aCriterion == SMESH::FT_BelongToCylinder ||
aCriterion == SMESH::FT_BelongToGenSurface ||
aCriterion == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ||
+ aCriterion == SMESH::FT_EntityType ||
aCriterion == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces ||
aCriterion == SMESH::FT_LyingOnGeom)
else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType )
theCriterion.Threshold = (double)((ComboItem*)aTable->item(theRow, 2))->value();
+ else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType )
+ theCriterion.Threshold = (double)((ComboItem*)aTable->item(theRow, 2))->value();
else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces )
theCriterion.ThresholdID = aTable->text(theRow, 2).toLatin1().constData();
else if ( aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_RangeOfIds &&
ComboItem* typeBox = (ComboItem*)aTable->item(theRow, 2);
typeBox->setValue( (int)(theCriterion.Threshold + 0.5) );
+ else if (theCriterion.Type == SMESH::FT_EntityType )
+ {
+ ComboItem* typeBox = (ComboItem*)aTable->item(theRow, 2);
+ typeBox->setValue( (int)(theCriterion.Threshold + 0.5) );
+ }
else if (theCriterion.Type == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces )
aTable->item( theRow, 2 )->setText( QString( theCriterion.ThresholdID ) );
return typeIds;
+// name : entityTypes
+// Purpose : returns available entity types of elements
+static QList<int> entityTypes( const int theType )
+ QList<int> typeIds;
+ if ( theType == SMESH::EDGE )
+ {
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_Edge );
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge );
+ }
+ if ( theType == SMESH::FACE )
+ {
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_Quadrangle );
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle );
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle );
+ }
+ if ( theType == SMESH::VOLUME )
+ {
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_Hexa );
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa );
+ typeIds.append( SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa );
+ }
+ return typeIds;
// name : SMESHGUI_FilterTable::onCriterionChanged()
// Purpose : Provides reaction on change of criterion
void SMESHGUI_FilterTable::onCriterionChanged (const int row, const int col, const int entityType)
int aType = entityType == -1 ? GetType() : entityType;
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Length2D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength2D ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength3D ||
- aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Volume3D;
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_Volume3D ||
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType;
int aPrecision = 0;
if ( anIsDoubleCriterion ) {
const char* aPrecisionType = getPrecision( aCriterionType );
if ( (aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_GroupColor && clrBtn) ||
(aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType && isComboItem) ||
+ (aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_EntityType && isComboItem) ||
(aCriterionType != SMESH::FT_MultiConnection && isIntSpinItem) ||
(!anIsDoubleCriterion && isDoubleSpinItem) ||
anIsPrecisionChanged )
if ( (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor && !clrBtn) ||
(aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType && !isComboItem) ||
+ (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType && !isComboItem) ||
(aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MultiConnection && !isIntSpinItem) ||
(anIsDoubleCriterion && !isDoubleSpinItem) ||
anIsPrecisionChanged )
ComboItem* typeBox = new ComboItem( typeNames );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, typeBox );
+ else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType ) {
+ QList<int> typeIds = entityTypes( aType );
+ QMap<int, QString> typeNames;
+ QList<int>::const_iterator anIter = typeIds.begin();
+ for ( int i = 0; anIter != typeIds.end(); ++anIter, ++i)
+ {
+ QString typeKey = QString( "ENTITY_TYPE_%1" ).arg( *anIter );
+ typeNames[ *anIter ] = tr( typeKey.toLatin1().data() );
+ }
+ ComboItem* typeBox = new ComboItem( typeNames );
+ aTable->setItem( row, 2, typeBox );
+ }
else if ( aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_MultiConnection ) {
IntSpinItem* intSpin = new IntSpinItem( 0 );
aTable->setItem( row, 2, intSpin );
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_LinearOrQuadratic ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ||
- aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces ||
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType
bool isSignalsBlocked = aTable->signalsBlocked();
aTable->item(row, 2)->setText( QString("") );
aTable->setEditable(aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ||
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType ||
aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces, row, 2);
aTable->blockSignals( isSignalsBlocked );
aTable->setEditable(true, row, 2);
else if (aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_GroupColor ||
- aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType)
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ||
+ aCriterionType == SMESH::FT_EntityType)
if (!aTable->isEditable(row, 2))
aTable->setEditable(true, row, 2);
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_GroupColor ] = tr("GROUP_COLOR");
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ] = tr("GEOM_TYPE");
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_EqualEdges ] = tr("EQUAL_EDGE");
+ aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_EntityType ] = tr("ENTITY_TYPE");
return aCriteria;
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ] = tr("GEOM_TYPE");
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_CoplanarFaces ] = tr("COPLANAR_FACES");
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_EqualFaces ] = tr("EQUAL_FACE");
+ aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_EntityType ] = tr("ENTITY_TYPE");
return aCriteria;
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_GroupColor ] = tr("GROUP_COLOR");
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_ElemGeomType ] = tr("GEOM_TYPE");
aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_EqualVolumes ] = tr("EQUAL_VOLUME");
+ aCriteria[ SMESH::FT_EntityType ] = tr("ENTITY_TYPE");
return aCriteria;
- <translation>Convert to quadratic</translation>
+ <translation>Convert to linear</translation>
- <translation>Convert from quadratic</translation>
+ <translation>Convert to quadratic</translation>
- <message>
+ <message>
+ <source>RADIOBTN_3</source>
+ <translation>Convert to bi-quadratic</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
<translation>Warning: mesh can become non-conformal</translation>
<translation>Coplanar faces</translation>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Number Of Nodes In Element</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Copy from...</translation>
- <message>
- <source>ENTITY_TYPE</source>
- <translation>Entity type</translation>
- </message>
<translation>Equal to</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE</source>
+ <translation>Entity type</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_0</source>
+ <translation>POINT1</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_2</source>
+ <translation>SEG2</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_3</source>
+ <translation>SEG3</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_4</source>
+ <translation>TRIA3</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_5</source>
+ <translation>TRIA6</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_6</source>
+ <translation>QUAD4</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_7</source>
+ <translation>QUAD8</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_8</source>
+ <translation>QUAD9</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_9</source>
+ <translation>TETRA4</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_10</source>
+ <translation>TETRA10</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_11</source>
+ <translation>PYRA5</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_12</source>
+ <translation>PYRA13</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_13</source>
+ <translation>PENTA6</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_14</source>
+ <translation>PENTA15</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_15</source>
+ <translation>HEXA8</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_16</source>
+ <translation>HEXA20</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_17</source>
+ <translation>HEXA27</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_18</source>
+ <translation>OCTA12</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_19</source>
+ <translation>POLYGONE</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_20</source>
+ <translation>POLYEDRE</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_21</source>
+ <translation>NONE</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ENTITY_TYPE_22</source>
+ <translation>BALL</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Geometry type</translation>