_div2 = []
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , K ) :' )
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,K' )
+ control_div2 = GraphSyrControlGUI.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
+ control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
+ control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_div2.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_div2.Coords( 818 , 358 )
+ Icontrol_div2N = control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2K = control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_div2NB = control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2KB = control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Links
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Otest_ISEVENBoolEven , Ilabel_testValEven )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 383 , 239 )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 382 , 417 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Otest_ISONEBoolOne , Ilabel_testValOne )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Om3p1anEvenInteger , Icontrol_m3p1N )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N.AddCoord( 1 , 793 , 62 )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N.AddCoord( 2 , 792 , 111 )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Odiv2anInteger , Icontrol_div2N )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N.AddCoord( 1 , 797 , 392 )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N.AddCoord( 2 , 798 , 471 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_div2K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 809 , 420 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 808 , 288 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_m3p1K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 807 , 91 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 808 , 286 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISONEanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 180 , 211 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 179 , 269 )
+ Llabel_beginNTlabel_testNT = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Ilabel_testNT )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISEVENanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 179 , 417 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 179 , 271 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_beginKT , Ilabel_testKT )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_testEven , Idiv2Gate )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 583 , 500 )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 582 , 269 )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_testOdd , Im3p1Gate )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 571 , 138 )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 573 , 298 )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_testN , Im3p1anOddInteger )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 604 , 110 )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 605 , 328 )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_testN , Idiv2anEvenInteger )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 606 , 471 )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 605 , 328 )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_testK , IincraCount )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 594 , 287 )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 595 , 356 )
+ Llabel_testDefaultEndL_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Olabel_testDefault , IEndL_OneEvenDefault )
+ Llabel_testDefaultEndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 1 , 1008 , 281 )
+ Llabel_testDefaultEndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 2 , 1008 , 560 )
+ Llabel_testDefaultEndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 3 , 565 , 559 )
+ Llabel_testDefaultEndL_OneEvenDefault.AddCoord( 4 , 564 , 385 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Ocontrol_m3p1Gate , Ilabel_testGate )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 1 , 368 , 327 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 2 , 369 , 7 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1009 , 8 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1009 , 179 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( Ocontrol_div2Gate , Ilabel_beginGate )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 1 , 3 , 327 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 2 , 2 , 582 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 3 , 991 , 583 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 4 , 991 , 451 )
+ # Input datas
+ Ilabel_beginNB.Input( 7 )
+ Ilabel_beginKB.Input( 0 )
+ # Output Ports of the graph
+ #Olabel_testFinished = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Finished' )
+ #Olabel_testIncr = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Incr' )
+ return GraphSyrControlGUI
+GraphSyrControlGUI = DefGraphSyrControlGUI()
-<!DOCTYPE Dataflow>
+<!DOCTYPE SuperGraph>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>GraphSyrControlGUI</node-name>
- <kind>1</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>GraphSyrControlGUI</node-name>
+ <kind>1</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>label_test\Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>11/3/2003 - 18:28:48</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:50</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>JR</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
- <x-position>0</x-position>
- <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
- <node-list>
+ <outParameter-name>label_test__Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>label_test__Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>11/3/2003 - 18:28:48</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:50</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>JR</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
+ <x-position>0</x-position>
+ <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
+ <node-list>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>190</x-position>
- <y-position>338</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>190</x-position>
+ <y-position>338</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>196</x-position>
- <y-position>131</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>196</x-position>
+ <y-position>131</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>615</x-position>
- <y-position>30</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>615</x-position>
+ <y-position>30</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>div2</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>div2</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>624</x-position>
- <y-position>391</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>624</x-position>
+ <y-position>391</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>incr</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>incr</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>623</x-position>
- <y-position>206</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>623</x-position>
+ <y-position>206</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>5</x-position>
- <y-position>190</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>5</x-position>
+ <y-position>190</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_test</node-name>
- <kind>6</kind>
- <coupled-node>EndL_OneEven</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_test</node-name>
+ <kind>6</kind>
+ <coupled-node>EndL_OneEven</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>399</x-position>
- <y-position>177</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>399</x-position>
+ <y-position>177</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>EndL_OneEven</node-name>
- <kind>7</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>EndL_OneEven</node-name>
+ <kind>7</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list/>
- <outParameter-list/> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
-<PyFunction/> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1017</x-position>
- <y-position>247</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <inParameter-list/>
+ <outParameter-list/> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[?]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1017</x-position>
+ <y-position>247</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>821</x-position>
- <y-position>28</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>821</x-position>
+ <y-position>28</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , K ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>19/9/2003 - 15:3:49</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>818</x-position>
- <y-position>358</y-position> </node> </node-list>
- <link-list>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , K ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:12:30</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>818</x-position>
+ <y-position>358</y-position> </node> </node-list>
+ <link-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>239</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>239</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>417</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>417</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>62</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>62</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>111</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>111</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>anInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>anInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>392</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>392</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>471</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>471</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>420</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>420</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>288</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>288</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>91</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>91</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>286</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>286</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test_ISONE</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test_ISONE</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>211</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>211</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>269</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>269</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test_ISEVEN</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test_ISEVEN</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>417</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>417</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>271</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>271</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Incr</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
- <y>315</y> </coord>
- <coord>
- <y>240</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>500</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>500</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>269</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>269</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>138</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>138</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>298</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>298</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anOddInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anOddInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>110</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>110</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>328</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>328</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>471</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>471</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>328</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>328</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>287</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>287</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>356</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>356</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Default</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Default</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>281</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>281</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>560</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>560</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>559</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>559</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>385</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>385</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Gate</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>327</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>327</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>7</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>7</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>8</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>8</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>179</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>179</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Gate</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>327</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>327</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>582</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>582</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>583</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>583</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>451</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
- <data-list>
+ <y>451</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
+ <data-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>7</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>7</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data> </data-list></dataflow>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data> </data-list> </dataflow></supergraph>
# Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControlAve
from SuperV import *
-# Graph creation
-GraphSyrControlAve = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlAve' )
-GraphSyrControlAve.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlAve' )
-GraphSyrControlAve.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
-GraphSyrControlAve.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
-GraphSyrControlAve.Coords( 0 , 0 )
-# Creation of Factory Nodes
-test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISEVEN.Coords( 370 , 455 )
-test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISONE.Coords( 370 , 127 )
-m3p1 = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
-m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
-m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
-m3p1.Coords( 789 , 0 )
-div2 = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
-div2.SetName( 'div2' )
-div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
-div2.Coords( 789 , 276 )
-incr = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
-incr.SetName( 'incr' )
-incr.SetAuthor( '' )
-incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
-incr.Coords( 790 , 136 )
-C_MIN = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_MIN' )
-C_MIN.SetName( 'C_MIN' )
-C_MIN.SetAuthor( '' )
-C_MIN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-C_MIN.SetComment( 'C_MIN from SyrComponent' )
-C_MIN.Coords( 798 , 833 )
-C_MAX = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_MAX' )
-C_MAX.SetName( 'C_MAX' )
-C_MAX.SetAuthor( '' )
-C_MAX.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-C_MAX.SetComment( 'C_MAX from SyrComponent' )
-C_MAX.Coords( 798 , 668 )
-C_AVERAGE = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_AVERAGE' )
-C_AVERAGE.SetAuthor( '' )
-C_AVERAGE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-C_AVERAGE.SetComment( 'C_AVERAGE from SyrComponent' )
-C_AVERAGE.Coords( 784 , 476 )
-C_LISTOFSYR = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_LISTOFSYR' )
-C_LISTOFSYR.SetAuthor( '' )
-C_LISTOFSYR.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-C_LISTOFSYR.SetComment( 'C_LISTOFSYR from SyrComponent' )
-C_LISTOFSYR.Coords( 4 , 363 )
-# Creation of InLine Nodes
-Pylabel_begin = []
-Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB , MINB , MAXB , AVERAGEB , SYRLISTB ) :' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB,MINB,MAXB,AVERAGEB,SYRLISTB' )
-label_begin = GraphSyrControlAve.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
-label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
-label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_begin.Coords( 183 , 219 )
-label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'MINB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'MAXB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'AVERAGEB' , 'double' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'SYRLISTB' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
-label_begin.OutPort( 'SYRLIST' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-# Creation of Switch Nodes
-Pylabel_test = []
-Pylabel_test.append( 'def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT , MIN , MAX , AVERAGE , SYRLIST ):' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 1' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 1' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT,MIN,MAX,AVERAGE,SYRLIST' )
-label_test,EndL_OneEven = GraphSyrControlAve.SNode( 'L_OneEven' , Pylabel_test )
-EndL_OneEven.SetName( 'EndL_OneEven' )
-EndL_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
-EndL_OneEven.SetComment( '' )
-EndL_OneEven.Coords( 1064 , 379 )
-PyEndL_OneEven = []
-EndL_OneEven.SetPyFunction( 'EndL_OneEven' , PyEndL_OneEven )
-EndL_OneEven.InPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
-EndL_OneEven.InPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
-EndL_OneEven.InPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
-EndL_OneEven.OutPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
-EndL_OneEven.OutPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
-EndL_OneEven.OutPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
-label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
-label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_test.SetComment( '' )
-label_test.Coords( 563 , 206 )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
-label_test.InPort( 'SYRLIST' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'MINT' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'MAXT' , 'long' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'AVERAGET' , 'double' )
-label_test.OutPort( 'SYRLISTT' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-# Creation of GOTO Nodes
-Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K , MINT , MAXT , AVERAGET , SYRLISTT ):' )
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K,MINT,MAXT,AVERAGET,SYRLISTT' )
-control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlAve.GNode( 'C_NotOneIsEven' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
-control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
-control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_m3p1.SetComment( '' )
-control_m3p1.Coords( 1058 , 8 )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'MINT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'MAXT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'AVERAGET' , 'double' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'SYRLISTT' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
-control_m3p1.OutPort( 'SYRLIST' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-Pycontrol_div2 = []
-Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , K , MINT , MAXT , AVERAGET , SYRLISTT ) :' )
-Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,K,MINT,MAXT,AVERAGET,SYRLISTT' )
-control_div2 = GraphSyrControlAve.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
-control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
-control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_div2.SetComment( '' )
-control_div2.Coords( 1048 , 555 )
-control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'MINT' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'MAXT' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'AVERAGET' , 'double' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'SYRLISTT' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'MINB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'MAXB' , 'long' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'AVERAGEB' , 'double' )
-control_div2.OutPort( 'SYRLISTB' , 'ListOfSyr' )
-# Creation of Links
-test_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.Port( 'BoolEven' )
-label_testValEven = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( test_ISEVENBoolEven , label_test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 545 , 269 )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 545 , 535 )
-test_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.Port( 'BoolOne' )
-label_testValOne = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( test_ISONEBoolOne , label_test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-label_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 546 , 241 )
-label_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 545 , 208 )
-m3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.Port( 'anEvenInteger' )
-control_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( m3p1anEvenInteger , control_m3p1.Port( 'N' ) )
-control_m3p1N.AddCoord( 1 , 977 , 43 )
-control_m3p1N.AddCoord( 2 , 976 , 81 )
-div2anInteger = div2.Port( 'anInteger' )
-control_div2N = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( div2anInteger , control_div2.Port( 'N' ) )
-control_div2N.AddCoord( 1 , 1011 , 590 )
-control_div2N.AddCoord( 2 , 1010 , 357 )
-incraNewCount = incr.Port( 'aNewCount' )
-control_div2K = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( incraNewCount , control_div2.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 964 , 618 )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 966 , 217 )
-control_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( incraNewCount , control_m3p1.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 966 , 70 )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 966 , 216 )
-C_AVERAGEaCount = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( incraNewCount , C_AVERAGE.Port( 'aCount' ) )
-C_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 1 , 778 , 615 )
-C_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 2 , 779 , 462 )
-C_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 3 , 965 , 462 )
-C_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 4 , 966 , 216 )
-C_MINaNewMinVal = C_MIN.Port( 'aNewMinVal' )
-control_m3p1MINT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_MINaNewMinVal , control_m3p1.Port( 'MINT' ) )
-control_m3p1MINT.AddCoord( 1 , 991 , 100 )
-control_m3p1MINT.AddCoord( 2 , 991 , 913 )
-control_div2MINT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_MINaNewMinVal , control_div2.Port( 'MINT' ) )
-control_div2MINT.AddCoord( 1 , 990 , 646 )
-control_div2MINT.AddCoord( 2 , 991 , 912 )
-C_MAXaNewMaxVal = C_MAX.Port( 'aNewMaxVal' )
-control_m3p1MAXT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_MAXaNewMaxVal , control_m3p1.Port( 'MAXT' ) )
-control_m3p1MAXT.AddCoord( 1 , 974 , 130 )
-control_m3p1MAXT.AddCoord( 2 , 974 , 747 )
-control_div2MAXT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_MAXaNewMaxVal , control_div2.Port( 'MAXT' ) )
-control_div2MAXT.AddCoord( 1 , 973 , 676 )
-control_div2MAXT.AddCoord( 2 , 974 , 747 )
-C_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyr = C_AVERAGE.Port( 'aNewListOfSyr' )
-control_m3p1SYRLISTT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyr , control_m3p1.Port( 'SYRLISTT' ) )
-control_m3p1SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 1 , 1037 , 188 )
-control_m3p1SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 2 , 1038 , 556 )
-control_div2SYRLISTT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyr , control_div2.Port( 'SYRLISTT' ) )
-control_div2SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 1 , 1038 , 735 )
-control_div2SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 2 , 1038 , 555 )
-C_AVERAGEanAverage = C_AVERAGE.Port( 'anAverage' )
-control_m3p1AVERAGET = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_AVERAGEanAverage , control_m3p1.Port( 'AVERAGET' ) )
-control_m3p1AVERAGET.AddCoord( 1 , 1027 , 158 )
-control_m3p1AVERAGET.AddCoord( 2 , 1026 , 584 )
-control_div2AVERAGET = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_AVERAGEanAverage , control_div2.Port( 'AVERAGET' ) )
-control_div2AVERAGET.AddCoord( 1 , 1027 , 706 )
-control_div2AVERAGET.AddCoord( 2 , 1027 , 584 )
-C_LISTOFSYRaListOfSyr = C_LISTOFSYR.Port( 'aListOfSyr' )
-label_beginSYRLISTB = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( C_LISTOFSYRaListOfSyr , label_begin.Port( 'SYRLISTB' ) )
-label_beginNT = label_begin.Port( 'NT' )
-test_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISONE.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 362 , 207 )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 362 , 299 )
-label_testNT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginNT , label_test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISEVEN.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 361 , 534 )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 362 , 299 )
-label_beginKT = label_begin.Port( 'KT' )
-label_testKT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginKT , label_test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-label_beginMIN = label_begin.Port( 'MIN' )
-label_testMIN = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginMIN , label_test.Port( 'MIN' ) )
-label_beginMAX = label_begin.Port( 'MAX' )
-label_testMAX = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginMAX , label_test.Port( 'MAX' ) )
-label_beginAVERAGE = label_begin.Port( 'AVERAGE' )
-label_testAVERAGE = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginAVERAGE , label_test.Port( 'AVERAGE' ) )
-label_beginSYRLIST = label_begin.Port( 'SYRLIST' )
-label_testSYRLIST = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_beginSYRLIST , label_test.Port( 'SYRLIST' ) )
-label_testFinished = label_test.Port( 'Finished' )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testFinished , EndL_OneEven.Port( 'Default' ) )
-label_testIncr = label_test.Port( 'Incr' )
-incrInGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testIncr , incr.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-incrInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 779 , 250 )
-incrInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 780 , 269 )
-label_testEven = label_test.Port( 'Even' )
-div2InGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testEven , div2.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 780 , 387 )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 779 , 299 )
-label_testOdd = label_test.Port( 'Odd' )
-m3p1InGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testOdd , m3p1.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 756 , 115 )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 756 , 328 )
-label_testN = label_test.Port( 'N' )
-m3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testN , m3p1.Port( 'anOddInteger' ) )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 740 , 80 )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 741 , 356 )
-div2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testN , div2.Port( 'anEvenInteger' ) )
-C_MINanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testN , C_MIN.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-C_MINanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 741 , 943 )
-C_MINanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 740 , 357 )
-C_MAXanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testN , C_MAX.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-C_MAXanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 742 , 778 )
-C_MAXanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 741 , 359 )
-C_AVERAGEanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testN , C_AVERAGE.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-C_AVERAGEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 742 , 584 )
-C_AVERAGEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 741 , 357 )
-label_testK = label_test.Port( 'K' )
-incraCount = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testK , incr.Port( 'aCount' ) )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 765 , 217 )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 764 , 385 )
-label_testMINT = label_test.Port( 'MINT' )
-C_MINaMinVal = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testMINT , C_MIN.Port( 'aMinVal' ) )
-C_MINaMinVal.AddCoord( 1 , 759 , 914 )
-C_MINaMinVal.AddCoord( 2 , 758 , 414 )
-EndL_OneEvenMIN = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testMINT , EndL_OneEven.Port( 'MIN' ) )
-label_testMAXT = label_test.Port( 'MAXT' )
-C_MAXaMaxVal = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testMAXT , C_MAX.Port( 'aMaxVal' ) )
-C_MAXaMaxVal.AddCoord( 1 , 729 , 749 )
-C_MAXaMaxVal.AddCoord( 2 , 728 , 444 )
-EndL_OneEvenMAX = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testMAXT , EndL_OneEven.Port( 'MAX' ) )
-label_testAVERAGET = label_test.Port( 'AVERAGET' )
-EndL_OneEvenAVERAGE = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testAVERAGET , EndL_OneEven.Port( 'AVERAGE' ) )
-label_testSYRLISTT = label_test.Port( 'SYRLISTT' )
-C_AVERAGEaListOfSyr = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( label_testSYRLISTT , C_AVERAGE.Port( 'aListOfSyr' ) )
-C_AVERAGEaListOfSyr.AddCoord( 1 , 771 , 557 )
-C_AVERAGEaListOfSyr.AddCoord( 2 , 770 , 502 )
-control_m3p1OutGate = control_m3p1.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_testInGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( control_m3p1OutGate , label_test.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 553 , 536 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 554 , 1025 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1242 , 1026 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1243 , 279 )
-control_div2OutGate = control_div2.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_beginInGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( control_div2OutGate , label_begin.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 176 , 476 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 176 , 997 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1217 , 996 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1218 , 768 )
-# Creation of Input datas
-label_beginNB = label_begin.Input( 'NB' , 31)
-label_beginKB = label_begin.Input( 'KB' , 0)
-label_beginMINB = label_begin.Input( 'MINB' , 0)
-label_beginMAXB = label_begin.Input( 'MAXB' , 0)
-label_beginAVERAGEB = label_begin.Input( 'AVERAGEB' , 0)
-# Creation of Output variables
-EndL_OneEvenMIN = EndL_OneEven.Port( 'MIN' )
-EndL_OneEvenMAX = EndL_OneEven.Port( 'MAX' )
-EndL_OneEvenAVERAGE = EndL_OneEven.Port( 'AVERAGE' )
-print GraphSyrControlAve.State()
+# Graph creation of GraphSyrControlAve
+def DefGraphSyrControlAve() :
+ GraphSyrControlAve = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlAve' )
+ GraphSyrControlAve.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlAve' )
+ GraphSyrControlAve.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
+ GraphSyrControlAve.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
+ GraphSyrControlAve.Coords( 0 , 0 )
+ # Creation of Factory Nodes
+ test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISEVEN.Coords( 370 , 455 )
+ Itest_ISEVENanInteger = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'BoolEven' )
+ Otest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISONE.Coords( 370 , 127 )
+ Itest_ISONEanInteger = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'BoolOne' )
+ Otest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ m3p1 = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
+ m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
+ m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
+ m3p1.Coords( 789 , 0 )
+ Im3p1anOddInteger = m3p1.GetInPort( 'anOddInteger' )
+ Im3p1Gate = m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Om3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Om3p1Gate = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ div2 = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
+ div2.SetName( 'div2' )
+ div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
+ div2.Coords( 789 , 276 )
+ Idiv2anEvenInteger = div2.GetInPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Idiv2Gate = div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Odiv2anInteger = div2.GetOutPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Odiv2Gate = div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ incr = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
+ incr.SetName( 'incr' )
+ incr.SetAuthor( '' )
+ incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
+ incr.Coords( 790 , 136 )
+ IincraCount = incr.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
+ IincrGate = incr.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OincraNewCount = incr.GetOutPort( 'aNewCount' )
+ OincrGate = incr.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ C_MIN = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_MIN' )
+ C_MIN.SetName( 'C_MIN' )
+ C_MIN.SetAuthor( '' )
+ C_MIN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ C_MIN.SetComment( 'C_MIN from SyrComponent' )
+ C_MIN.Coords( 798 , 833 )
+ IC_MINaMinVal = C_MIN.GetInPort( 'aMinVal' )
+ IC_MINanInteger = C_MIN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ IC_MINGate = C_MIN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OC_MINaNewMinVal = C_MIN.GetOutPort( 'aNewMinVal' )
+ OC_MINGate = C_MIN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ C_MAX = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_MAX' )
+ C_MAX.SetName( 'C_MAX' )
+ C_MAX.SetAuthor( '' )
+ C_MAX.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ C_MAX.SetComment( 'C_MAX from SyrComponent' )
+ C_MAX.Coords( 798 , 668 )
+ IC_MAXaMaxVal = C_MAX.GetInPort( 'aMaxVal' )
+ IC_MAXanInteger = C_MAX.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ IC_MAXGate = C_MAX.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OC_MAXaNewMaxVal = C_MAX.GetOutPort( 'aNewMaxVal' )
+ OC_MAXGate = C_MAX.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ C_AVERAGE = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_AVERAGE' )
+ C_AVERAGE.SetAuthor( '' )
+ C_AVERAGE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ C_AVERAGE.SetComment( 'C_AVERAGE from SyrComponent' )
+ C_AVERAGE.Coords( 784 , 476 )
+ IC_AVERAGEaListOfSyr = C_AVERAGE.GetInPort( 'aListOfSyr' )
+ IC_AVERAGEanInteger = C_AVERAGE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ IC_AVERAGEaCount = C_AVERAGE.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
+ IC_AVERAGEGate = C_AVERAGE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyr = C_AVERAGE.GetOutPort( 'aNewListOfSyr' )
+ OC_AVERAGEanAverage = C_AVERAGE.GetOutPort( 'anAverage' )
+ OC_AVERAGEGate = C_AVERAGE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ C_LISTOFSYR = GraphSyrControlAve.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_LISTOFSYR' )
+ C_LISTOFSYR.SetAuthor( '' )
+ C_LISTOFSYR.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ C_LISTOFSYR.SetComment( 'C_LISTOFSYR from SyrComponent' )
+ C_LISTOFSYR.Coords( 4 , 363 )
+ IC_LISTOFSYRGate = C_LISTOFSYR.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OC_LISTOFSYRaListOfSyr = C_LISTOFSYR.GetOutPort( 'aListOfSyr' )
+ OC_LISTOFSYRGate = C_LISTOFSYR.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of InLine Nodes
+ Pylabel_begin = []
+ Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB , MINB , MAXB , AVERAGEB , SYRLISTB ) :' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB,MINB,MAXB,AVERAGEB,SYRLISTB' )
+ label_begin = GraphSyrControlAve.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
+ label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
+ label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_begin.Coords( 183 , 219 )
+ Ilabel_beginNB = label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginKB = label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginMINB = label_begin.InPort( 'MINB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginMAXB = label_begin.InPort( 'MAXB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginAVERAGEB = label_begin.InPort( 'AVERAGEB' , 'double' )
+ Ilabel_beginSYRLISTB = label_begin.InPort( 'SYRLISTB' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Ilabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_beginNT = label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginKT = label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginMIN = label_begin.OutPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginMAX = label_begin.OutPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginAVERAGE = label_begin.OutPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
+ Olabel_beginSYRLIST = label_begin.OutPort( 'SYRLIST' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Olabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Switch Nodes
+ Pylabel_test = []
+ Pylabel_test.append( 'def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT , MIN , MAX , AVERAGE , SYRLIST ):' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 1' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 1' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT,MIN,MAX,AVERAGE,SYRLIST' )
+ label_test,EndL_OneEven = GraphSyrControlAve.SNode( 'L_OneEven' , Pylabel_test )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetName( 'EndL_OneEven' )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ EndL_OneEven.Coords( 1064 , 379 )
+ PyEndL_OneEven = []
+ EndL_OneEven.SetPyFunction( '' , PyEndL_OneEven )
+ IEndL_OneEvenMIN = EndL_OneEven.InPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
+ IEndL_OneEvenMAX = EndL_OneEven.InPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
+ IEndL_OneEvenAVERAGE = EndL_OneEven.InPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
+ IEndL_OneEvenDefault = EndL_OneEven.GetInPort( 'Default' )
+ OEndL_OneEvenMIN = EndL_OneEven.OutPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
+ OEndL_OneEvenMAX = EndL_OneEven.OutPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
+ OEndL_OneEvenAVERAGE = EndL_OneEven.OutPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
+ OEndL_OneEvenGate = EndL_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
+ label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_test.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ label_test.Coords( 563 , 206 )
+ Ilabel_testValOne = label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testValEven = label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testNT = label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testKT = label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testMIN = label_test.InPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testMAX = label_test.InPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testAVERAGE = label_test.InPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
+ Ilabel_testSYRLIST = label_test.InPort( 'SYRLIST' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Ilabel_testGate = label_test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_testFinished = label_test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testIncr = label_test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testEven = label_test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testOdd = label_test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testN = label_test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testK = label_test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testMINT = label_test.OutPort( 'MINT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testMAXT = label_test.OutPort( 'MAXT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testAVERAGET = label_test.OutPort( 'AVERAGET' , 'double' )
+ Olabel_testSYRLISTT = label_test.OutPort( 'SYRLISTT' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Olabel_testDefault = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Default' )
+ # Creation of GOTO Nodes
+ Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K , MINT , MAXT , AVERAGET , SYRLISTT ):' )
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K,MINT,MAXT,AVERAGET,SYRLISTT' )
+ control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlAve.GNode( 'C_NotOneIsEven' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
+ control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
+ control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_m3p1.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_m3p1.Coords( 1058 , 8 )
+ Icontrol_m3p1N = control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1K = control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1MINT = control_m3p1.InPort( 'MINT' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1MAXT = control_m3p1.InPort( 'MAXT' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1AVERAGET = control_m3p1.InPort( 'AVERAGET' , 'double' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1SYRLISTT = control_m3p1.InPort( 'SYRLISTT' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValOne = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValEven = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1NT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1KT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1MIN = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'MIN' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1MAX = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'MAX' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1AVERAGE = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'AVERAGE' , 'double' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1SYRLIST = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'SYRLIST' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pycontrol_div2 = []
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , K , MINT , MAXT , AVERAGET , SYRLISTT ) :' )
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,K,MINT,MAXT,AVERAGET,SYRLISTT' )
+ control_div2 = GraphSyrControlAve.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
+ control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
+ control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_div2.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_div2.Coords( 1048 , 555 )
+ Icontrol_div2N = control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2K = control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2MINT = control_div2.InPort( 'MINT' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2MAXT = control_div2.InPort( 'MAXT' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2AVERAGET = control_div2.InPort( 'AVERAGET' , 'double' )
+ Icontrol_div2SYRLISTT = control_div2.InPort( 'SYRLISTT' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Icontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_div2NB = control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2KB = control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2MINB = control_div2.OutPort( 'MINB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2MAXB = control_div2.OutPort( 'MAXB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2AVERAGEB = control_div2.OutPort( 'AVERAGEB' , 'double' )
+ Ocontrol_div2SYRLISTB = control_div2.OutPort( 'SYRLISTB' , 'ListOfSyr' )
+ Ocontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Links
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Otest_ISEVENBoolEven , Ilabel_testValEven )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 545 , 269 )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 545 , 535 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Otest_ISONEBoolOne , Ilabel_testValOne )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 546 , 241 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 545 , 208 )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Om3p1anEvenInteger , Icontrol_m3p1N )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N.AddCoord( 1 , 977 , 43 )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N.AddCoord( 2 , 976 , 81 )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Odiv2anInteger , Icontrol_div2N )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N.AddCoord( 1 , 1011 , 590 )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N.AddCoord( 2 , 1010 , 357 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_div2K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 964 , 618 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 966 , 217 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_m3p1K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 966 , 70 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 966 , 216 )
+ LincraNewCountC_AVERAGEaCount = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OincraNewCount , IC_AVERAGEaCount )
+ LincraNewCountC_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 1 , 778 , 615 )
+ LincraNewCountC_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 2 , 779 , 462 )
+ LincraNewCountC_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 3 , 965 , 462 )
+ LincraNewCountC_AVERAGEaCount.AddCoord( 4 , 966 , 216 )
+ LC_MINaNewMinValcontrol_m3p1MINT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_MINaNewMinVal , Icontrol_m3p1MINT )
+ LC_MINaNewMinValcontrol_m3p1MINT.AddCoord( 1 , 991 , 100 )
+ LC_MINaNewMinValcontrol_m3p1MINT.AddCoord( 2 , 991 , 913 )
+ LC_MINaNewMinValcontrol_div2MINT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_MINaNewMinVal , Icontrol_div2MINT )
+ LC_MINaNewMinValcontrol_div2MINT.AddCoord( 1 , 990 , 646 )
+ LC_MINaNewMinValcontrol_div2MINT.AddCoord( 2 , 991 , 912 )
+ LC_MAXaNewMaxValcontrol_m3p1MAXT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_MAXaNewMaxVal , Icontrol_m3p1MAXT )
+ LC_MAXaNewMaxValcontrol_m3p1MAXT.AddCoord( 1 , 974 , 130 )
+ LC_MAXaNewMaxValcontrol_m3p1MAXT.AddCoord( 2 , 974 , 747 )
+ LC_MAXaNewMaxValcontrol_div2MAXT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_MAXaNewMaxVal , Icontrol_div2MAXT )
+ LC_MAXaNewMaxValcontrol_div2MAXT.AddCoord( 1 , 973 , 676 )
+ LC_MAXaNewMaxValcontrol_div2MAXT.AddCoord( 2 , 974 , 747 )
+ LC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyrcontrol_m3p1SYRLISTT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyr , Icontrol_m3p1SYRLISTT )
+ LC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyrcontrol_m3p1SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 1 , 1037 , 188 )
+ LC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyrcontrol_m3p1SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 2 , 1038 , 556 )
+ LC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyrcontrol_div2SYRLISTT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyr , Icontrol_div2SYRLISTT )
+ LC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyrcontrol_div2SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 1 , 1038 , 735 )
+ LC_AVERAGEaNewListOfSyrcontrol_div2SYRLISTT.AddCoord( 2 , 1038 , 555 )
+ LC_AVERAGEanAveragecontrol_m3p1AVERAGET = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_AVERAGEanAverage , Icontrol_m3p1AVERAGET )
+ LC_AVERAGEanAveragecontrol_m3p1AVERAGET.AddCoord( 1 , 1027 , 158 )
+ LC_AVERAGEanAveragecontrol_m3p1AVERAGET.AddCoord( 2 , 1026 , 584 )
+ LC_AVERAGEanAveragecontrol_div2AVERAGET = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_AVERAGEanAverage , Icontrol_div2AVERAGET )
+ LC_AVERAGEanAveragecontrol_div2AVERAGET.AddCoord( 1 , 1027 , 706 )
+ LC_AVERAGEanAveragecontrol_div2AVERAGET.AddCoord( 2 , 1027 , 584 )
+ LC_LISTOFSYRaListOfSyrlabel_beginSYRLISTB = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( OC_LISTOFSYRaListOfSyr , Ilabel_beginSYRLISTB )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISONEanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 362 , 207 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 362 , 299 )
+ Llabel_beginNTlabel_testNT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Ilabel_testNT )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISEVENanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 361 , 534 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 362 , 299 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginKT , Ilabel_testKT )
+ Llabel_beginMINlabel_testMIN = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginMIN , Ilabel_testMIN )
+ Llabel_beginMAXlabel_testMAX = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginMAX , Ilabel_testMAX )
+ Llabel_beginAVERAGElabel_testAVERAGE = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginAVERAGE , Ilabel_testAVERAGE )
+ Llabel_beginSYRLISTlabel_testSYRLIST = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_beginSYRLIST , Ilabel_testSYRLIST )
+ Llabel_testFinishedEndL_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testFinished , IEndL_OneEvenDefault )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testEven , Idiv2Gate )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 780 , 387 )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 779 , 299 )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testOdd , Im3p1Gate )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 756 , 115 )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 756 , 328 )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testN , Im3p1anOddInteger )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 740 , 80 )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 741 , 356 )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testN , Idiv2anEvenInteger )
+ Llabel_testNC_MINanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testN , IC_MINanInteger )
+ Llabel_testNC_MINanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 741 , 943 )
+ Llabel_testNC_MINanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 740 , 357 )
+ Llabel_testNC_MAXanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testN , IC_MAXanInteger )
+ Llabel_testNC_MAXanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 742 , 778 )
+ Llabel_testNC_MAXanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 741 , 359 )
+ Llabel_testNC_AVERAGEanInteger = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testN , IC_AVERAGEanInteger )
+ Llabel_testNC_AVERAGEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 742 , 584 )
+ Llabel_testNC_AVERAGEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 741 , 357 )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testK , IincraCount )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 765 , 217 )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 764 , 385 )
+ Llabel_testMINTC_MINaMinVal = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testMINT , IC_MINaMinVal )
+ Llabel_testMINTC_MINaMinVal.AddCoord( 1 , 759 , 914 )
+ Llabel_testMINTC_MINaMinVal.AddCoord( 2 , 758 , 414 )
+ Llabel_testMINTEndL_OneEvenMIN = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testMINT , IEndL_OneEvenMIN )
+ Llabel_testMAXTC_MAXaMaxVal = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testMAXT , IC_MAXaMaxVal )
+ Llabel_testMAXTC_MAXaMaxVal.AddCoord( 1 , 729 , 749 )
+ Llabel_testMAXTC_MAXaMaxVal.AddCoord( 2 , 728 , 444 )
+ Llabel_testMAXTEndL_OneEvenMAX = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testMAXT , IEndL_OneEvenMAX )
+ Llabel_testAVERAGETEndL_OneEvenAVERAGE = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testAVERAGET , IEndL_OneEvenAVERAGE )
+ Llabel_testSYRLISTTC_AVERAGEaListOfSyr = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Olabel_testSYRLISTT , IC_AVERAGEaListOfSyr )
+ Llabel_testSYRLISTTC_AVERAGEaListOfSyr.AddCoord( 1 , 771 , 557 )
+ Llabel_testSYRLISTTC_AVERAGEaListOfSyr.AddCoord( 2 , 770 , 502 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Ocontrol_m3p1Gate , Ilabel_testGate )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 1 , 553 , 536 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 2 , 554 , 1025 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1242 , 1026 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1243 , 279 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate = GraphSyrControlAve.Link( Ocontrol_div2Gate , Ilabel_beginGate )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 1 , 176 , 476 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 2 , 176 , 997 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1217 , 996 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1218 , 768 )
+ # Input datas
+ Ilabel_beginNB.Input( 31 )
+ Ilabel_beginKB.Input( 0 )
+ Ilabel_beginMINB.Input( 0 )
+ Ilabel_beginMAXB.Input( 0 )
+ Ilabel_beginAVERAGEB.Input( 0 )
+ # Output Ports of the graph
+ #Olabel_testIncr = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Incr' )
+ #OEndL_OneEvenMIN = EndL_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'MIN' )
+ #OEndL_OneEvenMAX = EndL_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'MAX' )
+ #OEndL_OneEvenAVERAGE = EndL_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'AVERAGE' )
+ return GraphSyrControlAve
+GraphSyrControlAve = DefGraphSyrControlAve()
-<!DOCTYPE Dataflow>
+<!DOCTYPE SuperGraph>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>GraphSyrControlAve</node-name>
- <kind>1</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>GraphSyrControlAve</node-name>
+ <kind>1</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\MINB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__MINB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\MAXB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__MAXB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\AVERAGEB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__AVERAGEB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>EndL_OneEven\MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>label_test__Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>EndL_OneEven\MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>EndL_OneEven__MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>EndL_OneEven__MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>EndL_OneEven\AVERAGE</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:17:14</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>JR</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
- <x-position>0</x-position>
- <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
- <node-list>
+ <outParameter-name>EndL_OneEven__AVERAGE</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:17:14</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:52:49</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>JR</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
+ <x-position>0</x-position>
+ <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
+ <node-list>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>370</x-position>
- <y-position>455</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>370</x-position>
+ <y-position>455</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>370</x-position>
- <y-position>127</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>370</x-position>
+ <y-position>127</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>789</x-position>
- <y-position>0</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>789</x-position>
+ <y-position>0</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>div2</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>div2</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>789</x-position>
- <y-position>276</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>789</x-position>
+ <y-position>276</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>incr</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>incr</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>790</x-position>
- <y-position>136</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>790</x-position>
+ <y-position>136</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>C_MIN</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>C_MIN</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aMinVal</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>aMinVal</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewMinVal</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_MIN from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>798</x-position>
- <y-position>833</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewMinVal</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_MIN from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>798</x-position>
+ <y-position>833</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>C_MAX</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>C_MAX</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aMaxVal</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>aMaxVal</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewMaxVal</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_MAX from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>798</x-position>
- <y-position>668</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewMaxVal</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_MAX from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>798</x-position>
+ <y-position>668</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>C_AVERAGE</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>C_AVERAGE</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aListOfSyr</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>aListOfSyr</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewListOfSyr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewListOfSyr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>anAverage</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_AVERAGE from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>784</x-position>
- <y-position>476</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anAverage</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_AVERAGE from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>784</x-position>
+ <y-position>476</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>C_LISTOFSYR</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>C_LISTOFSYR</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list/>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list/>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aListOfSyr</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_LISTOFSYR from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>4</x-position>
- <y-position>363</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aListOfSyr</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_LISTOFSYR from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>4</x-position>
+ <y-position>363</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MINB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MINB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MAXB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MAXB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>AVERAGEB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>AVERAGEB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>SYRLISTB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>SYRLISTB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>AVERAGE</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>AVERAGE</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>SYRLIST</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>SYRLIST</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB , MINB , MAXB , AVERAGEB , SYRLISTB ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB,MINB,MAXB,AVERAGEB,SYRLISTB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>183</x-position>
- <y-position>219</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB , MINB , MAXB , AVERAGEB , SYRLISTB ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB,MINB,MAXB,AVERAGEB,SYRLISTB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>183</x-position>
+ <y-position>219</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_test</node-name>
- <kind>6</kind>
- <coupled-node>EndL_OneEven</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_test</node-name>
+ <kind>6</kind>
+ <coupled-node>EndL_OneEven</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MIN</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MIN</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MAX</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MAX</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>AVERAGE</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>AVERAGE</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>SYRLIST</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>SYRLIST</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MINT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MINT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MAXT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MAXT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>AVERAGET</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>AVERAGET</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>SYRLISTT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>SYRLISTT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT , MIN , MAX , AVERAGE , SYRLIST ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT,MIN,MAX,AVERAGE,SYRLIST]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>563</x-position>
- <y-position>206</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT , MIN , MAX , AVERAGE , SYRLIST ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT,MIN,MAX,AVERAGE,SYRLIST]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>563</x-position>
+ <y-position>206</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>EndL_OneEven</node-name>
- <kind>7</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>EndL_OneEven</node-name>
+ <kind>7</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>MIN</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MIN</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MAX</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MAX</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>AVERAGE</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>AVERAGE</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
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- <outParameter-name>MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
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- <Parameter-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
-<PyFunction/> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1064</x-position>
- <y-position>379</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>AVERAGE</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[?]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1064</x-position>
+ <y-position>379</y-position> </node>
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- <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
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+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
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+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
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- <inParameter>
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+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MINT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MINT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MAXT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MAXT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>AVERAGET</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>AVERAGET</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>SYRLISTT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
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+ <inParameter-name>SYRLISTT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
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- <outParameter>
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+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
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- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MIN</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>MAX</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
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- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>AVERAGE</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
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- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
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- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K , MINT , MAXT , AVERAGET , SYRLISTT ):]]></PyFunc>
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+ <creation-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>19/1/2005 - 17:44:31</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
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+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1058</x-position>
+ <y-position>8</y-position> </node>
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- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MINT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MINT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>MAXT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>MAXT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
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- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>AVERAGET</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>SYRLISTT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
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+ <inParameter-name>SYRLISTT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
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- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
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- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
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- <outParameter>
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- <creation-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>2/10/2003 - 11:36:18</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.05</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
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+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , K , MINT , MAXT , AVERAGET , SYRLISTT ) :]]></PyFunc>
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+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1048</x-position>
+ <y-position>555</y-position> </node> </node-list>
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- <link>
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+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>MAX</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>AVERAGE</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>AVERAGE</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>AVERAGE</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>AVERAGE</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>SYRLIST</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>SYRLIST</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Finished</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>SYRLIST</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>SYRLIST</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Incr</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
- <y>250</y> </coord>
- <coord>
- <y>269</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Finished</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>387</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>387</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>299</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>299</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>115</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>115</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>328</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>328</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anOddInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anOddInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>80</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>80</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>356</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>356</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>C_MIN</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>C_MIN</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>943</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>943</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>357</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>357</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>C_MAX</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>C_MAX</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>778</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>778</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>359</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>359</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>C_AVERAGE</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>C_AVERAGE</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>584</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>584</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>357</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>357</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>217</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>217</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>385</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>385</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>MINT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>C_MIN</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aMinVal</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>MINT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>C_MIN</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>aMinVal</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>914</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>914</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>414</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>414</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>MINT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>MIN</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>MINT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>MIN</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>MAXT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>C_MAX</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aMaxVal</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>MAXT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>C_MAX</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>aMaxVal</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>749</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>749</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>444</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>444</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>MAXT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>MAX</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>MAXT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>MAX</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>AVERAGET</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>AVERAGE</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>AVERAGET</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndL_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>AVERAGE</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>SYRLISTT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>C_AVERAGE</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aListOfSyr</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>SYRLISTT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>C_AVERAGE</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>aListOfSyr</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>557</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>557</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>502</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>502</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Gate</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>536</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>536</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>1025</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>1025</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>1026</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>1026</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>279</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>279</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Gate</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>476</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>476</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>997</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>997</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>996</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>996</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>768</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
- <data-list>
+ <y>768</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
+ <data-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>31</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>31</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\MINB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>MINB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__MINB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>MINB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\MAXB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>MAXB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__MAXB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>MAXB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\AVERAGEB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>AVERAGEB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__AVERAGEB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>AVERAGEB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data> </data-list></dataflow>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data> </data-list> </dataflow></supergraph>
# Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControlDefault
from SuperV import *
-# Graph creation
-GraphSyrControlDefault = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlDefault' )
-GraphSyrControlDefault.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlDefault' )
-GraphSyrControlDefault.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
-GraphSyrControlDefault.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
-GraphSyrControlDefault.Coords( 0 , 0 )
-# Creation of Factory Nodes
-test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISEVEN.Coords( 204 , 444 )
-test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISONE.Coords( 201 , 52 )
-m3p1 = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
-m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
-m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
-m3p1.Coords( 806 , 19 )
-div2 = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
-div2.SetName( 'div2' )
-div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
-div2.Coords( 803 , 451 )
-incr = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
-incr.SetName( 'incr' )
-incr.SetAuthor( '' )
-incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
-incr.Coords( 802 , 170 )
-# Creation of InLine Nodes
-Pylabel_begin = []
-Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ):' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' print "label_begin",NB,KB' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
-label_begin = GraphSyrControlDefault.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
-label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
-label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_begin.Coords( 12 , 264 )
-label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-Pylabel_test = []
-Pylabel_test.append( 'def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
-label_test = GraphSyrControlDefault.INode( 'label_test' , Pylabel_test )
-label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
-label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_test.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_test.Coords( 415 , 206 )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-# Creation of Switch Nodes
-Pytest = []
-Pytest.append( 'def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
-Pytest.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Incr = 1' )
-Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pytest.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Odd = 1' )
-Pytest.append( ' else :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' else :' )
-Pytest.append( ' Incr = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' Even = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pytest.append( ' return Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
-test,EndSwitch_OneEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.SNode( 'Switch_OneEven' , Pytest )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetName( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetComment( '' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.Coords( 1074 , 367 )
-PyEndSwitch_OneEven = []
-EndSwitch_OneEven.SetPyFunction( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' , PyEndSwitch_OneEven )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-test.SetName( 'test' )
-test.SetAuthor( '' )
-test.SetComment( '' )
-test.Coords( 597 , 251 )
-test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-# Creation of GOTO Nodes
-Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def control_m3p1( N , K ):' )
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
-control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlDefault.GNode( 'control_m3p1' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
-control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
-control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_m3p1.SetComment( '' )
-control_m3p1.Coords( 1002 , 64 )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-Pycontrol_div2 = []
-Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , NB ) :' )
-Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,NB' )
-control_div2 = GraphSyrControlDefault.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
-control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
-control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_div2.SetComment( '' )
-control_div2.Coords( 1013 , 496 )
-control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-# Creation of Links
-test_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.Port( 'BoolEven' )
-label_testValEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( test_ISEVENBoolEven , label_test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 381 , 286 )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 382 , 524 )
-test_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.Port( 'BoolOne' )
-label_testValOne = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( test_ISONEBoolOne , label_test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-label_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 393 , 314 )
-label_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 393 , 133 )
-m3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.Port( 'anEvenInteger' )
-control_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( m3p1anEvenInteger , control_m3p1.Port( 'N' ) )
-div2anInteger = div2.Port( 'anInteger' )
-control_div2N = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( div2anInteger , control_div2.Port( 'N' ) )
-incraNewCount = incr.Port( 'aNewCount' )
-control_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( incraNewCount , control_m3p1.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 985 , 128 )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 985 , 250 )
-control_div2K = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( incraNewCount , control_div2.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 987 , 559 )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 985 , 250 )
-label_beginNT = label_begin.Port( 'NT' )
-label_testNT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_beginNT , label_test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISEVEN.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 191 , 524 )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 192 , 345 )
-test_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISONE.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 192 , 131 )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 193 , 345 )
-label_beginKT = label_begin.Port( 'KT' )
-label_testKT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_beginKT , label_test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-label_testValEven = label_test.Port( 'ValEven' )
-testValEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_testValEven , test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValOne = label_test.Port( 'ValOne' )
-testValOne = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_testValOne , test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-label_testNT = label_test.Port( 'NT' )
-testNT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_testNT , test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-label_testKT = label_test.Port( 'KT' )
-testKT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( label_testKT , test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-testIncr = test.Port( 'Incr' )
-incrInGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testIncr , incr.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-testEven = test.Port( 'Even' )
-div2InGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testEven , div2.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 793 , 567 )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 792 , 314 )
-testOdd = test.Port( 'Odd' )
-m3p1InGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testOdd , m3p1.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 786 , 132 )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 785 , 343 )
-testN = test.Port( 'N' )
-m3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testN , m3p1.Port( 'anOddInteger' ) )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 767 , 100 )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 767 , 371 )
-div2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testN , div2.Port( 'anEvenInteger' ) )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 768 , 531 )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 767 , 371 )
-testK = test.Port( 'K' )
-EndSwitch_OneEvenK = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testK , EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'K' ) )
-incraCount = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testK , incr.Port( 'aCount' ) )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 773 , 251 )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 774 , 400 )
-testDefault = test.Port( 'Default' )
-EndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( testDefault , EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'Default' ) )
-control_m3p1OutGate = control_m3p1.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_testInGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( control_m3p1OutGate , label_test.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 402 , 406 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 403 , 4 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1174 , 5 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1175 , 219 )
-control_div2OutGate = control_div2.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_beginInGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( control_div2OutGate , label_begin.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 3 , 409 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 2 , 671 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1199 , 670 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1198 , 592 )
-# Creation of Input datas
-label_beginNB = label_begin.Input( 'NB' , 7)
-label_beginKB = label_begin.Input( 'KB' , 0)
-# Creation of Output variables
-EndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.Port( 'K' )
-print GraphSyrControlDefault.State()
+# Graph creation of GraphSyrControlDefault
+def DefGraphSyrControlDefault() :
+ GraphSyrControlDefault = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlDefault' )
+ GraphSyrControlDefault.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlDefault' )
+ GraphSyrControlDefault.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
+ GraphSyrControlDefault.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
+ GraphSyrControlDefault.Coords( 0 , 0 )
+ # Creation of Factory Nodes
+ test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISEVEN.Coords( 204 , 444 )
+ Itest_ISEVENanInteger = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'BoolEven' )
+ Otest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISONE.Coords( 201 , 52 )
+ Itest_ISONEanInteger = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'BoolOne' )
+ Otest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ m3p1 = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
+ m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
+ m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
+ m3p1.Coords( 806 , 19 )
+ Im3p1anOddInteger = m3p1.GetInPort( 'anOddInteger' )
+ Im3p1Gate = m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Om3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Om3p1Gate = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ div2 = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
+ div2.SetName( 'div2' )
+ div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
+ div2.Coords( 803 , 451 )
+ Idiv2anEvenInteger = div2.GetInPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Idiv2Gate = div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Odiv2anInteger = div2.GetOutPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Odiv2Gate = div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ incr = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
+ incr.SetName( 'incr' )
+ incr.SetAuthor( '' )
+ incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
+ incr.Coords( 802 , 170 )
+ IincraCount = incr.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
+ IincrGate = incr.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OincraNewCount = incr.GetOutPort( 'aNewCount' )
+ OincrGate = incr.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of InLine Nodes
+ Pylabel_begin = []
+ Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ):' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' print "label_begin",NB,KB' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
+ label_begin = GraphSyrControlDefault.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
+ label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
+ label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_begin.Coords( 12 , 264 )
+ Ilabel_beginNB = label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginKB = label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_beginNT = label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginKT = label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pylabel_test = []
+ Pylabel_test.append( 'def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
+ label_test = GraphSyrControlDefault.INode( 'label_test' , Pylabel_test )
+ label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
+ label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_test.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_test.Coords( 415 , 206 )
+ Ilabel_testValEven = label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testValOne = label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testNT = label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testKT = label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testGate = label_test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_testValEven = label_test.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testValOne = label_test.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testNT = label_test.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testKT = label_test.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testGate = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Switch Nodes
+ Pytest = []
+ Pytest.append( 'def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
+ Pytest.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Incr = 1' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pytest.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Odd = 1' )
+ Pytest.append( ' else :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' else :' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Incr = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Even = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pytest.append( ' return Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
+ test,EndSwitch_OneEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.SNode( 'Switch_OneEven' , Pytest )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetName( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.Coords( 1074 , 367 )
+ PyEndSwitch_OneEven = []
+ EndSwitch_OneEven.SetPyFunction( '' , PyEndSwitch_OneEven )
+ IEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ IEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetInPort( 'Default' )
+ OEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ OEndSwitch_OneEvenGate = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test.SetName( 'test' )
+ test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ test.Coords( 597 , 251 )
+ ItestValOne = test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ ItestValEven = test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ ItestNT = test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ ItestKT = test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ ItestGate = test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OtestIncr = test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
+ OtestEven = test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
+ OtestOdd = test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
+ OtestN = test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ OtestK = test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ OtestDefault = test.GetOutPort( 'Default' )
+ # Creation of GOTO Nodes
+ Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def control_m3p1( N , K ):' )
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
+ control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlDefault.GNode( 'control_m3p1' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
+ control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
+ control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_m3p1.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_m3p1.Coords( 1002 , 64 )
+ Icontrol_m3p1N = control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1K = control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValOne = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValEven = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1NT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1KT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pycontrol_div2 = []
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , NB ) :' )
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,NB' )
+ control_div2 = GraphSyrControlDefault.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
+ control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
+ control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_div2.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_div2.Coords( 1013 , 496 )
+ Icontrol_div2N = control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2K = control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_div2NB = control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2KB = control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Links
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Otest_ISEVENBoolEven , Ilabel_testValEven )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 381 , 286 )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 382 , 524 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Otest_ISONEBoolOne , Ilabel_testValOne )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 393 , 314 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 393 , 133 )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Om3p1anEvenInteger , Icontrol_m3p1N )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Odiv2anInteger , Icontrol_div2N )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_m3p1K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 985 , 128 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 985 , 250 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_div2K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 987 , 559 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 985 , 250 )
+ Llabel_beginNTlabel_testNT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Ilabel_testNT )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISEVENanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 191 , 524 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 192 , 345 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISONEanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 192 , 131 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 193 , 345 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginKT , Ilabel_testKT )
+ Llabel_testValEventestValEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testValEven , ItestValEven )
+ Llabel_testValOnetestValOne = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testValOne , ItestValOne )
+ Llabel_testNTtestNT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testNT , ItestNT )
+ Llabel_testKTtestKT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testKT , ItestKT )
+ LtestEvendiv2Gate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestEven , Idiv2Gate )
+ LtestEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 793 , 567 )
+ LtestEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 792 , 314 )
+ LtestOddm3p1Gate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestOdd , Im3p1Gate )
+ LtestOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 786 , 132 )
+ LtestOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 785 , 343 )
+ LtestNm3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestN , Im3p1anOddInteger )
+ LtestNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 767 , 100 )
+ LtestNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 767 , 371 )
+ LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestN , Idiv2anEvenInteger )
+ LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 768 , 531 )
+ LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 767 , 371 )
+ LtestKEndSwitch_OneEvenK = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestK , IEndSwitch_OneEvenK )
+ LtestKincraCount = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestK , IincraCount )
+ LtestKincraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 773 , 251 )
+ LtestKincraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 774 , 400 )
+ LtestDefaultEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestDefault , IEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Ocontrol_m3p1Gate , Ilabel_testGate )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 1 , 402 , 406 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 2 , 403 , 4 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1174 , 5 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1175 , 219 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Ocontrol_div2Gate , Ilabel_beginGate )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 1 , 3 , 409 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 2 , 2 , 671 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1199 , 670 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1198 , 592 )
+ # Input datas
+ Ilabel_beginNB.Input( 7 )
+ Ilabel_beginKB.Input( 0 )
+ # Output Ports of the graph
+ #OtestIncr = test.GetOutPort( 'Incr' )
+ #OEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'K' )
+ return GraphSyrControlDefault
+GraphSyrControlDefault = DefGraphSyrControlDefault()
-<!DOCTYPE Dataflow>
+<!DOCTYPE SuperGraph>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>GraphSyrControlDefault</node-name>
- <kind>1</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>GraphSyrControlDefault</node-name>
+ <kind>1</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>EndSwitch_OneEven\K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>19/3/2003 - 16:49:51</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>JR</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
- <x-position>0</x-position>
- <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
- <node-list>
+ <outParameter-name>test__Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>EndSwitch_OneEven__K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>19/3/2003 - 16:49:51</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:44</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>JR</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
+ <x-position>0</x-position>
+ <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
+ <node-list>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>204</x-position>
- <y-position>444</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:28</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:28</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>204</x-position>
+ <y-position>444</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>201</x-position>
- <y-position>52</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:28</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:28</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>201</x-position>
+ <y-position>52</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>806</x-position>
- <y-position>19</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:28</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:28</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>806</x-position>
+ <y-position>19</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>div2</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>div2</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>803</x-position>
- <y-position>451</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>803</x-position>
+ <y-position>451</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>incr</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>incr</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>802</x-position>
- <y-position>170</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>802</x-position>
+ <y-position>170</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>12</x-position>
- <y-position>264</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>12</x-position>
+ <y-position>264</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_test</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_test</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>415</x-position>
- <y-position>206</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>415</x-position>
+ <y-position>206</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>test</node-name>
- <kind>6</kind>
- <coupled-node>EndSwitch_OneEven</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test</node-name>
+ <kind>6</kind>
+ <coupled-node>EndSwitch_OneEven</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>597</x-position>
- <y-position>251</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>597</x-position>
+ <y-position>251</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</node-name>
- <kind>7</kind>
- <coupled-node>test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</node-name>
+ <kind>7</kind>
+ <coupled-node>test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[?]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1074</x-position>
- <y-position>367</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[?]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1074</x-position>
+ <y-position>367</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_m3p1( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1002</x-position>
- <y-position>64</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_m3p1( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1002</x-position>
+ <y-position>64</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , NB ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,NB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 13:59:54</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1013</x-position>
- <y-position>496</y-position> </node> </node-list>
- <link-list>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , NB ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,NB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:15:29</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1013</x-position>
+ <y-position>496</y-position> </node> </node-list>
+ <link-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>286</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>286</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>524</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>524</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>314</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>314</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>133</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>133</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>anInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>anInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>128</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>128</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>250</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>250</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>aNewCount</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>559</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>559</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>250</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>250</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test_ISEVEN</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test_ISEVEN</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>524</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>524</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>345</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>345</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test_ISONE</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test_ISONE</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>131</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>131</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>345</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>345</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>ValEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>ValEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>ValOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>ValOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Incr</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>567</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>567</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>314</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>314</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Odd</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>132</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>132</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>343</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>343</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anOddInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anOddInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>100</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>100</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>371</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>371</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>531</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>531</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>371</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>371</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>251</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>251</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>400</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>400</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Default</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Default</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>EndSwitch_OneEven</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Default</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Gate</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>406</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>406</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>4</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>4</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>5</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>5</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>219</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>219</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>OutGate</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Gate</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>409</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>409</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>671</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>671</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>670</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>670</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>592</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
- <data-list>
+ <y>592</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
+ <data-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>7</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data>
- <data>
+ <value>7</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data>
+ <data>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin\KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
- <data-value>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__KB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>KB</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <data-value>
- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data> </data-list></dataflow>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data> </data-list> </dataflow></supergraph>
-# Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControlGUI
+# Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControlGUI_2
from SuperV import *
-# Graph creation
-GraphSyrControlGUI = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlGUI' )
-GraphSyrControlGUI.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlGUI' )
-GraphSyrControlGUI.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
-GraphSyrControlGUI.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
-GraphSyrControlGUI.Coords( 0 , 0 )
-# Creation of Factory Nodes
-test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISEVEN.Coords( 288 , 337 )
-test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
-test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
-test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
-test_ISONE.Coords( 293 , 130 )
-m3p1 = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
-m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
-m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
-m3p1.Coords( 761 , 19 )
-div2 = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
-div2.SetName( 'div2' )
-div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
-div2.Coords( 770 , 384 )
-incr = GraphSyrControlGUI.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
-incr.SetName( 'incr' )
-incr.SetAuthor( '' )
-incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
-incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
-incr.Coords( 764 , 179 )
-# Creation of InLine Nodes
-Pylabel_begin = []
-Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ) :' )
-Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
-label_begin = GraphSyrControlGUI.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
-label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
-label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
-label_begin.Coords( 58 , 189 )
-label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
-label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
-# Creation of Switch Nodes
-Pylabel_test = []
-Pylabel_test.append( 'def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 1' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 1' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
-Pylabel_test.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
-label_test,EndL_OneEven = GraphSyrControlGUI.SNode( 'L_OneEven' , Pylabel_test )
-EndL_OneEven.SetName( 'EndL_OneEven' )
-EndL_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
-EndL_OneEven.SetComment( '' )
-EndL_OneEven.Coords( 1068 , 258 )
-PyEndL_OneEven = []
-EndL_OneEven.SetPyFunction( 'EndL_OneEven' , PyEndL_OneEven )
-label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
-label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
-label_test.SetComment( '' )
-label_test.Coords( 516 , 175 )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
-label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
-# Creation of GOTO Nodes
-Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):' )
-Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
-control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlGUI.GNode( 'C_NotOneIsEven' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
-control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
-control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_m3p1.SetComment( '' )
-control_m3p1.Coords( 972 , 64 )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-Pycontrol_div2 = []
-Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , K ) :' )
-Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,K' )
-control_div2 = GraphSyrControlGUI.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
-control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
-control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
-control_div2.SetComment( '' )
-control_div2.Coords( 972 , 430 )
-control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
-control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
-# Creation of Links
-test_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.Port( 'BoolEven' )
-label_testValEven = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( test_ISEVENBoolEven , label_test.Port( 'ValEven' ) )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 493 , 238 )
-label_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 493 , 418 )
-test_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.Port( 'BoolOne' )
-label_testValOne = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( test_ISONEBoolOne , label_test.Port( 'ValOne' ) )
-m3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.Port( 'anEvenInteger' )
-control_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( m3p1anEvenInteger , control_m3p1.Port( 'N' ) )
-div2anInteger = div2.Port( 'anInteger' )
-control_div2N = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( div2anInteger , control_div2.Port( 'N' ) )
-incraNewCount = incr.Port( 'aNewCount' )
-control_div2K = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( incraNewCount , control_div2.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 954 , 494 )
-control_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 954 , 259 )
-control_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( incraNewCount , control_m3p1.Port( 'K' ) )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 955 , 128 )
-control_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 954 , 258 )
-label_beginNT = label_begin.Port( 'NT' )
-test_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISONE.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 275 , 211 )
-test_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 275 , 270 )
-label_testNT = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_beginNT , label_test.Port( 'NT' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_beginNT , test_ISEVEN.Port( 'anInteger' ) )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 274 , 417 )
-test_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 275 , 270 )
-label_beginKT = label_begin.Port( 'KT' )
-label_testKT = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_beginKT , label_test.Port( 'KT' ) )
-label_testKT.AddCoord( 1 , 476 , 294 )
-label_testKT.AddCoord( 2 , 475 , 515 )
-label_testKT.AddCoord( 3 , 260 , 515 )
-label_testKT.AddCoord( 4 , 260 , 298 )
-label_testIncr = label_test.Port( 'Incr' )
-incrInGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testIncr , incr.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-incrInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 712 , 292 )
-incrInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 711 , 238 )
-label_testEven = label_test.Port( 'Even' )
-div2InGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testEven , div2.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 724 , 498 )
-div2InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 723 , 268 )
-label_testOdd = label_test.Port( 'Odd' )
-m3p1InGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testOdd , m3p1.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 1 , 698 , 132 )
-m3p1InGate.AddCoord( 2 , 697 , 297 )
-label_testN = label_test.Port( 'N' )
-m3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testN , m3p1.Port( 'anOddInteger' ) )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 748 , 100 )
-m3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 747 , 325 )
-div2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testN , div2.Port( 'anEvenInteger' ) )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 746 , 463 )
-div2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 747 , 327 )
-label_testK = label_test.Port( 'K' )
-incraCount = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testK , incr.Port( 'aCount' ) )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 732 , 260 )
-incraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 732 , 354 )
-label_testDefault = label_test.Port( 'Default' )
-EndL_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( label_testDefault , EndL_OneEven.Port( 'Default' ) )
-control_m3p1OutGate = control_m3p1.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_testInGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( control_m3p1OutGate , label_test.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 503 , 388 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 505 , 5 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1149 , 5 )
-label_testInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1150 , 219 )
-control_div2OutGate = control_div2.Port( 'OutGate' )
-label_beginInGate = GraphSyrControlGUI.Link( control_div2OutGate , label_begin.Port( 'InGate' ) )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 1 , 34 , 332 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 2 , 34 , 592 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1145 , 586 )
-label_beginInGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1144 , 527 )
-# Creation of Input datas
-label_beginNB = label_begin.Input( 'NB' , 7)
-label_beginKB = label_begin.Input( 'KB' , 0)
-# Creation of Output variables
-label_testFinished = label_test.Port( 'Finished' )
-print GraphSyrControlGUI.State()
+# Graph creation of GraphSyrControlGUI_2
+def DefGraphSyrControlGUI_2() :
+ GraphSyrControlGUI_2 = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlGUI_2' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI_2.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlGUI_2' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI_2.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI_2.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
+ GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Coords( 0 , 0 )
+ # Creation of Factory Nodes
+ test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISEVEN.Coords( 288 , 337 )
+ Itest_ISEVENanInteger = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'BoolEven' )
+ Otest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
+ test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
+ test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
+ test_ISONE.Coords( 293 , 130 )
+ Itest_ISONEanInteger = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Itest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Otest_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'BoolOne' )
+ Otest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ m3p1 = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
+ m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
+ m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
+ m3p1.Coords( 761 , 19 )
+ Im3p1anOddInteger = m3p1.GetInPort( 'anOddInteger' )
+ Im3p1Gate = m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Om3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Om3p1Gate = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ div2 = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
+ div2.SetName( 'div2' )
+ div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
+ div2.Coords( 770 , 384 )
+ Idiv2anEvenInteger = div2.GetInPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
+ Idiv2Gate = div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Odiv2anInteger = div2.GetOutPort( 'anInteger' )
+ Odiv2Gate = div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ incr = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
+ incr.SetName( 'incr' )
+ incr.SetAuthor( '' )
+ incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
+ incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
+ incr.Coords( 764 , 179 )
+ IincraCount = incr.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
+ IincrGate = incr.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ OincraNewCount = incr.GetOutPort( 'aNewCount' )
+ OincrGate = incr.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of InLine Nodes
+ Pylabel_begin = []
+ Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ) :' )
+ Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
+ label_begin = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
+ label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
+ label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
+ label_begin.Coords( 58 , 189 )
+ Ilabel_beginNB = label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginKB = label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_beginNT = label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginKT = label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Switch Nodes
+ Pylabel_test = []
+ Pylabel_test.append( 'def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 1' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 1' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' else :' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Incr = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Odd = 0' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
+ Pylabel_test.append( ' return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
+ label_test,EndL_OneEven = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.SNode( 'L_OneEven' , Pylabel_test )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetName( 'EndL_OneEven' )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
+ EndL_OneEven.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ EndL_OneEven.Coords( 1068 , 258 )
+ PyEndL_OneEven = []
+ EndL_OneEven.SetPyFunction( '' , PyEndL_OneEven )
+ IEndL_OneEvenDefault = EndL_OneEven.GetInPort( 'Default' )
+ OEndL_OneEvenGate = EndL_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
+ label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
+ label_test.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ label_test.Coords( 516 , 175 )
+ Ilabel_testValOne = label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testValEven = label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testNT = label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testKT = label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ilabel_testGate = label_test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Olabel_testFinished = label_test.OutPort( 'Finished' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testIncr = label_test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testEven = label_test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testOdd = label_test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testN = label_test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testK = label_test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Olabel_testDefault = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Default' )
+ # Creation of GOTO Nodes
+ Pycontrol_m3p1 = []
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):' )
+ Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
+ control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.GNode( 'C_NotOneIsEven' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
+ control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
+ control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_m3p1.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_m3p1.Coords( 972 , 64 )
+ Icontrol_m3p1N = control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1K = control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValOne = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1ValEven = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1NT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1KT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ Pycontrol_div2 = []
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , K ) :' )
+ Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,K' )
+ control_div2 = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
+ control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
+ control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
+ control_div2.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
+ control_div2.Coords( 972 , 430 )
+ Icontrol_div2N = control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2K = control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
+ Icontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
+ Ocontrol_div2NB = control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2KB = control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
+ Ocontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
+ # Creation of Links
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Otest_ISEVENBoolEven , Ilabel_testValEven )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 493 , 238 )
+ Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 493 , 418 )
+ Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Otest_ISONEBoolOne , Ilabel_testValOne )
+ Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Om3p1anEvenInteger , Icontrol_m3p1N )
+ Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Odiv2anInteger , Icontrol_div2N )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_div2K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 954 , 494 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 954 , 259 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_m3p1K )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 955 , 128 )
+ LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 954 , 258 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISONEanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 275 , 211 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 275 , 270 )
+ Llabel_beginNTlabel_testNT = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Ilabel_testNT )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISEVENanInteger )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 274 , 417 )
+ Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 275 , 270 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_beginKT , Ilabel_testKT )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT.AddCoord( 1 , 476 , 294 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT.AddCoord( 2 , 475 , 515 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT.AddCoord( 3 , 260 , 515 )
+ Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT.AddCoord( 4 , 260 , 298 )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_testEven , Idiv2Gate )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 724 , 498 )
+ Llabel_testEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 723 , 268 )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_testOdd , Im3p1Gate )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 698 , 132 )
+ Llabel_testOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 697 , 297 )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_testN , Im3p1anOddInteger )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 748 , 100 )
+ Llabel_testNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 747 , 325 )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_testN , Idiv2anEvenInteger )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 746 , 463 )
+ Llabel_testNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 747 , 327 )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_testK , IincraCount )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 732 , 260 )
+ Llabel_testKincraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 732 , 354 )
+ Llabel_testDefaultEndL_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Olabel_testDefault , IEndL_OneEvenDefault )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Ocontrol_m3p1Gate , Ilabel_testGate )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 1 , 503 , 388 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 2 , 505 , 5 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1149 , 5 )
+ Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1150 , 219 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate = GraphSyrControlGUI_2.Link( Ocontrol_div2Gate , Ilabel_beginGate )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 1 , 34 , 332 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 2 , 34 , 592 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1145 , 586 )
+ Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1144 , 527 )
+ # Input datas
+ Ilabel_beginNB.Input( 7 )
+ Ilabel_beginKB.Input( 0 )
+ # Output Ports of the graph
+ #Olabel_testFinished = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Finished' )
+ #Olabel_testIncr = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Incr' )
+ return GraphSyrControlGUI_2
+GraphSyrControlGUI_2 = DefGraphSyrControlGUI_2()
-<!DOCTYPE Dataflow>
+<!DOCTYPE SuperGraph>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>GraphSyrControlGUI</node-name>
- <kind>1</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>GraphSyrControlGUI_2</node-name>
+ <kind>1</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>label_begin\KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>label_begin__KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>label_test\Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>11/3/2003 - 18:28:48</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>JR</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
- <x-position>0</x-position>
- <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
- <node-list>
+ <outParameter-name>label_test__Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>label_test__Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>11/3/2003 - 18:28:48</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:18:12</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>JR</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Syracuse algorithm</comment>
+ <x-position>0</x-position>
+ <y-position>0</y-position> </node> </info-list>
+ <node-list>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISEVEN</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>288</x-position>
- <y-position>337</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>288</x-position>
+ <y-position>337</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>test_ISONE</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>293</x-position>
- <y-position>130</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>BoolOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_ISONE from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>293</x-position>
+ <y-position>130</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anOddInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>761</x-position>
- <y-position>19</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anEvenInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_M3P1 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>761</x-position>
+ <y-position>19</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>div2</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>div2</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>anEvenInteger</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>770</x-position>
- <y-position>384</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>anInteger</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_DIV2 from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>770</x-position>
+ <y-position>384</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
- <node-name>incr</node-name>
- <kind>0</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>SyrComponent</interface-name>
+ <node-name>incr</node-name>
+ <kind>0</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>aCount</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list/>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
- <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
- <x-position>764</x-position>
- <y-position>179</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <outParameter-name>aNewCount</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list/>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>localhost/FactoryServer</container>
+ <comment>C_INCR from SyrComponent</comment>
+ <x-position>764</x-position>
+ <y-position>179</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
- <kind>3</kind>
- <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_begin</node-name>
+ <kind>3</kind>
+ <coupled-node>?</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NB</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KB</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>Python function</comment>
- <x-position>58</x-position>
- <y-position>189</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def label_begin( NB , KB ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return NB,KB]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Python function</comment>
+ <x-position>58</x-position>
+ <y-position>189</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>label_test</node-name>
- <kind>6</kind>
- <coupled-node>EndL_OneEven</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>label_test</node-name>
+ <kind>6</kind>
+ <coupled-node>EndL_OneEven</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValOne</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>ValEven</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>NT</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>KT</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Finished</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Incr</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Even</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>Odd</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>N</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>K</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>516</x-position>
- <y-position>175</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def L_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Finished = ValOne]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Finished == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ if Even == 0 :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 1]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ else :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Incr = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Odd = 0]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ Even = ValEven]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return Finished,Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>516</x-position>
+ <y-position>175</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>EndL_OneEven</node-name>
- <kind>7</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>EndL_OneEven</node-name>
+ <kind>7</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list/>
- <outParameter-list/> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <inParameter-list/>
+ <outParameter-list/> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[?]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>1068</x-position>
- <y-position>258</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[?]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>1068</x-position>
+ <y-position>258</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_m3p1</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_test</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValOne</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>ValEven</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NT</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KT</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>972</x-position>
- <y-position>64</y-position> </node>
- <node>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def C_NotOneIsEven( N , K ):]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return 0,1,N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>972</x-position>
+ <y-position>64</y-position> </node>
+ <node>
- <interface-name>?</interface-name>
- <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
- <kind>8</kind>
- <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
- <service>
+ <interface-name>?</interface-name>
+ <node-name>control_div2</node-name>
+ <kind>8</kind>
+ <coupled-node>label_begin</coupled-node>
+ <service>
- <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-list>
- <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
- <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>N</inParameter-name> </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
+ <inParameter-name>K</inParameter-name> </inParameter> </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
- <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
- <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>NB</outParameter-name> </outParameter>
+ <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
- <DataStream-list/>
- <PyFunction-list>
+ <outParameter-name>KB</outParameter-name> </outParameter> </outParameter-list> </service>
+ <DataStream-list/>
+ <PyFunction-list>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , K ) :]]></PyFunc>
- <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
- <creation-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</creation-date>
- <lastmodification-date>18/3/2004 - 14:22:38</lastmodification-date>
- <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
- <author>?</author>
- <container>?</container>
- <comment>?</comment>
- <x-position>972</x-position>
- <y-position>430</y-position> </node> </node-list>
- <link-list>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[def control_div2( N , K ) :]]></PyFunc>
+ <PyFunc><![CDATA[ return N,K]]></PyFunc> </PyFunction> </PyFunction-list>
+ <creation-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</creation-date>
+ <lastmodification-date>20/1/2005 - 13:17:57</lastmodification-date>
+ <editor-release>1.04</editor-release>
+ <author>?</author>
+ <container>?</container>
+ <comment>Compute Node</comment>
+ <x-position>972</x-position>
+ <y-position>430</y-position> </node> </node-list>
+ <link-list>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolEven</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValEven</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list>
- <y>238</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>238</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>418</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>418</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>BoolOne</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>ValOne</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>control_m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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+ <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>N</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>control_div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>K</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
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- <coord>
+ <y>128</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>258</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>258</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>test_ISONE</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>NT</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>test_ISONE</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>211</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>211</y> </coord>
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- <y>270</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>270</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list/> </link>
- <link>
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+ <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>NT</toserviceparameter-name>
+ <coord-list/> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>test_ISEVEN</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
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+ <tonode-name>test_ISEVEN</tonode-name>
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- <y>417</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>417</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>270</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>270</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>label_test</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>KT</toserviceparameter-name>
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+ <fromserviceparameter-name>KT</fromserviceparameter-name>
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+ <coord-list>
- <y>294</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>294</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>515</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>515</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>515</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>515</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>298</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>Incr</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
- <y>292</y> </coord>
- <coord>
- <y>238</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>298</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
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+ <fromserviceparameter-name>Even</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>498</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>498</y> </coord>
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- <y>268</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>268</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
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+ <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>Gate</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>132</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>132</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>297</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>297</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <tonode-name>m3p1</tonode-name>
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- <coord-list>
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- <y>100</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>100</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>325</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>325</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
- <coord-list>
+ <fromserviceparameter-name>N</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>div2</tonode-name>
+ <toserviceparameter-name>anEvenInteger</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>463</y> </coord>
- <coord>
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- <y>327</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>327</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
- <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
- <tonode-name>incr</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
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+ <fromserviceparameter-name>K</fromserviceparameter-name>
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+ <toserviceparameter-name>aCount</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <link>
+ <y>354</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <y>388</y> </coord>
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- <coord>
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- <y>219</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
- <link>
+ <y>219</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link>
+ <link>
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- <toserviceparameter-name>InGate</toserviceparameter-name>
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- <y>332</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>332</y> </coord>
+ <coord>
- <y>592</y> </coord>
- <coord>
+ <y>592</y> </coord>
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+ <y>586</y> </coord>
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- <y>527</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
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+ <y>527</y> </coord> </coord-list> </link> </link-list>
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- <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
- <toserviceparameter-name>NB</toserviceparameter-name>
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+ <fromserviceparameter-name>label_begin__NB</fromserviceparameter-name>
+ <tonode-name>label_begin</tonode-name>
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- <value>7</value> </data-value>
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+ <value>7</value> </data-value>
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- <value>0</value> </data-value>
- <coord-list/> </data> </data-list></dataflow>
+ <value>0</value> </data-value>
+ <coord-list/> </data> </data-list> </dataflow></supergraph>