def ensure_path_exists(p):
'''Create a path if not existing
:param p str: The path.
if not os.path.exists(p):
def check_config_has_application( config, details = None ):
'''check that the config has the key APPLICATION. Else raise an exception.
:param config class 'common.config_pyconf.Config': The config.
if 'APPLICATION' not in config:
import os, sys, platform, pwd
def is_windows():
- '''method that checks windows OS
+ '''method that checks windows OS
:rtype: boolean
return platform.system() == 'Windows'
def get_user():
'''method that gets the username that launched sat
:rtype: str
# In windows case, the USERNAME environment variable has to be set
def _lsb_release(args):
'''Get system information with lsb_release.
:param args str: The arguments to give to lsb_release.
:return: The distribution.
:rtype: str
def get_distribution(codes):
'''Gets the code for the distribution
:param codes L{Mapping}: The map containing distribution correlation table.
:return: The distribution on which salomeTools is running, regarding the distribution correlation table contained in codes variable.
:rtype: str
def get_distrib_version(distrib, codes):
'''Gets the version of the distribution
:param distrib str: The distribution on which the version will be found.
:param codes L{Mapping}: The map containing distribution correlation table.
:return: The version of the distribution on which salomeTools is running, regarding the distribution correlation table contained in codes variable.
def get_nb_bit():
'''Gets the number of bytes.
:return: the number of bytes of the OS on which salomeTools is running.
:rtype: str
def get_python_version():
'''Gets the version of the running python.
:return: the version of the running python.
:rtype: str
def get_nb_proc():
'''Gets the number of processors of the machine on which salomeTools is running.
:return: the number of processors.
:rtype: str
def show_in_editor(editor, filePath):
'''open filePath using editor.
:param editor str: The editor to use.
:param filePath str: The path to the file to open.
def __getattr__(self, name):
'''Overwrite of the __getattr__ function to customize it for option usage
:param name str: The attribute to get the value.
:return: the value corresponding to the attribute.
:rtype: str,int,list,boolean
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
'''Overwrite of the __setattr__ function to customize it for option usage
:param name str: The attribute to set.
:param value str: The value corresponding to the attribute.
:return: Nothing.
def add_option(self, shortName, longName, optionType, destName, helpString=""):
'''Method to add an option to a command. It gets all attributes of an option and append it in the options field
:param shortName str: The short name of the option (ex "l" for level option).
:param longName str: The long name of the option (ex "level" for level option).
:param optionType str: The type of the option (ex "int").
def print_help(self):
'''Method that display all options stored in self.options and there help
:return: Nothing.
:rtype: N\A
def parse_args(self, argList=None):
'''Method that instantiates the class OptResult that gives access to all options in the code
:param argList list: the raw list of arguments that were passed
:return: optResult, args : optResult is the option instance to manipulate in the code. args is the full raw list of passed options
:rtype: (class 'common.options.OptResult',list)
def printc(txt, code=''):
'''print a text with colors
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:param code str: The color to use.
:return: The colored text.
def printcInfo(txt):
'''print a text info color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def printcError(txt):
'''print a text error color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def printcWarning(txt):
'''print a text warning color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def printcHeader(txt):
'''print a text header color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def printcLabel(txt):
'''print a text label color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def printcSuccess(txt):
'''print a text success color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def printcHighlight(txt):
'''print a text highlight color
:param txt str: The text to be printed.
:return: The colored text.
:rtype: str
def cleancolor(message):
'''remove color from a colored text.
:param message str: The text to be cleaned.
:return: The cleaned text.
:rtype: str
def print_value(logger, label, value, level=1, suffix=""):
'''shortcut method to print a label and a value with the info color
:param logger class logger: the logger instance.
:param label int: the label to print.
:param value str: the value to print.
def print_color_range(start, end):
'''print possible range values for colors
:param start int: The smaller value.
:param end int: The bigger value.
def __init__(self, pathList):
:param pathList list: The list of paths where to serach a pyconf.
self.pathList = pathList
def _create_vars(self, application=None, command=None, dataDir=None):
'''Create a dictionary that stores all information about machine, user, date, repositories, etc...
:param application str: The application for which salomeTools is called.
:param command str: The command that is called.
:param dataDir str: The repository that contain external data for salomeTools.
def get_command_line_overrides(self, options, sections):
'''get all the overwrites that are in the command line
- :param options : the options from salomeTools class initialization (like -l5 or --overwrite)
+ :param options: the options from salomeTools class initialization (like -l5 or --overwrite)
:param sections str: The config section to overwrite.
:return: The list of all the overwrites to apply.
:rtype: list
def getConfig(self, application=None, options=None, command=None, dataDir=None):
'''get the config from all the configuration files.
:param application str: The application for which salomeTools is called.
:param options calss Options: The general salomeToosl options (--overwrite or -l5, for example)
:param command str: The command that is called.
def setUserConfigFile(self, config):
'''Set the user config file name and path.
If necessary, build it from another one or create it from scratch.
:param config class 'common.config_pyconf.Config': The global config (containing all pyconf).
if not config:
'''Get a pyconf file younger than the given sat version in the given directory
The file basename can be one of salometools-<younger version>.pyconf or salomeTools.pyconf
Returns the file path or None if no file has been found.
:param userDir str: the directory that contain the user pyconf to find. (~/.salomeTools)
:param sat_version str: the version of salomeTools.
:return: the path to the already existing user pyconf.
def createConfigFile(self, config):
'''This method is called when there are no user config file. It build it from scratch.
:param config class 'common.config_pyconf.Config': The global config.
:return: the config corresponding to the file created.
:rtype: config class 'common.config_pyconf.Config'
def print_value(config, path, show_label, level=0, show_full_path=False):
'''Prints a value from the configuration. Prints recursively the values under the initial path.
:param config class 'common.config_pyconf.Config': The configuration from which the value is displayed.
:param path str : the path in the configuration of the value to print.
:param show_label boolean: if True, do a basic display. (useful for bash completion)
def description():
'''method that is called when salomeTools is called with --help option.
:return: The text to display for the config command description.
:rtype: str
def find_command_list(dirPath):
''' Parse files in dirPath that end with .py : it gives commands list
:param dirPath str: The directory path where to search the commands
:return: cmd_list : the list containing the commands name
:rtype: list
def __init__(self, opt, dataDir=None):
:param opt str: The sat options
:param: dataDir str : the directory that contain all the external data (like software pyconf and software scripts)
def __getattr__(self, name):
''' overwrite of __getattr__ function in order to display a customized message in case of a wrong call
:param name str: The name of the attribute
if name in self.__dict__:
def __setCommands__(self, dirPath):
'''set class attributes corresponding to all commands that are in the dirPath directory
:param dirPath str: The directory path containing the commands
# loop on the commands name
def run_command(args):
'''The function that will load the configuration (all pyconf)
and return the function run of the command corresponding to module
:param args str: The directory path containing the commands
argv = args.split(" ")
def print_help(self, opt):
'''Prints help for a command. Function called when "sat -h <command>"
:param argv str: the options passed (to get the command name)
# if no command as argument (sat -h)
def get_module(self, module):
'''Loads a command. Function called only by print_help
:param module str: the command to load
# Check if this command exists
def print_help():
'''prints salomeTools general help
:param options str: the options
def write_exception(exc):
'''write exception in case of error in a command
:param exc exception: the exception to print
sys.stderr.write("\n***** ")