.. automodule:: salome.geom.geomtools
+:mod:`sketcher` -- Wrapper to help the creation of simple sketches
+.. automodule:: salome.geom.sketcher
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: Sketcher
+ :members:
:mod:`structelem` -- Structural elements package
The GEOM python package essentially contains:
+* Utility functions to handle GEOM items in Salome study.
+* Wrapping functions to help the usage of existing tools:
+ - a sketcher module to create sketches from the python API
* The visualization of structural elements: a function to create
geometrical 3D representations of mechanical models called
"structural elements".
-* Utility functions to handle GEOM items in Salome study.
The functions are distributed in the python package
``salome.geom``. For example, the usage of the visualization of