return statz
+def interpolZ_B(bathyName, fichierMaillage, gr_face_name, zUndef=90., interp_method=0, m3d=False, xyzFile=False, verbose=False):
+ doc = HYDROPy.HYDROData_Document.Document(theStudyId)
+ bathy_obj = doc.FindObjectByName(bathyName)
+ print ( "bathy : ", bathy_obj)
+ if bathy_obj is None:
+ print ( "bathy is None")
+ return False
+ basename = fichierMaillage[:-4]
+ fichierFMaillage = basename + 'F.med'
+ ligne = "fichierMaillage = %s" % fichierMaillage
+ ligne += "\nfichierFMaillage = %s" % fichierFMaillage
+ if xyzFile:
+ fichierFonds = basename + '.xyz'
+ ligne += "\nfichierFonds = %s" % fichierFonds
+ print (ligne)
+# 1. Reads the mesh
+ meshMEDFileRead = ml.MEDFileMesh.New(fichierMaillage)
+ if verbose:
+ print (meshMEDFileRead)
+# 2. Checks the names of the groups of faces
+ t_group_n = meshMEDFileRead.getGroupsNames()
+ gr_face_name_tr = gr_face_name.strip()
+ if gr_face_name_tr not in t_group_n:
+ print "Group not found"
+ return False
+# 3. Gets the information about the nodes
+ nbnodes = meshMEDFileRead.getNumberOfNodes()
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = "Number of nodes: %d" % nbnodes
+ print (ligne)
+ coords = meshMEDFileRead.getCoords()
+ #print coords
+ if verbose:
+ nb_comp = coords.getNumberOfComponents()
+ l_info = coords.getInfoOnComponents()
+ ligne = ""
+ l_info_0=["X", "Y", "Z"]
+ for id_node in (0, 1, nbnodes-1):
+ ligne += "\nNode #%6d:" % id_node
+ for iaux in range(nb_comp):
+ if l_info[iaux]:
+ saux = l_info[iaux]
+ else:
+ saux = l_info_0[iaux]
+ ligne += " %s" % saux
+ ligne += "=%f" % coords[id_node, iaux]
+ print (ligne)
+# 4. Exploration of every group of faces
+ tb_aux = np.zeros(nbnodes, dtype=np.bool)
+ bathy = np.zeros(nbnodes, dtype=np.float)
+ bathy.fill(zUndef)
+# 4.1. Mesh of the group
+ mesh_of_the_group = meshMEDFileRead.getGroup(0, gr_face_name_tr, False)
+ nbr_cells = mesh_of_the_group.getNumberOfCells()
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = "\t. Number of cells: %d" % nbr_cells
+ print (ligne)
+# 4.2. Nodes of the meshes of the group
+# Every node is flagged in tb_aux
+ tb_aux.fill(False)
+ for id_elem in range(nbr_cells):
+ l_nodes = mesh_of_the_group.getNodeIdsOfCell(id_elem)
+ #print l_nodes
+ for id_node in l_nodes:
+ tb_aux[id_node] = True
+ np_aux = tb_aux.nonzero()
+ if len(np_aux[0]):
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = "\t. Number of nodes for this group: %d" % len(np_aux[0])
+ print (ligne)
+ #print ("np_aux:", np_aux)
+# 4.3. Interpolation over the nodes of the meshes of the group
+ vx = list()
+ vy = list()
+ for nodeId in np_aux[0]:
+ vx.append(coords[nodeId, 0])
+ vy.append(coords[nodeId, 1])
+ #print ("vx:\n", vx)
+ #print ("vy:\n", vy)
+ vz = bathy_obj.GetAltitudesForPoints(vx, vy, interp_method)
+ #print ("vz:\n", vz)
+ minz = np.amin(vz)
+ maxz = np.amax(vz)
+ meanz = np.mean(vz)
+ stdz = np.std(vz)
+ v05z = np.percentile(vz, 05)
+ v95z = np.percentile(vz, 95)
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = ".. Minimum: %f" % minz
+ ligne += ", maximum: %f" % maxz
+ ligne += ", mean: %f\n" % meanz
+ ligne += ".. stdeviation: %f" % stdz
+ ligne += ", v05z: %f" % v05z
+ ligne += ", v95z: %f" % v95z
+ print (ligne)
+# 4.4. Storage of the z and of the statistics for this region
+ statz_gr_face_name = (minz, maxz, meanz, stdz, v05z, v95z)
+ for iaux, nodeId in enumerate(np_aux[0]):
+ bathy[nodeId] = vz[iaux]
+# 5. Minimum:
+# During the interpolation, if no value is available over a node, a default value
+# is set: -9999. It has no importance for the final computation, but if the field
+# or the mesh is displayed, it makes huge gap. To prevent this artefact, a more
+# convenient "undefined" value is set. This new undefined value is given by the user.
+# zUndefThreshold: the default value is -9000. It is tied with the value -9999. given
+# by the interpolation when no value is defined.
+ zUndefThreshold = -9000.
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = "zUndefThreshold: %f" % zUndefThreshold
+ print (ligne)
+ #print "bathy :\n", bathy
+ np_aux_z = (bathy < zUndefThreshold).nonzero()
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = ".. Number of nodes below the minimum: %d" % len(np_aux_z[0])
+ print (ligne)
+ if len(np_aux_z[0]):
+ for iaux in np_aux_z[0]:
+ bathy[iaux] = zUndef
+# 6. Option : xyz file
+ if xyzFile:
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = ".. Ecriture du champ de bathymétrie sur le fichier :\n%s" % fichierFonds
+ print (ligne)
+ with open(fichierFonds, "w") as fo :
+ for nodeId in range(nbnodes):
+ ligne = "%11.3f %11.3f %11.3f\n" % (coords[nodeId, 0], coords[nodeId, 1], bathy[nodeId])
+ fo.write(ligne)
+# 7. Final MED file
+# 7.1. Transformation of the bathymetry as a double array
+ bathy_dd = mc.DataArrayDouble(np.asfarray(bathy, dtype='float'))
+ bathy_dd.setInfoOnComponents(["Z [m]"])
+# 7.2. If requested, modification of the z coordinate
+ if m3d:
+ coords3D = ml.DataArrayDouble.Meld([coords[:,0:2], bathy_dd])
+ coords3D.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]", "Z [m]"])
+ #print "coords3D =\n", coords3D
+ meshMEDFileRead.setCoords(coords3D)
+# 7.3. Writes the mesh
+ if verbose:
+ if m3d:
+ saux = " 3D"
+ else:
+ saux = ""
+ ligne = ".. Ecriture du maillage" + saux
+ ligne += " sur le fichier :\n%s" % fichierFMaillage
+ print (ligne)
+ meshMEDFileRead.write(fichierFMaillage, 2)
+# 7.4. Writes the field
+ med_field_name = "BOTTOM"
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = ".. Ecriture du champ '%s'" % med_field_name
+ print (ligne)
+ #print "bathy_dd =\n", bathy_dd
+ fieldOnNodes = ml.MEDCouplingFieldDouble(ml.ON_NODES)
+ fieldOnNodes.setName(med_field_name)
+ fieldOnNodes.setMesh(meshMEDFileRead.getMeshAtLevel(0))
+ fieldOnNodes.setArray(bathy_dd)
+# Ces valeurs d'instants sont mises pour assurer la lecture par TELEMAC
+# instant = 0.0
+# numero d'itération : 0
+# pas de numero d'ordre (-1)
+ fieldOnNodes.setTime(0.0, 0, -1)
+ fMEDFile_ch_d = ml.MEDFileField1TS()
+ fMEDFile_ch_d.setFieldNoProfileSBT(fieldOnNodes)
+ fMEDFile_ch_d.write(fichierFMaillage, 0)
+ return statz_gr_face_name