os.environ["SALOME_StdMeshersResources"] \
= os.environ["SMESH_ROOT_DIR"]+"/share/"+salome_subdir+"/resources/smesh"
- if args.has_key("SMESH_plugins"):
- plugin_list = []
- for plugin in args["SMESH_plugins"]:
- plugin_root = ""
- if os.environ.has_key(plugin+"_ROOT_DIR"):
- plugin_root = os.environ[plugin+"_ROOT_DIR"]
- else:
- # workaround to avoid modifications of existing environment
- if os.environ.has_key(plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"):
- plugin_root = os.environ[plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"]
- pass
- pass
- if plugin_root != "":
+ # find plugins
+ plugin_list = []
+ resource_path_list = []
+ for env_var in os.environ.keys():
+ value = os.environ[env_var]
+ if env_var[-9:] == "_ROOT_DIR" and value:
+ plugin_root = value
+ plugin = env_var[:-9] # plugin name may have wrong case
+ # look for NAMEOFPlugin.xml file among resource files
+ resource_dir = plugin_root+"/share/"+salome_subdir+"/resources/"+plugin.lower()
+ if not os.access( resource_dir, os.F_OK ): continue
+ for resource_file in os.listdir( resource_dir ):
+ if not resource_file.endswith( ".xml") or \
+ resource_file.lower() != plugin.lower() + ".xml":
+ continue
+ # use "resources" attribute of "meshers-group" as name of plugin in a right case
+ from xml.dom.minidom import parse
+ xml_doc = parse( os.path.join( resource_dir, resource_file ))
+ meshers_nodes = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName("meshers-group")
+ if not meshers_nodes or not meshers_nodes[0].hasAttribute("resources"): continue
+ plugin = meshers_nodes[0].getAttribute("resources")
+ if plugin in plugin_list: continue
+ # add paths of plugin
if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"):
- os.environ["SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"] \
- = plugin_root+"/share/"+salome_subdir+"/resources/"+plugin.lower()
+ resource_path = plugin_root+"/share/"+salome_subdir+"/resources/"+plugin.lower()
+ os.environ["SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"] = resource_path
+ resource_path_list.append( resource_path )
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,get_lib_dir(),python_version, "site-packages",salome_subdir), "PYTHONPATH")
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,get_lib_dir(),salome_subdir), "PYTHONPATH")
add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",salome_subdir), "PATH")
- pass
- pass
- plugin_list.append("StdMeshers")
- os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"] = ":".join(plugin_list)
\ No newline at end of file
+ break
+ plugin_list.append("StdMeshers")
+ os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"] = ":".join(plugin_list)
+ os.environ["SalomeAppConfig"] = os.environ["SalomeAppConfig"] + ":" + ":".join(resource_path_list)