--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# generated by AdaoCatalogGenerator at 2012-09-17 13:34:55
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+import Accas
+from Accas import *
+JdC = JDC_CATA (code = 'ADAO',
+ execmodul = None,
+ )
+def F_VectorSerie(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("String", "Script", ), defaut="Script"),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_Function(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("ScriptWithFunctions", "ScriptWithSwitch", "FunctionDict", ), defaut="ScriptWithFunctions"),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+ SCRIPTWITHFUNCTIONS_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'ScriptWithFunctions', ) ",
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("Direct","DirectTangentAdjoint", ), defaut="Direct"),
+ FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ SCRIPTWITHSWITCH_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'ScriptWithSwitch', ) ",
+ FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+# FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+# FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+# ),
+ )
+def F_Vector(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("String", "Script", ), defaut="Script"),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", fr="En attente d'une chaine de caractères entre guillements, qui soit valide pour construire un vecteur : une suite de nombres, utilisant un espace ou une virgule pour séparer deux éléments et un point-virgule pour séparer deux lignes", ang="Waiting for a string in quotes, valid to build a vector: a floats serie, using a space or comma to separate two elements in a line, a semi-colon to separate rows"),
+ ),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_Dict(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("Script", ), defaut="Script"),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_Matrix(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("String", "Script", ), defaut="Script"),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_ObservationError(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Matrix", ), defaut="Matrix"),
+ Matrix = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Matrix', ) ",
+ data = F_Matrix("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_Observation(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Vector", "VectorSerie", ), defaut="Vector"),
+ Vector = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Vector', ) ",
+ data = F_Vector("o"),
+ ),
+ VectorSerie = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'VectorSerie', ) ",
+ data = F_VectorSerie("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_BackgroundError(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Matrix", ), defaut="Matrix"),
+ Matrix = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Matrix', ) ",
+ data = F_Matrix("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_ObservationOperator(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Matrix", "Function", ), defaut="Function"),
+ Matrix = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Matrix', ) ",
+ data = F_Matrix("o"),
+ ),
+ Function = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Function', ) ",
+ data = F_Function("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_CheckingPoint(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Vector", ), defaut="Vector"),
+ Vector = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Vector', ) ",
+ data = F_Vector("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_Background(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Vector", ), defaut="Vector"),
+ Vector = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Vector', ) ",
+ data = F_Vector("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_AlgorithmParameters(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Dict", ), defaut="Dict"),
+ Dict = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Dict', ) ",
+ data = F_Dict("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_EvolutionError(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Matrix", ), defaut="Matrix"),
+ Matrix = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Matrix', ) ",
+ data = F_Matrix("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_UserDataInit(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Dict", ), defaut="Dict"),
+ Dict = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Dict', ) ",
+ data = F_Dict("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_EvolutionModel(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ Stored = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("Matrix", "Function", ), defaut="Function"),
+ Matrix = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Matrix', ) ",
+ data = F_Matrix("o"),
+ ),
+ Function = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( 'Function', ) ",
+ data = F_Function("o"),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_UserPostAnalysis(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=("String", "Script", ), defaut="Script"),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_InitChoice() : return ("Background",
+ "BackgroundError",
+ "Observation",
+ "ObservationError",
+ "ObservationOperator",
+ "EvolutionModel",
+ "EvolutionError",
+ "AlgorithmParameters",
+ "UserPostAnalysis",
+ )
+def F_Init(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ INIT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr())),
+ TARGET_LIST = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max="**", into=F_InitChoice(), validators=(VerifExiste(2))),
+ )
+def F_Observers(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ SELECTION = SIMP(statut="o", defaut=[], typ="TXM", min=0, max="**", validators=NoRepeat(), into=(['Analysis', 'CurrentState', 'Innovation', 'OMA', 'OMB', 'BMA', 'CostFunctionJ', 'CostFunctionJb', 'CostFunctionJo', 'GradientOfCostFunctionJ', 'GradientOfCostFunctionJb', 'GradientOfCostFunctionJo', 'SigmaObs2', 'SigmaBck2', 'APosterioriCovariance'])),
+ Analysis = BLOC (condition=" 'Analysis' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ Analysis_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ CurrentState = BLOC (condition=" 'CurrentState' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ CurrentState_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ Innovation = BLOC (condition=" 'Innovation' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ Innovation_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ OMA = BLOC (condition=" 'OMA' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ OMA_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ OMB = BLOC (condition=" 'OMB' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ OMB_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ BMA = BLOC (condition=" 'BMA' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ BMA_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ CostFunctionJ = BLOC (condition=" 'CostFunctionJ' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ CostFunctionJ_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ CostFunctionJb = BLOC (condition=" 'CostFunctionJb' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ CostFunctionJb_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ CostFunctionJo = BLOC (condition=" 'CostFunctionJo' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ CostFunctionJo_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ GradientOfCostFunctionJ = BLOC (condition=" 'GradientOfCostFunctionJ' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ GradientOfCostFunctionJ_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ GradientOfCostFunctionJb = BLOC (condition=" 'GradientOfCostFunctionJb' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ GradientOfCostFunctionJb_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ GradientOfCostFunctionJo = BLOC (condition=" 'GradientOfCostFunctionJo' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ GradientOfCostFunctionJo_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ SigmaObs2 = BLOC (condition=" 'SigmaObs2' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ SigmaObs2_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ SigmaBck2 = BLOC (condition=" 'SigmaBck2' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ SigmaBck2_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ APosterioriCovariance = BLOC (condition=" 'APosterioriCovariance' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ APosterioriCovariance_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
+ NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "", into=("String", "Script")),
+ PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
+ ),
+ UserFile = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'Script' ",
+ Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=(OnlyStr()))
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+def F_variables(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ regles = ( MEME_NOMBRE ('NAMES', 'SIZES')),
+ NAMES = SIMP(statut="o", typ="TXM", max="**", validators=NoRepeat()),
+ SIZES = SIMP(statut="o", typ="I", val_min=1, max="**")
+ )
+ op=None,
+ repetable = "n",
+ Study_name = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM"),
+ Study_repertory = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Debug = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ Algorithm = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("3DVAR", "Blue", "EnsembleBlue", "KalmanFilter", "LinearLeastSquares", "NonLinearLeastSquares", "ParticleSwarmOptimization", "QuantileRegression", )),
+ Background = F_Background("o"),
+ BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("o"),
+ Observation = F_Observation("o"),
+ ObservationError = F_ObservationError("o"),
+ ObservationOperator = F_ObservationOperator("o"),
+ EvolutionModel = F_EvolutionModel("f"),
+ EvolutionError = F_EvolutionError("f"),
+ AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("f"),
+ UserDataInit = F_Init("f"),
+ UserPostAnalysis = F_UserPostAnalysis("f"),
+ InputVariables = F_variables("f"),
+ OutputVariables = F_variables("f"),
+ Observers = F_Observers("f")
+ )
+ op=None,
+ repetable = "n",
+ Study_name = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM"),
+ Study_repertory = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Debug = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ Algorithm = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=("AdjointTest", "GradientTest", )),
+ CheckingPoint = F_CheckingPoint("o"),
+ ObservationOperator = F_ObservationOperator("o"),
+ AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("f"),
+ UserDataInit = F_Init("f"),
+ )