* ElementOrder points out entities of what order are requested
DRS_FAIL // general failure (exception etc.)
- /*!
+ /*!
* \brief A structure containing information about MED file
struct MedFileInfo
const long EXTRUSION_FLAG_SEW = 2;
* Structure used in mesh edit preview data (MeshPreviewStruct)
* Get geom shape to mesh. A result should not be nil. Use HasShapeToMesh()
- * to know if a returned shape
+ * to know if a returned shape
GEOM::GEOM_Object GetShapeToMesh()
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup2,
in string name )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Union of list of groups
* New group is created. All mesh elements that are
in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup2,
in string name )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Intersection of list of groups
* New group is created. All mesh elements that are
in SMESH_GroupBase aToolGroup,
in string name )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Cut of lists of groups
* New group is created. All mesh elements that are present in
in ListOfGroups aToolGroups,
in string name)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Create a group of entities basing on nodes of other groups.
* \param [in] aListOfGroups - list of either groups, sub-meshes or filters.
* \param [in] anElemType - a type of elements to include to the new group.
* \param [in] name - a name of the new group.
* \param [in] nbCommonNodes - criterion of inclusion of an element to the new group.
- * \param [in] underlyingOnly - if \c True, an element is included to the
+ * \param [in] underlyingOnly - if \c True, an element is included to the
* new group provided that it is based on nodes of an element of
* \a aListOfGroups
* \return SMESH_Group - the created group
* med files in 4.0.0 (default format) or 3.2.1 or 3.3.1 formats.
* The minor must be between 0 and the current minor version of MED file library.
* If version is equal to -1, the version is not changed (default).
- * - autoDimension : if @c True, a space dimension for export is defined by mesh
+ * - autoDimension : if @c True, a space dimension for export is defined by mesh
* configuration; for example a planar mesh lying on XOY plane
- * will be exported as a mesh in 2D space.
+ * will be exported as a mesh in 2D space.
* If @a autoDimension == @c False, the space dimension is 3.
* - fields : list of GEOM fields defined on the shape to mesh.
- * - geomAssocFields : each character of this string means a need to export a
+ * - geomAssocFields : each character of this string means a need to export a
* corresponding field; correspondence between fields and characters is following:
* - 'v' stands for _vertices_ field;
* - 'e' stands for _edges_ field;
* encoded in 10*major+minor (for instance, code for med 3.2.1 is 32)
long_array GetMEDVersionsCompatibleForAppend();
* Export Mesh to different Formats
* (UNV supported version is I-DEAS 10)
in boolean renumer ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void ExportSTL( in string file,
in boolean isascii ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void ExportCGNS( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
+ void ExportCGNS( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string file,
in boolean overwrite,
in boolean groupElemsByType) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void ExportGMF( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
+ void ExportGMF( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string file,
in boolean withRequiredGroups) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void ExportPartToDAT( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
+ void ExportPartToDAT( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string file,
in boolean renumer ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void ExportPartToUNV( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
+ void ExportPartToUNV( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
in string file,
in boolean renumer ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void ExportPartToSTL( in SMESH_IDSource meshPart,
smIdType_array GetNodesId()
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Returns type of mesh element
- */
+ */
ElementType GetElementType( in smIdType id, in boolean iselem )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
smIdType_array GetSubMeshNodesId(in long ShapeID, in boolean all )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
ElementType GetSubMeshElementType(in long ShapeID)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SetMeshOrder(in submesh_array_array theSubMeshArray);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Set Number of Threads
+ */
+ void SetNbThreads(in long nbThreads);
* Get mesh description
long GetShapeID(in smIdType id);
- * For given element returns ID of result shape after
+ * For given element returns ID of result shape after
* ::FindShape() from SMESH_MeshEditor
* If there is not element for given ID - returns -1
smIdType_array GetElementsByType( in ElementType theType )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Returns type of mesh element (same as SMESH_Mesh::GetElementType() )
def GetName(obj):
Return a name of an object
object name
def init_smesh(self,geompyD = None):
Set Geometry component
- """
+ """
notebook.myStudy = salome.myStudy
def Mesh(self, obj=0, name=0):
- Create a mesh. This mesh can be either
+ Create a mesh. This mesh can be either
* an empty mesh not bound to geometry, if *obj* == 0
* an empty mesh bound to geometry, if *obj* is GEOM.GEOM_Object
* a mesh wrapping a :class:`CORBA mesh <SMESH.SMESH_Mesh>` given as *obj* parameter.
- obj: either
+ obj: either
1. a :class:`CORBA mesh <SMESH.SMESH_Mesh>` got by calling e.g.
- salome.myStudy.FindObjectID("0:1:2:3").GetObject()
+ salome.myStudy.FindObjectID("0:1:2:3").GetObject()
2. a geometrical object for meshing
3. none.
if sc:
sb.LoadWith(sc, self)
def SetEnablePublish( self, theIsEnablePublish ):
Set enable publishing in the study. Calling SetEnablePublish( False ) allows to
Create a Mesh object(s) importing data from the given MED file
- a tuple ( list of class :class:`Mesh` instances,
+ a tuple ( list of class :class:`Mesh` instances,
:class:`SMESH.DriverMED_ReadStatus` )
an instance of class :class:`Mesh`
- See also:
+ See also:
Create a mesh by copying a part of another mesh.
- meshPart: a part of mesh to copy, either
+ meshPart: a part of mesh to copy, either
:class:`mesh, sub-mesh, group or filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`.
To copy nodes or elements not forming any mesh object,
pass result of :meth:`Mesh.GetIDSource` as *meshPart*
meshName: an optional name of the new mesh. If omitted, the mesh name is kept.
toCopyGroups: to create groups in the new mesh.
toReuseHypotheses: to reuse hypotheses of the *sourceMesh*.
- toCopyElements: to copy mesh elements present on non-modified sub-shapes of
+ toCopyElements: to copy mesh elements present on non-modified sub-shapes of
tuple ( ok, newMesh, newGroups, newSubMeshes, newHypotheses, invalidEntries )
minimum distance value
- See also:
+ See also:
:class:`SMESH.Measure` structure or None if input data is invalid
- See also:
+ See also:
tuple of six values (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ)
- See also:
+ See also:
:class:`SMESH.Measure` structure
- See also:
+ See also:
def GetGravityCenter(self, obj):
Get gravity center of all nodes of a mesh object.
- Parameters:
+ Parameters:
obj: :class:`mesh, sub-mesh, group or filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`
- Returns:
+ Returns:
Three components of the gravity center (x,y,z)
- See also:
+ See also:
if isinstance(obj, Mesh): obj = obj.mesh
Computes a radian measure of an angle defined by 3 points: <(p1,p2,p3)
- Parameters:
- p1,p2,p3: coordinates of 3 points defined by either SMESH.PointStruct
+ Parameters:
+ p1,p2,p3: coordinates of 3 points defined by either SMESH.PointStruct
or list [x,y,z]
- Returns:
+ Returns:
Angle in radians
if isinstance( p1, list ): p1 = PointStruct(*p1)
It also has methods to define groups of mesh elements, to modify a mesh (by addition of
new nodes and elements and by changing the existing entities), to get information
about a mesh and to export a mesh in different formats.
- """
+ """
geom = 0
mesh = 0
return self.smeshpyD.Evaluate(self.mesh, geom)
- def Compute(self, geom=0, discardModifs=False, refresh=False):
+ def Compute(self, geom=0, discardModifs=False, refresh=False, nbThreads=0):
Compute the mesh and return the status of the computation
a last total re-compute and that may prevent successful partial re-compute,
then the mesh is cleaned before Compute()
refresh: if *True*, Object Browser is automatically updated (when running in GUI)
+ nbThreads: Number of threads to use for a parallel computation
True or False
if discardModifs and self.mesh.HasModificationsToDiscard(): # issue 0020693
+ # Setting parallel parameters
+ self.mesh.SetNbThreads(nbThreads)
ok = self.smeshpyD.Compute(self.mesh, geom)
except SALOME.SALOME_Exception as ex:
print("Mesh computation failed, exception caught:")
def SetMeshOrder(self, submeshes):
Set priority of sub-meshes. It works in two ways:
* For sub-meshes with assigned algorithms of same dimension generating mesh of
*several dimensions*, it sets the order in which the sub-meshes are computed.
* For the rest sub-meshes, it sets the order in which the sub-meshes are checked
- when looking for meshing parameters to apply to a sub-shape. To impose the
- order in which sub-meshes with uni-dimensional algorithms are computed,
+ when looking for meshing parameters to apply to a sub-shape. To impose the
+ order in which sub-meshes with uni-dimensional algorithms are computed,
call **submesh.Compute()** in a desired order.
meshPart: a part of mesh (:class:`sub-mesh, group or filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`)
to export instead of the mesh
autoDimension: if *True* (default), a space dimension of a MED mesh can be either
- 1D if all mesh nodes lie on OX coordinate axis, or
- 2D if all mesh nodes lie on XOY coordinate plane, or
- 3D in the rest cases.
If *autoDimension* is *False*, the space dimension is always 3.
fields: list of GEOM fields defined on the shape to mesh.
- geomAssocFields: each character of this string means a need to export a
- corresponding field; correspondence between fields and characters
+ geomAssocFields: each character of this string means a need to export a
+ corresponding field; correspondence between fields and characters
is following:
- 'v' stands for "_vertices_" field;
- 'e' stands for "_edges_" field;
- 'f' stands for "_faces_" field;
- 's' stands for "_solids_" field.
- zTolerance (float): tolerance in Z direction. If Z coordinate of a node is
+ zTolerance (float): tolerance in Z direction. If Z coordinate of a node is
close to zero within a given tolerance, the coordinate is set to zero.
If *ZTolerance* is negative (default), the node coordinates are kept as is.
saveNumbers(boolean) : enable saving numbers of nodes and cells.
the typical use is auto_groups=False.
version (int): define the version (xy, where version is x.y.z) of MED file format.
For instance med 3.2.1 is coded 3*10+2 = 32, med 4.0.0 is coded 4*10+0 = 40.
- The rules of compatibility to write a mesh in an older version than
- the current version depend on the current version. For instance,
+ The rules of compatibility to write a mesh in an older version than
+ the current version depend on the current version. For instance,
with med 4.0 it is possible to write/append med files in 4.0.0 (default)
or 3.2.1 or 3.3.1 formats.
If the version is equal to -1, the version is not changed (default).
If *autoDimension* is *False*, the space dimension is always 3.
fields: list of GEOM fields defined on the shape to mesh.
- geomAssocFields: each character of this string means a need to export a
- corresponding field; correspondence between fields and characters
+ geomAssocFields: each character of this string means a need to export a
+ corresponding field; correspondence between fields and characters
is following:
- 'v' stands for "_vertices_" field;
- 'f' stands for "_faces_" field;
- 's' stands for "_solids_" field.
- zTolerance (float): tolerance in Z direction. If Z coordinate of a node is
+ zTolerance (float): tolerance in Z direction. If Z coordinate of a node is
close to zero within a given tolerance, the coordinate is set to zero.
If *ZTolerance* is negative (default), the node coordinates are kept as is.
saveNumbers (boolean) : enable saving numbers of nodes and cells.
If **autoDimension** is *False*, the space dimension is always 3.
print("WARNING: ExportToMED() is deprecated, use ExportMED() instead")
# process positional arguments
#args = [i for i in args if i not in [SMESH.MED_V2_1, SMESH.MED_V2_2]] # backward compatibility
Create an empty standalone mesh group
- elementType: the :class:`type <SMESH.ElementType>` of elements in the group;
+ elementType: the :class:`type <SMESH.ElementType>` of elements in the group;
name: the name of the mesh group
def GetGroups(self, elemType = SMESH.ALL):
- Get the list of groups existing in the mesh in the order of creation
+ Get the list of groups existing in the mesh in the order of creation
(starting from the oldest one)
Return the type of mesh element or node
- the value from :class:`SMESH.ElementType` enumeration.
+ the value from :class:`SMESH.ElementType` enumeration.
Return SMESH.ALL if element or node with the given ID does not exist
a list of three double values
- See also:
+ See also:
tuple of six values (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ)
- See Also:
+ See Also:
:class:`SMESH.Measure` structure
- See Also:
+ See Also:
an object (a new group or a temporary :class:`SMESH.SMESH_IDSource`) holding
IDs of new and/or found 0D elements. IDs of 0D elements
- can be retrieved from the returned object by
+ can be retrieved from the returned object by
calling :meth:`GetIDs() <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource.GetIDs>`
edges = self.GetIDSource( edges, SMESH.EDGE )
unRegister.set( edges )
return self.editor.Get1DBranches( edges, startNode )
def FindSharpEdges( self, angle, addExisting=False ):
Return sharp edges of faces and non-manifold ones.
def AddNodeOnSegment(self, Node1, Node2, position = 0.5):
Replace each triangle bound by Node1-Node2 segment with
- two triangles by connecting a node made on the link with a node
+ two triangles by connecting a node made on the link with a node
opposite to the link.
a quadrangle.
- theElements: the faces to be splitted. This can be either
+ theElements: the faces to be splitted. This can be either
:class:`mesh, sub-mesh, group, filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`
or a list of face IDs. By default all quadrangles are split
to numerical functors.
- * 1 if 1-3 diagonal is better,
- * 2 if 2-4 diagonal is better,
+ * 1 if 1-3 diagonal is better,
+ * 2 if 2-4 diagonal is better,
* 0 if error occurs.
This operation uses :doc:`pattern_mapping` functionality for splitting.
- theObject: the object from which the list of hexahedrons is taken;
+ theObject: the object from which the list of hexahedrons is taken;
this is :class:`mesh, sub-mesh, group or filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`
theNode000,theNode001: within the range [0,7]; gives the orientation of the
pattern relatively each hexahedron: the (0,0,0) key-point of the pattern
of all steps, else - size of each step
- the list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` if *MakeGroups* == True,
+ the list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` if *MakeGroups* == True,
empty list otherwise
- a list of tree components of the point or
- a node ID or
- a GEOM point
- angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
anglesVariation: forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
variation of the given *angles* along path steps
PathShape: optional shape (edge or wire) which defines the sub-mesh of the mesh defined by *PathObject* if the mesh contains not only path segments, else it can be None
NodeStart: the first or the last node on the path. Defines the direction of extrusion
HasAngles: not used obsolete
- Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
LinearVariation: forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
variation of the given Angles along path steps
HasRefPoint: allows using the reference point
RefPoint: optional scaling and rotation center (mass center of the extruded
- elements by default). The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
+ elements by default). The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
*RefPoint* can be either GEOM Vertex, [x,y,z] or :class:`SMESH.PointStruct`
MakeGroups: forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
ScaleFactors: optional scale factors to apply during extrusion
else *scaleFactors* [i] is applied to nodes at the i-th extrusion step
- list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
+ list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
:class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>`
Example: :ref:`tui_extrusion_along_path`
Angles,AnglesParameters,hasVars = ParseAngles(Angles)
ScaleFactors,ScalesParameters,hasVars = ParseParameters(ScaleFactors)
Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + \
- RefPoint.parameters + var_separator + ScalesParameters
+ RefPoint.parameters + var_separator + ScalesParameters
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObjects(Nodes, Edges, Faces,
PathObject, PathShape, NodeStart,
Path: 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh, along which proceeds the extrusion
NodeStart: the start node from Path. Defines the direction of extrusion
HasAngles: not used obsolete
- Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
LinearVariation: forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
variation of the given Angles along path steps
PathShape: shape (edge) defines the sub-mesh for the path
NodeStart: the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
HasAngles: not used obsolete
- Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
HasRefPoint: allows using the reference point
RefPoint: the reference point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
PathShape: shape (edge) defines the sub-mesh for the path
NodeStart: the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
HasAngles: not used obsolete
- Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
HasRefPoint: allows using the reference point
RefPoint: the reference point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
variation of the given Angles along path steps
- list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
+ list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
:class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>` if *MakeGroups* == True,
only :class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>` otherwise
Example: :ref:`tui_extrusion_along_path`
PathShape: shape (edge) defines the sub-mesh for the path
NodeStart: the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
HasAngles: not used obsolete
- Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
HasRefPoint: allows using the reference point
RefPoint: the reference point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
variation of the given Angles along path steps
- list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
+ list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
:class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>` if *MakeGroups* == True,
only :class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>` otherwise
Example: :ref:`tui_extrusion_along_path`
PathShape: shape (edge) defines the sub-mesh for the path
NodeStart: the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
HasAngles: not used obsolete
- Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
+ Angles: list of angles in radians. Nodes at each extrusion step are rotated
around *basePoint*, additionally to previous steps.
HasRefPoint: allows using the reference point
RefPoint: the reference point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
variation of the given Angles along path steps
- list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
+ list of created :class:`groups <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` and
:class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>` if *MakeGroups* == True,
only :class:`error code <SMESH.SMESH_MeshEditor.Extrusion_Error>` otherwise
Example: :ref:`tui_extrusion_along_path`
theObject (SMESH.SMESH_IDSource): the source object (mesh, sub-mesh, group or filter)
theValue (float): signed offset size
MakeGroups (boolean): forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
- CopyElements (boolean): if *NewMeshName* is empty, True means to keep original elements,
+ CopyElements (boolean): if *NewMeshName* is empty, True means to keep original elements,
False means to remove original elements.
NewMeshName (string): the name of a mesh to create. If empty, offset elements are added to this mesh
theElements: container of elements to duplicate. It can be a
- :class:`mesh, sub-mesh, group, filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`
+ :class:`mesh, sub-mesh, group, filter <SMESH.SMESH_IDSource>`
or a list of element IDs. If *theElements* is
a :class:`Mesh`, elements of highest dimension are duplicated
theGroupName: a name of group to contain the generated elements.
in any group.
- a :class:`group <SMESH.SMESH_Group>` where the new elements are added.
+ a :class:`group <SMESH.SMESH_Group>` where the new elements are added.
None if *theGroupName* == "".
return self.editor.CreateHoleSkin( radius, theShape, groupName, theNodesCoords )
def MakePolyLine(self, segments, groupName='', isPreview=False ):
- """
+ """
Create a polyline consisting of 1D mesh elements each lying on a 2D element of
the initial triangle mesh. Positions of new nodes are found by cutting the mesh by the
plane passing through pairs of points specified by each :class:`SMESH.PolySegment` structure.
segments: list of :class:`SMESH.PolySegment` defining positions of cutting planes.
groupName: optional name of a group where created mesh segments will be added.
- """
+ """
editor = self.editor
if isPreview:
editor = self.mesh.GetMeshEditPreviewer()
Computes a radian measure of an angle defined by 3 nodes: <(node1,node2,node3)
- Parameters:
+ Parameters:
node1,node2,node3: IDs of the three nodes
- Returns:
+ Returns:
Angle in radians [0,PI]. -1 if failure case.
p1 = self.GetNodeXYZ( node1 )