1) if "RESOURCES_FILES" variable is NOT defined in Makefile.in, then ALL files from srcdir/resources are copied to builddir/share/salome/resources
2) including directories ("cp -fr" is used)
3) except "CVS" directory
cp -f $< $@
# build resources file (icons and messages) : .qm file from .po file
+RESOURCES_FILES_ALL = $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/resources/*))
resources: resources-po resources-cp
resources-po: $(PO_FILES:%.po=$(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/%.qm)
resources-cp: $(RESOURCES_FILES:%=$(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/%)
$(RESOURCES_FILES:%=$(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/%): $(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/% : %
- cp -f $< $@
+ if [ $(notdir $<) != "CVS" ] ; then \
+ cp -fr $< $@; \
+ fi
# Make installation directories if they don't exist.
$(libdir) $(includedir) $(bindir) $(datadir) $(idldir) $(sharedpydir):
# copy all resources files in common directory
+RESOURCES_FILES_ALL = $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/resources/*))
resources: $(RESOURCES_FILES:%=$(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/%)
@@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
(cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
$(RESOURCES_FILES:%=$(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/%): $(top_builddir)/share/salome/resources/% : %
- cp -f $< $@
+ if [ $(notdir $<) != "CVS" ] ; then \
+ cp -fr $< $@; \
+ fi
@if test "X$(top_builddir)" = "X."; then \